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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1893, p. 4

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s ij fttljutoit jfreff w thdrsdar itarce 1893 notes he an there ltmt of airt interest to rwe prate raider fjrje irattg faihs wsex goo tbtsks best then an tna to the banunt at tools unblett wno gm iblntt wit ha will ptsckeveij thorn from the kill breast ho mi lay tbcai tenderly down to rest a at raw tutll blkf from the city tpaie- vb ood thinks best tor lbs en3 tact will comt n must mteh tad wilt ba re uuis of great yyemustcuulbr ths highway and stand by the rata for wo know not the quarter and know not the date llutff webs watching tb sappy oar fate be re tittle overeat jljidtiinlld how a fasrhoflable thief escaped hoflj ko wonder why should it bom often repelled that it e the wrest promptest beet remedy when doctors are surprised it its effects lawrence kansas fj 8 george palter- aa ell cam a second story window rink- ing a ease i foaadhiai using st jacobs oil he need it freely ill over hit haru end i it him next morning at work ill the bio spots finally disappeared leaving neither pmlo loac noc swelling 0 k kccxixk if d it nut ba thic tatting op o drinks that is antrtttug to rainy of oar young men itew to cure a corn a pleas sente d health and- itraahh tat d tnl ot eaie and comfort follows the ate o syrup of figa it aota in harmonj with nature to effectually oletnee the lyti am when tot u orblloatnjrj sae 1b s mntrtflar by all leading drnggft- xrl a clergyman gate ibis ordejr to an eating hoaie waiter rout beef mil dona good and faithfat servant hoodt carts in si ing that heeds sanaparilla oarer its proprietors mike no idle what i oh whlyoahsdtba or extravagant tfrotn the buffalo etprettl it itnndenitblrtbet tome women are mighty deceptive tbey had an advent nreca in the tombs she had robbed t man of bis pocket book her lawyer told her of hie fear thst ber record as a profes sional thief wonld be produced io court by tne polioe in which case it would go hard with her although the direct evidence against her in the presentcata was slight the loser of the money having beta so befogged byintoiicetioo at the time of the robbery thst he oonld remember nothing distinctly i the thief took the hint she tent away the fashionable clothes io which she had been arrested and pat on the cheap and plain costume of a working pel she knew the habit of magistrates in kew york be ginning with the once fsmoas justice joe dqwling of looking st the hands of prison- era for marks of honest toil by which tbey miihi profess to get a living so the ob- tsined some fresh leaves of tobacco stained her soft white neuds with the joioe and also imparted to ber clothes the aroma of the veed this gentlemtu it mistaken she whimpered when arraigned i am au honest hardworking girl come up here 1 commanded jmtioe duffy severely show me your hands she obeyed with a manner of beiog astonished by the proceeding her yellow hands were reluctantly extended across the desk the tgedt of tobacco arose i work every day rolling cigsra she persisted prisoner discharged was the decision it it one of the easiest things in the world to cure a corn do not use adds or other caustic prepertliobt spd dont cat a hale in your boot it is simply to apply potmens painless corn extractor and in three days the corn can be removed without pain bare safe painless taktf only patmane cora extractor claim statements from thousands ot re liable people of what hoods sanaparilla haa dona lot them- coacjuiivsly prove the fscthoodb stransklla cores hoods pills act espeoisjly upon the liter coating it tram torpidity to its natur al dattet care constipation and assist di gestion perhaps of thel tart appfwaih tf the snore terrible disss oontumptlon ask your altaalf yoa n afford for ha sake of urlig mo to ran the risk and do nothing for it we mow from experience that shllohs oar will sua year ooagh it never talis tba higaest ohoroh iteeple on earth is not u nasi h tan ut sack ot hoar left la a poor won ane cellar a child should have a toy saviogl bank of its own as toon aa it can go a loan ur thos bell of ifettrs soott bell co proprietors of the wingbttn famltjra factory writes for over one year i wis not free one day from headache i tried every medicine i thought would give me relief bnt did not derive any benefit i then prjicared a bottle of northrop xy mans vegetable discovery and began cak ing it according to directions when i soon found the headache leaving me aod i am now completely cared the man whohai no aim in life it never ready to make a hit when opportunity viert there is danger in neglecting a cold many who have died ot oonsamptlpa dated their iroables from eioosare fojlowerl bja cold which settled on their lags and in a i short time they were beyond tba kill of the best physician had they used bicklas anticoasamptlve syrap before it wis too late their lives would bare been spared this medicine hat no equal for eating colds coughs and all tflectiao of the throat am langi pat oat your hinl before yoa pat op your prayer found the reason for lbs great popular ity of hood i sarsaperule- simply this hoods coras ba sure to gst hooks gar- saparills an orator i an high when he goes off in a flight of sloe oenoe bscl blood cured grsitrues i have nted your burdock blood bitters for bad blood and find it wtiboatexoeptton the best purifying tonic in me a short time ago two very large and painful boils came on the back of my neck b b b completely drove thsm sjluuel mrirv toronto junction if a ttoim were really brewing what sort of a storm would it moit likelybe an ale storm wouldnt it invention of postage stamps the invention of postage etamps is said to be due to a printer of pandee scotland england j2 years ego introduced the sys tem of prepaying letter postage and according to a decree of december 21 1839 ieeaed the first sttmpe which were to be put beforethepublioonaygof tbofollow- ingyear ayearlater they were introduced in the united states and switzerland and witfcin three years had become common in bavaria belgium and france one of the mott important and valaable collections of postage stamps and other postal devices in the world is in the german imperial post office at berlin it takes ho men and women to make a postage stamp first the white paper is cut into sheets each large enongh for v hundred stamps the stamps on each heet are counted 2g times to mske tore the number is correct the prioter oounte and passes the sheet to the gammer the gnmmer gums the back and being counted gives it to the perforator who divides the stamps by rows of little holes not forget ting to count it is surprising how quickly and accurately the hands work seven hundred millions of pottage stamps are made every year in the united states newyork city uses 6000000 a month a merioij stationer he gave an order a drummer for a new york grocery houte took shelter from a thunder shower in a small grocery keptby a colored man in the suburbs of nashville and pretty soon the proprietor asked was yo a stranger around yere sab i represent tbis houie replied the drnmmeras he handed out a card i tee does yo own de bifofis yo eelfj ohi no was yo de senior pawdner no wat yo backing de concern wid yo cspittl no jist tent out to take orders t thats all perhspi i can take an order from yon wall eah if dat housa has dun tent yo clean down yere to git an order from me i aint gwine ter be mean about it put me down for to popndb of brown sugar an draw on me arter sixty days far the bill new york horu something about figs the enpsckiug sortingj repacking and forwarding to sll parte of the world of dried figs occupies more than half of the laboring population of smyrna during five or six months of tbe yair consequently the arrival of ihe first coutignment of the fruit fromthe orchards is a great popular event callel the f att of the figs last year the harvest was magnificent and a joyous mamletttlion took place at the railway station hen the first train arrived with its care wreathed with garlands and its locomotive coiered with flagi the bar rels were ijuickly unloaded and plaoed on camels decorated with ribbons andflowers- aud the proctcsioii started for the empor ium followed by a great crowd dancing to tbe rounds of music and the evening was given up to concerts balls and rejoicings garden and fortit can recommend it mr enos burn berry tuscarora writes i am pleased to tay thst dr thomas eclectric oil is all that you claim it to be aa we have been using it for years both internally and have always received benefit from its use it is our family medicjae and i take great pleasure in recommending it a great talker never wants for enemies a man of sense talka little and listens mucb a cure for dyejiepsla dyspepsia is a prolific cause of such diseases as bad blood constipation head- tche and liver complaint burdock blood bitters is guaranteed to cure or relieve dys pepeia if used according to directions thofcaada have tested it with best results are you goiog to follow the suggestion of the railway offioialsand adopt the mean time asked the watchmaker no my watch keeps mean time enough now cores gosurarptiahi coaefisp cronp sore tlxract solder ahlretxta oo e goirtnte fora lame bme back or chest shflehs pereoa platter will give greit ut i cents shilohs vitalizes if it t 8 hawttta fflatiajkiogatennajjti eonstdarltfmbcsircmolyfora icxrtttei fotdystietiltercr sidney tmailbttexcts fttcencts remedy haveyoaoaarrtinsttuseeniedy i twill postuvclrietierveendceyoa price 60 cts hs injector for its sucoecsful treatments turns hedtrea uemcalicrebilohsif are sold on a gaarantoo tc give aotlsitactlon the third age of the toronto dil iftt la noted or wtht advertitementt if yon want t bay ar sell anything tj yoa want a si nation a mechanic a buti- noas machine y lodgings if yoa have lost or ound anyt ting or if yoa want to find oat where stnj mm u advertise osbe to ronto daily k ill and read the advertise ments on the third page ot that paper the charge it two cents a word each in sertion add est the mall toronto can ada shall i take your lova to yoar mother said alidy vii tar who was going totee the mother d que lion she hat my love wis the quiint rep y purest strongest best crmfant no atom amaioais lime phosphates cf any thjurfaot e w ctllritt- toronto orrt the great r suits which have attended the regular u quinine wine by people of delicate contl wtlou aud those effected with a general prostration of the system ipoak more th ntll the words that wa can tay in its beh if this article it a true medicine aud a lifegiving principle a perfect renova or of the whole tyttem in vigorating at 1 1 time time both body and ffliod iti tne liokl properties are a febri fuge tonlo and antiperiodic small dotes frequently rep steti strengthen the pulse create ta app itite eaabla you to obtain refreshing tlee and td feel tud know that every fibre an tittde of yoar eyifatn is being braced i nd renovated in the fine quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman toron o we have the exact tonio required and o persons of weak and ner vous ooattituti ml we would say never be wilhoat a bottl s in the house it is told by all drcggttt papa why io the little pigs push and squeal and tty to get so much milk because we i ant them to mike hogs of themselves not that kind scotts emulsion doe not debilitate the stomach as other cough medicines do bat on the contrary it improves digestion and strengthens the storatch its effects are immediate and pronounced aogels crowns aremade of thesoals of thorough good women free and easy expectoration immediately relieves and freea the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm and a medicine that promotes this is the best medicine to site for coughs colds infttmition of the lungs and all affeotioni of the throat and chest this is precisely what bicklas anticon sumptive syrop is a specific for and where- ever used it has given anbouaded satisfac tion children like it because it is pleas ant adulta like it because lit relieves and cares thedisease tbe colder the winter the warmer our hearts should be a valuable hint when yoa are attacked by cough or cold do not delay but commence at once to use htgyardt pectoral balsam thit old standard remedy removes j all irritation loosens the phlegm and heals the mucous surfaces curing coughs and colds of all kinds dont wait for somebody j else to show you bow to do right tubbley bathfully it lfii tremmer in kaid she it but shes engaged tubbley who settled thinrt last night i know it im the yonng man c c ricbjurls co gektlehex in driving over tbe moun tains i took a severe cold which settled in my back end kidneys causing me many sleepless nights of pain the first applica tion of minard8 liniment so re lieved me that i fell into a deep sleep and conrpletereoovery shortly followed jons s mcleod annapolis a fnrsiiniinsniitl itrulsfcs no other remedy enrea sprains cuts wounds chilblains sore throat rhuema tisra etc so promptly as harvards yellow oil it is an old standard remedy that has given perfect satisfaction for thirty years a fop li one that taket great pains about everything except his brains a german doctor has started the theory that most drunkardacan be cured simply by eating applet at every meal the acid gas does it consumption is oftentimes absolutely cured in its earliest stages by the use of that won derful food medicine scotts emulsion which is now in high repute the world qver cjlottosu outaf sorts symptoms headache lose jbf appetite furred tongire and general in- disposition these symptoms it neglected develop into acate disease it it a trite saying that an ounce of prevention is wortba pound of cure and a little atten- tton at this point may save months of sick- nest tnd large doctors bills for thit complaiuttake from two tothree of ptrra- elect vegetable pilla on go one or two for three oights and a cure will be effected a financially weak citizen said the other day that ha waa overlooked ng to bed aud in succession nobody took any note of him by tbe public consujlftion cubed an old physician retired firom practice btvioghad placed id hit handt by an east india miasiontry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the tpeedy and per mtoent cure ot consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affecmr also a positive and radical cure for rervbus debility and all nervoar ootn plaints after having tetted its wonderful curative powers in thoasauds of caaes hsi fell it hie duty to make it known to all hit suffering fellows actuated by thit motive and a desire to relieve humau suffering i will tend tree of charge to all who detire it this recipe inpermtn french or english with full directions for preparing tad using seatly mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a noraa 810 powers fllock rochester n munis klnbnrnt rvllerrs vcnralgfj canada is being congratulated everywhere on the excellences of her banufacturec artgtatrtedgiaisrii prominently intie front ranfeof her improvements thinks to hccautland son of toronto who for to years have labored not only to accumu late money bnt to make stained and qrna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion let your right hand know what your left hand is doing and pull together a cure for headache r headache arises frsui ooostipatioa bad blood dyspepsia or liver complaint as b b b cures all these complaints it is natur ally tbe rmost successful headache cure existing once tbe cause is romoved the headache vanishes how msny more of us sorrow for what we have done than rejoice far what we have done if you want to buy or tell a farm ad vertise in the tornpto ifeeily mail that paper retches 100000 fanners homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are n- serted in the toronto ffeei mall for five cents a word each insertion pr twenty centa a word for five insertion address the iftil toronto canada i the man who thinks he it good is really not much better than the man who thinks he is ba 1 no remedy urea coughs colds croup hotrtenesi i ithmt bronchitis bore throat etc to welt as dr woods norway syrup burdock pill give tatiiftctton wherever tried they cc re conitipttion sick head ache aud bilioc sness d gettibility and nutritive value are two tt rong points in favor of mil- barns cod liv r oil emulsion with wild cherry and hy ophosphttet kill the worn i or they will your child dr lows won i syrup it the best worm killer parents buy 1 lother graves worm ex- term inttor bees tse they know it is a safe medicine for th r childrea and an effectual expeller of wort t klnanfsualm ntrellevesxearalgla b pises beiudr rorcalarrh it the i dost eaateta o tjse sad caeasett catarrh joins- on gfttuartcacbrauiltal jct ttio1 aa wtrrta p rja ab thb tker cot even fine montini batcher been this is how t io baker got even with the butcher said the baker to tba iking a walk yet just cat ia com yoar hop with a halfdozen lovea if bread where are th sy then under my tat plenty of room for them there the baker did bot forget this insult and r next met him on the ilm where he had been we also have a it will pay you to seepur wheels send for catalogue see our diamond j frame best value the world fciuerfs pure pflwderedj i wrttttsthojccest bl tanmuttfrslr nttfoleninr and ahsdsa 535 u aeaasqiialsigrmiriilims t i u tract t dtmw sxatp qtt foaewl when the butch street and asked he promptly ai swered been to your slaughter home where is it tl so j under my ha ed away triumph bought a calfs head he retorted and walk- tntly hdfar ktrtards uklme it relieves keuralgla the man who i at a charactec that mud will stick to alwa t feelt uneasy the god who f iva ui life gave ut liberty at the same time thegraatesagf is a good examph yoa will fin read kelly bros t waeaabeatowott others it to your interest to ldvertttement from the far north i in northern climates people are very tob- ject to colds but the natural remedy it alto produced in tbe tame climate dr woodt norway pine syruy cares coughs colds hoarseness asthma bronchitis and all throat and jung- troubles price 25c iaad 50c love may be blind but he knows when the parlor lamp ia too high no mao ever bought hit way into heaven by leaving hie money to the needy after he bad started that way easytotakz drbfercef pleasant redettt smallest eeriest cheapest beat tireyrd tfnr sugarcoated anlrflious gnm- oles a compound of refined and concentrated regotablo ex- tnicw- without diitarbeaee or trouble coastl- ihdtastidilj bilfbbtatfaoki siitnii ulcus ttinrinrbwi and all derangements or do liver stcmach and bo welsare prevented rehcvucq and enred ptrmaxjauiy bared too br their tasd end cataral acaonj tbess littlo pcuetx kad the system into natural vys again thdr inflnmro laix everything catarrhal in its nature cnmrrh itself and all ho troubles that come from catarrh are perfectlr and jvrmancnlly cured by dr sage ct- tfrrhncmedy no matter hoir bad yrmr tifa or howlong itaadlnk yoa can bo cured norway p- let la tbsltotfiieaqbr firtasaef thtipia combined wtth the loouuflj- aad ta propertua of otter portoral harts aadbatlas a fewbor ouite ron i couqhq and oold3 crpapindtu throat bronchralkai lung diseases obrtiutafartuwlifci reslit rthrr remedies yield promptly- to miaa asot wa boo ac krr tt tltmttt cample r little girls dancer mr henry macombe leyland st blackburn london erlfj states that his little girl ell and struck her knee against a curbstone the fenrje bejanto swell became very painful and terminated in what doctors call white swelling she was treated by the best medical men but grew worse finally st jacobs oil was used the contents of one bottle reduced the swelling hilled the pain and cured her ku righti ct jacqq3 otl 0i3 it dry coofls groceries and readymade clothing a wa are got ig to make alteration in oar store we have decefded to make a sweeping- sajle 1 mans youi itwoutpay bargains ryihing matt goto now 3xi srt having taken over he batihett of luc old established house lately conducted by henderson mohae a co we bajrfo annodnca to its man pstroot of the past and the public generally that ws will inaugurate a i clearing cash t fo commence qu- sale for one mouth only slicks- of goods which wa saturday feksth sii 9 cannot carry orar will be offered at tura telling prices immediate sale regard less ot cost or profit will ba ihe order of the day till next season fabrics wo will offer a very sua assortment cf re inants i c i boc s shoes in iu4pctibn of uny of falcli ira iniuble for lammec wair which we irs lalisfltsd wti rjara no wooad thoagh about parchminig f zy on54i t boocoreijtf wfjutj wldiow how v t r keep fait juiinul tar white injih mwt oa dry aiaet jooo vvriytep u now recopited r con4tifjsj pvdm jhfi good iitre- nmmhiitd tnfocps neslt tirai mtdf nan cfxli u ttjuliiej fee bcweli inrfxisigrn aiitiinif njogkctafjnfo k toiooth utitouj one social 1 tone trt i vaytia d nuoiijid j j till ieal when tier ffl i fill irtwltahstoilipiuii 4ivfcm jer will be foand 4 jiuhe oec mity it wl remove a irb ipamfl jplint or olorrxtirpjn mr tveuwt- dicki vd meat cirri tnia or btnomai tni remove iaam nutjoa froi i c3iii and biua forse by fl dni cw ilkllflilawdrurifiermc- dickibeertjr- dtcki liinenl 2jc dkti oiouaaj wc r senrflt tjrd fnhpti- ticukn zlfockclifiltulrctmtbejioiijuj inn reefpej wiq beiaitjrf o dickayco pdefatifi uoxtreau horses mr iwljat dick l momaitnti remove bflj aa forsebyfldr ifiermc- dickiberteri dkti oiouaaj c r fafecttieai c almtlc uru ksjco a3 syl m itirdock liverjandbawcia uniock rhcsycrellorispurlfleth bloodj ana romovesall 1m purltliea frorrits pimple to the wrjrat setokiloija sorts blood 1 cures 4r- dvspe ps ia biuioysness const patk3n headache salt heuau scrofula heart burn sour stomach di2ziness dbopsv i rheum xrsrl skfrm bitters m shindbooiwntiito xanwjit saw fi j or secarins patents m an kverr patent taken out tij ot is brought baton tktpabliebvsnoueaitirtr gmtmv of ebattamtiit merit unest oucttatioo ofttytdsnuie t to tha man should ba intbos it weakly w dunns thecqoksbestfriend larobst salb in canada of averythiug for almost nod 0m and clear oat ever thing in stock regardless of cost sooner than to ba packing them op and stori lg away everything mutt go and will go if low pnoet say anything so now is your chaaoa for cheap drygqids beadymade olothirig we have snimmeute stock of j i hs boys and ctilldrans 8ults fc overc istsr hats caps underwear top shirt socks suspenders collars cuffs es mitts cloves hose tweeds flannels cottons cottbnades 8hrtinr tdwelhntt etc ou to mfu thit ebtuoa as we staled en kelly bros wilt be a groat featara ot thus sale we have 1 1 large and wall assorted stock which must positively ba cleared rat and at onoa we are makingtno reserve la this department whateren our object is to clean the stock oat in a month and io do so regular prices till be entirely iott tight of terms are cash ooresatiifaatorjr for everyone wa iljrite inspection and will at all times ba pleased to show our goods wo can tell yoa goodt maoh cheaper for oesn than under the the old credit system and be concerned dersons stock of purnilnra it now complete for the spring jradaaod we ean innolv yon wan at the lowert poatlbl prices w dont ttestjxra p rauda f one in 11u manofactnra bnt wa pay oash for it and can tell aj low for cash tnyde ers in tbe trade i ut omo any defr as any ov srtioi co i john speigiit soii n 1 j f jrnitur6 si undertkklisg jtrand utaijj uinucroanhlofaarjf eiarwiiai ruo rtro ita ion u tow wamtcbbti t mqotb8a1v pabet stttti co peter not ill ftx to ewwg h 8oleltait hs roach food poison mp water- bust liwjtcttvrotam trffltftrtt loa jovni a sdlar is fnfoar analsa ron civ co- iwb kwum tauthjfefltoetmq3rntatl tnmrigira ffliaafeaa 3 pi tank sifwt for jala daertmi h ictfwn a 8t4lmtrvr i mbrohant ruojasoiioiurjtijiiioi ccamk vtsaoa cilijua33tss 6 stvtmil sseefcl oit 3 w le 2snjiaaxs it proprietor iirs tang ijf m rttia ntj raan ox koctitb dafa bbbekt mirrjiert tja tamat nuata uatni hvbhv moipbhh ixpbovvxkst lutosoa ve can give youj a i bedroom jset oomplete for 14 wove mattresses for 4 j 8prln8 for fs3 j s sideboards at cost 1 lounges for 750 1 extensionj tables 750 i chairs at any price ii undertftklt3 4hnaoffnni oaakato robes ate alwayi j ateet w ban ri- aatisfaetio a topria wedeain to impm apraablle tofwith h h74 connection rith any combination and onr prieet in not governedrby the tjaderui asatfo wa can give yon the beat the markets attceatrsiiei good hearso and qitrflt foj- funerals spii0ht iloteal wall paper factory a co 1 m tmjf rct0 f er vii3rj i net itefeealtla cnw iairotvdbu arisdliltabi m g- rf 1 f m b 3 1 wi blm r is ttbttfi tl

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