Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 4

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ffiljc jlcton vtt ras tnurbbvi ootoncil n ibob ffiljir oung jfoihs a wr i fiuniley church iloora outer in ilmirramtall rnoiit iroqi aln ntrivoa heavenly mat to win alonday to your camlrla ko heirs the loril lovn frlou 1 and foo to the tempter inner mp tuesday do what aood v live in pmm wlui clod sin man luaiimlwr that life ta but a apei cltedly flood lor ill return thursday nnud yoor bowse upon christ tha uilftuly eonur aumo whom ood lalpe ida work la dona friday ko tbe truth 1m ilronr own your tauil it in uio wronu 1ut a bridle on yoor loan us hs turd ay thank ood and alnff trlbgte to ilia traaajiro brlnu as praiersd for terror a slur thus your hopes on jesua caat tliua let ail your weosa 1m pssaoil and you ahall ba savoil at lait t ilkii bifect of enporcinq the law tbe new york brewers and saloon hoop rt natarally do nqt like the thoroogh way in which ihe present porroa board of that oily is enforcing she sunday closing par hon of ibe exaiee itw under ibe former rtqtme the saloon ware not molested ao long as ibey loyally aopported tho tam many ticket tho now york turi slates thai tha enforcement of the law ia ooelink ihe brewers 1102 000 each hunilay tho loss to lbs saloon keepers on each dry banday eellmated to bo about 33l 000 five handrail men have been discharged al tha braworiaa in new york city on account of tba shrinkage of their bualnena the appropriately named hell uale drew ry fa one of thoee whioh mourua a heavy falling off in a reosnl speech oommn sioner itooeevsll proved by slatisic the falsehood of the ataternenta tliat under lb new ad rniniat ration of tba poller depart imnt crime had inoreasd ha allowed that tbo number of felonies had deoreaaed bot the nomber of arrests had increased in an artiole iu the i rndtfttuttttit be saja tbo police board ia a anil in insisting bat ibi law ahall be obaarvad tba board will not be awayed by any oon derations personal or partisan and h absolutely de alines to 14k tba view that it u necessary in tha interest of refortn that rt formers aboald violate tha uvi they are a worn to enforce we believe that tba majority ot tba people are law abiding and will uphold tha bonaet observance of law dal be this as it may whatever the ontoome the police board clearly sees its doty and will not shrink- from performing it let us hear do more of the cant that prohibition oan not be made to prohibit aiid that lienor laws are enacted to be broken insuadof enforoad 7ae vutct the reward of honesty the oaae presented ia last night a paper of a reward of 910 being paid for ihe return of so reminds me of a similar anecdote only different said the and an i new england member of tba club to a utlca reporter it happened in provideooe it t forty ywn 1410 when tbrctty otmtatnsd bul one millionaire wbo was an old bootobman named alexander dancan one day ur dasoao in leaving bis ofboa dropped a lame roll of bank notes in ibe street they soaped his eye but nol that of ibe small boy who is around everywhere and wbo pounoad upon the bill immedi ately the roll contained a0u when mr danoau raoeived it bo eagerly counted iba mooey and coding it correct he tarn ee to ibe hoy and asid i thank y my utile rban ihen noticing iba look of dismay in ibe poor lad a countenance he fell in bis trousers pocket and fuhed out a ooin which be banded to iba bodar of bia wealth aod the ooin represented what do yon think t five dollars a dollsr t a hail dollar 7 a quarter of a dollar t just half of that it waa u old span lab ooin lbal we used to call a nlnepeuoe in new england and that yoo would call a shilling in new york in other words it was twslee aod a half cents wbioh alex abdar dunean ibe millionaire of 1rovt debob paid to the honest boy who found and retoraad lo him ifioo he found it for hbh can yoo aba asked baritaliugly perhaps answered ibe polite polios man 1 will do anything i yoo what isil weh really sba answered i hard oh 1 understand be sid 1 see a great many in your fix during the long tedious day bo does svary polioeman on ibe broadway njuad don 1 ba afraid i ni a man of family i have a ohild aud eevan small wives al borne oh 1 doti i mean that i just ibe oppoetle uy hands may be large aod delicate hut tny iiearl la in ibe right plaos wby do you ob yes tf i didn i i d have lo laud half the ladies la town oar fare lo get home wb tye4 jual thru yoor oft side hardaporl stand perfectly etill now here it is and the family fallow found her pocket fur her drew forth be pocket book opened t sxiracled ova oan is aud banded it lo tier for oar fare oloasfl tba pocket book and put it back io her pookel hbe was saved i his search was not endbd a i toman lawyer on baaiuesa trip to atbeoa ibe first itoia he mot uiugeuet on the street ftfy good frtaud be said acooallng him may 1 acquire liy you are wendsr ing around lo the daytfmswllh a lantern t j am looking for an hooeal man aaid the oynio eyeing rim aba r pel y well i like the laughml tha lawyxr like what f inquired uiokaoea like lo see en old parly like you pokm around a big town with a lantern look inn for an- hooeal man well you don t have lo retorted the old m you uolloa thel don i blow out ibe light aod slop searohlng when i meat tun air tboe did thi old oyuiu luuteliuica it i kaetp good company interoouree wilb pereous of droidvd virtue and esoellenoe le of great inpurlbnoe in the furmelhan of a good character the faros of sample lp wwerful wo creel uree of imitation and by a nmniar iiinnrnor our habits and lempers arc tai mnoh formed on lbs mojol of thoae with whom ws familiarly assoolale mtf mb ti pine tboul the oojtln in whioh ratftxl ilia bodyof tha iranian sit a silent group of mourners no one had spoken and the widow wan resting her held on her father s boulder when ilia doos opened a little child the four yoar old daughter of the dead man ran cheerily in bhe had on her flowing white dross hho ol imbed a chair nd looked al licr father lying pallftfand still what a the matter with pap 7 alio oriod hh h h i they said softly i in in salvcp darting why or ha lio in that ugly old box its oan sleep belter there little one dont dlatarb him now go back to bod like a good little girl tho ohud moved away slowly good night papa she said in a low volof and soon was tucked away again tbe ailepoe of the night was suddenly tartlod by ihe harsh clangor of the goug tn tha itrehall just a few door away as it sounded the alarm tho thrilling call wsk ringing tho soon i time when the fireman daughter flew into the room sgsin agtin she dim bod opon the ohalr aui shook her fathers body by ihe shoulder wake up quick papa i she said there s a are hllll ha did nol rnove nor open his eyos the etrange looks of those about the bier frightened her oh papa do wake up can l yoo hebr the bell t yon it miss tbn or the baby looked aronnd in wonder then hho tried her parting shot which she was sure would bring her father quickly to his feet you ii miss the are she rxclaimod then ou ii bo lined fven thru he did iul move iuxxlcd aud worried the child turned around 1apa will not to the are to night aaid her mother in a trr strained voioe then the widowed mother burst into tears repealing that aha oauldn t under land the child was ilcily ctrrlnd hack lo bod lo cry herself aeleep again value of good judgment in business a defectives judgment la soon do lea to 1 by otic a asaociatea in bu ilnoei and th dia count made la ao heavy that neither mooey nor influential fnenda will be able to rescue tbe weakling and put him on his feet he will fall as often as h i- stood up 1 here fore a man of poor judgmout la turned out of the inner courts of holiness circles on the principle that none but men of sound mind can operate here some people have an accurate judgment in any situation trey know what are tbe realities- they are not easily deceivod they grasp tho relation of things and give a safe opinion it is said that women reach tbeir oooolasions by intuition aud men by reason bul wo apprehend thai as women ooroe into the buslnees world they will learn to reason and that it will be the favorite aetion of their judgment to reason to their conclusion instead of going there by a precipitate aottoo of tho mind which 14 often the oaoso of business failure ierhsps there are more busioses failures iu proportion to the number of people en gaged in business than there are in tho otbsr various walks of life social political and professional bot to a bad judgement ihey may moat of them be traced great care aboald be taken in rarly life with ibi faoojly of iba mind beosuso though weak and erring the judgment of tbe young mind may by careful watching wiee direct too and enlarged exporionoe become tbe accurate guide of tho life and the crowning glory of one s deetiu a j od gin out note is a bad document to have levelled against one s business or property though it expreesee the justice of the proceeding of an action at uw but it shows when ones properly ia taken from him by snob a process that il is described by uslug the name of the very faculty in the mind of tbe unfortunate man who must ooufeee in the- faoe of dire cahvmuy that tbe judgment of tbe ooarl is just tba individual judgment should assert llaejl in tbe common and unoommon tbiuga of life for with what judgment a man jadgee he will also be judged the at courtesv counts courleoua attention politeness la aa much a stock in trads as is stationery fur without a certain amouitt of the former a march sat oseiers jsinnol sell his goods lo advantage or retain natrouae ii ia tbe little things tbsl count a amile and a pleasant word are alwaye rot a mod in kind by the average person man or woman the roan does not live who oaunot bo more or lees influenced by kind noes it is or should be ibe natural method of iuler course and la needed in the store ulte aa much as iu the pirlor llusiuoas inter course at all times should be free affably conducted and geuuino the spurious article ia readily detected and as ousto mora look for tbe former eo when dia pointed tbey transfer their patronage lo eosne dealer who studies politcuoaa tu belter advantage jryrr fttnli an some sionirllant muuhct the district of loluml l tho iil city of the pallou haa one actioolhouve fm ovory t htt of llm population end nun saloon for every l5 in mlaalalppi where so muob iguorsuoe aud bacharlini are supposed lo exist ihere is oue school house for every iu people and only one saloon for every x 4i3 thus it le aoeu that the tables are a moat avenly reversed dy far the amalleal number of saloons lu pro port ton to population are lu ihe southern btatee alabama arkanaan jvurgla uiaaisslppi north aul uuuth arollna sod tennessee in the united htates as whole for every jhfi of the people there i una school ho uao aud one bsiooii for il thedrluking people live la iho north we- 1 aud tha no rib of mason and ijifton a lino nashville dleornfe he ought to have known your sou spends a good deal of line on hie bicycle said the scholarly neighbor yee indeed replied the boy a mother 1 dou i know what he would du without ins wheel aren t you afraid of typhous biojclu lerutut doctor aho aaid with cold dignity yu are old onoojrh to know dna thinu wby madam to what do you allude 7 to ibe lact etr i hat calling nainee never dues any good war has lis laws as well ae peace 1 never no which la the wusl ride fur fancy drees or pride fur plain atamm iradition is good rnuf in us plaor but ha place is 100 ill i ira el hy weal from i- si uruj and sixty album enliikxuan loally i ihluk ii is sumewltrre wijltrn i lis i ho utiles i f mothers ahall occasionally bo visited on their children ai well as ihe slue of ifaq fathaia notes here and there i to ma of oan oral intaroat to fran prftaa nondorn in nir itlixnl i tho oaiue or flml ircil languid feeling which pflljoln iiu al this imnaon the btond is tiiipuro and has uerome thin and pfir thallksmliy jot havo no strength no epjkitltc rnolnol sleep lurify your blood with hood sjiiarispsrilla which will give y u an nppclile tone jour stointah and invigorato your norvtn llool s pills arc ritxy to tskr naj in ictintand sure in caeol as anl he that i vos in live forever never fears dying onia i ni lrirn why should you go hmpmif round when tutnam a sinlesa corn r xterminatom will rcinovo your urnn in a fuw days it will give ou slrnosl iuatant rcliuf and a onararltood euro in thorn 1 he sure and fl the genuine 1ntiiani i corn i xterminator made hy folsoii 4 ln kingston for many substitutes are boiug t off rol and it is always bettor to lot tho- beat txo auri psiuh curbs dyspepsoa bad bloob gomstipation kidney troubles headache bilsousness udi unlock atl ttio iwrrt ml and rrtnirwrt pin la u tie vurtl icrolu oti inrr where ihcrs lioiw therq can be no uotlitr imhii i ual dr 1 iw w rm hyrup cures worms ot all kinds in rhil iron nrsilults so calhar tie ia rciuirid aa it both dcnlrojn sod el pels the wornib humor i tho illiprini or n yuiiailxiuc fancy neiuall i mr 1 boa itriliil i yeiullii aga out writes i have to thank on for reooniincuiling lr 1 homaa kolcctrio oil for bletsluif pile i waa troubled with them for nearly llflmu joars and tnod alinoat cvoryililiik i could hear ur think of home of them wuuldgivo mo temporary relief bul nuue woul i effect a cure 1 have now been froe from the distressing complaint fur hourly eightfon mouths 1 hope yoo will continue to recommend il humility hko darkuoje reveals the heavenly lights chronlo derangements of tbe btoroscb 1 ivor and blood are apoodily rnruood by the active principle of tho ingredients entering into the oompoelliou of iarinolce a ageublo i ills those fills act apociflcil ly ou tho deranged organs stimulating fur action the dormant otiergies of the aystem thereby rumoviiig diaratu and renewing life aud vitality to the sllliclod lu this lies the seoret of lim popularity of 1 ai mo lees eatable 1 ills the man what hul u ml ihl his father did ort t iiiiwhi wlim xflth a siokli aud rook bis habiis in a nap trolf fiiab ideas arc oftllmea ahy uf tin closu fu ulture uf wurda rli ii t it t 11 or i mn i have uao1 lr hulei hilt i or will hlrawtxury anl ii rid it i oertmit cure or all hiiiiiuirr i niplaiuta ll is worth la weight lu g ild mo in liuini ihu ut lluiulllly la till hcullar cliiinui lain ml iceat nilitda aa 1 rinnro j i iu u i ui manliake ao i luu loll ii uy 1m uoerrintt lcrtaitil i lr o 11 tmt 1 ii l win i i wr 11 viftuoa truly m hh1ci il m liu ituliitii n the ion aih mil b wrl- air r a airuccosa 8hkrah re rila iron aider lf rlmolo j ill rxoollenl remedy for lilllupaneaa and iferaugeinetit of the i ivor iiaviiij use i ihem it yi if fur aome lime luchatill f i kjklim t1 llm bright aide umhli h la world nuin ll u a it uaaud m year or hwwler i ilrql ild mulirri b lera murbui c tiolura 1 nf atiloni and all loose ll eas uf iba buwals nuver travel wltlloul ii 1 iu ih physicians prcbcnbo sctitt s lrjiulaion of cod hcr oil mill iipophns phitti iccuusc tlicy find thtir pitlicnts can tolerate it at it lynn time as it ilixs not iisct the htimiaih nor tlenuic the digeation like tho plain tujl scott s linulmuii i ut nitith caiiitr to digest than tho pliqn tyl iu milk ix eiiicr to driest than butter uesides the fili fatuitc 1- liken out of the nil aiid it is ul iin t t nulat a bk 1 he vay mvlly ehildren einaetated omrtnie mid t tuiktuiiptit e ndulth kuu tlesh oit smtt 1 uiulbluu is try ixninrkiililor i ftwmhiajeif to eitl i reetflrsls scatt ii bawsa flaluilus t a rutntii mttw rnnsniapllnn naktrarrd dmbhinrt r llirso yoars ago t waa troubled wild a tintt ooiiili ainl rctlly thought i would i into cotihiinipllon a friend ailvisod n to try llgards lc loral hslsam an imo initio gave mngrrat relief after la ug fur hitlln i can truthfully sy i i m neir lit i a cnujh since un hh iuk onl i enil haa alirtort afivaya wfaijuiu and jusljcnoik its aids am your wrm harder lo remove jsii llioeo others haio had tfaxo tiioy nut had the aamc inn i t itava thuy not been aurod by using tlollowsy s corn urn try a bolllo distressing kiiltlny and illsdder uiseaaee relieved id six lion ra by ho oraa south american kijniy cure 3hjs bew remedy is a great surprise and dallglit ou innt of ita rx oeoding promplness in relieving pii in iho bladder kidneys beck and every part of the urinary passages in sic or fern ale it relieves retention of water and pain in pasjirut il almost im mediately if you want nick rolls and cuca tllm isyoor remedy hold by j knvis acton kelflahiiesk is like s beat us it dan t ware oat teil lie ills llaneat inlessl alntioinboonblrui inswumfwsaiiil i s tlio i implo ower inlirior to ruction i ivor omplaiut head ohf etc are cured by murdoch tills wliisky i icik winded rssler after a msn has dowud it a gnoeteny times it usually ihrowa him at lastwb heart ar itelleved i ll ui n j lr agnew a on re for tho heart gives perfect relief in all oases of rgsnssor hympathelic heart dtsosse in 10 minufn and apee lily effects a cure ii is s poertesi remedy for lapilstion khortneas of ilreath hmolheriug ripell iain in left side and all symptoms of a diseased heart one doee oonvinoes bold bj j v kanna win belf reliance self resistance self control elf d helpline llicso constitute an educated mini ril dun sum i was in a very low rondi lion with diarrhoea when dr fowlers hi tract of w ild htrawberry was given me one bottle cured me anl i cannot praise il too riglly iui tivijn itothaav out flurry across the lowanda that yoo niay spend more time n the mi onlain tops norway pine hyrup htrentttldus ihe lunts and cura all 1 hr tttt trouhlet f ongha nda etc no higher rcpoct in lui th jrrall inventor or dlscovrrnr than i lh n mien who has m sale rod the sclrncn ul iuuiln economy a tthn aud a iii i is a brti1 snd s blpwiiug to mankind la halyard s bellow oil 4jie kroit paiu de slroycr aud healing remedy for extercai and internal use ellow oil cures all pains and aches rtioumauain lame back soru iii r ot croup dnalness cramp con tracted cords and laroonen pyny- pectoral a ij k llixllc i h t i1nli mm i uimiu ci lio iterylhmg mon i iilal clous uf the u hagyard a tectoral ltalai colda asthma uronchitis aud 1 ung 1 roubles uurm t ouli lid all throat black i alarrli it lie h i iii win one abort pufl uf tho bvealh through ttte uluwer au polled with eaoh bottle of 1 aguewa latsrrhsl iowder dillusqs tine 1uwdrr over tho eurfaoo of tho nasal passages painless and delightful to use it relievos ustently aud pcrrhanowlly cures catarrh hay tever golds head ache thro throil tonailith anjd citfaesi go oenu 1 j s ksnuawlna a niau what wui tttll ibe irulli will hie oil utile lurhil how wheu ho a loo hla oth hlgm of worn are lblo tlu itching at the iim olu dr 1 a w rm hyrup la tho beat worm eiimlicr cares oi coactu croup 8ors tltresii sod by all ihi evius on s gujnimn fr laase slda llack crcbol chlloha porous ctsster wulgive ctt i i i ta is sa cents shiloho vitailezbr ur t b iwkln3rhauanooinvlemriearet stflofca vtalrhavl l hfy jfw7 t amauurutjmbalrrmdtifratu icorrwssd for ltyrpctwia l trouble it oiqdu p ohi lo hscatarr h dksasaspr e m e d v llavttjrouottarrbf to tblsllumcdv ltv111 posluvely relievo and curu on ivtoo 60 cla this injoctor lor ll i so nvhlnl trrelmoui is f umlabod f roe 1 1 itqij htiui h s itemodlgs arasouanr ur itaatuiil hartly brviua at hum kumlliin mu a lamed the stream ury iar iho hea fur very little of it ocr il mif frt i agitation in llo ell 11 uiedlollie haa bcrtu la rry ul i f progress aa in iolllloa and religion t tie dltlu ulllaa of opinion an i the in liw ivallty it men have bnetl parent lo ilia dlsagreemeuta by which the standard of those bhilaa liain been elavated ho will niiial ot our fainoua prnparallona turoiii xl 411 illatrati 111 at which truth atsu is the wtirld fmuns remedy to keurrsl titnlity an i laon r quinine wine anl whili when ub tamable in lis get ulio atrenglb is a mir aculoua creator uf aupolite vitlily and atlmulanl to the uenaral farltllty ol tba aystoiii ciuinine wine and its iui rove luont haa from the nml dioory uf tha groat virlucn jul mo aa a inoilical sonl reiuodlas ever ullrrrd ti the psblln it ia ous or the b tunica and natural life giving atimulaute that ihe nodical pro tea slull hsva bow 11 li 11 h i r i i 1 r ignmn an i prescribe messrt northrop k 1 yuian uf toronto have given lu the preparatl in 11 their 1 ure quinine wine ihe gveat care duo to its iujnmaauos and ihe slat dard excel h noe of the krtielo which they offer to ihe public com re into the market purged uf a i the dcfecls whicb akilful 4bsertklion and silentlnc olhuion liu winlotl nut in leas perfect pnirbtloii qf the pm all drug gists sou it uvllrrinnlt hoars your- druggist is honest jf when yon ssk him for a bottle or boot i kmolsion h give yoo just what you ask for he knows this is the best form in ehmo tska cod diver oil f iook oot for satan a hi lor alius busts 1 its weakest pint oh u bat a ingb will j on lined the warning the signal perhaps of the snre approaab of that mors terrible disease consumption ask your aelvea if yon can afford i y j of ing coo to run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that bhjlpb s urn will cure yonr onagri ii nevefvalls hold by j v kannawin tisyins ihoot morsels are like morsels what is castor a cutorla la dr 8aranl pitchers preaerliitlon for inlhnu and gblldruis it contains neither opium morphine nor other nareotlo rofartaneo it is n harmlom mbatltnt for parosorlfsa drop boothlnrj bympa nnd coator ou it l ploaamnt its ipukrantoo li thirty ycora ns by mil llorta of mother- caaitorladeroyswonnsnndtulivfs fbvorlshneaw costorla proronts tomlllnff soar card enreft jmarrhooa nnd wind colic costorla roilctos toothlnff tronhlcs cures constipation and flatulency cwttoria aslmllntes- tho food rcffulatca tho atomoch and howols rrtvlnfr healthy nnd natural leoi cos torla is tho chllurons imnoca tho biothcrs friend hailway vim tablb grond trutik roltwoy or tsji wws ooiiin kibtt cxt reas i i9 s in t f mss twtm all j i a in i aaumnor d n am kxpn as niii r roaa 10 os shi usli r it 1 in mali n rm p m i assenenr tl m ulinu 10 is p m loliib unal tl li in st llnltiit i- aal 10 u itlai this llnio i bin ri vetulhir inlli inw oaly runs a far as hlraliurd iniii 10 i 11 fit- i o uonrlay llili imdc clhlucst ill wheels are lie end itlle us culel 1 sth rr ns wltn iw t vm ulmisli- wu jtlill 1 s w rrtcltv eaalorts iwn slut imeai 11 im hi rlus tu caatorta uu at o bad ttluu tmo oiiii aatorla m011 may be ungrateful but the human race in not so tree and raay expectoration immediately relieve and frees the throat and lunga from viscid phlegm and a medicine that promotes this is ibe best mediciue to use for coughs colds inflammation ol tho lungs and all affections of the throat and cheat this ia precisely what dickie s anti con suniptive hyrup is a apociae fur and wherever used it has given unbounded sat isfaction children like it because it is pleasant adults like 11 becsuse 11 relieves and cures the disease raws bsncdy forcslarr- tj us i catarrh i e t nasrlllaa whrra pa- tj b a uheumallat nrrtl in 1 dai houth american ilhoumstle ure for kheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 1 days its action upon ihe system ia remarkable and myalermoa ll removes at once the cause and tin iraee i m mod i alely disappears the drat doee greatly benefit 72 cenu bold by j v kanna a mother s love la pure aelnshueae i ife is too short to nurse uoos misesj ildo iho man who luveii bia nation sx luxsclf all roads lei what don t 1 rr ud 10c 1 bd enemy ihe man deceives hlxbolf liouealy s the tat iiuj t 11 wuw lidciil iursoo it 1 f yon waul ort claas ci uelpi ab oors al uuelph prlooa t t sum till your order al bia planiug mill i lu ttoaseti utl 1 1 tout oatrled but s uiltey xk jl 1 u iiu1 ul1 1 1 cobtori rssia 1 la as ezeeurol rnrdtrinn for ehl m blotbers have repratnuy tola macs us aod estsct wpon leetr ejulitrca ita o c oeooe unrellj klaaa ctstnrta la tbo b remsdr for emtdrwa of 1 bofm tm jr u re far distant w bs mousors will consider use rea i bolrrrst otiir afeodreu nnl ejsr caatoria irv- uisdollbevsirioasenstsobcrntbsiwudssue deslrotwui their vmid owes by forctnj opium morpklne soolblne syrup aad otner hortrul agrssla dom tbrir throats ukombr aendrnj raswa to tsisial craves oonwsj ar aixmm g bwrnt jvrav t- omut oejf t ti manrrwt s c y arssssfsmssbassbjsabaffss-sa- gastoria h u sairrll sitsntcsl tachrmrs dsh i twmftmrsj ttc3sutlortosy ii a aecrsek dv 111 no oxford fix drookhn n t our rhjalhans la ihe cbllilren drpsrt- ncnl ha spot en hiebif of ibelr sxparl rnoo hi tbeb outside practice with coatorix 1 smittts knockabout watches litlida seekers the adi a lility f puiehmtil one if cui k urn k ihiiii allis 1 lak l tl us l iv ll if 111111 i xllll tll tlliirki p i s 1u l it ji j 1 t ul m llel n ftn ll l 1 1 4 hi 11 11 1 r jll i 1 ll cuelph drug and book store cuelph is ihe spot for lure spices garlic 1 uermei i rk jem jar kings ktc smiths baking poiaf der i ull on top nuitatoxis to the contrary notwithstanding large stock of high school books oficr the largest and bct kxercibe and scribbling bookb in the city aaz g s7vvith jt and bookseller 20 wyndham st vjtjl 1 t h nevy fiim nessr stock neinr prices but old management rtio flrin dulom buainess in aolon so louk under tbe name uf jwbu tlht i hon h been disoontlnood bat tbe old busiuees will go on under the uew name j a speight go de pa nt me rtwou ibr will be decided obanfea in tbn undertaking it t me nt bo moat notioeable owiuk to ibe bard lloiea we are utunc ibe prtoea tu all hues ol oofflns gaskeu aud furuiihinftb aud will supply tbe whole out fit at any reasonable offer you may make fc we havo no oonneollou with toy yndertrnkara oomblno and govern our own prices tpiu of at juno sell factor w f ini 1 1 w rg oe hand w lob tair livink pronl buccv wrcon il in so nor and at prioea m hajta a little lowest itviufi uujsi y an all ashusa la oerrytng ou our bualuosa ae oan certain ly soil tl very low wioes iu the undcrlaklnk especially we oan do this aud give entire miisfaoliou j a speight co 1itul c jlini tit 111 totk 1 list im tl ih vvoikl s i an iii lue it ik ing ii st i iw piittd press manufactured 11 c hie i lit illy f 1 ni best cheapest cylinder presses i lintlc r press for ttit ltiuntry printing office ivttu prouty it ib light in conbtruption cas runuiiig readily understood in all its prts and does superior work tbe faot utat every presss u paid lor in cash arupe- um pfiimfaflllirnn lo aall uae pioutj at vary low pi toes there are no loaaa you oan arrange to nave rrebjht rut duty propakl and aavei all botnar of imporbulon el a iit ud at oiiec for catalogue and prices to h p moore acton 0nt sole agent for canada r io walker co manufacturers madison wis v t btaonobeat light wbo- built waiobta 23 to 34 iba ptloaa 85u 1110 alao columbia and faloona these who it jiasa a world wldohapu uulon there are no bailor built w stark- acton aoest polt actot avd nockwdcto oouo grasips chotxra diarrhoea dysentery cholera morbus cholera imfamtum asd all seamier complauta aad plaass of tke boarsla it la saia and relubla for cblldran or adults far sato by cl dealer- 5t ffo jakacme v fidi jort ackj p lliniiyulftmj and ttmi j jufetpuf onrhar 2ultt bmiigltr of bidachc c 42 momol wfflx j iilah lnlal iu chana writaa noth i lu unw lurk siul loll tskfo utas tha itr ll a 1ultr 11 i jii rue u mi w itxlor tha d it htm- llacfcsaoit in ton uv 1 ijlv- ha ir thi most successful rebedy for mam or biabt oarkoa la ita wtaa aa4 swvsr lllili uasdsraaribatew kendillsspwiicurl isvoma or a j asss4ico drar tin itnm ml mm una of nsr ittna isvuwlbtamoajarsanr ub tara wiu sihmj mm llkt ulctaa i oaclue a awl lul u tli aad v biitu oaiw iw 1 om aasdall tasussa yoerstrmtr txia rowsu kendalls spivii curl croa ma apr s st lr b j ksmuijoa jwlir run and annl mlki atrr enhwiinnfia cur tu mseh sspohs 1 aiak ll lit bn uulnwnl i nvr ul ifir r kmhom hi w ius mlinj kltlm imimxij nytrmhals if ara aaacb i vita ul kaap u iuh tfult a it lnv 1 o una ill fur bala i j all uruaruls ur adilraa vr nj k k vd jit coup a r icatuuival ki7 t loaeunam palls vt ipzmts wcavtaioinnjcmwksi oan obtai a st ut the patent liana sutotlr orsiadonusl l e latenutahaei tarooah matin a cn rsestn srmuunosloeiatbekrleallao asserlrsm anl ibes are browso wiilelr barnre the publlti with oat east lo te invsntor this sbendka llt uawaa weekly issnilrlllsstrsesvbsehtrari unrast nroalalloo o anr solsw work ib um worm u avsar bamlls oootss aanl rra bsiming koliioswsmmiuirr flms rear tuiwn molas 3 osnta kvssr eosmbsr eo w knwisa wmk siana wiablinollwalo h lalrm ovslcna aud aecuraainliwta a i lrr munn i xitniiw oua 3til uuuaui for twenty five years dunns baking powder thecooks best friend lahocsi sale in canada ra the perfect ts monsoon tea in tmk woslo from tmt tta utwt to tmt tx cuf in its mjltivi uhrtv tralapeduu mtrr iho uinervtaioa raadurjnnakilanjaiubrllmm oftlwtcttwadunsrabtlsss aaa aamplaul iba beat ouatiticstal imban sadcstkai tea k that mcie llwy see tl ry remk leaieaco into modbuom ttut b why monwim iba perfect tea caafee i4d at iho una ptu aa mfttwr t it is put up in aaalnl catkin of h tb lb aad i ilia anjaou duv sruiuuraal uc yavaadaoc hi rit in jc n vrxp it tell blotto irrita i btch hatkkco aoj j frwat st e i tonio

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