v- 41 iv iii mtllntt tm kuutler jul slslle wllhia 1 luy o a luilliti r hkwaiio ilthiur in llinlfrirli iin tliuralay july mill ill hi north alelhbilial person f liv lurv ja ktliii j k hrwanl in ulaa hualn uoorenr ulnlon ih lilt kuirrwlii kthi niihumlar tilbjnlr loliard on of liir late william hrlppa anwl 0 year mid ii won hi ffiljc rtoit xtz rcss till j had ay auouht t ihos iioo a year in advancs la your eubecrlptlort paid for an other year am subsorlptlona aro paid in ad vance wa have no other tirmi ws nave no duad boat tudtorl- bera on our data xha baatoaopia of tho community tafca the frem prwaa and pay for it promptly each yoar hvo you a u baa r i bed for the proa- ant yeav notes and comments the ontario prohibition appeal mm will be heard before tho prtt oonncil of ftng- land wiley rir wiver mowere mitre lin connection with die case to which mooh interest ia etteihod 1 lio case did not go on last weak aa wab especled at iho mealing of iaironi iid 1rolitbi tjonista of north oiford held to ratify mr flinch muttonald nomination for the kmtmons laat iridax resolutions were terd oondenimng the oovornnitnl for the rxtravagauoq of another see don and censuring both parlies or their treatment of the prohibition question lord baliahnry simple fkoliey of seventy years of vigorous faeriimonl ia it appear lo bo added to by mr haiuborlain a policy of legiala f urea or oonucila for i ha four province of ireland tour governments for ireland bra more than even the home hulera want but it eeami lo ba felt that evon in iho mtornau at the i m penal pai llartiont a great deal or the work of laoai legislation will hevu tube retaliated in uiim way to locaj logialalurc i he highl hon j peep h iiiiberuin hoc rotary of htale for the colonies haa written a letter to one of his aapportera id which he ray that he boob p tod hi preeenl poat 1 1 lo aee what can be done to hrintf t anil t m coon try closer and i to try to develop ho resources of the crown colon tee espec ially to inoraaae the trade between thorn and ureal britain all hia allorta he add will ha devoted to t auuu the reoent wholeaala superannuation lu the fuatoma lepartraeat of he civil harvtoe have given rise to no end of criu cisrn at the depsrtmeit howover it ia taled that all have been made lu the i a tarsals of economy thirty officer were superannuated on the isth of joly tie aides the three men superannuated id toronto four lu hamilton three in hi john e id halifax and two in windsor many superannuations have taken plaoe in the smaller ofttoea it is stated in ottawa that an additional mail subsidy of 1100000 par annum haa been granted tha canadian paeina kail way company by order m coanoil the utubr aaya it waa intended that this amount should have vnr placed 4a the supplementary vt lima tea laat aauioo bnl as thai would hardly be ooasutent with mr 1oelet s pledges of eoouorny it was allowed lo stand over anlll pari lament prorogued it will of oourae be neoesaary to hrintt it down next session as a supple nosotaxy vote itefer ring to tha resignation of major general herbert just accepted by the govern men i the ala it ami bmptn says lha depart l ok major general waa a thorough soldier and when this is smid no higher oomph men i need bs paid to him as a pro fsssionsj man tint he had the character istios of certain of bis predecessors in that be applied to a militia force the strict principle of the regular army and strove to extend tha fixed establishment afhe eaponse as some of tni are i noli nod to be lisve of the citiaeu soldiery our indu extend mauri danrdmarn a co toerodt bovral lrca now dolldlnp and make acton a platrlbutlnn- corttra instead of toronto the counci qives xemption ilay ovcniiir aeaainn of the ouaitil wat bd important unr lha sclion taker mearia a ureal dral in the mattnr of par rnanent local ion hnrn of iudiiitrics whinli give employment lo a larn nninher ol ottlaenb owinq to the isrue amount annually paid by messrs ilrardmoro a co fur freight on ho oi look bark broutfht to aoton from ht hemlock forests of the north lw iwcen flu 000 and jft 000 iho peat tsrolvn montha this arm hsa heen seriously oon aidoring the removal of their tanneries to the hark ration they decided this to bn necesssryunj aomij feaiible plan could be adbptnl for the distribution nf their man n fact u red stock direct from arton and thai mcapo tha expense of s1iippin to i or onto and toringttitre this extra ftvilit and handling haa epuiled laro outlay their present prop mbi h to erool a largo brie warotioue st the g 1 it atatlun tore all the product of their aoton anl llrmcebridf tanneries horr aud shji it from aatihl to their customers diroat they will ahia bqltit m fsrgn flrnproof titfta house ai the station thn extra handling hore will give employment lo a number of men in addition to this tha present build inps of the bala leather rsunery will lie oonaidorsbly nnlaruod this fall lu vtow of the increased business and its bonent to aoton the firm naked the council for exerapuoo of taximon on the new build inga and stock in the terma of lha loiter pabjlahed below the council with com mondible foresight liao unamiiiourly granted their reijuesl and we opine that oitixana general r will be pleaaed with their action it oartainlv maana much to action to havo this innorunl i ml in try remain here permanently and will no doubt affect favorably real aatate values aed uidure some who havo been hesitating about making iiivrstinents and erecting valuabli buildings in ircned couuull met at houock hueva ivivrfon took the chair all tho moinbcrit wirt present except mucill ir nmklii 1 lis cuninillloo uii 1- uiancu piuaoiitotl thcu tenth report recoiiimaiidnig jmj mnnt of accounts as follun datll mllla work it iior ml hi c ualaughllii ul i luibert ii uorrun 1 oo jua ucjurv a ml itlelisnl cm r j 70 jss unclslr 1 l 1 uiiu work in um1- 3 uii it uarru yui a uuon 1 1 idtubart i j i uharlna lnrirlllllnp no moved bj llllsuis t iltteoo coi carnnl tlie ton hi rorl of i he a road li mioptcd beats holmes recohu cream conlaiioi to thirtyfive woman kiihmsi u kn julyvjin lb sawtay ompahh the ltev o 1 merrick cbap lain of holloway jail tells a story of the murderer lt neal cream of quebec wbo it will be remembered waa executed for the murder of sowtr women in ioodon by tha administration of strychnine oou oealed lu capsules according to lint nhspuin ut llulloway jail it waa proved beyoud a duubt that be had murdered in oold blood uo fewer than thirty five woman it appears that while in america he auffrred imprisonment fur s rrtme which hail been traoed by a woman thla woman detective had beguiled him until bia kilt was bra uk lit to light whn he came u i- ugland ho believed or said he believed that overy woman who apoka lo jlloe deco sod ha sacrlfloed him was a manitobas bio chop pects wti luly au tlie next crop bul letiu of the provinoiaj iepartmenl of agriculture will be issued during the week it la uuderslood the estimated yield oi lha wheat crop will be between twunty fle and thirty milliuu dollars thla judjiuj by tha repuru ao farreoelvwd by the depart latent will u a ouuaarvmtlve aaumate tlie crop la heavy beyond all expactaliooa and a makiilttoienl harvmsl is anticipated so far uu harm has been doue by the alamsuu lightning hthikbu aoab well witutua onl july iu ughlning played a slraue trick with the ontario company a wella ou uie m allot fa ueraea township ha turd ay the bolt truck the gas and tired it it wee nearly an hour before lha tutu lucoaudad in ea uueuishmg it at the risk of their lives bitnultaneously a house lu leamington some three miles dialaul was struck the ruof and walla being riddled aa if they had battered a bombard tnanl ware stunned bul escaped fhe residents uioo injury the boo canal the annual by uw lo provide or he diimusea of the village of acton and the anpportlof the public school waa lutro duoed read the retiirtx nuiubor of tunes and passed 1 berates for the various funds at i do beat urea were fixed aa follow town llsil ltobentura slid internal 1 io100 mills tni m iubtie helifwl 6 siui mllla moo ou gemeury usb tut sic a i will luu 00 park ueb lot ale 1 imuo uiilli v uu 1 ublla school del ud hit 1 imu will m0 ul touutv lula hi iuu utlll jit 30 ueneral kxpeasea 3 73100 ullu k 0u moved by oeorgo uavili secvudod by john williama tliat the taxes fur this year be due and payable lu two pay incuts and that bept 7lh and nov jud be the dalea of such payment carried the following communioaiiuii from messrs llesrdmore tr o unnoia was real j ii 1kau01 efmj itmve ol lha uuulollitv ul acuio uk4lt tun wa have latolv bul uuilur tui 1 oration tba jueauou o uia niuuul of our rkjlo laauiw taunory fruut aotou tfaa lira ab 10 fltaak ol urn tsiiuotv la about anlabail suit it hss booouie sbaolulsly 1 uiier live tor ua to adoitt out at two oouraoe usinely oltlier to mm ova our tuut altotfauior to a bark country or to repair and in iert rebuild our taunerv nra al s very lull outlay webardly daui it omcammmrj lo lt inui uic adanlae or dlsailvautauiia of aduiuii ollher of uiaea couraas miy uiors ulan ul atst ttio una rcl utsl by rauiuvlug to a ulk oounlry wa would t bark si a reductluu of tfiuu r ourd rroui what wa psy for it laid dowu hare wa uilua ulal you anil tba kuuubuiou it tha couucll will readily rvoogulia tba naoaasily of aiding ua all you possibly can to glva ua auy sllsj aeaslasja utea w le in y wmei it la ouly by lti ailoiuuu of vsrloua mall eoooutlassjlid takiuit all iwaalhla adrauuuto of tbeui tlimf wo csu lio tu lu ul nootihmih ouialvm fur ilia lucrassed soil of liarfc ut ua al aoton one of tliaa la uia orootioii of lama blda bouse aud ajsu a isrue warohousa at uia uraud trunk htauou in wlilch wa iroxiaa u haudla all our aula losutot itout uia rlucl of uia two lenuorloa tmr an i of ilia lralrl wuit wa mm lao ui uk u la ih ul j i and hwaln uf a by law aiciuiiuiiu lriu u tutmul iiml tlrlrl lilifu nuil iirm am that council go intn cmiiiiiiltio of the whnlnoii raid by law and ihnl ruin i be impend od for the jmrjirtt urrkd the bylw wna rntd a nciionil mid rt iwird tlina end nansed ttjunuillor willisnih aakml for informs linn respeoltno the cnursn prmuiit in ihu tier of ndilillnna fire protimtiun lha ftuita rupliud ihsl no anliuii would bn taken until ihn wulrnum ltifjino a hnd ixien given n rinaonnhlo tiiun to cum ptotd tlimr now engine ami nrranjft fur a leal here the minril biljniiriuhl nl i 1 u clock a deliqhtpol outino nowmnrkolontholuku ono uf ontarios moet attractlvo pointe for n holldny trip t 1 nw tharo arc wiodo i renjillti from hualunah nda durn llm a brief iiactiug n tu many it ia a delight tu bid adieu to the ovary day sttnia and with ihmr a nil lie hid away lo noiuf lakani lo rraurt or nlcfurobijiid forott cainping ground in search of an minor haalth aud recruairon fur bevernt yenrn thd writer has been favored with a cordial invitation from tho editor of tha nowmslkal ami to apsud hii holidays al mr jackson a isksmtdu camp on ook a ii ty ike hum ia i hi year ng nrraiiijod mclor mo ifl 10 ftcobpt hu laiuily left for kuh uf inly with the kindly repeated i uf the 1 r ttio above p pleabiirabla anticipations i iin roulu ia by way of loronln lo iolruy on llm fiortli emit k tlianoe by slao lu italia lwart aaroas tho bty lo itoach a iumt by atcanier then a row of a mile to lakehido carnp srvbtal trip of some ninety miloa with the dalightful biirroumhugb and tha hearty welcome accorded by mr and mrs jack sou and famitj w i wnra inutiof lately asstiretl that tho oil una would bo al onon thoroughly oiijiynhln mil beiinflaia ilia camp i aituatad on a loadink roid running thniuub the county aluiik the ahore uf the uk a fw ft from a lovely asmly htach wlmn halhnrb may safely wadu mil 4h or 4ki ard the t lined with mr iika una avorgrfonn tho bay all ir u nplciidid umihok tho niijiar twuim sure dill dally in laiidiii in uikiuoiigu hy trclliti ur rm k baau by sllll lulling whl a tharo is broad rxpauao fir rowing and lailuig i he cilomlo la delightful and neoiita round i lie uko and liaa lo pirlako lra of of tempo ij 111 the i he deuyi if opulaltuii mih have the advaulailo li lel b t tibllg man at each camp door alao uf trl weekly vial la of lha bskur and the butcher and oocamutial veudora of fruit aud vugatabloa tni acctloti though it baa only doou oopulai aa a uipiiut roaurt lor nhuul a decsdi is by no nioana a nourly satlletl locality lis bos ut ion of lahoaidn ncenor aud ha fluu farming lauds attracted aetllora mauy yoar a ag itolle 1 wart and the lower portion of i ook a flay u tfio vicinity of tho hullaud aud tho jersey river vera a quarter of s century ago thn location of is paralysis curable oeonae little vilsslx county bays it 19 a qivoe hia own torriblo expui1- anoo to provn tho truth nf hlu a abortion bufforocl for ovnr two yearn both himself and family thouuhl thnl only dnnth coli id ena hlu bufrurlnttn autiln enjoylnu tho olunslnu r5r sound hnnlth hrulu uu i i- tun 1 nan 11 f i is truly a hurdsti lo i bono nut mma ed with a full inoaauro or himllh ami in uglli hut whan a nlrmig man n brought lo llm vergn nf ulinoit ullir loaaneia when tlnalnm fail uud i hurt npparcutty iiothlod left to do bul wait dread mitninona that khiio but unco all lha nami aaauniin an ashnt of txin hsdncas in ntinh n onditinu an thin mr linrgn 1 tltln dt mix lownrbiii oluhaitlsr n rl1 ly hie f r hearnik iiicul tnlixlly that he had ncoverml bnltb mil ntreiikth a romirltir wait atmt in ftivoiij ilp when siren mr i iwln n id fell hllliacl ox ui naive aaw n ilia wiui reference u the earlier day a mr llobcri mj ordnk olin ol the oldest ittler klvea many inter oetiug anncdotea home i wen i y yimra ago mr dudge tilt then lumber klim o ontario apeut an iiumenao sum hi a una residence aud gr ouiliu at ltoaili a iolut known ct aa he oclicrofl an cxniiaive leatbai au itandlod at uia puaalbi uy that uu i utiuc ftlrwady aaauiil in tltaaa art roouy irur on uia uuiat council uilghl raja uia tni utotiilaaaod lesuiar and i law in ll u u hfty an n niitflii al ubjoctlun i iulldluua ikiiuu oltln wa wish u suddnuly au dials dsolali bocouia luihirauv ay uiat maiyan hsv ikapod thoiuaalvna mallei uf would than bourdwrw atmtovsdtiinooin work nsarng comolatlon biinhss muiir oat july ij the erib work at lha upper antraiioe of the hoo canal is prugreeslng slowly tbabouldare al lha lower aiilrmnoa are nearly sll recnovwd mr nchrelbar aud the chief drattghtamaii are apeoted hare today or lomorraw afur which the probable open ing day will be annonnord lb a tsvur ol glvtnu ua i la uioautin lu ultllil truauuff your deawiuloii will fatut mr ronalo iiuibani uin youtv truly iii hlllt a aauit july svil inui this commuuicatiuii was given very eareful con aide rail on lu all iu boailnga the 0minou was unanimous thai it was in the internals of the muntciiwduy that the reiuee of mesaaa uaardiuore a o be granted among the reasons advanced fur arriviug al this con elusion were the follow tag 1st the otisling by law would exemia auy further buildlun ur bni lyings they mlgtil oroot on the proaenl tannery premiaea jud the granllug of their re uesl will go far toward securing the buai less to actou for many years lu toe future 3rd lite us buildings anil aa tea si on pro jjueod will necessitate the em ploy maul of oonslderabla additional labor fend lastly im naiabliahing of a wamhoumi from which to distribute to tho firm a customers will en bancs lo a marked degree tbe ini porteuoe uf actou elation as a shipping obnue moved hy finofge llavill ermnnlfl iy john william t thai i as ye be granted to lutroduoe a hy law to exempt from laxa lien certain buildings lo be ercolod by meaara llaanluiore ajid the a luck contained therein and that aaid by law lie now read a drat llioe carried the by law waa read a first lime moved by 1 lraac eeoondud by john williama that by law to exempt lata thai on buildings aa ahovo lie resul a barf was built a pieur stammer pur aliased and a if ty sere doer park micloaod with rustic alluga ao carefully built that tho most part il alill alanda t reel ul good repair heechorftft im now owned by the f ol lha oaloia auu llelhuuea 1 iron to and their amuinor homo j u ldgar m l und oilier lor onto poopiu also have tlim reeldauooa at the tuiut altuougli the piano is almost deserted during the wiutur inoulha a uoal hnghaii huroh la aualaiuad and ibo vonerablo hxalor ilev i it hell m ii ia beloved by alt a few hundred yarda mil uf hoaoh tolut a very pratty now patk has becu opened this year by mr neil murtoii and it bears the name of lis fuuuuor motion iark 11 is destined lo become a highly popular resort wore tho lounsl to ira vol in auy dirocllun in t an ads no more allraotivo spot could lie soled fur a aujouru than the plcturesiuo ahurea of lko sun oon whether in search of a restful rotreal ur a i an decs to which yiolda readily tu ibo pal u tor 4 bruah hero ho will uud endless facilities sud rckouriea uhiu which to draw 1 ho enterprise of mr morton has given residents and vislturn tu the ark m ad a nn a model ii and cotutiiodluua cotlagns have hoeti crocl od to rent tharo la a aplcudld pavilion whore sunday and week day service sro hold there la a good hoarding house store special pic uiu dining ground boat and bathing iiuuaus i ho nruuiida am doo to pic uu partioa and ihere la no hurt puoe for inilea fur sunday huhotil and nxlaly pic uiua areful diauiplluo la pmturvod and daiiuiug aud ulhor iioallniiabla nmuto meuu arn pruhlbltcd the annual oniu obum waslcil i kkalelou ueiuhboi family iiim wife and family had givtii up hope and til neighbors alt thoncht it wti moroly a oiiolioii of hum when mr i htlo a death would relievo hia aulliriuita while ills huiba were parlially piraj i il ha oou id uao lhoui aulliiant lo liubulo about tho house and door yard but if ho uudtr took to walk to tho btnblo he would tm con flood to hia bed for a work after llm limba urcw numb and oold luriiif lilt holtoal aiiiumer daya ho waa ubngdd tt all with bin cut in ii hoi uloi wrappod in uld and hot clul mi ulf in i a mr was do i 1 i boliovoil tltsl inn pliyio thai could bu dune and haa iiulluiiu kindly luilinga for thn troatmenl he rcut ol ai hia hand but he m cerium that doctor bad no lnii i f ina roouicr had i nod au adoilltd niliitral wal taking in nil mivnn gullmia if il but fai to oblalnraliuf fter suffering for l aud a hair yiark mr i illle in tho aumii uf ihjj rtnd uf a uoso uniuf lu tils uv that had been uurod by tho una of 1 william 1 ink 1 ilia uiaapiiig al thla last hdpc be aonl fur a fow boxea and began taking tnum itcforu the aevuud bwi wmbitlmod mr ijlttlo was satisfied that ho had found a rained that would euro him uf bin oi loading puiiifu anil tuysloroun alhnoiil mr i ittla liuiuhioii tho use of lha link 1 ilia in several mouths and was sblo ui gnt out and do light work about 1 it farm which lie had not been able lo d i for over two yoara lie coutliiuod taking 1 ink illla u while lougor when ho was fully recovered and waa abio to lo any uf tho lianuul work un ihu farm aud in the winter i nun worked almoat aleadlly al saw lugging mill wool uhopplug ouriug the pasl fall ho vaya be was froouonlly raughlout lu heavy iuni alotuia when away from home but ho had ao far recovered that his exposures have not bruught any bed rcaulta during tti talk of the 6ay anrpllombor tho wotldf uurlnil thowook m l railway alllelluvllle opens hi lu a had a ac il dener ii 1 by ugglerb ib ijlillut 1 i au lratlmiri la hi m n 1 1 1 a nor onaflll h riuh on a luiiruan t u l 1 ami nmp itmu- laat ifk mr- lor nid nimii t 711 j nars waa hilled by n a 1 trunk train i rot raat otch of llio prevent will lor ho wa hauling wood to wlmlaor a dialatico o ufleen nilloa 1i luuka at resent aa if b had hardly act u a auk day in hia iii mr ial i- i tf uf the i 1m ik on inaiknl ann lu addgjio lloauli a iol are molhollb keswmk all i od othei ug tlie tha hun day aervicca at ml morion 1 rk llmre d hrrltiail hiiriihn at iii it oaxy iraili uf llm vanua ramp i huiday camiera gitthor at tint or ol heathuartarb aud fi for lha atudy of the huuday hoboot isaac 1 ha auuimur renidpils campers ai buaulura arn vory itialh al tho on i uf i season to loave the beaulloa and health gl ipg allraotioul of tint maort miiio1i lauoe ontario a qlioat forenl ahrinoa eiitlrulril t s large hlblo tim h lal ur boat has becoini an euauiorud with ttio location that ha haa purnliasula uouple of tola and will furltiwllli oroot a nuinmor uotlage fit neat and atlrintivu ioiiiii lhanoarly two weeks wo sputil at this dolighlful point waaerndoil wilh pleaaiiro i lie boatldg bathing uahiim pony rinea hulol coiiveraatlou and lalailtoly reading oauh onntribiited its utta of plaure aud ruuowed boalth japan incbbabinu hth navy hi fsialisltolif julys a diapsl to the x i g from via livoflock aam that japan la diligently r annuo tho war footing uf bar atey and navy 1 ha two or u tsars that aba brought from 1oru have arrived in japennea wsurs aud oruwa will shortly go to fcuglaud tu take tu japan thfi tnnclla whin r bmlitmn tbaro the diapatch addi that ihsre li a atiung warlike tamier lu japan uliarles laafe uf hauillton uoech haa utpde throe uueuocssiful attsuipia tu kill hltoietf in tho iho last week tho ilev ur hdwsrd ueochsr brother uf the famous divine us or ward tieiuher died at hia home at ilrooklyn n y on sunday ifu who orr hurutod iel ua nry i fixuil ft m i i ink illla voracity lit haa i ilia llfelliin sh i vvi an of uoojublod i sei county all lie prusul far ikhoaloi s hi lioul four yoara a i ailporiutnn luut if hi i it mill ay school and hit t aao la lot will laputed uelghbora i11ki li death i fur viig been r lha uo uf i ink illla thl bdiiohte 1 la begun iii iho augual r a ihltluwi i 1 la bill hot la 1 he kaiibloi a uaughleta laid al iho homaalaad up hockland county new yuuug wuiuoii hnhiiih in il wall lire i con vliitluual a no iyi od eakf osbawa onl pains in the joints caused by inflammatory i swelling a perfect cure by hoods sarsa- parilla h aflifd mitcli pleasure in riwommonil iiihhi n harsapartlla m ami was ajttlctril with rrul inlu in the joints arcouipanled wttli awrlllng an had tlial lie eniilil nut get up ftmirs tn tml without crawling un linnds and knees i waa very aiixlouji alxiut hint aud having read hoodscures an much about hood s tarmaparltla i deter joiiirwjio try it aud pit a liaknluten bottles fniir of nhlcli ruurrly rutrd lilui mils 1 a unr tahawa hituric n 11 lie sure lu gel hood naoaparltla hoods puis act easily yet nnwpllj as4 fflclcutly on um liver ami iruwcls s-a- mammoth house georgetown i walker mcbean co the summer i sale is in full svving akcftuur kuvoluimn in vnata for atihubtr kever uv ria part ol ihc uountr has prices eh knockqd down 2l less tli in in of tlie i oronto stores people tell us aucust is a uiet montli o we want to show them there is no dull times where walker mcliean co do business if prices have to make things hum here jou are for the next month we cant get space enough to tell jou about all the extraordinary bargains hut the following few will ivc ou an idea how we will sell goods for the net njonth at the creat cash store ready made clothing hoys odd pants ioo wot lb tweed iauta ilc worth j two iicce hulls utc wu th kerue huita t1 1u worth tweed huiu bl na worth tweed huiu h iio worth i kim il m v 00 il so a m three piece suits fa worth h 00 ol th 8 hi itb youth s friuo tweed buiu 3 uu and 3 oa were rfi to only a few left cqme harly mlnb duitb men a it ue merge hulls h u0 worth f5 50 tweed suits 12 yj worth 4 00 rwofld 8uiu f3 jo worth fi is ol ton ado pants sjc worth 75 kutonade pant 71c worth ii 00 bpecial oorown makejs worth tl j0 hats hots whore did you tfel that hat wily 4 walkor mobeaii a go a ihobuatwm you can always buy men s iteady made clotli ing cheaiier al walker mcllean o than any other place in the country 25c men a and boyt odors hate fui jkx- worth 7 jc and tl uu meu s hard hell hals im were h uti men b husre top iuu ttc were i 00 1 hal s the way wo oul prtoas lo dear a dress goods 000000 in flue ljualtty dreaa goods i daiidd out for lees than half im soc oa and kso tweed ut i uooda to be cleared al 5c colored blllta t ho and h 50 colored silks for tjc that uancb tailoring department we include lu ibis sale a mi iho llahod by i montreal dry goudi t sea iaskar haiuliei i devuletl lu the irk 111 d kindred luauiifatilui pubhoallon tu buu 1 1 urimonfi huiy bracelets ladies bloube setts bolt bucklcb belt pins iai stock i gwelp i we all shop at raters brcai cuelph works of art rrm6s mouldings cornice pol6i wrll fhprs artists materials and fancy cooda no i rouble lu allow i loo i- twsml hut for sll u3 a f jo 00 1 we j out for 1 i w we ltoat oi saving tbe people of this locality 5 un tailor made clothing and wo will back this against suyono from bare to the iaalflc coast flowers lie end 4coleaultig at iu french dotal nos and 30c colored dalai oas for lajo 3rc and 40c imialnas for ljc ribbons u tu lula wide luoboue for uo tkne t torm were 50c and ottc hosiory and clows go t the same cat inosa dross trim mlngs ssa and 10c tnmmings for 5c ladles capes 0 capas for tl ftj tu 50 capas for 3 5j only about a dox left ep ihern al the pnoea boots and shoes leather baa gooe a wsvup 1d pcioe but instead of raising the pooe of boot and bhoas we hare lowered tbem for the montli of august what yon ii have to pay tl 75 and u 00 for yon can buy the same from ua for tl i and tl 4u and thats worth saving ho- u re are offc ng goine lo the great cash store wt take lliittci tnd eggj and give jou the highest price titt ate goini and turn round and sell ou reliable goods l 2x to ji less than the mobt of stores sell the same kind of doods if ju don i know ua mult right lu ihc maiiimolh lluuat i i jjju emu deal with uh w know youll never u ai wher dtse ifou irl a juctge of goods and prices wc welcome you all to this great fciuio ui walker ivicbeaii c georgetown and toronto w his fot tlu standaid rtttcrtii una cm rprlai nielli a band book of all tbe coitun woulluu and otboi utile ufa of mill lists of insiiufauturara adonis sud the wholesale anil ralall dry m etwl knnlrod trades uf lha dumiotun tu which is appended a vail aiuuutil uf waluahlo alalia hob relilln lo theee tradua 1 urlh otluloo just lasuotl hvb bautbat a ulhtm ciniin lh i july tu mrs alejtsjidflr catupboll of moutagur gava birth to ftvn da on ihu j0lt ur huahand ia a tailor and in bis with yaar j ii hamilton granite and jttaxbifl jsialtu norway swede huaalan irish and fdoolou crhnite i on liuirlml atwl laaelllui at prasoitl 0 j uarkiaat liajl otliaii prima tall early fur bunt u jh hamilton 1nc1d3j3jmta1 io ulk aitihiav f july ohlt will im ii i in i ul v j lilt o balbriggan underveai at the unifcini price of o cents uii our millinery departmom wi hivi attanged all our i nlninined mat on tables and are clearing them at 25 50 n 75c d d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell streets quelph ron clocks watches a a ii jewellery spectacles 3 09 ot co cd id q a silverwai o jj to 3 09 fancy goods in auo repairing of lino complicated valnhoa oo to symon pracuonl watohroakar an d jewajlor a p symon fliw aulirrltstrntnls st laiiiliitt jfisflj hull fon hrvict on on sale civic homdu p roc u txwpx t i o is will ithah a rwujaiiloti la ixmtu irraantad lo mo by j if ill hoinlnrsuii to 1 c usotloca j ii matthew t agnow ii hwaekbamor ii joan anil otberm aaalniftbbl thursday uth auoust llo nroclaliiiod a civic holiday for tula u unlet iwjity i tliureforn proolslui the mtli day of august the clvle hilluy for lb in m dago and would re- bwtlully rrijural tlial all cltjaona obsarre the western fair london sept 12th to 21at 1805 khclal i it ursluii llatna ou all hallways entries close live stock september isth all otttar deprtwoat3 sept 6th ftaal payment to stakes aug ibth au uou bale nf booths and prlvllegea on o rounds aug 36th himul atthactiosh will i- a at hliow 41 hmiln aral turua hheika iadlrt ohha turklab i aucn nlr willi lloraea camels aud ivixo lila 1ruurauiiuts aud ondltiona uf bala for ilootba free apply to capt a w porte pre thos a brow mi bee first and foremost canadas creat fi toronto sept 2nd to 14th 1895 i ll t 1 i t ill ihfocisj aiuuiiuim kls a til u lur nto al v tilt tjuk u au idea htilluai t mo al tlia creat toronto fair ttiau at all tllei out toamter fcxll ithiomi on ai i linkb kntrjeb close auotjst 10th htx i rlo i ula 1 tutiiaitiuirt ate adarcaa ii j hill manager toronto catching the eye ill y tu iikii ualbbiuk the eye bul i lor a burinos nisn l to n the ooftudeuld lha jflbllu inugu ilia wsluhoiakrr uf melph haa now been islueaa lliero for twenty five years aud hia aulooea lu repairing watchre clocks ilo haa hlvcu him ljl uuifldeeoe of tba people and ho hsa continued lo do the largest repairing trade over duns in ouelph owuuig hia houauaud store aud there lorn having no relit 1 i pay gltee him auoh an advautage over all ulhora that he la enabled lo give ovory advantage lo hli ouatomers aa to price and uahly in feat hia reputation haa been built up hy inequality of his wurk and h ihere u uu uosaibie ahauui of auy body bjiug able to do any bolter for you aa irjngte thoroughly unoeralaiida hia buamess pringle guelph bristols 1 pills i uf llllmulmlls sill lklj j lsi 1 shlllll iu1 all m mmuii 1 mii ristoivs i pills i r iiml w i bit ih ml i sun u ctnutl tnd do not njt r sit ken bristoivs t1xtls att ktnlly but riiinitlv and ilturuukhly i li ilu t ltmily mttikiiil all lnijuiin keep bristoivs pills