Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1896, p. 2

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t r r lljvl v ymwiraf t i ausrv t r n nottn fntiieuat kilcn mills an wednesday mil inn the wir of ur joseph inger of sun am ttttmefi tot tiionrttow in lunfith on wednesday ulh february al dublin hi methodist par sonage by mr hellery vvederlck toot of leontntown u mlsa jns hlne thrimpsoii oi inuwillum i wuovln ksquoeing on haturday islli fsl rusry william john ablest son of andrew wllsin aged u years and months kitnuam at wjmn mleh 01 wsdnssday tohmfary i nth ura catharine troinkn slater of ura thoo cook at ton aged u years tiinitadjnr fiiidaiiy jo ihoo notes and comments dunnn the past year lpfi 130 emiifrants lekthe united kingdom nt whom 131000 weiil to ihaunited stales the dominion divided the balance with aulralis and bouth africa an enohanijc rays if the present ana ion of parliament mall ndan april 15 th did invocation bo teach at to nambaronr da a that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom la recommended for daily use by the lepialatora the publla account of the province of ontario have been broanbl down tbey hot a decrease in the eipsnditure which waa 3 75h d5 ii ai against t3 sj3 fi05 33 laal year and in inoreaae in the reoeipla whioh were 3 585 300 10 m against 3458 li 00 last ear halton te hold a most 8iacaaftl oonventloq in acton laat we actons hospitality enjoved the transvaal tjuestlon ia again assum in an uly aapeot and it la learned frqm an official source that the british war office soling under orders from the gov eminent haa made evary preparation to bond an array corpa of twenty tliouaand ease e sleuth a acton la a popular oouvonlion i own ami thoes who meet hero in their annual gatherings afe invariably delighted with the town with tlio interest manifested in their orflsnisilion and with the oinliitl lioepitality aooorded them thoao influmi oasoontrlbute largely to the suaoeae of the conventions an not a litllo in ilia good name ac ion enjoy abroad tim annual gathering of the members of the toaohora profusion in h1i1 oouotyhatloir toaoh era araooiallon laat thursday and kri dayywaa beaei with extremely auirmy ami diaatreaab1a weather and an almoat impaa aible blooadaof anow bat ifjoto drawback a did not deter a large number of leaoliora from aaaemblinr bitty four teaohera were in attandanoe the programme wan prao lloal helpful and intereatlng anil wn oon duotml anooeaafnlly throughnat the preeidajit air jii bradley opened the i rat aeaakon at 10 30 on thuraiiay morning after the nooemary routine boaiitoaa mr clarke momi p b i 1 ot haldimand county waa inlrotluced aa the aritepcaker and rave a valuable paper on geography what to uaoh he oontended ilia auujrot waa very poorly lauuht in our iublia hahoola owing ohiefly to the poor text book and to the preaatiro of examinettune teaobera ahonld have a very aloar idea of the aubjeot matter and of the order of presenting it to the pupils teachers abould try to abow to the pupila that all be forma of land and water and their vrranrement and the foroes aatinit an them reveal a divine plan pupils should begin the study of geography jnat aa aoon the child mind ia awakened o the beauties of nature the order of presantinit thla aubjoct ahould be as fotlowa 1 immediate hurroundinua j structural geography of the cilolm 3 blrnctural geourapby of the contin ents and hie foroea at work wiich affect 4- pilllinal gwnflrapy nj- an styling m aantonao wltldtla itlod forth considerable illsanadii miaijlerilia ilarhanti giv nj escullant eaaay ahowinit iha tru iiin1lty of tlio ittoal tcaohfr iiu mum liavu n tliarnijgtt knowledro df ohilil naturu help pupils lor thiuk fur thuiimiilvim mid hi lliojr en work it nixt bymprvlliinor an nhsny written l minn l i white on ilio luaulur a a t harautur lluililer was nad ixjforn llii cmiviiitvion great mpliniit itudoh upiu the reaportslliil ty of the tnanhrr na tlm dinintoriof tlio tlioiiuhlu of the pupil whirl hind to nrllona and liahilh mr lloiiiiuii wit agti 1 cnllul iipun to nluctdato ftta mnthol of rmotiinp tititraturo from a itodnjtniuil aftiidhiinl he basod his remarka on worflawortha and iiotfk a skyurk lie ulmwlxl that tlio dovolup moot of ibo inldlrol nuil nuiliona aocjirud etlijunl loaoliiiiu wiiiqii waa llie main idea iu litornturu l lm preuiil eould nut hut he krmllj imhu iii it d liy tliu nxovi ilnthly inalruetivn n i iruva it waa intensely prao ticl in evvry iltvlniim iireaonletl after an cilliiaiun of a vote of thanks to the hoard of lduoation ami uu goun ail of acton for tlio mo of the achool build ink aud town hall duriiif it aoihloni aec ondly lo the kindly rocuption accorded tlio leaoliora by the cttuina and lliirdlj to tttr moses mr lluitatnn ami jjr moiollaii for their valuabln aurviciia ilia coil vun lino ail journed the tuaclh rrt who had beun prea nnt dtpirlol for their humeh fiwimk tbat tlio ammat convention had hueu wrm ally profitable and mtirlblinu and oxpreai inn unuahltod ploaaiire at hid hoapltality aooorded lliem by the people of aoton dur ing their slay iti lown the bible society ort a bicycle tour a cuertoyman8 bxpcntencr with long hard nidinomil nr hnajtravr1lod fully oooo mllofl an hie- whaolho mnkon bomo f ruflootlons on ho uanoltn of fho sport and rohnoftlio dnnifnru jrnin tlm ii una n ifn- irhollov win i 1 lir tnrian aliuialer l whin loro whnwt pleturp wfi jive below will il he tiifam iliar hy bikiii to mnny readnra a o1ing man ho ban till lrtl m tuiill ipur idioe aa forclh in ionnrj titicln r oililnr leatitrnr 4ind pist r mint litin nivrn him a wide actjnaintancf in mny pnrta nf ilin eounlry id an intervii t a few ilnjn nju tin aaid in i ho early an tuner of 1 1 wenl upon a lour throuuh n pari of otifario 011 my wlil my rout- ivm from utlca to m vincent ihencn by atckitrer lo kuialon and from tlnro hioiik t itn north abort of tha lake 10 jnroitto and around to niagara alia i arrived al cupo indent at ii oolook havinu rid hut mnt h atroiik head wind all day 1 arinunl moetlna of aoto branch addronaod by rev r j ellolott burllnuton a very ititorolia ualhnrinh waa lliat of llie annual meeting of aoton or mi oh of llie upor atiuda hlbln hooit ty in knot hurnh iiihi wodncuday pvunln mr jamea i orron proal lent ououpied the chair ltuv j i howull m a road the bortptiirts and itev it ii 00k offered ut klmelni mr 1 ii after delightful aail throuuh tbouaaud lalanda i ak pped on ahnr that uatul old city of kington bow or had fallnii and the ulrcuu rmlrf a gnoffmaiiy mlloa dnrlng ilia roil or ilin anaaon but nover aday and nolilom a niilo without pain tffuuiiiuir came and 1 put away my wheel aaynirf now i shall nl well but to trryillaappolntmeut i krew worao boms lu h my knera altnoit forbade walking and my ankluu woiihl not permit mo wear iiouh at iimoa i suffered sovnfe lalmao vern aa to ninko atudy a praotl on impiiaaibilily yet it moat bu uudoratood that i potmoalod the cbuilitinu of affaira na far iil i rum ucik onal ihq trouble ikkbo to upreud alfihtty and my aminty increased louiiniiltnd two phyaioiana and followed their eaocilhiiit advlo but without reanll ho the whiter paused une day iu march i happened to lake in tny hand a nevta paper in whiah a good deal of apace waa taken hy all article in relation to or tvm maini pink pilla i did not at that timo know whnl they wnro auppoaad lo cure ahould hnvo paid no attention to nrtiule ha 1 i norcft uglit the namo ol a lady whom 1 know i toad 1 11 i found that ahn had lieeu groally beuenled by the ttas of pink pilla and knowing her aa i did i had no doubt ot tlio truth of tlio at ate me ihat ahe had authorised pjiu flral box was not gone before si a cbann and llie third had not been llmahod twforo all aigna of my rheumatic truublfu weru gonn lo atay i aay jono to ata for though there has b every op for it return of ibo trouhlr 1 have not felt the flrit twinge of it i havn wheeled lliouaanda of milei and never before with ao little discomfort i have had lomo ot the moat aovera teata of atrcngtb and onduranoc and have come through them without an tone for example ouo afternoon i rode aeveuly mil 09 preached that night and made fifty iniloa of iho hardest klhd ot road befoi noon tteil day anatbat ituuanoe waa century run the isat forty milea of which wore mad 11 in a downpour of ralu through mud and aluah you ahould think i would recommend thoui tn olhura w oil i have and h had tlio ploauure of aoeing very goxxl rosults in a numbur of luatancoh yea i should fuol that 1 waa neglecting a duty if i failed walker mcbean cq georgetown goods 15000 wanted in two months time to enable us to pay spot cash for spring and summer goods thats the way we save our cubtomers dollars upon dol lars we do in uptodate business cksh or produce thats the way we do business and people are realizing rjiore and more that it is- the proper and best way for every body 3000000 to go for 1500000 ariew business cinimpmtrimctttn j apsymon mro pooordn bib ok mju street acton hardware ti aji guanitk vvahh jjbwjhmeiit sivbnwanb patknt ice di ci neb j ajp 8ymon iucady madb olotbino v orfialf you ean pot uiam lu tlio oily carputb and oil oloth it 111 r rnicrn men 8 hatb and oapb what a rraud lluia tlioro will bo among those or tio uoit two monuii kvary one know wlmn walknr molloan inako a cut they meas wltat tliay ailvertlao drjc8b oood8 whora ran you not rueli a aelaetlon 7 nowhoro in ilaltoti county oaoopt at wai kttll uoilkana co a alilpmout of now droaa uooila for thla aala conio aatl aen uioin whether yon buy thorn or a for a now suit boots amd shoes yos we load uia county in lloou and khoee what they aall in toronto for fti wo every day lor sijo wa hav bwin obllnd to doable the dool and shoo department our traite la tucrwsalna ao wliieh wa uke uiia opportunlly of than king ear many irion dm and tialrotu for a firm la a friend to any ana thai can aava tttelr oualonaona4ollir or till no pair of fieta xbbertiistmrntc free ektertwn1ment town hall aoton one week i1y ihs kanota medicine co beat seals reserved for lidiea salesmen wanted s united hlaua hon a tor potligrew has prepared abillanthorjsing resident cleva land to have all the seal a on the pribylofj isundi kilted nnlesa the goropema govern menu agree to the terms of the united state for the preservation of sals if the united statoa oennotrbave all the gold en egg for herself the is determined to kill tha goose thai lays thorn if ail and the ontario legislature will at ha preaeot aeaslon in all probability provide for a redaction in the number of county councillor the government tiavinn prom land a measure with that object in view the number of grand jurora baa been reduced by one half and the province ia yearly a good deal of money in pocket whilo the publia interest hai not suffered in any respect the work of preparation for the britiab hmpire exposition canada s first great international exposition to bw held in montreal from mvy to october nzt la prouremsing rapidly and there is every indication that everything will be iti shape tor tin- opening on the queen s birthday the hipnaition idea ia being anlhoaiaauo ally taken hold of tbrooghont the country and the prospects are that montreal will be the mecca of hundreds of thousand of visitors daring tbs coming aamroer al ten minutes after one yesterday morn lug mr d henderson m p for this county concluded a strong apeeob in th houao of commons in advocacy of tlm national puhov ha oontended that protection ia the only policy under wbith tbe affairs of tha country can be auooeaafully carried on by means of some carefully prepared figures be showe4 tha immense advantage protection bad been to the farmer claiming that by tha national policy tha price of wheat in can ada had been increased and he argued thai the conservative policy so far from injuring the agricultural community had actually been been tnosl beneficial the debate in the british house of com inoua on the address in reply lo tha queen a speech will oloaa today according to tha pall malt otitic the dehaui on mr jones vsnesuola arbitration ameudmant will elioit from the ministers a declaration that there is a cordial entente with washington rjfauu lbs qrooadjtre to jm followed in deciding tbs olaims ot great britain tha trtmti says that cardinal oibboosof bsl umore and cardinal vaoghan of west m mater loudon have exchanged com nounicatione oononrring lo the opinion that international arbitration should be adopted i ha paper adds that the world will we i ooiue their common utterance as marking the solidarity of feeling on both sides of the allaullo 1 he now ontario that land o i iunuroer able lakes aud interlacing a i ream a of anctont ruoka stored with richest mine rail ul jamie lauds aud of vast forest wealth waa the topic of an admirable paper which waa rrad by mr archibald blue director oritto oljwio bureau or mibcakrapulilio gathering last week tbs slow growth of tbis religion in population mr blue aaid in bonulubioii is humbling to our pi ids at mstt uf ruurpriaing and prek race population and capital are thw twmthlugb needed and lio hold that ontario itself should send iho men aod the muoo to opeu up this rich heritage ougbjf not the pulley tu be that ws ourselves poo the uud and win llo wealth v were hi oniudlig words fbozhnto death jamas mo donald poatmfister at crlwff perished lapt week tho storm lliiiliu kt in j o- mellon id lmuln of rlrff township uf iua nh waa in hapelor on uonday uf latt wrek had auper al lbs house of mai otdui mciellampand lafl for boms between 7 aud h u uloch uu iho svemuk of thai day he waa wolkintt and waa laat aean a ahorj dlalnua froni the village solng towards 1uhicl noihiug wsa beard uf iilro aud eoaichiiiu parttea ware oritaniaed and kept up the search until yesterday afternoon whrii their eflurtb wars auoneaaful tbs body waa found u a field a boa i a mile wast of bis lioni it was almost completely oovctxt with tnow only one of his heels being visible iu had walked uearty sight milei- aud had d ubthzss heoome ahau4d at the bi whsre his body was found j a utrsihy ilauker of harris was ds ubsialely thot down si tbs door of his re aidenoa on tuesdsy morulnu by michael breuaaii an es holal reaper uraooan aur rendered himaelf to iba autboritirs and oonfsosnl the ahisillug blrstby died with iu an isdtir kvangallsts huntsr and croraley havs lafl ii all fa for bermuda t- i ifnf- commarcjal oeography ho outlined a limit table for ranh or the foar forms of our public actionla showing the aubjrflt mailer lo be taken up in each form aa well aa ha arrangement upon reassembling in tio afternoon in apeolor moses introiuced the subject of discipline he considered discipline to be the and of all true study all of man a powers mental moral or physical need culture or training in order that they may be stredfitbaned and receive tbe highest possible development the knowledge gained by a child daring school life was of little value when cjm pared with the syntcm- alio training received under the direction of a skiflad teacher in order thai papila abould do the best educative work in tbe most economical way they ahonld be taught 1 to think 2 to study b what lo study the conditions eoesaary were 1 order j comfortable aod p lessen t surround inga s regular attendance a good teacher this paper led to a lengthened and mtel ligent discussion id which messrs norton short ill moore husband and deacon took part the next subject ethical teaching wss alao introduced by inspector mi woo he defined ethical leaohing lo be the doo trine and practice of truo living having the golden role for its basis after showing the need of such teaching he showed that all true toaoh ing should be moral in its nature aud all true text books should be ethical in their hoaolung he staled that it ahould not bo taught aa an isolated aubjeot having a special text book neither ahould there be a special period act apart on the timetable of the achool for auob loaching times and seasons would come whn the leaober should be fully prepared to say the right thing at the right tims aod in ths right way and ouly those things which he believes and lives up to biraaelf lis iho wed that the silent in- flue noe of the teacher was an important factor in all teaching or murals tbal the teaohar was often the pupil s text book ths teaoher abould realise to the full the nature of his responsibilities he pointed oat the value of the following in the leaohing of morals 1 history 3 biography 3 literature 4 environs at 3 b0 dr molcllan principal of the school of pedagogy toronto took up the subject of literalura in public schools using tbo skylark by wordsworth to illustrate hia method of leaching after the development of the fundamental differ encea between prase and poetry be pro oeeded to show how be would present the selection to a olass whon pupils have a general ides of tha poem aa a whole they should be required to analyse ft intellectu ally snd lastly to interpret the underlying moral truth alias halt followed with a discus ion as to whether the grammatical analysis or a seleotion would not tend to lessen its emo tional effect in the evening an intolloctual treat of a mnejoal and literary character was given in ths town hall a number o solos wore rendered by mnooa furster and williams and mr j e luul in each or which uinsu eaf abilitywas msu7iesld a highly ht lemsting lecture by j a mclallan m a lid on moral education through the bludy of literature followed the lecturer showed the oroessity of psreutb appreoial ins education si noe every parent ia a 4aacher and ha a par lu the development of a child s moral chsraotor the uachor s msin work is tbe formalioa of character by folly developing the intellect fooling and will man a character will correspond iq ood s o far as the finite can curresond to the infinite many poiola well llluatra led wore brought out to show the superior iufluonoe of literature aa a moons to moral training una profitable lecture w brouicbl lo a close by the shakor showing tbe great responsibility of the toachor and bow a high moral character may im devol ojd particularly through the itndv of 1 iterators on friday morning after iho opening exorcise ibo offioars for the eiisuiug year were elected as follow a paasiusntlhos 1 moore vica pass mr inman uaxaatiatmr dale tsjustiaaa j b deacon p h i uxxlnnva mias patterson mr watson and mr earogsy miss hprotl ihen gave a carefully pre pared essay on conventions laying rsa stress upon uaohers axclibnging ideas thereby deriving help and giviog help mr w houston m a director of institute toronto thru followed wia a valuable paper oo the boupe and uettumia of teaching urarnmar and its rolellbift to oihsr subjects aftsr discussing lbs diffhranoea between grammar and lucre lure aod composition be proceeded to show tha roal toope thai grammar should cover urammar de ja on sen isoos at a lime ha finished hla wyi practical address by illustrating hia method win read the mitinten of the laat nilutllig and the following report or in jnnya rurol vod anil diiihiiruori duntrtrthti oar illwllin kt buiiiial iimolliiii v f llcul by uu mulluru ami miu ttmraloti it v cilleetnt by mrs haiiuawln an 1 ml 1 70 goiioouhi by mr jiiliti u wirreu 11 iu odlocted by ur duncan alodolluall u coiidcuhi by ur ale uaciloualil i 00 colleotud by uoaara j 1 hivlertid ii jjlbbou 4 w sftl is 1 his amount wss forwarded to the treasurer of the i p r liniii bible society for diaburaemdiil thuofutcrs for llie unsuni car were aloctod aa fnlluwa iiikhiikvt james l warnn it r piikn john h ileman hrt rt iiimh john v kaunawin luiithv iiwtttni itevs j 11 how ell m a j w hoc j k uodden m a u langford it ii look wm dryers j m stevena it j mclntyrr and mesars john warren 11 i moore john itoberl son hamuul wonlni lohn uumruii and a weiiham 1 ho next annual ninetliig will be hnld on ihuraday i jth veuilier 1hi0 luv h j llhult of itdrliiigiou deliver l the add re- of the evening he com pit moiiled the branch upon us paat success the liberal contributions forwarded to the treasurer annually and ollowcit with an able and interesting address on the bible which be charaolunxed aa pre em in cully the book of books and tile wonderful circulation nooomplmtiul hy llie ii i bio societlra miuiiauiu ol litis i na show x the rovi ml u ubcr biblo publihod and distribute wan pro bontodinsuih an apt luatiner that they wore moat outurtaiiung and nml rnativu during tlm jial year onuuraging work wa dune in spain joobci htlaiia italy china ami j pin i he dllhuullira and proju iioch of earlier dan are now being removed and there la every rraaou to look forward to greater reaultb at iho oluac ol iho addroaa a uurdlal vole or tbanka ui hov mr 1 limit was moved by hov wm bryore and hov j w hao lu timely apeeahua hot mr huwell sup ported llie motion won a ul appreciation were alao extended lo the collectors fur thoi eflurtb i bo cluir uf iho church aaug at lulnrvala urttig tlio uvoniug u number uf appropriate the haymakers cantata thla popular musloal production hondorod with good effoct utt mouuuy rvenlng acton i iru brigade otrnod apnuial thanks for securing to our mtluua the prlvilrge of hearing the oatilala of 1 he luyiiiakrrs in tlio town hall bun on mormay evening iho haymaker ntuptiiy of ruck wood after careful pruparalu u aud rehearaal gave ll first n udr own town liali oii en day ovoulug wilh nun ii artiptaui r slid wo von toro d s that those who heard iu reproduction hero weru riiially well plea sod 1 or an entirely aunvleiir company the pleco was exleoihnglv well rendered throughout tne coflumoi ot the ladiaa woro voty iretly hut uavn lb impreaaiiui mure of the pic tin ground than lholiyfl1 t 1 he gentlomun urr h iwotur trim tn hfr ant the stage aurrouodinga were t i tnrrwpio bird aogieblvc erom a musical atnlpoliit the rautalb was woll rendered i in uututruua uhoruaoa were auug with kuthuiiasm but it waa iho solo duets and whiuh holed groalcat applauno mrs mu arlhy won the hearts f the audi xnuo with her sojrmi vuioa aud mautior and our own favorite miaa jsie niukllu lok her parts wllji much aojran e mia lauty i ob dairymaid r rotlil wlnl tbo far uiur m j htracban hulpkln- mr w stark an i messrs hlruuga ulltnxkn eat h siilali the iliarautel i hi pari well i he skill of tlm pi unit mr dr dry ion i a i mm i with i be smuraaui tlieuanttb rim srioi rl were lakoi aa l iowa that 1 leg wuary u 1 wm should have kept in doors but ao anxiniih wai 1 to use the old oily that i pinl the wlulu cloning in the alroela five o clock the next morning brouiuil a very unwelcome diacusery i was lama in both ankles aud knees 1 bu head wind and tho damp strode had provud an uufnr tuiialo combination i gave however litllo thought to it supposing it would wear of iu a few hours and ihu first iluali of sunlight saw me npeediug out the splen did road that lead a toward nan a not night overtook me al a little village uoar port hope but found mo still lamo i rested the next day and the ucxl hut it was too late the mischief waa done i i sn ewgg t i e a 1 1 le w knew to be uuflenug from rhromalum no thai i not the only diaoaaq they oure 1 personally know of a number of cures from oilier troubles but i have need od tlicm only for lhat though it would be but air to add that my general health has boon belter thla summer thau ever before in my life dr william pink pilla contain all the elotiiciilh necessary to givo new life and riohtioas to tbe blood and restore shattered nerves they are sold in boxes never i loose form by tho dozen or huudredtaf cano a box or six boxen far 1a and may bo had ot all druggiataor directly by mail from or williams modiolus com pativ brockvllle out dot tailoring department in siilto nf tor toy waattior wo aro busy in this dnparttnent uon are laarnlng where thay aan uot a ault made that will fit them made of either canadian or hqotcil twekd far below what auy oilier store iu the domlnlou will sail thmn a ault for dltkhr buith and pine money do you know good folks that every time you gojjt toronto you are nut of pocket a tow dollar why wo undersoil uis departmental stores rvery day yon may pick up a lips lhat la a little oboapar but taking ll all through yon pay per cent more than wa do lo ooontatowu bs honest aul patronlae your own county aw iiss ih a worker apeeial iniludnmnuu to begil write at once lor particular to r articular to iifn llthelly co itoaliealer n jf full of sheetings cotton and woollen the place to stop is at the 7vyh7vt7vyoth housi c eo rc etown st lambert jersc bull for servi or for bale tub undoralfraod lias for aorvoe at hi labia on ualn htreet a thorougbhred pediireed bt lambert joraoy hull thla auo animal la alao offered for sals u q haiutlh uakar aetou april ssnd 1hu1 ouelph business college -and- shokthand institntb aoxlpb ont notice i r ly lo iiiajirtmpirlo wo tu statu thai will ikii1 u a spring suit sale on friday and saturday huperior facilities urovlilod far thorough and practical taltluu in commercial aud thurtbaod course of idalruoueu individual tuition no claaaea wrlla for circulars graduates aa i ti ed to iaaluoua j gaiw irtncipsi- uriiiih yiu for luaiwcllou a iiiauulllruiii ratiool t hoic r skw i sow up to date patli ru and hhaili- v i tor all ibeat hnltllim i nlnr iwrfnrt u nvnrj htylf it trim tbi itlnlia and hkltdlh oil wnrkmauablp at it jiid eji hulls kltuh aa mut accoin pan t 11 r lor ln all rm i llalaiin wiipii hull is called fur llroro1 at any hun i ufon tin lr i alay iniluvi ly ln rfult dnllvnrihl ui til iai t for was it by chance notice r e nelson 1 cadm i ailoi and 1 ui mshci uulil i stock trk1nc- vvt ait lu hlotk 1 ikin i ltd dining ih mt i weeks many lines will 1 sunfitd t i it u utit i dok for bargains in all lines ores scoods liver line reduced boots and shoes see jirls shoes 501 j i u see boy s shoes- 791 j er pan see mens i me shoes 1 i k j set ladits pine shoes- tfrt 1 1 5 p r pu set 1 ulies i mil shoes 7 c pi r pan imlhinery and dress making apprentices w henderson cfc co j hctqn fire iaihter s7vtoke llntv 1 110 sueh tiling aa eh 1 uidin u 01 a imputation of a busin 1 a life work it was not hy chance that wx u eli ed the proud position we occupy toud oi being the leading business house of the best cit of the furthest west we obtained this position b steady and persistent application to our business b bung alwas on hand attending to and finding out the wants of our customers by ooking only lor what we have earned by impressing the publil with the full confidence that their interests are safe in our hands by treating our confreres as well as our customers with courtes and consideration never tr ing to trip them up o belittle their efforts b recognizing the fact that this earth was not made for us alone and if in the- paat with llie lesouteea then at oui disposal we could couimand such a large share of oui confidence tnd patronage how much more so in the future with such largel increased facilities 1 he stock is being cltlicd fast we are not sticking at puces on the goods we wain to mint we hope to open tbe new atui with an almost completely new stock 1 lit 1 1 hr bill l- 111 iixuil in the e ity miicl ill bu so ui ui h ood gikxis a n ot1ck is horshy atveu that an application will be made to uie lwylalalnra of tha province of ontario at the neat aeaslon ibsreef oo behalf of tha truateos aud coutresauon of kmox cuvmiii atok in oonnoclion with tbs united presbyterian church of canada far an act to suable tho said trustees and congregation to sell and dispose of in such way aa may be necessary and desirable the lands held by tbon tor etiureb iiurpaaes and being a part of the aaatarly bait or lot number twentyeight in tbs second ooaoesatou of the township of ksquas ids in the county uf hal urn ooulaluiuf by admeasurement thirty four perches mars ar less together with tlio bulldlninj and ereouona thereon or otherwise deal with the ami as llloy may wlab dated at ulltou this ibui january iwa j rt ki i iott tiollchor fur appllcauts valdablb rilupkrt in acton fob sale l ueouptad lv tho owuor tfi hereby oileredfur sale tbs u ague htreet lurmsrly cbaa qulttnar is house la and tbei is a good alablo ou at pretuliae also two building lots oo laka avouuo i buiiuia hurray teruis reaaouable for particulars apply i t c hi hluht or wu lltilbtlltrt acuj acton h i 17lli ihui 7xmkkkan tgrlculturist weekly tu sateud its uatruliieas an maka ll a praotl oal n e to etery pruareaalro faruiar aud hi auilly tbo amsbiian anuii i ltosibt la now published weekly luetead of luoulhly 1 al only llooa year all ihs leading feature that have i oioutlity su k ular at retalue features ad led lucll aa ubi lot lri tttnli vxjl frank dowler il i ash bl ukl cutt kh uarv karmar ollaa jeaalnviluklln mr uobl llruoha hnlpklu sir cbaa hirana riartlat r ulao fanny lo ma urvun cliiiru ttoitrauii uihm iteera j alurrah u hum it lnrray om w vuuj htraohan n htraolutu m htranuo c hamilton kouwle jleat h tllllpl u duff k uooueentr hie wart anl mrs murray alloa ura lrrit uu i hta u flllloapl m uunroo k 11 tenors dr drydeu t l llaaa 11 totleu m to i lei i bb ii u w taj ir a mlowart a j mi pan y are iumlt tbs haymakers inusbtsd lo mr j w kuowlsf ohaixaiap of ths committee and to mr mecarihy and mr jutu hlraohau who ilircolel tbo rohearaals fur tltu aoouue win ii has altsnilu1 tho venture i f ihsp 1 vi dttll a s woi th t to bt reinndrlrd wi f slot k in 1 i it in d out 1 i ik hi bt 1 fun as ston a hit gotuls tisaipt ii i he greatest meichaijiliiing eei known in ouelph goods selling al tin rate uf if 1 1 thousand dollars worth two strt 1 1 c ais all stop it tin fire srfle intew firm new stock new prices but old management pt i ihi tnd eiei the firm doing fa im so in aoton so iuuk under ibe name of juhu ripothi ut ths old business will no ou under ths now oaras j d williamson st co wyrvdham and maodonnell streets 31 x quelph j a speight co oust in sums respect there will be doc i led ohaogse inlbs jndcrtakinc epartmgnt ll itlll hemost uolleeabls owiojf to tbe bard limes we are ttiun the prioea iu all lines of curiris baskets and farniabinirs sad hols out ot at any reason a bio offer you may maka though dep upply i firstclhss thilorinc w- h adams ilriitadu e liter la i nod ills iu the hall ho is prepared to tutu out 0rhlass wm aud al utool ruasuusbla prloua many years il oiih rli nt will uu ul i a ihiitig in buiu hlmaull has llttthl liio hj rl ho ll in tlio latest atylua ut aujirrlir and aalaf arlury ii pa ii y at uu a oall flolioitxd we hnvo no oonnoatlou with any undartkara aomblna and govern our own price hmbaluilug dons otfargs wilt ba made e at slightly over oosl and if not satisfaolory no furnitur6 a oarefully seleoled a look of furniture on band whioh wa will dispose of si a fair living profit condensed tarui nuwi farmer aud 1 etlori au uog tt its farm feat ursi hucti h i lo blocs puultry uarkel uanls wrttteu by practical supplemented with lllu ootiiblno tu make it fartu ii fur a living the 1 bleat uarketa a lure are leading kealu liriug llurucultun ulug and oil lor topla and tuoceaaful larulan atrauuu by able artlat utaluablo lo tboee wb 1 euliiuieralel agrlou res lu w it lull ui aun ttio fmlly pvaturej tihurl hurlse lleat raalilua kaucy work the uul look talks with ll lucuit iuialo cooteata llttrarv coiusr and yuuug kulka ihtgo ruuiblue in uiako till ueitavrtujonl uf aa ulucb valua aa uioal ut itio bhctal kamlly im pars questions anawerod mi us ui dlclue eter i nary aod oder topics i- raa of oliargo tbe megealno torui ibetili tlaua ouwoa out bound in s nest covor tho uuuibsr uf a varf lug from sh tu 3ft an ideal farm and family weekly rukk maulle hov l t rejul american aqbicultuk1st 62 laikyetu pl- now york ask your druggist foi buccy st wrcon sit a lb uelllu uuder very a at very low prices i saliffjaliou vllsfaolorj mauaeraail alrioag psrbapa a litlta lowest all nihuh in carrying oo oar bwaloeaa oso certainly eel the uudertakijitt osnsaislly w oan do tbbt sad give entire irti h hdkms j a sphiluht ljct murray la n mans florida water a ua1n rlumvu l for tlmaukcrvlikl toilet lad bath v-

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