j fi usu ji ctait reij ress thursday february jj 1633 1 tjhc oung jfalks notes he an there temsaf aaner fcursit to free preet readers tfco alrutog afflzctiqx while our hertsoe sutthlu tu for the lovpdoaliidmiy and re mltlholtmillng ptmoaoe tliti wo mot th dy bj cuy vliileoaribcrtb re filled with sofrow and our ej rt llmmed jivitli tttn vc most ifctd to beer the burdens that will cttber with the yeui ti tje fathers hand ifflleu q we taushtaw bcaettb ui rod tike the ieioo tint ho ci at kticcl lfore too tcroce of god leni to trntt hu precloai pramue looiior onto him for ret knowing he ctn bcl oar bxtow atiuy gods will is best what the tiuesxbed god give ui men t- a time like this demand sirbug iiiindctethctrttniertlth tode lien wlioin the lait of office doet not kill men whom tbe tpoui of office ctnoi bay ucn wbo bveboaor men who will not he men who c4h iund before t demiogne and cumu bi trecbcroas fliuerles without winkicg- tftll men turn croruod wbo lire aboto the fas in public duty and in private tbinkidg lor while the rabble with their thumb worn creeds tli tir urge jtofwaiooe and their little deeds mingle in miratn etnfolo freedom wp wrong rules the and an iraltingipitlcetleepe j 0 holland isog selling tobacco to minors it is wtll lbs tobacconists and mer- cbanta eeaerilly ehoald be made aware of the act pis cd at the last iessloo of the ontario legislature and dpi in fore which forbids ibe sale of tobtcco to min ora the act retdi as follows 1 any person wbo either directly or in directly bflllt or gives or faroishei to a minor under eighteen yeara of age cigar ettes cipart or tobacco io any form shall on summary conviction thereof be fore a j ustice o the peace be subject to a penalty ol not lees than 110 or more than 50 with or withont coeu ol prosecution or to imprisonment with or without bird labor for any term not exceeding thirty days or to both one with or without coeu and imprisonment to the tail amonrtt and and for the said term in the ditcretinn of the cpnvicting magistrate and in case of a fine or a fine and cost being awarded and of the came not being upon conviction forthwith ptid the jus tice may commit the offender to the com mon jail there to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding thirty days unless the fine and docti are sooner paid 2 this act shall not apply to a sale to the minor for his parent or gairditannder written request or order of ibe parent or guardian 3 a person- who shall appear to tbe magistrate to be under eighteen yean of age shall be presumed to be under that age unless it is shown by evidence that be is in fact over that age 4 this act went into effect on the 1st day of july 1b82 i of hoodg sruptriut u alwtyi within tbe bounds of truth and reason bectum it it true it tlvyt appau to the sober common inse of tfarakioj people became it is trae and it u always fully labcuntl- ated by endorsements which in the finan cial world would be accepted without a moments becitattoc j t for a general family cathartic we confi dently recommend hoods pills there are sympxoau that the crinoline if coming strain the ladies fashion- jour nals are preparing to hoop her up a lady writes the simple truth at fol lows barrie island onti hare beea- a great safferer from uearalgit for the last nine years bot being advised to try st jacobs oil can now heartily endorce it as being a most excellent remedy for this com plaint as i havebeen greatly benefitted by its nse mes jobs hcleix sleepy parent 1 dont think much of mr ijongsuys manners fair daughter- no they are jast like his calls they lack fioish not a particle a feature worth noticing in regard to burdock blood ditters it that it does not contaiu one particle of poisonous matter it cures quickly without the ase of any in jurious ingredients b b b is a purely vegetable fpecifio for dyspepsia constipa uonfcmd blood headache biliousnee and all diseases of the ctomich liver bowels and blood what it the matter with- belidoe he seems upset well tbe fact is bis plans have miscarried and he is troubled with nervous frustration plcutflggetue of healthtnd strength renewed and oc eie and comfort follow the use of syrup of figt u it acu ia harmony with nature to effectually oleaote the tyium when cot tire or blloai for sale in 75 cent bottles by til leading druggtsu the moan his no water astronomers tell us so there is some excuse for its getting call regularly ercry month the torantolttame tarlacuralies pinkdileotttfeb 27th 1833 gentle men it gives me pleuare to let yoa know i have derived greaji benefit from the use o kcrviline i hive been t grtwt sufferer from keurtjgisi fa the face and hut two years waa quite a martyr to the milady bo soon aa i observed the kervillce adver- ttaedl obtain ei a battle from our druggistc messrs john grey co parkdale and the effect wae marvellous paia ceased and i caa enjoy sound sleep at night and rfie reireshed i cannot speak too highly of it and heartily recommend it alsxixdes btees the architect when planning foundations doubtless fiuds hope of profit in his bcse designs judge have yoa anything to say why the ten ten co of death should not be pused upon you t prisoner i am a member of the society for the abolition of capital punishment cox8 jmition ccred iplwsd an oldpnysi htfinghed india mifsionay tegateble remi manent cure catarrh r asth4 affeotioni also for kerrons plaints after curatlre power fell this duty suffering fpllow and a desire to will send free ibis reofpe in with full wns settt b stamp naming 630 powen ian rtured firom practice in his hudi by an the formhle of a simple fee the speed and per- ofoonsumptioo bronchitis and all throat and lung positive and radical cure deiiutyud all nervous com 1 aring tested lis wonderful in thousands of eases has o make it known to all his actuated by this motive relieve human suffering i oi charge to all who desire it g erraan frenoh or english dfreltions for preparing and mail by addressing with this paper w a notis hochtern y bicofc why ihoald cat diplomas f the art of heelidg obblert be eligible for medi- because they are skilled ia 5ei aoral buuetia- ax10m5 in cake making successful cake making depends upon about twenty things i proper materials a correct reoeipe following directions explicitly accurate weights and measurements compounding tbe ingredient io their proper order having everything in readiness before commencing to mix the ingredients regulating the temperature of the oven according to the kind of cake made having all the ingredients 6 tbe right temperature not suspending the operation of mixing until the cake is ready for the oven beating much or little according to tbe kind of cake and always in ons direction whipping tbe whitesnf eggs to a coarse moderately stiff froth rather than a fine stiff one bitting the flour and baking powder to gether two or three times notes for work pruning can be done on mild days make out a list of seeds needed in tbe eprtng keep the stock comfortable supply a variety of food keep the stables and sheds clean by haulinc out the manure after the pruning is done gatuer up and burn all of the brush clean get the grass and clover seed needed so as tobe ready to bow next month if sod land ib to be planted in the fpring plow it now at the first opportunity in planning out the garden arrange to keep the grooud occupied during the grow ing eea6on thii month is the best month to plan ont the seasons work aed then arrange to carry it out a bled will be an advantage in hauling out the manure and hauling in the wood and fodder six oils tbe most conclusive testimony repeatedly laid before the public ia the col umns of the daily press proves that dr thomas eclectrio oil an absolutely pure combination of six of tbe nnet remedial oils ia exittauce remedies rheumatic pain eradicates affections of the throat and lungs and cures pile wounds sores lameness tumors burns and io juries of horses and cattle mamma with come show of indignation 1 have called you three times i am very much annoyed charlie who is fond of bible stories well the lord called sam uel three times and didnt get mad about it it isst llf the ordinary way jthat dr pfcroa favorite prescription comes to the weak and suffering woman who needs it ivt guaranteed not with words merely cny medicine ban make claims and promises what fsd3ae with the favorite frescrip- tion is this if it fails to benefit or cure la any case your money ii returned can you esc any better proof that a medicine will do what it promises t ivs an invigorating restorative tonic a soothing and strengthening nervine ana a certain remedy for the ills and ailments that beset a woman in female complaint of every kind periodical point internal innarn- maooa or ulceration bearingdown senssr tious and all chronic weaknesses and ir- rcgnlaritcs it is a positive and complete euro to every tired over woman and to every weak nervous and ailing one it is cuarantocd to bring baalth and strength when in pcspir when in despair of being cured of lung troubles- there is still a hope and a btrong hope of perfect cure in dr woods nor way pine syrup this medicine cures even after all others have failed and no one suffering from coughs colds asthma bronchitis hoarseness etc need despair of cure while dr woods norway pine syrnp is obtainable art cannot improve nature said a lee- turer if thats so exclaimed an audi tor please teh us how yoa would look without your wig and fahe teeth lyingits blighting influence r lying supplies those who are addicted to it with a plausible apology for every crime and with a supposed shelter for every pun ishment it tempts them to rush into dan- ger from the mere expectation ofimpunlty and whsuipracticed with frequent succees jt teachei them to confound the gradations of guilt frpm tbe effects of which there is in their imaginations at least onb sure and common protection it corrupts tbe early simplicity pf youth it blasts the fairest blossoitib of genius and will most assured ly counteract every effort by which we may hope to improve the talents and mature tbe virtues of those whom it infects dyspepsia or indigestion iboocssioned by tbe want of action in tbe biliary ducts losa of vitality in the stomach to secret the gas tric juices without which digestion cannot go on also being the principlal cause of headache ptrmelees vegetable pills taken before going to bed for a while never fail to give relief and effect a cure mr f wi abhdown asbdown ont writes par melees pjib are taking the lead against ten other makes which i have in stock the poetb eye in a floe frenzy rolling seldom makes a ttn strike ridnrtd ton science te treatment of disenst ib now almost to a science a scientific product ical sktllfor the cure of all blood dtfeaie from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore which has held popu- jar esteem for years and increases steadily in favor is burdock blood bitters its cures prove its worth the expression that arhacks of defeat is supposed to have been started by a pugi list tskcusf cares coasnapti on coacf croup bora tlirctt gsd br dl draaiiu m c gunattc fvi use sibickcrchcitblilaii1faraa puiter will arc grwt ratsdjctio 1 ceats shtlohs vitalize catarrh remedy hcrsrauokturtir trrthttbemair it01 positive jteharend con roa piuefioctc- thl9 injector or its tncawtul tratmaat k furnished toe- itonanhtrbhuohtrilrmlm are told on a gnmrnwi to ilyo tntlsftrttcn the mn who cn tell wht he un his travels i intelligent bat the mm who ctnt is positively brillitnt c c richards 4 co gesis i hive used yoar minard8 liniment in my funily for t number ol yetrs or virions rases of sickosis tad mora puticnltrly m t tevere ttttek of is grippe which i contracted list winter ind i firmly believe thtt it was the means ol saving my life c i ligns sidney c b endorsed by the leaders when a remedy is endorsed by by min isters editors merchants farmers and leading men of til claues it is strong evi dence that that remedy has great merit and does what is olaimed for it bnch a remedy is burdock blood bitters its won derful success as a cure for dyspepsia bad blood etc is well known to old and young blobbswby do they call a foxs tail its brobb wigwag i fancy its because he dusts away with it so lively free and easy expectoration immediately relieve and frees the throat and lungs from viscid phjegm and amedicine that promotes this is the best medicine to ue for coughs colds insamation of the lungs and all affections of the throat and chest this is precisely what bicklea anti-con- sumptivebyrup is aspeoifio for and where- ever used it has given unbounded satisfac tion cbildren like it because it is pleas ant adults like it became it relieves and cares the dieeaee when a man does wrong hd does noffear the indignation of the lord near as much as he fears the indignation of bus wife no revival ever amounts to much where the prtacliior is not clear cut sgmntt all kinds of tin a crew seldom on water a corkscrew i y cj but feed itwhhscouseiaolsion i diglc cold kills u tna one tan afford to hare a cough or cotdacutc- i and leading to oomumptte tartin emuls ofpufa xortceolan okilv ouatul u tcs h tfhk ijrtlfc nhfijoder almot si pabj hr w thayer wright p q had dyspepsia for twenty years tried many remedies and doctors but got no relief his sppetile was very poor had a distress ing pain in bis side andstomacb and grad ual wasting awsy of flesh when he beard of and immediately commenced taking northrop 4 lymans vegetable disnovery the pains have left aud he rejoices in the enjoyment of excellent health in fact he is quite a new man if you feel that the dash dowu a coast ing hill doesjt pay ypa for the walk up it is a tigo bat yoa are getting old not crude mater al scotts emulsion is cod liver oil per fected and is prepared upon the principle of its digestion aud assimilation in the human system hence it is given without disturbing the stomach ahit is for me to drain the bitterness of life to he dregs sighed the growler- rusher is ne emptied the last keg bickles anticonsumptive syrup heads the list for all diseases of the throat and lungs it acts like magic ia breaking up a cold a cough is eooa subdued tightness of tbe chest is relieved even the worst case of consumption is relieved while ia recent cases it msy be said never to fail it is a medioine prepared from the active princi ples x virtues of several medicinal herbs and can be depended upon for all pulmon ary complaints when a wife counsels her husband to come straight home after an evening ban quet she means it in more seuses than one sias i had nothing would ysrds pectoral fay that it com iletelj robt mqi raabtesome cold which elisvs antil i tried hag- ballim tod i am glad to cored me utrrie btlmortl uan thethird uail noted c yoa want to yoa want a litoktion nets machiner or oosd anyth f oat where ronto dally menbsca the the charge ia tertian ida pro i fi r s anyo ia lilcll addnic ct the toronto daily want advertisements bay or sell anything if a mechanic a busi lodgings if yoa hive ion or if yoa wtct to find it advertise in the to- 11 and read the idvertire- tiird page of thtt paper wo cents a word each in the hail toronto can- it a man hat come oat when he oh vhatacoueh heel will yoa perhtpeofthe terrible djigs selves if ypa saving 50a to for it we shiiohs care never fails the warning the sigeti are approach of thtt more caoiamptiaa atk your c sa tfford far the take of i ua the risk and do nothing i tow from etperieaoe that will care yoar cough it if yoa want vertisein the paper reaches every week meet the eye chase serted in the cent a word cents a word the mail toronto many people right than to there are advanced that syrup will not it will not give and all affectias chest it is a s known to fall expectoration and gives the heal whea a man him believe an i car wt corns cause ways corn it and tee agood name a good heart is little lien suffer from w is very highly dr woods ly cures colds ness and bronchitis npor ed pare im beef and soluhte combined in wine in strength uilburns cod all others it has vo equal dear sirs i have used your hagyards yellow oil for many years and have found it unequalled for trams scalds cuts etc miav a collect eriri ont tbe following advertisement appeared recently in a french paper wanted a distinguished and healthy looking man to be cured patient in a doctors waiting- why suffer from weak nerves want of appetite and general debility letting the loss of sleep snd rest impoverish the system tad this tbe blood when sach a really meritorious remedy as northrop ly mans quinine wine may be bad at any drug store this aiticle is recommended by the highest members of tbe medical ftculty in cases of indigestion general debility lots of appetite and nervous affections of ii kinds it is also tpeciajly beneficial to children and delicate femalet and to bnsi- oetsmeu students and those who have much beam work we would say never be withoat it it will strengthen you keep yoarcyttfes in order aud euable yea io successfully cripple with the work yoa hive to do it it pleasant to the lute tad contains nothing injurioas tq the mott de licate constitution remember to ask for the jiiuine wine prepired by northrop lymirj toronto and we are sure you will xstlliued that yoa have full mluafur tottr money druggist fell tusfwft many a youug man that is able to cutiuto a fortune who cannot carve one llluards uatmctitflrf sale everywuere canada is being congratulated everywhere on the excellence of her mtnofaotaret art stained glut is prominently in the front rink of her improvements thanks to uccausland son of toronto who for 0 years have labored not paly to accumu late money but to make stained ind orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion mwi p tquttt02 severtl thejattnds mtny styles pompeii whtt our proper trtln ulntrdt unlm bay yoar trocen canadian and h hianixas xx a large assortment of iftntle cloth to hi st lu shades tod qualities and in the obeipesl ladies jaokeur capet and ulster have beta m iachenilie and portiere curtains various styl reduced from 128 to 115 per pair a large vari 35a these are much lest than regular pricei reduced from 86c to 60c per pair other qloves i s and 5o per yard whiob it lets than half fo yard some formerly 50a now j0o per yard a per yard and from j 3 to 60c a large aatortm ifillinery qoodtdresj and mantle trimmings other goods reduoed toextremely low prices to a parchtiing in the european markets please ei hamilton febutry 2nd 1893k i lie v aste n esrrojiiit at lets than half former prioet they art to be bad in xion i giokt in thft deptrtment 3 olottt rednoed oi5 cloth niaeai 85o d down in many oatet to leu than halt former prioet special rednctiom it is par ijalr tome of ihemformerly ll htndtom onrulni jot kas tuk ues thown in virions stylet to jtn oleared ont at ujis m and las and boyt qloves at half former prion lvfiet astraohan gtores nrlyi i lfe redaoed to 75c per pair a large variety of bibbont redaoed to prioei very pretty chifont foe neokirokr rtdaoed td 8 and loo pjet ithra iwoed from 85 to ki doabl trjdtti ohlttoo redaoed from h to 7m ofioreu de cheneat esdrjex yard drett aoodtjfarnitare cretomet qretnlentt ifent farnlthingt if undetwear bilk tie glow nd pflet of t room for tha spring imporlationi which mc stomal w watwnt t now the bight hian throqgh the kew store oarner king and hoghton ttreett i j- r tny good in htm it will meettwllh adversity ia bay or sell- a farm ad 1 onmto waily mail that 100000 farmers hornet jroar tivertutmeut thoald someone who wante to par of thit class tre n tpronto wcdly kail for five itch insertion or twenty five insertions address canada an sol advert semetrtt c fir would rather be considered right of ccniamptioa so fir bickles anticonsumptive are but none so bad that relief for coughs colds of the throat lungs and pfecifio which htt never been it promote a free tnd easy i hereby removing the phlegm i diseased parte a chance to it mtd the devil can make thing intolerable pain hollo- removes the trouble try an amount of pain it it a good thing to have but letter aid little women sometimes ts lows worm syrup recommended as care bardock pill small and elegi and pleasant tc a healing bruises sores ic salve what ever efided a convival gathering but a fine ale cure liver ills they are ntly coated sure in effect use s otbing salve for cutsi burns id wounds victoriacarbol- i orway pine syrup positive- coughs asthma hoarse- wine prime canada scale salts of iron are ililburu beef iron and giving and healing power iiver oil emulsion excels of hair pins in have been recovered from railroads want putting in nt for sale everywhere ies fresh tnd new and american coal oil at t a good beoinning but an ohio schoolmistress vouches for the following as a faithful copy of a boys com position on columbus some of the writers historical statements are a little mixed but oar readert will not need to hare the errors pointed oat columbus a grett pilriot he wat bora in genoa italy it is undoubtedly known what year bat i think it wat friday october it us5 columbus was the youngest of hit fire brothers and so he concluded that he would go out tnd tee if ho couldnt do something for his country he went to brooklyn new rorktad walked the street until be wat tired and hungry he then want to a baker shop and bought him two thru cent loaft iof bread he ate one going along the street and the other he pat ia a red handkerchief and put it in his pocket a lady seeing him laughed at him and made fua of him finally he became to smart that she marriedhim frivols 6f the past bangs were first worn ia he court of laaitxtv greek ladies had 137 differeqt styles of dressing niir catharine de medici imported muffs into france from italy corsets have been worn on the waiatt of egyptian mummies on festive occasions both greek and romans wore garlands at flowers bhoet with heelt 6 inches high were worn it the court of louis xi v gloves with separata flngert were un known before the twelth aentary the huge elktbethaa raff wat held in place by an under proping of wire greek women went barefeot indoort and wore tandtlt when walking abroad fashion platet came into use during the laat quarter of the- eighteenth cen tury the best c0uqh heoioffle oois it dithim mrnrn consumption- v u dr woods norwaypine syr tip rics ta thaiireiirrtnesofthepuie combined with the fooiiinr and expectorant properties ol otber pectoral aerbt aid mtrfcc a pchfeqt curs raft qough8 ano colds hoitkoem axtluna beoacmtj sore tfiret croap and u throat brokckial and lung diseases qbstuauarab which resist ether remedies jicld prwnptlj- to this pleatant pin irrup pkicseaa mo hoc fck aartlr at t ttlt twatiiart pure powderedtia lye purest 8trondeat bbtt bttarforiihiirsn taltanlne water diii uaa a oaa status m t iu cr- st w em- itnroinntltr ror mautt loan dt lniei inrf snd s baadred ottiat flsajsoda dntiltti toronto little curls danger mr henry xiacomb leyland st blackburn london eng states that his little girt ell and struck her knee against a cutbstone the unco began to swell became very painful and terminated in vfiat doctors call white swelling- she was treated by the best medical men but i grew worse finally compl j blm speight efon fursniture sc underthking the mrs purtst strokflest best cantatas no alnn a mi r pbotpluua x aor itjusant e w qillett toronto ont our stoc c any trticte yoa defraud any or at any dealers we tin i a full lit attiafsotioa connection with attocittioa w i st jacobs on was used the contents of one bottle tely reduced the swelling killed the pain and cured all richti st jacobs oil dip it her of furniture it now complete for the spring trtdejtnd we can supply want at the lowest possible prices we dont steal our furniture nor in itt manufacture but we nay cash for it and cau tell u low for cash tb trade i can give you a bedroom sat complete for ii4j wove mattresses for 4 springs for 3 sideboards at cost lounges for 750 extehsiotvtables srso chairs at any price underthklng of coffint ottkeu robas etc tlwayt in ttook we can give yoa to prioet we desire to impress opon the pablis the ftot thtt we have no any combination and oar prices are not governed by tha tjndertakert can give yoa the best the market afford at very reasonable prices cood hearse arid outfit for funerals speioht 3t son r wj have too much stock in thjs line for so late in season the fact is we over j bought have bought- k rg6ly igain and we must have a place for them besides iii4ant money ta convince you that we keep the r ij jstlgodds we need only tell you we handle james y jhithsm gos make they are without doubt the i b ist makers in canada our goods arb all new flesh a id clean we havent one old pair in stock j j v we mast reduce our stock and in order to do so decided to giye a is ve ssgi discount of j20 per cent i alleles in- this department during february of i urie jhis discount ison cash sales only this is i indjchkiiceto get your boots shoes at cost therti no plunder in it for us we are simply doing whai erj wisebusinessman does when he has too mutri it jcl j come and let us prove to you- that we do as we i vetise j j j i f- iji j p week i0 p lace curtaingalso l p curtain poles great value 25c each i rihailwaytimtabte i crarid trumt hallway aowitt- oanont eipressj- 1 ofim mall 1 10 sjipreat it10aja- easaengtr a oaajn express u 05 ajn mau ctpjn jlrxed j w r- 01am express i s pm hall pauengar t sb pjn n3tsopcloaria ktixas jouig wotti b sm and 40 pm 1 oohii bastitlois ajn and s m pm this tuns table went lnv cteet on deeeniber tth mat i every owner of mod wili m lie- habit hicks bloouporifleu h bjiotslrt u th b coodkfen powdmt 4u od ppeii tnd tor- jaitiiedittioiisollitauuit foodii iitl iajlbnia oohlbu iulnsnort iisataic i rtisa tkeeotsiii kidoqrj td tn iwt cotmw a mhnd- sour one soail hena ire ti- ij wsia dtitttadtodit lii ca3a ifliea they lit io ti ujc to get d rxinl tltcks b1j5- 5 jermyn i cor mill and ifalu streets acton w w at the i fe glasgow ifhrt cut oroughtto the lion entitle the purchaser to a discount of pec cerut on nte goods or insher wj dany one bumg a jacket ft4 us caii rise s ad t as cash m payment of one fifth of the pre or one tenth oph price of ahy other goods j knd we still shpw a full range of fursof all kinds we sell the best ll 8ablej cape at 3750 beaver cape at 2750 we offer extra vaiue in sealettes make them up as ypu can get them no where else i lid s ni rvadbam street gaelpxu uon id street glstjtw j d williamson co ml qnnlnli 7t ittw guelph 5oiirid naiove i enrb spnin j renrt cr ihonjitp or tvy stfni j dicf l c ttraii or bincaem tnd rtniovttjnaam nulwirvinoikindbumet rotste by tulnis lm ivflomriinseralc dfckrbkr611t ijici t ument i5c dcfi ointment tsj fatgattlee a b k i vjiaks htu3toj a j caa rtcils will dci co poboi 3 uojctrea- ihe key t0f beitttcv tjnlocis all the clogged j btywels klttaeys and liver off gradually withont treakctuag thi tern all the inpnritia andfpulj of the secretions af the soma ti j reetini aoidity of the onring biliousness l headaches dizziness hi constipation dryness of t dropsy dimness of vision j dloe salt rhoum erro jpelas f fola flattering cfthe heart vonsness and general deblllt falal flattering cflhe vonsness and general these and many other similar com yield to tha happy influeacaof bu bloop bittess tor cats by rji dt5 tblbumcopwnrletorto asftl il urn iero b nut uni b10c1 ttttptonntum and free haidboofc jrrit to oldest bnrema tor tecnrlssf itinu t mam brerr patent tftten out bjau is traimbsm uia po6iic ttj- s aotiofl girta tnt oi cuarrtiui fitttifiruymgtt uixmtdieiilhottof sbiy sdeartlflo p 1 torid splendldl uliusxtmd ho utd nun herald b 1thoat tu weektr s3 tear fliostx tnantht adrfreu munn 4go- gminshtim 3ti 1 hratawis sew yak bt dunns ic r thkooicssranriefsd urge8t sale i fr canada peteran8 rqacfl food not a jj pouoh tt to6dcoche arb vatct bwi iwino htltropf co mypaim porajbtanjuclriiauit trajtasaia j tassaruoasralitll- us itwiiii tfaegsgjasfewllllif city bwet j iw wpirktop ii ni cems im innpi hb t m m iqs otm bassiot emnnr t j l ism m nbami lino wall k 31 ghihsn m msw5s