Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1893, p. 4

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v ifctjt jiitoitytie fires tfitjrsdit joke i 18w p 33a trmcff wax rourxke kt ebvutd cixsyell a rose or a thistle a rock or a ea kosr answer me quickly which wu yon uke ttow and csto hid erec rote lujr yoa ansvexaa promptly wlthjadgmetxtaselesr vtbea ssksd la decide botvmq water ud bcr aodluiea be a wise t yoar choice the oae iccds to siciaesa the other to heeitb the er letd to rajn tare viler to rtcltb yet meay the better despise tbs oo oosts you courtac the other le dear for god fire the vtter hut aaa telle the beer r- oh when wrtll du leexo to be i 1 r automatic telephones bectol i tnarlt nous here and there turhsipf qantrsu tntefasi to free press readers trusts tad coatmattlous ace inpopulir bat there it oae torm oc trust tgtinst which no oat hts inythtng to sly thet it the trait which the paalia repose ia hoods rsireepirilie end the it 1e the tratt is folly jactined by ot the medicine far remember i ft is is mach in bpea qaeitioa now gj it ever wu in the dm ot the immotul bhekeepesre whether it i not better to beer the ille we have then by to ethere that we fcaow uot of it i perhi pe aa- ffilint to speak of the long ealfertag end ccaalty patient hello irl ce i crose to be borne with chriiuta resignation bat the stern end totrranfict remains thit it to a ricg- your bell too moon a her ear the linked eweetaeee long drawn oat thet it supposed to characterize the eneelia twitchmaiden ot yoar lightning express iontiekihle to bercaioged to something andeniibly peppery a devioe more or le complicated intend- ed to do ewiy with the eeatril operator it now being brought before the public batwhy the eipease of inch 1 complicated oongloaserttida ot eppirita should be gone to 1a order to deprive i few yoang bullet ot e chance to eern their dy breed it totally beyond oar oomprehenslon oar comrehentiooc may be limited but while the feet remtiae thet the laaail iaterect of tbtcost of fix or eight wire system neb tt the aewfuigted idee requires would be more hin esoagh to pey the wages of expert operttorc we ere compelled to cry cai bono whet it the good why displace the operators whote wtgee ere tmell f notion ot the expense of e telephone cyctemja order to introdaoe other com- njicetiont end expenses jthejlls we hive to wit the extreme ly affable yoaag ladies et oeatrtl we ere ell more or lete acquainted with now let at look it one or two thet it preeent we know not o bat which the eloquent sutomitio projectort woald tike to ran si ap egeintt1 we ell know bow thoroughly relieble ejectrio carrente ere when there it e peck of dait in the key contacts or e teexege ot bettery power to groaad daring wet weether tki lut ftctor ie to im- portent in the edjactment ot e megnet end teritttoa thet e telegreph operetor hec 1 eometimee to keep the edjatting screw ot kit rcley oontinaelly in hie hend while icing tb- inrtrament the eatometio crcheoge inctrament for eech telephone conleiaing foar or fire megnete is expected to look efter itcelt no operetort need epply to edjast iteejff to keep itcelt cleen toeat meticelly pat oq ite own bib end taeker end to go to church 8andeycin feet to jeed en exempkry life genertlly no one ii ellawed to teke e fetherty intereet in the orpben beceuie it it not eatometio supposing e tubecriber wente to cell np the generel hocpitel end bee gone throagh the cebelictic performenoe en the keye re quired to mike ttie neoceetery number eud we will ctretch e point end f aether cuppote he hu done it correctly end tome weoder- mic obe e fly u we etcpeckt he might hei been fooling eroand oae ot the contect points end themecbiue htt slipped ecog only one oog mind in the possible 99 iurtetd of the generel hocpitel he woald be just ee likely to get the jtil imcginewbet e shock to cbollys feelings if he tried to cell ap his sweetheert end got en ander- uker or tue effect on the presiding meiden ot the y w c g if some besotted bibalist took her for e brewery end ordered t dotec of beer end one of old tom gin end sent it e brece ot shekes at tbst 1 there would be deliitulfal uuceruinty es to whst you were going to get eboot the bafinees thet would be psrticulsrly chermlng it woald be e touldeetraying invention no doubt of thet ii you vented the selvetioq army for inctenc end gt the ifercer ileforms tory you would uot metephorfcelly cpeek- ing teke off your bet eud epologiee to the polite opentor it centre for not cpeeking pleiner oh no 1 the rcstreining iufla ence of thet young ledyt presence ee it were would be ebsent end you would if luminete the derk depths of the eatome- tics trencmitter with e blue ttreek at in diguetionthet woald mike the six wires sizzle to try end cerryit ell ewey it once any sycteii thet depends upon e bettery current to work its raechenism et e dis- tince must intbe nttare of ihinge be un- ceruio the fsilare ot the writing tele- griph tbit wis shown some yetre ego wee entirely due to this cease the epperetae would work perfectly with e degnite re silience end uniform bettery bit wte in operative when exposed to vicissitudes of weether mddiiunpe if ee is jpropoeed e oommon bettery mun is used with brioches to esch sabscriber e crose on the line liible to hsppen it tny time wonld pinlyze the whole exchinge the swiuh boerd woald hive the time number of connections ee theordtntry tele- 4 phone stitch boerd with the edditioo of e eompliceted piece ot mechenicm ia plice of the pitta eanancistor drop of the ordiairy tytteffl lie edoptlon intteed ot living ia thecotsiif lebor woald simply tebsutate sxpentive mechenioe for compsxittrely in- erpeccite operetort the ciiim thet l imlll ooantry town or tilltge ootid ate this cyitem intteed of the ordintry one doe not eppetr to hive epod fouadition it latomttis iastramente were instilled it ie idle fr itey thtt they would look titer themselves they woald hive to be meiateioed it would simply ein the substitution ot en expert to keep tkem in order ioeteed of the cheeper boy er girl whose only qaililccuon needed would be the ebiilty to ring e telephone bell the immense apct ot the system ia e lerge city woald fir overbeliuce the imoant ot the weges of e few girls while the aacerteiaty of results would be l eri- eii it aot prohibitive drewbeek we hive fresh in oar miod the worde of ceatiia given on the subject of tlecttie tovestmeaie tivep by the president of the ccaidim electricil stociitioa it its lt oourea reatioa bat do not think tilt investors though thry raey ttat know very macli eboat the ranter teehnietlly will jco much fiiih li i tpoiltooe oempetiy who woald offer to frqlp every town eud villegi inlbeeaaety ind liaild trnnk liiw from ktw bmoswiei o britieli oolambf do i r of ivjooioccmdla electrical aet krj w thiyer wright p q hid dyi pepiit for 20 yesrs tried rainy reraediee tnd doctors but got do relief his ippe- titawiis very poor hid e dlttrescing ptin in hit side end stomtch eud gndasl wist wiriy of flesh when he heird of md iminediitely cotntnenoed tiking northrop jt tytntnt vegetsble ditcoveryj the pelnsjhivfclelt end he rejoioeeio thesujoy- o excellent lieelth in set he itqaite hoods sirttpirilu cures hoadii pille ire purely veastible end do do purge pein or gripe sold by til draggiste ntpoleon wellingtai cavler tad sir wilier soott were ill born in 17c0 pechipj meat t nee at enme chinese rcsteursnti nothing but est it d dog flesh ie served it hit been proved it j it beea proved over end over igiin thet burdock blood bitters cares dyspep tic eoustipitioo biliousness heidiche tcroflle md ill diseuee of the stomtch liver lad bowelt try it every bottle it gairsiiteed to benefit or cure when tsken iccording to directioue degeneration begiut when the point it reechd when one it thoroughly titisned with himself or his etteinments he irho knows not how worthy of receiving to weit is not vet bat feed it with scotts emulsion feedjng the cold kills it and no one cin ifford to hive i cough or cold icutc end leeding t convnmpcion larking lirdusdnub i scotts emulsion of pure korwcqlan cod liver j oft and httinpkosphltes i strengthens weik lungt checks all witting diseases d is remirkaue j flsh producer almost is pilakbl as lut u good bat it jut u good m eatniint uthit noj ifery high reeomraenditiott toe the orifcintl end beet corn cure t hat ment tthlese corn extractor eefase to iccept i ny of the dingereai core produc ing- substitute offered by greedy deeiert who mike ltrger profit end ditregird the intereete qf coatamert itisssjepeiaieti certtio jsothto is paliticsjiy right thit iemortl- lyj wrong if yoa tint to bay or sell 1 firm id- rertise in the toronto wtcili itail thit piper tehee 100000 tirmere homef every we fc tad yoar tdvertisement should meet the ye of tomeone who wtnu to pur- advertisemente of this clue ire sorted in the toronto waily uail tor five ckmtt i rord eech insertion or twenty cents 1 1 rord for five insertions addxasi the mil toronto cmiii a bishful printer rotated e citustion ia t priotin office where femiletwere em ployed seylog thit he never set up with i dock blood gtur i ifiinit cholera 7 keep thevbla d pans she itomich in good working order ud the entire iyttem tree from morbid ei ete mitter by using bar- bitters which oleinset itrengtheak s d tones the whole lyitetn hjlkioniii itivt thi hittttiy frequent p edictioat ire mtde iboat outage in t ie cibinet nilanjiy it would bi looked for in the tretiary ue- pirtmcat t girl in his life caret tjancwmpttonsjonftiei crotrpf iett puster iriu circ en fitubetjaasj centsa swuohs v7ali2er troablamiecla prlooisca shilqhsatarrk heveiroacetexrilt trrtliltremwlr itwlll pocititolrrellevouidcuroroa prfoewebl this injector for its saworstal treatment i famtelfne ueraealrsulohtutmedist iresotdaqectutriacootaflvoiitisrectlon- 1 comnllatted ctse driusias i wis troubled with bilious- nesr hetdiche tad lost ot ippetite i could net rest it night end wit very week bat ifter us ng three bottled of b 3 b my ippetite ts good end i im better ihsa for yeirs past i would not now be with out b b bj end i im ilso giving it to my children mr wilteb beast uiitlind n s the ktiser of gerramy will stirt jane 29 for short set voysge on botrd the imperii yitch hohenxellern to the north of scotlind returning on the 2lst july tliey never flil hr s m boughner ltngton writes for ibout two yeirs i wiexroubled with inwird piles but by by aingpirmeleees pills i wis completely cared ind t though four yeer6 hive elipsed since then they hive not returned pirmelees pilu are eutihilious end 1 specifie for the care of liver end kidney cddipltiats pytpepsii costiveaess held icbel piles etc end will regulite the cecretioue lad remove ill the bilioae mstter awomint grief is never very sincere if she remembers to try md look pretty when she cries c o ricauin co qbxtixkes the top of my heed wis bild for ceveril yeirs i used iiinard8 llrtlktenti and now hive is good i growth of htir ic i ever bed i mis amtcst mckiy whettly itivcr p e i lihive used uinards liniment freely on myheid md now hive c good heed ot heir ifter having been held for severe yeira it is the only biir restorer i htve ever found i miis c asieisos sunlej bridge p e i scrsikil with kbsn sirs i bid such i severe oough thit mythmst feltet if icrpnd withi nrp onjtsking dr woods norwiy pine syrup i found the first dose give relief ind the second bottle completely cared me j miss a a dounev minotic unnd temples ere built of small stonet end greet lives ire mide np of trifling events at weil point ibey do not illow cor wei peeuuoet etleee the cue it etcjifewt- let it run tnd yoar ooaghmey end in somethmg seri- oae its pretty care to if your blood is poor teat is just toetime and oonditioo that tn vices consumntiori the seeds ere town end ft nes festenedlrs hold upon you before yott blow thet it it near it want io to trifle end delay when toe remedy ie at hand every disorder that oxa bo reached throurb the blood yields to dr pierces golden kedicel discovery for severe coughs bronchial throat end lung dtssosec asthma scrofula- in every form ud even the scrofulous affection of the itmes thats called consumption in all ite earlier stages it is a positive and complete cure i it is the only bkndcleenser strength re storer and fleshoollder so effective that it em be taran if it doesnt benefit or cere in ererv case yon have your mouajr beck all oedidaa deeiert bare ii for frost bites sits for chipped hinds sore thrott tad frost bites i find nothing excels htg- yirds yellow oil which tasn hetlei np the frozen pert cris lonoftrm alimedinwt sid is lheeveiiing ot life when fiiih his lit no litnpe how to lict a sunlight picture isend ii sunlight sotp wrappers wrapper bearing the wards why does l romin look old sooner thin t ittn toi liever brat ltd a soott st- toronto end yoa will receive by pott i pretty pic arc free from idverticiag end well wart fritniae this is in easy wiy to decinti vir home the soap is the best ia th market end it will cost lc postage to sent in the wrapper if you leave the end i open wnte your ujdrcet cirefaily one of the buffilo bebill tem thit year is turned cotton it will be a net uitag to find coiloa bettiiut oa the field i cotton bettiiut w dehilitr pilen weektiec debility pilenem ansemii le are eared by jlitharii beef iroi ad wine j bribiai vatert ia america l much ntoe ommoa thcata englcnd i a lawyers clerk weal to kwiw it erbte exeminttioa ceif be a goodmtarft one- i the third page of the toronto daily uail is noted for want advertisements if yon want to buy or sell anything it you want a cituationa mechanic a buci nees machinery lodgings if you hive lost or ound tnylhing or if yoa wmt to find out whre tnyone it advertise in the to ronto daily mail end read the advertise mente on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address the uail toronto cin- ada a petition has been entered tgtiuct the of mr eirwood liberal lifely m p for yaudreuil quebec o h what a cough 7 there ire i mtny cough medicines in the market i it it ii lotnetimet ditficult to ell which to 1 ay hat if we hid i cough i cold or tnj iffliotion of he throat or lungs we w aid try bloklet anticoa- tamptlve syr ip those who hive used it think it it fsr ahead of all otber prepare- lions recomn ended far ach coaipliintc the little fall c like it is it it is ptsuiat as syrup anenergeto repoiter lately got ap in icoaaat ot 1 1 re heided destraotive fire j eleven baildiqgt tea horses ind oae oow a ratnt chipped 1 inds ind lipt cricked skin totes cuts w lands md braises ire prompt- ly cared by ictocit cirbolio beive wws wot n syrap is the ttmdird of excellence tothert recommend it chit dren cry foe i wormt fly from it a wtg pro uses to pablith i new piper railed the iomst with in origiuil tale every week ottos ettl triple an lold phytioiin aured flrom pri hlvin hid plided in his hindt by in indi musionuy ih formnls j mgeliile remedy for the speedy oa p mane it care ol coaiatnptfou bronthlul ciui th asthma and sjtihroit indllnog iffeot ions also a positive and radios oort for n irvoas debility ind ill nervoai com plain s after having tested its wonderful careiivo powers in thoutaods o eise hu tell i his duty to mike u known to u hit tafle ing fellows aotasied by this motf sad i desire la relieve hamtn laffefing i wflli end free oc ohirge lo au who diire ibis recipe in germia french or english with fall directions for preparing nd uiiu f sent by msu by addreeiinj with slin p aiming this pipr wa korsi 620 awert block rochetler k t fir nine tiiriur samuel bryn th ifbtd writes for nlae years isuffer- ed t ith ulcerated tares oa my leg i ex- pen ledovec 103 tpphysiciini aad tried eve y preptrttion i hsird ot or siw reoom- mei ded for taeb dinise hat obald get no foglw whion hoist if t9 old scotch aims for cough the english name for the beet core for ooag it it dr woodt norwiy pine syrap give hollo viys corn care i trial it removed ten xirns from one pair of feet without pain i whet it has done once tt will do tgain ultiards i altne utfor ulitamatutn the to comfort ok washday return elected wulyoa heed the warning tfte bignal perbat o the bare apprbtch of that mare terribl j disea c a sumption ai yoar edvee f von cd afford for the ska of ktvldg 50s to run the risk tnd do nothiog for it we know from experience that shitoh a core will euro your cough it never fills soros lecturers who complain of the im attention of their hearers should get ad aadienco of note shavers theyalway take great iuterest vtkrn paby wiaclclt tror- caatorl wheii alio vtis u cliiltl io cricj for caatoru vlleil bho bccirno i1 ilio clung to csflori vlcilllujchllcll rcrfuct satssfactluu ge tlemes i have found b b b an excel nt remedy both as a blood purifier and g neral family medicine i was for a bug t me tronblijd with tiak headache and heart mm and tried a bottle which gsvve me st oh perfect situfaclioo that i have ihen nwd it as oar fatiil msdioine k biiley north bay odt h imph exclaimed a paul pry an he was 1 stening beneath an open window if icanitsellmy eyes i can lend an ear i cons powe good do to a g jod ppf pose l uerahcr of the ontario board of health says lave prescribed gcous emnuion in imptipn and even when the digtuttre a were weak it has been followed by results h p yzokaks abud sidei mrs today thy nearest daty i a wonderful new combination is b star b headache neuralgia and liver powi ers nice to uke perfectly harmless mr wills chief of police woodstock says a sure care every time aid firner barrister hamilton says i expe fenced almost immediate relief from their oee for sick headachea- mr mer cer antrtctor hamilton says i con them a very valuable remedy and far superior to muny others i have tried gaston hamilton says deri ed great benefit from them been i have having long time a suflerer from headache biliousness and neuralgia mrs crist han iltoacays no medicine or doctors did py daughter any good nntil we used btarks headache neuralgia aad liver povfders jtbey have effected a complete mrs keata hamilton stys yoar rdent have been the greatest blessing to price 25 cents a box sold by all ledicinedealera lintrds liniment cures bums tr powder porect coetatn n al ammonia ume i p otulctt toronto one ew s 1 cuarakteed pure amd to coktaih ko imjuriou5 chemicals j wtth b 8 pios gurcfor the best c0ugk medicike 8811 jtmushss evmhus pure ptwdereo ku aeauc inais21poendssaifiola su t relilf i at list wat recommended dr thomii ecleotrio oil trill hiresoited ifter atinjeight battlei using it i iterniliy smd eitermlly ins c mplete i believe it it ihe best meditlne la the world and i write this to let km what it his done tot me get i be whocleihces a blot vrfth blurpsd fin- mikes i greater blot lfy little boy texts uy little boy hid a ha iking oough ind could not deep ii ried htgyirds pectorii bilsim ed hlo very quickly has jhicsexr llnwod ie thit miy hinder raishiet tnd m ts it is m iccessory x others evsra aight lad it oat el per- x worthy of hotice it is just one year since i have aken over the business formerly carried on under the firm name of kelly bros and as i was determined to do acath business in order to keep ap with the times aad give customers goods it right prices i must now say that it hu been the most pleaieut year ii have spent in busiaes i now take the opportunity of thinking thenumerotis customers for their very kind patron age in the past and- solicit a sharo ot their trade in the future feeling i im now in a position to do better bythem tbtn ever before having the lirgeat and choicest stock of staple f rmja banrmuqtutr for matin boca r dwaiertlng and a honored qtbat all grtvkr- cv4 dractffu to lc ok well is more tte result of good judgement and taste lhanr ere lavish use of money my btocfe ot boobs shoes is adapted o fill lite want f iltote lm having sle der iucome ftill desire to make their ppeannoe creditiblt my experie ice and close relations manuftcturers enable me to present a- line of with unequalled i footwear i the county for style quality and price wm wil liams machine grind ell wright am well oq necessary to maohi tert aghiol rltural implements and to do ill kinds of steam horse steam fittikq gehee al and woodwai t faetottmioqcf lmplentent of nllog done mz flei repairs gqwdt mower i mb 99 uppe aotoa acton hmo repair shop pped with ill tbs miclnery ute all repairs to- shoeina nd bllcksmttmnd repairs performed in a sitis- wo scia repir tny mtchlno or aby matte saw jamming and aqents fob- 3 inpleients akd s celebeited lawk wheal high tpeed crlndell wright fashionable west end r wvkdhhk strbei spitii suitings overcoating and pantings beautiful destgnit new spi ing hats nev ge its furnishings new sndleadtng stylea trv our uulunrtned shirt tt 50c my sf eciality perfect fit ting pan ts to order 4 00 re nelson uercban tauor and gents forufther 99 jplrwrndhtiii8tauelpt dry readymjade clothing hats and cents furntehfngs for the spring trade that waa ever shown in acton i want every one to read this advertisement all through aa yoa will had it of great interest mecktiej in this hoe i have made a special effort to place in stock the choicest collection of knots four in hands windsor scarfs and bows that yoa will acq ia any store west of toronto shirts both white and colored sunday shirts and working shirts a very fine range to select from at 60 cents hkts never in the history of acton ha there been shown such a choice lot 0 hits as i have to show you this spr ng in all tbe latest shapes md colors to fit and suitall sees and a speciil line in childrens wear riekdytvmpe clothing in this department 1 promise yoa wonderfat bargains in bleaa loathv boys and childrens baita and odd pants iu great variety aud atj prices that will be sure to catch yoar eye never before had i such a rswe of 2 and 3 piece suka at all prices aud style u wont pay yoa to pass me if there ia anything in the way ol cloth ing yqu mhnt hosiery i havesome verygpeciclbcc- cttins women misses aad chil irens a splendid black cashmere w mens size for 25- cents well wortk 15 eenu this is the kind of bargains yot may look for from me under the cash rys- tem as i have stated before ti keep abreast with the times a cash ness mast be done sad that i will do and nothing else i have now in stock the balk of my spring goods ana the bilsnce will bo arriving daily sincerely yoars jjkelly successor to kelly faros fjltjri wwcil fardjs- at itmm itli stoi tl djstro is raorpt agents tla ll dr samnol pitchers tiwcrlirtloa ftt inltatt cblujron kcontolmboitubrolaommppiilw or kkrcotu bnbstanco it to ft towilem abtltat pobriilp8boothla3syrtitand comtot oo it pnt its caarontoo to thirty ycaw tut by oijofmbthcni cmtortoflortonmaimlan ighlnoisicartorla proronts vomltlmt boor card tc ilorrhooa ood wind oolle tjartorta utm tlilni troiiwe euros conrtlpatlon ond flttjlener torllrumlmuatea the food rcgalatcb tho rtoinch bjwcu dvins jicalthr fnd natural riee ou- bjtho cilldroaii lnaooatjio mother frleoo qastoria newplanirigjfh uror 71 i sash mi hanttsjipthebnndlfettmsissjt iocs llalv kttii 0 jes5koh allaflertpompui attended to- a0hk oa 1 aflton 1 1 i ch radical nrffclm for ah- toon a rojcoiedly told me of its a upon their children j di 0 c osaooo lotrell jiua 4 u tlia best renied y for chndren cf aacqialaiedj i hope tio ily ij cot uluainothcra wglooasuer tio rcsl p icueiftlrei a 1 1 cattrd ie- theviatoastiuackiiosmariswluclisxo is tictj lovod onm by foretejentam e soothing syrup sod otber uttrtful mru tictr libels- tbcrcbj- eenclss remiro gravos pn j t imcexioe ooeway xv ilt gentawr oaesspststr ti castoria castorfi isso well adapteltoewlilrea thas ireoomnicbintascaperkwloapreserfptlob kamwa0 jlaascbnltl- ml co o s broomyn h t oarnersfctosa the ebilareat depsct- nent have spates hlghlr u their i- coce in ibeir oattue praetteewluicastorb 3d altboosh wo oalf hare amowr orr mkeal eurhiei wka is taowt u retr 7txithmin tree to eoniees ibattv merits ot caseoeti has won os to took wnh teror ttpoti it7 i rirttsd heertui am dntrstaitt boston stess liim c ssotsi aes wonoerjwnd a representative farmer- 8peak8 i 7 hsmf sukmo lew teck oty 7 ghaxilees v 3 special lines dstkines 16 pieces worth 30 to 56c at 25 cents earge range of chillies clearing at 8c and i2jc i f sklteens oayeati tltaqg mabks oestch patents ooprriohts i ato for tnttmiutlcn ac4 ftce handboofc write to mlsx cw kt bnoidnr xnv ruue oldest barcia lor tccann pircct in ameri- ktcryraarit titen oiitbt us ii bmutatlrara ihe paojjcbrinouce riveu free o easnis in the lanresc circulatloa of sar tefcutillc paper la tbe wortd siilendldlr ulaarjatcd- yo intsluseot man ihould tw tithont lc weestr s3ua s jcari fli3i dinniht aimtws musnlfc co- ptliukucici at uroadwaj xew vork atr r etmklr new cqmpqvffd heftd- t0b sure curt far all headpdns biliousnets and stomaeh complajntt r stark vook irw jmwt guictv ui- veniij scotland for the r stark meilicine co tax hotiiii starks 4 ilee oitelm darnle 25 cmta a box t 65 pieces of sateens fast color worth 20c at 8c exceptional value in i parasols gloves hosieey wyadbsm street q aelpb osftld street glitgav 5 tnd st j d williamson fc co guelph t le auldjr lawn mower ffigi wlieelhigli speed gf uneioelled in design qaslity ot meier- iel and worcmanship ity ease ot operation and cleannett ot ct j uakopictcjled bt j the gfowdy itfgry co indell- st jficrighti scents rcton mb c chaw the touowing rtmimtaueifwlrony ptsfctotso in tit- tidntty having f ont fifty years and is highly rebpecertm rain of the twoiest honor wowu as oood as hts bond vi is will be seen from hilettjr four physicians had attended uliaj and it was nly atter be had given fcp hopo of cure he decided to trrfiordook kood bitten on the rooommendatiaoj m neishborirno had boen ottred ot tunba osease by its use mr haun writes as follows t i dsaa 8ms i thiak i faowo been one of the worst safferers yon have yet neard- of having been six years totte hands tf tool ot our best doctors withtiut obtaining permanent relief but oontahniuy growing worse until almost beyond hope of ro- covery i tried yourbitters said got jehet inafewr days every orgari of myody was deranged the liver enlarged hardened and torpid the hetrt and digestive organs seriously derangrf a larreawa in my baot followed by paralysis iof tho right leg ia fact the lower half af my body was entirely useless after hiring burdock blood bitters for a fowdays the abscos burst disoharging folly five ouarta of pus intwohonrs i felt as if i had received a shock from powerful battiery hj to- eovery after this was steadyi and theenre permanent seeing that for the four years since i have bad as good health as ever i had i still tavo an occasional bottle noi that i need it btft beotuise i wish to keep my system ia perf eei vjrking oroef i can thins of no more remarkable oaae than what i have myself poised through and no words can express myj thaukfrilrimt for saoh eriecj recovery 1 i j oc slcs wiuandeo in this eonnection the following letter froni tcnmines esq a leejdina druggist of welland ont speaks for tselft meisrs t ifobum co toronto gsatliitssr i have been personally acquainted with uro o hnnn to the last 20 years and have always found him a very reliable man you may place the utmost confidence in anything he jays with regard to yoar mediame be tias on many occasions within the ust font years told me that it vras marvellous the way the burdock blood bitters had cured him and that he now felt as able do a days work as he ever felt in his life although quite well he still tokesbomo b b b occasionally as lie says to keep him in rertheaith tours truly v tmuus ctmnczs i wellandont the steadily increasing sale of b b b the length of time it has been betore the peopk and tho fact that it cures to stay oared attest the sterling merit of this monarch of medicines the peoples favtrite blood purifier tonio and reguistox j dun ms v a- lielpli olotli hail fe have a fine range of i or suitings amd overcoatings this seasons tratfe and will be pleased to show fherri to intending purchasers our reputation as firstclass tailors and dealers in reliable goods is well known shaw tk turner thecooicsbe largest sauc ijicanab are and incandescent j electric motors cd i c0htia0tffi3 1st buotbhtuqht ahj b 1 6ato to weuihototl t itrle llshtln inerators deb3 6 tte 8iah0sb jolxn siglxt fc son furnitures lndertpcking any i- j oar stock of furniture iauow complete for he spring trad aad we sen sopply ry yoa wsnt at the lowest poastble prioes w dont steal our turnitore nor detn id sny one in its manufacture bat we pay oath for it and oan tell u low for rash asa rdeaers in the trade we can give you a bedroomset complete for 114 r wove mattresses for 4 8prinr8for 3 3ldeboards at cost i lounges for 760 i extension tablest5i chairs at any prlbe underthkinc asllssviw boa i always m siook we can jdve yoo iz sli p 1 to imprest anon th pablio thilaet that we have no a s riirnotgoverwbythe ubcteuker atso auon 5r can give you tbe best the resets afford at very reasonable price cood hearse and sutflt for funerals i sfeight son perfect alfmcle nooksfelel v baking powder tbnrestqnawyjpf cream tartar finest ictj btalizedbw irbonate of bod only are used irtfhia tin paratian ithnrctoodal wtfh eoo mheepers for ibs is pflvjrirnnnlvrlk it co years and in ever atl the best pest than nowjlirbosilmeibetiei- bm siai it caffaio the finest pure cround fit 1 ins omy k yon cannot zcfc it mt ypru 1 nearest grocer send polstal card ajrect to amne milwmontntwko 1u mail immediately tree the address given tontionof tbe mi wwow1u trial sanrpla to

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