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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1893, p. 3

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bank hab omce hamilton ealoltok ajktxfcxd s0wx h s 8tsvkn atrrcarma towbdtt cixtnco urair q holes a t wood a aits georgetown agekct luiiuss- advances mad snail thrstxp et q ritam and uvqcafrspirtugnt tsssffliy rf rs lid in- rmsiiwai d w epecial deposits notice or wfthtwawtj required v juroyaodt the methodist church acton re v joseph edcje pastor fartocaeboweravnue lulllosrtlcsloathtnd6kjun stroday tchoolto blulecimconduitedbytbe pastor allcordislly invited i btrtcfsrt and visitors always weleotn at- eatlv a ushers it the door headquarter for window shades curtain poles wall papers spring rollers youll want some this spring call in arid see our stock prices as low as the lowest geo hynds acton oat mt 2utatt free flrjess thursday may 11 im f- little local brieflets which 6aujjht tha eyes or er of fres press reporters this week division court today council meeting cert monday evepinc the 20th but roel to be iron on he 13th june the due spring weather this week has been much enjoyed the station hotel hat been leased by a mr hamilton of gaelph etquesing court of revision will be freld ou monday 2flth may the waterloo lowo councirhas grant ed 550 to the musical riociely the new school bell lite arrived and will be placed in position today a new time table wilt o into effect on the g t rabout the end of the month the gueipb council at the last meet ing struck the rate for tares at 25 mi the workmen are engaged at the fouuda- tioo of conncillora uavajle new shop od mill street i mr jackson worthington of camp- bellville hu been gazetted bailiff of the fifth division court of the county the programme is oat for ibe tpwn- ship sunday school convention to be held at ballinafad on friday 2gh inst i hr george elliott exmayor of gaelph died ou tuesday at washington d c where had been spending the winter for ms health t i yoa male clesn streets impossible whep you drop a bit of paper in thjs streets wbeh you throw a newspaper in the street when you drop fruit peel pn the pavement when yon sweep rubbish from storerhome or sidewalk into the streets the law requires thit a bicycle befiiven half the road at hamilton a short time- ago a farmer named cbeoier wa fined 25 and coats for failing to give way and run- uing over mr cuttrii of the hamilton bicycle club mr william hemstreet who has acted a agent for the fleury manufacturingca of aororsfor tlie put tweatytwoyeart was very kindly remembered by that firm last week and received per express a splen did silk hat as a birthday present the anniversary tea in connection with knox church od monday evening rev b p mckay will deliver his pooalar lecture views through picture gsjller- iea hutio will be furnished by hekr wood choir admission 25 cts tea served from g to s pm mr w w betcb of the hail toron to ia engaged in preparing an illustrated sketch of acton ha principal public boildj- ingamanuftctories residences and repre sentative men for the saturday edition of the hail it is to be hoped our pouie spirited citicens will give the enterprise sufficient supportto secure to the town a satisfactory and representative showing choice clover and timothy 8i any quantity at t h hasujdjos grocery moset to lesu attention is called to the card in another column of w 8 jackson real estate loan and insurance ugeif juelpb painting and paper hanging in all its branches orders left at tbe house will receive prompt atteutioo carriage paint ing also executed in the beet manner c celtiohi yeobueiowkbaces they take plaoft on georgetowns apendid driving par k24tfa nearly c00 in purses exciting 5 bicycle race for gold and silver medai 60 dont allow yourself tomisa them at- messrs cbarlea co are brinkiog from toronto this week a grand new stock- o sll fresh groceries which they will sell at right prioea in mrss a seoorde plonk corner of mill and main street they expect to open about the 15th inst men of business you cannot afford to bavo your office tcantily fupplied witli statiouvry of an in- ferior grade first impressions are strong and your bptiocsj methods will be judged by your business forms when the highest grade of printing can be had at as low a price as the poorest grade you should get the best the fixe peess job dept is tilled with modern facilities for the highest xlais of work call write telepfyme or telegraph to tlie acwfeee pkess the worldiifair exhibits still arrivlne dectloatlon of the irish village poatbond ceiciuo msy 11 exhibits contisue to srrive daily iu considerable quantity the irish villsge which it wss hoped would be open this morning is still incom plete sod it dedication has been postponed until wedneadsy next the canutes of aberdeen gives the nendelitery of some of the furoishbigs as ose the nes at home mostly of a local character and errv eficm-fntfbtlnff- r i i so rstcc liko tpme for tca- almflttliii ruliisllixttfll wsftfand jeven girli rtdging from wren to foatteeo yetrrot tgfi otn la foand aponooritrmtr who if to bume if lby full into bd oom- pny und bad btbiti thttc is food foe rcflectiao farentt fhootd eo thit their joodr children tt iuy rate tre indoor before nightfall there it mare evil learn ed when children are atfiy from home uncontrolled after dark than at all other time together t actoa cricket club i a meeting of those interested in cricket jwaa held onifondty evening when a club jwti orgtdipd with fto following officer oteka cimis- georga lrq bkciietahv c k flkper tfieitubeutjeorec hyntla i a comruittec roea to toronto today to secure sappliea and the olab will have uightly practice ic the park a warrant laoat for htm last woek a gammon wai iisaed by magistrates feareon and allan for the ap pearance at court on friday of william warwick who was charged with abasing hii wire and using threatening language tdward her he failed to appear and a warrant is cow in the hands of constable lwjon for bis arreit it is raid be is cow worksdg in a tannery at southampton it is reported that warwick has cruelly abused his wife lateij and that darhg the past year has contributed only a meagre pi l tan carlo war i the support of his wife and family u be retarus to acton he will be bolimarily tried for his misdeeds the honey wckahdtc complaint it beiogmade in some of the papers about tbc dirty bank bills in circa calation and the suggestion is being mode that the english custom of never issding the same bills twice should be followed by the banks in canada mott of as ore only joo glad to fiefhold of money of any kind to worry particularly about it condition bat- there is no doabfi that many of the bank bills in circulation are so dirty and filthy f that for very decencys sake they should be chucked into the kitchen stove and darned what wiuttbe large q nan t i fjf of jaraerican- tilvcr the plagued punched and broken coins and the thirty bills in use the currency of canada is not at all up to the mark syaod steetiaext gaelph tbe annual meeting of the presbyterian synod of toronto and kingston convened in knor church gnelpb on monday after noon there are about 130 ministers and j50 elders present the following are from this county and vicinity revs james largo korvararttfalr nssigaweya 8 s craig oakvijle l c ernes ballinafad h haddow milton r fowlie erin j w milne mansewocd j w rap acton 1 rtracban rockwood and messrs pames aiken erin james auld eden imills wm fraser norval d m harri son milton c moffat acton thos moore nasbagaweya and geo yeman ballinafad rev tjamucl houston m a of kingstod vvab elected moderator with out a ballot it was decided to meet in toronto next year the synod continues in session until this evening i items from the churches rev j edge will preach educational eer- imona on aberfoylo circuit next sunday 1 rev gerald t willoubby ol aberfoyle will preach in ibe methodist church next sunday morning the bone of scotland attended knox cbcrch in a body on sunday evening rev j w rae preached an able sermon from 1 peter 2 17 at a special meeting of guelph presby tery at berlinon saturday rev robert latkineon pictou ns was inducted to tbe jtbe pastorate of st audrew church ber- pin knox church anniversary services will be held pn sunday and monday next the precommanicm tervices will be held on saturday and tbe tacrament on sunday jtev r p mcksy toronto will preach on bunday actoa temperance unto actons new temperance society is now fairly launched and in good working order the constitution and bylaws have been completed and a brief ritual adopted tbe following officers were elected at the regular meeting on friday evening pneiinest bro w wmjsjpb r i czvzs bro hltrtyjeaq sccncf art bro i j kcabb ast8icstiernnh efljth tceiifiiea bro alex bord cuiplalvbro her j w eae lktikzl 2ro albert loidc lbues gjster uacjgle uatthowi cuainsian sick com bro her j edge fin cohibro h p uoore boclslpom uracjenner th2 society epibraoefi a brosfderable number of energetic temperance workers who will make their efforts feltin this com munity there will be a number of initi ations an next meeting the union will eet every friday evening be mystery solved the unremitting searcinrf tbcvfeiatives nd friends of willi aft ramshaw whose yiteriooi dibappearanktvifs rejwftedtiy he fiike pnnss last week waa of no avail the prevailing opinion ttat he had ended bifl life by drowning m pood ironed to be correct however for on mon- iay morning the body was seen by mr john chishblm floating in the pond in the ear of hib garden and only a few feet from he dam the supposition that he washut thinly clad was also correct abheworeonly a flannel shirt and pair of pants and heavy- boots it is probable deceased went direct ly to the pond from his home before mid night on tuesday evening 25th april and he wab consequently in tbe water for twelve days hundreds of people visited the pond last sunday but saw no trace of deceased coroner sutherlandof george town deemed an inquest unnecessary the remains were interred on tuesday after noon the fourth quarterly serrlees sunday was an occasion of unusual inter est to the congregation of the ketfeodist church during the morning service the sacrament of baptism was administered to six adult candidates ttnd two infants and after the sermon the love fe6t and com- munioa were held the number of com municants was tbe largest since acton be came a station the service tbroughont was most itectiggtltlofit4bie at the cfpse of tha ereoicgservioa tha roles of the church were read and the reception of new members followed thirtyfour can didates were examined and- received on profession of faith and seven on certificate from other churches andthej right hand of fellowship extended by the paslor and official members much interest was manifested and the scene was a very im- prective one the second year of rev lie edges pastorate is just closing the two yeats have been marked by continued bqocesb and advancement and every depart ment of tbe church is in a most prosperous condition the membership and finances are in advance of any previous point in the churchs history with cnited effort oa the part of pastor and people the tost year of tbe present term may be chracfterued by ctilt tariiwradvaxcemmit- j- news items supplied by corres pondents and exohsnies eramqsa a the annual convention of the ersmou sunday school aiociston will be held in be firtt fresbyterisn church- ersmou on mondsy mod msy there will be three delegates from each school in the township and atnoog those to take part are kr jaraesi ifccrta president of the provincial association judge jamieson revs d strachan p baker h b christie and lie j r harris tht ptd- pramme is a rood one and tht convention will doubtless be largely attended visitors to and frorn aotsn and i variousotrtarpereonalnotea georqetown an caterlslomeut by the qcorgetovn dramatio club will be given on if ay 12th nnder anrpices of the congregational lijiea aid the orangemen will celebrate the 203rd anniversary o the battle of the boyoe by a monster demonstration at georgetown 12th july there were 23 papila enrolled in the pablio school last week with an average attendance of 102 the mechanics institute hu a bal ance of 5637 and the directors have deeid- ed not to close it np oakville tbe mystery attending the destruction o the basket factory last week baa been solved it will be remembered that a few months ago robert if chisholm of oifc- ville waa arretted iu toronto on a charge of having attempted to poison his brother by spreillng peris green oo a pieee of bread i was arranged that be was to be sent to at aaylnp and at his fsmily refus ed to prosecute he was released chisholm was not placed in an asylam however land it ia now learned that it was he who set fire to the oakviue basket fac tory which was totally destroyed occas ioning a ipsa of 8000 and throwing about 50 men and boys oat of employment the discovery of a quantity of charred paper bhowed that the fire was the work of an incendiary and chisholm was inspect ed of the crime and on being accused he acknowledged that he committed the crime chief of police sumner of oakviue took chisholm to tbe toronto asylum last thursday the demented man is well connected his dementia is doe to excessive drinking it is alleged that a few days before he bound his mother in a chair and set fire to tbe honse with a view of cremating her bnt the flimei were eitinprtshed before macb damage had been occasioned a grand prohibition rally will be held in the town hall tomorrow evening the following ppeskbrs are expectel g f llarter upp col kerns m pp dr robertson aud a q ilenderson milton mutildu dixon wife of johu dixon a farmer of trafalgar wuh laht week com mitted for trial on a charge of uttering a forged tomisoiy note sigued by herself and hosband aud made to d a robson and by him endorsed to william hclel land who was the complainant iu the case the note was dated oct 27 1892 and was for 300 bail was accepted for mrs dixon division court on friday at last meeting of the council a resolu tion wab passed that a new bell be ordered frotn tbe 6amecompanyin accordance with their offer and that they be requested to allow the present bell to be nsed until tho other arrives the assessor has returned the roll show ing the followiag assessment real property 362109 personal property 27150 in come 5300 total 1756u no of dogs 02 tbe population ia placed at uoo a grand concert in aid of grace church will be given in the town hall on the even ing of 30th hay for which bliss jessie alexander the distinguished elocutionist has already been secured r 8 porter and wm little have pur chased 56 feet frontage on ifain street- uilton from 8 w taylor of walkerton j johnson has also becure 30 frontage adjoining the above a brick block will be erected this summer miss rachel wright of gaelph visited ttiendi beta this week hill qerty cookinan of port dover a the guest of relatives hero lb william haealas of hltclial i visile i friends bars the past wsek dc brown of toronto wa i av gaast at the borne of dr urea daring tbe week capt davies of the salvation army toronto visited friends here this week mr and lira joseph colamitt of stra- baue spent a day or two with frienfs here this week mrsjtutephhoimesi returned it it week torn artwt to i frieadc fn owfb and baffalskiy 1 j mr john warren wss at kiqcarc iue last veek attending ihejnaerst of hit brjothecs title daughter mr michael flynn left yesterday morn- ag for woonsocket s r whan i good itoation saraiu him dr h ajwijnvo detroit hlch pant r few hours ob monday with hfs irolher ltjra e wrijib1 refw ius4lsndsd tha iadoction i f birvi k gussford at chalmers ihirnli ontlpb oo thursday the ffletes hon ebb returned front oronto im thoirday- cei jesilis tut i n proved ta health tsry daring bee tay in tiecity mr c7y4aftbo leftiiast wek f or itlgvy hwjl ii a tnirsyta party i lharllea health has not been very good for i me time and he hopes it will be reitored y the trip rev- david a hour o alma who has tjeea invited ta georgetown circuit cure i lvd the degree of s t l f ram th i ho- till university and wealeyan theoliglcal pollege hbutreal general sympathy is felt far mr john 1 matthews in he death of his fatter on uesday in erin mr matthews hti been 1 1 his fathers bedside almost conil antly 1 3r the past week or so mr g g backwell who now ooca ies a f ood position ss chief clerk and case ler of he missouri pacific railway of car hlge 1 fo in remitting for the feuxpbzs9 sends 1 is kindest regards to hit former acton fjrleods i ln w e smith is still in a very orltl- d condition though tome improvement i l hec case was trisnifest yesterday ry delicate operation waa incceatfally i erformed last thursday by dr temple of ocooto and dr uren hits hacleac teacher in the third de- plartment of the pablio school has been i ranted two months leave of absence on t cconnt of illness hiti kate kennedy of j cton hat been engagsd to teaob in her i lace milton champion mr pi e w moyer elitor of tha ber lin daily heictiua mr moyer celebrat- 1 their silver wedding on thursday even- i g at their home on qoeena avenue a j rge number of gaests were prefflat aud any of tbe familys relatives from a die- ance enjoyed thiir bospitalify i an enjoyable family gathering was held t the home of arch campbell e last i reek among those present were rev dr fcgregor of aberdeen scotland one of the keswick brethren who have been reaching in canada the past few weeks ir and mrs duncan campbell and mr tobert campbell ot kincardine rev and irs j w rae and other loctl friends eflln the enterprising propletor of stanley park hat added three more fine boatstp his already large number there willbe no evening preachingter vice in the presbyterian church erin dur ing the coming summer months as it ib the intention of the pastor to continue the holding of a bible class instead donald uouurchy esq father of mr duncan mcmurchy of erin died very sud denly last week at the home of hit daugh ter mrs m mcphee at guelph he had come up from cempbeliford with bis son on the bafnrday previous and had walked to and from the station hiihealth had been failing of late he had reached the advanced age of 75 his remains were iuterreditjithoglepwilliama cemetery on wednesday last turroanded by a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives i lets yi chingaucobsy and esquesiug nearly ever since he helped to build the first railroad in canada tod worked in the construction of the g t r for three years he was a fond of the gtelio and would read the gaelic bible for hours his memory enabled him to rehearse events which oc curred in scotland 70 years tgo he wak a lifelong member of the church of scot land he leaves a widow fonr sons and three daughters erin has lost by death this week one of its most highly esteemed citizens mr william matthews who bas been ill for sometime baocumbed on taetday morn- lug- h has resided in erin since hie boy hood and baa occupied many prominent positioner he was nntil lest year a mem ber of the munioipal council and took a lively interest in tbe workmens society the funeral will take place this sfcernoon at 2 p jtn service will be held in the disciptej phurch interment in erin ceme wry be old gentleman celebrated li t 82nd till en i irlhdty oa che 20tb april and is i j lying good health from the bloomfield n j ciikai we i otic that an interesting reumpn was 1 eld in the first baptist church of that i ity last week to commemorate the fifth i universary ot tha pastorate of rev fharles a cook the citizen says under rev mr cookt pastorate the hnrch has enjoyed an unusual degree of i piritoal social and financial prosperity i ud ia now one of the leading charohet in t be north ken jersey btptitt attocit- t ion at the close of the evenings pro- i eediugs mr and mrs cook were present- i d with a handsome parlor chair hall t able and beautiful persian rug deceased j emigiated from argyleehire scotland 47 years ago and has lived in rip on the market the grip printing and publishing co are acting for tenders for the purchase of the comio newspaper we all have known so long as grip with the name and good- will of the paper are to be told tbe eub- scription list and ail amounts outstanding for subscriptions the advertising contracts aud amounts due thereon and the title ana goodwill of the grip almanac th data np to which tenders will be received i y hay 31st 183 and all information regi rding circulation advertising etc will be given on application to hr howell at tbe com panys offices 201 and 203 yongs s to ronto this wjii not affect the otiiei busi- cess of the company at alt other d ipart- menta will becoatinued in tbe premises above mentioned tourists whether an pleasure- beat or basinets hoall take oo ivery trips bottle of syrup if figs is it tcjt most pleasantly and ffectaally on the kidneys liver and bowels preventing fevers headaches and other orms of eicknett for sale in 75o bottles 1 y all druggists a new vork daily paper taking up the ilea conveyed in flammariont eicjting ovel omega the latt days of the vorld has interviewed a number of the eding men in all professions at to what hey would do if science were to predict tc aorror thk- the end of the world would rrivo ithln tho next thirty days the prwen are yarioas and carious and 1 eighten the interei which is felt in tho i econd part of flammariont great novel 1 rhich appears in the may cosmopolitan t fa a question which everyone will find in- eresting to ask of himself whit would on do if within six weeks the end of the rorld were certain probably no novel i iich hat ever appeared in an american i ugirioo hat been more elaborately illut- i rated by more distinguished artists lsn- i enc baunier vogel meanlle rochegrosso i ieradin and chovin all contribute to the xplanation of the text tbe canadian order of foresters it traternal benevolent society incorporated a 1879 and registered under the insurance corporations act 1892 of ontario the bfects of the society are to furnish its uemben fith sick and funeral benefits jidan insurance of one or two thousand ollart the payments far these benefits tnge from ehnut one dollar to one dollar i nil fifty cents per month accocdiug to he age of the member and tbe amount of he insurance carried the membership s composed ef men only and when admit- ed they must be between the ages of ighteen and fortyfive the present nam- members is over 10000 and the has a cash sarplot on hand focfne jtneat of the insurance of over j2is000 1500001 oflwhieb is in dominion of canada 3ondt and the balance is invested in the lest monetary institutions of the domin- oo in thdition to this the local coarta lave about a half a million of dollars in heir treatufiee for the payment of the lick sad ler of society secretary fsneral benefits tbe high itll 0ln- ii mr thomas ivhiteof 3rantford and it it expected that icoart oft this popalsr and purely caaa- wtll thartly be organized here editora table campaign echoes the autobiography of in letitit yoanuni the pioneer of white ribbon movement a canada will b ittaed in a few weeks tha book is ubuthed at he reqaet t of the womens itlitn temperance union of canada the inlrodaction it wtittek by mitt wijlird it will oouttm 800 pages well- bot nd in cloth sod will be embellished by at laaufal photoengraving oljura ton- ma it and also a groupphoto of mitt lard ittt lucat and itrtj yoaraant presidents ot the womans christian temperance union ia he united states gr at britain and canada retpecfifely to bring it within the reach ot all and to sec ire a wide circulation the- price has bee i fixed at one dollar ac the request of ma ty friends mrs yoamtnt has emhod- hec weltknown temperance j addrettes on htmtnt license and doilding the wa is this book gins he hujtory of the- wo nans christian temperance unfou froti the commencement and lis full of ink rettiag illastrationt and thrilling iuci- t there is not a dry page in it den olelfuasrii 5 t w rtckie of uecicct for may wilhoat pretending for moment to invade he domain of tha elegantly illustrated monthly magazinei may perhaps claim to any of them in a certain quality of original and timely interest in its pictures tains all told about one hundred they pertain to the worlds to the naval review to the fiag-rsis- ia the kavesiak highlands of april it be casting of the liberty bell oa may at troy to the reception in new york of lake of veragua the lineal descendant c hrittopher columbus to hr cleve- t various important appointees includ- erhaps a dozen of the moitj important- foreign ministers and the principal comfaiisioaers and chiefs of bureaus it illastrationt f4 lag and 1 tbe of land tog i new acton ichiiie andrepair shop rirdei wright by clfitord blackmail boston boy eyosfght savadperhaps his life hoods sarsapanlla blood poi soned by panfcer rdad the following irom a grateful mottier m littlo boy baj ascarlct fever wlifln 4 years ohl niil it lottlilm vcy wcalt ami with blood pot acted xrlth canker hii eyes bcuno to li flamed tliat 111 siperinsj were intense and fur j even weeks lie ccfuld not open hfs eyas k linn twice durius that time to tho eye ear inflrmarjicliarlri street but their utiles fa mod trfdo him tho falatet rhaow i od i commenced giving iilra hoodi bar iparillft- anil it wkii cured htm- i have r tldiiliteil imt it rtt his ieciit evea ot hu tcry life yon may use tin tes- i u and rem of i foods sarsaparifte bee mc of tlie wonderful jood it did my sou an cos on mam hqodq pll3 tro h unl iam nnl nro niioill mi iiiiorljn and jpittrtnco- e building sale rebuilding sale do evi uan 8iciity will avwlsttn fi five or en cards of dry ash amtrtck or tjfne cordwood apply at szi hbt is office if yoi want firstclass q aelph suhsnd loor at jualpb prices t ebsioe can 111 youir crder at bis planing mill xaa sill find it to your interest to read kelly bros advertisement ho fori ta 25 iiyw mytii y o iuia tho jirnlic of ih v iilviksux 28s wosliluioii sl t hoods aqoipped wiih all tha machinery at uarv to uecote ai repairs to kaohitfjiry aabiotjlttnial imfle1ckntb itadriaululdsof bteamrrrtina hobsbshoeina and qehbaal blaokbmithina id woodwork renalrt nerrormedfn a atfs- rr maiusr 1 we can repair any machine or ement of ahr mass haw ammins and rdoris ahd -aent8f0b- aisa j jaaotojzh oelebhatjid lawk lot rait btghthesl wjh speed tcrlndell 4c wright ir gclasgb w house ketoii j we are offering carpets gurtamsl andi t house furnishing goods look well more fithsn of he retailor good judgement and nerst lavish use of money hy cjshos spfedttolell he wants of hose who ix tlioder incomes still desire o their appearance creditable ifipeni nse aud close felttiont with manufacturers enables me to present a line of footwear ui h nailed williams fn the county for ttyle quality i and price aofon the rjybill an ufabturfng co ltd terloo qnte uindfacttjrees of cffice school lodge id jperaifuijiutiire the oxfoed auioafattc wftvw fail to get our estimates r circulars and catalogues st iriiproved and perfect ed school desk store looks rather pset 3snt it the whole con tour of its face rather demor alised one side completely go le but you mustnt judge m outside appearances al together the present is the striking contrast of what is to be of what will be in a very few days like the full orb will shine more resplendent than r vvhile these alterations are in progress we are forcing tra de by bargain sale inside the store is as convenient as ever and the bargain attrac- tio is make up for any bad locks on the outside dont be afraid to come in dress gopds i t 1 ilaim first place for your attention and youll as usually fin i big variety and unusually prise values this applies to every class of them 1 to the soft woollen suitings the silk effects the washing materials l and any of them take thip for instance v 12c prtnta for 716 20c sattaens for 0c 35c satteens for 7ic vjillust say awordto the ltybuaieopeii i carpts bll cloths ilinoleum bufltainsa4d hangings voiiil make a very big mis- e nbt to see our attractive x it juu ooo year since i have taken he bptiaett formerly carried on r he firm kama of celly bros tt i was determined to io a cuh laeas in order to keep up w he i is and give customer goods at rjt prices ijmutt now tay that it has he most pleasant year i have fa business i now take the rtanily of hacking he numerous imera lor heir very kind patron- a he bait and solicit a ihsre of si tradafln the future feel log i am n in a position to do better by hem it i ever before having he itrgett and ci i sett kpckcf staple 0 caods readymade c thing hats and cents f nlahings ft i the spring trtde that was ever th i a ia acton i want every one to i ad th it advertisement all throagh j in wilt fiodvft of great iuierest ft c to tcij b i th stc ck e bollbfit 37 lower wyncuiam st i j grltelph 00 j tqk ties ini lit iins t have made a ipecitl effort xot aoa in lock the choioettcolieotioa of cnotsjfoarinhands windsor be i ft an4 bows that yoa will tee id so i store west of toronto sillrts b i white and colored sunday saints and working shirts a very line to teect from at 50 cents hn km rinliie histccyof actonhat here be shown such a choice lot of hats at 1 hare jo show yoa hit spring ia ti is latest shapes and colors to fit ai 1 suit all aces and a special una inmjhildrejis wear- frtdymkde ojrhtnc his department i promise yoa dertalj bargains in ileas youths i anal childrens suits and odd a iurkreat variety and at prioet will w tare- to catch yoar eye r before had i inch a rsngecof d 3 piece tails at all prices sod at 1 1 itlwont pay yon to pass me if h jp it anything in the way of cloth- l it i otnfor at wiut mutt u i per pent cheaper than they can be purchased out of tpwfi i- our dress goods department is complete with the newest fabrics and trimmings i t -v- l e are showingfioday some exceptional values in single width dress gqffds it wilt pay you to see them before purchasing 1 we still rushing boots add shoes lots of good bargains remaining 5t co atlelpli cloth hall we have a fine range pi suitings amd overcoatings 4 tins seasons trade and will be pleasedto show them- to intending purchasers our reputation as firstclass jailors and pealersan reliable goods iswell known shaw turner if you want- your blood purified and your systerfi invigorated geta bottle of- i smiths j fbtocd tonich if you ha vq 1- te- a bad koff get a bottle ot smiths chefrj fiajsam pleasant to take and cures every time our winter fluid for roughness of the skin chapped handstand to be uspd after shaving hav r no equal prepared only hy hsl g smi tljife st do j dispensing chemists u guelph ont no u wytidham st tj i wsnt have tome very special bar- wotoena aliiaecandphildrant ilendid black cashmere women for 25 cents well wortk is xiu it the kind of bargaini 70a may mm toe adder tbe cash tys- bays itated before to keep w h the timet a cash bon- be done and that i will da lafluothii g else- i have now in stock it 1 balk 0 my tpring goods and the blnee wu be arriving daily j sin wely yonrs jitlly sucoessor to kelly bros the above cut represents our new iijktch2mkgrsi ljthe ve all the atest make of tools and keep the best jewels and material sour watch to us when out of savagefe do l repair jewelers dljelp- acton saw mills ooil isd wd yabd8 jk3vcbs- bfiomn lamber lctii j sbtnglw col tvati wood cptl ud wood tl sj ia itick tnd prompt delltered le u ilnent relieve if earklcu hatrdvood ftnd kdftbf gatvtote leilui ilwrnji oabasd telepbosti eommaziimuon new planing mill iltd-j- sash and dooi faotbry john cameron contractor baa n med up the boildins on main streti lately ooenplsd as a trnnkfaetothriswmaeninsit and i ceraparod to fnrniab plans tpeeiflemttons and esotnatm or tu olaases osbnilmngsand axeeateau kinds of i dmbsika l i kutcaue r nd uonuusa -kuxuitrnjuior- sashes doors nil windows tad door prunes ao4drease4 lambtirt and smd astoek onand ail ortecs protopuj j hh oamiroh i v v

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