Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1894, p. 1

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volume xx no aofon ontauio tiiuiihday auouht 2 181 pftlck tiiitek cj5nts be ttott ttc ft is ruin lain i- ktohy tijuilbimy mohnino at tiik vrtn press hlenm printing orlrf w1llhtkkkt acton ont ttuiuaor hunauniitinnoiio dollar r joar atriolly lit advance ail su tlina illscm untied when the time for whlnh they hat a boon paid hu kpirnfl tim data u which every aubscrlpuon u paid ia denoted on tho address advmktlatncl itatfa transient advorllr- meota 10 art on 0 insertion coimuct luties the followinn ui1b ahnwa our rates for th liisortlou of advertlomnnlb or daclflod periods slnohea inohee fftnehsar moo 3300 0000 t0o moo tuoo lam ioo run jsoo too a so ice crearrrat xmae alntil ttian acumlftiiii wall paper nnnlfid inunoy vvrt it at llm won lirfully 1st and ltibl rtlilit l iinm tlio iihr low prlro on run lil i fancy 35c ooldfbr 150 20o and 15c paporo tor 9c j loo paporpfor 7io 7o papers for 60 days hook sroki cuelph dtvy softs choop- the traders bank op oanada apilal aulhiirlli1 el ukhwl apital la11 ii ill tl rmi tinrm ouslph branch delkiiltml in tile kavllufa bank dirliiii ill m i lald or compounded overy jl iiioirth ikil itnrrltti laaued aimers hnta ilurmtitod tim collection of iriji h t a general llanfcliiff imsltnria irnnsarlrd h h tom h jbortn tlfl hostlhov miovk till irl i it lull if wondrous oiih we pans hi hoarkou alisl on hoar pnrovi r o mi inn far or noar tlnon iwot vjbratinni aoft or atroui m wii tnr munils and far tuoro dm u ullllnimrcariuriianraii runn iimlo aoft anil olnar hsji louloi 1 rntt it ttm ilillilc uf uio ma tli 11 trmlrr volon of tilrl or brnom 1 liat in nililoa tuneful tlrrnuflu tlio li a inl faint and a went tr fa away tim uilnulnd murmur of tlio ossa il nrwwr daarnr tar than ilim tin iri alrens sang aaroaj the huni bclinwl llirouijh llfua illoiiofts tito loved hit aniuta nf home of bflsa wllli thn renewing ft the iwmi wlldlmip w li iuu uuuuatg tu sprang loto- liirth lllla win nloiia tlml tiiyht lliora waa a tender krnco nbryut liar manner r tjiuot otinnnaa ahn uula hint welcome wtiloli lirokn dmn tlio loslbornora o tlio rcntfnlnt tin ti plocetl nfn itinimlf iwnl irt ito knflw it ttm alory of liia inva wna no tntifjor ji uwu hcorol lint aliaritl willi her wlto jioa aronawl 11 lllifi nnod wtilu iiihui liim wondrriiik oyna aa tliooli ctumiiik ajiilnrl alto hacj- not land known ttm tntnl attraction nf hor ulron aorif wtty ur h ui a tod t alia eiclajroml ou dont dan co lcrliapa you mljjlit ob jwifc u hit jwwitit witk otlui a i could not pouibly hv6 the roat of my life dojrivai of my fvorfte amubomont fttu ib j cream or milk tvnsrintttttfntnatiotturi vioftiraii7 aul tom laying nt book down on ilia old north and turning to look at lila ooualn wliy i m rolna to an4 aomathlnfuo do hint will help mother hat h what i j well id like us help ralna loo if i could el noliynoo aaiil vafrte there is 1 1 nod enough now that father ia laid up wlh hli broken arm cianoe rapnkud torn aalomojj up lite word in jpfck farihfou tlioroo jjol to be a chanoe for mo j tail yon i m going to epiu ernuru1 llila old lown like a top till i find it thai aouiidt very ii n aald cletfe with a duletnl aliaka of hia head but what adisturbance he made ajlahlaucxiorj piioflit no no m t b fw trtgd little already morniofit and evening i va aaked at aevflrat of the trio atorea and omow a i ii durlntt a eale the auctioneer hu upon the aund wtlh a piece of oalloo hlght oanla a yard who aaya teu 7 fiirim you ten came from an ow lady goinft at teu joiiik i gone i yoora madam walk up and mtllo idldntbidon it exclaimed the old lady advancing well thank peraona not lo bid if they dont wan an arttole aaid the auctioneer qolng then at night 1 who aaya more than eight 7 nino casta came from an old gentle r jmi ana nobody wanta any help big atorea and offioee i tom fall back nnrpititirmaji imghtay to thtf- wtnef nine i w ten 9 j3irin at nine i going gone yoora air caah tafcaa it at nine bouti k didnt bid aald the old ffeiitiernan i dont want itwouldnt yo qva hltattl0rlfuwiialil4na 0n sttl1 os nvmajit muni it llravolieart tlio j0flwt roefcn liatn wrlllm out tlta atruoklqi juntaalln and i ar tlio rwl hum i in anmiiu tliy imlan tliroui tml alona lio ciirroiila nf tliy iuri a in i row and ittr wltliln ilia itopllm of thy ulrnnuii hucli wilrl and ltlorlii ulia hih li tll and willaper liiat llm iny amlrni it tnv tn look anil iutiii ml tin ljiii ihhth s int aorrowtiin lift hiiiiintviii and wmlorliit tho way and hulit u walk in m rlhl on my tpyi ami lirara the rlw 1 i tim hi man wfllla er thy iilioly tlio kotdan hart aat uio otnrnal uiruitn walt on a far jtrwin almrn and to and rrn mxta uilnlaxartua aiinala oalnily lloaf initviun cloavo ufa wllltfl mini tlioti lut tint roollnjj dah ul tho iiicmmi i alll tim and ton of tlonwanli lliuer yrt irtliliirt tua lilaakciinit roka or lialt amaiir tin ik advartlsamtmla without anncina d i motion will be luaartad u j ingl trattalanti will be inaartad till forbid and cliarffnd aoooril ingl tmnalant alyarataa aaailtia faij tn advanoe bank of montreal it 1oes not pay tu buy inferior twuio when you oan et old ataixurd hrauda at theno incoa the old old km llieawont old word that lliwffrownallqnt lovod miu nd ilia heart they lf ucr uf itn awkward o awmrwl l a lie an aliuck or llnul t inylffaniy wallo or loll and iurtea anil thn onnaiiiiiniatloii ory will h to couiitlsu lioartb a twiilimin tli an on ikild awlinniar pallor not lor al nor for the tailing llitlt ol no ur atar htay not tn drink the aofl mfratti nf oartti uaafi vulcwt aolibb nor dally wltu liar hoi or love andalllti iwlnhifl imidrlu on the day alar inanii infnrn thin ami tin uplift it uwuriiru hurthan oflholnn o on i onaa a month tha oompoaltii at raff u i a ratea chang tot aouuajt adatlaemeuta utuat be n the ofaoe by uoou on tuowlaya ii i uooi1k editor and eronrletor capital rest 512000000 6000000 wusitufis cirrrtoru t fuiikn m d c m jl wilkinrion i l h i i h hi iiiikon dkntimt uraduate tiilvormlly nf tormito uimlir ol tha royal co ii ode nf dnntal huruoit kong not nrat otu oneraiiona ikirrnrtiimt orrti r 0or um druu olor ai ton ol svory day from m a in to h i m a a inuu ijliahi ment una boon oponod in ccmnoction with thia uranch inlrrrat aliened at current itatva ja8 htinlay uatiacfr uuklpii iiitam h t11k waterloo mutial fire insurancoicompany e8ta0libheo in 1003 hkali offltk watebi oo ont m olean a mcllan uarrleter hollollra notarloa uutoyancor o prwatafunda to loan offloo town hail ac too aaaeta over jtlui mo u rbe krkat amount inaurrd in wat em ontario la over 117011 000 00 tnjil ihrln for all liabililiea alilionnat loaann honorably ailjualtrd and irouiill jial i ofptocrs cma htsndry frmsttttibt a soroe randall fjco imsittent c i taylor sacmuj7 john killxr njrpecror sterling red cap blue ribbon 6jc 7 c 8 c lknftve 4heo tlil ratliable hrandallio o by liemetntxir die grand rraulta in llm jwitl urm at i ii sllt it bonds hardware storo cuelph froir it kmiimitlu iruoit tatimroil ollorml lt all llm world with niliilo rll t tlma tovml srlrrl ynntili iuniung tin spui i tlo pb hm h a grrat awkward follow m tafltr hitutcd wm with ilia inrgohanda of wlmao tn in ton nn ho aeemnd ao iincoiufortahly nwurl mil in larger foct ihal it wna tittle tvonilur rilm wlltojia pretty benwn eyca itiini cd with niiechlcf wlmuever thoy wiru thrnwn inlo each other m jiroaenon many iititililur and a wiacr man had got htiljili aaty untangled in the mcehua woven by thobo in all while llngirn mow llion could ixwr lack halatod hope to eacape 1 holly light of wiug and awift ih motion aoinotimta clniloa tlio cunning apidot and tho akllfll woen woo hat lot the bias i ooruinly ahoulil objeol miaa nilon and aa i could not oonaetit to aoo you hi intra bio you will forget the word promptod by a lovo i had hoped fnight awaken aomo ffmwerlng chord within your hoart and with thcae words he left her all conacioiia of the teara of humiliation wulliug up in thn uruat brown oyuit and tha scarlet lluah of ah a mo dyeing the lovely aheek 1 ho old npirit of mlaohlof had prompted her worda miugkil nilh tho hab dread of what her little world ntigbl aay whuu they loarned tljo truth ilut ho i o veil her ho would know ehe had not mrnl their fooliab lightucai liu would again fly within acopa of the moahos of her web ami purhapa after faaloiung lint bliiiiduring winguvory arcttrely alio would rulmuu ibu kitula and lut him know that that ah her own heart aa yul hardly uiiifeaaetl the truth that awkward and uiigniiil though hu might ik alio lovu 1 luni itul tho day iiinrgnd into wtnlfn and fl little apidtr wailinl all in ain ahodding many a taar of bittar liutniltalion in her own tidy dun but wearing her hrighlntl oolom and her guyaal air whore the world might bui until i -rhry- bankjind aak money baga to let ma be president for a jitle while i hadnt thought of that no air thati not the kind of looking im going lo do motbar aaya thli world la like a great panful of milk with onlv a little ortim ou top if yoo are willing to take milk you may gat your share bat if you must have oresm you are likely to wait long and fare slim cleve did not are hla cousin afain for auveral daya he made his own weary round trying here and there for the thinga he should like lo do tha pleaasut plaoea that paid the boat hot the world seemed uncomfortably crowded it occurred to him that since tom also was in search of work it was strange that ho did not run across him somewhere but when he tn imlred ha found that tom bad already found work ll was eery alrange cleve thought chagrined and somewhat envious that turn should have beu the more auo ctaaful of the two cleve waa older uuler and to 0 altered himself more prepoaaasa ing in apprranoe and address thin round faced blunt mesry tom ilut one even nik he went around to the old porch again auctioneer getting angry i if any one blda again they will havo to take the article or gal into trouble throwing down tha piece of caj give me something olta ab t gentlemen here is a dm piece what can i get for thia t what do i hoar anything you please ill start at five teu aaya another twelve and a half aaya a third tbir uan 7 arias an old lady fourteen i fifteen i several voices fiftocn i am offered i fifteen done at dftmii cant dwell goiuit going i hone yntira sir htep up whoever bii no one cat no up all oym htaring in various parte of the room clone then at fourteon youra sir walk up hut the bidder could not be ntsde to walk un thirteen thru madam jou can have it al your bid 1 dldn t bid what do you think 1 want of that article 7 aald the old lady indig nantly llam ul taketl at thirteen exclaim ed a voioe at the other fftid of tha room mad as a march hare a good joke nu lamra itrutt htokun ia going tho rouiile mr rtokm wuh invitod hi a party at the puvatu insnuu ob ititu m ran mateo anil according lo iiih wont aelcotrxl thn prnllicat girl in thn room sh his partner andkiptupa miry animnhd convcrsaliini with hrr in tho tinirm uf the evening he aaid to tho drxitor t uo you know that grrl in the whin drm with blue spotn i a vcrv nuriqim ijihi i vt ihmjii talkinu to htr and i rfminot tin hfo or mtriliacomr in what dlroilloi h r inuuul nialrwij lice ol tourao 1 tutw at uikai she waa mat saw it in tin mid look of imr cje- khe kpt imiking at m a oddly i aakrd her if ahe did jiot think ho waa mn llovolaiid or whether who had hocii wu a mglbam jko a mclan j a c bicc8 agent burljnoton f 0 bxajiutma so licit o not by iublic jdoqfljr utiioaji r n r omi a matt acton hamiltons marble works am 11 ton nlll kkuormorly halcli hlorkl x tiuora onninr of woolwich and norfolk lrmt luolnl out john h hamilton proprietor 11 mil llrvrt uiikirtt r in luoliti nf hoodu ou no doubt hate read ahoeadver liaementa you havo noticed what la aald about low lncea prove for yourself wafl utmllng tho troth about test it i of the him ntqrea s nilton walldridqlo stone harrleambolletto vi- toaomxo amd qmokoitowm ofnoaa crealfflan a mock georgetown anil traders uaak cbatnbars s3 youir at toruuto j aatbtoh n a w n wiujiaidok u a arena m aiiniaoe licfcn8k8 j i ciiaitluh laauer of uarrlasa llomii orleb cbarloa ft co a ir ulll tltroet jameb hutcheon una hurvayor and ivil hiiglnr offloa adjoining j a uuwata mac fouinll atraet quel no tohn day ahchitect quaiiii or orriua wyudhaui u trout lnhy giiibt h bolloltor bf latonu for lnvouttuii ui iraparaa aliplleatlona fur tho t ana han aumr loan and fturopoan iatsut otllcn and lor tlm llulatratlon of trado uarka hand fur am lbtet tblrty two yaara aiimirlsooo w u qembtrget llcsmbbu allctlunksa for tho coutlea of wolltnfftou and llnltou ordarauflaltba kajta paxes acqce aoton ur at my realdanoa in aotoo will ba irouitly l taodad to tarma raaeooabla alao mooey to loan on tha moat favorabla tarma and at tha lowest ratal of i nuro t lu umiol uooaad upward jnbveltie8 v faaataaaas ii ka it new suitings new spring overcoatings fine new trowseririara cunccl styles liirstclass workmanship perfclt tit and rtasonabk prices i kiii the st features wi solicit iur pattonat l u find the ei lalist styles in 1 lats aps and cjents 1 urnisluiiljs at lowest pnetib at k k nklson moilliant talhr ami uonu kurnialmi do upper wyndbambl quelpb men ce vlth uxirda al v calm and examuir carefully up to t i ik wo claim that w can tit a nicer aud better ntttng oxford lor the money than any other atom in the alt oh yes tbie great hamily hhcu htoru hcopa the lead aud intends keeping it the tjiarfing qhoe store w mclaren gs cuelph f uanciti nunan hookiunnkll odliaiu hi dual i oii lo lomr wllllaiui hturo iariodlcals or every daaarlptu itullor nlv and promptly 1 t he pal acl baku hit shop mili biaait ai h u wohdkn prupiibtur ay biiava a atyllab h t job irintinl ill welungton mutual fire insurance conjoany btibuiinti into inhllltahch on uutual ian aoy ooiiilnui i calluna forwantnl to luy d iroai llua n lauiiboiia uh will b promptly atuiudo1 u john ta vi oil a sol t thk mkt acton hkv j b howeul m a ptv t i araouayo ituwar a idiiui i mh harrlcnalltsaa in 0111 311 1 n huuu oloou jo llliilc luaioiidunla1 i r iau allaitrlially liivltml guelph busi ness college 4 jill attouliiar tnn 11 ita rivals it la n h nl himik huni uawt 1 ollitn ilia rnuo if 1u natroiiuo ostnudlutl ironi iikki ilrluiii llii ihic icrlttli olnmul nl i liu mi ha wt lyf ii baa ala l gotlege of language iteinu prwajit kaml lo ulvlnu uraotioal inalruouoii in ii mimf hu ulbor ifualaaa collar in ua la uan ui u uiuob for l pal colli yir odor bii h favorable lornia tim ambltloui wlila awake tiualuaaa student will attend u uthei vol i luni mailed fren aildr principal mocormlck qualph ont skason 1bjii- roii fur uinirlith rl up ul lo uia wo wlili u iiiluru yuu that liavt olilarou lot i r with it hi wart luolnb uilliiat ilioauf sash doors etc li i will alao ill if ail aixila ajim nolle at tluoli 1 p loci frames of all kinds i i rlnr urlhkliballil hun wii i nd lot uluti ornot llluoa ui i mliiln lirrd vlhllr u i rlr 1 tin prr u t1ioh eubauk llanaffcr art on acton machine ano repair shop grindell wright maqhinkky aoiuoultukal mllimlnta a lid tudua41 kludaul steam fitting horse shoeing i qmnkhal fllaoksmithina aiiln nl tkriti rtiirino1 m hui u n in i v b r ualr n inaclilii crlndell wright main streej planing mills acton ojint john cameron architect and contractor mliuta tuir ulhul duura kibiuu uuuidlutja drxsino ma tl hltfo matt mould1nq l urrter on abort iiuliua w i il aamrlinl aim lan hail 1 at iirioea lo auit liatlhim john cameron proprietor bottlo come blundering along and fti struggles for freedom only entanglo him more liopolesalj in this caae it was kllla who was tljn cunning spider although alio would havo indignantly repudiated tha ctsttn of wnavlnff any web but jack mala tend would have told another story hlho had been a cotjugtio from licr cradle riit lut nf her virlima hod been swelling from tho time her little feet hod wandered lo and fro from aohool bar triumph from the moment that on mm village green two bo a hail mot in fieri e rotimiel becaiiaonf her ami in yot the name smile lured jack ilalated to hur aide aa she beckon oil him serosa mrs ft ivor a drawing room to where ahe stood so you really von lured this iingo ruuiur iid laughing p into his faoe he answered looking yol may hu interested wo rcnnctullj in toot ion lo our aaaiirlniout ol tweeda and lulha for hla eseaaou a trade that 11 will oolii pare favorably with any in the city wo feel ijuite conndeul although wo do not advorllae uuraelvoa in print aa the only itrat olaaa tallora iji ouelph ftiiuk that our record juatillea un in claiming ui im tallora whose kooda and work are umlitently aatiafaitory wo du nut al w uumite lilora lo ur italrotia go to uutdo ua in any creditable par lioular wo ao du 10 ui tn dun k ku wrk aa anv li auada and court cmflar aun strangely ill at case than in a wont in hia evening drcas my practice is not ao largo but that i could spare a few hours and you miia wilton commanded did you a alight rippling jieal uf girlish laughter preceded her reply ommatided oti ahe iioatloneil lo you alwavs niiuiic lo oliey my com aiwa mlsa wiltuu tvben 11 la in my why do mm ay audi rash thinga alio answered someday i ahall aak yuu to do aume aim pic act and you will refuao 1 think mil waa hla grav reaponae when at llial moment the muaic clashed the niimmonn to the daticn sud two or three ulaimanta umo oagorly forward for miaa wilton a hand with hr uaual perversity she choao the last and least eager i will remember your wurda doctor hula ltd ahe half whispered as she took her partner s arm while aomo subtlo per fume uf vtoletn murko1 the awt where an luatant earlier aho blood she had asked him tobo proeeut to nighl ordinarily be would rather have faced a tow uf marshttuod cannon than all theno bright uyoa but hur liat had brought him yet cxujjil for iiicbu few worda she had vouahsafod him his very presence had been nil null cod uicept that tuward th the ulig had mint olo i ic 1 t 1 i mavv turlit ikllol u w u llralri excursior tvn balutda al 1 on lo spkacicl 1ojiulti uiniliiic stoit llilili 1 iery halurday la utir big bargain day and on a niuhtsi ofoodi t would t ost uu sj j al ant tlier store ou will save joui lailwa lui if yu buy from tjv tmrr i vrtil rim mi a few t ampl s 1 hloyi n llwlr 1 ly us onte and ou will never leave us p sprrgg6 tbi peoples popular vurouure storo upper wyadham bt cuelph w barber bros paper makkb8 qboboetown ont miii a arxciaitvor machine finished book pipers amd llltll ikapitwllckly nkwh i tha paper uaad in this journal la f rout tha abovo mill a wm uaubb b ss bros enough lu aay un don t dauuc iuutui lia1 a l llnh laughad at the abaitniuy uf tho imagined rualieatlun uf hrrwurda after that jaak halatcd iilelly mado hia adieui ui in hobteea and wont out into the atarlil night walkurg awiftly and rapid ly from the baudmiinely built up portion uf tho i it into a neigh borhood far mure hunilile hofuie lu aimile iiiiprcunlliik in uw al wtitqfrhtt sinpprrt- trttrild rtttle pattmit of iiib lay ill ami he had prumiaod to call again at midnight rut aa he entered lbs ank rikjin kllioa mocklitg words and mock log laughter wore with hi in tholr echo drowning the iuk ihld b ury oj pleasure at hia entrancu ah here his awkwardness waa all uukiiowii aa in many auothsr buoh a home i ho bi haiila loilld bo very tender aa they admiled the pillow under aouui hoi aivov weary lit ad tbo strung vuioo tmiig awoel u ll iitlenjd ord of hopo ur furl i the ungainly teal made mi lia tnrnlngtiotto ii moy unilwt ttiomhlvai to and iro nu one uuld havu lold the pahg lhal wroiidithl hisliuart as he benlovurliis litllu pat luu t and carefully gave the uour tired iiiuthor hu ipat dircctigna for the uight only when ho had again regained tlio a trot i ami tho duly attain had rolaied he looked aa a man who hai fought a fight and con uored what am i that ao mad a thought should havu boon burn witlim jno t 1 hla was his solitary utedltalluii who am i tnat aha in her dainty grace should como to tj lor hiov aud yot aiih yot i have been mail euuugh tu let her smile grow into my heart i u i hie the evening bad nut boon julte a bu cobh somehow her uarlircr a talk woarlod hor she even grew tlrod uf tho coaeelcaa round uf daiiuing but whou after thu rooms hail begun to thin a lluto ahe luokwl fur the doctor thinking they might have a nonaiblo little cimt together and that alio might make amends for hor mum ei i tar y rudliieaa ahe looked in vain the great blundering hi no bottle 11 y had lusrnod wiwluni and aoarod uul of aeach uf hur web no thu puur little spider weal lo bed hungry it was ihla nerhape wlych made har bo res i leas aa alia tossed lu and fro oo her ijllow this perhaps which nrumpted the dsllcate littla missive which fell holiday lu jak halatod a hands mak tug hitu forgjrt all tha atafuriu of tho ubjhi before aodfaialofi uian iotoa vary huavoa roach od her had and terrible accounts had lately come of the terrible acuurgl luaolatiug the bouth the pitoous call for help from the uffortag oium aiaity- aut irom uiatc abundance nuny from their acanty hoard a few gave thoiirwlv ra and ur these few jack halatod wat one he must not ahall not go ami lille to her heart an 1 then uiim tho imiiem uraiim ul his idlo worda uf lung ag i and the detorminntiou to put thorn 1 1 tho teat ilia mat an well ibouglil pojr jack surveying ida portmanteau packed and itrapcd that 1 have nut aeon her again i wonder if i fall a victim will she dance mrnly a knock at hi ilojr waa sole answer tu s uoiiou ho roee aid upoitej it but started book aa though he had soena guuet a very white a very resolute and a very lovely ghuet however who entered hia room with just a little flush ol color crrep ing into her pale oheok aud a little tremor m hrr tuuu aa ahe said you ouoo proiuiaoii me lung ao that you would hold aoo rod any reouoatol mine 1 per ha pi have forfeited any right to re mind yuu of it bill you are not one easily to forget and and jock lion i ku 1 nan lot bear it it waa out now all that had coal her ao uch to aay fullnwod by n womanly burst of tears lille what d yuu mean an it bu that my going ia anything lo you ou have htirjod my hopo once iloar 1 ake oaro how you resurrect ll 1 mean 1 moan alio answered that i love yuu that you must give up thia punloua vuulure even if yuu never can for givo my cruel thoughtless words 1 have lufforod for them jack for i loved ou all the umo my darling he aald and tho words uudod liko a prayer as he alniuat ruver tly folded his arms about theplcader s sobbing form you have made my going rery bard but 1 cannot give it up uow my duty la nono the less clear for the moot iluwur of luc which midden ly bluoin ng lu my ath blda mo alay and plui k it god grant that i may return with whiter purer lingers tu sun tub the sweet fragrance r my uwu hid me jodspced mho lur love ahull bo my armor darling m inorablo pra lod against tho poison oir wbiuh 1 shall breathe and mile looking up into tha ultni giay or with their atcadfkst look of deteimlii urn no longir bade bun alay but never 1 turn buor bad mode iilln her hero and jiot king oven whou with lila iaal whleiiorcd woris his last laaaioiiato klaa ihuro only ruiuainnl an echo and a mi uinry uul trjelidt nmmor snmsnk m rrat for tho lost time in hia boil il lire which sermod aounli the very larth the cooling breexea brought haaling un their lngs and tho plaguu angol atulo uway tiki a ihlef tho light jack llalauxl a work waa ovur ho had nu name amd fame hut the crurl deatroy or iioji akbotl luni by ory white and ti ho lkkod when unoo more bo luldwl hllle tu his htiart jiot ho lioarliij only ita lainfut ixallng rrels umlaut while as her brain ilesja tho dim wundor inent whether tt wm nnt he wttnwwvttre lalthful pallnlit apilor and ahe ll alll llutlerliig tly txtlnt of- thfc ohitish tmpihb aa ei plained tom had just come home from the woolen mill at such dirty work as that ei claimed leve in aurpnae well tt earna clean money and that is morn than can be aafd forn work laughed tom pouring a freah aupply of water iuto ih groat bowl before him and preparing for another pfnnge as for my faoe and hand they 11 waah do danger lhat aoap or ualar will hurt them be ridea 1 couldn i afford to spend my whole vacation in looking up aomethiug i took what 1 could get aud this is eleady work too l li worked ateadliy- at ic audtuhv tratud pretty aloadily aaking here and there asking aomebody to aee somebody elae and imiuiru whether a third some body oould not make an opentug for him theae em baas lea neoeaaitatad a rood deal of waltlog and there were other daya when poor lleve waa too diacou raged to evn try he did get soma odd bita of employ menl now and than copying a few letters taking the place of a clerk who was absent for a week and oocaaioually atayiug in a doctor a oftloa whau that bnay man of pills and powdera was called into the country hut these occupations were too tradsianl to alfurd iauob profit lie- saw utiie uf ttia eoueio untu wltb the or lap bright autumn daya aohool re opened then tom appeared looking re markably well lu a comfortable uow suit of clolhoe huoyaut aud ready lor the winter a study lleve glauoed dowu al hla own ooat where bis pale faoad auxious mother bad put lu a bit of dainty darning that mom- ng aud over which aha aighed out a fear that the garment oould not ba made to last much longer did j on really earn those yourself he aaked of tom ea air beaides helping mother though she aaya providiug theae helps har aa much as auything adawered tom triumphant ly why it waa a lead y work you see aud that oounu up pretty fast i aay cleve that milk mother it always telling bout ia n i ao bad if you dip lu and take your share that will raise a little cream of its own after mi rioodda left the tatiui b leriouoed a severe alloc k upou fll that a packet nf bank uuicb which ho waa taking lu tho ctly waa nowhere about hla jnyaoii ho niual ha a left ll li it 1utlmati 1 ii o i tha upon uik1 ilea aud make my loaa known he thought and ua did i uf i a- pookao ihuilainlim jooo in bank nouw in a pullman car not half an hour ago said str scad da to the official which train t the one lhat arrived al t i have you your iullaiau chock hurtunatoly ho had and ihla ouablod tho superintendent lu aund fur the oou ho soon arrived for he had uot yet tin inhed the report uf the trip aud waa atill ihe building ouduutor said um bhbiu louden t all eyes were turned in lhal direction hut no claimant came forward 1 who saya he ii takojl al thirteen i would aaid an old farmer only i m afraid it s stolen goods 1 the ftuhttoneer now quite provoked sprang down and was about collari ig the old man when a person right behind hun ertad r don t atrtke him it wn i thai said you stole tl 1 the auctioneer turned round when a big dog apparently right at his heel- snuffed and barked must furiously with a aud den spring upon his oounter he ordered the cxqwd to leave an aiqnainlauea al our elbow lolongarable lo contain hlmaelf burst into a loud laugh aa a genteel little man paaaed out at tha door who he told ua waa a vealriloquiat a life picture iho llrllah 1 m rt- reprejioula ihroe hundred and twly mllioo uf iipl ami a uaruif uf the wholo laud or the earth theao aro atatementa which uuo may with pride dwell on aud rohoarao in detail there are fitly ufllllo a uf siuare ml lea of of life glube ihe land un iho aurfauo hritlali flag waves ov rtnura than twelve mlllloua nearly uuo four hi the main areaa being the following n uglily figured nurv ullaa ludla hum all 1 1 too uuo llrllaluaud lrolan1 ijouii otbai wc 1 a is iibjuii t cult liy all 1 natal laouuo othot iu alrl a i uuo tuu auada 10uiiu1 oliiur aru uf ami rlia auaualla i amiui olhor lrta if 1 leailla hi oil t tnl iu7uuo hid yuu see anylhlu t a small packet lar the taaneukira loft your mr yaa aah vou haven l turned it in t wh no aah it waa a lot of money h praoleely whereto it now r he lah iho kiuhtllon of the roughly as lolluwa llrits111 an i lrolan1 india lluruieli cw ulbvr kaatero imaaauaaluus canada ouior aiuuiuau thwaiataloui oaimtoliihy naul and u i other ftfrlnsii t t1 total id nu nu juiomooo louuoqo taooou aauooa annoan i uunoui luuulliuruil jiunuutua il was pruduoad from an inndo iookel mr boadda eyee bribhleoad wbau ba w the roll thai s ll be declaimed he co liu led the money and it waa all there the entire ftaoou look here portar aaid the suparin tendon i severely i want to know why you did uot bring- that package lojme tbe moaieut you put your finger a on it why aah replied the man with an injured air 1 e paeod do gem man had left it for a tip aab that a whyi aah llnrtxrn unjume for august old lady my frtand am yqu a ehris ttsnt ilswjar wall mum no one baa aver aocuaed me of working on sunday tha earlier sympttmaof dytpepaja baart burn and ocoaalonsj haadaohaa should uot ba naguclad take hood a ttarapriua to be cured i saw her in ihe city can a sweet lipped fair browed gentle mannered girl of about twenty years her form waa symmetrica her cheek downy aud rosy bar uoae and chin faultless hor eyes ob how aiok my heart grew ahe waa blind lu her as preastve face 1 read her hialory not thai of the outer life but lhat of the more im portant tho heart the aoul wbioh her phyitcat calamity bad duntlflodt and ai though the fatal film overgrew iho pupils yet her eyes aa did her whole faoo reveal ed the angel witbto after ute luvolnntary prayer 1 aeut up a bleaaitig for i had but lo look a second time to know that tbe blind girl was happy in irving and oontenl with life liar loei peuaive dress waa well kept and received a grace aud beauty from the wearer aa we rode along 1 fell into speculations about bar home aud aurrouudinga that she had some one who loved her i knew but wbelbor iu heaven or upon earth 1 could not divine until aocadou tally 1 uw in bar pale aoft band a latter partly caoaped from tie antelope which bore tho poet mark nashville tcnu and read in a good brotherly baud my dear sister i i was euougb my heart ceased to ache and my attention waa drawn to a parly uf a mother and two daughters just enleriug the car and taklug seals beside mo it needed but a glance lo perceive that they worn nob bad temird nd ill mau uored here i motloued to the ounduauir he a tup ted the oar and aa i wool uul 1 fell chilled u paaalug the fashionable group and said within myself luu are those who need pity and my eyea realed a moment ou iho benign face and rayleaa oyoa of tbe sweat blind girl my heart caught some uf her trail julllly aud j y whit were aiik and laooa tu llor whoa- riches were uf the aoul n sleep producers if you fer a slcoplcra night un drcas in lite dark light all tun la tea and arouses the aollvilloa darkness ia auppomid lu produce drowaiueaa 1ut axmio ohoppod ion ill a rubber bag and place ll at the lower ealretnlty uf the apino 1 hia la par moularly ijuinuug to the nerves lu uul use anything escept a rubber bsg or yuu will aurely havo a damp cloth anil rheu ll i at lam by morning l not use a pillow itnlal oveijf mus ole ao far a it ia imaalble sprawl over the bed wtlh anna and lege atreuihcl uitl hath with lapnl watot iliit before going lu bed 1 to on your faoo niauiad of your back tbaltb llm way babies ileop a ml ibrlr methoda are carcely improved umhi lu tills partluular all pressure is romovod from tbe bpiua by hub means and a dolic loos feeling uf roslloaaueaa ettauea make up your mind bat you want to keep awake long anough to hear aomo uuo oofb0 hi r guoul or to oullme the neat day work yuu will drop bfleep immed lately he meant well enuuoh oh i no doubt but ihe ipjeatkou is why doean t ba bebave aa wli as ba means i what ia the uae of a man a beiug bo odd and contrary that nobody know a what lo make of him jinlaaa ba has ao apologist and an interpreter always at hand to ex plain r ian t it just aa cheap in the luug run to ba good ualured and polite u to ba mordao and aurly t vnd does not a man feel batter in bi uwu aeoret bawrt wbeii ba ir oouaoioua of being aurmottva than ba doc when the ahxinung and ortoartaln ajr of tajoaa who are obliged to approach htm proclaims that he la offsnilva t car taiuly bf dosa for oar thougftla are always busy billing to jadujinant on our own robbctl of a largo fortune or jilted jjy tin irinoe of ales and in sariouu waj a ir ed to find out the cause of her luntu hut i couldnt hhf has uki artful orv likely answer 1 tile i x i r jou ace ahs is not a patient alio m one or the housemaid- meanwhile the trail liousrtnuid uuiu tu her fellow acrtauta and said have vou seen the now pilietit hun been dunclng with me a tine man an i broivni bill as mad as a macuh hare he nuked tnu if i waan t mra cleveland if 1 haiin l boon robbed of a large fortune and whether the prince of walca dldn t want lo marry mc lie i mail what a pity aiui jtudi a linn youilg man jenmi whin enjoy the pic nlcs tho pic uio milan may bo aaid lu bu ul its height ho many jieuplo oi proas tliem aelvea averse to this sort of enjoyment we feel aure it la because they have nnttewrrtrid ihe wisest aud beet method of preparing for it thoreforo we think the following diroolloqa may be of uae lo aume a pic nio ia a sort of vaoalion- in which all iho family may join but do uot make the mis take of undertaking too muoli in a day a oullntt beloct au easily acuoasible place wear plalu clothes and dun i make youraelf sick oookiog somethiug to carry alt but iho mother usually have a good lime al a pic nio aud aha is ao llred gelling ready and thou watching uio cbildxcu itiak thoy du not break their necks nor tear their ilothcs lhat she i nervously worn out when tlio day is ovor iry baviug a pic mc in hut or uf muihor and let sumo of the rest of the family make the preparations even if the bill ul fare a rather limited cavillers defend us from the people aho will cavil on the mufti part of a hair it ia painful lo argue with your inveterate ubinolioiiial who will auiuti uoihiug lako nothing for granted howevoi pjpabie but who oou i mil yuu l re ealablmh patent facts aud rearuue juoatluna that havo bono iltlod fur bcb i hu bent wo lu jual lib one of theae lullullualilal uanuiata la to let him aovcrely alone uf all the bores our meets with tn ao nloty the man wbu demurs to everything the mere phrase calohur who is always on the watch ui trip yuu up on ouinn lochiil nllty or uortior yuu with a uibblu la the uiost delcatable we would falhci play foul bajl with a bodgchog ll si il up i xlc with a follow who lilreiiciu bimself bo hind a breaat work of ovaaiuti ant whoso main oujaul ii nut to be cuiivinucd nulh lug can be lea mod uf auoh m ol iiiiiiil uan be laughl thou questions or a wife do iu iticulleul what y iir froli i wnro immedialoly atler un bad hoi lb ilrst unkind word to yuu hnban 1 hit yuu not fool as him led aud griuvud un 1 vet loo pruud to admit il lhat waa ia and ever will bn yuur evil k ll la the i nper which labora inoeasantly in destroy your caoa which ehrala i ou with an ovl dolu lun llial yuur hmbau t deserved your nger when ha mall in il di a red yuur love ii l ibu aiitr whl h nulla tin thiae ii na pak m omounin yon fitii nil tin nnt rosur ol til ijsnd an i h nour forget uio maniuir in wlnoh uio lutiua of that ailing can aloio bo fulfilled u ur lius baud ia hsaly yuur uxamjilo f palinuoo will chile aji well an teach hui 1 mil ol in nt will rtdoviu luni yum ofluos biibdue him and tha uoud nalurcl twinkle uf uium oyu now riling tmaillif ully with priceless tears will tiike hun all yuur i fear ladly aaid the postage stamp when ft found itself faatened to m love letter thai 1 am uul sticking tu acta has iho editor road my mjpiu t uakod the long haired yuung man 1 dun know for aure reylied hie oltloo buy but he a aick in bed lo day he bathing causes many diaeaaca nf the oar lotion should bo put in the ear wheu il li the lulentlou tu aubuiorgo the head our ouoeu la noble great and hu lxaltcd in hur station they say she speaks of pumpmf ihea to ladles of har nation h you mail ihi verse sud iiollcu aud i oeute iu alamta ur money to wells a illob ardaon co muutreal you will receive dir omiscanadaa new monthly family taper forono yemri alao illustrated book an uow tu make mate and hugs and ono package of ink luwdur fur making hi flljuqca- ol bast black iuk nleutiou tbia paper

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