Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1896, p. 2

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v iji if i sjizszji v r 1 1- 11 ywtmanib on wediwadafc 1dlllllbi till wlfnejlr joaojill lloallii knin hy ml till al lliti rmuin f tin lrtl imrnnli mi wtlii ailay january v 111 i ii a rlwarl kliiuamiry flih lomery lauglter ol audn w mtirra of krin rr r i i miiik u i1 homo in krin twi i u xiiira iny jan y wwl aloian inr urrlo 1inmnftiu at lila roirluticr hutinialdn neat lluokwood on kuiida ui i hartr- jainoa llornard ood w yuan j uiotitlia and it daya hunt at uin naldonea of mr win irani it uol nil htrael oihiruntown mi tuned ay jan naryvlat the wliaolur aorno irani of llalfltiafad ased uh 4ara i mo n tin jij vdon jfm rcss rihihhday janijauy mi ihdo motes and comments iioiijt b hint hea jjivoti notion thai ho will aain introduce hta proliibllion resolution nl thfa weiilon of he hoan of common which wkb defeated by a small majority lart year ho eipeota to bo able to nleer it clear of aoy ftltampu to alila track it ihla time if iho homo u not dlaiolved too soon a decision o tho ooart of eppaale hand uil lown tail woek in vol vol tho utare of many of tho loom of now york whinh aro within ioo fool of a ohuroh or school building in effect tho decision la hat now york hea a auloto which miht bo mtht absolutely prohibitory of lloor mi crowded oommaoitioa provided imrortoa and aohoola wara built humorously anoufth j an ordor in council ha boon paaeeil look uiji towards the return of tho conditions that oxiated prior to the establishment of tho cattlaiuarautino bet worn canada and tho united btatea it permite the ahip maul of american cattle from bl john and la in tho following tor ma thai the regulation relating to the iiuarantloo and tranau of united b tales cattle through canada ahall bo and the tamo aro hereby amended in snob way aa to allow ahip men i of united hlalea oatlle from the port of bt john in now brunswick aabjeal to the norcaaary conditions tho marqoii of lansdownr secretary pr statu for war ancakin al salisbury about a itiarral between kindred people being inconceivable held inat a solution of the dimonlty wonld leave ilia two nationa flriuer frienda than ever sir johu lub bock m i formerly president of tho llntf in only ohu c -to- tann cbi njkech the other day dilated on the oom morula aapeol of the dispute he aati matd that tbe territory in diapata between d mat britain and enexuela waa dot worth t 00 ocm while a war between tho former and the uurted titatoa would coat oach luutry at leaat l 200 000 000 common aouao he added forbade auoli a oouflict liuainrai la now proreaaiog favorably at jtlawa at eleven o clock oo thursday uinhi the addreaa in reply to the speech from the throne waa adopted witboal binaudmrnt or dlvuioo after a debate which laatad an daya aod lu which four ten n lupportera of tbe uovrrnment nftean mem her a of the opposition aod one aup hrter of mr mccarthy col o linen jartimpaied taken altoffetber tho debate waa i uteres ting ihrourhont and the cloaiok peochea were perhapa aa intereaiink any of the oarlier dehveradcoa whila ihn test of tbe addrrai waa yet a freah object tho eatimatea have been brought down and the bud go l a poach ia promieed for to day public school board the f f a at on horticultural and aarfoul- tural sooloty riaa n vori-wu- cnlnfji i -vrr- heports of othfr sqcllbkes anton horticultural and aifrlctillnml hocinty ia in a very lluiutahliiu minilllluit i he anuunl mootlnc hold in lliu uiwn hall nn wedncaday jan ifilh provoil ihn to iho entire a uiaf action of tho dirtutorav tho bocrnlary report ahowod a cash bnlaiiou an hand of 7f 01 after p i in all pmo mnuey and acoouna tho following oflicora and dirortorh w olrotod tor ho onauitik year jn 1uff preaideut alex waldio lal qo iroat dent tho wluon jnd ice ireaidonl ooo hynda hoorelary and troaauror laa matthowi auditor direotoa for aotoujno williama oeo havill j ii oullbowa ihoa ii harding wm hem treat naaaaawoya uoo kilohnik laiucaiiik jno wrignlcaworth lrtnoa jaa dlnck lriufja kirkwoihl a number of honorary dinolora wero also oleoted to aaaiat the abovo tho acorotary waa iuatructod to have printed at once aud dlttributod to llio direotora the member liokela for tho fall fair the date 6f which will bo aa uaual iho oral woek in october thnraday and 1 ri day oct lit and jnd a nioetiuk waa held on the aventuu of the aamo day for tho purpoao of ornauiiink the horticultural aocloty a number of keutlomon iniorealed attended and elocted oflicora and direotora for tbe enauiiifl ytar mr john duff waa elected delegate on behalf of iho aoomly lo attend at lorotiui the annual moetiiik of iho i aira aaaooia hon lo be hold lu lebruaty kugtirnimi tho annual moetiutf of uitjuoaink agri cullural bocioty waa held in iho coaucil chamber oeonjeuiwii on wodneoday loth inat mr george ilard prleidenl occuptod the chair aflor tho in i ii u lea and vanou rrport had been rtad and adopted it waa moved bt mr little and aoouuded by mr joyce that mr geotf wrigibworlh be proaideuw lor the onauiiik year arrut ihe prcaldonl eleat hi takiur iho plate ft preeidirfu oflloer thankod the mom bora or tho honor they had uinforctl upon him and hoped that all would work harmon ioualy aud eealoualy t undo tho fair of 1806 eveu mora euoaoanful than any held m tbe paal tho folio wine hoard waa ihan appuuitod vioo iree j l warren directors goorro joyce ooone hardy wm brownndko ii o clark n gillioa oawan bhortttt rred tjoott jaa ijeatte- h a co fie n the new board mot uuntudiaiirly mr hardy moved seconded by mr lealie that l irani be re cntad aa e iraaaarar al il iiauaaaowmtfa lion carried mr coffen moved bfiided by mr urowundtco that tbe tall hliow be hold uu tbe tueaday and wodoraduy of tho aame week aa urampton carrifd tho mauor of lioldlim a ajirliik ilmw left o r further o hie tho supply of wood thla voar coata nearly 93 oo par cord riia hoard of trnateea met monday evoniuu membara all praaent except w ii btorey chairman and t ii harding ulh of whom ware reported ill moved by cloorge hynda aeoooded by luibert wallace that jaa molam take the ubair the lender for wood ware opened aa followa j i- a j u warreu 30 oorda aa r d w0 00 luuirj qlln i 00 ihebeorotary waa idalruoled to notify j l a j m warren that their tender la accepted the commltllee on finance preeeuled their brat report roocotnroeudiog payment of aooounta aa followa j i i earaon hupiilloa 3 00 j 11 i naraon lnaurauo itoyal vtl 3m jauioa uatutcw litaurauo s oalvru w -ft- tu ni uoyod by uoorfcb lljrtida aaoutided by iubert holme thai tbe report of the 1 luanoe committee j oat road he adopted arned w 1 c autpbell waa ordered u aupply itie interior doira lo oach department with bo i torn door cbecka iho board then adjourned h altons warden kor leuo w o pot tit rve or nelton tho county honortd chief man i at rate at the moeliug of the county council on i ueadey mr w o lettll of nelaun rowiialnp waa uuauiiiiuubly choaeii war doti ibaro waa but ba one nomination mr iotiit waa nominated by mr barber ttoeve of jeoritetown who waa a i pec ted to lie hu atrougaat opponautfor the office mr inttil uwo hia eleotiun to the ouer oeity ul iho liberal mauibera of thacoouail who tr lua year in iho aaoeiidaucy by a majority of severe volea a einillarly eiierimia mova waa mode in ittol whou the lata col t ley waa elected wenleu without opposition mr lettll n a popular repre aeutatlvo of hia lownahlp and baa proven himaelf an ablo man lu ilia iranaaotlou of c uuuty council boalueaa he will preerde at ihe mcetmue of tna uounoll with dignity lono distance telephoning the llell teleplona cq anoounoea thai tie new lunji diatanoa linee to tba province of juebeo are oom pie led and working wall to that boaineaa man havin correapond aula al praacott drockvitle cornwall moulreal olc oan now call tbem by telephone al any lima for loalal pur poaee or any buaineaa whtoh oao be attend ad lo in tba evening the company offer the un of lie line al half rata after 7 ptu llm ural appointment made by oul prior the new controller of lulaud hvo one ialbal of lrivale ilaybanil of the thirteenth rrgimtnt lb w i truer of the jueeue priee al uieley to a oailiou in iho inland revenue al hamilton kiuuwu tho annual meotiuk of the era maw agricultural society waa held in the lowi ball uookwood on wedneailay bib jau the aaditora report allowed a balani oi hand of i jo bo whioh was couaidorod vor aliifaclory in view of tho uufavoratdi weather the day of tho ahow the following oflioera wore ejeihnl ireaidonl james o linen vloe preeldeul william ara ueorotary treasurer c cameron directors joseph voft ilobert dinl jaa gray norria black john ibboiis j corrie w kilchmu and j j tliorpa there are alau a nuiubar uf liuiiofmy membera appointed who are likely lo make the show a aurceta ems i tbe annual moetluk uf the lnn atriaullural boo4ety waa bold at odpritie ou friday the 10th mat when tho bust ueae of the year 1hd5 which waa a very eucoeaaful oue waa brought to a close the auditors lie port waa roceived and adopted showing that the bocioty ia in itood standing lneuoially it waa moved by a j currlo aeoondod by a booll that the uriao be not paid for beat matched loam owing lo uo atilry having beeu matle by the proprietor of said warn carriod moved by a c mcmillan seconded by jamoa noar thai the second pnae for hurdle jomptng be not paid owing to no entry baviug been made by tbo proprietor of tbe said horao carried a voto of tbanka waa thou londored to the proaidont when mr kirk wood replied in a noal apeooh the following are the otnnora lor tlie year thoo preandent jamoa kirkwood ice president a mccachlaiu direcluth for the ditleront wards no i james urim aud j perrab nij i janice near and a booll no 1 john wllomi and ice preeldeul no 1 1 bus dearuig nd ii ileed no c hubert brown end h mokinney hrm illage h walker aud a c mcmillan honorary directors w donaldson ihusburg and or luibliiboii i nu w hurt hououty aud trtfcaurer courcilduaincss advancing tho munlolpnl offlanr to hwaolvo tho stlpulntod 8n1nryof rfi4t10 nrttlnulucruulmonaiui docolvod on imi i ninl in rifjnlr by nkly noni ia on monliy utiilii i in fr jn iltly di tntil initrir of llm hnlnry uml piiivnit- of iho mtiukipal ollloir mtod nil a livry dumittl m ioruih tliu ooimidaration of iho- aiinutl h liw ovurlnrf iht same ihn info bj law incrdubid iho nftln r a anlrtry lo 1 1 i i hilt irovidim that uli mnnllja no i ml at nn in ilia conn tory for difltng gravi it mid uil pimid f us and llnonbii rulurnud monthly hi llm oiinuf flip momhorn rllwj ifovo havill s iuno lion and th dm ulmmi though npir tod wan ootrdnrtnd in a coiirttoun and iod iloivo ilatill was in thoohai r in umbers prosnit oiiticillnrn niuhlin mallhnws 11 row u an 1 1 mm h iho 411111 1 f ifll illmill rn ral nhd iniiitruii 1 i lie uuiiium on 1 innc 1 1 tloir ilrnl ruput fir iho r miiuieu 1 lug pnyiixtiit of iho folliiwiiik accounts j jinionulo ilnd in ry uli ii j ivil fcllil 1 i tilafnuil 1 o 17 ul movci by j if malthuws a mounded by wm ilrowo that iho llrst rnptirt of iho i initnoii iiniiiiittco au ixad bo adoplod arntd moved b 1 nirklin uicoiidod by i h mallhowa that ii 1 mooro by ajipulul odamcmbirof the honrd of hrallh for ihrou years in ktnnuy fur two years and itobcrt wahaco for one ywir carried movod by a i niokhn aumindud by wm ilrnwii lhat icavo ho granted to in troducc a by law to apixiuit an aaoossor and colkcuir and a ollloor fur iho illagunf olon for llio year ihlll and that by law ira now road a jlrnl lime ld hy lew was rtnl a llrnt limu moved bj 1 1 ranrih htconilitl by j ii mallhowu dial llio by law t r iwl tho the mc011 1 ami third limta and paoned and that c oiiuull go into committee of the whole on and by law and that hnlo 1 bo hithpondid for that purlieu tarried i pun motion memo i la mil look tho chair in omimluo ul iho wliolc and hy law iii ruad a atutiud limo moved b 1 nlckllli aeouiided by 1 1 raiu is lhat vthuroan a largo number of ratopuyura of una tnnuicipality are uol alloolhor aalulinl with tho mannor in which iho municipal dulcor id paid for iiih ilrucih nod hililviug thai ii u not lii tlm btut niter uta of the corporation tu continue tlu praeiit mgreehiviit but that a new agrlouieut be minlu i0i i ho proioiil olhcir ux stnli salary mm uiy bo agrmd upju ly lhutoiiiiiil us full compunction or his oerlico bo 1 1 thoruforu ruoolvnl lhat all iiiotiije retail id b by anountiil for to this uuik il al llm flntl uf lhi1i moiilh her rrftrtvmf thn itin i ittfttt 1 tllmfr the wei nesday lit i lusl in lliu town tmll ud tbe atteudauoe waa larger ihkii al any meoting for some yeara back i ho troas urer a report as audited shows the total reoolpta to he tlh7 44 and tho eaenditire luj u leaving a balance duo the treasurer of i lot ia which dulloloiiuy wu caused by wmi of the dlreauir out kooouuuug for tiokela sold until tor the report waa audited and come other titonoya not ha lug beeu oolleoted iho following ollloor s were wlvtttd for tho present year proaidont w a law ranee milton viae pros john mcdou gall trafalgar jnd vloo pre john htewarl millou dlreotura jaa mocowln aud w patterson for trafalgar hubert h low art john a bproal and j i hllioll tor hacuoaiuk a mcmillan alfil m ueatty fur naasagawoya j w ii reckon aud w n boon fur nelson 1 i lurria for oak vi lie il coflon for georgetown hubert aguow or aotou p mot ullough for darlington v chlsholm and d w campbell fur millou d dowar aud d v campbell auditors al a meeting of ihe directors afterwards william demerits waa re appointed score tary treasurer the jjrd of april waa bled lor the spring show and tuesday and weduoeday 61b aud 7th october fur tba fall eahibiliqu klttln out the aahantutt bapodltlon wa are laa sod to nolo thai hie uovern maul have sent a iuauilty oi llakiug iowder manufactured by w u duuu a co of croydon aud an ads with tbe ashaule laiedltloii drakenikn qaorge ilukhy uf i weed was killed ill theufcilwity jarti au lorllt monday v propur aciouula arnuil t ku hnollntf forward tho iiiuliuu mr nickliu on i 1 havu uolliiug against mr craham our iimnicipal llnir but as 1 mil last kr 1 ltd la o 111 at all fmals tuml i imo lo tho ouiki1 ml li at mr crahaiu mil mmia a pinllkwl salary mr 1 raniia lien i waa noimtiated as a candidate fur lliu iuikii fur thi premrtil year 1 did nut allow mynelf to become ton uoutod with any oliquu or ring i wan then and am now iolormliiodlo savt llio i nun ul uvcry teiil 1 ihiihibly i an da uils inaltur 1 do not any that mr iralium doea not do hii work pn purlj nor do i say tlml iio ioea uhi muoli or i kj little bill i think lhul oor cent riuelveit blioiil 1 ho into llm mr huvill whou 1 ural bruamo con nei lotl wilh the i mini il it was m solved tu adopi iho one man system ami it has pruvud u bu i duturss itcfoto wo adopted dial salm il woo ili ll for uiuliii lahor uf lilo juiotur to rrooive tlio duo for digging tho hruvca and wiled wu inrod mr crahatn wu contlnutd lhat tustom i asl year wu wcro willing to i atoutiniio glviug him tlnsu nlroh but wuru lu faior of roooiiijhiiiciu mr lraham for iho con ecimout r mi m lion in hia rucolpav by in urcusnig his aaluiy of sum ho had boon aaviug the uuncll under this system stki or j 100 a yuar 1 xperiantu haa taught him lu do iho work ulckur lhat he could at llrst aud jnhkor than any uow man could mr 1 lan ji 11 oiu li ill mi t ham taku mr uraham 1 urn k il i il l i wil place lo iiamu tlio 41110 mi i 1 mil to gul 1 will tbun say wholjiur i will loon u ir not mr oralmm nn rt pioattd by illmr mcmlers uf the onm il lo niuno llio aiiiouul he would bicpl to perforin the dullusof millilipal olliid ar r ohch1 by the by law for ilia priaoul jim mr rahuiu 1 vill take moihi i uol a dnllar it- mr iruitik uu ll 1 llj -u- td tju l wo i- ul i i ollor moil i 1 una work fol 91h i 1 i un bill mil i not uvmlook 111 fad lint ml i aw n m uo mrmn i uuika niioltco and wo nid mr ursliaui cpo lento and advice lliort ity hoi harming lilin wo might i e a u nithti wool 1 bo w rill j 1 iihi air nufcli i i i 1 1 mi up rtml his rtteipl ft m digging trve utt poillidltiusuilfru ii i 1 iroa h sill thu extra uui now uaku 1 111 liti tin tmf i cauu it uiiduratan i ihcii wl y liouiil uow ask 90 alveiuu wliol lhru m ar not 10 k ml his poi kut an in ruufor iho motion al pti iho pruuple uf muved by i ii matthews winlily wm ilrnwii lhal u sum of fu lr i ami fifty dollars ou iho iliry of munii ipal lllllter firabam for lliu or ihji ouiialllujmiaritii asked thai u10 ynas and nays he lakoii unlllifw llrnwn mill ihn ttrnvr nus n klin hi i 1 rami ihl miuilu r porld std tho l roil a third ltyni and puo 1 mr sioklni aaku1 ihm mhh1 1 mnit with the uiuuiit b jiej u ul oovtrlng tbo nibliiiioo f tn motion lhat all monys reoiv by him for an pur ihmu bo ntnr rinl 1 ihn 1 rramor lh he lu ihoij11 i unnuuuarv hut 1u thu rauiiera muiofally wl hnlly coincide nbws of the dav weak lungs t rpltomo of tho worldn dolnun durlnn tho wo ok lyinai iulion wjiakiinsa and lhat fatal illhpotitliiii to take cold easily thus adding mnrtlb i mnufly ll mm 1f of dwiglil i moody llm ovaiigtdht did nn kunday at cant nnrlhlhld maa- hltn tnnnly one n 1 1 f ici lln llm clmrhivoiv olunti tn mm lay mr ainlcru tlio i itnntun li i tt w ti ul in i ciiimu hi t cjovovnimmt hundurl iy iiuro thit 1 two huiilntl viim mr morse propol a reuliillon in it hi united htatea homo of hmnwiituilv the cxprwsoil nil nlinii of ultioh w in vinhirr lorknilr iialio ot tlio fmoof the earth asa re nil of hi- piarr i with ihn r irtaii lntwrnr pn to im lrirk lhipahl of priisaia iibh rnsij ud iiih kihiuoii in tlio army mid taknn in wife awav tn hoiithnrn i in rope dr arrant of leghorn ihn ntlii on disrates of childntn who dmd a imrt tun 1 ajn hen bniioalilil lilt mi urn enlit amounting to 4fl1l hk for llio nubimii ineiit and msinlrnaiirntof 11 1 hil iron n how pllal devoted to tho auriini irqatmunt if diphtheria a letter ruoeivod at iho liradiiuartora of llio china inland mission lornnto utalna thabfisaj l daviox of onllia dmd of amallpox at vauohn inns mini davios waa learning tko hjnoso lanjiingu n a miaalon training aohool al llio place namnd preparatory to entering upon active mis ionary work on bunday jonathan durham of htonry creek out met with a allocking death a coal ml lamp exploded in iho bedroom where hwaa bleeping in trying lo rx tinguiali tho blaee durham h nightdress caught flro and ho was burned so terribly that he dim nix bourn afh rwarila ho i caves- a widow and one 1 inld halton post ohfices hurletmd body how minj alii idled nnl triiitliu to noiigb mialurea iiiuitaril un i piulli on for safety iatal error n l hy tin h 1 hul hy a i liiij to 111- nillri tint iwnr of tho inidy ami ihn increased htrutijlli nn j vitality whch iiinreaiin 1 mitriliou aff r l cab you hope to obtain roll at mallinu with cxl iivor oil and hypoph jvphilnn combine the exculleucioa of a nu dioiim ojfond and a digestive iv nciy of run xwnplofl piiwtr tim full nun lul value of the ro i llviroll rendered i puis i nblt mid of unity llgoslloil ia combined will tlil nutritive vthiei of wheat yits harh y 1 in 111 itself would render mai lino willi oil i ivor oil of greater value than nuy jinulim hul it paanea a fnrtlior j ullty of inestimable valuo in 1u proporty of iniirlohing tho solubilily of fat funning inml iirodtioirf starchy foods jnt tlm iloiiinuta re iiircd for tho nptmkb 1111 of tlio i mum led i his you may tail dumoiihtralu by a shoit trial 0 thu uh nvallid propnraluih mr william 1 hay for forty ear oue of iho mrat prominent oituana of lis to well dud monday night at iho ueiieral lioapltar in lurlph aged ct 1 tho annual report of ihn pottmastor gintal for tho la t uoal year ban jul brou received holnw in given a rokjit of iho revonuo otc of the poal oiuioi of iho five civic municipalities uf llio count h u remarkable how marly alike in volume u the pokl ofllco tiuninrsa of ho four laror placea 1 hero in 10 lint i or rllcii n by which llm importation of any town aa a business centre may be judged ihau that of the oit oflloo roturim 1 ho ktal r vuuuq of each was bh follows acton j ii l uurltngtori bl ji jl uorgttown j 057 10 milton j olul dikvillo j 7fij 02 ihn mopey ordor biisinrsn waa acloii ordtira laatiod 511 7m 14 orders paid 87 0ljr- ilurlington lo7ju and t4 0j17h georgetown 81 1 11111 and ihmi7 80 milton i7ii 10 and 50 mil 111 oakvlllr blljjmil an i 7 4 si 01 the salaries and allowances wcrt a ion tnv hurtiiigum bin loor wn i102h milton uh oitktillt b hi about batches n vr wuro watthoa aa well made a now and yut ovory year thure i aomo iroproe iiitut in time keeping 11 all lies our grandfather a watch would not bo in il now watches aro gelling cheaper hot people tiro jotting moro particular a fow mniulua a day would satisfy twenty years o bul now it must be only a few mi notes a month tu please ho ihe makera and repairers havo to be more particular wilh ihoir work i hero are lota of cheap wnlohfa mad and advert lead wliioli are really not worth having and are only a bill of ri pi use my experience ia tlrat it doot uot pay ollhor lo boy soli nor silver uau theap walchis i have enough work trying to make go those whial have been sold by podter a and those jewelers who think lii it llio only way lo get your custom la to aili thnap goods what we want in good jilallty walchos cheap not cheaply made wale ho aa they are only an aggrava turn howover it is not necessary now a dajo ui 10 to a hih price if you wilt only bu content willi n good moklo oaeo which is practically as good an gold 1 have good new ntcm winners at bu light ten 1 wulvu and 1 iflbim dollars any of them i can fully trommcnd aud i often havo very gnu i borond hand ones for four or five iffillarh and aomoumcs lens you will find my pritui as low as any dace whole hey boll rood ualcbcb q d prinqle watchmaker quelph s7vvoke lluvt nil hint thuli woitjt 10 liriim out tunijiillii out nlutk 1 houu mid mioch at id hi 111 ha uiiiii infill ti iiru hlurtuil in tlio l 10 1 1 blm k it ml tor k 1 i ion 1- ti t hlrfiuiih ot wutit n re lonrud into tin lunltlitii ami thanks li tin nohlu larolh who iihirttuil ti lililni tliu tiro ikihi i h wl 1 tiik btok liul not without in in li latnac walt 1 a in sinuki liu t ijclii out wdrwt ollomiorl pttl tlculai 1 willi v c huvc hiihil ilhnl n ill lin 11 ii lilt in i puny and on saturday j an 11th wo in gnu a mm orii a k ot dtijuatjod gooda oonblttllng ot rubber qooda of all kit j- o fancy slippers felt poota sox and rubbers slipper ladles fur shoes moccasins long boots oil tan mocoaains dents fine shoes trunks and valises iiiiiiniiiitmi oiu ot tin uiuttht blaulit i n 1 llt uiihii that thu a 1 1 ol lmljli iuih tu nitntshtd ml jl guelph mo 11 row a vcl by 1 1 ranul w nthat ijr t rcn bu ulod moilital health rtcd ollloxl aud oilltcr b a i fur win 1hji council llioti adjuurnod a ttha phactite many oolh preparatlmia ooutaiii aub atalitea lliat seodily drelroy the enamel and iwiauly of tho truth iur ihia rcos u ths groat at care should be uaoraiaod in uio aaiecliou of a dnulifrior ivurfne tor the teeth is oflau i with the eveureuue that it ia absolutely frm truiu uhjoolluuab e ingredients aa admiralite cleaiiaer is ivorlne tmprung dsaaling whiteness lo ihe leulb ilrmussa to the iumi and ieu del a llm bruaih awoel aini fragrant a new pace in km old plkce llvnoiiiuimir ulj a in- nouiu uain mllt lil 111 i i mill a iiiuif lt iwlliu 111 ii- mil mlm i amii 1olth krl ami halt iiaali hal hllkh act i ot i lll in ralu lualll i a want k u a e gtrijey co golden opportunitich passing rapidly the very life slashed out of prices during january we did is we advertised and on wednesday the crowds gathered and prices broke and gnat have been tlie floods thereof prices to meet the smallest pocket hqok note the following i if durliik jnnry 2sc yd 72 inch hoovy tvvllllshooling 18c vd 4oc yd puro irish toblo llnon 63 lo wjdo 33c ydr ooc yd puro irish toblo llnon 03 in wido 40c yd we pinned the town fold by selling papers ol best pins for 5c dress goods uptodate dress goods alt new away bejow regular pnecj call and be convinced a e qurney co mih street acton io offcjeneril merchandise during january ctiaajtr-ml-vjacfijlt-tawaj- ltciuihz j a p symon mm socordo block mll btrco act walker mcbean co ceorcetown goods m out great stock taking sale is in full blast nt vcr was butli excitement in georgetown over any sale over this wonderful tut throat sale tms is without a doubt tho greatest lilonoy ravine sale ever witnessed in the county jc- jirtitd bill- inr lull pai ticulaiii aud ih v c die ui i pcopll lome from 15 to jo miles to this great sal boots and shoes i htuok taking kale i i riiil u its of cohtoiiirra theao das no furllor eiianatlona are needed than the oom men i wo aro reoeivluti on our float aod bhoe prices and the nomber wo are on hi astound yoi 8ohln millinery millinery nevor wan the mammoth house so qleai of ioh uluiuary aa at the present time all new hell inn for leaa prions than old millinery ou be bought for elsewhere riaten ii j hi or liooool for uuo wondorfut values at walkfclt moulam a o 8 oforyotown tailoring i it i alt ay to buy a qood bull oi uiuutee kasier than it waa twelve months ato why f ijecaoao we have more tweeds thao we cars lo take into stock aod u make a olearaooo we will stand the loaa if you will take them away twaad baite for tlo in worth 115 00 i hat a tho reason wa are doiutf iho tailor my trade for miles arouud what a january otteriafl in dre88 goods means it means ibal all tfaoee pretty fabrics which you and othera admired are price clipped to half and leaa to take them away it is a chance for the cheapest stylish gown you ever had aod oau only be bad at walkeh mobean a co 3 georgetown walker mcbean co georgetown and toronto fire smle friday morning 8 0clolr the lion will open tor business once more coiuu kvpcutnitj lli hummus a 1 uur hi4tiil hlci- mil he ilu iilid ly llic ilmiii j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell stroats quelph could not koait kill 11 n ii il wu lil il in naic i i in j nii jfiiiuici iulii u 1 ottci il ten aai s of r boots and shoes wi imp loukl ii i iid n i an u i l when ou set lh prices just i ok nl at iui window is aw ib our time to la up for spring vt ai youths boys mens 99c si 1 9 129 now is the hiiil lo yet good worth clouhu tlu mom close buying and big selling arc in fawn litn oul ira k more of clearuif and then out loines the front rr a new business i mr- hi i full ii of hart ware tin and oiiamte wakb jewkllery silverware patent uedioines o rnrillallv liiflla liisoncllim i rlcrm kh ak fur ihoiiianlviw j a a p symon tu abbrrtiormtnlr oiiaiw wanted anton brain waraliouae i aro nrei arod lo oav the hloliaiscaali girloea for all hlnita ol grain ilbllvnrt- licskonn in oil painting mibb bowler of winqbau st lambert jersey bull for service or for sale acton april t3nd 1hu3 the wellington mutual fire insurance cot nlnoaday tlm 131 li ilajr of fol hilary i lpm lo rocolvn ttia diroelors lliort elih tlie ff lie tendkrs wanted ska i fl tkdpuh imli nr m wtll le ntcnlrchi tir hit under i gii oil ui to and including wednesday february 12th 1396 for ilia various uwlse rrvtnlrbrt in the eraeuoa ml coialatlon ot raal iciica in uia vlllaee at aoton accord 1 ti u to tlin ilaiinjiikxincatlona contract gts pi jau lb a tllui arcliitecu 1 adelaide fit k toronto bald una anil titwclncauiih mar aa on and after una day january wui at llio ogdee of uia archlleet and ot tlw un lirltil hatlafactury aocurtly will iw required no lander uecoaaerlly acccj ted h i uooitr i- urn iiliu omen xsun unr tenders wanted t1sdkrh will l rxxlml by the a rid or sand uiito haluruy lich rnbruarr far tlio iurclias tor uio niutli raat iwdiiiui tiouae and addltlun on tba lot at uio aotitli nut eornar of ehareli aud kmlarlok arreela ac ton tbe front iart in a il an i tba back ii i u llotb axe built uf olid frauioa of anuared umlw llooae muil be moved from uio lot by lat april to uiy irton awulng a vacant lot in acton ttila arorda au eicallrul opportunity for aeeur- lug a good toiiatuant lioua at a vory advan taooua iirlov tlio liuuae li routing at roaaiil no unidm i tlio liuuae n nceaaartly aocaflnd ii 1 uooitk y ii e i orrilk notice notlcb la boratiy b tbet an apiillcauoa will 1 mad to uio lcclalatnre ol the iroilncs of ontario at uio nail aaealnu uivrwof on bebalf of tba truitvoo end eoosrafauon of knox cut ntii a ton lu oonnocuau wltb lb tlultsd iroabt unau churoti of canada for aa act to aoabla llio oaid truauw and couinntllua lo aell and illnaa of in mob way aa mtr be uocoaury aud dealrabla uia lands llald by limn for churcli iiuroaaa and bolng a part of tbe aeetoru bail of lot uuuiber twantyeuiht in tbe aeoond concraalon of tbe towuahlp of kaque lag in tba county uf helton ooulatning liy dumauwaumul ibbrtyomr ff abaa nave ar leea togetliar wltli tba bulldinxa and oreeuona utborwlaa daa4 wlui tba aame aa tbay may wlab ualad at mlltun tbla lu b january ituo 11 iott hullcltor for wl hca all frlit gkowejts and gardeners lllouu join uio ontario fnilt orowera o aaaoclatlou if only lo obtain tbel valoabla liu tba auadlan llortleul wbicb u pulllabed for i purpoao of plaul oto ate it la full uf llluatrationa and jiraeucal bluta lioaldoa uila iuii uumbar recolvea a bound coiiy of tba rhrl of uia dutcuaaloua on tbe culture of frulta and duwora a voluuia ol aver j00 pauaa icony of tbe jot pllcauou to rt ool bhton tioc y uniuaby out valuable ihulehtn in at ion fok aalci m- uil i it un akiaa hut uiarla pll i y lliu owuer all tboa juutnor hereby odor ml lot aalx tlie liuuae la a cunt lib wood bad aud lilaro 1 at inrulili rouuli caal will la a iiou1 tab ik on tba alau two bull ling lul ruiulare a ij 1 hi i- hint r ml hhuktuekt acli acton steam -laundry- wi slill continue lo clear oul the btock bo that we vjll be able to open our new itore with a nuurfclhk and it knjks aa il we would actotn- plrslttt attend to thib matter at once frank dowler tim gkhi cash siokl guelph a cook rniiritii jlaaa work nuarauloril in j shir cuii ufta al woik ilod for eor tu j aud 1 nuraday and del ivor ml p cry i huday and baturdai a cook ask your druggist foi murray lanmans florida water a painty floral extract for luookcrthlel tououd itala

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