Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1895, p. 4

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rw v kljfi cton m tyxcs thunfldaynovemillh imn fllje ijouno jfoilts homttltlno ro ciifditbn thnre a mnwiih for pw enlllrrn la lo in ilia lldumo tn keen ynu liuiy s stir there are orrfctida to run i lttln tasks to bo hum that will do much to lighten your mothers haul work tin onlmren ilnti t itilrk tint lu what you oan on ii 1m glad when yon m rtmn to lomtn or men notes hebe ani there itoma of qonoral jntrnl to froe trob random hi ire j try thnrs sro elilrknul in tolld i itllo tssk without rn 1 yoti will ntid you on do if you t isl tskn atari hi rhlldron ik amsrt and ilo what ynu call 1 u ii ihi glad wlioii you rn ruwu to a woman or man tiler enough or you eiil iran to do any where ho liurry round and do eaoh your full iliarn ami jual mm liow brutlil ou will ton when art night ton can think you have dona what in lionnal anil air ko children take earn to do whu you o you 11 hs glad to a woman o w anil culldrou whauivor you do ilo it wal paoj is alwaya in looking it over can all ii you hurry rtatit through 4 whatever you do not caring at all if ii a dona ill or well so whatever you do uo the boat that you can you 11 im glad wlion you re grown to a wctnan or tnau a newsboys expedient a am all and dirty newsboy worked a pay i oj gama for a week or ao do wo m tba hopping districts ha would don a moat pathetic oxpreaaiou go op lo a woman and ay missis won i you buy a paper dja it my birfday aod i ain t aold hardly any of oouree ho would sell one in nine cases oul ol ten and would generally got a ulokol and be told to beep the change he moat bave kept tbia up for fully a week and reaped a bountiful hsriest al laal ona young woman who had tired of the a a ran lory aud who became rather skeptics on the bubjeot of the birfday topped the youug genius and remarked in tone oloar enough to be beard aome dislanoe bee here little boj what did you aay about your birthday lady pleaae buy a paper dis it my birthday aod i ain t aold nut ano paper lo day whined the young rascal now lit ilo boy to my certain knowledge you have hod a birthday every day tbia week aran t you aahamed to tell auoli alonea he wai oornered for a minute and itood with head oast down and every appearance of remorse at imt lie looked op wiili the dew tdt w sa iaaeeeni espse m you see lady you en me wo re different i am t very old en i thought i d bave a lot of btrfdaya to onoel en den 1 could quit havn em like you beer bhe concluded he waa peat reforming and slipping a dime inliis hand moved on sighing over the wickedness of thia genera tlon while the you or ainner executed a paid trui of bia owu invention chicago trtbtt asevbre but deserved lesson a merchant of tbia city who bad got into shoal water and aaw inevitable wreck before biro waa much e cruised aa to the disposition of certain valuable real cat ate and several thousand dollar a worth of bauk aud insurance a lock ilo had become ao involved that the pro oeoda of the aajo of tine property would not save him and ao he devoted bia talent to tho devtaiuk of aome meana whereby he ootrld save ibsm after much deliberatioo ha oooolnded to oouvey the real aetata and a lock a to one of hia olerka who bad aolioitod hie dautthber a hand in marriage aome moutba before aod whose auit ho had then indignantly retard 11 a reaolutiou having been taken be explained tnatura to the astonished clerk who readily fell in with hia employ er plaus the properly waa aoon irani tarred the merobaol failed toeing everything but bia honor and the clerk having aa eoou aa possible sold tbe real estate and stocks for what cash he oould get fled lo cuba leaving the hlghmlnded merchant to mournover hie sad lack of integrity whiofa la ao apt to be developed in clerks whenever an uuueual trial or temp tation overtakes tbem it does nut seem as yet to have occur rod to this broken down old man tbat bia own ooudnot in ttus affair is blameworthy aud iudioatoa that be is a moral aa well aa a pecuniary bankrupt ny uityer wmv she is a pro 1 am a prohibitionist because i believe that prohibition will prohibit or tbat the doctrine ae breached oan be enforced i am a prohibitionist because it la what i would like to see it it oould ba aooumpusbod perhaps then you will say tbat i m an idealist that is wron for 1 am pore than that there la method in my mad nea i know that by advocating- iho oauae of prohibition it will stimulate men who while they cannot aroo with me and my creed uevertbaleaa wish to dq all they can and lo that way oouoeaslona are made hy edvooetiug one we get something as a oompromiie which could hardly be obtain ed otherwise tba other pertioa wiah u keep ua iu line and so oouoeasions are in order that about explains the whole matter kilki wiiwiu what we need u bat the mm of today need utoel i ot slhlelioa i gymnaemjii but plenty of fresh air lu hia luoa instead of a of vlinu morol0 u him weak for overs hours afterward bo uooda in loar i to breathe right staud right and i rtatli the oun ma of young wouisii who iarla alt b career of train ang aud kar i w aiu jomr lust at lle budy hfc- m kteat leal of 1 ow lllur wjfl lo du and wants to do ii may make up in or her mm i ii iyod a buy and ftoibl lofelopemoiit of iuuole and trcn all bis iriniuk u jf j oouil gmet them ahiu n he ddn t haft to ii oy 0 u uorui y hywuaa who m h meofapublicchool lecher a hard one u primary rrf n villi can jlmlrif tlie teellmonau pnblliliod in bfthslf of howl e hsrsspsrilla they arq wrillon by honoil people who li otuhy fonrnl in their own experience that hoods harasp rtlla purifies the blond orolos an appetite irenrllwnjijii heml abwtilulaly curnslhriaeabosa caused by impure or deficient blood v hood a il i is for the liver and bowel- act promptly easily and effectively tho mind rotioelves with pain but it brings forlh with delight willing llunta out lorua lke light boots forns are very siill affair- but apply a pair ol light bonis and all ulhev concerns of i if sink into inaignifl cance tight boots and iutnam corn hi terminator the great and only sure cure for corns may go together and comfoat will bo their partner but dont fail to use lutnama corn hxlermlnalor trauds ohesp poisonous and dangerous substitutes are in the market beware of them putnams painless corn exterminator poison co proprietors kingston wyld can t you overcome your thirst for rum tramp yea sir with a dime latarru ullrved in l u uluittes one abort puff or the breatb lhrouh the blower supplied with each bottle of lr aguawa catarrhal xowder diffuses this powder over the surface of the nseal passages painless and delightful to use il relieves iistanlly and permanently cures catarrh hay tajrer colds head aohe bore throat tonahitia and deaf mil fiooentsslj kannawlns bo this is the end of our ouksgemenl is itr oh no not nooessarily i snail bo here again next summer coughs colds sore throat asthma bronolntia aud al lung trostilos are quickly cured by hagyard a pectoral hal the mother a heart la llie child a school it u a ureat public llcuelu these slgnifloant worda wore used in relation lo dr thomas eolectrio oil by a gentleman who bad thoroughly tested its merits in bis own caae having been cured by it of uoaoesa of the knee of three or four years standing it never fails lo remove soreness as well as lameness and is an inoompar able pulmonic sod corrective those who know the least of others think tbe moat of themselves ur t ii humoa lolutubua ohio writes 1 have been afflicted for some iudv lw bilowblts olvonhla exporlonofj with ontnnlo hoavt dteonootho drrtntl mal- ndy on tho inoronso ior many oars my grualost enemy has brcn rugsnlc heart disaaw prom km un easiness fclwiul ihn hoarusfilt wjul 11 in more or less severe it had developed into aliunnnal action tlmmpintf flutluving and rhukiim etiaalioim dultptiu wllli a peculiar warm feeling wrro over pmeent near the heart j have tried many hysi rinns and taken uiimbi rlos remwiles with very lillle betihh horhig dr agnew a uru tor the heart advertised lu llm kltlan niiiu pa pspum i purchased a boltlo and began lis uae reoelvmu alninsl iustanl relief 1 linvo now ttkf u aeveral bottles of the remedy and tan piek ifltml higwy in lu fawir 1 hn lhnmig abnormal beating thiimpliu and palpilalmii hve almost enllrtiv diaspkared the refund is cor taiuly a won ler worker fir inv caae was chroind iuv i w hitwr i iderlon panama a land la improvwl by sowing t will varioiti ao u the mini by eternising it with different studies a oinforl stiurllbtev n ono mornuu with dirly 1md im fmam i he tuauhsr looked at hi it aoverely johnny v yt tn have you wltkl your faoe aui bands lhl mornuik t no in why iiulf none of tbe folks is borne an i dun t haft lo ant as hjrnp mr dougias ford toronto onl autee m mhbtirns cod llvol- oil kmtiuiun with wild cherry mark is inw from objectionable taste being almitt aa plea asnl as syrupt whilo for onnghs and colds it rives complete satinfactiun ftotibg prolnplly even ityubaluatn ntaes iliab in fit epithets blent in the lovely marriage of pure words heart ileie itrllfve 1 in 3 1 if in ilea r agnew a on re for the heart ijvas imrfect relief in all oases of organ to or sympathetic heart disease in do inintii and poo lily effects a core it is a pinrlesv remedy for palpitation hhortnesa of ilrealh hmotliorinj hpell pain in loft side apd all eymplo rii of a diseased heart one dose onnvinoe hbtil by j v ktnna win rirvr o i kid and find parmelees pille the beet mod lot no for these disease these pills do not cause pain or griping and should ba used when a cathartic la required they are gelatine coated and rolled iu tlie flour of lloorioe lu proaervo there purity and give them a pleasant aud agicroable taste fld f gcntlemcm find palmotar s excellent itcleamsts i i scalp relilvli the 0rynes5 and yso cutvtnrs hani falling out 6 owta v pur up hum possibly the only oase whore cuoiiiik on top dooan t imply triumph is that ol the bald headed mau norway pino hyrup cures ougha olda iloarseneaa hora throat asthma itron ohitis etc as a mode of suicide killing tuna i at ill very popular pale sickly children should use mother graves worm hxterminator worms are ne of the priooipal oauaaa of au luring lu ohildreu and should be espcllod from the ua no lesa exact lu keeping tlie acrala intrusted ihan you would iw failtitui in reforeuoe to deposit a of tho greatest mr willitn day of tort willi out ya two years mo my wife waa very ill wilb dyspepata so remody tbat aha oould flud ftave any relief filially she tried burdock blood bitters aud after taking six bottlea waa oullroly cured that is more thau two years ago and sbs has had oo return of tbe malady 1 lave also hsd oooasiou to use ii it u and i oanuot bpeal loo hlmhly in its favor i always reoommed it lo my friends anil in ovnry aao wllh good results you vor tuly win ia w hist dlatliimuish lwtwooti eliuily aud prosperity fur proahirity leads often to am billon aud smbitiun lo diaolul anolhor hamilton lltlun curod of rhoumatlam in threjet da ye ur 1 mutarlaoe 1 wollii ulou atfeol hamilton i ior many weeks i aullereii loteosn pain from rheumatism so bad tbat 1 oould not attend to buiuinr i ro aured boulh american itbeumsiic ure on the rcoommeodallou of my druuglst and waa oomplsheljrarfcd in three r fnur days by lbs una of this raiundy o ily it the boat remedy i ever aaw loss of flesh in weakening you citftnut uf ford lo fill below ytmr lit ilthy utllil if yuii will takt scott a imulhiun of cod liver oil with 11 poplioiphltls tif i hilt mil sckki whtn yuur tiilikis lnt tt11 yy j mi nil lultf tlllll mi w ill i rostro j iiir limlth weight ami m ty thtrtliy prcliit stnniif illniv pqrsoim lum imn 1 nown lo ljum a pound a til t t ikntj tin ounce a li tifjnotl s mtil mini i his htcinsi tr lordinury but it i ib ilutl ti scatl a dowse ld k li 50c aas t when hrallh is far gone in consump tun then sometime only eaao and oomforl can lie sroured from the use of boott s 1 mill ion tvhat is much iwtler is to take tins meduili m time to save yuur dealt h trus lory oousists in dointf what de serves tn be written in writing what de nerves lo be read aud in so living as to make iho world happier and better fur our livtn iu it one llolllr i urea dca btni ibis winter 1 was troubled with a severe cold i tried several remedies but without svsll on the advion of a friend i bouidit a boll in of hagard a poilorsl italram which completely cured hot 11 hirsij holuud man rshilohsl cure k2lwtjs- asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbsbbi sjwveo ttanst bold bjr n vtsss jm a lease bids natwchwiw- plaitsr will give grsat astufsctlo ewbo shilohsvittmiier f chlto hsgatarr h onksiglfremedy ilfcyotsarrhttrrthunesaedy hwul nosluvelr reuenre and cure you prloa 10 eta tbls injector for iu successful trrmtmtb ol ida dspends consistency rleamcsi of p irjxwe fjuiol buniock pills d not riki or aiokou ihey cure niittlpbttioii and hick head i lie youth of the noul la evtrlastt eternity la truth f ulkurinllmii i urnl in s tat kouth american uheunialio t um lui ltheuiuaiismaud neuralkia radioally cures 111 i to j daya ila action uou the ayslom ta remarkable and mysterious it removes at once the cbuimj and tho disease immedl loly diaapimtars tho tlrst dose ureatly baucata 7 couln bold by j k auna ltd i 1 i lie aha 1 ihcio i lt- llgbi i 1 hiluoi lflinuully li j w wilder j 1 1 afaioville n writes 1 am bubeo to severe attacks f olio aub kidney dilucully and tlnd par melee s 1ills a lord mt khmu reliof while all other retrcdle bavo failed they are the beat medlciuo i over unod lu fact ao great is tho mwer of this inrdii ine lo cloaiise and purify that diseases of almost ovcry namo aud nature io driven from ihe 1 he voice uf couscleuce is so delicate that it is easy to title it but it is also so olast that it la iuiosslbje to mistake it lu dostruy worms aod expel them from children or adultn uo dr i iw s worm syrup tl 11 lt pleasant f 1 i a t r uutia culda axhhia tlraataltu itoarniwn hot a lbr croup wboopln cuub quinsy pals in ihs cheat and all t croat braochlal and luni uli th i o nurway il no i wild luarry an i itils gc and fx- t very man lias ml aa muoh vunlty as ha wauta uiidsialandliik ills id wli oh llnali is heir the vet y nature of many curatives lmiiu auih llil were i lie gorilla i liter a i dlllorenlly acralod disekaus rihited tn tho ayaluui uf the mtiant what wi uld mlicm una iii lu i irit would skttravalti lenlhir we havr howrvar iu jmuiiih win phenol laidfjii m a buuud uiiadullialo i alalr a lemedy for many and rtevtius 11- hy lla gra lul ju ii i ua use tho tralubtayalaiiib ate ll into um val cs once aul lirnlll by tho in line nt wlm h ljululnu utrrta mi nature a uwn rostura tlvoa ii tellevea iho druopluk rpuila uf those with whom a lhronlo state f morbid deapooilroi y and lauk ul interest lu llfo la dlsioiea i i hiuii i an 1 rnltoahluu ltni i m par la vigor to ho aili u of llie iiiimmi which betuit atimulalrd course lhmu oul the vieiia alrengtbonjuit the heallby tl f i alfn tlfrliy makltik aclivily necerbar iobiiii strengthening the frame and ultuiu ufa lu llie diffestlva orbsnv which naturally demand increased subvtauce nsull un proved aptstite notthron t ymaii of toronloj have gieu lo the public tliolr cjutuina wie at the uaual rale and guagsd by i lie opinion of scleulielr tint wjoe approaches uesrest perfection of any in the marks i all druggists sell u platen prtih f ntau mmlb odai pynypectoral pmllltrly aire rtxtjis in i r wl in a hkuliisi il in ii i ii largf oottlt o y 5 ccnts patrick you were oo a bad spree yesterday yia mr mils i waa bless me if i weren t a laytn in a gutter wid a pig father ryan osme alonglook- ed at me au says says be one ib known by the oomyany they kape and did you get up patrick no but the pig did arts like uagtr dkh bliut i can truly say tbat burdock blood bitters sola like maic t drove all the pimples and bio tabes from my face clean aod my blood and increased my weight by simply nsing one bottle j 1- huwtuim arupnor out ob uhat a oncli will you hood the warning ine ai per b a pa of tbe sure approach of tbat morn terrible disease consumption ask your selves if you can afford for tho sake of saving soc to run lhe risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that bhiloh s cure will cure your cough it never tails hold by j v kaiinawiii he who can auppr may prevent a day of sorrow the game of ph a novel nd iutermtlng cntrtsinntent for an availing party i the game of photo graphs it is eomowlut similar to tho gstne of authors snu tlo oarda may bo repared by tho liotaas wllh no eipansn the care with wbiuh the pictures are col irfttod and the la t upon tlie general inlnlll got i co uf the gueslaara iu nvidtucfi tlm guessing cnnlesl projresn sud attevt o the success of the dvoning fhls is tho way it in dnnn ostbar f plnturos of noteworthy people h lliny apjiear in tmsll outs iti i lie psphs rihd msgsaines ul the portrait around its otilli e natly from the paper on which it is print ml and apply ti neatly wilb mm ilaio to a glaxrd vultmjt card nuniberitik the oard if yiu have twenty flvo cards ou tnunl alo have twenty five nsrds with the numbers ranged down ons le in uumercisl or irr begin ing wilb no i i mvitig a apaoe in be flllml in with lle name of hie picture oorroapond ing with eaoh number lu ba written laoh ifuest la presented wilb i no tit be rod card end pencil and is exprsved lo guess who lhe picture are aa miry are pasaod about and lo write the names on his card the one who gueasta the greatest number cor reel i y receives tho prise and the one who guesses the lesst number tho booby price jfew york ltrlrr shirt bosom polish a olish fur sblrt boaorns n msde by moiling lognthor one ounoe uf white wax and two out ices of spermaceti heat gently and turn into a clean shallow pan when cold oul or break into piooaa about the sixc of a hsjtel nut and put in a box or bottle for use when making boiled starch add a little of the waxjn the proportion of one 1 1 axel nut to twelve bosoms when ironing smooth aral the bosom very care fully then place a cleau cloth over it and iron lighlly remove the oloth and with a clean smooth pretty rfottrou iron rapidly when about ironed dry take s do hi wruug dry in cold water and rub lightly over the bosom following with the hot iron immediately buffalo wwrcml bibles ror the egyptians it is au interesting statistical fact tbsl tice the establishment uf the bible bocioty a agency fur htfypt ten years ago 1h1 000 copies uf boripturoa have been put into tho bauda of the people lu hitypl aud tho immediately neigh ttoring lauds of these nearly 4u xx hac guno to the sexfariui folk passing through the bucz canal and iu lhe town of 1 ort bald about lift km ropies were circulated in iuypt i7u0 to kyna 6 j ikk in palentiuo and hooo in bonlhern arabia and the had kea coast those when i thel waa live ytara ul i oho woul to school for the first tune liow do ou like your leiohoi 1- ii el asked her mamma why mamma i itoiritititono teacher knows very much why nol my dear whv she keeps aakliir uuimo all um time why she sskel mo where the mlbslasippl river was what is castor i a ctutorla u xr bomnel iltclierii preierlptlon for infiints and cnlldmn hrbbtaln noltlior opium horpbtno nor other narcotic substance it in n liarmtega substitute for parotforlc drops sootlilnrr sjmps and castor oil it is pleasant its auarantoo i thirty year turn by blllllons of mothers gastorlndestroyii worms and allaytl fcyorishnesa costorbs provoutn vorotttnrj soar curd cares diarrhoea and wind colic castorla vallwwa ts5othlntr troubles cures constipation and flatulency castorla assimilates tbo twn reifalaten tho stomach nnd bofels fflvlno healthy and natural sleep cos torln is tbo childrens panacea tho mother mu ine lain itr i k i can recommend iikii 1 a tellow oil for jialti of 11 kind it curod ne of distressing pau that iho doctor wuld out cure aud my doctor la a good mia llavtd 1 abut walerfd onl its but genius i tliu d of i o god if aea it may be only a lulliuk null but ua loci it and it will iatou it tallica lu your luutis and you will uxiu be carried to an untlmoly grave in this oouutry we have sudden chaukca and must oxpool to have ooutlhs aud colda wo cannot avoid ihem but wo oan effect a cure by uriug biokle a auti consumptive byrup the modlctua that lias never beau known lo fail in curing coughs oolds brunch i us and all affection a of tbe throat luugs and cheat iho irld will pity you for what you er fur what you lack hrlltr n mx lloara dialioaslug klduey and bladdoi uiavaatm relieved in six hours by the ureal south amoricau kidney urn this new re mod is a great surprise and delight on account uf ila exooodutk prom p loess lu relieving pam in the bladdnr kidneys back aud every part of the urinary passages in mala or female it rehivoa rotenliou of water and pain lu passing u si moat im mediately if you waul julok relief and core this is your rotnndy hold by j v kxtniwi acton luhavo what we waul la rlchoa but t ba able lo do without la power ioolar neoomnietid norway im- uyap beoause it la the bent cure for oouuha sud oolds price 2jc sud soc at drutrkiata hniltheia approliicly t loo uld wl this itiogtmu hf whi i ve owed the dnaler fur that wli a fur hvoiilrtin years ooon t ue touy a woll known uunmark nuj make a statumont which w provo of ureal inlarestsnd value to many under dale of september lal is ii ount do ory write as tnlluwa from n pswa man i have been ailing oun alautly fur an ur seven yeara with sewre klduey and bladder trouble i havo doc torod durlut all this luno with phniciia 111 dlllereul oouulrie without soy rclirf lurinjrmr trsrvwf i luduimid to iry btiutb american huluey t uro rum which remedy 1 mooned luataul roller i in at heartily ondurao llmrciiimly 1 do not lb ink il ha an eiitl h ull ami kllney uro lnvriblt ultr tellnl wlllu an hour after tlral d t hikai lti uble aikivh ovarv oil wo hould ootibldi i xio i ho ttrcalel at il work u ilia woaxui uf honor and ho who lacks iho wrsikin ill never triumph jlvo wutk rslher than alma lo the kur i he fuuier dlve oul liidolenoo iho latter ilu r if yuu waul first ulass uuolph sash and doors at uuelpb prloen 1 haaaos can till y tint hi t in oouullaw ways toola misuttdarsuud ach other altrtbula lo others motives blob never aclualod tbem aud then re oud by their own oouduel lo tho una i taken imago they have set up lhe rvl r faults of character sud ilia real detects of oouduel which are present among w are aa i nolhlug oompared with those imagiuary ones which are attributed tj wholly ihruiihli uilbiiiiderstaodliig the london if farm and home sixik i iij ini i iln miiiu i lumlh it nl ink i v 1 i si 111 weikit i km i one dollar v i id t- i iii -r- l 111 i il il nil ii mill 1 hi l i iii u i i 1 i i i i v r iii ml mo i iii in i i 4 1 i iii il tl i lit i i i i ii i um w ii ml ii rx 1 i i i ii ui i- m i i i- s k ii hi i iii i ii i- i i i i 1 1 11111 ii i s 1 i 1 11 fwtfc putss phiminu t london ontahio for twenty stve tbars dunns baking powder the cooks best friend largest sale in canada castorla otssnrh is an cxoeuonl inodlcssbitnr chm drcn llnuters han fwpcatudly told tn o its joodorjectupootbou children da o 0 oanonn lowell mass m caatnrla is ths test remedy for children of which 1 sin ooiualnted i hopo tlm day m not far distant when mothers will consider tho real interest ol their children an 1 uso costoru in stead of llui various muck nostrums wbla are drstroytng tbelr lovoi ouoa by forctni opium morphine soothing- syrup and other hurtful acent down their throats thereby s ibean tuirematura cisvea dm j r ktmcmnam oonway ar tfca oamtaanr o ti hi castorla rartorla l so well ailapted tocbll rw i rncomnwiiml it aasubarloirtoany p knowq to tne n a aacvsah d tit flo osfnrd bt drxmklrn h t our physlruna lu the children a dspars- mrnt iuto spolen biahjy of their expert enca in their outside praeuca with casteta and atthouch wo only have amona our medical supplies what is known sa mpilr products return are free to confess that the merits of castorla has won ua lo look wub favor upon it usrra ilosrrrsi amd dnmuir allsm q bstrrn iyra enrrstr strstsh new tsnrlt city m a midnight walki 1 with a colicy baby or a colicy stomach i inut plcosatil either can uc avoldet i by keeping a bottle of perry davhv i 1ain kili i r on the tiicdicinc shelf tl is invnluallc in sudden nttnckn nf crai cholera morbus ijaciitcr nnd dittrruoea just mi valuable for nil external point lxias ono lm noon fill ii a liall mm uf water cf i s o certain painkhifp 15 thk white front store 99 upper wyndham street headquarters f st iih up tudatc suitings and overcoatings 1 i i in lout a i urmshings i ry a suit uf wriifbt patent health underwear all ium aud uhean r e nelson leading tailor and furnishei 90 upper wyndham stroet cuelph neiw stock new prices but uia management 1 lti nni 1 iiim buaiiicss in auluu wo long uudor the noie of jul n t bon been dlaronlinuod but lhe old business will go ou uudor the new nai io j a speight co uh tea -n- tliare will l doulo1 otauko 1 lb undertaking department this will be most iioliooable jwiuu to iho bard times wo are outling tho prlioa lu all lines of aitnub i as kola and furuuhluga aud will supply tbe whole out lit at any reasonable otfer you may make wo huvo uo connection wllh ony undertakers combine and govern our own prices lair living buccy whcon ti j liiauuer and si jo uo pi i a httlo lowest atllfvclii lle tludeilakiug oapeuially wo oan du llilo aid j cl j a speight co ii i ul i llml i li 141 ii 1 lu ll il l 111 1 i i w iiu 1 iii null ii luii il i hi best- st chekpboi cyjstui i- fm ll 1 ii proatv n yliik ficsscn r j fc i inili imnlin wlllli loiiuauui iliimlu- m i- m- hon lunniiik u ilil undcislol in vll ll- p rf inl ili- sulcrir rk vv low poc thr o o lo you en rrn to irujm ndraor lopia nd mt tubouior ol iwporuuoi lo ijiki at onci foi lullloyupi mil pricca lu h p moore actonont sple agent for canada oi k watker co manufacturers madison wis railway tfavte table grand trunk railway noxn w dr pssaeifor i ai tirnpi 1 1itm tlil t m 1 1 tiitx or i mm mi uji tlolue weil d 13 s in aud iv 40 i udinakasllauasu and a 0 i this i line 1 able we u i into cflo novembur ihtli iflul oulyruiie a far aa htralforl 18s1 cultivator f qqq and ntr kntlemat thbj best of the agricultural weeklies arm crop and irofasfom itarticujt ure fruit orcwtaje iva stock and dairy lor while ll blanlnolulnssll mlu t depsrluioiilb ol llursl in lorn 1 such as i oultry-anl- kumiui oloor lloehrniliir tlrbnnhuuaa and nrsierr oteriliary lloplimi iarlil guntloua anil answers fireside llosdliiu lluiiinstle lciiuiiir an i a bummary of the news nf the wvokr lla market ileporta aro uuuauallv com lot attention la nalil to hi- as tlimwlnn light uh 1ml liberally lllustraleil ami oonlaln rnadliir inattor than ever imforo tim bubscr it tlon tirloo la i 10 year but wo offer a hikual itfdl ction lu our club ratlfls for 1806 two bubtcrtptions in one romlltancu m ou subecrtpuoni do lo io ten subscriptions do dn 15 rjta all new subscribers for 1806 paying in advance now wo will arnd tho paper weekly from our recojpt uf the re mittance to january 1st ihllft without charge rysw-om-j- coi 1kb ttirr address luther tucker son publishers albany ny abmourei dentist 243 yenps 1 t0b0mto nnclasaetoaet of teeth for fx jnst spend bis four quarters for a bottle of s burdock blood bitters 85 all sensible pg io b 4fr cause it cures dyspepsia con- slipatlon biliousness sick headache bad blood and all diseases of the stomach llrer kidneys bowels and blood from a common pimple to ihe worst a scrohilous sor re a tmsoincniu or rut nyoui cunt roa soattc ttiht the perfect tea monsoon tea im ths woiip asawsw wa rnosi tmk tta puint to thk tea cur in it native ruwity fjhi tr utd u auintuedanjaiild by ll umufluw qualiltoul indian and c roil kale fa il thatuhy mo 4j at die am h prrfnet toa can ba it t up m ml a uw o m ih ik and s tl- ihi hikl in lh ii ll i at ul y and k most succssful remedy for man or rkabt onlala m lb htwu and nsrar buatara uaad prooc eakoai i kendaus spavin oure l nfc ul ftsl st nitr lr ill awaanomi ii i a wrfl unllclss i oala biarttkat kad satcsut yoarstrab caa howau rendallsspivihcure j ir a j luuurd ftai s 1 ban owl mnl snulm of yr krliirli cmfs willi shlnna 1 in n uh h in th tjiifmai i im uhi lla r i mimj haatla d kilim raw u it rnluaiurnjad l ta wtrnl jaj tiwo1 ha an nucb jirawl lls wibmi14 itmpsnriil u itit war r o ki9ii tor sale by all brasjfuu or addraa h ir n j ktviuttcoijm nosaunsh falls vt i r- catt 1 obtain a patent f ctilrt answar and an boneal optnl nitnvf fi wbohavsaad- il8iy yea tha patent business fuinraunloa- tu rtrtrtly oohfmonllia a ubmsiim u 1u fwmallon oonceroldg lasts and linw wijyaaiiinisfm faiants uhen tbronss muftn a btwcu notloslntba fsrlebifne am bus srf btonsht wuly fcir icslandseia psisnts i i sre bfowsbt wtjly nenwaibs ihiilicain onat to utm inventor this aplaiulld w i mt weakly alvibnllriliaetraletl bstyrrii qfesjlatlna nf say ciantlbe vwl in 11 i itaiidinc lbiou jio un ennlrsrta a if i ryoiik but lliu iuni pisas bsiatd foe calsrvta la 1m k 1 past y catarrh v x ja

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