Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13 1896, p. 3

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i n j- t banj news at home unjap oyrjob hamilton j iktitai laiihr etxwhlui itkshiltrl kuxli 7 i u- 1tat aaatya eh board op directors him htifaht a m iiaa1ha pfoaldnnt urn iril ut itlx rnrcth llio 1111 it a i m a ii 1kk forumo i vli jiiihik h i tl umihll asllr ii h hi hi hi- ht laatilr ii ii walhun lneci agencies hamilton illoujntlii1 lul 1 ml allmn i lor i it ni udirivlowii orlmlv i tat d luekinw ii iii allium r on m frhiicavtlht lajon hound iirt i li iti hlim in i ftimjln vlngliam f british oorroapbndtinu union national 1 rovli il hat k i im 1 i hid j amorlcan oorroapondontn skw yrtllh rnlrllr s tl mil lunk bill hanover nmi nai llai k li ns hm mail u ii trust to iiikkk marhiiauk iix nalloaal llauk u llllmda an i i tilin sail in i llaiik dkriunr detroit sillmii hank h tsbas lit national llalik o oiuuiuici agonto in montroal the llsukof toronto obloroetown aobncy not dloountojud advances made un null title bocurltlss collections made a nil ilrsft hotlflnt ami aold on all accessible points in canada united hlatoe area llrltain andlhecouuuoutot kurope ukiu ioel favorable tortus bavlnuo departmont deposits ot 1 and upwards received an i 1 hie mat altawodlroui data t dapoall to ilali of ilhdrawsl r hikcial dbiohith alafwuoalved at eurranl ratoa of interest n jd i llslhtoth ait rhzors scissors pocket krsies rocsrs knives forks spoons haadquartvrn for thoso uoodu qeo hynds aoton ont sb- tjiic rttm fttt flrcss tilluhlay aiou8i 11 ih1m little local brieflets which caught the eyas or euro of free praaa reporters this weak la jour subscription paid tjio back of the liot spill n broken council moating next monday evoning old bot wu a thorough scorcher w l lin 7 tho rural schools ro open tint mon day 17ih inst uicycle lourita go ihruugh towu these day by tho aoorv a number uf ybcaii lulu in lowu have job fur wood cutters two provincial uahory liiaptclura visited i own on monday a l i haa liavlf a aooro uf la 1 oytjlmta wbo ride very creditably have yutl had occaalotl tu ll j j lord a btccilt bvoraje uerliti ib lu lisve a una o 1 i lrfot acton n coila aimiur attention tho liot wtvo ktiit ui ila luirldily coutmuoualy for about a week yoateniay cooler woatlior waa nrato fully roocived after tbe extended hut acll a jarden party will bo hold at he inaidoiicd at mr thomas 11 dor next week 1rof bhriovoa baa bcoii boomitik 1rltlo of the valley romediea horo i ho paal week kloveu carload of ci molptiitea vitt ed their form or home from lototitu on uouday the itiuuderaturiiia ba duiio k damage dunti die pa a i week throughout iho oouutry 1 lie hot weather ill to nod tho ttoud anoa at laat sunday a hurch aotvlcea very peroeptibly the o 1 k will acll rclurti ticketa to orimaby 1ark uu saturday tood until monday or t uu tbo hour for aertioo al llio driok church baa beeu changed from ibe after tioou to 10 30 a ui a neatly built and dnurated coal lart daw aoootnpautca tho fire riifiiie it waa built by b wight a mel m tiome of our holcla aptnur atcoidlii lu aworn evidence to keep a cool and re frrahiu bevorao lor sunday blcollau au oxahana mnarka thai the old lailhotanoutthfuryou koi out of bia oave and has been al bwk durik tl r u j a gold ruloiuk lu linllah columbia la being boo mod for more than il la worth lio cauiioui lu your luvoattnouta on tmuuik alock ht albau a plo ulo laal i htiraday afur noon waa wall attended 1 be cxlreiuo beat and lltfoalouod a tor in interfered with tho enjoyment of he rcliolara lu boiiib church btrool road bed la loinoiblod and lu uae by the tauuory taaiua lor then bit loada it la afloo roaul aud jivok pro miaa of pcrmaiieuoc if prunr all on i ion la aototi ruel hand e a xooj upou air couoari in tba jiark laat wedtioaday eveului 1 he proratuina oouiiuouccd rather late however for inuat of ujtr fcy ratiriug culteiia meaira wordou ltroa have ro opened a barber ahup tn their old aland un mill hirecl oppoaito kauuawiu a lru hi ore tbey did a good buaineas thtro auiue yoara ftgoand hope fur fuluro success mr hdward nlcklln a popular bound hport luflerrd a cruel death undor lha wtmli of au cxoursiou train koing caat on haturday evouion lie was au auitual much priacd fur faithful urai and kud asrvice what about autuil clvio holiday 7 will 11 bo au ludopaudan exouniuu lu loaetauu or ooderlotl to both or which poiuta invitalluua have beau received ot or will it ba uw uld lima oicuraiuti in lor onto lxhibltiou knoll tbe alar pllolior of llratnpluu ball trami tlirowliik a batll laal iiiht broke his arm much an vcritlpt y rate mr kuoll pitches tfitl bail aud a very daoaiviutf curve uo will be uad in future gamea curinor la councillor anderaon haaual cum plated ois ce m on l pa vaiuant el tu raaidetioa ll la imtmd ll will provo ao aatiafaolory llmt thu town will contract with mr audoiam lu uy comonl pavo meula uu tho principal at recta here mr j muflal a music ituro ia now will a tucked willi a koutl aellctlun of dunikiiuli oifcsu and 1ianua aud a full aaaurtmuul j musical lustruiiiciiia and aundrica mr motulja1 allot ihv la wull suuwu for hla courteous and buaiuuai liko detnranor auj luleuda to do hli u lino i to build up a pcrmanaua biiiiitaa inn montly of ft local chamotor nntf ovorv itom intorflntlno cmwrwis rioirer hervlcc 1 ho antiti childrens flower servicn will held in til a lb mi church next hun lay ilulli tho morning and lln nor vim i wu jwirlnku of upccial frtahirca tho i hud li uill lutii flural docuralliina appro pnlo to tlm uocauioii hav j k oodtrn m a jipr will conduxt hie services a i ii it tittl ti it i whtlo ilvjiny liter nl sfpno uf iho orlpli lirt h lv wednralays thief i nli ro 1 uev i nitirr holey j room and iitnli n now hit l nml ftld 1 hi mmmicj was in inn trotihcr j ookoi i i rluiisldy lib wall t onutuinu funds for hla ltirnat ln an i liiij iirknlh waa nvorltxiked by tho i h nhiljl 1 i io lmiirralurn t ih i ik li hi th khailt the priiphi laka to tin vtati r likil diilks oive iho buys h chaiiru thiae ilayn and eucnuraco thorn hi in veal iti balhnik trunk tlioro a n maauit ntlliti why tile k stuild not also frcoly indulge in iho plehauru and buiirflta of ballnnar hvap botluok dreaaos may bo nm in al a trilling coit of inonuy and hurt tier mpror ilm additluua llrfaruuiure i i a rule ifatlier tannery are btitim puahrd ftirward the now seven jldry dry hiiux- with ridliiu i mr iirnl l eiicloacd and iho ir i iinlutu in nearly all on at tho nurkh uf anton lanmufj co tho alono work for a uew nlora house and dry kiln la completed and awaits tho oarenlcra now at work on tho other tau nery for tho woodwork ll la t x 00 and will be ii vo stories iiikii thouol upell tor a lull wcok including mtinla the weather was unusually hot lha mercury nottlinj in nil of the time in the nineties hunday was perhaps the hottest dsj of the week a foad many think tho heal waa unprecedented it waa however not ti early so torn 1 as llmt experienced at iho end u may and iho lira of june a year bko i- rum may hoth to juno jrxf ihr iho mercury aloud above uo right ajonfj and then il was hot on may 10th it was 14 dritrooa id the true shade and on june jnd it was u7j tho third day in june it was i and then il bcau to cod i oft our hide awake cnnaitiaa jujfsslnt- iho anaiiian unjijimr of toronto la up to tbe times in every reaped its arlioloa are frrali and educational those who do nol understand exactly what la meant in the united b tales by troo hilver should read the cry for i re stiver by john a conner il u 1n thu cur rout month a number tho article is lu tended apparently for iho average reader aiid ia by no means technical this number is an especially good one being profusely illustrated affd containing several short bright atones tho cover la artistic and pretty iho backrouud being a maple leaf doaign id green lair bait wat chen on lhursday tho aotona want lu st anna and played a friendly gam with tho club there iho match was well oonteated aud resulted in acton a favor by a aooro of 13 lu 14 on saturday an exhibition name was plaod in the park here between the miltuna and aolooa tho homo team was defeated with a score of il to i lha next malui in iho ilalton 1eol league will lake place hero un saturday with drampluii the scheduled hatiua of iho aeasuti atat d aa follows mraiiiuiu u 1 i the t hurchrn ami jiim during thi absetico of itov h lisr haley lu iho old uunlry tho aorvicoa in st joarpli a church will bo conducted by kev rather cchmaiui ol turmosa who waa ordained al hamilton a few wccki aju itov mr king preach oil again in kuoi hurch laat sabbath uev mr hlovcua uci u pied tho pupita uf bulb tba disciples and llaptisl churches laal sunday iho pulpit uf tho malhodiat chutch was occupied laat sunday by uev j i hire alma college his sermons were ablo expositions of old tcatamoat paa uev mr howell will bo back from uncus by 1srk lu occupy bia pulpit next sunday niuruiug in tbo oyeulug bo preaohes m cumieclion with tho harvest festival al i boncrer naatagaweya and uev victor cllplu will preach horo maaitluam hla loot iturtfs a recent lasue of iho jlovorsville n inly lradrr aaya iotera t ham so is iho uamo of a uowly constituted firm un wasliltigton stroet eugagod in thu grocery aud bakury business jubu uauisey tho junior member of iho nrin haa boon fur several years paal ouo of tho iuitrr most tamed atao aud during his entire sorvico aa auch has always prood himself a yuui g man worthy uf our highest regard lie his qualities which naturally attract friondalup atid which wo boliovo will pruvo advaulatcouua tu hltu as a business man 1 ho rmirr oxleuds kludoal wiahoa tu tbe now tlrtii anil hopes lu reood fur its mouibora an abundauco of prosperity mr uauisey bimiiii hla initial ycaia al printing on tho lr l atafl duiiug tho rcaldeiiue uf llio family in aclou aud mr joseph 1etars was most popular here when ihcupyiug tho position of manager uf mr 1 li mallhewa baking bualuoaa tacturmgo the hrrmen aclou nremeii are for lha moat pari a failbful lot ul fellows when any work la rrjmrmi of thin 1 uoy allcnd lbo week lw praoltcu obey order and are not afraid uf work men if it meaua a couple of hours al a lime fur the perfection wtthp fire ayaloiit in auruliiilsuig the pomtusi uf lbo meiubara of the company wbo are most regular in altsudlng lbo company a meet luga llio 1 usa i iikha haa bean impreasol wilh lbo fact thai the majority aro young mou whu have uu properly lu lor oat in town una beiug thu case abould not tho propurly owuora bestir themselves lo en ourafcd una uublo baud of tho town a dolcuduta in every puaalblo stay 1 he unm pan y a working with a view to hiving acluii a porfoul ayatem of lire proleoliun and tu mako the syalom ao aatiafaolory thai tho 1 iro indarwrllera will grant lbs desired reduction in insurance rates col a muvomoutm sot uu foot lu glvo iho fire mou at least au attractive uniform o thai iu their parades and ibuir ootiipellllojia willi ulhcr compauiea they may prosaul an atlrsctive ami sell roapccliui apisaraiu ihciroullll uf engine roola lad icrs aud trucks aro eijual lu ihuae uf any town in auada ureas ihe buys llltinjjy who out oh tooth puwubh the ca aus coming and going av hlihh a maphornon to bo th- fuotntl pnajor of knoxchurah on tnoeclny sopt i tit tho ivcsujuory of ouplpi inul in ht andrew a liundi tui itusday in iniihidir tho call ikeii by knnx hutch acton tu itov hugh a muplurjofj of lall tho call wmapresiijteil to dm inubyli ry by mar llcr mann am c mnrfiit rrjrt milling mm elders rrfitliothrii hcnrn ilynda ami hoi i rl iviiuiainl ri presold lnjj the caiigrrgalion lluv i htritrliou l ltoukwood whu hat an rnllrfm li t lly ihlid tliopoltlu irtfiili tkor dun iij ll varan 0 wtti als prriuil hie pullion fur tlm call h iro i lie hnn lurra uf jj cmilinuul uu un i i nillmt r lit bjxuvwmi up u tnntl in un iiuti ii nl aihtaiix 1 by til iriilijtrv m i ll mil hi lion wa upr h rl by 111 r 1 ill 1 rslyni l i thi ill i mllli iil lh a mi mm t u from mr ml i waa read ii willi ll l a pli i ll- i llnuu of lb itducllnn waa flmi fu ineada i i hiplemtkr 111 i priabylnrj la cslhd lo mett st 11 i t lot k flul morn log in knux hurdi at ion stwhitti boil public i itnilnalidik uf lln p ttli r rli will lu held lha tullwn x r vlmltora to and from aoton and varloubothdrporsonnl notes a card in lbs viki 1 ia uisilinff kinndi wore apointd llrbniv jtuv riiotnas 1realon clrruk huv h i m olaatord mljli i irt h hllnrj iti v mr vwlim amii hlu u 1 li 1 uj hiv ir junk on call 1 ho orditiiuoii i rvii will taku jul at j o clock in thq aflrrnomi kev j hmllh it u utlpb willpnnth tho r moll itov al v jaokaou 1h i alt will add ret a tro tnniistrr and itit 1 htrarlibti uuukwuud will addresi lln roil grrgstlun win ltiibcrlai n m a modiirntur will reside it ill lo romcmbtirtl tliit ltiv ll bin aili i tbo induction uf uev i w lui cill tara tijiltthe arrangement for hot lr jackson lo luldrcaa llio now paatur im very filling itinhiimich as ho has been mr mi iliersmi a pastor at bi hutiie jti nit the cutigregalitui uf knux hiiruh m to bo ccngraltilalcd iikiii lhl prompt tillnik l the taoaucy within four mtiniht from the retirrmiiut of uev mr uae i lit is in striking lotilrasl lo mil titno r jiiretlwhtn the previous vatincy occ irrd wlim iho pulpit waa va sill fur twenty two monthf uev mr mil heraoti will rmno it t nllal wclcomo lo acton crfcwsons lokntrs 1 lie heat fur lha pas ttetk lias bcn almost m bear bio a tiumber of fsimera n lint viuinily will flnlali bar jos i till- wuk tlieijitickestvork that we nave liartt of this yosr was dona by mr lulin super sr csrjwntcr laat week when bo t mil a baru ji fact mjuaro fur mr wm makina of lira moss in aix das ll bad to cut aud square lbo limb r for tho frame and the only help ho got waa in rrtialug the barn mr soprr la not a oun man but ho is a hustler and hunk thitl he dc aervea the champiutiahip aa tbo smartest kuswu car wilier mr n torbes has roallv i ed hla projwrty bore by building an addltlul tu his otsblos mr 1 tlm ini w tie if tho best atablea lu then pai l lie mr httluir of m im t i olal prtaclicd a very eloquent srriiion lal sun day tu a urtn ronrrl iluii ilia text waa taken from the second 1 talle uf j a part of lb fourth u rac hit btmiu ia a furnier ihiuilr of tin p o an 1 uu church waa auitably iccoralnl with ll cr for llio lcuasloti un rlelchn f io liu i 111 john t rewaoii lam w k mrs him lair dhriu m j li in mina nellie i aule uf i oroi i ar altltg al mr wm 1 en hit au s miss ami bell ol hill i i a day rull t osl y mi b ut cok ml i i l ml nal 1 hi i mi m i air plill dim li lm i n n l al mr j as it a in i in r n li i ir i hue n saturday the kitks iiiksk invito nil lu rnaitora to en iribiiti lu tjils enluinn if jou or your frlonili tiltiitnway nil a holiday trip or if nu have frlumls uajuiiu ynn drop a card in lbs ifal im f xt i k m hecurtl in mtvillu itul llamillnit r jujimi nf itnrkwuod wnn a visitor nt sunderland ills on i ueaday lr ilk nun apt til lat wot k will in n is at ioii inn nnd ci nthnm mrs mtoill of inroulu haa bcon boihi lit a few iuya in luwii lln week mrs john sim lair of barnim waa tin lutiat ot mra win 1 orbca this week miuaoa nuliio and ad clark viailod 1 rg lowu rieiilh dm mr 1 i waa tin linrlof aolon frlrnda ibis ntk itov wm uynra wtnt lo jrlnihby tark tin mmnuy lo enjoy a few days a u ricii ih during l he woek ssndiruu of o rand alley m pi ielers of uluvrraville n y gutal scthohgmunf mr wm hem mn 1 williams ia spending a few mis a i ilowmanvlllo and i lied friends at the uuckwood during wcika with d v1flsat ntis minn wik mlthodlnt 1arain the witk mr w it i lliwill 11 a haa bfciirod thu hjuiuoii ot lasfiial master at himooe high sobool lyssa wntcrouh uf liiclph has been a knost at the homo of 1jstmnstor mallhewa mis maigio wilkinson who waa al her old homo nuar jlrainpton for a couple o7 i nou lb has returned iu ami mrs joaoph ldo of uode rich nto njoying their vacation al chau laiitia assumbly n y miss manna milue of ittplay relumed hi mo uu saturday morning after spending a coujlo of months very jilcaattilly with autuil relslirea mr anil mrs john matthews left on hntmlay or a drmtil tour of povsral weeks and will uil fiiouda al ilrai tfurd hi mary a at 1 other points malcrldw j moore left on 1 uesdsy inoriiing on h bicycle trip lo i liners ton and ia apeiidiut a lew day a there wilh his untie hot 1 albert moore mr ii i lartllge of the afunwnimt hheibitrne and mr j m mootr of the rntit oeorgolown favored the pass 1 i ik with a call laal thursday mr hughmann leaves today on a trtp in manitoba lie sill visit his ton mr d i mann contractor of tbe dsophiu it it ai d other friends lu die northwest murray rawfurd lumberman of nelson accompanied thu loronto board of i rado excuraiou to lbo lintish columbia gold mine uu munday aa far as lioistaud mr jamas mclsm left on 1 ueaday lo attend the aeaston of the orand lodge loot at harms mrs mel am ac mil snied bin mid will spend a few days with her slater there l 1 f uev john tfcolt o 1 lateofil h to was reiotitty dean of llii llteuiokl al department uf the ana ban melhdial ulleito tu tokiu japan and luiv a liotdeti una uf tba irofes sura rail from aiilutar fur japan on the li isl moudy was luronlo clviu holiday among lbo loruutu viallorf lo aolon thai uy the 1mm 1 araa observed mr and mia lul than aud children mr harry 1 bhngo mrs uev j w uae and mira i itlio mr lriig nlcklln ueotgo 1 wilaoii and liordou hay ward hiv uallier haley aocumpanied by ins father sir iub haley of arthur and hla nlsli r mary lefl last 1 huraday on alnp rt i in pe lbo itcv uentlemat has nut imi mill f r a mo lime and ho la taking l l bo mr l friends aud rebtllv a lino hi ec mr j mel of 1 owtlllf i tiiti o her daughter mrs j humin lln plit lu the 1 ittut hut ir ser i of 1 i il uww a thu jiuiusl wiin the dl nil kimlly notice ihe ado i ritr 1 li baa reach cd it jlal year ongrat uu i a are duo uu iu hating attal ioi lis it my in am i oxcolleul form unit are b i k tborslly lo derod ihe liih 1 nan 1 hi wn though uul tho province a a iocs 1 urual vrtut4i haa won lln way tu tho fro il utlk of jour uallam mr 11 1 mo re it uaptllo editor ban won hi uhlt a 1b1 a itid fame aa una whu baa kmio boldl y 1 rard in tile uiimiii career lu li a not la iiccca winch baa oily crowned 1 ia rlf i i roll i this 1 k f tit i ulc piofaiiily u dttotilliiied iu llio parc duing aloes acflf raajhictiuh hh plo will iboiiiaolvea entirely imalabli throataucd to slop the kiua ik- ua ireo uae u profauity jiriin illy iu tho part ul uuuur l1o millon playora an 1 llieli friouds un saturday iho laujllorda f lbo ilno h ul i 4 lowu were bufure j usllni hi re j 11 rriday ohargetl with belling input on htinda i he evidence of die vjlti osre bar 1 failed lu libataullalo lbo diaries i ti mauls aevoroly fur allow in ro many loafora ntul their premiea 1 huiidaya all hun uuwn i im riiusitdortia hato thy bu f reat all i aloepand llmlly of huallb lb ma i p brokun 111 splrll wiak hi body bhalleitd lu mrvo lu iho wuritl i ul to 1 ucui iii ihtk days ale sul iii iran lent aud potlhela for lley i tvt baiikni let lailh iho 11 ta lie 1 hey i nol ll 11 got ihe best lha list is ivortne uoal becauau tl wblloua llio lea lb anal duos nol dusuuy the eiiamel juod aa iho best in iragratica and cluaualug aud polish th pruiortlea holler ibati njoal as it routltlus uu acids to iloslroy ltettor llktu all beuauaa pkaaanl fragrant clean el nj and wbileiiiug all ibu iood ualhiqs cant bli jvuriun for lbo teeth aluue osji laltn lo bu thu be t hijiuii -in- ir 1 i faliguo add heir m 111 ii 1 till aai mstaic t 1 i llred 1 ired 11 1 tti baldt i uui t atalt n ii li d jou brain eat 1 1111 1a1 llaltu and alrukll ar li b u of diy aud doaih 1 tna iimibiied ut mai 1 11 ibalalul il will m i ma lu lb ay stum alrei ih to ihe butter aluep to tu wiarj u an 1 ro liretl brain- mtllu wi b i 0 a build up lb bl aul k to alm ii il i hiahtallh 11 la many li lends bore will wlli bini a pleaasnt trip and asfo return t 1 hla uharce while on lbo omti 1101 t i ather haley may lake a trip to it mr wall taper lumuenls al half price ndow shadoaouuiplale 25o t urlalli pole all oolura coinjlete jjc at the drug store i he alt unicra i iian wr aud ule intm m t muled uear v ather iolut iu a deuao fug on sunday itolli vcasela were injured alnnl lbo bows 11 you waul that claaa uuoljti aaah sud il k rs at ouolph pnoea 1 huiuiii can till uur order at bis plaulnk mill they deserve pity suh and lite hv i pun iliinrs t li life a ir weary aud jadod sufferer la made miserable lu lhajjpt woatlior i he haalthioal ul ua have all wo cai du tu wilhaland tho rnorvbtlnjt e loot a uf a on lung daya and swoltortug m i lie sick mortals heaven belp ihera 111 uat a dfer iuureaad agony during ihoaa hl d- ol h oj iu at ibis at anon aro nervuua pros imtli 11 uertoua dohllily dyafiepalb indl k iti 11 hradacbo aud a boat of trials thai teaull tiuin iinpuro and poisoned blood 1 bo bovu iroubles attack mon slid wuiueii bet a uae their supply of nerve force ia aim id rxhauatod loss uf ffts uorvo f ice and ftobleueas la at lliaj rout uf uturly evtiry ubbo uf tiukueia 1 true uurvu mediums la what la uuoded if health is lo bo restored and iho dark mlatu avoided 1 aluo a celery on ouud la a imtrfuul and unfailing rosloror uf nerve force and mivtbr tu lbo weakened aud lubililalid system llultikly cures proa trail iu nleopli aanraa headache dyapaia 10 titration ll clratiaea lbo poisoned blood and gives new life aud nnaiiotit vitality and slretiglh 1 alio s cstcsjt loujhund cumbiuaa tho ii isl tllklouj sjterallvra laaatlvea an 1 diuieliur audaootj rial ores ihcalck wue lo uih health 1 j day muat rohablo mudliius il la mads fur yuur pecia rase uut tujjsrer aud its uao will implant ihal alata of boillti 00 am an camolly longing for aa tin re are vile lijuld liiiltatluua toll 111 many ihn lu upuu your dealei ititnil u iv in o a lbo kind that euros merit merit tallratho intrinsic vaiun of 1 i wfg lioodahsrsspsrllla i cl a9 merit in modtolna mesni the power to euro hoor nnd unequalled curalivo potvornd thorn- fiiro it iibh true raeryj when you buy howls harssparillaand tako it arqordln to dlrrolioo to purify your blood or cure sny of the many blood diseases you sro morally certain to recrwn lionollt tho miuer to cure is thsro yu are nut trying an experiment ii h m make your blotml pure rich and nourishing sid thus drive uut the orm of dlsraaeatrtnjrlben thenertaatnd build up the wholeayatem hoods sirsapprilla la the best in fact the one true lilond purifier irepared only bye i ii iiwell mass hoods pills vixk j announcearient wait and see our hxcrusi and scrib bling books new llniis new styles 1 s new shapes public school uici iligl school books a new lot of school sup plies now on sale at the drug store j v kannawin dmiouibt acton snap shots 1 1 it friday and saturday bargain days j3 aiur and ukjcob u ottos iwl kalkl kllka ivi lur si- fancy qoods m hoi while tloou collars soo lo iu lol 1 malta airtli mm or s5a hilk 1 ula an 1 taffeta tllovn at uo1 8 1 aera i ilia lor v 1 1 araaolafor tie w lilts and eruaui i araaula w iril si a idlaa i lack 00 1 too lloa tx for i no a alr cblldrau a huao fur 4c i adls ami children a t 1 fur it staples lte lrluklea or lo llta hannelottoa lorli istc prints dark for ije uo hliouii s yards wldo t irn ila tbblsxluetl fur 10c ijiiich illluw cotkn li iflc rstonuas fur lua ti uo a l uusl oarpkts and house t lu inos vi tlruvaeli lor twi el il llruwla fur uud he taiwstrr fur xlo un i uluu for 6o0 si aida o uuaasla taii i its iruui yard a tu 11 yardn i id ulii iban coal 1 s410 ljee uriaina fur 111 fi i 7j laro curtain lor si 00 u lohdllo lurtaita aud tat u t u 1 iblnl off reuular rlimi ljulloa vvalnrproof rftala woril 1 f f all sutnuivf mlllliiary at coat ladlsa aisl ulaaea llluuac walata at retluou ldlaa wlmtb al cual lrluo tweeds and cloths 1a1 if twasda wortti tt fur uto i duo nf twaada uc and 30o lor at and for uia uaraalii tlaja will tnlara for aulta lilaek rullli wustud u au for 11 alao hootab and laiall t1 hull iruui iflto ju ur f 11t1 gents rurnlbhlnqh wtlio ottui i j ily 1 lu l a lolof nihi slid in mi r bollet a co io autl wjiiiinain luol uum i ii ont q b ryan cfe co will man dll 7vyens shoes rnan wo tiavssonflnod our aluntlnu lo bantllno iriulles wleas ihna and chlldrmi a llootsauilllhoes and so rapidly have our sales inertia sod in tlioaecpo and so nuuinrtica have eliqulriaa baooius fur mona hh ies thai wo bovo decided lo ooiuplala our stock of fool was i y adit inn kloii a tiimxla to other lines they are all new stock they are all new styles they are all at newprices think nf the satisfaction of irfaklnu ynur aal net ions from a atoek which loos not euulalii an nlil atyle or a iarllals of old a took than as lo jirle you knos by litis time bow ira mark our ftboss you nay ua just what the gooda are actually worth no fancy riea lo swell fanoy proflta wisn ws asll you s pair of sboea we mean iliat tba vaus you rsnwlve in wsar and appsarsiios as oomparsd wllb lbs nrloo iald shall induea you la ooms iniii our contention is that anybody nan buy hfaooa iibto at any lima in belter sat isf sol ion ttiai id lbo majority of hlios ktnras snd our raiidly locrnaaing aloe aalna iimvi thai ida la no mistake ws are sol no to do a big bualnaaa in men a pootwoar thla kail if itigbl iriooa are au loducaibout see our window of mens shoes q b ryan co guelph all books ghfxs l all books belli on nellee up to dslo receipt of hoommfiiir csn be price ouolph supplied thfl mind of iho lag kelly litua by kingaloy master rocket t loo tan maolar ooc also on tl jo btephsu the riddle ilia honor the king jtibttn ldii sara j duncan madonna ot a l mccarthy dougall by co velli lark weytnao ducbeaa hussel til t ultbat industrial fair and agricultural ethilid toronto aug 31 to sept 12 1896 entries close aug btii now departments superior attraotloua latest inveuuo everything up to date 1 1 ho people qreat holiday outing of the year walt for it l hemp txcurmlonm trout jvvcrj wherr for i rlaa l lata and kulrv kurma etc uldrau j j wrrhrow a j hiil frastdaa t uaar tortta to acton flour mill cheyne cheyne proprietors bran 8uoht8 ul all kinds ul fowl al right prices ued will rooslva iruuiil ittsutiv ill b dallvorad u any tiart uf tba lowu our toriui are cash aud on prloa fur all dun t forsal lo patruuisd tiuin induatry ulva ua a fail trial aud wa will laava uia tusuar or yuu it dselds as lo the quality of lbs goods we manufacture ordera taken al tho mill or at j kauuawiu a urug utora otleyne cheyne why not buy a wheel ilal rollcuou iii uoii llv i -i- lriull mutt tluu war stal uu atal i alia- sol 11 uuw il huuuauy uiaita ttioruogll u to lalo an 1 ull k huhtrlu 10ubuy au kallad lush glad wlicu w hlarlc agent glasgow house summer qoods a good abbortment oi uluyjib hosiery parasols laces etc alo j litiyc lunge ol scotch f zephers ihe collect tiooiii lii suinmci weal ill ull wins 1crfect waihcrs store closes moncliv ucada 1 liuisda and very other i nda evenings at 7 oclock sharp henderson co at specials 1 mills licit buckles 1 licit puis mew hair nets htibicr muslins summer corsets 1 1 1 iolidd i ie sinn collars cuffs and liue underwcat groceries ones to lead u fiian sugai for 1 o icsli can beef 15c a can resh can gods all kinds 1 aiicy biscuits all kinds 1 2 bars good soap 1 j bottles best pickles tans ficsh salmon h rdi gurneyco mill street acv 1 n ili al p til cccpt wetn u prospectiye housekeepgi t mtlou fur proopoaliva ua oeoessary for the purchasa of appropriate hooltu 11 be ol servios to all such they ll ba surprised lo isurr a lol bow investment they can bog in with if uisir selection is mado from o older house keepers can olid many articles they need ihis spring at prioos in our pare room a uall an r stock undertaking our a took is uumplete an eaoell 1 trliuuiiuga and qulab irluss lower lhau aver hi 1 c utalt 1 wloiiu five milos uf aclon klral class hears al reasonable obargaa wanted an idea rrntaet yosr losaai uawv af brlaayos waallk wiiu johm wkmautubjiii k ouvntaail uw aaqra wualsltsa d o- ffw tswtr juu prtss uffaa- asal list uf two biumitsu broauiaaa waalsd and heallh l uu euk aud i bililulu i7j mlune with u uu e 1 aol i l alt rum- wo druwiiala hit yelea tu rent i y thi cjay and h 1 fl wsaints msrilaco itreort i 1 1u1i0 ulllt e afitiieslrs reulrwd it v mtfort tslm r im luin arlon uf all kiuds from oil or low a worm hyrup la a aat d urn reined ihouottr lailtul in die lur hollow a 1111 irr trujoiea all kinds of cur us iul- lu lbo 1110i diflllult lu re ulbko canrtrt wilhaland i hit wonderful m nuify the western fair london sept lothto 19th 1896 muaifu furor ite 1 ivo nink kxbibitlua tiulemt talr lu imauda flhbumhal thoh living hcr hltt- k liura dill li mii touuw bain i- nlrl a i o haptaiuliar jnl sl llkl na i i liulluiuma il tlm flouuiii nt kvary i j liroad riwoiill in tlm i la htock kverv luinrovslnsnit a idulturll iuiliuouu oiblldtiou tti uoiiua o ualryiiil tli uel uw 1 uildlua i bow m a rfaol albi ul will wall ry a wall lo lb fcair pnwnoa bid a wild waat and mexican hippodrome nu auluii ooanluialaaud villajio uf al lauta tti cioaleat ralr atlraocon lu ainerlua lu sir- hummeu ilea allm uoorjafl acrubmtm twelve fat fiu tatter baud lor iik i lat and mak ur ourla cttji a tc foirr iwjjuura riioi a uhuwme trvlary atfof amd aitovv rooms cux vvujvwr and aaoa btrmvta j a speight zt co yi ffbmiwatgbit cawvxyiafarr5vine ma5lhx sacrifice s6 onjy r 1- in imported scotch 1urc vvuol sweaters regular pnee- 2 oo 25 j 50 and if j 75 1 hoiaz s125 c jjusisjoyr chance n new i les to hand latesj ijt to date startinj as 13 low as 1 5t l i ry a paipof ourspeciabblack cashmere sox at 25c i re nelson 0 m leading rulor and furnisher cuillh u i r

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