Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1893, p. 4

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i i iff wt retort m ress thursday march k ibm cfjc rrattg jfolks notes erand there items of dertsra interest to fraa rest atar hvkbib helpers boosh e are only itttlo flowers amooc the veeds alone tb ay let wo tail smile to rltd the bours tfwlclveth ctiostay we envy not tbequoeuly rote kor all ljcr beauty slfher craee while from tbe dvn till sunset we mho here id our lilaefl tuouch only tiny rills are e and glide uot by wltb mighty seer like yonder river to the tea witb torrcotstronc and deep to dreiuiy jeruind listening learot we whlier in our sllrery flow thsbest we here the glen receiree- we serre ti on we rot though blrdt we sing no nature iweet to thrill the arching azure sky yet one clear note we may rcrfcat to cheer the ptxscrby without nur tolcee would the c pring hate til it music pure and strong 7 white er we eau we gladly bring- we serve in humble long the stars that gleam ill night above the meekeyed dtltlee it oar feet i are linked u one within godi lore in service true ind sweet eieb in iu high or bumble sphere not lowliest nor mightiest they do the pitherl bidding here who give to blm their bett oh humble helpers on lifei wiy with reil and lore thit doth not swerve how iweet to know from dy to diy whtt joy it u to serre gtorgt cooptr rich fed blood at ditarilly retauefrom taking hoodi siriifirilli it personal cletolines remits from free dh of sptp and water this rrett purifier thoraiehly eipel tarofala ult rbeam and other imparitiesami bgilda op every orcxu of tie body nov li the time to tike it the bigheci prtjio ht been iron by hoodi fills or their easy yet efficient action soil by til drageist price 25 oeot jagsby yife i hie wis held up on ra way ome mrs jafitby yoa would hive never got horns if yon didnt been the maoic hammock soch a qoeer hammock it weal some timet it wa large enough to hold bets and benny tnd bert with plenty of room for dollie and kittie rod even berts little pug dog poptey then the very next diy it would be to mill that there wti jutt barely room for one little child with only one dolly or kitty thit it the wiy i found out tbont it one diy bert tnd poptey were having a nice twiog in the hammock and i tat on the porch watching them pretty loon bett came out with kitty grey in her armt and said let ua get in too bert no laid bert crottly there isnt room enough only jntt for poptey and me why bert i iiid that it very ttrange it not tbit the tame hammock that held all of yon thit morning yesm taid bert hanging hit head i will tell you how it it taid grandma who tat by the window with her knitting it it a magic hammock with a puckering ttring two fairies take care of the tring one fairy alwayi let oat the ttridg it aril the can and take all the children in she it a good fairy and her name it lore the other it a bad fairy called selfishness sbe- alwayi draws np the string to tight that only one one little boy or girl with hit own pet dog or kitty can poeeikly toueere in either one of thete fairiei will come at the childreni call i think bert kit made a roil lib- jmt now tnd called the wrong one bert looked to red and uhamed that i taid shall we call the other fairy bert bert nodded hit head and i called toftly come love oome love and if yon will believe it the moment i tpoke the words the hammock flew wida open and bett and kitty grey tpranc in bertt ftoe wu all smiles and the ham mock twnog to gayty that i feared the children would be totted out lid i tee the fairy oh no i fairiei are too t mall to beteen with our eyet but 1 taw her good ork and that wai enough swappino stories i taw a fellow thot clean through the body with a grapnel thell within an inch of hit heart he laid the thell came oat behind and killed mule bntthe poor fellow who wat ttruck only gatped a little for air tben he kept on fighting jntt at freth at ever the room became very quiet and several looked to ward tangle who wu pretent tingle arote tnd looked meditatively tronnd 1 taw tomething of the tame kind aa that he began it wat it one of the first engtgementi we bad whtn wn were to the front there wat a apldier who ttood right betide me ttrnck tqnire in the head with a twelvepound cannon ball and gentlemen be never knew it the old toldier who had told the firtt story looked a little aheepitb tnd xeveral laughed a little but tome one thought to inquire avdnt it kill him tangle looked np a little bit surprised oh yei certainly it killed him he replied but then maybe t wat all for the bett he might have lived totell the ttory iu probably jntt aa well he added looking at the old toldier what a parrot did one of the cleverest performanoei ever recorded of a parrot it told in the chicago veif tn a certalp home in thit city the beidt of the household were tbsent letv- ing tbo servant in charge end polly at usual on her perh io the dinidg room during the evening burglara entered and begin rumaging among the silver and other raloable in tbe dining room at it waa dark the men did notsee tbe parrot the sagacious creature teemed to realize that something waa wrong tnd at the electrlo bell which summoned the servant wat witbin reach tbe quietly preated the button jritb her claw ai sbe had often eeen her inittreit doylt may have been osly imitation on pollye part but it worked aa well it if she hid reasoned out the matter the tervinta ctme rushing in tnd secured the burglars md donbtleta polly hid tn exlra cracker for her ser- vicef there is more in t clock than appears on the fice of it 4k put to flight m the peculiar troubles that beset a wo- tfc t ymarautrtd remedy for ticra ioslgf pavorito prescripuon for tufterfag from tnv chronic femtla octplalnt or weknco women who an rttnjitnsi kmiior women wnoara rsws5i for women ex ei ss moti and for mother ats manhood ar4 atwokiaoig changoof llfoft l ireaslktxtizk i rtiuly buildl it doocai7 crrca i a lgts benellt or c t ton are a b caianh bau dr f mid rwrtrspjttlier a pkt lanh luactcrhoijs for 3 ca lx- or cm in k four or v0 in cattu- nuiliclne proml bwifji u they aa s- eictiiiiy prrprictort o wryoaih jiame irieii hat convinced mtiyhhit to use any of the tubttitntei ocfere 1 for the only surepop and painleta corn ore it attended with danger get alwayi tnd ate none other than potmans paii lets corn extractor for tore producing i ubttitutet are offered just u good at pottr tnj com extractor safe tare piinlett youve been in my mind til day miu angie he cooed twiietly great meroy i groaned the girl in ajony cto it be that i am to tmlll at tht i pleuinj seme of health and strength renewed and of eaie and comfort followa the ataoc hyruri of figf aa it icttin harmony with nctara to effectually cleanse the ayatem when cof- tive or bilioot fot lite in 75a bottle by til leading druggitti what it that which you can find ouea in a minute twice- jin a moment bat not once in a thousand ysirs the letter a i c c kiciucib co 1 gcstickck ic driving aver the moan- taint i took a severe cold which settled in my back end ktdneyt causing me many sleepiest night of pain the firtt tpptiea- tion of if inards linihent to re- lieved me thtt i fell into a deep sleep and complete recovery shortly followed joex si hcliod annapolis fever and ague and biliout derangei mentt are positively ured by tbe use of parmeleei pills tiey not only cleante the ttomsch ind bo rels from all biliout matter but they open the excretory vettelt causing them to pdur copious effusions from tbe blood into tee bowels after which tbe corrupted mass it thrown out by tbe natural passage of the body they are uted at general fanilymedicine with the best ranks a woman who looks mock in the glass cpins little htverraoattrrtirtrttilteemedr ittfll posmtorrelietoandcuwyoa prloewca tbit iniector lor its tacccntul trcatmont la lurnlshedfreo ecaembcrshllohartemedlea are tom ona pirnf to give setlirfsrffon tile ppwcr of nature for every ill nature hta a cure inthe healing virtues of the norway pine lies tbe cure for coughs ooldt croup asthma bron- chititboarseoest etc dr woods norway pine syrup represent the virtues of nor way pine and olper pectoral remedies price 25c a tenderhearte daughter mother makes a shabby rfal ming powder purest strongest best ic no alu ammonia urae phoeputct or lay injuritat e w ctfjlett toronto ont when it soup likely to rup out of a taucepan wben it hu a leek in it the ministers rebuke 1 thagoot old minister of blairmallyu atickier to etiqoetu and likes hit vitit the mimbt of bit dock to be at formal and aa hot ely aapoulbla bat ha has gnat regt d for truth and it invaria down on tt e whom ha ietapta in any rfatfon thirefram hecenuy calling aipeofadlr in a widow ho iivea n a cjjt- taga on lb outskirts of the village larprited h u is iha midit of washing a o ciolbet she harritdly hid behind clothehor and told her lillie boy to sty that the wi oat the visitor knocked at in door well jamie ha taid and wharaa yoc r mother 1 hy mothata no in thet it aa street ou tmeaaage replied tha ltd wi h promntnem indeed re plied tbe sinister with li glanoa at the bottom o he screen well tell her i called tod ty thtt the next time the goea down o tht village the might take her feet with her caret ccasvrmpttai coughs crffup sor threat eod br ill drurtu3 oa a gs4 fort uisciediclctctetealloh platter uul pre grvtrfiufagto cena shijohs vitalizes ctcolit vilcllzw paved patarrh remedy ohivhatcough7 will you heed the wtrning the signal perhtrjs of the ure tpproich of thit more terrible disea consumption ask your selves if you c in afford- for tbe take of atving 50c to i un tbe risk tnd do nothing for it we kiow from experience thtt bhilohi cure will oure your coegb it never fails a detf husbtpd tnd t blind wife mtde t htppy couple hr joab set ee of toronto writes a short time tgo wit suffering from kidney corapliiot tnd dyspeptit sour stomach tnd ltme back in fact i was completely prostrated and mffering great pain while in this state af riendrefommended me totry a botlle of nor hrop dlymans vegetable discovery 1 1 sed one bottle and the per manent maune in wheh it has cured and made a new mm of me is tuch that i cannot withhold from be proprietor thit expres sion of my gratitude i 1 1 i japanese children are taught to write with both bancs bei tored to health i djua bret for yean i was troubled with indigestion but being advised to try bb b i did so and find myself quite re stored to bealtl howard shliva ugr sillivtn firm dunbtr ont weather wend and womens minds change like the moon j canada is belt g congratulated every where on the excellei cea of her manufactures art stained glut it prominently in the front rank of he improvements thanks to uccautlaod son of toronto who for 0 yean have laxired not onlyto accumu late money bot to mike stained and orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion i notwithstanding the i snowballs are plentiful act that it is lent ulves stfttgtb ai d appetite jdrir sirs l ist yeai i was very thin and reduoiog very fist owing to the bid stateof my blool and sppetite av friend of jmine induced ne to get a bottle of b b bl which i did i obtained immediate perceptible relief frorrt is have gained strength and apietite aed now weigh 103 po indt u t alrhniy dorcnetter bridge i qaebec qae 6in fiiocisco is boastinii two highway lady robbera ot everi chicago will try to beat th record j cunrlluptionjccred j it throat and lung and ridica core all nervous com ed it wonderful sdi of case has known to alt hi an old pbysioian retired firom practice having had placed in hit hands by an east indit mitsiontrj the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent core of consumption bronchitis catarrh atthmi and all affection alto a botitive for nervoa debility and plaint after ha ing tet curative power i t thotti fell tt hi duty to ntke snfffring fellow acuttkl hy this motive anda detira tore teve1inmati jtufferiug i willaend free of cl iris tc j who detire it thit freuthor englih with full dlreetii u tor preparing and bting sent by nail by tddreating with ttarrip ntming thta paper w a norn 6d powejia bioekj rochei ter n y a diffefenoe betieen a klnifebltde loting it temper and a v nnan ja that the former become duller and the latter mare catting beware of cholera the hetltby body throws off the germs of cholera therefore wisdom ooonteli the nte of burdock blook bitten thli spring to purify tbe blood regulate tbe ayttem and fortify the body against cholert or other epidemics the milittry prisoner make his escape in an unguarded moment if you want to buy or tell a farm a d rertite in tbe toronto wcthly hail that paper reaohe 100000 farmert home every week tnd yonr advertisement should meet the eye of someone who want to pur chase advertisements of thit claa tra n- terted in the toronto ifeetfy uau for five cent a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertion address the mail toronto canada it it very convenient for a rapid writer to have a good train of thought no remedy cores cough coldi croop hoarteuees asthma bronchitis son throat etc 10 wellai dr woodf norway syrup j a fallen star a dismissed polioemtn qul pure l powderedts lye purest 8tronoe8t best bmdrlorimlsmrrontirrfarm1nr beast fefteataewicardtinfctlnffirdaaujiandouiaf oaea aeaikiqaaiiniiuunojsaigod i uu r alt or- inl dmwt4 i s x ort ramaje coquetry to worn n thera if an inexpreasibla fuoination n bias dallitnoe with danger thit comprc nite between love and coquetry tt their o it excitement and it a worth to thtm all he thoaiand othera hat terra to relieve r mora ottento dutrtat the dalluettof heir lords and mutert they are content o b whirled oat of their own thought ii that pleasing vortex it eddying rs ildity i o deghtfalit attraction as gently powerful it mrfaee op to the ve y edge to smooth tnd glassy til la charming till the lait fatal plunge it self when tl tbysc ft opened to ita victim and then clc tei upon her forever coat of b iard at tha worlds fair there are amy people who would like vitit the wo id fairtheooming tammer but are belt g deterred from making np their mlnda o uka the trip by the state ments mads it what the cost of living will be la ohiceg 3 daring tbe eoatiaatnea of the fair referring to thl the chlcgo inter ocean itya it will be very euy for a rich visitor 1 1 ipend 125 or 150 per day tnd it will i s quite as eaty foe an econo mist to find 1 oomi at the rate of 1250 per week tnd to eed himself for 75 cents per day ch buy me cheap did i dear idren half prloa say mam na yon know you taid youd ittle titter when they got well a plain statement higyardt pectoral balsam ouret ooughi colds asthma hoarseness bronchitit tight ness of the chest and all disease of the throat and lungs price 25o there is no help for the woman who cant get a bervaut free and eaty expectoration immediately relieve tnd frees the throat and iungi from viscid phlegm and a medicine that promotes this is the best medicine to use for couebs colds inflamation of the lungs and all affections of the tbroat and chest this is precisely whtt bicklei anti-con- aumptive syrup is a specific for and when ever used it has given unbounded satisfac tion children like it because it is pleas ant adult like it because it relieves and cnrei the disease bicx calls his doctor his biographer for the re6on that he is at work npn his life a cure for croup croup kills thousands where cholera kills tens for this dread disease no rem edy can compare in curative power with htgyardi yellow oil it loosent the phlegm glvetprompt relief and completely caret tbe most violent attack tbe man who aspiree to make a luccets ful pickpocket should ttudy freehand drawing there ii danger in neglecting a cold uany who have died of consumption dated their troubles from exposure followed by a oold which settled on their iungi tnd in a short time they were biiyond the skill of the bett phyticitn hid they nted bickles anti- consumptive syrup before it waa too ate their lives would have been tpared tbit medicine has no equal for curing colds coughs and all affections of the throat and lungs women are generally tenderhearted but it is not uncommon for them to engage in crewel work well net your chance to get one for halfprice howt0 get asunl1qht picture send 25 sunlight soap wrapper wrapper beating the wordi why does a woman look old sooner thtn a han to lever broi td scott st toronto and you will i eceive by pott a pretty pio tura free fro a advertising and well worth framing th ii tn easy wty to deoortto yonr home che soap is the bett in the market and it open write will cost lo postage to tend in the wrtpj ere if yoa letve the end your tddret carefully tbe grett r tults which have attended the regular us quinine wine by people of delicate cons itution tnd those effected with 1 general prostration of the system ipeak more th m all the wordi thtt we ctn sty in ita behlf thi artiols i a true medioine and a lifegiving principle t perfect renovt or of the while lyttem in vigorating tt t le time time both body tnd mind its me ileal propertie tn a febri fuge tonlo and antiperiodic small dote frequently repi ated strengthen the pulse create au app tite enable you to obtain refreshing tleej and to feel and know thtt every fibre am tissue of your system is being braced a 3d renovated in the fine quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman toronlo we have the exact to mo required and 1 0 person of weak and ner vous oonstitutii ni we would lay never be without a bottl 1 is tha houte it ia told by all druggist illustrious an ettry it a glorioia thing to have hut it woi t be taken a cecurity for a hot stew soap always on hand mr thoma h porter lower ireland p q write my eon 18 months old had croup so bad that nothing gave bim relief until a neighbor brought me some of dr thomat ecleotrio oil which i gave him and in tix hourt be was cured it is the beat medicine i ever uted and i would not be without a bottle of it irrmy house one reason why tome people belong lo a church it because they havent been put out yet there can be a difference ot opinion on most subjects but there it only one opinion aa to the reliability of afother grave worm exterminator it is tafe lure and effectual 1 the idea pf employing pretty women for bill collectors looks feasible but it would not work jtne debtor would all want them to call again scotts emulsiqii ofcodiircr oil tfld hypophorpliites is bqth 1 food and a remedy it it uteful u a fat producer and at the same time givea vital force to the body it isbeneffdal fa jonsumption because makes fat and gives strength it is beaefiail for 1 sickly children became tiey can attunilate tt when they cannit ordinary food it u beneficial for coughs and colds because it healt the irritation of the tbroat and builds up the body and crrercomesl the difficulty cf tmoitvbtwir of tabstltitta gsaalscfitfparwi of scott ilawbc iwirrillt sold b ill inauu tacsaailoq horeisweethomei brehtas a pin this is the state vkjhojsevhubew ffjfxt sismiktnrsoipn ereyc yzitment kitcmn uundnt mi household easy the washing love y the clothes tloors wce am clean swebtastherose twv lt 3lz the third ptg 1 of the toronto diuif hail is noted for want advertisement if yon want to bi y or sell anything if you want a situat on a mechanic a busi ness machinery odging if you have lost or ound anythini or if you want tafind out where anyone ii advertise in the to- ronto daily hau tnd read the advertise ment on the third page of that paper cents a word each in- tke hail toronto can- the charge is twi sertion addnt tdt a man alwaya himself well than are trying to ctrr ookt better who carries rben two or more f rienda him thorough dige tibility tnd nntritive value are two ttrot points in favor of mil- born cod liver il emulsion with wild cherry and hypdp lotpbite burdock pills gi e satisfaction wherever tried they cure onstipattoh sick head ache and bilioutne a kill the worms ot they will your child dr lows worm 6 rrap is the best worm killer the internal revi nae collection in the united state for tl first eight months of th fiscal year atno at to 1107820542 an increase over the at ne period latt year o over 17000000 men of 3usiness piso5 cure for the best cough medicine tomr mowim mrnrsm attajjihijfllifcjttt fj ifyo stnlths ifyo j want your blood purified and yoijr system invigoratettget a bottle bfj sivthf8 have our dunns baking powder thecopksbestfriend largest sale in canada wanted 5ound evtry otier of v kontexcovwu to know how i keep btituiniita good health while in the stable en dry ftxider dicks i1lood purifier u now recopiliefl u the be condition fovden ir t cooi appetite and jre- iecs the dificuloa othuu the foodiinsimllated and fonni lteh ihm uvinfraofb than it coitt it rcculates the bowclt tad klcher acd turn a rough coat into ft moctband gloiy ca sound honec tic 111 ra- in demand tndtt thii leawn when they tre t to flips and trnni hicks iilis- w ter will u found trffg slallc nceiiy liwill f ivjl owao remove a curb tpniln i splint or ihorotichpin or tny nretlin dkti unl ment cirra it rain or lamcnetttnd rfinove iafixsv maiion fion cms and bmie for sale by til dru pist iik hood purifier twc dkkblieri50c uicki niiiment 23c dicks ointneatxsc seatl l poiulctrd for full ptr- iculan t beetle tyf v juable uutchold and form recipes will e siut free dick co po dok w montreal guei railway time table p crarui trunk railway 00d0 s1st- bad koff a bottle of th cherry balsam pleasant- to takeand ciiresevery time lyfiiter flu d j for roughness of the skin chapped hands and to be used after shaving has no j equal prepared only by ra dispensing chemists no fat cattle 1893 vis tflop goods m von caaaod affar t to have yoor office scantily supplied i h stationery of an in ferior grade first mprettioct are strong and yonr bosioett a it bod t will ba jadged by yoar baitaeaa for oc when tha highest grade of printing car bafaadac sal low a price as the poorest rade yoa ihoald get the bett the fas pass job dept is filled with modern ft oilltiet for the highest elaaa of work cal write telephone or telegraph to tha aou a fair fbegs springs brings j new hopes new circumstances and new ideas it also brings spring fash ions in dress goods silks millinery manfles wraps para sols laces gloves hosiery corsets ladies underwear dress trimmings dress buttons and a large variety of other goods too numerous to mention to the mammoth house we have purchased largely and early this season in the above fancy goods and staples in anti cipation of a rise and all tbe goods are on the move up from 15 per cent to 25 per cent so really we can sell you goods all this season at about wholesale prices we never had larger cheaper or better dtocks of shirt ings cottons eottonades denims tickings towellings linens tab- lings than now i our prints are superb and are cheaper by 15 per cent than the wholesale price we havo a big stock of carpets id oilcloths cheap of variety of all kinde of goo ds is large with the latest novelties ladies and geufa footwear in immense variety and extraordin ary cheap i our millinery opening will be in tbe beginning of april dress utid niautlo making will ba up to the mark as usual our tailoring ttlid gents fur- uisbing departments nothing to beat thorn iu ontario we bav several leading lines of goods wo are slaughtering the public cauupt be served cneaper or better anywhere and they are cordially invited to in spect williiemcdeodco akohcretowk z wyndham st i from 50 1 1 to s650 per pair we nev f gave i such bargains tir lt f- lirt- jtr jhe tftries are too hard we nev to pass do y pri other de would yi ou want curtains ermyn is the place acuta west expwu- l 09 m lull 10 01 ua- kxprm- g pm mill 6 ffl pjn pwfpgw- t pm tpqor clottsaikma r qainjl wt 9 m vmuid y 0 pju gain but u is tlm to 5 io pun tbli unu ubl vent fflio clfect en dewmbajr ttii iaai exptei t 10 ijc pajismger 9 so um exnreis 11 os tjn mail 8 07pm lliiod 9 mpjn threwflway his crutches aptbr years of terrible sqfperikq an interestina history i- 14 tl tr j 50 iferent qualities all new desi had half the rmgebefore juch bargains bj do yoi want carpets and dilcloths jermyii8 is the place hei lps from 10 to 30c unions fr nt 75c jfo 125 and oilcloths cheaper than wheat no pla beat ourlpricls we buy cheap and sell do r b u vfaht window sh des jermvns is the place from 25c to 125 we show twice he variety of ers here and jit will pay ycu to compare prices like to save a 1- you can do it ns and ranging in price e in this county can close want curtain pol j i jermyi4s is the place it of a stack of curtain poles evsry color j t felt at 40 peirjyard s it 25c complete well if we cou itali as loud as our goods speak there would be sue yn qori mill and ifain streets ac1w theyre beaiities xheyre beauties theyre n velttes i theyre novelties they hemembe color amerpan fr at g cents a din in this town that 1 would be nowhere fire alarm teie lions reel statemeht of 8 wh hoiief for eight years i wis trooblei with a sore on my leg which resulted from nayisg it broken the doctort kept mo fa lid fire months trying to heal it np bni all to no parpoee i tried alleorta i t salves liniments ointmenfa pills and blood medicines bat with no benefit in- 1883 it became so bad that i had to sit ontona chair andlkeep my foot on an- otlier for fonr months i could not pat my foo onthe ground or the blood would rush out in ft stream and my leg swelled to twice u natural size eleven running sores dereloped on it which reduced me to a living skeleton i lost 70 lbs in four mouths eriends advised me to go to the hospitaji but i wouldnot fori know they wonld take mrleg off thedoctor then wanted to split it open and acropo the bone tut 1 was too weiik to stand the operation one old ladylssid it had jumed to black erytipelas andjcoald never be cured i had neter hoard 6 burdock blood bitters then but i road a minister bev mr stout who had been dared oio severe abscess on the fleck i by b33 after medical aid had foiled and i thought i would try it i watljbd the leg with the bitters and took item according to directions aiier usiagoe bottle i could tvalkon crutches after taking three i threw away the erritahes took a soytha and went to work lri tho field at the edo tio airthbovleri legwaentirelyhealednri piocecofipoj bone had worked out of it and the opnla ijamo back to their natural places eain thaf wasniae years ago and it jlias never broken out since i can walk five miles today as fast as anyone and all this i oweto b b b wlich oertainly saved my leg if not my life tcheerfuuyroommenqittoallbuffers giveb b ba triairfl willcure yoiaa it did me tours truly wir afckcs stmvcs p0 on hr f o sanderbon tho droggis of st staryt out certifies to tho en tir irutbiulness of the remarkable sta ton ent made by hr itckee and says thatsev rj hcr wonjcrful cares hivo boea raaij t in his district j- il r i 1 i n 4 1- toriti eplenditur uliatnwtl ko i mtta inanid be without ft vrmkir ear ilscki month4- a tint ilunn i couxauu 301 llnjaturartncorkc f l i oaviatt tiuoilmaiikat oi8k1n catint i eoprmohtt a fa- fnfonnaifoa and fre bsadbook writ to licvx a co an bnoanwatiisw ton otdut bartad tor sacorliia pateau in amr ra krerr patent lakes out bf tu is broofot btf r taepa4clranoucfitn treorebarrtb at tarsest itkrculttton of inr kientise uper n h b ibttulr ai nepoods them sqe them sep them they eap ttfeyre cheap aur iaat it beauties theyre novelties theyre cheap all in print at 7tcanta it yeari 12 cent ia be cleared oat d wi 5and7wrndi m strettgaelpbi iu ottrsla itro glmiaw k pants o order at 1360 liamson l cc fl win r i will b sold fifteen winter cii thint 0iixoipii oiot per ent reduction from our regular b ack wprtted guielph the balance of our stoc hall ckps knd- j upf dsrcj1g5th i ing at cost price for cash during february prices for shaw ft turner v- w fr i i l u xjatfttllltt rloobrttf lbcori ual 0slt ftftlwctorsibuluasof euctbic light ju0 i raramnou k to to ffihnjjtoe bt petermans roach not a s pouoh wi fnu to qkxroacher uo water 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