Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 6, 1896, p. 2

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tt j tii t ynnitnmriir w l x -fcrr- j ww 3 v f flojuv nrcltitk hi aotonon vyennoailay qth imira ry mitt wllo at charles imciule ol twliia- llots vakkifl anil row 0vnuindui kftintan ly itqv j u hentl mr james herbert clay to mine tenuis mwoml danshter of the la uitu in krlii an thursday mthjatioart andrew llulllu aaed 70 vaare lloomrnai hull laws an monilav 3rd fab ruery william llonaiar in lu t4l veer gnailn krin oa friday 31st january jena busamie uulltit alio of william john irav awl ta rears ilimnn i atnwt no sotilt urns semi m rni w kinhoh on worinrerlay january sou at liar fetherarealilftmmi oualfih tlnah uokin or john uokini irttjnd year i tbera res m la nattier at tan in liar if joiid uokfnnon formerly of geiir kttoa 2fm 3rcbb thursday february 0 ihqo note8 and comments tho now manitoba logulatiifa will bo jailed together or the despatch of baslnsaa irfhy tha minister danjr tha wy modifications of iho school law am pro- tho united butm senate ou batorday pasead the ro oolnaoa of silver substitute lo tba ilousa bill by tha dseiaive vote of forty two to tbist ave it la probable tba house will rejoct it and a 00 n fere 000 follow it la stated ibal daring tba approaching session of i ha imperial parliament the government will deal with tba inaraaaa of tho navy maasaree for the rallaf of haa bawdry iriali land lagialalion and lha support of voluntary aohoola a new phasa of iho canadian oopyrihl ueatlon 1 tbo protest from franco against tlio adoption of the canadian act of lflbo or any oompromiae baaed opon the mano factnririm clause franoa demands the exclusion of canada from lha berne con veolion if the amended aot is eoforoed mesara 0 a uowlaod m p p t g heater c h and t monroe have bean appointed by tho canadian government oommiaaioner to confer with united stales oommiaaionera on tbn feasibility of boild intf anob can ali aa aball enable inswila engaged in ocean commerrfl to peas lo and fro between the krtat lake and the atlantic ocean mr foster replying to or lsnderkin in the hoaee of commoai on monday am i that between the 4th and 15th of january of tbe present year three aenstora had been appointed namely meeara adams aikina and baker and tbera ware m appointments to the public service dor 1 uk tbe ume period the following petition to tba ontario lokialmtora te being oiraautsd by ottawa 8inilo tnufi for aignatare w tba underaimued cltueoa of tha unnioipaiity of ottawa hereby petition your honorable body in ao amend the aeaaaamant act tbal whan a man improves bia property ha aball not have bli taxes i oars seed for ao doinii or that yon grant to the moot a pal oounoila tba powar to carry tbia petition into dfaot the setemltjk amtrtcan qol flitan to temperance advocacy bat to dealing with nearly every snbjoqt from a aoianliflo atand point ll makae tba following atatamant of faot which ia beiait aitenaively 00 tad by the paper it ia oar obaervatioo that bear drinking in thia ooantry prodaoaa tba vary lowest kind of inebriety oloaaly allied to orimmal insanity tba moat dangerous olaaa of mfflana in oar large ciuea ar beer drinker tha annaal report of the poatmaatar goners prevented to parliament shows that there were 8833 post ofoes in tba dominion on tha 1st of joly last baiog an inoraaae of 108 over tbe previous year tba total nambar of letters posted to can ada daring tbe year was 110500000 total pott cards 34500000 newspapers other than tboas asot direct from offioa of pnblit citioo and book paokagaa 23 000000 the total net revenue for tba year waa 92 tvi 703 and the total axpanditare mjs 047 tba new mall routes instituted dor ing tbe same period cover a diatsvnoa of 1153 miles a recommendation haa ust been made to bir oliver mowat by mr caidaootl to aend all minor oases of libel and alander to the diviaion court and is one that will oommeud llaelf to tbe beat element of tba lexal profraeion and to tba public as tba lw now stands all aot ions of lloal and alauder must be tried in tba high court in which they are burdened with aaoaaaiva ooita what litigants in a libel salt dreed moet of all is the bill of oosla that always eocompaniea it tbe world saya tba fmrmaal is in lnvn a jiirtf sift lbanaaaaaml auikn the trivial ones lo the diviaion ourt in the division oour tba ooau would be reduoed to a minimnm if tbe plaintiff as sometimes happens baa a auuauutiai itriavsoca a division jury and a diviaion oourt jode will do bim full jualioe tbe propoaal ahould have tba approbation of our provincial law makers sir charles tupper elected thb du tho batlmatttta roduood dy 4l70- 243 for tho currant yaar ottawa feb fl frldiy afternoon hie hon oeorga- e fosta dbllvored his annual bndgal snoeoh to tho ilonsa of gommonn it was ana of the threat field days of the asaaion tha oooasion whori the government take the house and dm country into its conffilpdos and nmdnra an aoooant of lis stewardship tha books aro opanod and the rovoouo is explained aad tho expenditure j net l fled tha prantioe of a badgat ia almost aa edd aa parliamentary govarnmbnt iraslf and of jala year it has been adopted even in oonnlrlea whore responsible legielattyo bodies do not exist tha raumatea for ilia flsoal year 1r0g 97 worn laid on the labia early last wank tbe total amount to be voted and anthoriied by llatnte ia filiso 0h1 a decrease of 1170 a43 from the amount last year tho prin olpel inoraaaaa are publio debt rinkiuk fund ta50 0h3 boparsnuatlou 37 ooo uililia 37j71fi luilwaja and canals w5 540 public works f417i70 eoloi cal burvey 131 000 indiaoa 80 ii3 north weit mounted pol loo 10 000 col laotlon of revanuo 912 110 the principal decraaaa is redemption of debt 117 000 tba militia estimate abow kn incroaae of 1872710 00m pared with last jeers appro priations it ie evidently tha intention to drill tha entire force including rural bat taliooa daring tba doming summer the amount asked for drill is f 440 fiooorlsji hhtmdr lbujaa vouci t6t last ymfi drill for clothing and naceaseriee aum of 100000 is asked which is an crease of 34ug0 4er last year a vote for tbal purpose tba amount appropriated laat seaaion fof works at ten maull u c was 1135000 only half that sum will be required for tha ensuing yaar february examinations general count news halton spnino assizes tho public school puplla who took hlahoat standlna lo tholr clstaava the monthly examinations were hel laat friday atith the following rneulu riain nxriatmkvr claaat maggie wallace ifio maimi laird 300 gordon henderson iho claa iv son jeaaie harvoy and wm arnold 275 john moore j70 kdwi francis and chas mclam ifl5 class iv jun daisy nickhin clara cobban and jenun smith j 10 uandbraon and arthur brayth j15 claas iii ben berth speight j bdllh nicklin i35 kva perry man a dennett clark j03 marks poaaible 3o0 t t hooik teacher 70 tom heoisi imrabtiirvr sanioraitubtna wallace kaltie roasel lillle fialmted and mabel moore jo0 harry lnvaya 199 ijoiiid moore 1jc lolarmediate thomai campbell 1h1 george c bar lea 100 alfred gardiner ljfi kill- mcdonald 1st marks poaaible j00 no of puptle attending agrgat attend anoe 751 average attendance 9h nearly c mcpiuii- teacher tuirv ukrahtucnt senior claaanna oram lhh hdna swaokbamer 1h5 ida laird 17i junior claaa haie harvey 1 tv maggie artfaura 106 ella gamble 145 part 11 claaa ho wland brown lhh myrtle maltha wa 1h5 altos ltosooby and mina roddick 1hq marks poaaible 200 i li partkbhom teamiher lourtii wsplktmkvr bonioaxlaaa parttt jennie iraot iad floaaia murray 175 lain llarrn lrh edxar watson 16h int claaa part 11 walaoo rolston iho wiuia prout lih john pnrvut iso benior claaa part i myrtle cook iru daniel ritchie 180 hilton jeana itj mark poaaible jo0 m e nllhom teacbor total pupils on register for jan 11 aggregate attendance 336fi- average attend anoe 16h oeorqbtowk laps br ton by a majority or rjaarly boo- consarvatl vas ars jubilant oimti feb ft tba exoilemant ovor tile t ape bralou elaottou yeetarday waa vary keen uofnplste returns eve blr c bar lea tup por a nibjoiity ol nearly hut voles nu ifreaur trlbui could be paid to tbe personal popularity of any man and tba domination of hu powerful individuality not only over hisowu party but ovar tba itraat maa of but ooantrymen than waa paid to hir charles 1 upper by tha people of cape llrelon oouuty in this ooatesl the oral time be baa been in the county fur id years and tba third time b aver was in tba county he waul j bare lee than a fortnight ago and placed himself in tha wapds of tbe people a young man named- em ployed aa firemen was insunllv killed in newland a factory at oalt tueaday hon dr montagu minister of agriooi tnra ia in vary poor health and tutenda going lo new york lo consuh a spsclalui tba uyams brotnara war ralraaad en iteeu buudred dollars oaab bail 00 ak urday uigbt to appear at tba polios court leday they left immadiataly wiurttrr twantoinary whiob b balding u iftove wei i man thir new york uouuaal lo f falbar dloem of nwtbjlay was pooial tralu for new york tlwy are not faadi jj w uytug to buara moving ekpaoibd to return to canada ut u w rmla nm ftmuuuta tba machine shop of mr t j bpelgbt haa daring tba paat yaar been a busy place mr speight is a natural born genius- his work aa aa eleolnaiaa sarpnse those best able to judge us ouastroals electric dy namoe and motor water motors elootno batteries ha a aral clasi ailvar plating out at and seems to have an intuitive know ledge of the itnoat intricate maobioor his work in connection with tbe watar works system last year gve tbe utmost aattafantion tbe younjt liberala itave elected the follow log ofnonr or tbe preaaol year president dr bo iberian d 1st vioe r mccullouih 2nd lor w j mcdonald trdmoaue u huffman cor sec- j ii moleod reo beo c moklnlay the nut mealing will be held on rriday 7th feb b mcdowell waa aanleuoad last week fur naglaoting to support his family to co days 1 walaoo for disturbing a meeting in tbe town bail l and oosta mr thomas clark fall on the sidawajk a week ago a a result of which his shoulder was dlalooated mr john li rarkar wtb hr ann daughter hey and hssol liaoo iuua to darmuda lo roinatu for a number of month itev 11 a moir preached tba auniver aary aermotta of tits hill a ires t metbodiat church loodop last satday aad add rasa ad tba dondaa cautra oong regal ion ou monday and tueaday evening tba uav u b mage preached in tbe metbodiat church laat babball hwri dr handeraon the popular chair man of the ooalph dtaulct of tba malho diet church will lecture 1 tha aahgruva tea moaliug feb 13 on aiurlablp and harrtaga the llapllat churob will boll i heir anniversary next sunday a literary eooiety baa boon organiaod iu coaneotion with tba ireabytertau church to meal on alter net tuesday avantoga tba pedal service al llw malbodial cburob cloaad last hriday evening ue aides quickening tbo membership ton adult and a number ol children have given in tboir daroea tbe ontario education department haa arranged for tha aatabliabmenl of a training acbool for frenob aod hngliab taaubere in otuara the board of llaaltb has detrrmioad to oloaa all the hooae walla in tba city of draotford as a pre von l lire of typhoid favor thla will effect im householder a latter received in boston from mrab central turkey stated that during the maaaaora of novauaber 28 near that city from nine lo tan thousand christians war killed robert meadow waa iuttautlv killed al woodstock by tba all of a heavy uieoa of in a li bo i suit attain at flov mr mcqimrrlo a vardlchof aifoo is soourud mhtin i ob n ling yeslerday jnalicj fcrunnnti dai was occi i 1 at the high awuslalt- bjfnro h10 hon mr tho uresli r pirt if the lie trial of a libel jmit brought by mr wm i w r is her aifafnat ltev j p mcquarne and mr thomsa ca verb ill tuapl slut ill is ono of tha ifcfinra commissinnrrs for this county bis colleagues being donatil campbell and johji r marker rrevjout to 1hcj k laveru lircnso was hold by mr gcurgn j ilaknr or hntville and he alio wo 1 it to japsj nnl year ha applied lo have it r ono wed and the appllca hon waa refusal ho triad again on the following jesr uuckfd by a urge petition and tin limo wa baceaful when the ao m and conuralulatima- l mojnr m willi itiii i 11- u -n- t rui time eaiuo round ngam fur he renewal of tba licaiiaa thn triiirraiitc jtcopla dolor mined lo prttrnt n mnawal if poaslblo the defendant v rhill neon r1 pa tiled l mr robert i lomlotf ranio lo milton lo see ir the could mcul mint of the license oommioalonara 1 bey found lha plain i iff finhor and a convernatmn look pac it la atatomaiita alleged lo have been made in that conversation which const uuln hi rbel aotd 011 on may u lttk m the ukvillo tbe dafcndaiil mr mcjuarrto published a letter refernutt lo the interviaw spaaking ol the plaintiff as onn of lha liocnsa 00m roissioiiorv and charging thai the plaint if bad said that tha rcaenu for granting thi license was because daker had promised that ha and his famil would vote on tha reform side if lha liceuse was granted daker had always been a strong conserve live 1 bis publication waa followed up by the pubhcstion 111 the sf ir of a statutory declaration by iho defendant avexliill repeal 1 oft and affirming tha statement ol mr mcqnarrir license inspector jley nolds aaw mr cavirhitlal the matanoe of tbe board and as a result tha lattar signed a document apologizing for and withdi ing tha statement and declaration that he rnade thia apology was published but mr averhill aborllv afterward thought bellcr or it and publicly withdrew apolog and roanirmed his original d in the wituoatt box yesterday mr hisber swore positively that bo did uol directly or indireotlv make the statement about rakers vote averhill awore positively that he did rlamirg who was present at the interview could not recollect the atet ment maker swore that there was no each transaction about his vote ha die not tote at the last election because hi was in bod kick licence omm insionerm ampbell ant barber both stated that they knew nothing of any aurli corrupt arrangement with baker mr k 1- m johnson appear ed for the plaintiff pir j a me a macdonald for defendant the jury returned a ver diet for the plaintiff with tl damagei against raih of the defendants halton countv council tlt various cotnmlttoflp appointed for tho lurront yi inly council last 1 uonday the mill 1 1 tees were arrangod at the co standing ol follows t inanoe e baler auderaou marahall alton hall roads aud mridgos iwsoo llulohoun modougall j i- richardaou andrew onnly ujildiuga robertaon mcdou gall buck wrigglasworlh barber lrlnttnif mock hvtll dr richardson anderson ltmoii education andrew mirber hall mar shall robertson spooial communications dr riahard sua j r kiabardaou barber havil w rigglesworth railways and legislaliuu itoberlson hutcboou a i too webster buck mr d w ampbell was re altclod c r dtractor for 1hvc dr luak h gray and j o lbcon 1 b i were appointed board of lxaminor lot lttjfi laclilan grant of georgetown and dr mccnmmoo of palermo wora appointed auditors for 1hdc tha printing oommiltce was authorised to ask fur tenders for 600 ooptoa of tbo minutoa of 1bjj also fur advortlaliig and blanks relired fur ihjtt lha wanleu and mr johuaon harrisun were appointed a board of riinmal audit for 1m00 mr john r berber was appoiutod tho trustee for georgetown for ihtlh and c b pktlersou trustoe for lha oaktlllc high school tha usual krauts were til ado lo ibo georgetown and oakvilla high schools it cl i ad jmu rim 1 until tha first tuesday lu march death of a fohmfcr kbblotnl imr of hull iowa nia ut u joutl old atfu iibi just btwi of hld dcwlll uk mo 1 llootuor l his liuiua evolved by hull loads haro r willi iowa slier an tl nets of aovoral tuoiiuia r ltti wiu pa wclj rpniamberod by the older residents uf llaluiu county lie- lived fur over thirty ynar ou tha farm lot i on tha seven til lino r uoiuk near hornby now uwueil and oooupiwl by mr james jouliou where ilia father the lata john boomer sr elllwl when ha oama in osnada about forty yar ago mr jloomer removed to weltoaley abo iheuca lifloeu yoars ago to hull iowa he waa an bonoal upright chrlbllau iuu aud balod evil 111 auyuriti he waa an eiilhuaiasuc methodist did much lu establish ibp church lit lis new tlouir and lead lha carfafjux huiimim uf toronto every wefk up to his datth lu worlilly goods u li pros pared atiuujautly aud leave ills large family wall piutldod for his wifo who is a blalor uf the hun holilor uchlulaev late of milton anil iilne uf his hwolvo qblldren burvtvay hie funeral tok place yoaterdnjr halton countv l o l tha annual twelfth wf july colo tiratlon to bo maid acton tber was a urge gathering at the aounal county tnoetiug of orangemen at milton 00 tuesday the priooipal boat oesfc waa the aleclluu ul ofnaars and ooosulutlon oil tbe matter uf the annual twelfth of july damoustratiou iuproaaiiultsa waia prceaul flom all the lodges iu laa oouuty acton aeut four maasra w fc bmllh w d hmitb adam cook aud ii joues through tbe efforts 0 th acton delsga uoa tba dmoustralh of tho laih uf july next will be bald lancctuu tbe ofuoor were else led as follows county kfasloiarch ustlthtwu uspuly master w urawfuru liaiaultov 1 t uimiiul melal hacrt laryit rauuaul 1 raaaararimy j liwlaay inraolur uf ujhuooalauui alocolluui lecturer i joy ee a silven wbddino mr nnd hra gqortre dllln colohrnto tholr twontyflflh wotltllrvsr annlvoniary p on tile irs hi d y o february 17i amrtto dills snil b ah jlilihotn ilaiigli 4eafllr john chi tinlnu o aclou wrru united in the bond t italy wnllook i ho ccrctnnny was pnrf 11111i al oilrdonii by lev jwkaagr ow of c nliiibii lly of joint conferouo- in ooiutno 111 oration of lliii happy event thtir sllvtr neildlng was oelebratad at llometlslo their pn fly and oomforlable h 1110 on park avonuo ibmi saturday evrnlng tliogtlirriug included their rula ves in aclou snf a row invited guests and rss most cnjnjahln in every respect af r tho wed ling repist and the oompiny had acijonriiol to the rurlor a lima waa 1 cut in pleasant social and ooncliiawi whh prur hy rav win mryers 1 mr dills and ills interesting family are amuug our best citiwns luj cpio to arjpll from nanticokc hnlwecn tw nntl thrati ers agi and laal year anctml thn fine biiok rrmdrncp in w linlt they tw n so comfortably installed inijirovntiiiuts each b thay have sftecletl are spprfciaud by ihom who have in intercsl in acton a growth and improvement numerous toke in silver including articles both for daily servn n and special labia adornment were tendered mr and mr dills in honor of their passing this twenty fifth milestone of happy wedded life loftelher an ovonl of tha availing was tho photo graphing by artlsl hamshavs of tho coin pany by oaa blight editors table tbe january number of the ctinnlittm kmgtmrrr toronto con talus the- most 00m preheneiva account yet published of oal clum carbide and acetylene gi with the first portrait and biography that has appeared in print of t l willsdn the discoverer it is generally aupponcd thsl mr willaon waa born in tho hulled hlate hat tha tmjutmr brings out lha fdot thai he is a native of canada having been horn at princeton out tho omposilion ot r owl and its i aa in tho body is the subject of an interesting article by profeasor thomas grant allen ma in the chamtan ilih for hobruary the monroe doctrine and some or its applications by profeasor jatnoa albert wobdburu ph d in tho chnuum funn for february is a bright and lucid eipoiition of this much discussed topic of the da the february number of the drtiumtur is called the midwinter number aod covers the whole field nf seasonable fasti 1 on with ito accustomed thoroughness hubsrrip lion price ol the fttimralm iio0 per year or 15 cents per eingla copy address ail communications to tho mmeattr publiali ing co ltd 31 rictimuud ht w ot tor onto ont a light k st0hv his wife was a fearful 8uf- feflbn from rheumatism p- hor jontn woro syvollon and din y tortotl hornlohtb almoatsli ions nncl her appotlta cono- s 11 f to rod for sovaral voarn bi foro rolluf wan found i rvill tllu kim alilii mibi mr hiigh jtvlrnn llglithoifei keciar on wiitfalalaiid is onn nf tho best known mou in this rieotiuu and lo hie vlgilvflca in iho performance- of his duties u 0s10 the safety of llm mnny oraft sailing in that part or the hi lawrunco mrs mclaren hir win haa hcon an iuvallil for a nuinlier of osrs aud in onnversatiun with a report or recunily mr mnlirou stated thatshe waa rapidly regninlng her outlims health ndor the treatment of that moat mar iimk pills asked if do had any nbjecllnns to giviug lift particulars mr ricltrcn replmd rniphaticnlly lliat ha had not if uuih piiblicaliuii wai jtknly in bene lit any nlhur millvror lht anl a nutubcr o jtnm ago my al rojil rsruoif rli abln i uedtl in has opened the i ratio uf ae uum of owen the japanese uovm several ports m lormo the world north grey cooservalives 1 inaed mr james mol tnghlii bound for the comuluns mr t f brawn one of the wealthiest and boat known business men of berlin out died bundav night agad fifty dr jamioaon ot durham ha been uum iuatod by the conservatives of houth orey to contest thai oonstiliicny fur tho com the eaalgiioe announces atiotliot divldeud of qve per cftul paid by his cjlalc ul haul son kannedy a co toronto op lo lbs present lime the creditor have received dividend mouuling to about jo par oeiil no moans of ameliorating their llsrase cod liver oil is acknowledged one uf ttiu moat valuable remedies in pulmonary 00 m plain l that however it bo employ ed in such a form as to bo easily digested is imperative it is just here that the entire superiority of maltine with cod liver oil and hypophosphltos asserts itself maltlue ilaek posansaas natritive value ooual lo cod liver oil bat mora important to tba buffer er from hrooobiti colds consumption is tha great digestive power of maltino upon all foods of a alaroby uature maltlue with cod liver oil and htpopuospuito is in brief a food uf great valuo lu oiuacialiun and wasting diseases a medicine pobsoas ing the remedial power of 00 j liver ml a digestive agency of active patency a ro alorer of the debilitated try it for two dickie a auti consumptive bprup stands al tba hoad of tha list for afl disease uf the throat and lungs it acts like magic in breaking up a oold a bouh 11 soon subdued lightness of the chest relieved even lha worst case of consumption is re llaved while iu reoaot ossos h may be nald never lo fall it la a modiolus prepared from the active principles or virtues of aaveral mrdloinal herbs and ran be depended upon for all pulmonary 1 oiu plaints and for a considerable timo wan a helpli inyajid ller joints were swollen and d lor tod her nights were sleepless and her appulilo poor slid very uokle during those years aha njporioijocd exaxuclallag tortures the pain never oeasiug day or nlhht hhe had tho benefit of skilled mod ical advice hut the treatment aflorded nc relief and we bewail to fonr that her trouble had gotio boyond hu a dumber of occasions i bad read in tiro papers of cases of rheumatism being cured by the use or dr williams pink pills si this at lat determined us to givo thcai trial hi10 had used some three boxes before any improvement wa noticed l lieu wabagnsi to note that alio slept bolter au i tliet her spatlto was improved tin the ptii gradually bujan to subside si after using a doeu boxes she was ablj got up and walk about she oonlim usu of lha pills for a while longer aud allliouiji occasionally she fools twinges of the liouhlo in chaiigahle weather she now oiijoju better lioaltli than she has done for years and can sleep as soundly as ever sh did in her life whilo hor appetite uevcr waa better 1 look upon dr willi 1 ink pills as a wonderful medicine fur 1 kuow they have doue wonders in my wifo a case and i fool curtain that if any who ai adllotodsu she wa will ulve i hem a good trial npially happy rasu u will follow and 1 therefore give this testimony freely hoping that it will benefit some other sufferer mr mclaren a strong testimony provi the claim made that dr williams pin pilla cure whet uthor medicines fail and that they deserve lo rnuk as ibe greatest discovery of moderu medical public should always be ou ibtir guard against imitations and aubstitutos which mine unscrupulous doalera for the bike extra profit urge upon purchasers there is no oilier remedy lust the same aa j mi t an gyod m jjr witliama rink pills and the gouuino always have tho full iradi mark dr williams pink pills for pale poo plo on the wrapper around every bo ivorine for the teeth llihouaiioas and livor ouiplalnl icho etc are cured by burdock lllli ii b asks only a trial boss ting will not whiten teeth ivoriue for the toeth doea lxlrareganl claims will not render tbo broath swoel and fragrant ivorino u fails to do thia lvoaine for tbo toeth asks for anopportuuity lo demonstrate it value deutiau have affirmed ll and the public oorrobrale professional opinion but do you know as ovary tooth loving roao or won ought lo know ivorino fur the toeth is tha best nut a hear left 1 11 scrofulous canes under ordinary treatment soars are loft when the sores are healud tho action of burdock blood bitters is assisted by applying it externally i as well as internally tbwra is uocultlug i nu knife just a natural healing power over i abbcoasca ulcers sores etc tbal leave llpi ueh aa clean and sound aa a babe s llrlrlf h hu llur distressing kidney and b lad dor dihudi relieved lu six hours by the oret bomb american hiduoy urn litis uew remedy is a real aurprinu and delight ou coouut of its exooodmg prumpluoaa lu relieving pain 111 tho bladder kidneys back and ovary pari uf tlio urinary passages in ins to ur female it relieves retention of water an 1 mlii in paasliik ll almost lin mediately 11 you want uiuk relief and cure ibis is your remedy hold by j knmi anion w g s7vtith drugs and books jo viidhim st ull1 see our grenuine bargains i 0 t it a i out tlit k m u mid of tun loia isras it 1 by chance there is no such thing as chance in the building up of a reputation of a business orofa life rork it was not by chance that we reach ed the proud position we occupy today of being the leading business house of the best city of the furthest west we obtained this position by steady and persistent application to our business by being always on hand attending to nnd fi out the- wants of oyr cust by ooljing only for what we have earned by impressing the puhlicrwith the full confidence that their interests are safe in our hands by treating our confreres as well as our customers with courtesy and consideration never trying to trip them up o belittle their efforts by recognizing the fact that this earth was not made for us alone and if in the past with the resources then at our disposal we could command such a larje share of your confidence and patronage how much more so in the future with such largely increased facilities 1 he stock is being cleared fast we are not sticking at prices on the goods we want to move we hope to open the new store with an almost completely new stock there is no house in the city where a ten dollar bill will buy so much good goods as at frank dowler 1 111 uulu cash stokl cuelph stock tkkinc- we ar busy stock taking and dunng the next two weeks many lines will be saenfied to clear out look for bargains in all lines dress goods every line reduced boots and shoes see girls shoes 50c per pair see boyii shoes 79c per pair see mens iine shoes 1 20 per pan see ladies hine shoes 115 per pair see ladies i ine shoes 75c per pair groceries 20 lbs granulated sugar no 1 1 00 10 lbs rolled oats 25c iatiuiuze our grocery department and save money henderson db co hcton walker mcbean co ceorcetown mis m a new business tti caofllxuferfat in town furcfc j a p symon mrn beooida biqou mm1 btrcot acton hardware tin and qltanitk wars jkwclusrt bttwknwajuc patent udicines j fc a p symon ilrto aubrrusemtnle urahv wanted h at iso oblaluod an mlamlm latum lh act on rain warvliooaa i am prspand la vss um hifhsit oasti prion for all kinds of train llallvstad al tha wstiioom at ilia o t it sullna c jjacdotloall work for linemen tiih dall tauphodt comrany wonlil bs alad of all ui aumrisnc talaaraph or talapbona unatnan tbay aan gat hold of lost now st lambert jersey ball for sbrvjceor for sale thb andarahinad haa for sarva at bis sub la on luin strwat a uioroaohbrsd padlnaad bl lantbart janar nail thta fldaanltualu also ottorsd for sals u o uauitlb uaaar the welliugton hntnal rnue msunanok cot tub qbnbual annual ubbtihu at is wnllinrun untoal flra inanranoa com pmj lll ba bald la tha companys ootoa on wad tba 19tb day ol fslinun mat al 1 pan- to rwoaiva lb dlractora baport siltb uis istb day ol pabmary naat al ra lb dlractora baport siltb uia anaul btaumanl for tba ananlnt rssvr and olbor boslnaas ralsvaul to tba uieaklnd rtlxnod lly ardor ci1ab da iobon tenders wanted wodnosdty fobruary 1 2th 1 boo lor ths vartoas tradas rwinirad lo um araetloa and oomplauon fill rsmldtinos in tba vlluca of acton aeoordlnf to tha plans hpsctneauona contract ate of jaueb a klii arthitfiv- l adalaida bx b toronto bald plana and hradnoatioaa may ba aaon on aod atur unnday january nth at tba offlos of ua architect aud ol tba atulcrrsijrosd nrlty will b raqnlrwd ko td hil uoodjc kiuui pbjow orrjrk aatoo ont toudar uscbsaarily a tenders wanted tkndbits will bo raoaivod by tba nndar- sad up lo saturday utta rabroan for tba parcbaaajor tha roach east derailing booaa and a on tha lot at tba aontb wast aoranr of uborab and krsdastek strsata acton tbn front part is ul w and tba back ii i d both ara votlt of solid frmoms of sqoarad umbssr honaa ntnatba movad frotn tha lot bv 1st april t is v onlo a vaoanl lot in acton this abtords an oaoallant opportnnlty for aaenr- ln a food laassnant booaa at a vary advao- tacaoas prioa tba tioau la raatln at r i or no par yaar no tandar n aooaptad ii p uoouk pass paass orrtca actoo jan bttlt ihqa notice n otick la hereby h that an applloauosi will ba mads to tba legislators of tba province of ontario at tba bait aaaalon tharaof on behalf of lb t and conaraaauon of knox csroaca arom in oonnaotlon with tba united praabytarlan charah of canada for an act to anabla the said trustees and conmntton to sail and dispose at la sneh way as utay ha ni and desirable tba lands bald by ibssn or ohnrcb purposes and balng a part of tba aaslarty bait of lot nombsr twantvgbt in tha second oonocsason of tba township of kaquas- ina in tba count of ualtoo oontalalnji by adnsaasniwnmut thlrtmoar parches las tothar with tbo bolldl lines and with tha tbej may wish dated at milton ibis lath january uoa j w bljiott holloltor for appllcanta valuable property in acton for sale la berwby affarodfor sale tba b tortabla ronsb oast with woodshed and there is a rood arable on tba pi suilses also two butldlna lou on laka avntma in smiths hurray terms reasonable kor particulars apply u cc bpkh1ht or wm hkubtukbt aetou acton bepl ittb bjun o uieat stock taking saio is in full blast never wai such excitement in georgetown over any sale over this wonderful cut throat 8ale this is without a doubt the greatest money saving hale ever witnessed in the county bee hand bilrs for full particulars and prices we are hivnn neople conic fmni i 5 to 20 miles to this great sale mclarens annual stock taking shoe shle now rains on woman s mtaeea and childrens low shoe j0 x orf woman a ilatl tip 3 so for f 50 woman am bolt lurna 00 for fcj 00 ulaeaa bobool hhoas f 1 00 for boo allaeaa finn tippa4 butt u for ouo all flanool lined bhooa joo off every coma balora feb 10th while we have au atjms 8ae oar uargatu tablee w mcliaren jeq tha i aartlng bhoa stora guelph 91 0u oumtn niiu ak r lutlltrt iidvv 1 k 2ic gumth now ut 61 lu tojh now aol r to now 25i j toja now uju cillllu olljln illltl huulhihjlt lutluiotl 1 ricctt do i in ul liult iricu boh own itirlu 0 n it oi tow left lo lie aold ul a ludultion coilintttid got aoiiti ol llio im gunih while ihoy juul 1 fi rstc lkss tr i lo r i n c w h adams llaspleasuaaln aunouueiiih tbet li baa ruml abhi uib liualnusa of n t iiunuar uarcbaut tailur and jiut lu ulouly aseurlt 1 stocauicloiba ol bu uwit svluvlluu lie is preistrad t tgrnuul flml dais murk uf oury losuriruaii in tlio latest stylus aud at uiuet raaiouabu prloua work a ca1l soliorricd boot8 and shoes this block taking bain u brio tux ua lou of customers ibeafl days no furtbar oaplanatiooa ant naaded than the oomraeal wo am reoalvioi on oar boot nod tjhos prtom and iba notnbar wa are solllntt ben onr olroaler for nriooa tbal will aatouud yon millinery millinery never waa tba uatnrooui uoom ao daar of job afllllnuy m al tba preaaot urns all near salltnir ttt law prloaa tbao old millinery oaa be boarbt tor lawhra llelao a ft 76 ht or bonnak for soo wonderful values at walkbh lubkanrao a ucurjratowa tailornc it kaar to baj a oood atau of owttoaw kaaiar than ii wm twalva dmsllha ao why t baoaoaa w have mot twaade tbao w cmn to ujt into itook and to roafca a fi r we w a land tba ias h joo will taaa tbttu nway ttrwad bajia tor iao0 worth fu00 tbjj edstvwuotl wc ara doloji tba tailor ir trub tor lail around wbal jaonary offarloji in dress goods mans ii raam tbal all iboaa prauj fabnoa wbloh yoo and oifwra bdmirail are prioa olfppad to half and lews to laka tbwaa away ll la ehanoa for lha ghaapaai styliab gown yoo evar bad and oan only b had al wauusb ifobean a 003 ga irt tu rdrms walker mcbean co georgetown and t0ront6 about watchbs never nro walcbea ao well tnado as now aod yet every yaar there is soma improve- man i in time keeping tjualuiea oar grandfather a watch would not be in it bow watohee ara psllinu cheaper bo i paoplaara ktlin tnoro iwrtmular a fon miniuaa a day would salisjy twenay year ago but post it naust bo only a law minntaa a month to please bo lha makers and repairers have tu be mora partioolaf with their work tbera an lota of cheap walahra made and advertised which an really not worth bavlog and are ouly a hill of axpaum my eiparienoe ia that il doaw not pay either to bay sell nor edver ww otteap walcboa i have enodftb work trylo to mafca go tboan wbiol bava been old by padlara and tboas jewelers who thi ok that tha only way to gal yoar en atom la to aal obaap rooda vv bat wa want ia a5d finality wajcbaa cheap not cheaply mada watohee aa they ara only au akrava tioa ii owe ver it ia aot ucooeeary uow a daja to go lo a bblh prtoa if ynu will only ba oontaot with a good nlofcla case which ia praotioally aa good aa gold 1 have rood atamwindara at biz 1- 1 ten twelv and fifteen dollars any uf them i oan folly rtcoenmeod and i oftan ban vary good aeoond band ours lor toar or flva dollara and aofualiotaa lose you mill find my prion aa low aa any place sbtn thay all good walcbea o d pr1nque watchmaker guolph t rxj awjwefiwi- 1 tafsl uwiair j

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