Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1896, p. 2

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t rt nrrii oiimjnihtkiii raitytaffij itxufihnhomtit aeion on tuesday 11th rtil ni ry llnmiff of jfolm a iorfd mfahttthli i rdlt fallier nil wed iiy llnv jim llnugli easliiod fly idly t amy mr jmirtln onnlnu in lialmlla daughter of will la in hitching fan ajl of naasganya jrtrrx alhle homo in ilnltovlllc on holiday ithh tebruary ltev wellington jeftore fed iloloitron tuesday krili llh at hu real iniirn toronto jnlin llolgatr fouierly ol artim in hlahlat year iiv at lualph on hnnday tith february john thntnaa lflv lain or tha pelinaraton tki aunim agwltu rears n ffbe ttaa jfro rxss thursday tlbruaky 11 ibofi notes and comments lbe speech from tha throne which wai rrad at die opening of the imperil peril a me nl tuesday made no rafarrnra what ever to the subject of arbitration of the voucxuele dispute tha monro doctrine n entirely ignored tha leading newspapers of lindon eog reproduced tho epeeoaee made in lbe dora in ton parliament on wednesday in support of mr nellls resolution attesting canadas loyally to kogleod and pav inbuta to tha patriotism end dignity display ad by tha speakers mr smith in tho united slates ben a to on monday wild that ha wu oppoaed to any furthar action at prevent in conneatii with venezuela the monroe doo trine had been proclaimed with no uncertain aonud a commission had boon appointed- and that ha thought m aa far aa coogrees boo id jo at preei in the dominion qoux of common a mnnh m- mini prohibitory mnhntl convention of atlon was hold in anton xsn recently drgidml that it waa dcairnhln to hold the neat ooifvenlion here and accord lngly tho convention will opon in tlio iuullo boltool thio morning our citiaens not only welcome tlin lteacnare of tho children iu uut oonnty tn aoton but to their homoa t ho local 6omvrttmj wu jottrrt k vory hearty raooptlon in then canvass and ampin homoa are opened for the accomodation of the mo en bar a of tha association during ihrlr at ay aoton a hospitality la always forth corrjiug upon occasions of tlila ohsrtolor tha ft rat session of i he oonventlon will open at 10 o clock with 3 ii bradley 1resldont in tho chair ilia morning will bo devoted to root i no busoes appointing committees and tho tirat of a sorioa of highly interesting topic an adtiroaa qn geography will be given by c mosos 1 8 i of haldlmind county followed with djacoiuiou led by mr dale anil mlea ulaoh i napoo tor moses opena tho programme of tho afternoon aeaaion withe paper on discipline mlaa gordon and mr liie oorobo will lead the iuouaaion on thia topic mlaa hprott will then give an oaaay on a aeleoled anbieot j a mclellan m a l l d prinoipal of the bahool of pedanotty toronto will follow with a erica of illustrative leaaona on litora tnn the aabaeqaent daotiaion will be lod by mr 01 board and mlaa uutt of oeorretown high bahool lthioal tcaohlnu wi bo treated by inepeator moeoa whose addnsa will ho followed with dlaoueaion led by mr norton and mlea malbail the aeaaion ihla eveninn will be held in the lowh iall the programme la oalaul ated to appeal more to the general social and literary aide of human nature than the more technical aharaoter of the day cbulona there well be a diveraihod pro- tqeachers assb holton county tonohorn moot in annual convention in t i aoton to-dny- the town w tf t c owebth kml it la a gool many yoafa aloo ilio annual m the gollikriora uoll he tetdrd tq rat- unlay f alia vebruery carried itoso ifivvilt thorn in amuhltig oiaeit lially wrong in tliiti lax oolhtallngmatter it ia corlaihly unfair in the many trati- paypra who promptly pay ihulr laii in hoptnmbor and now mbcr fur nhera to wait iintlli linllayj i anr in fmr nf cotmt ltaolioriyawuj r rr miaalffor no prtjuipi pert iilngn h flir prompt pivininl 1 hn men i bar a grnnrally favnrrd nunh an rronnrinniit uunilndj iirnrdnt niu n in k the i ditor3 table ian maouran h uoohh have been liavink omli rfnl ealn in anada already 1 hof llaidt tho llonnlo hrlr ifiuoo diuli hawi in in aoid i hh atory klo urnrnu lyuiim in the february tinlkin vuun ir it will be an illtiatratod driimtoohty love atory and ebould tiicrmto i ho auljaortplinn of our national mtaiin by aevrial ihouaaiula of namcb hiioll uiiturpriad on uin part of a a nail inn iuhhuuti to havnavi r hatorn item notlmtd 1 urtlihf win fii- ml i rr for pabrtiary 1m hi toronto win brlnga irico 82 00 n ynar l 00 u r en montha ainlo numlkir 20 ofnto bo vera of the artiolru in hut tiuinlxr am of apcolal and timely intnrunt an die pictnrrxjna aspect nf ommijl and ha wnmlorful mountain railway with a map of the dlaputrd lerrf torv bntiaii a key of hmpirn inlhe levant aud i tod hen with nameroua ennravin and diaauaaion with map of recent kouth african affaire principal o rant paya aialotiien tribute to tha u k loyal lata founders of upper canada pr iloao contrlbulea a grapbio aketch with enitravlnua of pr til ao kay a miaaion work in kormoaa and many other in to real log feature arn inqludod dr rhomaa w hoadr a well known praoticinit phyaiolan of niagara falla out died at lna home monday aed 1 1 he iiiaiirreolinn ncainat japaneae rule in the i aland of pornxiaa laaprradlnn ten thounaud rrbela are reporlwl to be in the field new yovu dlbiribl altotnbymiluwb llli on loraed tho patmta whmli will diamina tin indictment upon whioh llraatoa wimn waa held and convicted of having forud tho aikiiaturo of 1 w fiullinger to ohiuo for fivo ihouaand dollara a farmers advice firig s7ucoke kvrry dollars wortli of sto k to lc cleared out prem ises to he remodeled work to le beuji is soon asthe last ol the goods disappear the greatest jncrchandising qvc r known in guelph goods selling at uic rate of 1000 per daj and every thousand dollars worth two street cars all slop at the tifi sale j- d williamson a co wyndharn and macdonnell streets qjelph 1- free f free i legant german i olding h ui niliut rcc at gurneys buying a certain uanlil of dry goodt and groceries we will gnc you jour ukjilc o tl c following centre tablos stylon rocking chairs dlfforent stylos istas it bjr cliance there is no such thing as chance in the building up of a reputation of a business orofa life work it was not by chance that we reach ed the proud ppsitiorf wc occupy today of being the leading business house of the beht city of tle furthest west wcobtaincd this position by steady and persistent application to our business by being always on hand attending to and finding out the wants of our customers by ooking only lor what we have earned by impressing the public with the full confidence that their interests are safe in our hands by treating our confreres as well as our customers with courtesy and consideration never trying to trip them up o belittle their efforts by recognizing the fact that this earth was not made for us alone and if in the past with the resources then at our disposal we could command such a large share of your confidence and patronage how much more so in the future with such largely increased facilities the stock is being cleared fast we are not sticking at prices on the goods wc want to move we hope to open the new store with an almost completely new stock there is no house in the city where a ten dollar bill will buy so much good goods as at a newau8ltte3s ctionjtcmt viano in town for camtt j 4 a p symon mm bocortto block mm1 stroot actor 1 ooiiu rl 111 n hccorw 1uim1i a full hatidware tin and ouanite warb nsweixeny silverware patent medicines ictlti i rlcta klirak j a p symon ilfto aubfrtifitimnur oh a in wanted qfavivh olitaliiihl an oaten lod inuq f the jl art tot sreln warotitmian i am nrftiianxl lo nay th lllulia t caali prlooa for all sin u f drain dollrsrod at iho warlumio al the t ii atatlnn i 11acdougai u work k0r linkmen tllu hull tolopltuno company wool 1 im ulad of all tlin ozimirlaiiroil talcqtapli or ulaiihoua llnatnaii oioyoan ut bold ol ut no to work fil toronto for a few waha apptloallou houlil bo made at onoa al 37 temperance ijl torouto st lambert jeiscy bull for servi or for sale this unriaraiffdod haa lor sarvoa at lila itabla on ualn ktroot a tlmrouuhbrrj iwdiiireod hl i anilort jnraay hull tbla alio animal la alio iftnrrd for aalo 11 i ii a kit i h aoton aj hi mtil ifios lmk ouelph businbss collbgb ajd- shorthknd institutb e o waa reached but the mover wae not ready to proceed with it an agreement reaohed between tho leaders to the effect that hereafter when motiona ara raachod and not prooeedod with tbey eball be drop ped from the order paper provincial parliament saaalon opened on tuesday out- llne of speiach from tha thron torovto feb u hia honor lieut kirkpilnck opened the aooond i of the elxhth parliament of th ontario lrgialatare yesterday in the speech from the throne two matters of imperial oonoern ate referred to the lamented death of prince henry of batten berg and the controversy between the reprrsenlativen of great britain and the united slates over venezuela la re gard to the latter tjuosiion the general feel log of canadians it ia staled la that our interests are inaeparable from thoae of great britain and that friendly rolalioni with the united stales are earneatty to be deaired alluaiou ia made to the fact thai though the prices of farm produoe are low farmers are doiim all io their power to meet advei oondi ions by the study or now raetboda the agricultural aaaootatiooa aided by the legislature are flooriahinr tha pioneer farm in western algoroe promises to be a success the lumber industry con he depreaaed bqt there is activity id mining operation among the measures that are to be sub milted are billa reducing the number of mambera of county councils revising i oouolidaiing the educational lawa of the pmviuoe increasing the uaetalneaa of the county coo r la improving the agriculture aud arte acl and extending the proviaiona of the mechanics lien laws preparations will be made for deoennial revioion and consolidation of the atatutea two que tlous relating to tbe liquor train 0 are now before the oooru the privy council baa not yet blven its decision io reward to pro vincial prohibition la another tost case judgement haa bean riven la favor of the right of tbe provlnoe to impose lioenao fees upon brewers and distillers aud tbe latter have appealed to the privy con noil canadian press association gramme consisting of music reoltaiii etc but the most intarustinii feature will be dr mclellau a lecture on moral udooation throuph the btudy of liter atom friday morning will np n with tho roll call report a of committees and the election of offloers mr william houaton m a dirtolorof institutes will then itivo an address on grammar its scope methods and relation to other subjects the d uaaion to be directed by mr t t mooro and dr lush miss bertha harriaon will read an eaiay before the convention on the teacher a ideal tha aloslnff sesaion of tho convention will be taken up with an address on literature by mr houston of toronto anoassy by mlaa l j white on the teacher as a character builder to be followed by discussion lod by miseca fiowee and nelson and a third addreua by mr houston on literature baaing hia remarks upon hogg a bkylark and worda worth a bkylark aa found in the fourth reader 9ha oonventlon throughout will havo peculiar interest to all teaohers in tho county who are in to mated iu their profea- aioo to permit all to attend fcll the public aoboola tn the county will be closed to day and to morrow tha executive of the association it very cordial in iia invitation to all frionda of education to attend the oouvention school trustees are invited to take part in the discussions the association i ofuoerod aa allow preaideut j ii bradley kilbride oe prea miai j a baatodo nerval beore lary j h lie id morion 1 reaanrer j b deacon p b i mllum r oouiivo com mittre miaa gordon uannookburu and messrs t t moore aoton r arttoy georketown and shortill nerval the council at work he tells the people toshun imitations ho had boon irr poaad upon by una crupuloui i dealer with tho rem jl t that 1 it nuarly cost thjo llfo of a lov od member of his fm ity secretary ironing boards stop ladders book stands and dining room chalic our 5c bilks arc a won ji seasonablegoods at frank dowler huij iraotl rlor facllltloa provided for ttiorourfti and al tullluii in coimnorelal and hburtbaud f liiatmotlcii individual tuluoo no j sharp principal ghl i cash s i oul cuelph notice n th llcanae bylaw deferred until next retrulnr mootlntf moi uatimeetlnslarirely attend- lthe programme good one the thirty seventh anneal session of the canadian prase association met io tbe parliament buildings at toronu last thursday and friday tha attend an oe waa large and tbe ezoellsnl programme faithfully carried out and with much interest to the members of lbs craft the officers for the nurreul year were elected as fullowa president 1 b brier ly juuruai bt tbomaa ural vice preai dam j b mclean canah o racer tor onto seoond vice preaidenl it holmes jvrio am jlnton becreury rreasorer john a cooper catitlta aayatmc tor onto aselatant beers lary j e atkinson ola torouto auditor j a mckay tittvrxi windaor aud 1 a bellamy hun lu british idiuir trip an oscuraioi proposed as a a news of the dav the miaaaananda hutchiuaou of chatham waa fatally burned in lighting a lamp mr o w boss ontario minis tar of tdpoatlon preeidod at a publla meeting held monday night in bt george a hall toronto in oonuccilon with tho canadian hiatorioal hahibitiou of 1h07 tbe oflicial raturna of the bye eleolloo in capo breton t ounty were iisurd mouday tbe vote was as follows uir bar lea tupprr b 1u7 mr geo h murray s017 majority f r hir harlea tupwr 7 ho an nnkmiwu ducaw haa carried off n peraoua in tbe vioiuky of provideoce n w t wilbina few wevka the y inploiue are sore tbriat and swelling of tha lower limbs and death occurs in about four da a hon mr montague who has neon to new york to consult a specialist returned to ottawa monday ii la imperative to re gain bis health that be eboold take an ebaolut rast from lbs duties of bla ofdoe another triumph for tho canadian ben aud in r rogany has been scored ihe toene being this rime laid in new york and tbe agga of uoqraa iu canada tha silva otip offered for ihe best oooction of any vansiy as wsll aa aeveral special prises afcra wen by canadian brawdare mr l h lund of luudy a lane is dead al the aga w 77 itire he waj a juslloe of the peace and waa the last aur vlvor of the family of tha lata tnomu luiidy and grandson of aff william tjdhrntromhefslnotnji grouud waaoamed the council met in regulai day evening there waa considerable altendauoo ol ciuaone and ex coanoitlors evidently antlci pating tbe introduction of the lioenao by for itfuo tbe matter waa however deferred until next meeting on the 24th ioat aud the evening was devoted to routine business reeve havill lu the chair and outioillora nicklin brown matthews and rreuois iu tbeir places tbe minutes of last inoatiug were read and confirmed lft a communication was received from dr r uren thanking the council for hir appoinstnenl aa medical health ofllocr bul stating that aa hu private dulioa oooupy his time quite fully ha declined tlio prof red position the committee uu air seoond report room of acoounta aa followa t t uoora poeiagb s i uo david mill auod 1 m a btaiiinuaou nook yoko i ml a i rouiauael glaaaoa ail t wl k i u tinll nlimtn niiu aal ii i uoora printing ao til 13 10 moved by j ii matttiawa aeotondenv uy william brown that the report of tho fiqanoe commiltoe juat read uo adopted carried moved by j ii maltbewa aeoutided hv wm brown lhat tho realgnatioii of or uren as medical health ohloer he acoapted carried tha rira oimiillloe waa orderc 1 lu spare a rollor franio to fai ilitalo llm removal of the are eugittn wlnln itiimitihl nioora a auuual rekrt ol the auditors waa o prcaauted iigpaymeitl it 1 1 by i a p couuoll at tha next mootiug moved by 1 trancia aecotidrd byvvoi brown that bouda be oreparcd by the ol lector in two auceoca or clue i liouaand dollars each and that tha muuioipaj officer a bond be the veraa aa- laat year carried tha chief of the fire jmpu apphl for a room iu whioh to hold their meetings the town hall oommltlro will conaidcr the matter tba matter of pawing a by law lu lag all doga id lbs municipality was diacueeed tbe members all expressed themaelvoa favorable to the introduction of such a by law tbs olsrk was instructed to prepare k tiff bftgw the chairman of ths committee on b treat and walka suggested tiat ihe members of the count ii attend tha good i load coo van i ion at uoorgotowo ou wud needay 10th last the taut collector asked ihsl ths time for the return of tha collector a lloll beexteud ed m lew da a roportor of the sriilmrl recently drop ped into tho victoria hotel looking for general newa and to aoan the register for arrivals among lliooo proaent he notioed a well droattojt farmer aittutg reading a amall pamphlut iho re port of asked the landlord if there waa anything new and bung answered lu tho uogatlvo the farmer turned and addroaiwd him looking for dwa ch woll ail down and 1 ii give you aomeihlug worlh publishing the report er waa at once ou the ajorl and the farmer continued you aeo tins little book 1 hold iu my hand well the title of it ia r io pruo btorloa and there i more gooii sense lu it than in half of the philosophical works of tho day and it don t lay iu any of the stories either wall about a year ago i got hold of another little book on tilled four generations which 1 rca 1 carefully through and one very important thing i read iu it was beware of imilalluna juat a i roai in tnia little book njw i wiah lo allow how 1 havn boon taken in uojiv ed ami how 1 found it out and how near it oamo tu oalitig mo tho deareot member of my hutinohol woll td begin al tho begin ill uk m iiamo is shepherd bauks i reslda 111 miles from tho village of bristol carloton u n b aud am a woll tu do farmer 1 or several yeara my wife waa truublod with paiua in the back and woaknesa of tho klduuys about two ycats ago alio waa takoii very ill the iroublo taking tho force of an aoule rheu maliara wo ooneulled no lean tbau throe different doctors who however failed to help her 8 bo coutinuod lo grow weaker and weaker and iho pains alio oudurcd wure something lornblo hat ovor a year sha waa unable to do a single thing about the house and ahe hail full away in weigh i trom 1h0 lo iso kiuuda and wii despaired of her recover i happened lu notice lu ouo of the ncwajiapers a testimonial of a aimilarcure though the use of dr wit llama 1lnk pills 1 immediately gut a couple of boxes my wife taegan taking them and by the time ihe had lined these alio began to gain ujipetlte an i her pains were much eased aud we beiau to have groat lioiea of an ulumnlu went fur another supply of the lll i his lima i urchaand lliem in bulk pa lug 11 cents fur iix pills juol were taken i rum a large glass bo lie i uxik llioni home and my wife began itirlr uao kooii after alio buaii to grow worse again j the old pallia returned aevuiir than over wo all j j uxiliiiuril the uae of tho pills until about a third of them wore touo about ihla lime t got thttrarhtno fcimlrvmn my neighbors the book eiitihe1 rour lei or atloua lasuod tiy the llr williama modi qiue i on reading it it lid not lako me long to find out that the pills had ikiught 111 bulk were a f rail 1 aa dr williams pink 1 ills are mil sold iu bulk but iu bum with ibo trade mark uu iho wrapper i went tu the uuplxiar i and taking ilowu the box iii which the pll were threw it and lla lonlrlila lull the at ivi i llim went and iiiuoiiuhi a hall d icn u ma id the genuine 1 luk 1 ilia u i dot i tle hum my wlfo beali llielr u lliero w a e gurnoy jl go mill street aoton hoirt to win success oticp la horohy nlvon that an anplloatlou mails to the leg lata turn of tba rovluoo of ontario at tba neat aeaaion uiereof on behalf of tho trustees ajid congregation 01 knox cnunci asjom in oonnoction with the united presbyterian church of canada tor r vste have the goods 9 9 elegant nuk iipti uu 1 nv i j t t crepe j issue paper istting cards wall iapcr from t lit best american aim titan 1 something cr fine in yuilit shades and design all new cjoods hlsi uaht bottom inces c ome and set oui stink no tioubh to show jt l value tells eli tune inl g s7vitri only a little ad written in catchy style when trade waa very bad coal ome re to beguile only a utile space bought in toe local press meeting the reader face scoring a quick success i only a crowded store aa a result tho next jjv where ailanoe reign eof before now business haa full iway i only a rapid sale yielding a profit large hanging tbe merchant s tals at very trifling charge july a merchant glkd ostomers aatlaoed all though a little ad moit opportunely tried go then and do likewise if you wonld boom your uj skillfully advortiea and you a auoooea have made pnmter s ink no tukk itttsh mtlrmctive ad aeecaaary uccomptlmh tbe aocceats f in i lor try h fur three taoatbm i neoesaary and daaln for ohureb purposes and being a part of tha oeaterlv ball of lot uuuibar twenty eight in the aooond oonoesaiou of llif township of bsquea lag in tho county of kalian containing by admeasurement thirty tour nercliaa mora or less togotbar with ula balldicm and erections thereon or otherwise joal with the samo aa tboy may wish dated at ktlllou ihla loth january 1wm j w blliott hollcllor for appllranta valuablrb iropkrty tn acton fob sale rimik house aud lot on agtiaa street formarly 1 uccut led it llo owner ur cba- quittner la horeby oflamd for sals tba house ia a oom fortable rough oaat with woodshed anil titers la a good table on tha premise also two bulldlug lota ou lake avenue in builth uurvey taruia reasonable for parlloulare apply to l hphioht or wu iifuhtttkpt aetou a lion boil 17 hi imu rtugs and books wndham st ulili iii i a whter htsid smoke walker mcbean co georgetown in vvlllla modlu li ha i do age lay the ill are the ur publuh i tliu li unlit i ihe v g ultmed one that iho puhlui will for aoiue unnurupuluua lit parts of tbe oounly try u public by tranhy iiuili present tlio apiearaiitn plul pills huvwd by a h nicklin wounded by j u mautoews that the lime fur the return luuks is j to heed 1 dilfeielit try to imp me upon the imitations cob red to ratitn uf the yenuliie bin ian lwaa prill ol themaelvia by tmiarlng hi itllud lhal ilia genuino pills are numr aelil hy iiu doaou huiidredoi umi i hey are always put ui in uiaca aiuitnd which will be fuuud full dirculiiiiia for thrir use oie hole otiulusod in a ubrl itvarlng hie full trade tuarh dr w ill in link p ii ur pale pouple if uu want a in nl mi no that will cure all dlarases due lu pour ur watery blood ur ahatlemi uetjos ask fur the genuino 1iuk pills and tho nothing luiicti lluvu ull done llictt wtimt to itntim out mtitticcil oluck himith ittitl shneh at 11 10 i tn sutunluy niht tllu turtei 11 iho lion hlok mid tor ktvo ilonrr ht hlruunin ot wutor w n kurud into tlio iniiuitn und ttiunkrt to the noblo hcroeh tio rtxhiritu 11 hghtino iho hru liund wk havki tlik stock but not without mm h litmuije witter ant hmoke have huuu our w orbt tiiiomluh purtleulai it watt 1 wu lluvu iii 111 u 11 mituafu4 bij nutlkmoil with thu lu com puny und 011 saturday jan iltii wu ik gun a maimoth halk ol ltaiuaod qoods oon bis ting of rubbor oooda of aul kind uui fancy slippers pell roots sox and rubbers- buppon readies pur shoos mooooalns long boots oil tan moccasins dents pino shoes trunks and vaiisea 011 nru lii o nuu oik ot the irunuut hluuhtui hulen ot l lo mi jihhih t tin i iho 1 itj ot juclph hurt ot r itiitfihed wx m 1 oat stock taking 8 1 is in full r wan dulii esxllcllieill in georgltown ue a 1 jule thia wonderful cut throat sale 1 1 is is without a doubt tlio greatest mono sa lntc i ii vvcr witnessed in the count set hauil hlln it if full pailliului ami iles a e are li 1 ng pttpk ctniu frtmi 13 tt io miles tc this oitat sale boots and shoes cublph further 1 btio f1rstclhss tjulor1nc w h adam8 huilarui k of svsry rt in uh latest styles blear year nf aw louee wiut eoute t the nw4 tailoring li a he ia prepared u turn nut dial aud at uiuettaaaonable irli dealer who ia looking fur tuayaaj a larger prujlt k many years id asiwrlouee wlut eoute ml the iw4 alluring limiaoa la canada aa wall aa balug lu busiuwai idiueujt lias otted lilui lor turuiag out suiwrlur and tatavaetary a caxl aolxoxtbo ul m kdkjxs i li hlook lkllil hale la i ol uusluuirra these dab lanatiuns are neeihxl than ll are reoelvlug on out boot prioee aid the number we are selllnft fiee our circular for prices that will astound yu millinery millinery never waa ihe mammoth house so dleer of job kf illiuery s al tba prseu time alt new belling for leaa prices than old ioery oau be bought lor elsamtwre ustsn a tl 73 hat or bon net for ooo wonderful value al walk bit mobtan a co b ocorgattwo tailoring it la xiisy to buy a oood butt of ulotbea las lor than ii waa twelve mouths ago why f because we have more 1 weeds than we care to take into atook ani to make a clearance we will bland tbs loaa if yon will take then away tweed bulu fo i10 0u worth 1j oti that a tbe reason wa are doing the tailor lug trade for miles around wbat a january offering in drk8i goods means ll means ibal all tboae pretty fabrics wblob yon gad otbtra admired an price dipped to half and isaa to lake then away it la a chance for tbe cheapeet blylisb gown you aver bad and can orrj be bad al walk kit mcbtasdico a georgetown m c k0ckw00 drug sroke sulohuf cattle ypice epsom salts condition powjoia very beat quality shaws drug store rocltwood about watches never were watches so well made as now and yet ever year there is some improve meut lu lime keeping qualities our grandfather s watch would not be iu it now watches are getting cheeper but people are gelling more particular a few minutes a day would satisfy tweuty years ago but now it must be only a few mt notes a month to please bo tbe makers and repairers have to be more particular with their wurk there are lota of cheap watch e a made and advertised which are really not worlh having aud are only a bill of oxpeuae my espertauoe la that ll does not pay eithor lo buy aetl nor adver tiao cheap watches 1 have enough wurk trying to make go those whiol have boeu sold by pedlers and thoae jowelera who thins that tho ouly way to get your custom la to sell oheap goods what we want is good juahty watches cheap not cheaply madewatobee as tbey are- only an eggreva- however it is uot ucoeaaary now a days to go to a high price if you will ouly be content with a good alokle case which ia practically aa good aa gold i have good new stem winders al bla light ten twelve aud tifieen dollars any of lliem i fully raooouiiieod aud i often bsve very good seoond band cues for four or five dollara and sometimes leaa you will find my prloet aa low as sny place wbeie tbey aell good watches q d prinqle watchmaker q uoiph bristotvs i pills i lure hiiioiimili sick head delu 1imj sluggish i tver ind all itnnnch lroubk- bristoias pilxts arc purely vegetable elegantly bug tr coatedj and do not jnpe or hickeo bristoivs pills tid- georcetown and toronto act gently but pi thoroughly the safest ftmily mcdieinc all druggists ktt bristoivs pills

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