Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1895, p. 2

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hathna in nbaaimwrtya nnw ad n nails jr mb hflolxtr llm wire of morris hayan of a nan1ur qnnmcifr-at- hl arbeits i srsnoajpi anton wednesday inftctoner tlm alfstwf her j goddnii u a ol a iuijluh thursday ogtobhlt 17 ims notes and comments tha opinion la gathering strength al ottawa thai a union in tha lattea pari of november or early in decern bar wtll ah or i ly be announced at tha request of several leading banks tha ioetoffloe department haa decided to issue loiter can a of tha denomination of jo tha department ha also decided to issue ona oanl taller ord for us lowna where there is no delivery by carrier al battrkjay meeting of tho cabinet ml order was piasod regarding tha grade of wheat ii waa decided thatlliore aha ii be no wheat that la nooared or bruhpd to ra move smut or other fungoid growl h in tha grade known aa no j matil oba hard wheal tha oorporalion of bmlth a falls acting on tha aufffceetioti of a local judge in order to forcetall all actions for damage from defnctfve sidewalks have a standing adver tlsemont in tha local paper requesting all parties finding broken planka to at onoa report t fact to tha real inspector broken planka and defective aldowalka are the bana of manicipal life a deputation from the banker aoolloi of tha montreal hoard of t ratio waited 01 tha finanoe mimater on saturday and represented that a larfe amount of am on ailvar and amall silver certificate were in circulation displacing a similar amount of canadian currency which haa a gold bm while the amorican certificates are only payable in ailvor they asked mr ioater a advice and assistance on the mat tar and the mloiater of iintnce promlaod to look into the matter the exhibition season auooaaiful falra h aid at milton and rook wood lcat we ok the coutoty fair at milton laat tnaaday and wadnaaday waa obligsd io contend with onpropilious weather them waa however a splendid exhibition in nearly all depart men ta and aepeoially in tha ahow of boras notwithstanding tba cold weather on wednesday the ground were filled with an immense crowd of viailor we regret thai it ia again oeoessarv to call attention to tba presence inlarite noro bars ol fakir and gambler of various classes theaa adventurer ware allowed to practice their nefarious aofaemee upon lb a unwary and fpillabla with apparent freedom for presumably a small liorroae fee tbsy era a menace to tba morals of tba community and the auooase of tha fair if the directorate fails hereafter to prohibit heir presence tba town authorities should oeitainly undertake to handle them numerous oaase of pocket picking are reported among the prise winners from this vicinity tba following were in evidence wm o ems treat eeoond on bis team of roadster a waldie al tba qret prtsai for hereford cattle jeans it word en aral ot uataborg chicken a and tnd ou lsogabtn chickens mrs j warren special formatter i bbow al hock wood on thurs day and friday was really excellent but as often in lbs past the directors were obliged to contend with wet weather on the eeoond day this reduced the gate reocjpu by at least one half the exhibit in the ball wsa admited on all aides to be the beet in the history of the exhibition many new exhibitor ware preeent in the ladii departments the ahow of atook was moat enooaraging local exhibitor were suooeeaful as follows w uamatrect first for span of roadsters j it nickel eeoond on barley ssoond on potatoes and erjuaaba second on firkin batter george leslie aral on col lection of apples st lkwroooe col verts it i oreenioge and northern spy eeoond on bnow apples and winter wheat joel i ealie first on white osu baow epptee ssoond ou bit lawrence gqfverta and fall through an inadvertence the nemos of the directors of acton aorticullural aud agricultural booiety of 1wm were published last week fur those of the prose at yosr the correct hit is u follows directors for itcw b wetklue a j carrie jno gordon j t klllott jsa itlaok juo wriggles worth jas kirk wood w lesur wm heaaatreet geo hitching mr irving t ii harding w a storey wm kenoey dr mokcagna john ii matthews adam cook john williams at a mssting cf lbs society on saturday lb business of the year wsa found to be in a most encouraging coudilion after mil accounts and prisra am paid a balauce uf about 170 will remain in lbs troaaur newfoundland smuqolino sensations news of th day anepltom of thbworldw dairies durlnrtho waak burglaries an reported in many parts of tho prvvince s mr 8 bar fool private bwkarcheuiam haa assigned italian troop have captured a native stronghold in ahyaainia the station at blyth waa entered and the safe rifled hatnrday night l muloahya block n tha centra of tha bualneaa soouon of orillia waa burned a woman arrested the olher day in sicily eon f eased to poisoning j3 ohil dren robert gardner was sentenced at owen sound to one year in the oentral for ooui terf siting hhipmanta of cattle from manitoba and iho norlhwrat thia yef already number 33o00 bead mra grave waa killed at the talbot atreol oroaaing of the grand trunk at i don monday an importaut shipment of apples made on saturday frpm orjmaby out bydney n b w sir henry blrong hief juatioe of the buprema court haa been granlrj fonr months leave of absence burglars blew open the g t 11 su lion safe at brentford satnrday pight and alob aboot tha safe waa looked at tha time the queen la al balmoral and notwith landing the weather which la very eavere aba indulgea in long drives every after dr micky a pioneer utii niary u formosa left ancouver on the atearoer arr uf imlm to return to his work a negro boy named brown shot an other nrgro boy named black at guelph but did not injure him seriously a front louth aaved him mr i j beargeaut tha proseut general manager of the grand trunk railway wlfl lake a seal at the i xiduu board a canadian adviser at ins prnsetit salary ice president and general manager haya of the wabash railway has been appointed general manager of the grand trunk railway at a yearly salary of ho 000 a ilriol in utry will be held in the cast of the armeoiaua uuder arrest at coo auutinople and any cases of lortunng prisoners proved wil be met with severe paoiihmeol one tbouaand gallons of rum supposed to have been brought from bt tie have been found at ouyaboro n b have been seised by the custom officials aa oootrlband laol courier of parry harbour a log ruller at argue bros camp tergueou township was killed by a falling tree which struck a skid ba waa carrying kill ing bim instantly w b palmar defaulting teller of the bank of com more and rreo a filgu defaulting cashier of the grand trunk al hamilton war each sentenced to thi years in penitentiary disastrous prairie fires have been raging all the way from headlngly man to with in a aw miles of winnipeg it is knowu that al least three lives were lost bat it u impossible as yet to ascertain full details a brampton butcher sent one of hi aasietaut with aboot i jo worth of poultry to sail he sold tba poultry and got on a jo jag with tba proceed and he ba not been heard of since nor have the horse aud wagon be look with him provincial 8 tho a s convention bt jo n r oct u astonishing revelations were made in the amugtfliug scandals lo daj four of the prison era who ware brought from plaoantia bay turned quseu s evidence aod revealed all the secret of the syndicate which praotlo ally controlled all the smuggling iuu tbi pjl of ixjuor and lobacoo fr the vst four year rhs caudal is certain to ba among the mini er exposed here and will implicate many prominent officials and nearly avory saloon kswprr in the city tho ratuifluatious of the aug ar most extensive and the work was pursued with surprising audacity st joseph smospjtal guelph re opened on tuesday after bps guairu oil u tha formal openiug of uf tba addition to bt joseph uoepitaj took place this aflarnnou tbs building is trallt id pavllllon uyls and la compoasd cf numerous wards and apartments distri bated over a great area of ground in architectural style it ia classic uomanesvjue uf white brick with out ston trimmings and carvings tha langui is hi feet and the main width do the centra ur main wing i lures storeys with attic and base meat fl used on lbs south by projecting wings to advanos oflhe main front two atoreya with at i to and lowers tba whole presenting a magnlfioaot structure tb oast of which is soinswhsr in tbs uslgb borbood of saoooo not including tb interior furniehiogs 93 00 long uaou for 1210 b lard ay 19tb tost null tub alius max uaolph i al convention to bo hold toronto oct 2 2nd 23rd and 24tn tba qua rafar to toe coming oonven liou as follows the aunual oouveution ofthsbabbaih bcbool aasociatlnn of on tario will be held in ihia city on the jiud 13rd and 41th of tbis month the sessions will be held io cooke s cburcb on the morning of the 3rd it will be dissolved into separate oonferanoas for discussions by pastors so par in ten den u bible class teachers secretaries and libarians when some neighboring church likely the metro poll tan will be used the programme la probably the best aver presented by the assooatioo workers in every department of tha babbath school will find abundance of discussion in tame ting to them in which will appear such men as mr b y jacobs chicago president of ihe world s s 8 association mr marion lawrence bee retary of the ohio babbath bcbool asaoaia iron hon b ii blake uev dr poll he chancellor bar wash and about oo others a strong ooromittoe haa been formed to perfect the local arrangement with mr n f caswell as chairman and as ibey anticipate that there will be be seen 700 aod 1 000 delegates present it 111 ba seen that their work including that of billeting will be no sinecure the present president of the association is mr ii p moore of acton while mr j j maolsren ll d q i hair man uf the central ktecutive committer spent ii47con a tiprfcfc thrfinecoamittbbhgstllna tho caunalt end bualnnna man assdblntad with thorn allvo to tho nooaoolty of promnt action tho fire cammllsoe u proving itself worthy of the trait ropot uflion iho im portant matter olseiiuring satisfactory fir snparatiim waa comutillod to them by ihji public meeting of property owncrti some time ago the iiyuw was formulated without delay and then carried a meet ing waa thcrcafecirmptly llpjd and committee appointed to prncood forthwith in taking the alnps nrccsafy lo have tho now ftr apparatus in aalufactory order at tha earliest posafbta moment tha com mittee were at workthe pat week and at a meeting held on monday evening wore prepared to report aa shown below at eight o cloak heave puarson look tha chair and ihrrc worn present ciuncillora havill nicklin and francm and mesnra w h store john vtueron j amen melam tho i bhage j a mcgrail henry orindoll and a i cheyne the commit toe on tank etc reported tho following rccoinmeiidatinni i tat a tank 0 ih not an i h foot itorponl it in at llin iowii tiall to l loa 1y gravitation lliroufili n h innli iia runnlnu hagimally tlirousti klr l man lonan nropoftt to ula hml i ttiat lulkdilhih frit lt laenl at tlm north wtil corner ul ll n iru in of uui tnhler1k htnxit i ha 1mi i y an lilol running up frnlerlek hlrm t acrtim t avfcuo llienoe uirouahltei vaoant i it to 3 xlal ts jllhintiellw land at iii jancttmi ol v rmlnrirk au 1 clmreh hlrocit i an h inch rwl i im imm tank no 3 i tbat a tank ii i li i n loot in 1 lcl ounn titrael at artliur htroal wltli a 3 i fowl pip from the o t it tank 1 tlial lank ij i in h fret iw laenl at tho i t it croulim on min hlranl lo iw nilml ula ktrn 1- limine irimii roul tank i ul 111 atrnaih cmalii uain hitdbi al htn itfiiisu ll o a usln u hio donil i ucl tall i y ii a h irn t- imlim innir atmttn at uelrfim all tin tank 1 ih i l caulknl with oak i i at i 1 mou lin i tank t ul in mill in ant iioi l il ta ii all 11 i i crtf illjr ubmltlml a uotluau liali john ailvlkln h tlhi huiacih a ii hhvnk jah ucl am hh l ilumifli mi tj uy john amcron seconded by j oli n a mo u rail that the report of the cammitlco ou tanks a now read be adopt od carried batimalcs of tho coat of tho work rccom mended will be brought down at next meeting messrs pearson ana storey the com mtttee on hoar etc brought in a partial report tho result of their visit lo toronto moved by geo havill seconded by i rraiict that the hose coram utoo reports bo laid on the table or further consideration artoua matters in connection with the fire apparatus including additional engine testa recommendud by bicf graham of toronto were brought into reicw himmittcn adjourned at it o clock thfc book of thfc fa we have before u part win uf the book ol tho r air published b the ban croft company auditorium building chicago iii this beautiful number oom pie tea the description and illustration ol the midway plaiaauoo hiving details whlcb show that the midway waa ao popular thai it revenue aggregated over 1 1000 000 cairo street bad j 2u 0o0 viaitor admitted b ticket aud the rarri wheel carried 1 00 oou the twenty fifth chapter refers to the foreign exhibit at the r air contaluod in building specially emoted by foreign oounlrira cry j leaaiug prumluenoe la given lo an ad in this chapter and a beautiful half page odi raving of the an adian buildup t shown llaforiiir lo the opening cerinuiiiea on the ihih of july the jolh anuiveraary of onlodoratlon it says i verylhiug waa said and done lu an amicable mood for between the do- miuion and the- union as between the union aud the united kingdom the breach if such there be i more in fauay than in fact the icturia building of 1 britain 1 alao given an eihauatlve desuriptiuti the book if the tair is almost completed hut twu numbers re raaiq to finish ihe jo parts and make up the 1000 imperial folio pagea an i tho 2000 host rut ions for particulars apply to tile above add rear do vou tihfc quickly the peop tia at the nfibcur pf mr fylct- iflfi mil calfbof honni iills badly crlpplod with bolnuon nnrt an tntonno ibufforor for vonm- for two yanrawaa not abln to oo any vvorktrwiuinms pink pills noatorua him to honlth vritm the hltnllhmriiq i coikiiiiut tha completion uf tho local tolnphant service batwaon hhelbiirne ant horning h mills by messrs john metcalfe and w ii marlatt referred to in ihoan uoiuinns reoentlyi was the means of bringing to the notion of a reporter of tho fr noun the tact of the remarkable restoration to health some lime ago of mr mete life the chief promoter of ihe line por about two years mr metcalfe wa a tarrble i uffcrer from sciatica and unble lo work white not altogether bed fl he waa so badly crippled that hi bout form a ho ocoaainually hob bird about the street of horning a mill exalted univorl sympathy the trouble waa in one of hi hip anj lie ild l and or walk erect his familiar altllii h ss iho residents of horning mills ca jwrv f ii nytceman fu ui rgo new llruiiwlc after the grip no strength no ambition hood aorsapnrltla gave parfoct honlth tl fl f ii ing loiter is ir m a well known itrrl t t tl r i hl enrkr ii i ii h a l well lnin i c tl inn i nil rl il i i hint llnoil tirini i iii i n i 1i i i ills tnt d no ni s rrr ii i i r i i i i ft rn nluirk il the c 1 1 in i c hi r in i nfter nttliigovcr the fi rr i ii i tl ir 111 i imbhrr s rciigth mill hail n- fin till il ilofxl il hirnhj irllli nr i to ht liil wli l i il hd tin nsiilln wrt vrrj intlilnl rj ni i i rec iitnrii i this me llciiie u all win arv iifllicuil llh ilicumtillsiii or ouiei hoocts afflletl ma chum i i y u m nn i or 1iiohi i nlwqa korp ii kwi rlfirmi arllut in my in 11 nn i use it wlion i nee i a i mlo we aim krri mhhi i llli i hi i nil ltd ik lluilynf umin i irki new hriiinwtok uul luaoitu oct 13 nugh miller farm county farmer was on rnday com milted by justice perguaou to jail for throe montba a a judgment debtor miller came to toronto wttb tlfioo aod in six weeks spent all but i1j0 this sum lie did not wish to pay his creditor wealey iio den lie staled tbat most f tho money had been stolen from him whllo luluiicalod on two ocoaaiuus ho had lust tlm and til rcapecti ely lu this way dhownlhfo in puslinch lakti galt oct u mr hubert umb ol maaara caldwell a 1 amb proprlotora of the central hotel here was drowned in pualincb lake tbia afternoon while out duck shooting mr limb was an enlhusi a tie sportsmau and a member of tbe gait gun club he waa uu married heavv shipments of wheat foar wluiim oct u five teasel carrying 5051 000 bustle i of manitoba no 1 bard wheat hava lafl her wlthm tha past three days destined for ogiuto s saslarn mill this firm rspeou to ship half a million bushels within ttis neat tau days current publications hmrper irvrtty for october lulh will oootaiq an artiolaoo german army mao tnuvrssvby poullnsy blgslow a6d a fully llloatrsiad supple men i by il f ogbaum oo tha results obtatusd by admiral bono s 8uajlrdu ol kvolution another prom in eat fa tun la ibsi saais isaoa at the ifrtlig will be a paper on tha atlauta baposilisu if yoa want first ctaas goal pb sash aod door at gaalph prioaa t ajuu can fill your order at his planing mill raliuo i tbe natural seiueiioo of labor if however ii follow moderate or biikiii ajurliou it i tho nliii ai i evidence that tho nervous ayatcin ha liml lono and vigor aud rriuirea aaatslai on buiaidal is- a resort tu atlmulaut hi hoc these only in crease tho enervation all cannot bo obtained in this way tut lliroukil modioa uoo judiciously biiijii vi in rox hiring through tho uervuu nyslem tho liioalivc fuuetton upon which primarily boalth dopeuda tho wboe range uf modicum fall to jwoduco a preparation xusslug lu equal flegrce tbe ton lo and nulrillvu luahtle if maltino with oo wlno by tba act low of majtiue with coca wine upon the norvouvayate ail tho lromruu fuuo uuu uf tho body arc htiniulaled aud hi creased tbe dlgeailve iruuna la jhfotnp i efficiently aud without liacimfitl lusuiiug hie prupor iiouriahmeut uf iiib body 1 one takes the place u laaailude vivacity dlsal pates depression o re bod 1 1 gs and deakn den a and soon tbe juickemug impulses of renewed hjallh are darieuaed maltino 1 ylal drugvlat hiiknl a st ifi it vouch waa stooped over position with one hand on his knee mr metcalfe bays yot about two j oar i waa not ablo to do any work local phyaioian failed to do me any good and i went lo toronto fur treatment with niiftlly anaallnfaotory results i alo tried electric i appliance without avail i returned homo from toronto discouraged and aal i that 1 would take njp more medloino that il seninod n if 1 had to ilia anyway my nytcm waa ver much run dou aud the pallia at timet wore eacrucialiug 1 adhirod for aeveral month to my determination to take no more medicine but finally oou en led to a trial of dr williams 1 it k pilla strongly recommended by a jnend before i had taken them very long i ml a great dual bolter my appetite returned aud iho paina diminished after usinglho pijla for aomo lima lonter i wan ablo to itattd and walk erect and resume my work in the full ejjoymonl of health an i strength people who knew me marvelled at the change and on my pcrsoual rtrom mxndation many hato used iluk 1illu thta is the first time however that 1 liavo given the fact for publication on being asked it the sciatica had over returned mr metcalfe stated that ouce or twice aa the result of unusual exposure ha had txperieuood jhght attack but hp always kept some of the pilla at hand for use on auch ocoasloni bud they novor failed lo fix him up all right mr met oalfe who is tl year of age i in tbe flour aud proviaiou buviuoaa and aa proof of but ability ta do al good a day a work a be ever done in in life wo may elate that tbe moat of the work connected with the an mile of telophoue line waa por formed by himself mr metcalfe also mentioned several other instances in which the users of pink pilla derived great boric ol among them being that of a iady resident of homing a mill tho a 1 k w ul ft dumber of instance tn hhelbourne where ureal good luu folio wod tho uno of till wall known remedy 1 ho public are oatitt ned aguil luiila lion and substitute mil to bo just a i good those arc only n flexed by auoib unscrupulous dealers becaubo there is a largor prottt for them in tho imitation there ia uo other remedy that can buccob fully take the place f dr william 1 ink i ill and lhou wild aro in need of a mod icin ahoald ii sit upon getting iho genuine which are always put up in boxes bearing tbe words ur williams 1 ink 1 ills fur palo people if you cannot obtain thorn from your dealer they will be nenl ol paid on rooeipl or ba oeuu a boi or 92 60 for six boxes by addressing tho dr wil liam medicine o itronktllle onl ur hchenecladv n y j v in hoodotpiiln r out urc liln r t vrjeli ul i j all drugguu bristoivs pills urt hilmusncsi faick i lend allu djsixpmi sltiish i ivcr uul ill mom nil 1 rrnibl s bristoivs pills art iurtly vlglt tbia ti s i ir co itttlj tnd do in t ri- or sicken bristoivs pills act kciuly but promptly md tli roulily riitstfctt i unily imdilinc all lrtijisis ktcp bristoivs pills 1831 the 1896 nu lolxyilu uentleman the best or tux aqkiculturax weeklies fmiiu inpi mild frvco3bs iioroc u turn fruit orvrtatf ltva ittock and dutryla lln ll a i elul all t lin r dawtuionu i u ral li lurml nucl u luullry anl butotu i n htm ke uk iron nil oom aud oralwry ulerluary lla i iid 1arul quaauuu anil anawor tlroatlo slmliil 1 uleto koutiuuiy and a amtiuiary ul tl o i ow 61 ihe woek it uarkot itojhjiu ru ui uauallv coni isle aud uiuotl ltd lion ll al i u ll o ioahe u the crop t ufall juoatl i vv i an 1 1 hoy a 1 1 when u tioll it l liberally ml u titrated aud ouulaliu ulwrli ll i i rim u sxjo fnar i ul w0 ottor a hi kl ial itpdt t tiun lu our club rattis for lsthj lo anbaoiipuonv su subacrtpuons ten subsciipuona to is i to all now bubactibors for 1896 paying in advance now wo will amid tho paper weekly from our receipt of tho re mittanoe o january 1st 1hm without charge tsfhi i i itn hitrr a ldn oturrrl urliefhult it i aid uf so uianv romcdiv that ml lot with coca wtnn lit in mu 1- naking ou n ume pi tioowl of ihe hlalemeiila tl at i i of the lire ul ilgltt or nr h i own at work but the ronuh ul mi uurray ioetlatl n biiowh llira i lava burn without fuundatli u we regret tu rtour 1 hio draii i nutm b wood fcrcou i ui 1 mr hourl wood kiitm th r nu i hi amuble and pnitiilalog yuung laily i tan benu out fl after a oodparative ahorl lllnrs just u she was ttuddlt g ijjlu wouianhooil much ayoipxtby will bo fait fur tho father mother and family in their nad ixnave iudui rhla ovoul coming so anio after ffae burning of mr wood iore m i xia oflloe will acrio tu darieu ihe aympalhy felt fur l hem mill burnt at alton airos oat ij ur makuluieuu large we flory mill horo was tutslly do troyed by flreal cm 11 nielli l at 91 000 parually covered by luauranoe auao of pbe drcuukuowu ti oil long hoot fur fl 00 halurday luui iual htit i tu huua mn lurlph but the dl au after ward oouio back uur i ck dlood ilittera being a radlcat cure n t only relieves but pormanonlly enrol imiia oiibumptliii iliiiuumti hick lloadacba had dlood etc lliiulreda uf healthy wltulaaea tell tadly that it 11 li iron to mlay cured luther tucker son i 1 ublutirrt i albany n v job iluntinii iiulmi i ki uu 1 1 li u ui h a i r ln ac ac nidtulw jbllotj lvl tct i 1 1 1 ii ct y ict i9tfi jq n1 la dm 1 kai ok mll m n ii nn 1 men k i j mtn s kip mt n spin mi ti spin h111 i i i ul i pi walker mcbean co it wheels revolving faster than ever 0rynthetio m0mmoth h h b taltar lb now goods co mo rolling in as fast as ihey come in oot tbay go all pver ihe country walker mcbean a co a atore is a honmbold word all 0er becaoae people are geltlng so much more at their alore than they can get anywhere alee take the tailoring department for melange tailoring popartmont buila thai we are selling for i i 00 olher tarn jup trying lo get tf 00 13 fio ficotch tweeds worth i1h 00 dlk worst od sulu from tlfioo to ij 00 j5 x less than you can get similar goods rood one firm we are told is trying to make people believe that we pot inferior trimm inga in our suits but ibc pabllo is fstling on to fr wo invito orry gentleman far end near lo ootne and imrpeot ihe- tiummino we are riaiufl and they will amy the same aa a grott many have said lately the report oironlated is an an trnlh but il is being done beoanse we are taking the cream of trade from them but never mind time will tell wo keep nothing but reliable goods prove if any one buying goods from u and after taking them home and bod them not aa represented bring ihe goods bask and wo will refund the money paid for ihem ib that squahr ell that the way wo do business flannels how our flannels are aelling uj union flan nets worth loo is all wool uannels worth t5c vii campbetlfoad flannel worth ijc ill navy flannels worth hoc flannelette b 5c b lanuelette worth 7a fijc klanne ottos worth oc 70 flapnelelte worth 10c gottonades- ijfc cottonadrs worth ifio ifio cotton ades worth 30c itoo cotton adee worth a5c dress goods they re tba talk of tba whole country aide from loo lo tl 25 a yard 8 pace will not permit as to quota prices bet come and see them millinery ua and bonnets are booming w os by buying it from walker mcbean co boot and bhoee astounding how ihia department ia in creasing every month the prices tell ovary mono a lady from toronto ahowod ne the other day a aboa ahe gave tl fio for on yonge at toronto that we are selling for 11 00 and i hoy turn we are tba cheap eat for reliable boou and abooa n tba conn try hens underwear ilavn yoo aeen our underwear 40c worth 05c soe worth b0a 7ic worth ii 00 men ties 35o worth s5c men a eoi ltja or j for lo worth double poy suits boy if piece sqiu tl 4 boys a pin uiu i 50 and op hats and caps- where do you gat your hats money and boy them from walker mcbean co georgetown and toronto henderson db co fall 1895 millinery opening vvc bey to announce to the ladies that our lio i art now open misb stone will be in charge again thii bcabun we can jjiuinihe you will be able lo inspect the choicest ud mobt stylish collection of ladicb trimmed hats bonnets etc that t jias ever been oui privilege to offer mantles a large range or new goud- juat arrived for tin drj 14 uau jt fits perfect and pnoes low vou certainly should give ibis daparvmsn choicast goods are picked up dress coods slyliah ooods eitra value 1 u- 1 nt ewesl things in serge tweeds cropons etc llewiembi lack ureas oooda of all kinds henriettas serges crepons tlgursw aud solaila are tbe beat values obtainable anywhere we are always pleased lo show thee goods whether you buy or no sotne vary stylish coveilies to band tbia week staples an oh tensive range of taplo goods of all kind at cut prions sdu ticking at i js q twill hbeeting- bleached at j4o i5c twill she hog grey at ivc uo print for be tu dear out the whole pile good dark aud light patterns and tbe very best cloths in tbe market for ouly ho flannelettes from ij oenu up bpeoial values in ladies hosiery in both ribbed and plain don t fail lo see our display of millinery 00 saturday lo which all are welooi henderson co acton tired of bargains w l i huh nan nit- 111 calcldj u 1 aid ll vt ou il i 1 ith illc uods injt arc i t lrgaius 1 m s lire i luiri r ol thtm that i just long to sc lomt lln iif- ill ll m worth just what lh asked for tin in we aisuincd oui hlandibl smile and tried tu act s if wc had nt i he nd uf i haigain and showed the following gooda 35c 50c 100 100 1025 5 t roit clocks watoneb jewellery spoctacles silverwars fanoy doodg alio rapalrind of rina oomplloauid watohu ao to bymon pniotlall uttrtohmakar nd jawillar all utk wmpihl a d 3 rt 5 1 n irt k p spon attn adbtrtistmrnlr l mourei deitist t4s yi tl t0nohto vlntclmllobit of tmthfmrlo choice corner lot reedy fo uuilfllob orj 4nlralle locality al i if al i lose cottage to jonn ll caukiiom soft wood wanted tfndfiih will bo neelved j tbe uodar btgnad up tn uaoday slat october lor tan earn of itry an i clean tatftaree or ash or botb rotted out foal long for nartlenlars apply to ii p uooitf fiiaa imkh ornca st lambert jersey bnll for seftvlcte or for 8xlb tlf undersigned ba for si on main htreet a ttioroi actun airiltaiij inaa salesmen wanted 1 ul luu ruatwortl y uian m the aslo nf our choloe kunwry htoek hpeclal ua oodtrollad by u hlubeat galary or ootn u routtd outfit tree iwimnf ihrinnce nt t onooaaary bl pay aaeurad worker special inituoeiiiani la bealnner write at once tor particular to al1 fn slilhutv co iloobsster n y aotqn muhiue ami repair shops hltmtl aillsdlll lnirietor ry and aiprtoaltuntl iru pieman ta and to do all kind of kaain oltlnu bars ahosliul and fanaral blaehamluiln woodwork repair perfovnsd in a satisfactory man oar we can repair any machine or i nip croon t of any make haw ram mine aud 01 ins done i nii uiiulu i i i i now in stock water proof boots every pair guaranteed u will iy lb otoa pwipl ut buy your aho la oapb 1 tl li bboa sloio w mcliareti ga gueliil pikm nbw ooot1s nuw pbiob8 gibsen millar go qeorqetown important annoanaemoat we ba just purcnaaed at arsatly roduoad iwee direot from too manufsetorlsa btylub llaady to wear clotlilufi wbiob w ntand lo aall fur lb uast ib day al asiremsly low prtoo our etoek is lars and well assorted in also a otetxoala hay onrsoau llov a and toulb b butu of vary description uav odd knlo lanta itoya lloalsrr itoys ljddarelo4ain4t itoya fair and wlular ca- lien hosiery uoo uoderolotbiuc aod wy tiling lu oaat jtmrnlihlnga lata cap lc klanuelotla dray and lllocou collon and miaauus our block i all dow ktaowbere iliere are toua of old alma aaiioaradtna a uaw uial mean tbat you a ful in nr t loo careful to u vliare uuylus coma 1 bate and w sui ploy ad lu 111 ouuvluoe you our tailoring iloiiartuiaut uiai w laad lu fine ordered clothing tb turn ovt lu till dauaruuont ba beeo o raal lliai w bav una cf ula laryasl aaaort umuu uf uoolcb kullau lrtb aud caiuutiau mia orereoeuogs lutporbad truuaariui wa positively- buaraul ql and imaoablp to be of tli blabaai ordar dlklj wo still auk lnuituahisu our orkna laolktt all tb luadintl lu ay uolumi at mill clcoa wo want yuur trade wo ox laud an vlletlua lo one aud all if rtiiui good ait rlitlil i will barsll prtoa will do ii a 0 1 uso n u 1 llajl 4 co y lloe block main street ueorirelown a arl v ml w ljut it irn ll lllak aud ul a lain i agauia nla dim u00u oirniiii c klii1 ol kl i 111 o laraiitoadlack and t olurad at a f a v 01 i hull lumiu kiuwhi 1 tiaul u l ik hlul ltoi iraid d ku irlnt ouuoti ill laro i r i uiiih wo aliowod liar ulliar at fhu uuivi 1 now i ut tl a llknl ll la uu aud bougbl ll at 11 ttulln lui ll 4t a ri si so o v si t b year sxjil 10 yrar 141 3 moon hulta 11 yoaraasd ii yeir4a3 inyaaraslou hi a alaa i had al tl m um hull al i0o but said ab would uud oc uiutkiiill ui u four hull at 40atj 1 hip woindii wa a iood bulr bht hose the best 1 slit s ntl jht h id oftm mcii lower prices but nt vcr iic i cllt li itmjs j d williamson dc co wyiidham and maodonnell streets guhlph read read read tkunula fruliiyf and satunla shirts hnd drhwers worth 75o each only 43c 3 day only gueslfhf e e nelson leading tailor and furnipher o uppor wyndham street cualah 4 graduate optician llaviog received hia onrtlfloale of ability from now yoik optioal culletre ii baa also lo bis iainploy two kraduatea from cauadlan loalruotors makiok lriul s jasrallry store lu uulb probably tbe only plaos tu canada whom tbe re are tliree per ona wbo perfectly uuderauud fltllni tbe ayes of jmulfar kinds of stub l out of the ordinary 11 lritlo himself is uut ih wbeu you call yoo oan be aerveil ju ma well by one qj other ol his wocjulcp aa he oarar karaa bis store wltboui some oue beluit left la it who aaa iua a marilaitsf liosom repair yoor watch or fatal your eyre prinqlbj quelph a c

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