Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 6, 1896, p. 4

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f etljcttoit jfrec ress iiiui1huay iuiiiiuauv if mot a broad minde divine does not hesitate to fepgak for the oood his words will do a scholarly christian nnd a bolovod pastor who boll even in trnlnljio tho uody as wol at tho mfrtd v ifto twenty ninth clay of apni la a uotabfu day in tho history of may mem orial church in hy aa it in thn anniversary of llio installation of i ho ilcv hamuel t calthrop ll i mi eminent ii vina who so long ha minister 1 lo ihom spiritually aa paator of tlia church ut calthrop mm uini hi k upland and received hleprrparatury achnlaalic training at qt jlaula bohool londln kntetiiitf trfuily callrt- cambridge if aoon bo camo a bflnbrflnuru lit that brilliant cotmio or scholars literary men d wits tliat followed in tho tradition o macau lay and hit associates at the iiuiterui in ilia middle of the century he visited by recuse rwj received liia first i m predion of the yoiinii rity thai nearly a sodro of yara later 1m waa lo choose aa his home and iu which his labor have been to lonn and effective the masterly pulpit ad dresses of dr gattbrop havo bad their fundamentals drawn faom the deepest research uia people have been i nil rooted by him not only in thing aplritnal but in the elements of the broad oat col lure id literature in art and in aoienoo tile young men have been tanffht a moacolar ay item of morality in those and iu many other ways baa he endeared himself to the oort kretation which it one of the moat highly cultured and wealthy in the city ii sv tin ciltiinor nvtucrsa x t calthrop haa a hrikinu personality to thu ee he ta a moat picturesque figure ilia hnad and face framed in luiuriant masses of silky anow white hair and heard are a type of bryant and lonn fellqw although over seventy yrara old hla rather apare qjfure la firm and erect and every movement n active aorl ffrace fill iii whole life lone he haa been an ardent admirer and proraotor of athletic axrla and oven at hi advanced age playn tontua with all the v and skill of a jnunn uun lo byracuaaue perhaps lln- remarkably terrallle man la moat widely known aiart from his profession al it iclehtlal on a briieht april mornin a reporter ffllowed the winding driveway that carving around the hill leads to calthrop lodge it til i faihioned red brick mansion snr rounded by a krove of oaka and ohoamata weirins a black skall osp and a black coat of semi clerical ant the master of oajthrop iodfle graciously received the reporter who called to inquire about bis health for though manfully repressing all possible evidence of his snfferink dr calthrop fur many years had been the victim of a distressing affliction odtil by fortunate chance ha waa lead to take the remedy which ha effectually cured him unrmft more than half of his pastoral iu hyrmonse dr calthrop haa been troubl ed with rheumatism and at intervals h suffered excruciation agony from it al times the pain waa so treat aa to prevent him from walking many remedies were tried without success and he and his friends had given up hope of a permanent cure or of mors than temporary relief when he took the preparation that drove the disease completely from his system in a letter written to the editor of the ectnihg tirw of syracuse last year dr calthrop told of bis a miction and its cure this is dr calthrop letter to the editor of the emihj av dear sir more than 15 years ego i wrenched my left knee throwing it almost from its socket oreal swelling followed and the aynovial juice kept leaking from thn joiul this made me lame for years and from time to lime the weak knee would give out entirely and the swelling would commence this was always occasi by name strain like a sodden stop the knee gradually recovered but alwaya was weaker than the about 1 years ago the swelling reoora mtiowd thia imo without any wrench at all and before long i realised that thia waa rheumatism seuliaic lu the weakest part of iho body the trouble came so often that i iva obliged lu carry an opiate in my pockel everywhere 1 wenl i had generally i ni w pooke but iu going in a conference at iluffelo t forgot it and aa hie car waa damp- sad oold before i trot to buflalo my knee was k aw mi to iwioo 111 natural alar i lid areii he good effects thai imk imia wire having is auoh oaaee and 1 triad thtni myself wlih the result that i havs iikvrr hail a twinge or a awelling eiuoe i hla was alfnoled by laklug eevsn or olglil notes he an there torn of donorol intoroat to froo proa random lm din ltplff tho testimonial publialiel in behalf pf hood a barasparllla they aro written by hoitflt pooplnwho havn actually fonud in their own niperiniico ihsl hoods karsiip arilla purifies the blood grout en an appetite strengthens tho system permanently a imp ilulaly and dlhosses ostmed by drllcient blornl floods 11 1 la for the llvrr aiiiyi promptly ess sod effec 77 5c t m 5c to morrow i will live lhefool din day it selfs too let the wise wterday martial drmonal rated hometimps it costs hundrodn of dollnr tooonvincoa man veryofln irsi is t ui rod hut in iho cnao cf iolaou 1 ncrviluxi that aovorolrn remedy if pain 111 ccnta foots the bill mid auppliu ouuiigh nern lino to convince every puralmtur thai it is the best most prompt and certain palu remedy in the- world nerviliue is good for all mart of psln pluatsnt to take and bare to core arampa and all inlurrfal pains it is also moo to- rub outside for it has an agreeable moll uile unlike so many other preparations which are positively dls agreeable to uoo try it now lo to a drug store and buy a 10 cent or sf cent bottle poisons nervllme tsko no other nature knows no pause in progroas and davplopmenle and attaches her liirse on all inaction loathe thotifclil it hb oiiktiniptlnti diar sins i was troubled with a nasty cough and i really thought i was going into consumption i took two bottles of nigyard pectoral list tarn and can say that it not only ouod me at ouce hut i never had a cough since it ia tho bent remedy in the world jhalk wiflrr ijlaok cape bonatsnturo o quebec the gemun wit snd spin lisouvored in its proverbs llrlrlf i sit lln of distresaipg kidney and bladder distaai relieved iu sis hour b tho jfeal houl arrioftcan kidney r i tu ue remedy la a great aurinu and delight c account of its exceeding promptness i relieving pain in the bladder kidneys bat and every part of the urinary passages i male or female it relieves retention water and pain iu passing it almost in mediately if yon want ijuick relief ar cure this is your remedy hold by j kansawim a q ion m dl menthol plaster t aar piwii l iumbol fustw ta mwt ism w mmisarta and ishwbuo mln and ai vwv mi vlik is avu as4 tla ma iuui oivwd roams t mm usuh4 ttmtm in mil bum i aajoueji h d wuyasistnu llcaraahetatlea lambifn net rwjsst pain in iteek or hide any muscular palaa sse sols pro prictora monti i nil mil say mia1 1 a t rccuvervd in trpxniaim l my kiisa ia far strung u thankful in but i will adi ala three titne 1 hla ataleinaul h it vxi letlor lr all n hu n om rdll n n y ul i hla mcuiim nk illl ibai i ii n t ii will sraa then i ii tho rexrlor be aald i am ooulluually rrwinmlicling lr wiihama iuk 1iila lo lbo ujihanoe to l who are liuublvl wllli rhsumattsm or ii coinolor stasia imk 1illa continued dr calthrop are the belt thing of the kind i know of 1 by are infinitely superior to moa modi allien that are put up for bale i bnpw pretty well what the pills ousilain and 1 couaider ii ai excellent prescription i is such a una aa i might gat from my uoo walk in the light and thou shalt aee thy path though thorny bright ilarlou alwaysoo hand sir thomas ii porter lower lroland i j writes my son 18 mouths old had croup so had thai uoth log gave him relief until a unlghbor brought me some or dr thomas kclectrio oil which i gave him and lu six hours ho was cured it is the beat modicum 1 over usod and i would not be without a bottle of it in spiritual force- is atronger than ma tonal though is rule tho world kmcroou milborn s cod liver oil kmulsion with wild cherry and hypophosphites combines the curative powera of wild cherry ilypopbosphltes of lime and soda and pure norwegian cod liver oil lu perfeol palatable form it is tho best for coughs colds and all lung trouble bloseod is the influence of ono true loving human soul on another george kltot ubeumatbiui urrd in a dm jfooaf t cn rijl ilui ltll iililblrnu en toakaviuurajiniasi i liira6t1til hiiitlniaa mllb hoarlnil rt k linn liini wanu in tl lmn to ii n lnrl ulinl intir 1lliu ut runi fur iiiii in una a klumiluiil lltuu uulb hball ihii utiiriinll i ut llts ulrut ihiworn ol u lb tnlll li trtl a trurscirt- m painkiller tlllt gltliat family medicine of the age tokon internally itcur- qiarrtiaxi cramp irtrf pain in tha stomach 8orv throat sudden cold cough etc etc usod externally it cures cut biwaca duma scalda sprains toothache pain in tlwfifea neuralgia rheumatism froatud feet tin artlrl ar aulol lu a4h uusoub1i ilf itiflml n ull klulk 1l w uuj ulkla mnltrtn hcmorkii in t nl tiirna nl sgains us but to run us ngniiiut ourhslvm tho mar ilutv nirlall mr h m lloughner 3iijtiin wntm 1 or alioul two yrars 1 was troubhd ith inward llka but by tiflug ilinnoltti h illl 1 waa noniplnloly ciirm an 1 ilth nigh fmir mir imve rkl sinethlii tli lnv it miunod inr tfirlie illls sr mti bihoilh mid a mmci1o fur the curn ot i vir mil hilnoy um plaiutrt lnima- liuiatmtik hu linadachu anl lltoa mid will rgulatn llio a crcllons and tlliioio all li i um matter there i arle fr iubhua h igiii cortsn hjiwlllg whit l v son ull aa that wlnqh you liiyj ii li healod i ho ij liter i al uu kmfr j alaiam the lteh a deal than ajdi rs lo i decision hhknnr elluw oil utd nil cures croup rethn and similar comlsu brillsen galls chllblai wuuuds ininol bilia etc nature la thu lime he ikilmii i arl u ro loll bou llm sores are ction of liuriio k itlood nl b apply ing it txlerually imly lhirr i iiuetilling ik ng po ol any true lined externally uuibago spraiun iii 1 it ft i uuu ror hull lime 1 lilcd mr wood norway 1iiil hyrup and atler taking a few dube tumid gr it rrlirf and ono bottle entirely cured mi ll i tho leal cough mcihiluo 1 bavnivii lukoti w v 1 i ltalmnrlno man south american hheumatiu cure for jthournalimm aud neuralgia radically cures in 1 to i days its action upon the system is remarkable aud mysterious it removes at once the cause and the disease l mined l ately disappears iho first duso greatly benefits 75 oeuls hold by j v ksiiua our deeds determine ut huteh wt determine our deed kliul uihouaness and liver complaint llual echo etc are cured by ijurdock 1illa where there is room in the heart iherr alwaya room lu the huuse sdmro thankrulfor bptbuv aatlt tancb i m but t w uut i in 10 1 r ptct form autl so ootiveuleul to uke i recotnraeud the ills highly to all who are troubled with rhsumallam looomotor ataxia or an impoverishment of the blood valor would ooase to he a virtue if there were uu injustice ages lie us tinl and jilsissiira in t nsiwrs pp poiitesars yst linked together in a kind of ueoussasy ootiuectiuu livv thu testimony of thouaunuh who havo uad boulh amur loon kidney luia a fnoifd lu nifd ia a friend indeed it has been aald the way to teat our frlenda la to try thorn it is so with a medicine so many medicines aro tried bui fonud want lug i hi ia never the uae with south american kidney i lire ll it la kidney rouble that la tho ailuinil it rioi a nut cure anylhlug elw i here la iol a 1 aao of kidney trouble luiwovrr bait ovnr n di treating whore ijuick rahof will not bu given and by a liltlo patlauce altogether removed i bo proof of the pudding la the eating of u aud what i hero id 1 whu1 thouaauds ssy who havo uhii hi 11 oil clue sold by t haiiiiawiu selfhelp vdii ii f ilc rim l n hlltll isllillsll llg-thcih- mii ltd i mil i ii th imiii thin- 1- 1 ft linn me in ymn mood scotts emulsion of mil imi oil yith hvlupliotihil iflh liit foodnuitn ol ittm youi strunih linlv jour i orror will tott ymi lliit ihiunows also tint wluii the iliesthm is uiik u is bittil to 11 1 lie njii ml iivit oil out of tin hriily thlll to huiilrn yolii tuid digestion uli it biotts klllulmull dncsrintr l usllcrflr out burdock blood cz bittern curka dyspepsia bad blood constipation kidney troubles headache biliousness oeath fhom heart paicotte thnt mlgtit hav uoon avoldnd by tho uan of dr annows cure for tho honrt u irompno is iii llrst iiinlnl in nil cssnn of siobuuib a 1 taicelall in lnrtrl illaeam minnies tiiy ineiu iviryftilui tho 11 in ul nil utivo tnndli luo tuny iiiian ill hiving of lift miito thu u tit lluil imaing iii knur um imply ii iu 1i1 alfi lo lake iu umru otig iit viriuo or dr agnr lire fur lb- hinrt is that it giuis roluf alniusl immoilisldy whrtlur i bo osan 1 11 that of nrginiit or nj in atlii lin hrnrl dim imi tho iiiimornus tuslimonlaln rccmvi i h llti prnprfetar of thti metttclnobriirt mitronjfbst trsilmouy lo this fact i wn d nut havo been alive to day hail it nut hi u fnr our inedicinu ia the cheerjfng rofr 11 of a rgn procenlnga of tla lettcm rercn i by thn propria tor nf llimrrtmdt sold h 1 v kmmawiu nillnl i01 ninholb timnkln 1 irii 11 ll lovu petfeolelh it but wxiilrn bvn or tuptolh and oitibiblh ll it t um how to lire llendwrln hlini pihplu luffjr untold misery day nflur a u lib ilradnchn 1 norq is rit nuither day or night until tho nerve are all uoslriing the catiee i generally disordrrtd stomach and a euro can b ellccud by uing lnr niolec s vegetable i ills containing mali drakoand liandehuu mr unlay werk lynaundor i q vtrilis 1 mid iar molrc 1illa a first claim arlhlo for bilious hoadiichu tho sweetest honey in loathnaumn 111 its own lolioiiiusnos ami in thn taste con fonnda tho appetite bhakapearp ilagyard perioral italsam cures oulia uldn asthma droncliiti and u throat and j ung 1 roubles tho decline of hluraturo indicate m10 decline of a nation the two keep pnen in their downward tentleiiey toethc itickles anil ousllmplivo kprup stauda at iho hnad of the llat for all disenaer of llio throat nnd luiiga it acts lllto 111 n lc in breaking up a cold a 1 1114b 1 noon siibduli tlghtnea of tha t lies i relieved even iho wornl r of lluvod while 111 rocout oiw it never lu fsd it is a m 111 fnmi the active pnuciple several mrdicinsl horb a dapuiided ilpuu lor nil pulu upli bs sa 1 prtpjr ills docrorwiidfiscod 1 tfttclcal5ll3 svip sg iriair i seem to have tried f overyhiirio- and am in dcgpair 1 whmraftury besrrhinjis ralmotar soa r f3 splendid for wishing v ie heid ilprweit5 dryness i tl j5 puf5 aa ead to dandruff j freshens the hsir mcely 35 f0h uace tablet 1 bey who apeak ill ol oleum do ao most aa llio aiinst nay of jir hou mode aud candid tb arc aro yon a aullerur with com ii aru ot a buttle uf llulluway a cum it i 1 lo is 1 11i ioollier a huuilrnd or iwu iik h h over aeuaible iho may tx an i ton 1111 tnry likely lo han a mob jolinmn higtia ol worm aro variable nulr itching al the ntiao ole dr iuv a uriu hyrup is tho beat warm eipolkr iho bro o laud fntlttih to h in habitant ol llio glnu hi lb t vein of itr tltiun mighl be aut dim 11 al twenty ihrce and a half acres agitation in tho world of huum pathio medicine has been its very nuul uf prognss ss iu millies and religion thu difficulties of iipiniuii sud tho individvality of muii hate been parent to thu diaagreemuula by which lliu standard of thoao bod it b bavo been clavated ho willi moat of our funiuun preparalium fortimont in illmlrulioit uf which truth alauda tho world lauiuua romody to koutral tlibilily and languor quinuio wine and whult when ob taiitod in itsguuulua atrunglb i a niiraul uus creator ufappellu vilalily and utimii lant tu thu general fertility ul tin ayaleui julinuo wine and ha improvement hu from tho llrst discovery of thu great tirtuca of quiiiiiid as a itiodllul agout be no of tho moat thoroughly tlm imurd loiuiilies ovur oil rod ul iho publn ll is oun o the kruat tuuuaand natural lifr lauts which the uu heal irolianu imve heuu coiupolled hi rnrukn an 1 pro rbo meiwra nurlhrop t lyman ot loroul havo h lo tho prhralln of uieli pmi ionium wino the k urn dun 1 u iuiurlaii n and tin standard 1 tiallutn ol tho article wlnub they oltnr to hie pihln conies hill tha niarkol pureed of all llio dofei ta which skilful obsorvaliuii and ailcu tiftr niuitotna ihiintootoiit lu in hrfecl prepuralion of ut psi1 ml lriigiata hhiluh a c111 wll uum your uufc liovor faila hll b i kanuawln ul lor hlidhal phtachlh and ilalhth hov liiun b wmiiuinibu huilui bl mallliuw a h pi old pn i lihiiui arid hrlni ipul tit mutt haw a put lah llauiiltou out ii i u wkiui j ii ilia hoarts of hla i mil al 11 i bo law1ltlifil pamor iol for ibe work bu has done fur tho uluurcu ol hamilton as principal uf hi iulnw a pariah school aa ho haa aoiit turth his ludunino thn ugli churili and cbod a 1 bo exlomla lu a wider way iiik go i proporiu of that wonderful niodiciue dr aguew a i stall ii al iuwdjr by ulliiijt the jiooplo of uiada how much ln htlpcd him l ta aoiuethinjt utiiuuu 111 thia ilojmii that aocufos favor wliitoxr ll la kuuwn and which juat now la mktn a boat 1 i irlniiu bocauso uf iho irrtalu rollvf it tltoa in oases of bay fevur a trouble that slltllla many at this loanon uf tho year aa a euro fur catarrhal trouble it him no eiual hold by druggists hamplu buulu and wowsy rtnl oirtoofllllnf twolhrox ill tainx h 0 uolchuii ii church strict a i ioroiilo hold by j hsuuaw 111 shiloh8 vitalizer mrs t aih ve ittobgit i cost used fol to kbtp voung tf avoid dyspninda j ilay with thn rhildrtll hhnii lie piohlnn novg 1 itnu t luitali lire gray bat re niivor diiri t your t iiuitloiih riko iioriiht for mipplbnih ullivale mi rnipiraoual hobby ntir in i nil op wllliout llnliliid u up dviltiiii lo thiuvuf uriif iia nhlifrly don i full vrdjply 111 luvo ut til vuil imvn hem nli d lo do mi jiavi r unvifr tit vi r drrlinn lo d any thiuu nil iho ground of ailviuilng iar- an i iicur mmr novtr my in yuuaelf i full to oik n llul rim tun old in nnw dont utiruh 7r wrinkles maanago uur fnco nnd liisl to that and irovhlouce lo kenp il nmo ill 1 iwim i in lb i blimn o b rt poll of ih bruiih ihroiigh thn r uppln 1 ili it i buttle ol dt yl aluriliil i omlir diftoum thin hindi r tit or i he surlai o of tho iibmbi paaaag h 1itiil s und dolightful in iiho it reliovra iiiataltll mid ii niimieiitly surra alarrh hay i ur old lliaiinilu huro i hroat toumlitib nnd idafnihh 10 cents al j v kauuatvln iho luilmi1 manhood rcailei inn not in uuro jiiulkol it tthonth- wn t b 11 at 1 dlbkbi uutorla hu thnt awells 111 prosperity will io sure lo link in advcrit ollnn itilllllllie sure urril di ah hum i was troubled with runh ing aoros on m facu wbioli ualhing could cum up to the turn i tried iturdock blood llitlom but alter taking two ixitlleh my ran nm cmnphuly cured and it ltd my limb clttin sndhouiid a hi irurlii j7 woolaley hi toronto ih npi in die ribuoi foil twenty bix years dunns baking powder the cooks best friend largest sale in canada shaws cattle spier sh ww ciikiiiiiiii jliwiliin all patent ta e d i c i in es 1 shaws druc store rockwood u11au t shaw mur funk wacnallk- standard dictionary illfc ul3t bor all puup03sli ll ia llio latent and moat complete t ontmiii wu wiml mail iiiijiimh i to any ullir llellniiary r ulllbl tlr than rluhui won sailut lit iu imahiuu- tiiiu 317 hhclallala ami 1 illloni wore iil1 111 ll iarnlluu lln definitions aro olear and exact i romluil mlhie il now rk hui soriual iu eiymologloa are bound caitorla for infante and children 1 mothers po you know 11 a ff i mpini drnja aodfrajr oardlal many sooaued suothtns turnips and moat nunedloa far children ire cumiani uf opium or niorphlna t po toe it www lliatorfiininrnl murpliuie ore tutylng narcotic poisons i pp yerw kvhw tluit in iixwl cuuiitrlds ilmnilsts are nut permitted to soil narcotic sdthout lalnllns tbein iiini r to ton knrnr tlial roo rhoul i not p nnl nnr mndlclan to bo sivtm your chlkl unions you nr yuur plijah ian litrnr ut wluil ll ii iiinipnanl r dp yew know ilint utorla it 1 jmmlr vegololilo prepnrntlnu and that a list of r its iturjeillniini la pubtlidnol v itb 1 n rt lmltlii r po tow km ww tjmt mrutah u tlsi nrnmrirnlon nt mi rnmnu dr nmnel pllflwt that it lias been in use fur rmarly thirty years and thnt mum casturla 1 now sold than ut all other remedies fur clilldron smblool t j po van kwow int uin lslnnt oftlon department nf llu on i lad rial and of other countries ham iastied osrluwve right to dr 1ltchar and bu asatgris to use the word gsuitovla and lln f urtuuta n tliat to imitate therri i a stata prison offense i po yon know hint 01m nf uiosaaaona inr graallng thia goonunenl protoodon was bncauno uitorla liml isien pnn 11 to bo absolutely havrmlet po yoti knir ihat 36 nvsrag duacs ut lasturu fra furnished for 3 esmta or one cent a dose t m po yon kturer dial when pnsaeane of ibbi parfect praparauui your chlkuan doay be kept well and that yn 1 may have uabrukon rest f ivsjl thwsa thlsiks era worth knowing they are casta railway time table crqnci trunk railway u it i iv 1 i 1 oimi rst i nrr- t 01 l1i tllll iaaaiinr 7 o uf mliol hi 11 1 ex i rtilk slnll 7 tlnr mi l- thia hunt 11 ll ri sovolilbir tktli im i only till 11 lam- 1 ft in t 1 rail tlia faoslwitlp wrapst atrrwatnrn of children cry for pitchers castorla- rr vs4vs sss what are you wearing s on youtvfeet this weather i 1 iilic is stlc m footcar as there is in hats each year the granby a kumk is ami overstitxi are modelled to fit all the fashionable shapes 3 e if itoots lhey are thin so as to prevent clumsy appearance and fl c feeling and to make th in su net evsilates the use of the finest quality of 2 rubur while dranhy rubbers and overshoes are up to date in f gstjlc fit and iinish they retain their old enduring quality iqranby rujbbers wear nice iron wood 1 vood encravinc photo engraving jljonlso why ills a oovernniont auuiorld it i in uhi 111 11 th iirt xi iii traliuuu 4iiu in 1 rntiula lir t it an 1 aiiikt l i01111 i la olioro ihu moul highly coiillueiidod taa ttiprfairisrit nil 111 hill it lirmtrt ul couiudiract to the liadinfc taller and turulahci ut our suits hata and caps and purnlahinga l the aiore overv hut 1 id the beat and uptodate bulls over ukln and 1 rowsor mado horo have a diatinot individuality of their own bciiik wrfect iu hlylo bit aud workmanship bpecial induoemeuu during january lu all linos we kuarauteo perfect satisfaction to all dine aud inspect our stock r e nelson t iili uid 1 urniihcr liulillll nehr firm new stock new prices but old management 1 he 1111 lilit buainraa in aliou so loii under the uiua ut jubu n 1 hon haa been dli iiitiiiund but the old business will noon under the new nauie j a speight co u 11 aomo rea thero will l deckloil chautcea lu thn u n de rt it king department ltla wl bo moat noticeable owiu to tho hard times we are outtitik the pnoos in all hues uf ooluiis raskots sid furuiibin aud will supply the whole uut 111 at aujf reasonable offer you may make we have ao oonneotlou with iviy undertukera combine and tjovorn our own price b iil urmture ill ilihjkse uf at a fu rnitu re irhibs fair llvllik prod buggy st whgon 2ea sjii inauiior and al prices perhaps a little lowest lloiiih under tor auiall ehinw in crr ln on our business we osu cerlaiuly sal it very low prim in the u ndrrlhni ospoalally wo can do ihl aud ive entire j abpeightco 1 t bilawkirrtrhattnnoogntonn arorai fiaoohs vuattiar hav tilt my ltftl t muurutlrcmuttvfwaatliatlattlmmirm truublo it oxoola llydpcnnla l prior tacl iivor or kkiuuy lohsyvcatarrh remeay rtils injoctor for 111 inmlabod i c lb in araaoktoor ituuruuu hrall 111 mr llrll 1 iful tnndncnt js ulliiti s uiodlu k bull ixlikll il in hi ulkllr lr atuew a urn fur lln lltarl kites uarfoct ruliof 111 al uaaua ol uta i or hyithotlu lloarl ilimaae lu iii iiiinillim and speo lily rfloi t a umo ll ia a ptcrha rente i y for lalhtalni hliortneaa of itroall uiiiilhoriiik srll ln in it fl si le aud all y nilni nf a liaoao i hoart aum t sbs h fay if- v tta tiambilui is the uhild uf avaik but hit areut uf prwlinahly ultou lrt the heal 1 ho public are too iotolitkout to puichuu a worthless attiolo a second time on the ontrarv ifpy want ifcw lt t lmy j 1 ll 1 ss took i llcsl i 1st illl iiu1 i tl iltt s ilh 111 ull sil iiuifit tuicd skasos ltttto w 11111 niuruliim lliibal rona for ibolrllberal in oil wo wish in 1 11 1111 tbslonh sash doors etc framostot all kinds 1 our iuruhf r dressed w bile on aj irlretl 5u per 11 pumps molnfl bettor able than heretofore wo will supply oithor wood or iron puuitis promptly all work guaranteed satisfactory 1 1 110 fall aud lnapeel beforo purekbrin elaewhero tnonedbace hnnajrer 4cton a molarei dentist 243 vessasjiottoino trstrflasollobct of teeth for i dr woods norway pine syrup rich ut the lanshealuir virtue of tho pins combined with ths soothlns and eaprcuwant opertlea of other pectoral barb and barks a perfect curb foh coughs and golds hoarscosis aithrn drone hit 1 sore throat cvopan4n throat bronchial and lung diseases obatlnstc courts which mist other lemedte yield promptly to this plassaot ptny tyrop pxica jtoc a to doc fun aamxt the perfect tea monsoon tea nwrav tn im ihi imoslo rnou tmi j punt to thk tk cu in its native aonitv njrrtlieauncr moo oss teat pjkkrj n mrfbof tfci 1 ttnl nh- it tar vrr fresh iciicm hii in omnu tluilh mn ll perfect tea jt 4d at the mat prc ll p m jlh an r of k th ilknj tli dl 4uc lsi aa1 6uc stf1 1 m ih 6 o mad i j km si tl tu14 i iii- best cheapest proaty ylir presses c 1ini r pilv lor iiil ludnii pnntiij tlict is uil itotitj it is liyhi in toiihiiuttion lis lunniii rtulil undci stood in dtcus prts and dots suprrior work virtually unanlrttuua in koutls ttnuliiuu ullit ut form ot t luer oil the tact thatovoiy press tl pani lor lu cash enables ihujinanufaoturors toasll llio 1routy at tory low prices there are no losses you oau ur range to have troubt and duty proaidaiid save nil bother of importation send at onte for catilojutband prices to u p hqokk acton ont sole agent for canada 01 10 walker co manufacturers madison wis most successful remedy for man ok bbabt owtala lu lutffnttml amr ulman lendallsspmincurl i hob laoaraaaajl oiv 11l fifc at s i dr m j kkkiuoo i lirmr slit itnui wnl h im n vnr tlnran pvi sne oensa t nivauiai tt aatorvooi kmdall nbtid cur wlih utxm u a i nnllrlna i iwcibd a bn lll gad i u oshlt rsatla and n bituaa outw bar i j kacvabutlladaluumlalldiauaba p kendalls spavin cure ratus mk iir i st lir d j ktitntx iv nrr 1 u ul mal i iiw t rr krhtatn tun alia wub wi i hiw urs 1114 el tj lihd m 11- kralb l- rma4 ll mlij wl tiianakn an uwul ukaaud ilk r 1 it it 1 i llulllt ir fl j uxiiuiuenil awt an bnoat onln loll write lo ii ian sv il im have bad naartrnflr rear aipshotxw id tha naiont bualnosa cuuinsnlv ttama btrlotlr eunmential a llaadlmtek ol lib fimaiatloa onaoeruins patsoia an1 bi lr lain tbaei amrrws ala tost and duine boos mat too laluiu taaon i u roust huon a on reoeirn apefsaluolteolntlia helraltao asmerlhh ai 4 thus sre twousut wldslr bsrnn ttta ihiiii iti nail onat to tbs invonlorsfihib plrmll im laaiwdsrswhlrsleaalillrutblrstakaa1riirtl btntou etroulatkal ot aar scloutloe work in ll pus twa wiisisi limidlna luluobmitlllr ujuanar rnlo tplc jj caaiia kvltt number eunln n b copies lirui pi ilors snd phnlnwnipla or i ciialluis milmura lo rtisa tli hi nj a stub plana eiablius twlmui laloal ilralcwanil aeuro vwiilrarta uunn a ihom voiik jui uk jui 111 t uul liuinr a u auu in um hjr dnusuta i j z -a- sk aj iasi- 1-m- lufl

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