Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1893, p. 1

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volume xviii xo 50 0 lie ctoti m jfjss a ii pcbuined every thursday mottnlkq t the free trtci 6tia printing oece ll btitirt acton ost ftcnksor rthtceiftio one dollar per year ttricil in id tch oo all sobtcripuoni dlsoon tlhum when the time tor wtich tuey have been t1a hu expired the dato to which every iicrii tlon u paid is denoted on the tddrou latxl adtemiiiva iutettrwiilent tdrcrtlto njeou 6 cent per voopcrell line for tint to mrtfcn s centt per line for ech knbcoqnent insertion cottbict lutklthe follovloc ttblo thoi opr rate for the insertion of idvertljemcnt for f feci fled periods j kpacc 1ybt 6kci 8 ko i lko x laches mo 03 tisco iw s7 00 s3 00 so 03 19 03 800 libehea 10 00 lt fcc em inch 6co a so too too jadrertlmmenu withoat epecific direction ill b incefud uu forbid ma charted accord itcw trtntient idtertucaseau mail bo paid intdrtnoe ladrertiicmeati will be changed once etch tfiontn if dealr- for chtneet oftener than one a month the compocltlon mntt be ptidlor regal u rtte i chtnc for contract itertucments must bcu in the otflce by noon on tuctdtys h p moore editor and propr etor business directory f urln u d c u osce and retidanco cornor mi 4 i roderick ctreeu acton sa mckeagueu d grtdutte of trinity collece uember of collsc0ofphttlclcni ted sorceonb licentiate of hoytl college of physicians ind etireeons cdlnbargh office tnd realdence dr lorrj jcte real dence betd of frederick itreet acton jh wilkinson d d bl d s bubgeok dtvtlst graduate uolrertity of toronto liemwer of the ltoral colleco of dental burgeons omce open every day except edncsdsy fburtday ua satnrdtj orer the ifrog wre acton l l bennett l d b dentist i geokqetow oxtibjo m clean mclean uaniilers solicitor notaries conveyanceri fce prirate fundi to loan i oitlce town hill acton wu a mcleij jio a mclea j a mowat ulutstcb boucltob n0t1bt public honey to loin office dats tuesday and saturday orrice kianiwln i blffck acton npstatr rj mcnabb covteiancrn collecton etc rcnu indtccorinu collected agent fire ind life assurance probity boccbt tnd told money to loin on the most ftrorible terms j a mov ats office acton 8 fuilton walldridge stonl birriiten bollcltort c tobohtoaxd geoeoetowk odcei cretlmtn block georgetown tnd trtden bink cbimbcr 63 onge tt toronto siiiltov b i w n willbcipge n e etpe w b jackson cojrejincer notary lowic iteal etute loan nd iniunnce agtnl uooc to loin it lowent rtcfi ohirc days block gnelph out jamlshltcheon lidd surrajor indciril engineer oltce idioinmg j a mowiw uicdonncll ttrect ouclpu patents secured foii invkntionb iidnuv gu1st ottawa cakaua twenty y ir prtetice ho pttent no pt w m uemstkeei lilccveed auctioceb for tbe coaqtlet of ellinto ui hltod orjerslefl it tbe pbee pheeb ofice acton or i ujf retldinco in actoa vill be prompt gt- lenaed to termi reuonftble ajto mono lo loin od tbe moft frorble tiran nd at tbe loweit rtel of interect in tamiof ciflo ind upirtrdi fohn day architect gcblpu okt mce wjndhtm btroet i every week we are getting new effects in inqrairwll papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers are used by the best families they are as cheap as the common papers only ts cts a roll and much handsomer when you are in quelpk call at days book store and see how njee and cheap they are day sells cheap m jtnt 4- aoton otirio thursday june 151893 the traders bank qp oahajji st tt dpi cut ttkca from gorsmjncat re turn tfovemter20th188b gold dotuli depoc ion sote ted with government to secure clrcaliuoa note iad cheque of other lltnki cell lcn0u btockiind bond btlia e due from other beak qottr imint dbcntnra axlti iuuedutelt avulablk iicoabtd bui i ccoanted ovrdu bttk remue bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a s lhs8 depaktuent haa been opened in connection with this branch l luttrctt allowtil at current ritei jas hftficay uanacerouelph bttavcii rape seed farubhb look out and cet the rtcbt ied tbii ear i imported tnj itipe seed in tie winter and bad it tectad by prof sbaw at tbe ontario acricnltirral collec inlheirgfeeobonie ou cau tbrrefore rely on cettinc the eenuine true dwarf etsex ilape beed fron rae price 10c per 2b or ix lbs tor 100 mangles 20c lb carrots 40 jb 50c lb swrnc turnips 18c lb seed corn ycuatrsoest tooth 70c warn son them white gbc per bushel red cob comptons early tbqrobred flint leamino etc hungarian uillet tares buckwheat etc ceo j thorp direct stti importer mttonio block gdelph a business education i a source of wealth i ever toang pcrxou will cn3 a thorough lufiiues tninfng the gntect tld in getting good eurtin bnuneuiufe thi ige etllsfor ictiie intelligent well irtlned help in ill dc tttmenu of tride thote who mike their eervice vilntble hive na difficulty in stturing desirable poeitiom where idvtnce- ment la tunred lhe demind for expible rclibte ubletint la conctintly iscteialng a prtcticil hueineta ed a cation not only flu one for t cucoescful ttxxt bat with energy perseverance ind bird work leda toproej terity ind wealth tbl ii witbln the retch of eery ctubltlonb person who ittendi tbe gnelph bttbiuess college locitrd it nos 101 ind 103 yndhim treet guelj b out ctll or write for particular ie maccormick principal ltortg ge icd other auet tdttlautim id abilities ptidi earpl bote a clrcnlttion depot ts from public depo t ram othar btak at t9876 11713 ib 159 miol 106 ta x0 nanus ifiizjxs 87s7 1u18 ths3 607 03 tstta twmt ci wl binder i twine red cap blue ribbon silver composite prices lower than ever can quote now bond 8c co hardware cuelph shoes ladles fine american shoes flexible and dainty hand turned cork soles 3very lady enjoys stylish dur able and perfect fitting shoes this on can btve by letting m fit yon with slit of oor shoes which ire wiao in til tho event widtbi j oifordi for ltd if genu and children weir we ctrry the ltrgect stock is tbe city ind of tbe very beet quality oar speciiltie ire htndbewed htndwelu goodjeirwelu tnd uchi bowed tlexlble if yon ire looking for styllcb footwear of the bestqnillty it low price try w jiclarentco themtwer to oar chmir parties have ben cumlned ills tent 1 hetd guelpu is tbe tuoostufal competitor for tbe tecond price 20 tnd any pair of fiboe in our tore valued at e2 go a tbe whole bolutios wu not coantctlv oick by isr okp tho flrtt priw wa not awarded we wish to comment on the neatnecs of tbe in ewer throughout but more especially on those received from john kome morriston lottie e webb 0 priogo u h stewart ck do llrxle d know erin and and klcalutar he pier guejph s letding shoo store wm mclaren co millions in it w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont hake a bpecialtt of machine finished book papers am high okadf vefkia fws the paper used in this journal la ftom the above mills wm baebeb beob f kavcis nunan u00lb1sdek wddbijist gnelph ontario over mlliama btore account book of til kind made to order t enoilctla of every deterli tion carefully bonnet kullnr nettlrmd promptly done t he 1ianlan barber iiop millsteeet actox j neaiysnve astlighbiircnt agoodteafotm an exhilliratincchimpoo ilwajfiiven kacore hone land put in firctcltsi condition ladlef id 1 children hair tastily ect j ah wordes touionil artist wellington mutual fire insurance comoany ebtaeuezd 1w0 isfaliusge on ijutual plan an coinmunl cttiom forwarded to my tddreabor or tiki houl in will beiromptl attended to johntaylok agent i guclpii haiailtouh jfarble works nmilt0n block fonnerly hatch i block the gore corner of oolwlch and 7orfoilc street gueljb oot john h hamilton proprietor t holestle and retail dealer tn direct importer and manufacturer of all kinds of granite ind marble lloncment tombstone etc riving 1 id in rxteoiue experience for the ltat lgjetm the rinbllc my rely on getting ill buperict article at i cheierratc than my othtr dealer in the west n b lpcr cent off on i direct order re- eeired for tie next x dan the odell type isrtriter oi lt luy tle odell type rv writer with 7 character war ranted to do better orfc than any mtcbiue made it combine simplicity with dtbibiutt fpefp task or ore ration wear longer with out cost of repair tbn an other machine haa no lok nbbcra to botber tbe opemtor ici j tat etirttafctial nickel plitad perfeccxpd adapted to all kinda of typewriting like priii tins pre it produce liarp eletn legllila mancccni tc two or ten copies eta be nude it one writing any intelligent percoa ecu be come u oieiatorin twoday we oflertl 000 to anv optrttos who cm equal the work of tpo odell bvitie apeot kda edjecmea wanted spec iaj ipdtcem o deaiert pflr mp giriog indotcement etc a4dnsa odell type writes co boom 36 ccd ufa bojiding toronto j w rutherford tfgr for dominion season1893 ts7hile returning thanki to our many pit v v rons for tbeirliberil snrport in tbe pact we wlih to intonn yon thai we htve entered into in arrangement with b btewart gnelph tokecpconitantltodhmd t full stock of the ordinary fxe of sash doors etc and will tlso supply toy special clie on short notice at guelpi pilca frames of aid kinds made to order we also keep in stock i una of base ymndowand doorcuing comer blocks ic onrlunibordrctttd while ou walt trice 81 50 per ii pumps belog i etter ablo than heretofore we will impl lither wood or iroh pumps promptly all work guaranteed sotitfactory please ctll and inspect before pnrchulng elsewhere taorvebbagb haaairer acton actom livery bus line tho undersigned repectfulryolicit the pttron age of tbe public tnd inform uiem well equipped and stylish rigs cam 1 i waya be secured at bis tables a comfortable be meet tl train between 9 a m and 616 p m crcful attention given to every order tho want of commercitl travel lcr fully met john williams steel engravings proof etching colored tictqce boom and picture llouldicgs ivory oak frftamesi s put money lo tby purse if not alas he who steal tby purse btctls trash bo aid w ullam bbalespeare and all we hive to tdd is that a lean purse take a new lease of life when it come in contact with tbe price w tro offering on til onr furniture wc tm t quota to jon anr ble ti per cent dlf count batjuitaik you tolook over the lollowlnc lilt a good bedroom suite at 10 a better one for 11 a daisy 12 a beauty 13 a dandy 14 and tbe best in the world 15 next a good sideboard tor j 0 00 a better one with mirror 7 50 a daisy with mirror s 50 ladies recking chairs trom 1 00 children a bofkeri from 50 extension tables fall size from 5 00 we hate opponents hnt o rivals in the furniture basincsa seouf them all and ever body knoivs it give us a call and see or ourselves if it is not ttuc donot boy from us gorfrtj t r air tro the cblldre j batiahtleiaggettioa falrr ura i tho roceburtt of dawn bat the secret uiajclupc it l rarer iweet tho eiualuaca of song bat the strtla that pd it u sweeter indiever wm poem yet writ bat the metalac oatmitri the metre 1 sever t ctttfy thu growt bat t my stety gulaeth tho growing sever rf ver that flows but t majecty sceptre the flowing sever bbkcpetrp tcitsoired butt stronger thin he did enfold him jerr t prophet foretell bat i mightier sear hith fortold hltn back of the canvu hat throbt the ptfater it biased tnd hidden into the stttata tlufl hntthec tho soal of tho ectlptor 1 bidden under he jay out fait ue the lafilalto tttjaet of faeung crowning the glory jrereilod fs tbo clory that arowm tho revealing great are the sytabx is of being bat that which is lymbollod it greter aat the cretto and beheld bat vuter tho inward creator back of tbe sound brood the sttance back of tbe gift stind tho giving back of the hand tott receive tbriiirtbe secsitlra nerve of recelr log eptco i nothing to spirit thedeod it outdone by the doing the heart of uls wooer if warm bat warmer the heart of the wooing bat np from tho pit where theco shiver and ap from the height where those shlao twin voice tnd shadow swim starwtrd and the escenco of luo t dlvta rickard fclf dtd ftttttilg ridxtttg tli- great australian peifebs dt akjta shield ouk baby careiages are the finest ever teen in the city ju st seo see them we handle the celebrated wen class mewcombe pianos boys and mens bicvcles w ill be in a little later walt for us we airo goldb to put ne life in this town and its good lople p sprkgce the people populir famltare store upper wyndbam et cuetph wo ply freight on ill bills amounting to t3 kellys artists materials a full stock of ttinsor l kewtons flake vkite a double tube eowney s toc s a 10 rjeer photo framec oordnleta s3e 5 feetcbmloe lole bcao fltilaftte oor wall papers ire said to bo tho best selected id a city waters bros n established i 1j7t bt geokaessquake uel2k i music store removed to 95 upper wyndham st whcie i will bo pleased to meet all my old customers and sa many new ouesaswlluavor me with a call hartus disposed of nearly all my stock dortne the clearing bale hare ntrrebasod a very largo stock of pianos orccans and alt kinds of musical instruments sheet music and music books call and examine my stock ho tronble to show goods c jw kellys 93 upper wyndham streo auelpb kil to g ii uytn i co great is the was considered u heiress to a millionaire in australia ho wu the narrowest escape from being a- dwarf that a full grown woman was exquisitely proj ortioned every cans of her dainty figate rounded to perfection a wealth of gold n carls crowning sweet tee the wte the tiniest loveliest little woman that ever charmed a mans heart away bnl tho rai godfrey leemant daughter and for 1 wenty jeara godfrey leeman had beet pilu g np wealth iq australia while sadit pasixl from infancy to childhood from girll cod to womanhood her mother i deal 3 bad made an exile of her father bo her tunt mrs cretswell took her into hei nest full of girls and boys and she wai alwi yt one of them in every respect it wa fully ten years after godfrey lee mai left sonnvdale and his infant chilt befc e he began to send home money bn whe 1 he did begin eicrv mail from austra lia wrought a draft and with it a letter begj ing of mrs cretswell to spend ever doll r 1 os nave taken care of my little elrl for tsi yean tho father wrote and this is or you r owrj use give sadie her share with yoar own chuuren if you will but do not save for uel she will nave more than sho can spend n ind mrs creaswell whose husband ha 1 neter been able to make both ends mee found herself able to make them lap ove an 1 plenty to spare tho mortgsgo vai isl ed from the house new furniture re- pli ocd old fresh carpets were seen where sh bby ones had been pretty toilets for the gi is college education for the boys for te i 5 ears there was plenty in the house it c esswell where sadiereigued queen she w i older than some of the cresswellt y unger than others bnt petted caressed id ilized by all of them iet they could not spoil her she was alvavs ready to answer every call she vv mid hunt out words in the dictionary for t im in the intervals of making a kite for bbtet up kates knitting when tie flushed aunt carries cap fill uncle 3 hn s pipe and nog ballads for him r p ay dancing muno half an evening with e ual good temper not even after society claimed her could t e adulation and fkttery harden the tweet n tture or introduce one clemeat of selfish n ss into the gentle lonng heart spe as an embodied sunbeam always ready t laugh to frolic to join in pleasure e he v as the soul of sympathy tenderly help nl 1 1 suffering generous to a fault essentia ly v omanly and edward underhill coming hone f om australia with a letter to sirs cress i ell full of enthusiasm and self tacrrfoe 0 ud- resolute in his determination never to 1 3 won by money surrendered fn half an 1 our after meeting sadie ho was a rising lawyer with a modentc 1 irtune and had gone to australia in a sort tour around the world he took before sttling down to the practice of his proles- i ion and in his travels in the favqred i dand ho had met godfrey leeman and i eard of the colossal fortune that gentle i iin had made in twenty j ears of fortuiate i vestments there was no doubtl in unnydale of the stability of godfrey tee- uans wealth but after all it was sdme hing to have it confirmed by one who had lecn on tbe spot and teen the proof why hasnt he sent nome a fortune to nvett for his daughter edward under nil raid repeating hr cresswell s dues ion because the investments are better vhere he it honey doubles under his ouch and there seems to bono limit to his net or judgement whichever it is that guides htm and he wants joa to take oar little sadie from us said ifrs cresswell ho think well of van but better than i dcsrve sail the young man earnestly it was a mere matter of vouth and strength hn was getting rather tho worst of a struggl with two hath rangers when i came along but yoa were shot a mere ffeah woond that hat never troubled me believe me i thoughl uoth ing of any claim upon uiss leerrta i and had resolved never to marry a great 1 eiress even to oblige her father until i ta r her an hour beside her scattered all ciy fine resolutions who could see her i nd uot love her sadie who had most quietly se aside every wooer never doabted the i rath of edward underbills love her gratitude was won before she saw her fathers letter describing thi odds sgaiatt which he had saved leemant life with a heart si pure and free from gaile she si that there was sttraclioa la a full parse and was inclined u resent any attention paid to her which kate and font is cress well did not receive they ate a hundred limes prellicr llian am and twice as attractive in every way it just papas money 1 she would say ndlgntatly if the thought ham slighted at whea edward underhill paid to them nly the ordinary courtesies and sought to her favor the quito forgot her iudigna- on and without giving utterance to her ipialon thought i he mast like mo best he talked ta ma when eate was tinging her best and he would not promise to join the riding party until he was sure i was going i think katie tikes joe hunt and esnnle always blushes when will thorne ipeakt to her to they can spare me hx underhill he is ever to much handsomer than the boys and it would to please papa if he likes me- something and it might have been his perfect tlnoerlty gave her tho conviction that her fortune had no weight with him she knew absolutely nothing of his income and the had never known what her own wtt to be every with of her heart had been gratified for tea yean tnd yet the kpt the memory of the days when they were all poorly fed half clothed and life was a daily struggle against poverty she had fared as well as the rest but the hod slept in a unlets room held batter to be a luxary for holidayt turned an old dress of kates or ftnnies iuto a new one for herself and begged favors of irate butchers lid bakers then came prosperity but in the way i have described honey to spend large turns of money hut no settled income no certainty of the future she spoke of it once to edward underbill they call me a great helret the said bat i have nothing of my own nothing yoar father s fortune will bo yoart how can i bo sure of that he hat not seen me since i was an infant he may not love me when he meets me he may marry notlikely doesheovertalkof coming home j never i yet his letters to mo are fall of loving interest and he never proposes that 1 shall go to him no he would scarcely want yoa to live in the wild part of tho country where he does yet prhsp vou may vitit him tt tome fataro time and tho knew he added with me in bit heart as well ss if he bod spoken it every hoar he tpent with her ttrengtheaed bis love won moro entirely his respect for the tiny lady who 6pent her life in sach loving service for othcrt yet he did not tpeak he had been six months in sann dale tnd every man and woman in the villfge had made their comment upon his devotion to sadie lee mi o and jet he had never asked her td return his love although his every action proclaimed it it was midwinter and he bod been at a tableaux party at mrs cresswells a huge check from auttrsulia for sadie8 christ mas box had suggested a party tnd the 5 onng people united in arranging tableaux sadie bed beed titania goody two shoes cinderella s god mother aud other dainty tiny characters and edward churchill could not fail to see how muoh more her heart was set upon adorning her caasins than herself they had ended with a dance after a final tableaa from hidsam- mer night s dream and edward under bill was carrying home the memory of the bewitching titania who had just said good night when his visions were scattered by a voice close beside him friend am ion the right road to john cresswells 1 godfrey leeman i he cned standing still to confront a scare dimly visible who are yoa that have my name so pat have joa forgotten edward under hill not while i hold the life he saved can yoa take me with joa can yoa let mo speak with yoa before i see my little girl the mans voice was broken with emo tion and the band that grasped edward s quivered as with an ague fit very gently edward underbill led him to his own room in a large boarding house fall through the summer months bat where he well kaew there was room and to spare in the light he was struck by the woef al change in the man he had last seen in jvig orous old age yoa have been ill very ill he said getting oat wine and biscuit and drawing a comfortable chair to the fire shipwrecked my friend shipwrecked starved and frozen in an open boat tilt we were pidked ap by a boston bound steamer ten days sgo and its all gone i all the money i ve toiled foe for twenty years all my little girl s money is at the bottom of the ocean i dont own anything bat the clothes on my back they told me i was a fool to sell everything and trust it all on one vessel bat i wanted to take it all to my little girl myself and now i have nothing yoa joa didnt marry her did yoa no thats all right then thats all right bat if sho wont marry me when i ask her i shall feel very touch like flinging mytelf where yonr money lies eh you love her so much i love her with all my heart why then there im upset with trouhle don t mind my crying like a wo man dont why let the money go then my little girl i and then he broke down and sobbed like a child yoa ii yoall break the ice for me he pleaded the next day when edward under hill suggested going first to see sadie 1 11 make it as easy as i can for joa thanks 1 i csa go back tell my little girt i am not td old bat i can make money for her agsin bat edward underbill qaite forgot to mention that fact when after sadie hod promised to be his wife he told her of her fathers return and misfortunes 1 oh sho gasped and were yoa wait ing for that to rpeak to me i dont know darling i can only tell j oa that every time i tried to tell foa how i love yoa that ghostly money teemed to choke me i am glad it is gone then bat please please bans papa now i ii go and tell them all and whea godfrey leeman trembling and fearing cold looks or angry reproaches cams iato the cresswell parlor he foaad tach lonng welcome as his lonely life had not imagined for years sadie first the tiny ftiry like little elrl who nesled her fair carls apart his shoulder and pat her wee hands iato hit roagh ones and ifrs cresswell bustling about to make him com fortable felling him he wtt never a leave them again and making the spore room uncle godfrey room forever and mr cresswell heartily welcoming him yoave made at all he laid there al peice three cents t pile of yoar money invested in my ba ii et hat ft always subject a yoar art eh and yoa have slatted tom and be blland educated he whole of ihem and time wilt not be long enoagl to ihovr ratuado j 1 era wai a grand wedding acd la ed- wsd underhill t home papat room it ahi s ready when uncle goifreys is va ed for a time in a peaceft i bsppy old i e godfrey leeraaa reaps the reward of u generosity and the first moan has yet i be head that sadie is no longer the grt s auitralian heiress po character n the face ry eye means a hard heart uting upper up indicates timidity iqtfgnifiaiut nose means an so opea moaui is a tare itira of ta head j t estt are found oa the people rw hair always indicates coarse or tioa i all cheeks dicate great digestive rt i injecting auder lip thowt malignity invtriabty arigti of a insignia- heads of f 1 mil varies loable chlu it iove of the table ated noieerjerally belong to meddie- people te ejet belong to people oc an euthoo iu tarn of mind i ge eyes la a small face always betoken ioasness retreating chin if always bad it iha ji lack of resclalion hefotehead be shorter than the uose thi gu is of stupidity aleflly bias eye is often the ilga of a met iless disposition e lehsir generally betokens native good tail and intelligence b ort thick curly ktir is au indication of s sat nataral atreagth v ry tightly closed lips are asaally foaad ia secretive characters ii egulae teeth gsuerallr indies te lack of call ire aad refinement s eckles like red hair are aa adicatioa of s i ardent teraperameat li loag forehead indicates intel igence a the 6 forehead activity i n ie upper lip when projecting shows act tnce and wane of shame it dimple in tho ohm u pretty btt indi cat weak mental organization l ie ridge of the perfect nose ihould be bro d and almost straight i curling lip betokens a sunercjil uas and hli hty temperament 1 ie chief characteristic of a broad f see are nfiexibility and obstinacy i ay ej es are generally foaad associated w i prudence and foresight i t thiok neck generally accompanies a gio i organization aaa coarte tastes i ojectiog rolling eyes belong to people desktute of genuine veneration ttrts on the chin or neck indicate in loas tctive sanguine persons y marked peculiarity of coantenance d utes tome peculiarity of mind 1 nak heavy regularly arched eyebrows i iyt indicate sopnd judgment bs roman nose shows the greater char oca r the greek nose the greater taste atf shut eyes show great nataral t ii iwduees together with a lack of sin oft y i head flat oa tho top indicates lark of ri rence and deficiency of moral qual a irregular knotty forehead is a sure a of bald original and investigating id i very short upper lip indioates iiveli oe i of disposition though not always ki illness j ijes with long corners anal thick lids tli caver half he papil are always iadi- ve of talent j elieate features are cover found in the ija is of men of low organization or coarse its hi temperance the old uiokkept jcqol the bind of he british grenadier guards is one of the finest musical corps hi he world the fallowing thrilling a cideatv told of this bead illustrates the rslae of good discipline especially when sach discipline a coaped wiih 4010k wit at the lime of the pesos jubilee held in boston han ia 1873 mr f bf gilrnore a noted imprtsiatio now dead succeeded iu induofog the governments iu great britain france and oetrntay to tend over eae each of heir great military bauds to give eclat to lie event the french sent the band of the garde bepublicoiae the germans that of the ktisef fnos qreua- diers while the british secretary of war hr card laid a hr gilmore tappose the americans woall like to see a band of the traditional red coats therefore i wla send the band of the grenadier guards fifty eiiht men were tent or about one half the hand and no one who heard ihtim at the tiaje will ever forget the roprettion they msde whea they scpeared la fall uni form scarlet blae and gold with heir great leader fdau godreysndjhe burst of enthusiasm which greeted heir playing nothing like it had ever been heard oa this sids of the alaatie the jubilee was held ia a large wooden aracare called the col iseom capable of holding 100000 people aud the performances were classed aa national days there was a large organ blown by steam soloists from all leading ooaatnes and chorus of 29000 voices etc the amencaa day arrived the presi dent and cabinet were there he building waa packed when suddenly came a thun derstorm ia he middle of the programme and daring a fierce gast of wiad the great structure wot felt ta twty and hen a load crack was heard at if the whole mats were about to collapse that was onoagh a puia ensued those nearest the doors bolted whde a scene of wild ooafasion presented itself la vain the bravest aad coolest shoaled sad implored the audience a be calm a geaeral stampede which woald have chaoged he coliseum into a golgoha waa about 0 be made when he grand strains of the star spangled banner wu heard swelling above the diu the timid halted the fsarstticken itsteaed aud as the mar tlal slraipt rose grander tnd grinder they became reassured and resumed their seats and then it became known hat the music which had so opportunely quelled their ears snd revived their- drooping courage proceeded from he british band i na pea can describe be effect of this announcement cheer upon cheer rang- oat from tbe 100000 throats foe tbe grena dier band which stood calmly ia doable circle leader ia centre at it hod stood ia the vortex of he demented throng a few moments preriauslj sending- forth its rich est notes ss it on pirsde hats handker chiefs parasols and walking sticks were waved apd flung high in he air in he ex cess of heir admiration and of course a thuuderiag encore was demanded hr godfrey lhen gave them nearer hy god tcf thee aud god sato tbe queen the latter being cheered to the echo after that every member of the grena dier band was a lion as long as they re- maioed iu bostoa crops in great britain aovet feature of temperance work has tie a adopted at the village ofeyola hinn t 3 village recently voted no license 1 of the difficulties was that the funds 0 lighting the streets were derived from h license fees sud it wss feared that when iii me wu abolished the streets woald be in darkaess the womens christian t mperanoo union obtained charge of he st mt lamps raised money for oil by tab ic lptionl aad allotted a lamp to each girl ate pleasure it will be to keep ft trimmed 1 is 1 barmag chruhau herald che ate of intoxicating liquor at a bever- j 1 not only ruins a mau mentally and a is up his money bat mokes him much jr re liable to disease where there is an ej demiel it is said that the great fever wiich swept through loadoa a hundred irs sgo waa fatal only to drankards and 1 it during the yellow fever which was in w orleans about twenty flvs years ago i i thousand drinking men had tt before it k iched those who used nothing bat will i oxicaie the time story may ba oi sat cholera ten thousand aeahs frortr- 3le ia he ilntish ittes sud not a balr i tea total abstainers ia he number 1 ie only safe way is to resolve never to i ink wine beer whiskey or say such hg and keep he vow it is evil only s 1 andj hat continually when used as a e verage and whosoever is deceived ihete- b is aot wise j j t boys dont hurry lacy scott in her little book boys aqd her boys sayi a boy of fifteen once c me to a school where he was an entire t ranger noticing he wis slow in making s qaaiataaoes i asked trim why he was it mors social he replied with a smile shall be as sooa as he- right boys show emseljres mora friendly and so he uted several weeks coming ia sad going it in hu awn quiet modest wsy aatil the iet students who hod held aloof at first elcomidhim as one of themselves had 1 grown weary in his solitary walks aad 1 coats god he mischief loving free-aad- ny chut who were sesdy 0 give a hail low aaaybody and everybody he need 3t hav 1 waited three days for comrades boys doat be in aharry wait i dont ike tie first cigar or cigarette or the mial a lass 0 please any other boy wail appoa i they say yoa are tied to yoar lothers apron sfriogvihitsochorsge has ived 1 1 the world some of its best men whe 1 others want yoa to ga iato bad ompsiy snd ssy yoa datseat have oart gi o tay no i doat dare wait tb ulner boy did yoall get he rtgh lad 0 companions a dae time c n s millards liniment carts boras ic the weather ia great britain is come thing unprecedented for over ninety days with the exception of a few light patting showers no rain of any consider able amount haa alien over he greater part of he country and ia conseqaeude he coantry especially where the soil fs light sand or heavy clay is suffering in consequence psslbret are dried np and with the exception of wheat all cereals are backward with regard to wheat a heavy yield it not expected but the quality will probably tie good the outlook at the present time seems promisiag for a good fruit crop tkelonthn timu discussing the crori prospects refert to the enquiry conducted tome twsntyysarf sgo by sir j b lawes snd dr gilbert into he subject of hereiafsli as it affects he crops the result wss talhow that great britain rarely suffered auy senoas injury from de- flcient rainfall while ireac damage wis generally done by an excessive one to grow a crop of wheat oats or hay 0 ake epteseataive growths requires about too tons of water per acre whereas the average rainfall iu the old country is one of 2 mo tout per acre an inch of rainfall being equal to about 100 tons of water per acre the hay cropia great britain it certain to be short hu ytar as a resalt of he drouth and it is probable that there will be a good market in that country for all our surplus of hay of rcxxtno a nqwspapbb lm jooos he wu an odilor tbtus be trftd to be he bouebt himsolt a baud pross an be sartod in to see lot wbst ihero was iu edlliu batslioa hoct esavased rouud some fifteen hundred editors iu lbs sonic town be found t thiy all know more about it ibau jprcs could uopo to koow they told bim voa most ruu hor jocea jes so an so aa 10i 1 be sure iu boom the bipjsti thj ieboaud lo help yoirout au jive ue jcoj old motbodljuli bus sa lvallon shout t aire every man a notice bo sure kisrat it ft dawn wlencverltsjor jiulu is seen lo pcramba tbo town put la a few free locals for tl tbe- storw and give i each mau a free ubscrlptlou tf rcu waul lour sheet to live i well jones be done jes as tho said sd fear theytlruiaka a ruw but the more he tried tvlease era all the more tbeyltom hfuvhowi duttl at laspie tool bis booti sa laid ttou the ifjstf m then run usa poper iu the entmi oa lowod it t uiarselfl i sitting upon a debtor the persian creditor havioglonce tie termiuedto get his-money- sails forit early in tbe niocuiug and cannot b partuaod 0 ga away until it is paid ht brings his carpets with him andula down ja his debt- ott bedroom eating drinking- ileeping sad smokog there till he is bought off some years sgo a ptrtian had or fancied hat be had a claim on the lpglish foreign office so one day ho travelled away from teheran and af let manystrsnge adventures arrived ia leadop bringing ftis carpet with him and fully 0 sfl upon the foreign office whirl he tapposed to be a person lijl he was satisfied lord palmerston was secretary of state for foreign affairs at that dme aud took the thing good humoredly bnl hr hammond the under secretarv of state- jharp- etnpered gendemsn wu for calling a policeman the pracfiee of sitting upon a man as it is called universally prevails in persia and 11 it not easy to dear with it still jt may be dealt with and srf john hcneil a shrewd old scotch diplomatist who was once accredited to the persian court cou- j nrcd lo eel rid of a dervish by a tether clever device at the new year which is kept tt a festivil ia portia religious meu- dicautsgo about not jo much asking for alms tt insisting upon a fixed sura tbey generally tax a foreign ambasador highly snd one of them a dervish demanded an extravagant sum from sir joha hcneill the soolchdiplomstist offered to comprom ise with blm for any reasonable amoaik bat his offer wat rensedndras ho woald not gue oiore tlurdttvish proceeded lo sit apoa hiai he established himself yi sir johntgsrfien just before his stud win dows snd eivr now and then dunug ibrp d iv and a hen he awoke al uifcht his d tvikii set on a horrid lmllabslou and 1 hew a cracked trumpet sir john who did cot like to have his ret diitutbed 111 ihnws determined to put s cji to the dervuhs tricks and eject him by tcce but he was solemn- warned bj ihe ter- j stan authorities that it woul i oe dsuj eroua lo lay lisuda upon birn get rid of lum ll vou cou said tht laughing but do lot touch htm very well said sir john dry iv snd he seat for a bricklayer r build ine a wall round iln howling beggar iu my garden sold fair john lothe bricklayer andtben roof it io thedervtsh looked ou compofedlj while the fill rose slowly arouud him and made more noise haa ever bat whea he perceived lhat they really meant to that shut hinji up in a omb alive he jumped over he lowes par of the ll andrnshedj away like a maniac sir john was prob ably the ouly european who ever got the best of a dervish l f v j 1 i 1 l i the color 4nd quality eggs food has a great lasuenee oa the quality ot eggs cora has the effect whea fed liberally of causing fhe hent a produce eggs with rich looking dark yellowyolkl while wheat fed instead ot corn will yield eggs of a psla yellow tho public imagine hie dork yellow yolk eggs are the richest they are not the pale yolk egg made to from a good sound wheat diet is he rich est says the baltimore sua salhorit for the following i gteea food la the spring produce be dark yellow yolk- while food hu considerable influence on he yolk of he egg it has little or none what ever oa the color of the shell there are certain breeds hat never lay any other tlita white shelled eggs sad others bst lisp iavanabiy lay brown shelled eaes an egg from a leghorn hat was not white aad para white at that woald never ue set by a poultry fancier a white egg from aay of tho asiatic breeds would be a curt- osity the distinctive thspe and color of he eggs of domestic poollry areas marked and established a fealars 11 is tin case with wdd birdt census return according to tbe ceasas there are 158 055 married persons in canada of which 701902 are females and 796183 males so thai there are over- 000 hives miasiog the census does not account for them nearly every liatdsud ia ontario has a wife ia the coaatcy the figares being 353 000 husbands aad 352798 wives the de- crepaacy is still tsaaller in quebec privince where here are ii j791 husbands aru 2h 039 wives ia all csnadojhere ore lvo oil widows snd gj7 widowers in ontario he aambec of widows is 6069 sod ia quebec m362 or one lo about every 0 of quebecs population aad one in about every 85 of ontarios toronto returned 43854 married men and 13933 married women in his case here were 77 fans bands not soooanted lor the number of widows ia toronto ir 5305 ahint to younc clerks said an old man of eighty whose career hsd been one of marked success it is a great thing for a boy to have nail to hing his hat 00 he htd poeseased inch j nail in hit molhert old kitchen rid all the family were taught ta respect it if the troom wai haag oa henry s nail it ws qmckiy removed andbohing was allowed to interfere with he little orderly habit he had been to early taught of hanging uphis hat instead throwing it down whea he came ia it teemed a small matter yet he felt it htd done much for him in helping to make him an orderly careful oystemo- tio boy once get the iced of a good habit well planted and then stir the soil properly anh it will grow and multiply it it snr- ptiiiog o tee how one grtia of good wheat will under favorable circumstances in crease a farmer at be west who bod pleuy ot rich prairie soil ried he exper- ment and at the end ot he third year re ported leveotten bushels at he ptoceeda of be one gssia akin 0 hit 11 he growth to good or evil habits in ourcharao ters each is likely lo brtag wiib t a har vest looking through a boys personal pos sessions woald fell more about his charac teristics tbaa any letter of recommendation at this is a wsy of determining yoa chura acter always open- to yourself it is well sometimes to ake a sarvey with a view of becoming belter acquainted with- ones self tbrowiug things around and itir- ing up fhingt in 1 trunk or drawer to find missing articles do not point toward a lacoeufal business career thrift and advancement seldom seek such quarters whea one it really ittiaued hat hers is his weak- point it is good to make a be ginaing towards a refotmatioa a nail to bang his hat oa is something a shelf of books let ia orderly accay is encouraging evtjry time one looks that way aad once get the easiness fairly started it will be for easier to keep things in order than ot very disorderly people hovu turned sqaare- ly aroaaafirad bee 0 an utuhtrtverie it is a quality mors cultivated than is generally supposed indeed reformed people i have noticed are st to carry the matter to as extreme bui wot much more ta heir ad vantage ihu he opposite still the r earlier it uijbj nroenced the better and the more thotaml itit extended ta all the affairs of ste fhe greater will be chance w cpes favor- no one coo mj he mctim himself and his abilities oat sach habits of order andpn poods 11 1 id btrsspartha posit even when all otters fall if ot luooeteee uofquaitei byj icine 1

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