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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1893, p. 2

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n- harried llitondrronrit on wcdnptdiv u 3rd fit tin rcsiditice of tlie lirite falbcr liy tlie iter it iucmow ii a mr frtd itusloa of ge rtttown to mi hoisif prlorest dauglitcr fmilbtiim dtfnrcit mllttm died hkiuuwt in irin on tur1v may oth wiliiini msultirtv it liii wtli jcir- mrjtriicnt in gurljli ou monday mity ut douuld ucliurcliy egcd t5 ycn4 montlii ilfxr at fircm on wciicsdny 10th hay lolinmoore lirotlicrof the uto thorn moore kr ol acton in hii 3kh year watiirsat wftlkerlou on saturday april th itoliiua muriel younct daugbur o mr jtttnr warren c k ied 1 yew 6 luaiillianid 1g dyf clje rfott fttt rss esquesinctownskip council thursday may 11 1b93 notes and comments tlic german army bill was rejected on saturday in the reichstac by a vole o 210 to 102 the emperor immediately dissolv ed iarliameut end tbo new elections are ordered forjode loth there ia greatei citcment iu berlin over the refiult according to the recent census the nenv ber of frcnoh canadians in ontario is 101121 haldimand has 2d halton 29 hamilton 231 lincoln 75 london bg ottawa 12iic toronto 822 welland 40 and wentwortb 131 the proportion of french canadian to the total population of ontario is 46 the report of the ontario commission on municipal taxation has been bronghtdown it gives a treat deal of information regard ing the virions methods of taxation throughout the world bat doe not make any important recommendations the commissioners find that there are more ex- emptions in ontario than qaebec- a bill has passed the new york legisls- ture to stiffen the precautions against the introduction of cholera across the cana dian frontier the americana profess to believe that canada is not protecting her- self and consequently is in special danger this is wjmewhat a reflection on the washington authorities who after an in spection declared themselves well satisfied with canadas precautions it is reported that- cholera is travelling eastward as well as westward from india and has reached the malay peninsula and japan if this be troe both canada and the united states will have to sec that their ports on the pacific are as strictly quarantined as those on the atlantic the authorities at ottawa ought to take immediate proceedings to insure the effi ciency of their eyktem in british columbia while iu canada we have had a wet april with rather more ram than was convenient for the prosecution of farm work in england france and germany there ha been pronounced drought whose consequences threaten diiastcr in two months there has only been one alight 6hower in london or pari and green veg etables are at famine prices the grasr is withered and forest fires prevail in these countries the seed grain has not uprooted the bill to reduoejhe size of county councils was thrown out by the legisla ture the other day on the ground that there una no general demand for it and yet it was considered a good bill in inch large counties as 6imcoe middlesex and the united counties of leeds and grenville the couocils are most unwieldy bodies with jialf as many members as the legislature itself fewer men would do better work aud the saving- of mileage and indemnity- would be cuosideraje upon the defeat of the mirter bill in the legislature last week the government in troduced a meaaure for the parpose of taking a plebiscite of the people of this province on the question of prohibition at the municipal elections next january if the vote is favorable to its adoption and if the courts decide that it is within the ftower of the legislature to enforce it the governmentpromise that the voice of the people will be given effect by their xepre eentatives in the legislature over two hundred women waited on the ontario government last friday night and demanded the ballot for all women in parl iamentary elections and for married women as well si spinsters aud widows in rnunicipnl election premier mowat frankly acknowledged that he sympathized with the cause uot 60 much beciose the votes of women would leadtio specific legis lation on such questions as that of the liquor traffic as because their votes would improve the tone of public life he hoped the time was not far distant when their desirea might be accomplished a novel kind of swindle was practioed in a german town the other day a man stragling along nudcr a heavy burden sud denly tumbled and crashed through a plate glass store window the proprietor ol the store demanded payment the porter said he had uo money passersby advised that ho be searched a thousand mark dote as found on him which ha said belonged to hs employers the storekeeper how eveai deduced a hundred marks for the value of his w and banded nine hun dred marks change to the porter who went away swearing and protesting a little later the storekeeper discovered that the thousand mark note was spurious prosperity in jerusalem the price of land about jerusalem is something surprising when we consider tliattbc place line almost no manufactures very little foreign commerce and that the city contains a multitude of poor people two acres that were sold in 1690 for 250 ixr acre aoldm 1891 for 750 12 acres i id in iwofor 8135 per acre sold in 1892 fr 82l7j 7locrcs sold in 1880 for 363 per acre fcold ki 1892 for 51334 2 acres old in lssii for s1200 pcr cre sold in 1ki2 for vtotxi half nn acre sold in 1b81 for 200 ijll in 1k92 for 1700 that ia for the half n ere one tcrc sol j in 1872 for 40 sold iu 2for 12000 twothirds of an acre sold in luce a ml io j for mom one acre told in 180fi for 1000 sold in 1kp1 for 21000 these ore not in one bictionor locality ijjt in different direc tion about the city varying from one fourth of a mile to one mile distant from the town- svnlwrs jwi i algonquin national prffk another ny miracle the absesment roll returnad and the court of revision fixad for 29th may council met purtraant to adjournment mcmben all present reeve in the chair moved by mr warren seconded by mr vriejesworth that thetretisarerbcfcudho ib hereby authorised io loan to the trus tee of school section number fourteen the sum of one hundred dollars for seven months at the rate of bix per cent per annum carried moved by mr warren seconded by mr wriggles worth that mcscra lawtop and 6teart be appointed a committeovto get the necessary repair done on the third line lots one and two carried moved by mr lawson seconded by mr stewart that the treasurer be authorized to jiiy donald mckay tro dollars for turn ing watcr off roadway oo lot 27 con 8 moved by mr warren seconded by mr stewart that mr wriggles worth aid the mover be ft committee to get the ditch opened and the culvert repaired on the ith line lot 21 also to get the brushwood cut on the cross road 22 and 23 in the swamp in the 5th con carried mored by mr stewart 6bconded by mr wrififilei worth that messrs warren and lawson be a committee to have the necess ary improvement made opposite lot 22 on the 3rd line carried moved by mr lawson seconded by mr stewart that the clerk be authorized to purchase six road scrapers for the use of the township thrss fromthos thompson and three from james bell carried moved by mr lawson seconded by mr stewart that the treasurer pay to r d warren the sum of eight dollars and mventyfivo cents for printing bylaws and posters carried moved by mr w seconded by mr stewart that the following road and bridge committees be appointed viz or the territory on and east of the 7th line the reeve and mr lawson for the part west of the 7th line messru stewart wrigglesworth and warrenthat it shall be the duly of all committees to report all contracts made and all workordered by them to each meeting of the council that this arrangement shall apply to general repairs and improvements that the conn cil notwithstanding the aboveappotntments mayatithorizs pedal committees in special cases carried i moved by mr lawson seconded by m vriggleswortbthat when thiscoudcal ad journ it stand adjourned until monday the 2jth day of may and then meet ai a court of revwion and for other business and that the clerk advertise the court as the law directs in the georgetown herald and actoo frtefc piilfss carried moved by mr stewart seconded by mr lawson that the clerk bo authorized to advertise for tenders for the printing the itiinutes voters lists and the financial statement for the year 18i3 and that the lowest tender ehall not necessarily be accep ted ca rried council adjourned a remarkable affidavit made bv a wellknown business man afflicted with locomotor ataxia for fifteen yearsdid not walk step tor five yearswas qvan up by the leading physicians of new j york city and discharged from j the manhattan hospital as incurablehls narvellous re covery in detail talk of the day torontos civic holiday has been fixed for august 24 during last month 12g0 imcnigractt ar rived at winnipeg no smoking is allowed wihin the build itigt d the worlds fair mr gladstone has offered tbe position of ripet laureate to john ruekin thomas prudbomme a clerk in w a murray cod store toroito dropped deud tuesday ii h warner of warners 6fe cure fame has made a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors hi as monilawi tgej 21 of kincardine township near tiverton committed soi- cide on sunday by taking a dose of stry chnine mr charles g king of wellesley fitreet toronto bus lost three children during the past few daye from diphtheria aud a fourth is lying ill jas ctthill who had presided over tbe police court at hamilton as magistrate for the past 33 years died friday morning aged 81 years at gait on tuesday a man was sued d for cruelty to some calveb he had mere ly tied the animals legs together and has decided to appeal the betrothal of the duke of york and princasbmay of teck was celebrated with a family dinner at bulkingham palace tuesday eve mug the date of entry for horses and cattle at the worldvfair has been changed from june 15 to july 15 and for sheep from july 1 to august 1 at hamilton on monday david mclean fell upon a pane of glas which cut bqch a severe gash in his thigh that he soon died from the loss of blood tbo ratbbuu cumpauy of deseronto has received an order for 5000 doors from england and shipments are frequently made to africa and australia there was great repiciug on the part of the mtanbers cf the ooard of regents of victoria college toronto on thursday that the building bow completed and cost ing 222000 is absolutely free of debt attempted murder near glenmorrjs the optarlo park will embraoe 1300 t square miles tiuuxro may 10 mr hardys bill re- sptttiugtlic establishment of the algon- jiiio naional turk was considered in par- lianuitycster jay the park svill inclode mine 1300 square milw embmcini tba territory lying near and enclosing the head waters of the mukoka madawaska am w du foa i pefetraw and south rivers and will extend over ltf townships of the strict of nipiaing th territory will bo q as a pablic pnrk and fortst reservation fish iad game present health rmrt aotl ptettsare ground giat ont may 8 thos sallivan a hirwtman working on the farm of r p irviog about two miles from glenmorris made murderous attack upon hit wife with a razor yesterday afternoon cutting her on the face neck and hands in beverat placs they were alone in the field at the time aid had it not boon for her cries which brought neighboring farmer tber assictanocj mrs sullivan would have been killed a doctor pro dou need the wounds very dangerous but not likely to prove fatal sullivan who is wellknown around gait and glenmorris and whohas the reputation of being a quiet and harmless fellow was arrested and taken before justices miller and fleming wbo committed him to await further developments it appears sullivan aud his wife quarrelled and separated mrs sullivan going to sarnia to live it is said with another man sending threo children to the hon of refuge lately sullivan who cannot read orrwrite got a friend to writek lus wife askieg her to come bicfc as ha hadj5w5 togivcw to erect a tomb stone over a childs grave sho camo and the assault followed shot at by a boy brockviuk may s at the tillage of landonio last night a young lad named poalho aced 1g got into an nllercation with tiis grandmother 4ie toted so bcrfly that t neighbor nrie rrarlfey wm called npou to interfere on behalf of the kged woman cottello rejected this interfer eaoa nd securing a revolver fired tlirw shots at bradley fortunately none of the shots took effect u w arrested uiiwnis uafmutfarbheaiuautti i i from the kef york tribune for some time there has been an increas ing number ot stories pablishei ia the newspsfdrs of new y city telling of msrvellocs cures of virions duesks so remarkable are many of the stories ia their nature that much doabt has been aroused in the minds of the muces si to their authenticity if they are true iu detail surely the occupation of the physician is gone and there is do reason why anyone eboad die of anything but old age if they are not true it would be interesting to know how such testimonials and statements are obtained the first question that arises if are there any such persons if so were they really cored as stated or are they- liberally paid or the use of their names the latter explanation is the one that no doubt suggests itself to the average think ing newspaper reader and not without reuou it has long been the inteution of the tribant to investigate one of the most in teresting cases that coald be found and give tbe rath to the world as matter of news ah especially good opportunity for investigation offered itself in tba shape of tbe following letter which came into ths hands of a reporter from a most reliable soarca i february 23d 1803 gnxtxiikex i fee it my duty to inform you what dr williams pink pills for pale people birb done for me i hare been cursed with loconiofcor ataxia for fifteen years and have boea unable to walk without aatisttnoe for five years i wis turned away front tbe uaobattan hospital kprtyflrst street and park avenue by dr 8tvulu as incurable and told i was lu tbe list stages of tbe dlsetue i have been using tbo pills with water treatment since september last and been improving slnco about november 1st i cm now go up and down stain with tbe assis tance of my wife which is tome thins 1 have not been ablo to do for tbe past three years uy pains have decreased so i may now say they aro bearable abd i expect by fall to be able to at- tcdd tobuaacsi yours geo lhohuedieu hecy uarcbal smith piano co nesldence 271 w 13ith st now york city when tbo reporter called on mr george lhommedieu at tbe reside nee of his cousii mr edward houghtaling 271 w 181th street he found him resting on his bed be bad just finished some writing for the marchal smith piano company with whom he has been connected as secretary for ten years he met the reporter with a hearty greeting and a grip of the hand that certainly did uot show any signs of weak ness or loss of power to look at him no one would suppose that he had been afflict ed for fifteen years with ouo of the most terrible diseases known to medical science and pronounced incurable by some of the best known physicians of new york city he expressed his careful willingoesstogivs a statement of bis case for publication in fact said mr lhommedied i feel it my duty to give my experience to orld for the benefit of my fellow men and tjl those who may be suffering with tbe same affliction many of whom no doubt have long ago abandoned all bopfts of ever being relieved i am 51 years of age and was born in hudson n y i served my tims in the army being corporal of company a 21st n j voluuteers and i believe the expos ure of army life was the seed from which has bprnng all my sufferings it has been about fifteen years since i noticed the first symptoms of my disease the troable be gan with pains in my stomach for which i could find no relief i consulted dr allen of yorkville and also or pratt since deceased and with remarkable anan imity they pronounced it smokers dyspep sia this eccmed probable for at that time i was a great smoker tbe pains however gradually became more severe and began to extend to my limbs the attacks came on at intervals of about a month aud while the paroxysms lasted i was in almost iuoredible misery i did not leave a single stone unturned in my eearcli for relief but grasped at every straw finally i was sd viced by dr gill to go to the wellknown specialist dr uamiltsq he gave me a most thorough examination having me stripped for a fall half hour aud told me he could find no trace of any disease excepting one nerve of the eye a yeavlater my friend told me that dr hamilton privately said that i had a very grave disease of the brain my condition continaed to grow more critical and i was barely able to walk when i went to the manhattan hospital at 41st and park avenue i continued treatment there for six or eight months onder dr seguifl who treated me chiefly with injec tions here mr lhommedieu pulled up bis tronser leg and showed the reporter tbe scars of innumerable punctures continu ing he esid i must confess t felt relief for the tims being and gained same hope argent buti- ness matters however compelled me to give up the hospital treatment and it was but a short time until i was as bad as ever from this oo i grew rapidly worse the pains were more intense my legs were numb and i felt i was crowing weaker every day i returned to the hospital and this time was under traatmeut by dr seguin he treated me tor about three months and the o for the first time i was told that i had locomoter ataxia and was beyond the aid of raedioal science dr seguin also told my wife tnt there was no hope for me in tlie world and to expect my death at any time i was now com plete physical wreck all power feeling and color had left my legs and it was im possible for mo to feel the most severs piucb or even the tbrast of needle if my skin was scratched there would be no flow of blood whatever and it would take it fally six weeks to heal op io the night i would have fo feel around to find my lege my piins were excruciating and at times almost unbearable i would take large doses of morphine to deaden the pains and be nearly dead ths next day from its effects aboat flvp years ago i learned that dr cicot of paris claimed to have di covered relief fur locomotor ataxia in botpcndiog the body by the neck the object being to tretah the spine i wrote to dr lewis a sayrp of 23 5th areuae about the matter aud at hi request called to seo him hs wu so interested in my case that he made a machine or rather a harness for me fre of charge it was titled with pads aud straps to fit under the chin and at the b tck uf ilm neck and in this position i would rx impended from the floor twice a day altlrouiili i received no benefit from this trehtnient i miikii always feet grttefaljto dr syr fur hi crest interest add kindness i bo cte had my cm became by this uma that i eoald not walk without assistance tad was alruott resdrto rfm up my life i lia4 a great number cf friend krerorirestm la i f a air u and rtatr t raad anxtlilnj pettalu- ta locomotor ataxl tiuj wonm forward u torn i with th hope that it tonldojwa lha way itonlat- i i sj in tils raj that i lint issrned of or win smt jink h1u fbt fal peopla ifr a o jam iof ha wsuoirnfuoo aim ot jamas fc si utcrm os e list st arlth scbom i had nasi icsc conaaetloos read la ths aibanr jonr- nti 1 1 a cut ot locomotor ataxia that hail boas core bj pink pula iir tatnes showed ms the sut esqqs and orgad ma ia glto the pills s trial 1 cot teas e did not hars ths least faith in their efc cf bat anally consented to try them i sent a ths dr williams tfadiefna co for my first scnnlf in september last t took them rath r irregnlarlr at first with the cold water tres meat in s rerrlshort tfaioi wu ooa viae d that i wu getting better and t bagan ths ass t the pills in earnest taking aboat oae box eret firs dsyi j 1 je sign of fmpraremeat wu la karember wt when i had s rasa at blood to ths bead sad feet casing a stinging and pricking saosatioo feb ui 13 wu ths first tints in firs years had erer seen any sign of blood in my feet froi i this tints oa t begaa to laprots ly strfl igta and erpetlts hare gradually retarded x no r hare perfect control of my bowels and ths tains bars grsdoally left me caa sit sad writ by the boar and walk apstsirs by balancing myi slf with my hands without doabt i am a new man from ths groaod cp aad t bate every reai so to bellere that 1 will be hale and hearty in 1 as that sit months qeonat leokuedicu jxxl e lhokvdirc s ora to bsfore mo this elereuth day of its h 1633 el b tftxrilxj commlsaioaer of dods i eul new york city ny oao having heard hr lhommo die is narrttlto oodd not for a moment do bc its entire trathf alnesc bat sach re- mi rtibld ttacy h likely to b doabted by ta pqcsl pablic tndu sfifegaird tintt itn ihtdow of doabt a notify public wi s called is and both mr and lire xv oommedien mtdei tffidivits to the tralh of the itttemeat still greater force is added to the story bj tbe fact that ifr lhommediea is w dely known in batineu circles hit long oo inaction with ths wellknown piano firm of iltrcbal smith 23 e21it street bis bt inght blm in toaeb witb some of tbe be t known batineu men ia new york tod ot ler large cities and hii case has created wi ie- spread interest he reporter neit called on ur robert w smith a member of tbo firm of afar- ch j smith ifr smith wu found at hla de k bmlly engaged bat when the reporter ra ntioned mr lhommedieai name and sti ted tbe nature of hit call sir smith cb erfnlly gave the following iaformatlon wi b bat littloqneitionioc aa tbe put of tb i reporter 1 bare known if r qsorge letommodleu lor tw nty years and always foand him a most est mabls gentleman a baslneu man of great en rgy he became eodnected with oar firm u sec retary la ljm and attended strictly to his ofifce duties until 18s1 do rn with bis trouble when be wu stricken 1 distinctly recall the da when he wu taken with his first spasm and bad to send him to sis home la a carriage ct n when be lost control ot bis legs so great wa bis interest business aflairs that ho wo ild drlre to tbe office and direct tbe work ho ha in charge as the ifcaxe adranced he wu obi god to succumb andl reluctantly gare up his offi work from that time on his sufferings we e almost incredible find yet so great wu his foi itude that he bore them without a murmur i k iow that be tried parlous physicians and the rtreatmenta without the leut success and be tste that be wu dually discharged from the lianbattan hospital and told that be wu in t jekut stages of locomoter ataria and wu be nd tbe hope of human aid about six mo itbs ego or so be was advised by ur james tot y dr willams pink pills for pale people wit i the cold water treatment he commenced tot ke pink pills about september last though not regularly for like myself he had very little fait i in proprietary medicines and wu very see tical about their merit bo great wu bis imi rovement that be was entirely converted and commenced to take tbo pills u directed tba lut time essw ifr lhommedieu he bad gait sd the ase of bis limbs to each an extent thai be could walk up ebtirs with the help of his wife and is now doing niuch important warkfor us a bla home iiobt w surra ei orn to and subscribed before me this blei 3nth day of uarcb 1s33 ecai i wh woophdll jsotsry public new vork county vi ben uked to make tfiidarit to the stor i he cmiled bat expressed hit perfect will ngness to do so it it would indace any pool i offerer to follow the tame road that lead ur jjhommediea to relief after teen ing tbe affidavit of mr smith tbe re- port r called on ifr a o james wbo has omc s end waretoomsin tbe same building ur fames has koowcj hr lhommediea for i tiamber of years aod was able to verii y ail the above fact j he last time f saw ifr lhommediea whio was two months ago said mr jam a be was able to walk with his wife i assistance this i consider re- marl able for i remember when be bad to be carried from one cnair to another 1 i wa i one of those who helped to auspend him vilh the arrangement made by dr sayi land i never knew anyone to suffer more than be did at that time i under atani that hr lhoxnmejdieu has taken notb ng but dr williams fink fills since lut i eptember he has improved rapidly since he oomminoejd their aie and i be lieve hii condition ll due to their good qaali iies i st i oo investigation bent the reporter inter riewed one of the leading wholesale drag lesleri in new york city and elicited the ollowing facts about dr williams pink pilli cor pale people they are mani factored by th tbe dr williams hsdilce co of brockvills ont and 8che iectdy ny a firm of aaqneationed relil ility pink fill are not looked npoa is a latent medicine but rather as a pre- scrip ion an analysis of their properties show that they coot tin in a condensed form til ths element necessary to give new 1 h and richness to the blood and re store shattered ncrrei they are an on- faillo specific foe etch diseases a loco- moto ttsila partial paralysis st vital dana sciatica netjralgic rheumatism aervcit headache the after effects of la gripp palpitation of the heart pale and satloi compiexioni and tbe tired feeling resnli ing from nervpas prottrttlon all dltec es depending opera vital bamort in tbe b oodsacb asicrpfals chronic jrjtipe- eta they re also a apeeiuo troubles peculiar to females as suppressions irregularities and rms of weakness they baild ap blood and restore the glow of hesltli topteandtsllow cheeks in case caf me i they effect a radical care la til trising from mental worry and- over of whatever niture pit x pills are told iu boxes never in loose orm bytbedoten or hundred aad tbe p blic is cautioned against nomerocs imita ions sold in this ahape at 50 cents or six bores for 4250 and may be had o all drergiats tr direct by mall from dr illtsmi ifedjiclae company from addre the price at rhicn pills are toloj makes a coarse of trectt iekt compsrsxiveiy inexpensive as camp red with othejr remedies cc medical trestt tent las for sach all f the cues srack eithet these wuo thai killini octob judge b irka ne wilson sentenced than lay at the if losw on ifsjy cbarketnd wilson ere convicts of manslaughter on ddlesex acaizet for ths of detecti ve harry ehair on cth 18m were broaght before street this morning and received a sentec m of twelve years escb in klncsloa peniu aliary with i hs indiffsrence which chara terired theco apoa the day ot their trial the worlds fair the world fall descriplio i meats of the w faicnamberof tht companim jnl received is in evuryy a magnificent i iiasr worthy obm rilntion to the coiamiiin yr sndllhe has- leeoi- it ill of 7 different depart- iair alto important diree- rosfts tions showing worlaa fair hsw to set the fair and vfhat to see ea sh da its illastrsjlons are saburb no lei t than thirfeeu fdu psgef devoted to ph tograpbio viewa of those no- eqrel ballings which mik up the white city it hs strikioglyj heaali fal cover lil logtspbed in teai colors with tbe front ipfeoe ihowing the admin- istrstion bail ing the lagoon itj gonolas and one of its nameroat bridges end the electrical fot ntain the whole cssae hh thirtyiix p e and more than sixty illastratlons nd is highly artiitii it is eertiinly wit lbat a rival among the itsaes all the old sabscri bers to tlie c mpanws will receive it free and my new aubacribertfeceived with 175 for a yes rs tabscription will also ob tain a copyw its tbe edition lutsj seven handred thbai and copies hsrve been print ed bat are not likely to be sufficient foe the demand 8in ia numbers may be pbtsined by sending ten cents to fte touts com pinion bostoi slats or of any news dealer automatic telephone system ae the pnbli i seem particularly interest edjnit now oa tho tabject cf antomitio telephone 8y temi the bell telephone company will t- np a sample oatfit of its own automate system for towns and villages in tort nto next week where it can be teen and ar ungements made far par- chase by anyoi e desiring to use it this is not the same as tho companys ware- home setts be t a regular aatomatio tele phone system both the mi sytnpofhgjistekan andtetteatiir gerttlyyet li inly fevers pleajigto olhe taxi iveir and tern effecta aches and comtipatioi only repied r duced plea ceptabls io itaictioaa effects pre healthy am manyexcel to all and popular syrnpof bottles by any reliable have it on promptly to try it 1 cauforn a jat thad and teeaus when his taken it is pleasant ug to tho taateanrl acta iomptlyoathekieyb owekt cleanses tha sya dispels colds head- rs and cores habitual syrup of figs is ths of its kind ever pro to thotaatoanaac- frtomachroraptin truly beneficial in its aionly from thamost igreeabfe substandes its ntqualitiescammendit javo mado it ths most dy known j igs is for sale in 753 tlf leading druggists druggist who may not hana will procure it any onet wlio wishet actmed only by tha fig syrop csa rascikclt sew y02i er r fern tdy for ma laifcctured zt 9kjov c plying ttp great stock still remain business fittf labtttiamts ajtxricairl wl papers aad borders new aad artistic desigrvsat the diag store- 1 7 m- j see our sarnpies and get our prices before- any line isjisoid out jr- collie ipoalosr tlsalfs jaustgo at any thousands of bargains this sale cannot last forever but while it does last yoti can buy a good union carpet for 35c worth 50 othtir carpets will go below cost you can have curtains belov cost you can buy floor oilcloth- english makeat 34c 45c is a comraotv price for canadianmade lay is dangerous- 12 doz 20c lisle gloves will go quick at 10c 15 dozblack silk gloves great value at 33c 20 cents will buy them now 250 parasols any color at 75 cents on the ifljse advantage oftliisqreat saofifice sale r 5 doz ladies blouses just into besoldat a loss 10 dciz leather belts canbe had at cost rooo dor buttpns for 8c regular price 12j and 15 cents 5600 yds silk braid for ic per yard 10 doz corsets at cost watch for new list next week j my tl fnj must go cash or trade no credit ib j erm n cor mill and ifain streets acton auld j r lawn moisrer eigli wiieelhigli speed unexcslled in design qualify of hater- ial and workmanship durabil ity esse of operation and cleanness of cat uakufactotedbt tfe gowdy mfg co 1 1 r hl ex2flright kcents kcto drejsscqqd tlio fact that 11 stock of dressjafatepi good value nir doei desirable combination a stndy of buying as and thought lagettin makes and shades in is liko a dress goods other in quick succcl majority of which yo as to mako or tints ressesyoa mosji forcibly in idspeictinffour mt tail merely ftiow price doesnt imply cais qualitjv of itself alone but the f these fcwo mark the house that lids made as selling we have spent much time dgether a satisfactory stock of the newest ess qoops produced every day these days lemng iere tho new fancies follow each ibnan4 tve place before you goods the elsewhere uix i it is knpwn throuj tho seasons novelties r the collection didnt h under management wi of other ho uses in this boring is that inbuytnj the smallest protof a carpets or house farnj it is time too for j show you ad extensive r hard cash to deal with j succeed in getting either pets g out this cityand district that the cream of carpotslis to be found in ourjuarpetrobm pen there by chiacc this department is qualifieil to keep it a step or two ahead ne ar d another point well worth rerajem- your oiirpets here at day time you face weido not do things by halves in store tings iicloths nge at iad linoleums of which we can ill prices- we make it payyott in b only one price remernherwhen bi ying quality and price j i j spring tine is earth eady garb those here near the is getting for its new a hint for who dwell house0deah 3 ir now will to many wants carpets and oilcloths fi windows snd hundreds ysn 5t cp shoes that we can do well for yt hand and moving days not far a ay busy dajs they wiil bsjjjfoc hejasel eepers sad many chsnges heceait iral mi far the home will bi needed knr new cat tains and draperies lor i he other wa its before bonsecleaning days sre ov r j ier v prtc as within the react of f 1 carpets and floor coveriagtembrace john cr ley k sons jsmoas make which we have the exc ire sale iu t brussels noqaettes prices hugs ifoqoetoe crumb i e citr- shown in wiltons axminai aid tspesirv a fall assortment vool and union carpetf all at popa cloti es aid crumb cloths smyrna dsghest nd kyber the newest ideal in w i ouvclo m sad liaoleum eugiiih american a canadian teltems also plain and patterned or csrpet and the never wear oat fluoleam gee juit the oof reot flooir coveting or offloes oaepe 8 at reduced prices to be had in 13 tin snd tapes uudec naotv tui regal tr ry some very desirable patterns mail tr price also a large lot g good re mile for bedrooms wei hive to abf y the goods seel some hamilton in addition many hoaae that will be better apprecb than by a description here of them lu lbs hughson street window rarnisblog 0 stevf by setli if y lib 1893 c wt h a both now is the wiadow shades and on exhibition the- largest and most complete stock ofjcarpets and- flouse-fur- nishings ever displayed uiiie to buy eornice prjlibotniidg you in laos aod fringed ssssortrnentofoqrufn poles entirelydifferent to sbosryoa in lewsmtod frinrad windowiblinds a full jsrtmmtoqrun px it popuur prices f u ro n ake ydiir i 1 i l lace curtains and aasb otulruh fit notliogntm lsoe oajtalni in ohfrm ni vsrietv n pattekn also btsh cnrfatfa twjsgska portiebi gurtaihs wn in the largeit ameriesn idas dd cotefngs th styles sre srtutjo in design surf the ooleringfio besafifal in effect thit mltta well also fnralknre coverinm la vsrletv some at greatly rednoed pfior- t m fringes snd certain holdersbsautlfui swle- itt fringe soluble for drtbb and fsnetwork atm sssh snd otirtsfa holders noticeis feet fro- entrance to tbe risbtho snd hugbson streets huhionstreetthonly hoase is on tbecorder hkiof i 1 4 a black snd tan cbilis dos short tsti answers to lha name i of bamet information that will lead to us recjterr ul be suitably re warded edmoatorf p 0 n notice otlci is hereby siveh that i will not 1 ksnonaibls tori debts contracted by ar wife or ismflrort other trouble whatsoever afar this dste dated at acton tbif sw day of hay 1ss3 trespassers take notice rs undersigned hereby give noues last after this dsts say person orpersons found ireanassinron their premises easf and west lot eons v nsbingbhootingbrrrv jidtlni ot faanyotlierwaywmbspraseeatedixotdiiigu acton stay i msj i joseph sa8bt wmdbohti driyinff oiitflt for sale tete uodersirnedas for isle r arstelass driver six resrrtid ood topny euttsr robes and barnea all in cood eondttion vvh bbmstbsjtt aoton 1 f fausi for sale i the uodersuned dealrss to rjnt or sell the fsrm nbi lot m oen i esouselnj nssr aetounltt acres full particulars will be fliea open epptieatioalo viraicx1jmx or m ittskw lxs bcfkwood fluelph ktiney to loan fawcor vulsie property at reasonsble rates town hall acton townshrp of esqueslng k t- notice is hereby given thaf tbelsrst sitting of court of bevisein for the townablil emuestnc fot the year ims wh be held at tn couucu chamber n tbo ylllege of btewarttowu on ttoaiir be j a t 9j at ten oclock sjn andtbst the time for making appeals tin eiptrelhe ktudayof ilay ahkexsedr esquesing kay itb lato clerk public healths s i- i kl m notice is herebv riven thstsll residents of acton are required forthwith to clean their elara drains yards pig styes water closets and other outbaildlntts and premises aod re move therefrom all dirt flltb manure or other sabstsnee which msyendsnger tbe public heal la and to bsretba seme completed at latsst by the uth day of marnestron wblcb day the banltaxylnrpeetotwilieommsnmacenerann- ipection and further teste notice last tbe lection of tbe psburbesltti act prohibiting ths is between tho 13th hay and tho ier ejoept in pens at least 10 fee from any dwelllns house aaelfio feet fromsny jreepinsotboss 1st of n orem ber escspt in street ot lane with the soon kept tree from stsndlnrwsterandrrsiilartrcleansed and dis- iafeoted will be strictlr enforcsd in view cf tbe fact that cholera is ukely te vfait this continent this summer all residents era earnestly requested to shpthetsjatwsmisss constsntlt clssn- and thorousnly ulaliitsetsd i wb kefxet chairman board ot health acton april mlb lesijj 1 i k pil i framed size 14x17 colored or crayon tints and one d0z6n i ohbilnfets pi for this isonyor a limited fashionable end 99wpbr nohkistrbbrr spi m overcoating 5 and pantings beiutiluj designs r new spring hats new gents furnishings newandlesding styles ty ouruouondtiect surt st wo my specialiperfect fit- ting pafntsjftq order 400 t nelson uerebant tailor and gentsipumisbcr 99 tjpper wyndlismet onelph ivobt oak antstr onyi 8teelengeaving8- awnsts mjltbriai8 xnbtorraeoapl j tcopoebrinwni ii oni wtulijpipert i dtobeu ateb8be0s bt otpaoitb bqtjmai otntlpa- iswatas mr i 1 m 1 i u

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