Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1896, p. 2

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u llkwallkmnrnxtt at woodbine tollem tile resident- nf ibe brlitas parenla oii wednos lar lolli annual uy1lvl k howell 1 a auutnl bf iv t allmitt uonee latmerstnn john w llow merchant lullof mulnit in jtijc rton jfrrc rrss tmuhhoay al i ht jo xhm notes and cqmmkts mr vihlre iettulln of tho wood ft took srturl hrriff c president of iho cans ihftn ircsa association nll ibe i be ml nopilnation jar north oafor i in aiiocettd bti mowst in the oiiurio itiala live assembly on tuceley tho dominion jjutinimtnln il bo asked lfhnkn a rait lowarils he monument lo oyernnr htmeoe which li to he erected by t lin fitk 1iotieer hooialy a aranl of jdoo liaa been pabael bj the ontario i cui alnl lire and a further mm haa been raioii by private aubsanplioi a ihidirtlienovtsinnvtiiiiittir atjttrtrj provision 14 made fur the municipal school grants therefore una lunil out off it will caiiarimtilly us necessary tur town hip ouncila to raise by uenerel rata 1110 breach school and floo eitrator each addi lionat teachrr thia now act doe not a tool tlia uauaj i egislslivo rranla lo pub lie schools it is understood thai iho apcecri from llio throno to be delivered todey lu the house of commoiub will in addition to the aalimaoi refer to lbs eppointmeut ol a ooinmiaaiod in enquire into the manitoba aohool question tho government a policy oti ilia larifl question tbe pacific oabe and iho fast atlantic iclirmra and the matter f detune it will not bo a long document tho laat number of the it rvotixwrr mj a mr ures wilhspecialcmphaais the access ity ol one reform by the new gftwrnmrnl at ottawa ihe immediate abolition of the unlicensed bar id iho house of otnmooe tho unlicensed bar is a staudtntf disgrace and the aeiitiment of the canadian people leiitanda it immediate reoioval it la bopoil the new government will promptly eltoct ihia reform tbe action of tbe aoadian buss lu diaconulinit i niled states currency haa occasioned a ootl deal of comment aoroaa the border and iodic of tbe jitifo newa papera have bn disposed to regard ihe circumstance as an intolerable loault in somu cases however a seuatbte iew of tbe matter la taken tor instance tbe bpringoeld hrpu tit ifn aav that tho people oj i bin country could not fairl be eipecl ed to accept hi nker at ita nominal kold value while facmk the poaalbihty of aclion by our people throwing tbe coma down lo al mw the book o of tbe alalialical year inlereatitii in forma i ion ta in mi ad a in canada under tbe tuon act iff 7 divorce la one of ihe aubjecta assigned in tbe h ederal iartiameot as however some ot tbe pruvmaea had established ditoroe courta befure confederation they have beea per mitted to continan the jurisdiction which wi conferred upon their courta three provuicea are nova boolia new bruns- wick lrinoe bdward laland and untiab columbia in ontario quebec manitoba aud the north ureal xarritorlea divorce can only be obtained by legislation en act of tbe parliament of canada being naoeaaary tho atatlitio ebow that ainco con fed era 11 on hi divoroea have been granted of which 1 were of tbe do ml u loo parliament aud 157 by the aeveral pro ti octal cecrta prince tdwartl laland baa not ran led a ainile divorce in tbe t yeara the grtieral figure lve an average of etghl divorce m year for ihe whole of canada our fire brigade u tae iltor f lie frr irt ltn bm your timely telaiiu in laat woek a laauo cauuot but meet the approval of oar ciliseua tlioee of them at leait wbo poaaeaa property wiibiu tbe civic limita a body of men wbo volunteer their aer ioea to protect our lmmea aud buaineaa plaoea abuuld reoelve aoma ubatantial recognition at our banda lnder a wall orjaamte4 are brigade our citixena are relieved in a measure from active duly al a lire and aboold not be cauee tbey repoee oouadeuce aud truat in their firemen format tbe aacrince tbeae men ntaketo protect oar property acton if aba posaeaea one fault mora pre eminent than another baa iho fault of lodiflereuce i do not aay we are ungrateful but an unexproaacd gratitude to tboae wbo aerva ui aa the artituon do cannot fail to beget tbe impreaalun that we are nnappreol alive uf iho eetvioea tbey ao voluntarily tender tbe object leaaon uf thursday laat the prompt and valuable eervlooa of our ore men a four u clock in the inoruink to aubdue a tire eiblbita a devotion to interaata that abould meet with a uat rooti tuition t oar baiida aa clltxena many if no i all of the meu compoaiug the brigade are working men bo cue of tboin mhhuiui no proiarty internal lu llio m uulcipalily anil all of tbeni tjf lalnly aa much oulllled to a ijo i nlht a raal i wa are and yet li eae inon ku oruaaly plaoe tliainaelvea al our aervloo at all botira day or ulbl to prulect our luteroata now lot ua ezblbll our aenve uf apprec la lion and iu aorna aubatantial mauuar i would augiteat thai a ooenmittoe of two or ihrae olliaeua be appointed lo oauvaaa our people- fur aubeorlpllona to properly uniform hie brigade ao thai they can taaa part if tbey deal re with tbe or email of other mpnlolpalltioa in annual tournament aud praeenl aa cred tlebl au apearanca aa auy uf their 11 uw oompetllor huod tournatnauta are now rerogulsrd aa valuable alda fu bring log mp tfllcieuay uf tximpetlug brl gadea and mm au paaentia part uf i ha i would alau augrvat that our worlliy couuoll abould hrant nnouuragnnielit ui of remiaaluu f the iull 1 al lu fireman jud i bat a prise uf uua dollar lu tbe aral oremau preaenuog hi in self for prsclios after tbe bell ringa ooce a week during tbe practioe acaaon be given 3rd thai the men abould be paid a reasonable aura fur itoir aerviooa weu called on duty in addition to which a prlai of throe dullara to ihe oral and two dollars lo the eooood man un hand al tbe ural alarm of are be pad liy the adoption ul wtno aucb ay a tem of eooourmanieol aa here oatunad 1 fool osrtalu the force will bo improved and the action of our citiaona and council be appreciated by the men hor one i feed proud ol our ktro llrigadc your truly w 11 utona a oloo auguat iritl ljlj the new par j d ed jar elootad bftonhar of tho houno f ormndjgdrtina thlb i jafjtwmoon trie speech ftlom the throne oitin alald thaiiioal of lite mem bera of rarliainciil had rracbd4ho ml thia morning for tlm imiiiiu ihia aflrrmon callol for llio i led tun ol a nki tbe mambers ncmtiuiull ilkforciiihiu taking ilteoitlt of oljlt- athirco lock llio lfiiumonlita re iimmoiincf lo iho ate ehaml or wlirru the deputy tovt rn or hir henry fjttoug clilut joitico of carada rcqucatod them lo return and elect a apeakcr lie alao aniiounica that 4t is liia iicellpnc a pleaaure to declare to morrow bi reaaana for summoning llidtn together 1 bia concluded the ceremony in the senate lha liirmlirfa then relirrd to the hudfte uf commons lo fleet a apeakcr mr j i hdkr waa unanimously chosen fur tlita important position adjournment limn took place until to morrow at three o clock when bis kioellenoy oonioa down nil for mally opens parliament by delivcrimj the amch from ihn throne in the 41 reply to the ipoeab from the throne will bo morod by mr denjamm ituaaall q c member for halifax and seconded by mr h iemiem in em bur fnr uaape moth are bioellertl apeakera and the occasion prom i see to be more than usually n i after them tho leader of tbe oppoaitidal will indulge tta critioiara and the preroii will reply the debate un tbo addret will begin on friday at three o dock benator pelletier is already bpoaker of th henale his appointment coming from tbe i rown i ivi destructive storm at barrie iuhhik ont aug 17 nut since flood of june th lrtkl have tbe citiesi itarrio llneaaed aucb k alorin a vii hern on fiaturda i nlil oim unlock day seemed perfect large rnursioui t brought in by the steamer about i 10 thunder clnuda kathercit frum ibe aouth and the wind becamo very ftereo about four o clo h tlie rain brgtn lo fall iu torrenta waahing out tbo railaat along peei slroct tho worat ll w mi do clapper to u street which wsa also badly damaged b the 1 1 u ikio ocloek a ellcam fully foot deep ning along tbe parmeut on the a of dunlop street tbo cellar of caihman a perr a store al the norl side was tilled with walsr aud eveu the store to tin depth of aeteral luchea shortly after all iho rain ceaaed leaving the mark of it work nn tiearl otery street uf iho town ll is bard lo believe that yesterday storm could iauo such scnouadamage thi otit yards at mleudalo arc in a alate ol turmoil the tracks sre ripped car thrown on end and some bml iinja destrov ed kasidoola eay thai had tbe norm conlinue1 half an tour longer the 1 it station and reatauranl would have txrin waaheil away tbe track bein aaahctl pla cb del nyto traffic tb for here coulil get lefrov the paatetiera beiiit brought from there to uarrii t 1k1 the damage lo the luwu sod j i it will be at irail io km help at last t lis a nianlins to bo prototbl ly croat britain and russia lol aug 1 1lu hrvh lr today aava there la reaau u n lelleve that cireat firltain aud huaaia bae ariivetl al an undcra lauding to a aud raei turks rreucc it is eai j cuueura hi tbo rr4htidenl wbicb provides prubabty that a british deel atiall peuteel rete and that huaaia aball aeud military rcaidcuta to tho principal towns of rmeuia keeping au army wiibiu ihoir call aa uaual wben tberx la a cuuuiil in ijowuipg alreel atery devioa puaaibls is employed to keep secret the subject if di cuaaiou and the irend ol argument how ever lbre are the beat of reasons for balieviog itiat lbs up ressd comitry uf crete and its affairs wore the object f laat utgbl s discussion it is bcgiuuing to be realised nol only by abluot ministers but by it e public that tbe cretan ailualiun coa talus elements of seriousness which may eventually intlualioe tbe uiap wl a 0o ooo hhe tllftttnlnw rlreta ttio oourtflu a company a mills and btoro houaa at port sevarn wii siitst jut aug 17 duiuk iarn0o hail a tor in bunds y niurumg tl a oronciao hay cumber oiiipany a null store and storehouse at 1urt heverti were atruok by lighlnintf aud completely dotru ed the atreuuuus effurta uf tho meu prevented tho are frum apreadliif lulu the lumber yard a id many milliou lue uf lumber wrra saved had it not boeu tur the heavy rain llieto la no doubt that the wliolo village would have bnen awopl aa fai rill by lose 111 vx ll ertllhh iwrllall iuar i ii nt oihl bhuf obau j- jwtttrtnnwhcat lonmlnft varlntlon tlirotiahout on- tnrionosultb of coopnratlv exparlmontal work within lljn psit seven veer mm tin rill red andmrly tjireo variatiee of winter uift irfully irnt st iralcd in ll i itjmtl t 1 irge vl i la of h mil mirhv v lli dif have win ir their iislity irtngllinf si raw ly imim ubii ofjiraiu lliminf nialuril fiftnliiiu from runt rtr in order lo ditrr mine which kinds will give llio ihoilafj factor rpatilli whrngrown dnlur in i form eoiiutliona after lire variaufarlfllira have boeu carefully tested at tho tillrge for a few year lhoo winch have riven the tel satisfaction are selected fur ditlri bulion ironghoiit onlari thia ayalem uf co uicrallvo t fpfitnirntnl work enable tbo far mora lu drt ermine fur thnniaulves which ot tho leading vanrhrs will give llm boat reviilta ilnm their uvn arlliular farms as a praciicsj maiilt from obtain log in formal ion in thin hundred of farm era aro now growing variolic in their regu lar farm practice whirl were entirely hurt umnaxq tsa inalance the dawaon aooldrti chaff variety of wheat which hai roornlly given auch hih average yields uf grain per aero both al the college and throughout onlkrm was sea rcti ly known rxcept in iiuo iieiglilmrbool near clliolph until it was sown in our eiporimrtilal groiiua in ihii and after arda distributed for oo nperalivn ripen tl work tins n now one of ihe moht opiifitrarieticb of winter heali province in the fall otttliiojl v pf winter wheal wtrn diatrionlcil in this way the were divided into two acta with fivo vs nodes in each the dawson a uoldcn chaff wan used iu both sets to form a basis by which lb roaulta ol all ihe variettot ouuld le ctimpartxl with one another lach rrsoii who wanted to con duct an experiment slnleil in his sppllria lion which sot lie do ii red snd tbo 11 vo varieties in the set srleclud woro wont lo his address willi full lust rut tiona for con duttlng i in eierimeiit tho grain was sown at the rato uf one and otic third biiahrla r ulte upon plula exactly uni form in alio and shape tbo virlda per aero have been calculatid frum tbo actual result ubtaiucd from tho plula ninety riort of carofully oudnalcd ok perirtieiilb bavo been received this season up to thu tl tr r r news of the day jart epltomo of tho world dolnqafl durlnp tho weak lird chief lust toe ltnsiell of unglsnd iiin new iirk mr ifr htonr urns drowne at iirrt olliiirue on prld mr john w was killrnl at ho forth bv likhlniiig on hslurdsy janus hendy a llaruardu liy employ ed on i fitrm m woat irra eommltled sulci t ho flrnt cut ilia throat with a rskor and tlinu i hrtmv himself into a jiond itawt 1 ridar lua million rounds of i mclford am munition reached kir g- ton front hngtand thia week aud wan placed in tho aovern moot stores i ive hundred stand of ioa metford ritlmalai camo with ibe ammu iiitiuii john lliriir llio nroiimiit of a small uliiiso in jilnigwuol hsa imon aaliug tlraugely of late andunrrlday bis bouse was found to be on are while ho waa suffer ing from a duso of paris 4rwn and a wound from a ahotgun in ibe breah it ia thought that he tried several plana of tak ing ins own life r nl uf tbo ontario the rcaulta should ha of real prac tical value lo iho farmers ui llio produce tw following la give um -eowpfa- ave result a ot at raw and grain er acre ol tbo wiuler wheat varnllea tested dtirmj tho paat hamill un k dillereill outsrii j one ti ii svilf cc i llrn the i ij uclu tti- lie tarietiea winch have fiven hod aver ago reaulta lu tbe eiprniuentn at tbo col lc fur a lew yeara bavo alao given good alia act ion throughout ontario in the following table will bo found three sets uf wiuter wheal varlvlle which will bo aenl free by mail lu half pound lola of eaili variety lo larmcra apply lug fur til who will carefully teal the three kinda the set which thoy choose aud will report llio rcsulla slier harvest uoxl vear tbe and w ill be actil uut in tbe order in which an increase la shortly lo be made in the strength of ihe cavalry troops of the nonunion tbe incraaau has been n cooes i la ted by tbo acceptation of ibis years cavalry dull book which is baaed on the ijuadron organisation uiatoail ol iho troop organisation ai a rosull all cavalry troops will be inrrcavrtl to iho atrougtli of sijuadruds a good samaritan ha vino found health hi points the way to others hlu attvloo waa aotod upon by mr mllaa pottlt or wolllnuton who an a roatilt now rojolcon in hnnowod hoolth and stronth kniui llio ilciuu tluin mr miles petit of wollugum wsa a recent caller al tho hptr fli e he is an old siilwirtber lo tbe paper aud baa for yoais boon nno of tbo in al repoclcd bual nesi men of wellington ho is alao pos aesaed of cnuaidcrablo inveiillva genius and ia llio holder uf aoveral jnateuls for his own itivoiitionn i lie mr was awai of mr petila serious and loug conliuuo illness and was delighted lo aoo that i bad been restored to health iu auawer lo enquiries aa to how this had boon brought about mr pet lit proniplly and emphali call replied dr williams luik pills did ll lloiug furtbor uiterrugatod aa to whether he was willin thai the facia should be undo public ho cheerfully cou botited lo jivo a ataiuinenl for that pur pose which in subalauce is as fullowa ho was urat attsckeil in iho fall uf irfjj after asalllug in digging a collar th aral symptom was lalnotieaa in the right hip which continued for nearly iwo voai ii u1 an ll suppplv set laala i 1 dawson ad ideut haft rally l isnt harly llwl lawi mu sel nt 1 lawsu a olden half 1 llo of cuea ee poole met n o j lao jh uld e halt htewarl a bauiplon hibetiau irarsou wiahn g one uf liicr snts abould write lo eapt tural ullege duelpl bci he ileal res and ll iriuienlaltai li metillou 10 grain wi 1 agricul ing which th inalruc tiuus fur tratlui aud blank torn i on which to report bis adiln will bo turn is uutil the supply of of cil lo grain fur dialribiit nig beonnos exhausted xbb in inbtaln of hayn met on monday e at elglll u cluck ulmirs were all i lr twelfth re lit uf llio foil ullla uwuiiii 1au xlalilia lis- iuhei v 1 otu harviv oa lui kuilui h il uliu 4 la tiu u karli tl nmill pent happened about two miles from hers yeelcrday a aun of mr leurge johnson boul eleven years uld and a lltllo kirl a daughter uf mr harrison wore playing lo mr j oh n eon s barn where was a loaded guu tbe llllle fellow took tbo tuu lu acaror4kamlrlt aud ahn her in the tiea1 killiuii her much iy in pa thy ib tell lor the stricken family do you t1rh uuilkly i r is lbs natural sunuoo if however ii fullows model si slight erliu slgu and oldeu thai tleuervous ayatem ai vigor and rrjultta aaslblauc hulcldal is a resort lo stimulauls biulo ibesa only hiorease lh enervation aid cannot be obtained in this way bill through medica lion judiciously employed lu restoring ibrouitb the nervous sysleni tho digestive function upon which primarily hoaltb depend 1 ha whole raoge of modiolus fails to prodqoe a preparation iosacsalug in etual dog roe ihe tonic aud nutritive tjual ilea uf afaltlne with oca wide ily the action uf malliuo with coca wiue upuu hie nanmw system all ibe important fun uona of the bojy arc atlnfulauj and lu creased the dlgaiuvaroeeaa i performed eflloieatly aud without discomfort iuaur log iba proper uohriahmont of ths body toue takes tbe plaoe uf laaaiiuds vivacily diaaipatea depresaioua forebodings and despondency and soou tbe iuiakeulig im poises of renewed health are experlsnoed haltine with coca wine is sold by all druftgiata muvnl tr j h matthew- scoot jed h trancl thai the aral inatalmoul of ihe taxes tor the iresoul year beoumo duo and ay able un kalurdiy hrl 1 llh and the second luslaluicul on haluilay n n jlt i fled jy a illug iu tluaat aaksd lor au aildlllu uf cttlmm it lli appropriation fur the year to allui ib in ihiitiplelo work arianged fur i bn iiiucll ad jour nod al m la ui a pooh man 1 comkjul iiii lliswintef oimi bowls aioi swoop ill roil 1 1 a r one an bamola is rually s boon lu bulb wonderful healthful warmlh uivii itiaa na light womhl those to whom mnuoy is no ubjeel proler using ll lo being bur doited down liy ihe weight of many wraps and thoso who er form outdoor ilutleai iu oold weather find it invaluable aa it keep uut all wind and cold not for au hour or so but for all day aud yet aids nolhiug which bampera thorn no mailer what their aiorolae may be with it through their outer garmenla everyuno oau enjoy winter a ouldeal snaps in perfect comfort mr w ii nelson grocer uf kings ills shot himself through ibe lungs with a ro volver un 1 riday the jueod a speech pruroging ibe im oriel iarliarneiil ti talus refereuoes to lha houdkn expedition iurklah affairs and lha ualabelo reulliou it ihun gradually extended to iho otlu leg and lo bulb foot iho aonaatlona wi a nunibiieos and pricking which continued lu tot worse and worse until ho practically lust control ut i la foot he could walk but a short distance before his limbs would give out an 1 ho wosld bo obliged to real li felt that if ho coull walk forty rods without r osl lug ho wsa acoomplihlug a groat deal llo bail the best of mediae altondaiioe an 1 irlod many mcdtaliien will out any beneficial reaulta flu remained lu this condition for atmul two years when ho uneypoctrdly g l relief one day he waa in picton and waa raluruliik to w el litiktou by irani mr john hoby uf pic ton wssalsoa iiaaseognr on the train mr hoby it will bo roinouiborod waa uno of the many who had got benefit from iink illla and bad given a utstlniuulal that was pub bshod exlonsively llavin been bone ft i ted by lr william piuk pills ho has ever bin oe been a atauueh friend of ibe modi cine and noticing mr petit a condition made enquiry as lo who be waa having beau in tor mod m r hoby tapiod bliu on the hhouldor aud aaid r rlond you look like a alok man mr petit described ilia oaae and mr hoby rnplted i ako dr william pink illla i know fr nil exper ciio what virtue thorn la in litem an 1 i am satisfied they will ome you mr potil bad iritd no many iblnga and failed to to i relief that bo waa somewhat aketill cal but lliu advice was so disinlorested antsgiven bo earnestly lhal ho concluded u give pluk i ii- a irlsl llio tost is shortly au in mod up llo boulit tho pink pills us4h1 ibem accordlug to ihe dlrectloua that sccoiipiiy oaoti box and wsa cured ilia euro bo boliovra lo bo lortiiaueul for it afflow fully a year lure ho discontinued the use of tbo pills mr puttll says be hflllevna ho would bavo lisoome utterly help leas bad ll not been fur title wonderful hhh rasloilng mwlioiuo tho exfxirieoco uf yeara has proved that ihrru is absolutely no dl tease duo to a vitiated oonditiuu uf the blood or shattered nerves iba lr williams pluk pills will nit promptly oure aud iboao wbo are bill for m k from such troubles would avoid much misery and save money by pruiuptly resort lug to uti kwauitsnl oa uw genuinertak pills every llllle aid do iiul be perauadnl to lata an imitation of stitne other remedy frutnsrtfeakr whiub fur the sake uf extra prutlt to himself be may aay is usl aa good ir will pmk illls make rich led blood snd t urs whru other mod munhv made in a minuic i have iiul made icm than mai eel dollia any day white elllnu etitilual luo ream ir retuir any one should make from live lu right dollar a day selling cream and frum seven to leu dullara soil luic frerxors aa ii is suub a wonder there is alwejs a oeowd waiitlug cream you can freexa cream olegauliy in uno mluuto and lhal aatouishoa woplo so tbey all waul lu teste it and then many uf them buy frerira aa the croam i aiuoolb and par fectly frdkeu lrery freeaer ia guaranteed lu reocs cream perfectly in one miuute auyoue can aell ka ureiyu aud the freeaer sella itaeif my staler make from ten to tlfloeu dollars a day j k casey a co 1u1bi harle hi ht iuuia mo will mall you full particulars free so you can go to work and make lots of money any where aa with oiio freeaer you oau make a hundred glloaa of crraui a day ox if ou wiih they will hire yuu on a salary dresden silk chiffons j fcr ijlouscn f lii tl lotsh t lir i ml j i liti s in vniit i i i h ii ahk fur inipli j hy mill r i 1 lj nit ntf rlnira 1riiuiriil lih t i r i ir pi s ii yird vvlnl the 1 i t i 7bc j li ii ib miilfonn in hi irk uhltr nn i i r tcy acarcc l 05fi i girls blouse waists lh i fit irr rnrrl to w i hut w- hue tlum utth nil lu i pt tlttj htu tni liootiynjjuif j tinr ouir nnrr iirthgfinp ni ikt s for lidies 75c jl aju advance guard fc he advance iuard ol n army is alwayb the signal of the near approach of the greater body wt have rereived from kurope in the shapxiof a larc slicaf of invoicpb and shippers advices the advance guagd of the large hidy of rases and hales tf lill goods winch will le troweling in on us in a few more days with an experienced and practital bujfcr from e ach department visiting the centres of manufacture in all the ditics of i ufopc and on this continent during the last live weeks we will he equal to our greatest expectations we rfurlw i t j all qiicitionn cheerfully nnswered i ctlcra or nrtlcrs receive ic fore i oclork inswered same li jsutcliffesohs 2rv toronto wilii ciuiiik isk for mi j 1 shu liflt fall exhibitions aut inluaulal t wtwurrti lo niruioru walhtirli n sl 11 i houlbern hraiitlont htt t ii 11 wnat wnllltikton llarrluiu rt nortli i or1 htralfirl trt i t milro wellttit4tn knrtjui fll kratimma hock whhi el m i krln rrluu1in oct jo an i j mn 1 iitoii i have read how mr r 11 made ao much money in ihe olali waaher businnss aul think i heve best blin i am very yoiliik yol and have ha 1 little cijmnenri in sellind kooris but have made uvcr eiht hundred dollars in ten weeks seltink oish washera 111 simply wonderful how easy ll u to aell ihem all you have to do is to allow the- ladpa bow limy work and they cannot helii but buy unn i or the benefit uf oilier i will state that i ot my start from th mound ity dibnv saber o hi 1oul llo wrlloto them and they will send jou full r ticulara i think 1 can clear over hikxl tbo com hik year and i am not oir lo lot tbo opportunity pass 1 ry it aud uuhliah your auooeaa for the benefit of others j 1 ii is estimated that i ultud htalo lour lata will siid about mm ihx in europe aluminum 1 i is l hi h l i- jul hni one of th ttle- boles made out uf this retnarkable metal it looked like a lare jewel case aud 1 waa curluus aa lu ita contents itlilu waa ibe medal of the worlds columbiau 1 xpoai lion awarded to mr bis o new combe a i o for grand an j i jirlhl tlaiioa the only torouto ilatiufurto makers who uabibited their work in iaiuiot itiou with the world ajnlt received tho hibeet honors he sure to see ht low combe pianos at koulh west lor of the music 1eillinm at tholur onto hihibitloti orl the ware rooms 117 burcli hlfeel mil furs people who see far are the people who are byylng furs every day w are aliowius stl llio laid ijlr i m1i hral i ersian caoih lrj la b and aatrakan apes bud jacket- hill le iu 1 ur huod wa luod will all furs jual now wo are showing the very latest styles hi r ur scarfs aud apoilues our roputalion for the past thirty yeara la rentes in itself for reliable fur jjlugsdin 101 yongo street furs witura to tbe i khlbition ibiukiutt ol i baaii kura ills seas ill will iiul it in uoliuj lira class uooils at lory low prices abtrackan mantle 0 tu jo aravnland soul lnua 30 inohei lonff 1 q to 27 i j bo to 2 tto j4 1 6 to jo urey lamb roiaiau i amb lleotnu beal sod alaska hoal caxis aud mautlus al iruporllunalely low prices niadu up in the latest stylet beuil fur circulars aud jinoes f maghab 5 go 274 yonga street toronto flrln ailittli5tmfnlf ikiisk alfl i0tst f bm phi uuinc ktiii aitriiwtitln cn i tlitt l f lh f vmioiii api wnlllngton mutual flro inauranoo company t vht lls4 t uni ll in ni ur teuilusl in ut il si t 111 ll c i iimutljt k1ioi an tuny nhai a lyllali itslr rut a cooil art itaaurs i ml mi i pit litniblnlasa rouirillmi la1lr anl elilliln t a hair lasjlly cut houghs restaurant o i yoptfo st qasp t eaton a are ntjw in a position to outdo all previous records t7r a stjhsh and ler mrreasinj trade boots and shoes having an experience of over twentyfive years in boots and shoes ihis is not an experimental side line with us but a fully helped lyoof and shoe store huing direct from the best and most reliable manuifrt turers on the continent saving jobbers and middlemans profits the expense of double shipping from the factor to the jobber and thence to the retailer and while nof cramped for room wl save the heavy rent taxes and heating of a se pa rate store wl have reccivld up to date ninety three ij i cases of 1 all dooik and still the invoices come to hand the frank dowler co j real cash house departmental guelph to clear out 1 tlil balance uf our stock to make room for other 3 cioods we will make the following cut in prices 3 where dentistry is painless toronto dental parlors cor loiifte and uueaii hla over liwrtas kaolk uih hlutiison a ihiiiart mental hism no i on mil hi ksal sew ork ilial ialuleaa dantlau will lurliih tbe r ililliltloti oftor tlio folio wine bait rale prices in anrrnnn hat uf tenth mod trcrwrmrwtiria rtin 1 mki oolj 1 uo ui call for a tree aauipla of our tooth igwilnr kala or hwtti made will in you yalt all wurk warrantori toeonto dental parlors cor uiitfd ami quoeu htrnela over lniierul hank nin 8lnisnn lliu htora belt a block from t latou a 0xu r eiilnffs sdithundaj lingular price iuduced f lammocks t 75 t no do 1 00 76 do 1 20 no 1 is tt do 1 7 i 31 do 1 00 1 15 clo 1 10 1 imj do 1 00 j 26 own i bi ia racquets its liar price reduced i racquets 92 75 tj 00 do 1 00 j 23 dn 4 21 1 20 do 7 w 1 m inl g s7vith 3 c ho nil n and booksella v mill s i kll i jl b i tuui du wu want a ictll titbt class suit 1 all overcoat ui 1aiiui 1 f se e all upon merchant tailor acton west l will juaraincc im the bebi ualtl of goods 1 it and uui kmanslnp at the closest prices call jnd see his will assorted stock n b no 1 alloresscs cinplc ed here j moffats music store hcton on i dominion pianos t- 9 u ulli iryan mold hlrliitf lalln how iio acton flour mill morrats music store noil door to bjrmon brest cheyne cheyne proprietors i our roller lull dow lu ouui law j tiafctirir running unlsr and arc lu t auilt tbs wants ut tbe ulilic with ai rioht pricks iili will ruoslv trotnil alloim- ll ua dsllimrwj tu auy iart ul uie towu our tanas are oaab aud out prios fur all loo t tarsal to patronise home liulu t live ua a fair trial and we will naa the matter fur you to dec ids sa to ibe iiuallijr of ibe ttuds we uianutaotursv ordsrs lakau at tbs mill or al j kanuawlu a drugusbre ohkyne 0b1yni optfo i olt oiirini thli 1vntki a t sii ami c h srnsi lltll if yh 130 wr iiiuntb ant esiwiiaea fur iartleulara uberal isrtloulaj luhl rt time uieu y armors aoua ahuuld loiik iili thia llpaya letter tban working on tin farm ami nflera a alianoe for promotion apj lj now and flat alinlcu uf territory htom- a wkllieitom toronto canaila pateup kjiepnof hooflntr aitjuhtnhtc to all pitch of roof rt llftrn ur tho hordiuoroco aotnu tlif llrnlthsiipi latln r f llerlln isrs llru a co 1 reatoii au 1 iitlixra the roof is ulvliif tl beat uf satlfactiiiu anil i iwuud to talto tbe plaea of ililuulna mi harm llulllnt eost about tlm aamn as aliluuloa from j ju to 00 per squaro allon roofing co calt ont auction sale hoiim- ami lots in acton saturday 5th september 1u a iwulh li 111 wulkllllbtl i ijitia lul thimh 11 ji cash halslim i uiurlksun al pi eii ll xt one half caal wu htjihthh h ii uollllln voters list ih all ml ual ity ok ti1k village of acton l ol m ot haltom that 1 have irai lai ill arl nrl of tile list u ml ut roll of tbe iiiuatcliiallty ui iwdutlllvil tu vote in tbe sail tuuiillliiajitt at tbo slsctluu fur iba uieiuben uf uic ceialauii aasenibly slid at iuuildlal elections and lit a i aajil list was mrs i posted u saturday ut august 1896 ami to u i aim tbero lor luapectluu fin lor- are called iku lo siamlue tbe sal i llala an 1 if any umlaal ur uilier errors art i iuiiii thorolu in lake liuuithhaxo iirooaiodluira 1 hate tlia aal i rrrura corrmjlml accord tilt to law ttloh t uoohk why not buy a wheel piano ve rillt piano lb no i on j hit i i a ulab onb op thh luxuries 6p thh 1iumu to bh hmjovud oni v uy thh high t ha5 ubcomii a nhcussity and thh pah i 1 1 ft ays ai a bouhcb op hlfiaiuhh and inbfikailun in inu humb has maou it onb op thh ebbbn tialb in uodukn ho mb llfti uuy1nc a piano puk tllh touh ib a llputimb invubtlshni ohhat laru should 0b hxultclsad in its iblbctjon a iooh piano is a nbvbh ending soukcu op tkoubt u adoon piano ttists uut liitlb hokh to buy and costs i tiss to khuf anil al so improves in tomb and action with usb tub bum is thh uhbt invhstmbnt thh khputa tion op thh makbh is iis tlliitt liuahantbb t qfrnflrdl1eintzn1n t um anxi bsra ssjbli jev tub bnwiablb and world k qipn irliqinll wioh oistinerrton op bkino tmb nii 1 jf u mt op high cradh ikstru mbnts and thu1r hbal mbkii has bien bitaulishhd bv years op expbribnce and down right honesty in the allnutfcsi dhtail 0 cons huction whilst all that stands oh puiiiy row eh anduellowness in tone perfection in toutll bwhkt singing quality delicacy aud durability arh io uk po ivll inthljh two pamuus p1anus famous the world ovtsh to ulli honom op lanaoa writs as ler ruae catalacass some uahcais duabaea planu halliaa a bp iiaaabara till gsal uw n y 5i llsl co isa malnay aaj a numbmn 0 tsato pimos taicn im flxchunoe qm tmi auove nuakmn mo aoir aosalcomonawe0rgans ro satcl at a sacmfflcb unhfchtum fczf ultiia is the fair an vsussm is ecr taewreesis i aa tohoe st toronto uva wllu i urn lu w stark arut pringle v watchmaker cuelph ont i t

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