Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1893, p. 2

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bqrk 1 kncla gaepti on the bth luy too wito o frank ktioiirtdiajhtec gotuok in xsucttrcrt on tawdcy 23rd hi f tb lie oc tbomu gordon of ton ajcdi cms at eden witt on taecdtv crd vuj the vite of june k audenoo ot ft dmttcr tarried kttxejtuanrmok0a 6etcrdvj ettninc nth iter il the fixeotucb bower a wane a ann by jtt- j edtfe junec htllee of qtclpu to eitlnr dkofibler of hclph bicbim- cookocklrood dzbd jekkxl id acfoa 6 sandey fth uty henry jepaer d o yeen banrttucln kuuttwey 00 kridt jlssth uty tbomu tf rlbim eerj 38 reext clieeurchxsthhcumb wettcentnl africa uim clerks uiwioouy tcchcr dauihteijof her v p clrkeof gnelpb ije jktanjfree ress thursday june 1 1692 nots and comments 4 report of the dividends rem lining an- pid tnd nnclimed bcuneat in the chu te red binkt of the dora id too tor five yeexr nd tipwtrdt prior to he slit december 1632 hi jnrt beea iuaed la 1691 the btltncei amount to 417874 la it yer they imoanted to 127931 redaction 0 29415 the dowiger dachocs o satheruod titer cis weeki iocrcerttion his been released bbe teemt to hive- fixed very reh while there end no cerioac retaltt ere tnliciptted her imprisoomdt i111 been only a kind of cbrylii lute dot at til unpleasant no doabl the dochees would rtther bftve served imprisonment thin to have prodnced the letter which the deetro fd tnd which httctcied so tnach trouble from the powibility tbtt the intelligence of thecuceof ber first haibtnde dealt flt tsterted in the dettrbyed pcrchmetit would hive revealed to the public het knowledge of lieot blairs death which tee rat to have been of a mysterious nature the hamilton sjxetator aays now tfjftt the grand trunk railway company hfca been compelled by the oooru to pay to hilton county tome 90000 becaus the northern railway company violated itc independence bond by amalgamating witij- the grand trunk the people of halton are at a losto know what to do with the money there is going to be a big grab for it and it looks just now as if the law yers will retp a harvest of raagnificencpro- portions henry carriqae a substantial farmer of trafalgar township tm in tflwh today and he got talking with a spectator man abont the situation mr cam que 11 a strong advocate of the policy of baring the money divided among the land owners of the six municipalities or portions of municipalities which voted bonuses to the northern railway twenty years ago and which have been paying for those bonuses ever since these six municipalities are part of nelson township part of trafalgar township part of esquecing township the tdwnsaf burlington milton and george town shortly after the action between the county and the grand trunk hod been finally settled in the courts william pettit and john biggar fanners of trafal gar institatebrtegatprooeedingb to compel the county to pay over the money to the municipalities interested at a recent meetidg of the halton county council two resolution were passed which appear to be inconsistent with oae another tdneresola tion was that the money should b paid to he group of municipalities the other wae that a solicitor be retained to defend the action brought by messrs pettit and biggar this latter resolution has caused a storm of indignation amon the und owners of the group of municipalities who think it reveals an intention on the part of the county council to rob the group of the raoney which has been awarded by the courts mr carriqne says he thought mr pet tits action against the county was pre- mature and unnecessary w hen it wts first instituted but he sees now that it was justified esquesing council tha court of revlton held nd the assessment roll finally revised the toicnsoip council met u court of revision at stewarttown oa llonday all the member present sod daly mrora moved by ur wtnm toiotlded by mr wrigglesworlhlhit tfcllowing uppeals tgaitut tho seetment of the townthip of etqnctlng for tho yrar 1893 be witne same are hereby decided at follow i atktimeat of duncan elidkw con firmed alei mcdonald dog atracfc off daid wigginr appeal withdrawa thomaa chiiholtna oaettment to be reduced on e j lot 0 con 2 to100on auesaort recommendation robert stew art voting nay dtrid lindtay orange hall lot 1 con 7 be acaeiaed for 100 wm b hall wm preston hall w part 3 con 6 awetied for 100 wm tbompoo orange ball w part 10 con b aaaeued foe x ed kuon decouedr atrocli off j jane kiioo uaggie kiion vara niroa aggie kixocydmmed joint ovnera e lot 9 con 10 xpf titbfjfc attested 2 acres lot 21 irong assessed t uf on part w i lot 2 con i sum 200 joseph crow assessed t uf on part lot 2 con 1 sum 1200 woarmstrong jr appeal diamitsed herbert carrington appeal dismissed patrick lee and matthew leel assess ed as joint owners or ne i e lot 24 con kunl70p jnlia lae bo stmckjff assessment roll robert f mcmaster dog struck off george anderson lot 1 con 7dog struck off james etark struck off as fs and put on as occ e lot 12 con 5 carried moved by mr warren seconded by mr lawson tiat the chairman of the court of revision be and is hereby authorized and required to initial ill reductions corrections alterations and additions made by the court in the assessment roll of this township for the year 18x3 and the said assessment toll aa now finally revised and corrected be passed by this court and the clerk is hereby authorised to certify to the said assessment roll carried moved by mr lawson seconded by mr stewart that the court of revision do now rise and nueet as a council carried corfceu sessios orcscd moved by hr warren seconded by mr wrigglesworth that two dollars bo paid by the treiearer to robert price pathmaster for two df ys shovelling snow in his section carried movediby mr wrigglesworth seconded mils foster i sooojtasful 8 b teacher ot toronto nji sakatjto address the con vention au n a aw brief statement showed bow a man jj ways the s 8 teach ers of tha obsjntf wbu cooperato with boee of the ii bit urged a deeper con- lecraliuu on itvi a pattjef all who ara engaged fri 8 8 work the qncstbti drawer eoiiducted by messrs james mtcrea and j u hsrris waaan iuteresingfature ofthe proceed iog i mist wtthe aid was theu called npon for a cecittttoa wich was given very aeoept- ably the nomiulttidg commiuea soggeated the following for officers for the coming yearprel mr jr rjarrts 1st vice pres mr js net hodgkmson 2nd vice pre mr j l benhsm 8eo- j r striekund 1 reaj john bttchan tha report wa ad ipted by the convention a oommitti a of messrsidt bisek j r btrlcklaud ohn btracbanj jr harris e norrishaid j lister was appointed to arrange tor tl e annual eicareion it was dec led by vote to hold the nect convention at eden mills in the presby teriati churcl there a monti eatmiftacle faortpro fed tobb 8tram- oer t han fiction a succe ssfut convention esqueslnff sunday school assocla- tlc n at balllnafad by mr 360 to warren that the treasurer py thomas anderson being two the municipal council the seasons business under way court of revision the regular semimonthly meeting of the village council was held in the council chamber on monday evening the mem bers present were messrs havill williams anderson and corry the reeve in the chair the minutes ot the previous meeting were read and confirmed to therteve sud council of toe villigo of acton gcrrusrs- your committee on floojieo bee leave to present their eighth report and would recommend rfment ot the following acconots kobl bnyder work on pirk and ttru 6 13 tbosnrnnt planting trees id park 4 50 jfjgrsnt teamldr s 63 t t uoore posugo 1 00 16 ss all ol which ii rccpecttolly mbmltted re committee moved by j anderson and seconded by jno williams that the eighth reportof the finance report just read be adopted carried moved by geo havill and seconded by john williams tliat the council meet as a court of revision on monday night june 12th the next regular meeting and that the clerk advertise the same in the acton fete pntfs cirried r by geo havill and seconded by j anderson that the clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for the use of the prk on july ut tenders to be sent in not later than mondiy june 12th no tender necessarily accepted carried the street and tidesralk committee re ported the completion oftlie new sixloot sidewalk on main street between mill and bower avenue new sidewalks will be built on several other streets and a few old walks renewed council adjourned at h30 thirds value of one lamb killed by dogs and damage to another also frgoo to wm elliott wing twetthirda value of one sheep killed by doe the owners in each case being unknown carried moved by mr lawson seconded by mr 8tewart that the treasurer be and he ih hereby authorized to pay the following ac counts i john wielliott barrister drsnther- lsni beesquetlnp for attendance eoatttt jeotgetown 610 00 james abell 3 road scrspers s3 60 f rviog h inm- moat court eevuion i 00 wmc robinson expenses ro water course arbitration lots 10 and 11 7 con csqueslng too 3 00 carried moved by mr stewart seconded by mr lawson that the treasurer be authorized to pay mrs j murray the sum of 3333 being five monthsrent to the firt day of june for the council chamber and that the reeve sign the new lease on behalf of the council carried moved by mr warren seconded by mr wrigglesworth that the first report of the committee for the south west part of the township be adopted and that the treas urer be authorized to pay the several soma to the respective parties on the order of the committee carried moved by mr lawson seconded by mr stewart that the treasurer be instructed to pay to john evans for removing snow lots 17 and 18 ton 10 200 and culvert and repairs to paper mill hill 1000 carried moved by mr stewart seconded by mr wrigglesworth that this council do now adjourn to meet on monday the liifh day of june carried it was a ve y wise decision when eques- ing sunday school association several yeara agocoi eluded to hold its annual con ventions at r iral points in the township where the laigerooonty ooaventioos could not be accon modated for three years in succession tie annual meetings have been held at smtl places and they have been in every respet t successful and the atten dance has omprited many who do not have the npxirtumty of attending other sunday scl ool gatherings farther from home i the conve ition at balliuatad last friday was largely i ttended at every session and the procoedi ig were of a highly interest ing sod prof table character rev josoph fennel so al dean of georcetowu pre sided and n arly every tuiniiter and bun- day school superintendent in the town ship was present revs j edge and j w rse aoton fenuell mccormick and st dalmas georgetown argo korval finley and milhe mamewood duff agement for at 12 80 diuder and opened their homes in manner hours apob history pi prepare the churchill tha messrs mclean students and revs emes dr stroujmau and kitchiog of ihe billinafad ohnrchea were all in attenc snee the fir6t session opened at 1030 with prayer and praise rev d mccormick followed at 1130 with a stirring address on aims a id aid in fchirii there was much of valuable soggestionand encour- workers adjournment was made for he friends of the two churches most hospitable the proceedings were resumed at two oclock and rev j w rte conducted a series of no msl exercises for a couple of the sunday school its ice relations and purpose the cerenonial law and how to lesson the exercises were eramosa s s a well attended and catherine convention successful the brick church the entertainment in tne brick church on tuesday evenini was very largely at lmde1 williams qnrtetta club render- el k lare number of selections to the delimit cf the audience mr fred christie jof toronto resd fonr or five humorous numbers from the works of james whit- ooaib riley and others but the attraction oflthe evening was the ventriloquial pro ductions ot mr will a dixon ol toronto who is a mtiter ot the art his vsrioun imitations were remarkably iroe to lite and affected alcsoit endless amusement the programme waafor the most part enjoyable but some who were present have doubts as to the propriety of holfline an entartain mentof this character in a church rev h b cbtislie occupied i he chair tmirtsts whether on pleasure bent or basiuess should take on every trip a botua of 8yrop ofjfic a it acu most pleasantly and essetually on the kidneys iverod bowels preentiug fevers headacbea and oilier forms of sickness for sale in 75c bottles by all druggists i the fourth annual convention of the eramosa township sabbath school asso ciation was held in the first presbyterian church eramosa on monday 22ud msy both the afternoon and evening sessions were well attended the programme was an exceptionally eood one and was appre ciated by til present the proceedings were opened with de votional service led by the president mr john beott after a short address by the president mr w r scott in the absence of the pastor of the church welcomed the dele gates and visitors to the convention the reply was given by rev j j noble this was followed by the reading of the annual statistical report of the secretary mr j r stricklsud and the financial re port of tha treasurer mr j r harris roth of these reports show a marked im provement over previous years in the work of the association verbal reports frcm delegates were then taken the new revision sha 1 we ue it in the 8 bchool j was the sn iject ot ail abl and well delivered address baker following thi by rev p addresp miss wttherald of toronto termed the con vention intj a cla66 and illustrated ber method ol leaching a primary class re viewing at some length the lessons of the current quirter includiug the lesson of msy 26 miss weiheraldi remarks were listened to with much inter istand will no doubt prove helpful to tin teachers and parent who were prcfcent the n it on the programme was an ad- dreuby rev d btracbau but owing to the laienew ol the hour mr blrachnn withdrew and iu a few well chosen words stated that the ground p his address was amply covered by the previous speakers the afternoon session adjourned about 530 tha evening sessiu opened at 7m the first item ou the programme alier the de votional service was an address by mr james mccrea president ot the provincial aisoeatiou on the subject rclilionof tha 6 b to missions mr mccreas ddress was full ofgood practical ides on ibe snb- ject tsken j mtuwetherald then gave a recitation nsxt wit an address by judge jsmfeon a short talk to the boys whfch cu luleued to with deep interest by all rev h b christie then gave au address on tha stbject apt to teach mr christie strongly emphasised the importance of teachers twine con verted u an essential qualification far thorough work j ot a most it strnctlve and edifying charac ter and soi undivided attention a very satisfactory result isltre deciiion to organ ize normal dasses in the township the tran action of business followed and the officers for the ensuing year were elect- ed as follows ransinekt rev j argovkorval fiost vlft phes fred near dalilhtlad becond vicepnca a watson georgetown sectbiub wm alexander llansewood executax all pastors and superintend ents of the township ateixoilock the convention was invit ed over to the methodist church to cnjdy a social tea which theladiea of the two con gregations had provided this was fully enjoyed anil the kindness appreciated alter tea the cbngreijatioh began to re assemble and by seven oclock proceedings were commenced rev mr fennel the retiring president addressed the con vention in a hearty and welltimed ad dress and then introduced rev j argo the new president mr argo made brief speeih calculated to do every one present good ani exhorted all to greater earn estness in the great work rev mr st dalmss spoke upon san- day school work in quebeo gave some interesting statistics showing what has been accomplished and what vast oppor tunities bow exist for further work in the sister province he contended that on tario has great responsibilities vn the evan- geliratiou bf quebeo rev j jf milne gave a very stimulat ing address upon the s 8 in relation to missions and pointed out most vividly the duty and the blessednessof helping others through the medium of the sabbath school the doting address was delivered by- rev joa edge it was responsibilities and encouragements and contained much of interest and inspiration to sunday bchool uachers and workers generally all the responsibility was not laid upon the s s teacher the parents should real ize a urge share and should manifest their interest in their children by aiding them in their s s studies and attending the 8 8 with them a unite 1 choir added muoh to the in terest of 1 iie proceedings at alt the sessions their seh ctious wore in all respects appro priate anc exceedingly well rendered- the fc how ing resolution was carried nnanimotsly 1 ra lved that in the opinion ofi this aesociathh the time bu come for the orginizat on of normal classes and in order to i tcilitate the carrying out of this resolutiat mr j w h milne be hereby appointed normal superintendent for the township 2 ttji t it shall be the duty of the townahic normal superintendent to pro- oced at ot ce to orgauiza classes in all the places wbsre suchclasses are practicable 3 tin t to the furtherance of this object this association memorialise the executive ot the co inty association requesting them to aid us ly holding a normal institute at tome central place at as early a data as possible enthusiastic votes of thanks were ten dered the choir tho frieoda for their hos pitality i ue speakers and tha trustees of the presb terim and methodist churches the co vention closed at 10 oclock with the bened otiou 7 the cai vention of 163t will ba held at hornby we have on our desk the initial number ot the caxadiah emjhierr a bright month ly journal of 23 psges and cover devoted to the meha lical mining ami other hrauches ot the eog ne ring trade it is thoroughly canaditn in tone every article has a prac tical part ose and it gives an immense amount 6 canadian news of iuterest to the tradi 0 concerned its design and typogrtpl teat appearance are not excelled by aoj tade paper yet iuued in this publuhed by thk canadian wfertog2 church f toronto azerbuitdiuv montreal at 100 lllu mills liu ehouie country rrrwfer d the ti per year wo0lblankett to great variety in exchange for wool at kewlnttit sons tha remark ble cure bf a long- tllrre sufi ererrheuiriitlarrt of ten year 1 standlnsr perman ently cut sda story full of interest to alt other sufferers sunday ktcmlug 1 ews uoutreal impressed w th tha pertiiteocy with which tha moa astonishing accounts of cares fleeted tl rough the sgency of dr williams pmk pills for pals people in almost all thant sspspers ioccnods sad the united stales 1 reporter for tha sunday morning atrj 0 satisfy himself generally of th genttloec tsa cf these cures deter mined to invesi gate tae for himself which had ree ntly been brought to his notice where u a curs was claimed to be due entirely to 1 he efficacy of this medicine aware that dr williams pink pills had been tried in th 1 cose of a gentlemen resid ing it 700 shet rooke street in the city of montreal who ad for years been aficted periodically wit 1 rheumatism tha reporter let out on a joa ney of enquiry to ascertain whiit tho result had bean arriving at tha home of mr gi wville tho gentleman re ferrel to he to nd him apparently enjoy ing perfect heal h ton dont 1 ok as though you had been suffering a gres deal lately mr granville said tha report r ameptiug the invitation of hithest to b 1 seated well no y n would scarcely suppose from my preset t appearance and activity that i had ju t recovered from 1 most acuta attack of hrpnio rheumatism which kept ma in bed forever two weeks you see continued mr i am an habitual suffer c from rheumatism or at least i have ba 0 for ten years psct and although i hav tried almost every remedy it has only be n since recently that i have f ouud anj lhiug to do me good it is now about ten rears since i first became afhicted with this painful disease and when it began o coma ou having never experienced it i etore i was at a complete loss to uudersti ud what it was it was in chicago that i iiad my first attack and remember the circumstances very well while walking 3u the street i waseuddeqly seized with a v olent pain in my left knee which continc a to grow worse until i could walk no 1 anger and was compelled to call a cab and e driven home once there i took to ray b d and did not jeavo it for ten days being totally unable to move my leg without ei srienciug the molt excruci ating pain w nch nothing i could get seemed to relii ve did you no have a doctor asked the reporter i oh yes bi t he didnt seem to do mo much good i e wrapped the limb in flan nels and gave 1 le some decoction of salioy- lio acid to swal ow but it was of no avail each year as v inter passes into spriog i have been aez i with this painful diiease and laid out fo r some weeks nor have i been ablenntil lately to obtain anything which would e en help ma a little you would not belie vo it if i were to recount the various pat nt remedies which i have taken both ext rnally and internally during all that time ii an endeavor to obtain re lief i mult h tve tried a hundred so called cures and nev r experienced any beneficial results until i amo across dr williams pink pills i must frankly confess that at the outlet i had ne great faith in the pills i had t ied so many medicines all to no purpose but i was willing to give them a trial a lyway so i sent out to the drug store on he corner and got a supply i followed the directions carefully and soon experienced r lief and before i had been taking the pii k pills long i was able to get ont ot bed at d although i was still a little etis the psin had almost completely dis appeared 1 1 m still taking the pills and shall keep on aking them for lome time and furtherm re i dont intend to bo with out them ia f tare then you tscribe your relief entirely to the efficacy ol dr williams pink pills suggested the reporter i most cei atuly do and mr curtis the druggist on b eury street will verify what i have said tha repor er next visited mr h h curtis tha dt iggiit referred to whose place of business is at 291 bleury street and in terrogated hii iwith reference to the case mr curtis s ated that he knew of mr granvilles ilment and that he had suffered for years and he had no doubt pink i lis did all mr granville said he further si id that pink pills had a very large sale an i gave universal satisfaction the reporter then withdrew quite satis fied with the result of his investigation the dr v illiams pink pills for pale people are tt inufsctured by the dr will iams medic ne co ot brockville out andshenect dy n y afirm of unques tioned reliab lily pink pills are not look ed upon as a patent medicine but rather as a prescr ption au analysis of their properties s low that these pills are an unfailing fp cific for all diseases arising from an ic ipoverithed condition of the blood or ft m an impairment of the nervous syst im such as loss of appetite depression 0 spirits anaemia chlorosis or green sickne i general muscular weakness dizziness lo s of memory palpitation of the heart nervous headache locomotor ataxia para ysis sciatica rheumatism st vitus dance the aftereffects of la grippe ail diseases c epending npon a vitiated con dition of the slood such as scrofula chronio erysipelas e o they are also a specific for the troi bles peculiar to the female system con ecting irregularities suppres sions and al farms of female weakness building ane tha blood and restoring the glow of heal h to pile and sallotf cheeks in the case if men they effect a radical care in all ci sei arising from mental worry and overwor c of any nature these pills are not a pa gative mediciue they con tain only lif giving properties and nothing that could tt jure the most delicate system they sot dit icily on the blood supplying its life giviu qualities by astistini it to absorb oxyg n that great supporter of all organio lite in this way the blood be coming hui t up and being supplied with its lacking c mstitaeuts becomes rich and red nourish s tha various organs stimu lating them a activity in the performance of their fo nctioos and thus eliminste disesse frotr tha system dr witlii ma pink pills are sold only in boxes be ring tha firms trade mark and wrappet printed in red ink bear fa mind that jr williams pink pills are neter sold it balk or by the dozen or hun dred apd an r dealer who offers substitutes in this fonr is iryiutr to defraud you and should be aroided the public are also cautioned eg tiatt all other socalled hlood builders and nerve tonics pat up ia simi lar- form tub oded to deceive they are ail imitations t hose makers hope to reap a pecuniary a vintage from the wonderful reputation a hieved by dr williams pink fills ask our dealer for dr wiuisrae pink pills ft r pale people and refuse all imitations ai d substitutes dr willi us piuk pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from dr williams m dicitie company from either address si k cents a box or six boxes for 250 the price at which these pills are sold tnsk a cootie ot treatmenr com paratively in izpensive as compared with other remedi a or medical treatment cm 2sjoy both tl e tn thod and results when bynipt kg 3 is taken it is pleasant and rel ceshi lg to the tasfeand acta gently retraomptiyoatheemneysy liver i nd i oweis cleanses tha syj tem ef ectut hy dispels colds head aches 1 nd ft vers and cures habitual consti tioi syrup of figs is tha lonly 1 emedy of ito kind ever pro duced pleafingto the tasto and ac- ceptaj le to ha stomach prompt ia i its act on tu d truly beneficial n its effects ptepiredonlyfrom the most healtl yana agreeable rabstanceg its many sxcelentqualities commends to all and haro mado it the most popul it res iedy known byinpof figa is forsalaia 7ea botflei by jail leading druggists any elkb e druggist who mayuo have it 01 hand will procure it prom itly i it any one who wishes to trj it ifitarofectured only by ths calforiltfls syrup cfc ai fbascbwcat iou it hew yobe kt our reblstook must g at any ribel thousands of bargains all remain ertir lull ire b rulwwtime table u accot 1 ii til fusedger tor ototo trunk railway 03fcni hun lerpraac puaaocor express esptt miil loxed 7 otttn t35fcm 11 00 cm 6 os pm 9 55 pan 6 03 pm 1 56 pm nelpb 0 clotuxq hjjls going wet 9 fe3 ld and s 0 pm going bt 10 im tnd 5 10 pm thti time ub e irent into tffect oa luy 23tb 1a33 dela take ai ijg tip business valuable peopebiry for 8a ft a mhb undersigned desire to sell bis wry com- ttorsslilsertr lourfliibj ot aner lot 7 eon s euulng inon as lots to s leiii itrieit aeton the reoidanee la eom- scjuj to csuonios- turd d t ter sid is rtry eonveolent sat tsrtns ana partuiulars apply to ji johh ahbbs acton i tl tj pabl cal a8tb v scte th i sale canaot last forever but vrluleit does last buy a good union carpet for 35c worth 50 iffjyftsffili taroets will go below- cost you can have cm bd can buy floor oilclotli- makeat 34c 43- is a common pnee tor adiin rnade ltch for ittiinlg must go d g b r will ortfir the ba slprini jackets and 016 h hyslop g dangerous 12 hozj 20c lisle gloves swill go quick atjiocj 15 i bh bk silk gloves great value at 33c 20 cents jnll thefanow i j 25dparasois any color at 75 cents on the dvntagebftmsareat saprifioe sale f r 5 doz ladies blouses just in to besoldat i loss ozjleather belts can behad at edst 1000 doz toni for 8c regular price hi and 15 cents 5000 silkibrjaidfor ic per yrd 10 doz corsets at cost new list next week property pay exdn- bildekbband aeton wspasserstake notice mhbunderiienedharaljr give notice that r x after this dato any person or persons found j trsnasaiuon uteii premises east and west lot josbpsivabbt whbbown- icton atay i lew for sale the undersigned has for sole a tists drltsr sia rears old good top buajj robes and harness all in good condition i ij hi n ttistalaas her wh hemstbkt acton cash of trade no credit rmy n j cor jliu and miin treets acton n the balance of our thursd prin lilqne ijabiatortuligo propevty at reasonable rates v a town hall aclcni tenders for aek dominion day ril rtvbndeas will b reeelired by the undersigned i up to tho lith juoo for the use of to public park tor dominion day parties reutjng to leave la as ood icondlatoa aswbealetr to them 7 the highest or anytender not necessarily ac- th0st uoore f clerfc 1 c4ptid acton luy 33th fes3 court of revision r u i jackets and oloth oapes remember we mark our goods in plair g b june 1st hn5tco ance of their gapes at a straight disdouiit v of tfljp htjy per oent fig ires and have only one price rftom co 5lj oubljph feild 06 will elebrated notics is hereby given that a court of be- vision fortbe manlclcaurr ot the villain ot abtooin tha county ot halton will be held at the town ball on monday june 12th 1893 at 8 pm interested parties will govern tnem- selves acoordiugly r thostmoobb acton xay 30th 1803 j aerk l for sale that dalnbls property ituir occupied by wulum ucmtbftv deoeued ocnufiting ol rime dwelu6gbcmij with ood tbed ntuebed coqtenient ftable mod well tod dttern togflther with ui km oi choice und bifliif 1 number of fruit tree thereon alt being in good order poueuibn giren immediafeely epply to john mabshaijj najaaawxripo notice to creditors in the matter of wllllamramahaw deceased f notice is hereby given pursuant to to j sutntes in that behalf aat all eredltors ot william bomsbaw late o tbeltulagst ot aeton who died on the 28th day of april lfltb are to send by post prepaid to john marshall kassagawsya post omeeost administrator of the estate of tha said deceased on or before tha first day of june 193 a statement in writ ing containing full paxtienlars of tbeir elaims and tire nature of the security it sny held bj them r f i and further take notioe that the said admin- j istrator will proceed on and after that date to distribute the assets of the said deceased amorut the parties entitled thereto having re gard only to those elaims of which they shall john uakahill administrator dated at aeton this lith dar of uaylcsb acton saw mills coal asd woorttabdg 1 mil i 7 jk7vses bfiosivzn sutrctscttrnzb aim ntauta tx dumber lath shingles coal and wood bicycle warehouse in canada stocked with the whityorth hurnbet belsize and spartan wheels lllfittec with the seddon orllafb send for see 3est vali iti the world catalogue our diamond frame pne ce e neumatic tires i wejaiso have a few ciishiont red wheels that we are quoting very low to clear t will py you to see our wheels aifi prices before purchasing if you icannov calji matic tire guaranteed safety fori 16000 the j h tjf3kspn ageiit t 7 geor3etown coal and wood always in stock and prtmptly dellvewd to any part of the town af v reasonable prises hardwood and slabs eut store length alwavs on hand telephone aornxuttnleation a quarter dollariuys at tha quarter stor tntylve king west hamilton on wm binalion the followiog extraordinary hr- bklng- 1 t lbs ehotcerltilian psel for 25 8uperjijr ty ashing 8od for 8 exoellentkioefor 8 8aprtorlbndry8urahfor 10 good cooking raisins tor 0 tcksge corn starch or 0 lbs choice mixed bird seed or ko zoo zoo iso 250 25c 23tc 4 monster bar good laundry boap 25o hamilton lhsll00 75 60 201bst six lbs toy cofiee coco i t for 450 t a25 i 275 for 100 i t l75 t 150 t 125 kind of t- etc for 100 wh fwl r i im jij i rn lv 1- i v j m iu icompany ti lbs currnu for t 7 sowrtor tiptoe for sie 80 80 for v 1 15 lbs best aukgbod for 2ot 7 blueing- for 25o i 5 for ise 9 nioa frash btsonlu for i5s 5 boxes looifer hatches for tie 12 bar eleotrio boap i 25o 12 boxes matches os as t iv baioltoh tsa coitpaky pank of ham hamilton i a rattlssnake fir feet ions in recent ly killed at forest flu uer niw fllsj uiii clarke dqghter of bev w- f clukk of gnelpri u ded in 8ooth afrio jcttj ftewwrl 0 holyrood bmo ooonty ont died from suitbeifion by iroa lo winnipeg hotel friday i v

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