Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1895, p. 3

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hamilton iiau1lton ltsrtono mttjoaa board op directors oiinhtlaut a v ilauflay rreeldntit loo- 1 resident it iaoctatt iitut iln ii at vxii a ii lkh toronto u lineox li 1 8nk- o hkabomos oxritai rin ur iiuvmvk kufu tor i aktb tuftniiufj ceahler ii h hthiiikn aaat cashier ii u wathom liifmuir aoenoqeb hamilton tliartonht i fctil km allliion terlla chaeloy l4ornetownlrlmly i ji town i uefcnow ullionj liount for l jranoavnie twee hound imrl klein hltnooa toronto vlnaiism british corrospondont american oomspoadenu haw tea fourth iatiaql llank and ifaaorer hatlotial llank iiomtbm i o urn all oh tltmioo jlurtilo xlerlneluuh clin oo national llank otllllnol and upton national flank darmoit detroit national llauk vaaat cirv national llank of caamierce 1 agents in montreal tbe llank of toronto qmorqetown agency the news athome moatly of n local character and bvarv i tarn intaraatlnn collections made and dratle i kit til eod sold an all bciiibbshii points in canada ublidhtatas tat itoltalnandlhaoonunaqlof kuroihi upon meal famrshle rim sa pbpartfueui deposlla of l and sinward moolvnd eu interest allowed from dale of dagioell to date t withdrawal hpkcial dklorith alao received at currant rataa of internal n u lllnqhtonp aonl remember yon can bay the genoin lleymond aud singer bcwtng machine needles l fieo iivdda j vial and itonnd top all sixes and nnnbers in slock v keep only tlte boat quality or rowing uaohloe oil opened dp a now block ot hal ifna comb ball ima inraea tooth aud hair breahoa alao ha boor hlntfs for fruit re gfv ua a call when you want any of tha above mao qeo hyhd8aotonont jkwkujehy stohk werrtf concert in frmttktln fjdriare anton corant band gave an enjoyable open air contort from the band aland in franklin riiuaro taut widay evening tho following program wu discoursed i march one of the ii re vest j 11 taylor overture try me houtliwrll i march lll haltool cadet houaa andante and walt kr lr heem v concert medley march the coon larwln warran iiooimi uritonblo uroeulof 4nry- ii i pic t overture iiealou of ilonor h vrock n anunlc an i rchotuacbe krauclak c it hi tho oonosrt n free in all tha band one of our moat popular institution and leaver ready to aid in every worth caaae they deserve nraotloal and geharoua aup port from the towo and oltixoua k mhiunrry ihorm urn mm grit by fir about 1 90 laal thnrailay morn inn the fire alarm ruur out i la unwelodima warnlc the are wti in mia white millinery room a few palla of water anbduod thk flamea bpt a cdnalderable jlanllly of mllllnary and trlmmliipi warn deatrayed or damaofd by amoksand water tlie atore auitained ver little damage the fire was oauaed by tha explosion of a lamp hnpl hrir nrltlh llm nlnht neiohuonhoory news now home uuppllanl by corrui- pondentannfl exohnnqaa gcoroutpwn elncaday jlat annual ha been pro claimed olvlo holiday for thl town the union hunday rhihool rinnraion to burlinoton hatch on tuoajay m ipile aiicoeeaful an inlfreatlne aonn aerlce waa held in the baptiet church on fi tin day nveninn the oltnroh choir and hnnday holiool united to rive volume to the aonjp of ion an inlereetlnit aervloe look plaoe in the ireabylerian church laat hunday mormni it btinj lha nntinatinn of the recently elected eldera meaara david utile d mcll geo irelia end it mri unoiikii thu prnaeiit it the liaifllit at tho luiliday aeaeon numeroue fkilnra are enjoying ihatneervea with frirnda in town end many citixena am holiilaying elaewhrrr coming and going vieltora to and- from alton and uarlouaothar pomonal notaa the pkh pnaaa invite ell i u rued are to air- iriliuia toill la column if n or jour frlaruli are bnlna away of a hnliday lrl nr if you liava trltinlavialtliia you dro a rmnl to tlm v i nna mua iana iiolmrm i- vlilir frii in oodehch mia marion hmith rluelpli i fricuda here lr j n i- lire iailii if inturwi in hie v ical of berlin i ii peel or appraiaed the lamaited atock haa boop j w i-l- of the iaa ululu will minrii thuhsday aioiibti ihiu v little local brieflets whloh cauaht tha eyaa or eara of f pra ba thla we and the company loaaattloo th purchaaod by u coruer atore and to jail caiaa-r- at the cmmremeu hacramontal aervioea will blield to the method iit church next hunday inatead of the aacrament following the love feaat in the rooming aa formerly it will bodjpeneed at the oloee or the evening aerwce the aerviooa both morning and evening will be of l tiler rat uev o j l will preach a sermon to the iorealcn next hun day evening at i 30 in the llapliat hurob ilev j k hodden ma of st al ban a burcli conducted aorvioea in grace church milton and ht hlephen a church hornby laat hunday mr mcuill of 1 nnity collage official lu ht alban a lmrcli i ho 1- pworth i oague vll viail the i raguo of the llnok liurch an mpn day evcntiik 1 hii auguat our prom ial ijtnd an i how to beach it in tho topic to be diacuaaed by knox church t i h h nvxl hunday evening miaa hen deraon will have otiarite of the aervicc let it llnvc general approbation bleclric liitht for acton ip again a live k t na htectrto trtgtrr dallinafad mr lbenrxer baewick toat two of hia working horwea lately a aurfait of greem fecil waa the cauae uaapberry piekera hate been buaier thia week than heretofore thia aeanon uerriea have aold for 7 to h ornta per pound mra john b coleman of acton vlaitcd tiiwinle iminufitr rliiinllf the firing cropa are allowing up line now ieaa ari eapecially good a far mer a boy fii thia nrinhborhiiod came acroaa a uunrber of pod lha otlitr day containing h and 10 peaa each tho cbriatiau hndnavor aocioly la hold ing very auccaaaful mectlnga thia aa miner the new pa lor a of hrin circuit are winning favor overv lime they preach here rev mr harnham la a aoholarly gentleman aud an ctoollaiit preach or mr wilauo the young man ta alao very acceptable harvoal la at it height and aomt farmera are preparing for the threahing ir tottini wau ii town yoatrrday mia jeetie nicklin la vuuing frnn la at toronto and newinnbmok mra geo mattdewa of i doom field n j ia tieitmg aclon frlenda maaler willie hill or mori r tic mich n illllig at til lraudfutrenla miaa lucie howell u apouding thn holi daa with frienda al godrfich mr j j muon of bremptoit waa in town lut vaciklyi brief viu mu ball of gnjeriuh haa been a gueal atlhd metbodial 1aranuage thia week ur j w noble of rloomilald n j made aclon frienda a brief vluit laat week miaa maud brown of medina haa been vtaitlng her ajater mr dr uren un -ttexfe- new goods milton fil angoat lat emancipation day aclon civic holiday next tburaday brown a aaw mill ia oloacd down for hactall boiat joar dag aud banting on civic holiday hhowaia oouunua fre dent interval a fifteen ticket to collingwood were old bare on monday acton as a mann fact tiring centre la certainly in an enviabla poaitiou the inter bav tnoch improved the appearance of mr c t hill a block the aprtng crop in thia naigbborhood praeenl a vary ancoo raging appearanoe heave barber of oeorgetown haa proclaimed wed need ay a lat angoat olio holiday the tbreahing aeaeon haa opened and eom farnoer in thia vicinity have already ptit in a day at- it mr i snyder raieei a fine bank barn yaaterdey on hia farm al cbnronill tbe ratalng waa dona with block and tackle anton a tax are payable thia year in i wo ioatalmeau a uaoal tbe date for paymaol are sept- 7th and nov 2nd tbe pretty golden- rod ia in bloom what more fair in ibia garden of god than ibe gorgeoaa dip sf our golden rodat owing to tbe rain on saturday tha clipper did not go to sl anna to play tha wee ball team of thai plaoe aa scheduled oar otliaaoa will loyally obey ibe proo lamalion nf the reeve and observe next thursday 8tb angnat aa a public holiday a number of workmen of tbe acton tanning company bad a holiday on moo day while new gratea were being put into lha furnace ur ii ii wordao who is somewhat of a poultry fancier baa just received three ailvar wyandotte from tbe iark poultry farm oabawa tha driveway and walk iu the new aareaf in fain leaf oaroauu liar hanti excavated they will not be gravelled bdiu next tpring tbe temperance lveulug given by tha miaaionart committee of tbe pworth laago on toeeday evening waa a very interesting service the acton fski pmi haa celebrated a mother birthday and ia bailing along at a lively rata we wish it oon tinned prosper ty broeaala pom ii ia rumored that a couple of youna roeo from berlin are about to open a ateam laundry in tbe building on mill a tree i recently oca n pied by kelly uroe a base ball match waa played in il park laat friday event ok between teama of married and single olen 1he playent devoid of family care won by a aoore ol 1 in u rdr w ii withrow of lorouto con iribote to lb aeqroat number of tk ckamtanqman the flrat of a i wo part illua trated article on tbe dominion of canada wbea4ba painter went to work on tha tower of th town ball it wu found thai tbe old flag pole had become rotten it baa been replaoed with ur w ii walker who returned lo aoton recently from mitchell baa com meooed boaiaaea bar aa a painter and decorator iii drat job ia on lb exterior of th town hall a lawn social will be held al the home of mr tbomea homer file fourth line koelnft uuder tbe auapioa of tbe epworlb league of hriatlan r ndeavor on monday evening lilh augual iartlc alar later to eom ply with tbe ridirmeuu of the inaoranoe com pin lee tba actou tanning compauy and meaara heard more v co are betiding larxe elevated tanks orer lbs tanoeriae to oouneat with apriukler pipe- lu tba bark grinding houeo aud engioe room mis armstrong areas and tpeuls maker bs remov from mrs heoord a blooa lo tba rooms in connection with tbe atcre of uaaara ileodareoo a co i fanner wanting hardv native block to plant tbw owning fall or spring may pay for il in work w want man with or wllbool experience on full or part lima salary and expenaecor oommieaioo writ al oooa for further information qaowx daotbaaa courgt cooiioenlej najweriaa toroato oat compauy i negotiating with meeare cbeyne t g hoy no to put a plant in their mill many citixena hope that a satiafao lory srrenitement will be ooniummatod tbe i- nra iick is con fide ot the in electric light system can be made a aucceee hero it would no doubt be introdaoed into atcre churches and uumbera of privato residences a soon aa those inter ested ware aa hailed of it anteriority over other liktit and lliat ita coat ia vory alighlly higher than for coal ml lamp then we will all bone that if the ratepeyrra aak loudly enough for it tho council will at no diatant data adopt electricity for street lihllng there are ecorea of pieces half tbe aiie of acton enjoying the aatia- faction of electrl light on ibair alroetr in their boaineee place publli buildings and bomes the um ategantfrg wtmnla kmtrmjr thenkf 1iikhk haa been reiueelcil to publish tbe law reepocting sqimala net ray rrom the atatutea of outario tbe following la gleaned it providoa that a inr taking up estray block ahalt give notice that audi animals are on their premieee by pnbliahing three times in a newspaper published within the scctioo wjuva tbe estray waa found and if tha property la not called for within three weeks after the in eertion of tbe notice tbe finder ah all go to a j nation of the peace and take oath to find ing and advertiaing if tho property ia not claimed within one year and ahould not oxoeed a0 in value it then belongs to tho party ou wboee premise it strayed if w or ill over mo it shall be advertised by tbe juauoo sod aold hud tbe exocaa of all expense ahall be paid over to tba county treaanrer any person taking up an oatrey and neglecting lo cause the same to be advertised and appraised ahall be liable to a nue of i jo tionm ot hootlmnd dcmaumtrntlom iteeve ieareoo baa proclaimed tburaday next civic holiday and a oelebration will be bald under the auspice of the bona of scotland in proa peel park at 1 ho a match will tax nuoc txttveen tlio nioklin lonfhe re tor tied ti lit at lu i tuesday t huron matthew e worka wa forewoman i homo over band uniforms are being improved aud new cape liava boon puraliased judge hnlilor will continue to diachargo tho do lica of judge of tin county until the arrival of judge hamilton tho date of which liaa not jot been annuuuood w u walker ot nelaon noarmillou aold their crop of wheal to w llham alex andor al 70c per buahel thoy iimi otrr forty buahela to tha acre and it threshed al ulbs to the buabel mr r h deacon md tho mltra 1 cm con lol a week ago for i heir annual outing at k lalaud lake munfceha where thoy have a aummer cottage an exouraion lo niagara ralla will lu hold next tueada uudcr the atlajicoa of milton wnd 1 icket for rotmd trip ia con la a arden wrl un lor lha auapioea of the ladiea aid of lloaton hurcli will be hold at the roaidnnce of i lio ailken lol 3 con 1 r wuraiii on wodneaday auj i lib ashghovfc ur will lloddoll and malora ut no york and miaa annie hikkina of fuionlu were guoata of mr and mra h k itiddrll a few day a the past week the mleaeo dick of uweu houii i are vial tint their couaiu mia kio dick mr will boot of limqhouae tii hunday with frienda here uaetae carl howaoa of turunta jano lion la holidaying with frienda here miaa ad nixon ia spending a week with toronto frienda mr ana ura luvui brouka aud mrr td brlgdeu paid a abort vlh tu 1ort elgin fnenda recently mr and mr winch aud cluldnt of collingwood apent laa week with mra wm bailey mrs wm mill ja milla 11 muuaud mrs j van fleet of bpeyaide ajmnl huu day with aahgrove frienda mr wm mills aud children uf mea ford are visiting frienda bore during the limehouse mra a from her mich miaa maggie i at lha milieu cli sunday miaae alio and in el he lowry of ourlph bete been ueal of acton frieuds thia week messrs it j gurney aud u a winter look in the choir a excuralon lo collingwood ou monday mabel little ul loronto ia apenil ing her holiraya auli mra walters maple jrave farm j t u and mra haeaoel coleman of btra bane spent a oouple of daja i hia wook with relative bere mrs and row ford who baa been at her old homo at durham for some unit- has returned homo mr ihouiat hyder of now x k l been villi i tig hia mother tiu ollict frienda hero the psl week miaa ada klid i 1 lulu 1 iilkj have gone lo woodlotk it afieud iiionth aiih frienda there 1uiv b luuu fel on alundav un a trip to new lurer in cunucctiou until ho phouoaraph buaiucaa mr john rlyuu lie of itulllu n 1 limn taken up hia real louco lu ami lorrece flower venue mr and ur ceo a ilemanrc miaa i aura of milton ale apeii llnu dy with actou frlouda b mtlavih been guru a ull i opened up tmi8 week sticky kly iaper viy 1iuls and kelts insect ionder jem rins mixed spices mutli camplior crudii tarliolir acid ser shl-t- for brthinc pur poses j ihi llu moid j v kannawin ukijugist acton high grade- wiicpim aio cheapest in the km lillo tlm celrtml sterf5 ns flro fhburanco d6irdany kataauanan iflio nlapboiia ab will b mi j bi mi milly attended fc john tayloii am th btaunoheal light wheal duill weight a to 34 lba prloaa s8b to iu0 alao ocflumbtaa and faloons thai wbala have a worldwi4e rapu tauon there are no better built klll albraile ldfea wltmla lti and an in a0 anil t0 welahta 93 to m ik w stark acton aornt i- oil acton and hothwood jtmnmirr inciuiinfj hooka laoiphlou poalen lleada clreulara ao aa executed i linit atyla of thn art at moiliirato rleea a ahort rolloa j ly or addreaa ii 1 xiooiik a pn a oflloi hiidersqn co jlctdi dill gr6ht su7vt7vter sale as advertised list wlc i liivc iniuuritid 1 gteeat clearing sale of summer goods i he bargains arc most emphatic and a visit to our store will convince- jou that i is from us that ou should f urchase your dry goods boots and shoes etc we will only state a few of the snaps we arc offering in this issue hut from week to week wc will commence 1 othc last saturdays discount sale a big success l 1 pic isiii4 tin julli l till ul lul i 1 r liltill llfl v ulll hk u acton and mil ion at s o clock a county league base ball match will be played by acton and oakville a ave mile bicycle race will take place at five o clock and at aia tlie bona of scotland with viailiug campe will march lo the park beaded by tbe celebrated highland ilpera band of hamilton oompriaing four pipers and throe drummers tba evening programme will include addrease by raud officer and many prominent member of the order from toronto onelph mil too and elae where tug of war oatmeal porridge race ooltiah dancintf by miaa may mathreou of hamilton who wou the hlghoal prises at the world a kau cooteeu the hootch men and baae ball men will own the town next thursday tp 1 i h t lwm lwdl tho bsaullful runod of hairviow 1 la tho rcaidenoo of mra k builth wore elaborately aud prufueely decorated fur tbe garden party given by the v i 8 h of knox church laat monday evening 1 here vwera luetljl booths attractive martjnaaa oojty nuoka and charming walks brilliautly illumiuateii with chinese lantern and otbor glittering lights had tjo wealljor been aim the atlendauoo would no doubt liavo exceeded that of any prevloua gathor ing of tbe hind over bold in acton but ibe weather all afternoon waa thruatteuing and early in the oveuing the rain fell in lorroiita aa a renult many wero lot or rod from venturing out tbe attendance waa however remarkably good aud the pro gramma which waa utrrledout aa auiiouno od aa far aa the weathor would permit waa really excellent holue were given by mra mccarthy 1 lock wood and miaa kirk wood bramptou luotl by mia nellie mcieod and mr frank barber oeorge town glees by tbe 1 loch wood quartette in all of which mra dr brydeu of bock wood acted aa accompanist aclon comal baud rendeml numerous aelecuou i he programme ii trough out waa appreciated by all who heard ii tbe eoorta of the young pooplojif knox church to entertain their guests wern warmly seconded by mrs hiuitb and by nor father and mother lol and au vfl ahett- iwue repderod the mora onerous owing to the rain which prevailed duriug the oven ing the receipt aggregated about ho tne bingbarapton argus ha given op tbo alruggb aud oaaaed to axisl lu field wa too i united for aaooeaa if you want flrtole uualpbaaah and door al uualpb prioee t laruoa can i fill yowt order al his plan tog mill this usually itilot burg was tiiul uj burglara laat baturday night tbe atoiuof mra wheeler waa entered and disturbed some 0 or a waa taken from the till but whether any goods were stolen or not ia not known a auepjoioua looking iramp wa around during th afternoon mr i vena of toronto one of tbe engine drivers of tbe uth took up hi residence with hi family in the atone houaa belong ing to the toronto i ime at dolly varden laat week hi ajr are enjoym the outing very muob mm john moore and maatera albert and i rank are rualioating with fnond at urilhe uev it j mulntyre tbo ic jiastot of tho melhodlat huroh very highly apoken of by tboeo who havo braid btm hia sertnona are rareful oxiuaition and mnat prove beneficial lo all thoughtful the lime bualueaa it brightening up aotpowbat and looks tuofo cnootiraing una y after aa homer llle uf tailing for a oouple liau frienda have thoy will remain iho upt rtbliuui ill be ouuiplet id i crtwsons cornbhb wu npfia atartod ihreal la the oral tu ooiu liiosdy he around bere tin the reweon corner loolball club was reorganixed ou wednesday uight and tbe following ofuoara wore elected for lb season 1reaidaul 1- dward kingsbury bao trees driver laaby oapt chaa u amble committee wm laaby and wm aadsraon the olub intend to do some great playing before the aeaaou close master johnnie itaraabaw of lwvitle ia spending bia vaoatlou with hia brother jama her mr wely moor left ou friday morn ing for hraoebrtdge where he baa arenrrd a situation mr moores many friaoda greatly regret bia departure when ever be visile hi old home here ha wilt receive irty welot i led frienda miaa ada lutein pusllnch last week we regret lu learn of tho illuee of mra wm kltchlug of neaaagaweya mr nicholas forboa uf tbrs place baa secured tbe ooulraol for tbe uiaaon work of tlie large addition to be built lu beard mora tannery iu ac too ir joseph coleman of htrabaiio visit d friendb here lh week ir and ur john 8 coleman apeut buuday at mra coleman a old home at ur ma by park mr alex logan dived lulu xhalloa ffn1 ti dying a few hours after ob batur bia apii day mr charles uoodchild a farmer near ambaratburg waa kicked by a horse and killed by a rib being driveu through hi heart- mr w tlllam j bobartaon wio baa just com pie ted larm in montreal jail ia raportad lue- inhatked i7o000 from an aual in toronto f nicholas flood daviu m 1 of tied al llllawa ui miaa 1 ixim haul lent 1 burmlay mr morlry llrjcr of now ii d lrfou ia vialliu at lba tioinc uf hia fthor ho william bryera mra j laverly aud bbr of monuk have been visiting al tbe home of mr a v umiiii tlie paat week o two mr and mra l jamea moure a id uia pobii of uuolph lave beeu guoata uf relattvea hero for aeveral woe ha mta m murray of bcotch block apsut a lew day a very pleaaaully with mrs walter of maple urove rarm thia week mis maggie h maltbowb returned laat tburaday from a two week visit al brant ford master clarence feruley relumed willi her mr and brooklyn of month a with ca left for bcotland wbi until aprtng uev ii caldwell h 1 1 uf abiopdou was in town for a ahort visit laat week master howland brown accompanied birr home and will speud a few days of hu holiday there fruit buyers and lxportsrs association mot al toronto lest week tbe uuoation of tbe fruit crop waa discussed the out look for price ia not encouraging and it la expected that moat of the crop will have to be mariaud in canada a letter from loudon wss read slaliug that the crop of apples in r no land ta tlie beat seen lu year 1 he same ad v toe come from tbe oonllnenl of lumps and i he uuited bute in can ada there will not be more than half a crop only the brat cao adieu apple will anawer lb la yoer for export tlie baeoctalion ia gmug to use every effort to prevent lha i perl of low grade apple aa it la laid the export of one barrel of bad apples spoils the price of leu good barrel cheap shoes un people think we were luolish but it l ml lo feel the pulilie hlvi jlth enough tu belle us and ue m letuin gle them ill we ackeltlse tremendous cuts iioiit u pr colors lor only tjc dr6ss coods musi bk reduced all wool serges splendid cloths and good shades for 20c a line of i ancy dress goods were 35c for kjc a line of 2 hj serges in good shades worth jc for joe a large piltr of remnants of black henriettas and i igured goods and plain ind fancy colored goods al almost half price a pile of single dress patterns some at 100c lor 15c some it 3 fur 111 good full shades and fashionable goods cottons te coil 11- i ie idaneecl since wtcring them at less than old prices he crcy cottons for he ijc grey cottons for fiji loe grcj cottons for he double i old grey shcetlii lull j julli but bleached 1 j vide lei 41 will iii 35 1 iliu of heinsdoif fast ulack cotton hose for in millintry i rimmed stock and shapes i lowers aments i tc at less than cost 1 00k oul f 1 uillie announcement henderson fe co 111 child s mis woman s aud men scalds and barns are soothed at once with perry davis pain killer it takes out the fire reduces the inuaxn nuttiou and prevents blistering it is 14 quickest and must effectual remedy for paitfthat is luonn keep it by ou 295 tiui bnlvj im ll vbij geoeral renewal uf awluiii tuoa duo july lat lha fkk iiiks deelrea tu extend ha haartieat thauka heveral huudred aubocrltlons expire at thia date and tbe prompt renewal is always a matter uf satisfaction and enoouragomeut tu ua a fow subscription have not aa ynl boon reuewed but we oouadently exccl to hear from all of lhee within a few daja for w are euro there are notio who have been regularly readiug tlie y hi 1arn every week during tbe year who desire that it welcome weekly visit bo discontinued prompt renewal uf tlie aubaciiption will ensure its regular aud continued appear a no to your eddren ii i hu a ldltor and 1 ubliehcr malltunm in nohtm dakota n i july iu it iseelluieled that luu ouo damage waa don in north dehot by a ball storm kinds uight the crop are a total loe over j0000 acre of wheat are destroyed number of houaa have beeu blown down aud ouo rttwd killed tbe elrlckon district i four mile wije and soma districts pver juii mi lea iook mr thomas keeuau of arthur town ship bsugod himself last friday a burrioaue a we pi tbo weat coast of japan laat baturday five a tea mer were blown ashore al nagasaki th best oough car is hsgyards rvt- ural bkliata tt beats the long and cute oaujiha and col da arrangement are talked of for lb don aolidalicu of th 1enueylvanlahnd burling iqn road in soother great transountiaantal rouu with h ooo mile of track premier bo well and party raaohed lugiaa monday morning at 7 30 and were met al thaatalioo by mr o t marsh tba mayor and a largo number of citjuna wc have 1 iiuuu uiir iireiit i t halo dtl thlh uv lk tl i liua been un uiitneunc on llhh ortlern litciiill puitrint in o i uh whut wontler trotim or tor 2 ft 1 hu range of put- torn rt vie hiut tu buy to unublo uh ta null thorn at thin price wim very lurge mitl tlio choice lln vvhhlk i imiiienhe things o interest just istow 1 hone wli i a i pomhihle noed li blioppi i i ou muy not ki ow l at good eunmcrutcd below will bolull ofvalunbli 1 la hill i ud nl block it mi the hat ot huggestiona 1500 tor onji ii i il 1 1 wj twouiih worth 2b 110 iiu ic ii in excellent ul lu nil t tin ck 1950 rth r tho not much mon j i one order but ll t n im m u i hbbh renpotitting h this inukcti the imlu nutntfut lory t t tho old etu hlxpouct y ot thu lb up prlcen lliung made bolltch tlut m uru ulmitrdly low triintningh a ul inukt up me our vory beat and jual ue gomiitf though you mill uh double thu price conn iliunvtmtkevuu wlvil much money on j ur jlothing buying monduy july 22 e r bollertsc co 9 b and 37 wyndham suaal quklja ont 4 tollot aruoloa tu h k cd un nit i io i hu tu do thu ki 1 l0h llllll villlkfl nolo ciii ty in ull ti l rude if ui 1 do il larlloa duck buju camping blankets light wrnpa sunuuer shaw la travelling ruga childrens clothl u fine tan shoes stylish parasols tom oshantera ll l etl l 11 tl ui uii muiiilen om i i lull g ntlcrt uud ut tit at i h lliu full mi heretofore i lot b ryan co qujlph i better service ytblug about the atore u unp ytbiti lands boppluk ii alau iuum lu 44 rf uai i- hvary day la proving that uktiil bbvuk ia maklx issued inatruotiao to department all aummer good al prio that will taking aalea people and oomfurtablo 1 ibe latest approved principle jtsl th6 right hous6 1 iny dollar lo ibe prudent buyer we offer thia morning in oar mantle obpahtmbnt lvdilh bhiu1 walbttt which ere 11 li for tl 8j now 1 ii 00 or tl wo now 70c willi k lawn bi oubbb were tl now wc 11 7i now h ji bilk i jiib1h for taflu u so and cuiluhh n b cotton ullbhhr b while aud oolorxd frouifioo each up lo iv a i khy mantle uf tuih bkabon b imioutatton lakofcly hhljuclu ever been in oar oarpet and houtiefurnbthlng department p tuutu fllkih takk nil- 1 1 atoll it s larue light and airy while it ia wall slocked in all pertaining to a drat olaa carpel warehouse just now w art oltering some astounding bargain in odd patterns of carpel moor clotha and curtains silk balling tor this weak many lines uf aummer silks reduced lo nearly half prio ranoy chocks and blrip and 1laiu japanese oommeooing al jo some pattern not long enough for a drees bnl all long enough for a wabuv summer gloves tha right kinds r hewuth in kid and kabuio in jual lb style and nnalitiaa you prater cool lcokino bilk ulovhs that wool ear outal tba dogar end u iitl cuamoib olovl8 that wilt wai 1 othar lim seleolad beoaaa they- prioe 10 many oaae largely radooad blimmlu lawn nn 8 bummkii vbbtb in casbmaea book etc al a sxraigbl tier llfey are 6 loch bcotcii tanll damabk half blaaobed for srio tubkih11 ay dow moqs purnishing dapartmentnbuliur l huibtb in bilkslte flaoaeleta and ooltoo tltb extra quality 1 forxoo all 04jh okntlkm dleooont of 30 par cant off our usual close oaab prio llnan department leaders nr tifey bcqtcu l1mum stable mapxiimb pufeal gtaala but laat year uernx much laaa than ota usual prio towlla in gand tiriely prioaa away down axe you in this moneysaving chance p f order department amplication nd will prvrpay charge to bat laf action guaraokaad tuk hiotlt utube king at aaat oornr 1iughoo at hamilton augual lat htui for tbe benefit of tboeo ool living iu lb city w eeod ea p as lo any addraaa on your ueareel railway station iu outario un all ordara aiuoouting to h jo and upwarda osoivr a s o w a

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