Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1896, p. 2

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wf -j- c i mi i lnltnlnu pu uidiulnj hi iliml lolin i rii r atudnn r viiimi niit lb- i imp t niii1 j in nlliii ll littn i til iihivv hi ill mill it tern notfcanu comments lllnlnsl irrncli parliament mnniinnis it jiimi1 u tu lln h iur mill bovcrngrm dinlarul liy tlm arnildmy nf mitihainn lo lm iihk rrttm to lunltl hir llibtwrl iilitit litth hitio ltiord mi aniundniml irtllif iruimn act intake tlm fllhlintlou of faln statemtila aboil n candidate tnimlink lynllurnoetii lilllii arorriiirilim mm tin uuhllshud auuiiiiml it in burn that rtlr waldiu a nliiotloii ixrncs at llm iain llditunicin rluclion it iiiih county amounted to 9111 17 mr hon loroxm election ex mn tea wero tlbf j in rrjily to n iucntiuu i iar untni on monday mr latirlcr thai tho lak i uk of a plobircita oti on jtroh tlu nm i part o i lie prnnrammo of tlia literal parly tho government inloiu to taku a plebiscite but the ilato la not died at liia moment mr lajoat mayor ot graveaend lug land whom tlio iiernnl vteluaur unll- says la an old member of tlio trade at tho nneiihift of a new homo for soldiers and allom said lliat ttiu uroat curat of tint country it drink certainly a member of llm trade uuulil to know what i hi dnok la and what il does a meeting of tlio juices snnointcd tu diwdo tlia county ot hallon loto oounly council districts will be held on september jitli in tlm court houso at milton tlm different municipal council and othei interested catjolior suujtnationb jegardiiif tin proposed charges i ho same uie wilt meal at thouourt huuie ilrampton on september jjni lot tho purpose of divul liiu iho count f ieol the manitoba dovurniieiil eiuinraiioii aeut ui toronto has rriurnod from a triji to matinoba and tlm nnrlhwet whore hi wont in charge of llm lat laborer near ion ha reports that llm urod of llm farmeri for hired rutin in those dialrtota are iioito supplied altogether j300 farm hands have tfono there from oularto the crops tlua year tlni seul report will be far 111 excrss of what wan repeated a aliort time to it la atalml that hir mackenzie it i well will noi be the representative of cauade at the pacific cable oonfereuoe in the fall but thai ho will bo aucceoded aa canadian oommiaaioner by bir richard cartwriuht itiaalao rumored thai hir richard will afterward make a trip lu auitralta and whru tho lablo scheme la completed and lm is mllevod of the duties of minister of irado and comuiercf that ho will auocced hir donald smith aa mlh cuiiiitllaaioncr 1 he vacancy cauaed by tho lamented dralh of the hon v u ltalfour ha been tilled iho past week by the appointment o hon fc j davis tlm member for north uik who haa for some weeka hold a toil lion in tlia cabinet without portfolio in the iscttlalature a well aa in hi capacity aa llm head of a successful i ud on trial oon ocru mr ljavls haa displayed business iualitiiia of a hitfh order and it ia a matter fur congratulation that llieae aro now to tm placed entirely at the aervice of tho lrovince aa a debater and ai chairman of the ommltue ou 1ublic accounla mr iavia haa achieved a reputation winch made lm ou trance into the adiiiinuiraiiou only a m attar of lime more sidewalks wanttu a deputation which put off lis bo quests rathor lata for fulfilment lhe municipal ounoil met on monday oveiiiii all tho members were present hcovo uavill presided a oommuuicullou from tlia hoard of underwriter reoiliuu the requirements lo socure rattntt in alas 1 waa pronenled tho chairman of the firo ommiltea waa limtrgoted lo wnte tho un lorwntora i n pec tor and tu mr itouald in the mat lor 1 lie thlrtoenlh rrjmrt of the ommitteu on 1 inauco wet presonted reoouiitiondluk payment of account aa followa hwmkliauiuioi it rurk i rt w 1 ultli uto u watloti htoi lm iixiii work i i uooro irlutlli an i uidk li louta tiravcl a hiiklil liudlea muvrd by j ijlmalllmwa acuui deti b win liruwn that the mill lopjrl of the t luaiilc oininitlee juat road be adopted arnod it waa roporlod thai ttroinau t ainpbell a aouideiit at the dower a m tire had loal lilm ten day work a a remit in addilkin in hi phyiclan bill moved by a 1 nicklm etondml by i rrncla that leore ampbell aremaii iwkrmitl llfteen dollar illoo tu go toward defraying eipoiiea and payment o loal time from injunea eceived while on duly at lhe flro ou llowr avmiur caincii mra li w niokhu atid muaars thoa mthire and adam c uok waited upon the uunuil rtiiueatiuk that lhe pro rectum priiuiloti u build a tde walk oti the weal aide of mam hi root irum mill rllreet lo huroh lo comical with the now aide walk just uuiahod from imrcli htreel to ano be fulfilled llm ommlttee uu hi root and walk waa inatrocled to briuu in a alatefiienl pi ihalr ripondilurr for hie year ii the balance in hand wtl warranl il llm walk will bo built imnoll adjourued at h 4 manitoba 3 great chois tho off lola i crop ha port haveal soma intaroatinu yields win nu a hepl 1st dm manitoba joernoieiil orop hullotiu uat lasustl kivea this oatlmalod viehi lur the province wheat uuufiuhacras lmubi 1wm buahela oalk 245 acres lfl ult 1u buajiei kl at 3j5 aofta iti filfi bushels kyo j iho a9rcltilt hsj buslioja iea 1 103 aorej aijilt blteu new lapd broken jill cio oeres hay orop ory heay native 1 lous sr aoro cultivated rssaee 1 7 ton per scfo two thousand oitra harvest bauds aro wantost iheao lo be aupplmd from ontario cattl of all kinds aro doinu very well nd noxious weeds are lrhi vkorously attacked the condlllou of the irop 1 much belter ihah was cipoolcd corllor in the eoaaou ordained and inducted flov huuh a mnophoraon ulviin n cluiruo of kndx church with intpubtlna cnromonloa irfost aufapicious inaugural mi iritiihliuion f it v u it in liiiunlo lini l i i iii and tmlonit ol km x hurrli ati hiblnlh ma fih ibni ho mr htrafhati n nlor f llm hbixi ollhially prriilhi 1 iho pirl ii men lit aftir immitit n niiml r f mil tidal iho inunhalion u llm li hlv to h llnj hiiiiil ali towiirdi uitdrrntxin n n til i mr lllih am ili rmn f flit ii nnsin rcdilluk cibry wurti fillllllid n furinal prlili nr in in in tlm hinaturc of j roni tiinmahu an adhintitii mii premoul rl mm i nblry mid 1 maiu hipltmbqr hi hl apart for lm irdinrttion and indiiuim tiniiiimiih lusla a hilijflittul muthmir div and tlm pple of knox tiiircl worn in exiibnriitlt hpjrith llm riitpiei ma omsa moil wdh n kin n anion ol iitorintink nvnnts from n orii till niijil al cloven o i lock llm lrtstiylary ol lunlh nut for llm puriou id rimnliiinii the pastor olint itov v m uobertsnt m a of mornaton tho moderator prenlded and the totlowiiik momtxra of rroshyter vrcro prcsont llnva it rorrance 1 1 llm wardrop 1 h j hunt m a it i and it j m laasfurd limlph i a it dickson ill d and aln jaukaon ill 1 gall david htrachan itookwood donald ktrnuhan habprlur d mc loar ii a 1 orkiu 14 t thomas 1roston a ulair ii a nasikaweya and watson alms tho various examiners proceeded to examine tlio candidate in hebrew urrck church history and kystemalio theolojy and tho ordeal was pansadwiti much satlnfaotinu in iho lrobytnry and credit lo llm candidate dinuor was served by tho isiiilb of tho conkrefcation in the basemeut and tlm members of llm lreahjtury spent an enjoy able souml hour telhur licforo uilierini for iho ordination imrvice at two oiloik iout before llm hour for optminu the proeeedui4 of the aflcrtiimiu tlm auditor kim was tilled lo llm iloorn 1u coimrn gallon embraced many iltor from nut aide kiuiih in fact il appcarti 1 as if almost every linnlly ikjioiiuiiiu lo knn church had invited vbilura from a di lanru lo participate with thoiu in the hot vi job of tlm day i lure weru over a ti ore of v 11 lor present from h f hutch juelpli which oii nuoti will ou tho lfllh init have tlm indutiliun orvicoj for their new pah tor llov w v martin of toronto ltov mr uobartbon presided iho ol lowiuil visllink ministera werr uoii motion made correspond ln member of tho lrebytery and invited to taku pari in the ordination ceromony hevs j w llae toronto j miction j i ilowoll m a and william dryer- acton donald morrison iron mountain mioh d i campbell ilallmafad w mchay norval ami mr lions churchill 1 he ordination aeruion was preailmd by itev mr m of teru from lhe text ualah iu 1 1 lioti will keep him lu ierfucl peace whoso mini i atayod ou tbeo bocauao he trdslelh in litre iho dibtourse was an able one and impressed lhe value of divine peace the tost of uod al its oouolunlon the moderator recited tlm histury of the taaanoy tallti that the ircabylery was unanimously coulldeil aa the late pastor itov mr iue was that his call to toronto junction was divinely ordaiueil iiiodalitjbl fell by llm lrosby so efrly wilti aujh a hearty and miaul nous call tofllr maophoraoii vat referred to i be minuter eloot waa i lieu ikllod lo the plalforn after lhe usual disciplinary ijueklioiia were put and talinfaitonly anawerod the ordinalloii look puid by the laying ou of haa da by llm members of lhe 1reabytary ltov dr i or ram ulfertd tho ordiualiou prayer al tho conclusion of llm lcidii y lev david tilrachau addroaaed iho o mrea llou lu a scry helpful addreaa ho kvo fatherly oouusel hi lon coniietliou wuh the aindfokalion aa a nciuboriuu inimalor aud as luterun moderator javo bun a knowledge of iho proplo which ii ltd turn specially for tho approf rmto address lo ltov dr jacksou uf call limn addreao od the uuuister 1 hero was aliu a parllcu lar tliiicsb in the sslcction of tin speaker lie bad been kov mr marphersuii 4 pastor at uslt for year and k s under his mil latry that ha decided to coiiccfto ins life lo the linslian ininifltry lu iiiscuj pioot address dr jsckaon ruluratcd llmau jhiiuta vory cffeolively 1 ha a inaii 2 ho konlleuian j ho a minister i h a slste not uf jour colonisation bill of hrlsl the proccedlntts ol lhe afiertnii were on cou eluded an i the 1 oiupati a ijournod tu the bsciiirnl whom a auniluous tu of it nlipipirr nf onnfhjdralild itmoilnl ln cilllion of jiu services an modoralnr d 11 rin tho vaoanay tlio oliolr tit 1i10 11t1unl1 itiirflnd tlmm snlvrn with tlmir nplllcuui ihirinh llt art rnnhi mil ntuniiiu mil the dm in l mosrs hauu slid jllbhiim won nlxo inn i njoy p sucli siitui btufil nts 1 h r suit nl tlm ixauniinllolm al tlm vnriiim hihh td mki h i100u and i h uiato luhlituti lliiojmhoul llm provani up llm pip r- pr parol h ll i inc lion lipurtmvul w rn madii puhlln last i rila llm marks mil nt tln 1 lamination will not hi furtiiidtol lo 1 niitidalns from tlm i duialion deparlmont unurootil nan ilidatrm mny apply for iholr markh in about a wtoh to tlm lrnioiitl uf tho hh holmol or to tlm iimpitcl ir in tlm rraao of other cciitri u account of llm objections to tho piper on alkhra jl per ont insttadof 11 r cent wa nocipand fur ptaaiu no oandi itnlti was rudotel 111 a1ohr ovon on the rod iiiod pruonto till after hie staiidlii in llm other mathematical subjects was conulderod together with his k i the uitilldtiulial report uf llm slaff mure than ill usual pnrcoulao of candl dale wtro uccohfiil nl iho junior iuavhik oxanilnatlon matriculation oorllllnnlra cive no rhl to attend county model hchoolv only jhoin who hava pnssd llm primary lhe jtinioj- loavmk or ihu suuiur leavintt eiaiiiinatloii and who will l 1 al least eighteen yearn of ao heforo lhe end of tho year aro eligible for almialou u i hone iho following ih iho list of su candidalo who wrote in the u ilkllou iful 1 irl i oritt m harbor kollileeii ilrad ley uiuiard liisholm i din ole haberl oulter maukin arbull william jar tank llallio lurlwoll mabel i eallo annabel malcolm wallace mcgregor 1 dw j mikiro a h monro arthur iiko i hniiibb 1ortor ktolla rinyiior i klcelr h htrele william hlowsrl aio wtxxlluit hecmdlorm hart 1 h harbcr pass od in phsis uroi 00 hontmtt lloborl lancy day loot m loodwlllln harrop mluiim holmes u holmes lucie howlii 1 kemmdy m kirk wood lianllaw n malcolm cilia mcqueen wm monda passed in physics john monro m n rton 1 parsons art hike i rank lued duncan bluolair passed in physic 1 butjlo jamth lovoll 11 wotherald passed 111 physics j williams hocond roon hart 1 without phyuca i oilho k mel ollum ii nixon hrimary a hoamlh k cillle 1 mc culloukh j mel arlann mccuire m mclsaac i 11111s irontiss i ihu tit ore y jennie i urubnll juuion 1 oavioii m reo i urne ii dayfool hord j aiima cordon c ken ned j ii id law alo pasted in urmaii anil i atinl w mallie llsu paascil in lenuau ami lalii molarlaitr lieorke midtflev atliorioo hharp matriculation h o harbor l olaaa honor in malhomatu and corma 11 olaaa honor in 1 ok1iii liatory and trench wm mood olas houura 111 huklish hltory 1 romli and mrnuu ii olas honors in malhcmaldca j 1 wtl hams lasted lu 1 roncli and cierman benior i oavliik h harber william mouds domau hinolair hiral ron w hound honors m tnapman a dales j irviutf h mel w a wiih 1 hecond 1 dales m hmylli hrimary m km y th 1 rt i it lli oil i i nl i will out dm- lbo dioe 1 1 arl t 1uiilo 1 hartley b huiitlr 1 1nviry honors lurui 1 j held junior 1 oanh i hume 1 irt ronii carjucr a 1 oaley 1 1 uak m huiitli hecoud 1 urin 1arl i la lucr bocoud 1 or in 1 art 1 without ptiyii j muulliu hecund 1 or til i i outc 1rimr c yrdy a uli r junior i omvmij w aibei laon 1 i- ly 1 1 nikiombo d wiiboj a ullo uay with auuuni3 rved llm plion ejico 11 il 1 lo ursely alteiidod mr ueore hyuda piaaijeil ill a- aud ability dlliotf llm nucaioii ho re f erred to tlio farewell kliorii a few ih ao lu itov j itae i hen there a note of aadiieu ruiuilur lhruuh lhe oetliiina now w havo cause for re iu10lit iwoauac a nt w pator hit lama to prrn le uvoi a llioroukhly untied oon urn ktloi 1 bo nniriiilii wm leilliy and nii braonl addieaaa by itev david ritrauliau w luibertsou j w itae daniel hlrachku w mckay w uryora w h molavuih aud dr jackson al the oiobo hev mr marphrrsou lhe now patlor briefly addroaaed llm ciinrcik lluo he prefaowl ills remarks by aayiiij i am lery woullarly clrouttnlaiii rtl to nikhl i rind mybult aaki u- 1 10 klettallou in wiilch i had tho i u i bo bap 11 end and which my lather llret alton i ol when ho oomo to auoiia irom lna homo in the old land i appreciate tory uiucli all llm kind lhuia aid of mo to niht at tlia same time 1 fcl thai my reaoiiaibll ilea are coiiaouenly maituinnl thank you all aud all iho speakers for the kind lien 1 u have mauifestou towaul mo nolliluk haa dohe mm more ood lo day than lhe facl thai i was jtoraoually iniru duced tu ou all by your old alor itev j w itao i alnuerely irual lius will be llm bottliiilu uf a ministry ikhhimku lu uod aud helpful to ourselves itev mr maopheisuu comes lu autou hthly rcoommeniled for schulaatiu mllani niciila aud ministerial ability i he fact that ho is a nallvo of ttu soctlon will give him an tutrrr lo ihu hearts aud home of all lhe woplo he is one uf tho son of the ooonmonjty was born in i rlu lowu ship on lhe ira line urcrto the rami of mr laori li she ilia father waa loauher of italic a school a juarler uf a century bu and a qnuimuutcaul uf knoi c huroli otou the 1 1 cohr alula to itov mr maepliorauo uhju his cordial rearptluu as knoi t huroh a now pastor and lioarluy wcloomea him as a lliueii and chrlsilan minihtsr lu acton an evsul of the evontnii procnediuu was ho yresotilatiou lo hev mr biraohau j luesitii lownshit tt alteinlod by all mllllli hold ul week a pelltlui v 10 i uii ioldi1 u tloiwiumm ikinl i j m 11 lark lock aal lorl iur other atkiou the i ouuuil an 1 other larin ali k from lomiliik at la botwoou the hours of o elh k 111 an i i nioik a o movolhymr law le1 by mi hlowarl thai ihi lly law to apkirliun llm liittrel aiiiunik fliin liivutnmnt of iiioimy iukk1 1 lh irand i run it hallway oinpaiiy f 1 ilia viar oudlii nivdinlxr loiti irlh lm now nad the to nl aiil thirl tlu and paused and thai tlm blank in tin llj law bo illlmj m with the sum if iwolvo huudroil and thirty six dollar and hfty cont and llfleen doltars arried i hu followuiff uiquuiils wore ouluod to bo paid vvi ii ik- au 1 lla ui j an 1 1 lul 1 lib tditw llo arl i aiii wli p uul i luu oak jlaik alij caul w ja lalilo hi 1 1 l k i lm ir per u a llak all mulm b font u li tul i uf m uiu all htl ml ti iu ii ml 11 u bf lu 1 anil ill a 1 1 ii ill 1 ll u ii burl 111 lur l l la f kluioii irtiui i uaiid furnlshinii llalo an r jrrarvlplt ei lip 1 iaifl ii c lllifllral mini 1 is 1 nn r ah wsllls lay idi loil the ai 1 h tb una lly 1 b iii11u int li iii jil 1 wriiibt 1 flllin kl nil 1 i1i11 rr i am hii avl 1111 j a n lth altr r jwlrlim 1 rl in rr f e l ik tire ill ha 3 lb jin vll mrtltil flip ifti lor url of itevial 11 jo 11 taiiltee pill liu iorrkirt ii ituth r r urav nit mil aol nil lr lireahliiu 1 an 1 rtrr j 11 wauo n vel aiilll or town line trmniaii mvi rtltl nc ib 11 1 ill mi a regular cripple tijc story of an oldsettler in duffetfln c6untv t so i ron krln at like ainii irliaeh rue william lliiliiie innwcnlvirla liu xi a alit 17 town llim imtmwti saaaftanaa a lift puunallil saabbina wt1ui a llkn auni 7 iu moved by mr hlowarl aerondrd by m wriflnleb worth thai ilia treasurer i authorised to pay eorpi howell fill baintc the two thirds value of two lambs killed by dotf the owners thereof bejiifl unknown carried moved by mr stalker second by mr wrifjflobworth that tins council do nov adjourn to meet on tho jhth of boplcmbci next wanderings in waterloo ploaaant maotlnmi with formor raaldonts of acton and vicinity a mom her or the y usr im m staff recent ly had iho pleasure or a trip through valertoo county rnkin brief visile at various towaa al each oinl touched former residents of abton and woinily were called upon v couple of days were apont with friends in iho pretty little town of t imlra hera mr hli hnydnr and family are amoii the moil hlktily eateemed residants hnyder moved 10 hlmira several ears ajtp from toronto jus sou mr h h huydei then botn manbnr of the traders han at this point mr hnyder endfamily ooaupy a very pretty new villa erect ol by himnslf from modern and inilijuo plana of amen can architecture situated aa an elevation which commands an attractive view of hie town and vicinity hev j s oiling a formor pastor 111 acton is he minutor in charge of iho molhodist church hero hlmira is situated in tho heart ol one ol the moat prosperous agricultural district ol ontario conductor hastvrick who o sides here was tor some time enjiaed witti mr has bymon when ho was in business here ha was much interested in aclan at ht jacolis a few hours wore epeul with mr j t bills and family mr blln hm been agent of the c t ii here evei biuce ttia opening of tbe road ho likes tho place and people but there is a trltla much german for unqualified oon ten i m there i no religious eervioe held in the place where lnjlldi m aiokcii lhe n of 1 it snyder rx m i hero do immense custom aud merchant bumn mr and mrs hills deal red to be rem bored to their acton friends a plroaaul chat wtth mr howtoy anon i of tbe 1 hat new hamburg formerly of himehouoe was while away in rocalllnu events which iranapirod back in tho aevi tie in acton aud cimehouao mr alex wataon a uatho ot acton the enerielic manafor of tho manufacti inn dortmoui for the anlhoa rurnin o at lterlin and maile iiiijulrloa for all tho acton boy a and kirls ills mihool day miss rrpoland is oiun a nice business hoi 111 fancy ood but her thoutthls freipiontly recur to the ploassnt daya aim n actun rho haa many cordial friendship here mr loui mchnoo is doinii a ood hutuiibb hare on his own account in lovrb mill and travelling baj ho feels keenly hi recent bereavement i lie dtath of lit belovel partner 10 life nrr mivs arrlo luibsuu who went u havlin from kcton mr ii j hall 1 una of herb u s olty fathers hi lumber and plauuitf mill business haa develuetl lulo vory laro and pronublo prokirlioos mr td outline has an excellent alt as tlakat akeul and day uporalor al tbe u t h station hero lla haa loojllintb to get hack to aqiou some limes however ilia wheel which was blolau a month ajfo ban uover turned up at waterloo a very pleaaaul visit was made at lhe melhojlal ha nonage with ltov j a mccaukhlan m a and family mr mclauhlan haa novor been a reaidciit uf acton but in all probability ho will be una lef ore another yeavr ucm by ho waa the unanimous ahtmoe of the tuartorly h ard of the methodist i hurch acton fur their new alor lhls luvltaliou he has acoeplod and il is hoped tho aulhorlliew will iimii lh wy to ins removal here after next cuoferaiioo mr malaohlau la a jhijiular preacher and baa had a moat successful career his pastorale al water loo haa liko hi preomlluk charges proar od undot hia ministration watarlo1 is haps one of urn most jon orally proaroub and imortatrfooihliea llt ontario ltich and tortile farm abound uirounjiout lla hounds and tho oxlonslve manulbctoriea in sucfieaaful oerallou at lterlin waterloo uat ircstoii lleepeler i laden aud iow hamburh give tho oouuty a oomiuerclbl and llnaooial impnrtaiice whmh few aoolioua uf imllar rxteul enjoy bero or 111 anv other otmntry ashtjhovt luu wit btlltiu oulw ills farmers aro very busy jjea hoed fth is lu full boom another oxcuralon lo i ideradu spout a rery onjoyablo lima lal 1 buratlay oveiiliin mr udkiiiiuiii of tuelph la spendluk a bw days in this vicinity mis a aloxauder la viiiiik actou in a anuther defeat lor tlm aahtove biy i lie llinehous baae isall teiu playeil here in saturday with woeful roaulta tu our bos twnij lo the abaamil uf iho meu ho boora stood j7 lu in lu favor of lhe trailers miat m 1 hood id al huhaa lu 1 uelph mr 11 murrmoo infwda takiuk of hevy draft huraea loho galilbiliuu lhs ererh xva wiii bun auoocas mr lluwsuu uf ulami- vih nc his daughter mr h k ituddell thb lditoku tablt i lm uuj by tlia iuldau llata is llto hapiiy tlfle of the ural article in i hi aidfithmiia for bepumlsr lhe author 1 go niaaijii hitch undcrslanuiogly deeurlbea hau i raliclauo bolh as lo boot lit lure aud municipal rrgolalloi wbde tho illuatrotiuas ahw fopreasulauv xueu and women ui iho ally v maslorly paper iho new counreaaraual library also ars in tlia september ckautun him under the aulliorohlp of i a hsmplead a ooiiiwvtieoaiva idea of the tenors plan n oh lmtlurm la given by lhe inauymtutilul illuelnttiuue utffuruu tpfrlhly with rhoumntlam and had to uno maahanlcal an- nllirncob to turn in bad rrlondt thoutfht ho could not rnaovnr hhmrffmmmfmmmhvmvhf i prepare nov for the cld 1 il 1 dii almrjitt nv fytxhly lu llm lifwnahip of mrlifrthoti duffirln o hn iws mr rn ikiil i i kijintpr of angumoii mr uliii ovt hi 77ll mr rum in aim la from i nulnnl fntly ynt k and fir himr ha inm a rem i nt f milan liy bceing that nil t ottr ordered i rlotlnrik ih interlined withflbrc x chamois it will not add aci1i r dim 011 comh ft few extra renin lint tt rivca a jratcfitl oiiifortrtik x vt inn ill to mens uomciii and j diildrcns clotbinp wliii u mil defy lhe coldest lihsts ofwinlcf 1 itirjotiruun wki dont lr lo liac kliout of ill j do without 111 winter comfort 1 f ay dont liny any ready to ur j suits ulnrh havent tlic f nhre chamois label tlnnk of the liciltbful yannlh the 2 ditcrnie 111 price docant count reduced to 25 cents a yard f henderson cfe co iltln abbtrtistnuntf ikirskjrni lots pon sale y printiwi l c unitarn an an rit il lit i uual aly li i tlm rn t uifhtnrln rli n ami tlinrt roitrn n ly or aililru s300 to s500 mado or 8avod9 month portrait auelis or oraoii wbn will hart in nionny brliiuln aleaily iitialnra wlllioit liivm liit any capital lint wild u wlllluk to work larit aty li do not raiilji unlnaa aa willi tatnji for rr kcton nth on durini unrnn thirty yriwa uf thai tliilo lie has boon a iostmastur and for eleven or twelve nsr was a member nf the town hip council for home years hold infill jhifilion of deputy renvi he has also brnu a justice uf the warn slure tlm for malum of tho oottnty it will thlla lm seen that mr ailunt atandu hnh lu the etlimstion nf his imilitora in lhe winter of ihji j mr aujmil was laid up with an unusually bo vera attack of rheumatism boitiu confined to his noma and to hie tied for about throe months to a reporter of tho hs miul mr alikllst said i was in fact a regular cripple kuipendctl from tho ccilino over my bod was a rope which 1 would ncun with my hands and thus change my position in bed or nae to a atlliutf jhisturi i u flu rod as only those rarkod with rheumatic pains could auttcr and ownitf to my advanced sjjci my neighbors did not think 11 osbibla lor mo to recover i hsri real much oon oeruink ir williams pink 1llls stit at lam determined to jpvu them a trial i commenced taking the pills atioul tho 1st of feb ihu laklnk al the nultfet one after each meal and lucroaainu li three at a time wllbln a couple ol weeks i could polios an improvement and by the first of april i was able to tie about in uual free from the pains and with but vary utile of tho stiffness left i ooutiuirtl iho treat mont a short limo lotitfer and found myself fully reatorod ll is now nearly a year sinoe discontinued taking tho 1ink ill l- and i have not had any return of the trouble in that time i have no hesitation in baying that i owe my rucovcry to dr williams pink illl thoae pill are a per fret blood builder aud iiejrva reslvtror curing audi disaosus as rheumatism uourali partial paralyi locomotor alalia si itasdancu nervous hoadsahe all nervous trouhhs pal nation of the heart the after rlln t- ol lit urippe dloeaea dopendmk on tin hiiurt of tho blood audi a scrofula clro rrympelab etc link 1llla jie a hralitiy nlow lo palo and sallow oompleimu ami aru a peel do far troublos peculiar tu llm female system and in iho case of moo they oil cot a radical cure in all cases arliu from mental worry or overwork lr illiama iluk lllla may be had of all lruiil or il fn di w 1 ilia modi co itrockvillo out or hchenectady n y al roa a boi or sii for i m bnc dial iho company a rrinatored trade mtirk la oil lhe wrapjier ol ovory box offered you and positively rofuoo all imitation or sob blliutes allo4od to bo jilal aa jjinjd llo member no other remedy has been iiibcut ered ttiat can successfully do ilia work of dr williams pink dills stock taking l11j ilns in mill cliann tin l vi 1 tliliif ll it e cm unwl ttut willi 1 iluclliin pui s lo o i i 1 i al louj si w iii i til ilk in i u ki i llic full i ll iii- i ll i idly liy mill lloill list hi tins i1 nm ami trnmtfr a ill j sutcliffesons toronto am i k o uiim illui t i m i i x xjtib people who see far art tho people who aro buying furs oarly wo ar- showuim all lhe latest slvlea in lelloe heal 1eralan liib drey i auib kinl aitrakan pa an i jaukrt- hjieiiul alua in 1 ui liuod wrap iiiihi wilh all lura vjnal now we aio ahuwuid tin vory ala atyl lit i ur htaf4 mil upvnues our reputation f r tbu uit thirty year is b u itolf i reliab o 1 ula jst j lucsdin 101 fongo stroot toronto wis ijcg to announce that our i all stock of mantlcfa is about complete and open for public in spection we navo spar no pains toprocurc the newest mostptodatc styles values will be found better than ever before and tnc workman ship on all grades from cheapest to best is such as only first class makers turn out come earlyand make our selection new dkkss ioois in blacka and colors jnst to hand values are rljjhl hi ids and hhades correct no trouble to show you roods whether ou hay or not we make a specialty of black goods iry trado lias aim ul doubled or late hxtra value in i world maxauatler letleyssnd illue hibkm brands jjlend at gc try it eylou blended tras n stock also perfect henderson co acton the right house cor king and hughson st ham 11 ton a i t ml i vi tli ik crcpvuu am- mh hie carsful and aanaal eltoru unllinl tji m v k roo romahlubtodtbtrlbulaasteaterouamltrot goods than ubub durlob tba month of aiiut notwltbsiaiiillnil the nrtoea are much lowrr uian in former aaoaoos our sales an lar titoawl iii dollar aiidesou the aalna of any prevlou auguat in tlia history of till great ml ad utilrnraal la lie atrectauoa of the anoouooauiants ws are inakloa thai w nifltoiil we hai ttm i inaito sheet in q 3- nriiim llm i la the aprectauoa of the anoouooauiants ws are inaklns thai tnr nart of llm month will nrovs ereo mora aattsfaetory than i uuue tho nrnclout aervloa lu uia mutual interest of both the imbllr tils barifalm iffored barualu alioull no x lbloacllbrf hi e lor lir uer var1 nloacbcd twill hloe ooil in llili hut luck and as of lualny ao ou illuti nlalu 2 yard lcll mm of ku pu j yards wide oc nlluita any prion or table linens lit it ih in are lallutt advantage uf llm uueijualled barualti in lllmtim tlial wnareornr i uk tiioro a no rauuu ui 1011 ahouldn t lis one ibeiil uu ilioulil lw ltloaelm1 tal le linen lirh ilalo i lueu oh incli ed tal i i ll i li i llluw hll- jlli uf rt wills j7ja wl ti vto inn till teteri iv i sluu hiili 1 ml rwtucml i oj 73 tiular so rihiurnl u et i rrdular sluu rvdkdil u dili rotfular st vi reduced to e1 1 r uuur 7 to rwluc u i j til towels uv uiou by luviiik tt lb pur m ml y- achnl ak to wto turk ikhltl iv 11 lcm i iii ii tow m j klr rluihl n wkappeh flannelette blanket sale great hleusbt hals will be of auoti a i not been uer ore the public for a long if vary hlanket la new olaau and wrtooi and worraoud to ua aaactly a reprobsuteit to atari tba iltanket aaosou we will allow 5c or lb off every 111 alike t you buy carpets our can known far aod wtda it ranks amoog tbs graal suooeaass of modern ratajllag the aeoral of large belling la in ropr buying kutofl tta beat new tblngi from wbarevor lbs al thing of to ba bad jusl to liatid ii pieces ot nr fiber carpal have you seen ll t jreod things fur bwlruouta aud furultura oovsring 18 luaco ol all wool c arint fl reduced tu i lie made and laid 13 iiooosdf lulou carhl me reduced u too ulade and laid m iilaoo of itrusmila cariwta al al reduced lu el til made and laid jo iilsoea of lltou carwts n1 inlucnl lu 1j0 niada and laid u pacea nf tbioairv braliiuallti juu redir od to tie luada aud laid l lilac os of telmhuy tue reducud lo av made aud laid house rurnishinqs juat to baud naw cbaulla urlalu s table lxvar ologaut tartaty ul tabla coveilng fremqh rlannels vary choice iialuro lu figures and auli worth too boo nduoed lo ikj frencb maiinsl uitabla lor wrappers uudorsklria aud baili ituwu worth sue lor wo oetlon flannels no- aud pretty pat urn rangiug in i nw from lie to e tialaabury klaouel for cbll dreu weal nice rajifco ul iiatteru relucd f rum wo lo 3uc thomas c watkins ill mid tsj 1 he pigh 1 uut bl mllllngry auction isalk iioum anil lots in acton the undnrilgncl will offer for ja by aualiin on saturday 5th september hi iroprrly oil it iii and wlllluglon hlreal follow well bulll trstnio bnuao nf eight rooms with bar i aud a tl water taba and woodabad i frfil tu a inlendld building lol at tbe aauio limn aud place i horaa 1 ijii ti v aud harness n oarly now tl- itmh iot 41 ml caab lialanm on it in one bairra we hae on hand valuable farms wellington halton hruct durham haldim i iul perti sinn oc n iiiid of llinm am tll i lu i i irnd i ilarekxht various ism an i vlll 1 aol 1 al bargain if ol i bof iro tin flml if january iin tor term an 1 lull artlculai apply i j e mc elder ry secratary uut l i it al ontario in kktuhnt wtl ha inos hoc it t queuph oni we will sell sulto and trouii cheap d u 1 1 n r the fall shaw j fe oi i urthanl l ai r ji li 1 lallurji fn tiir jhiii xttlhltltllm houghs restaurai l3 yonv st opp t ealo- tiik old jupe ovm i ha youuk beautiful by o i anjiruvcd method of photograph a reduction to all person men honing tlm edvortibomeul j 7viliikln alt j yonoe street toronto where dentistry is painless toronto dental parlors tyu 1 nnge and ouoeu tiu over iniixtrlal hliulieuu leiartinautal htora nr- taai sew ork ileal i at li leas deunau uu tlia kiblbuluu offer ilia lollowluu r inm tu ivfk nm tieta of tnetll 4 i aul i tal il air ita tree with aeu ntutiuiti ui iam av bl ivor ml li l tb i toronto dental parlors tr t iihr an i qiioau himeov over linpvrial hank i miiiiv tl lilu mure half a i lxk fr ui t kalun tii t veuluga au ihanuf ia 1 il t i i u in i tl- itli i w j i i ami v t lltu- ill iull lit tt tl ll i is id t ltn ilk i a m i m itlom lltllmvluljtltlt to tltlk til mil ul 111 lilt lulltlllmll tl thtll mlllllhi m kn lis mantl6s lit it t wt have lhe uciuht uf mh khii iisit tiul judgment coupled with mi own miii i to mieb aiid prut ui t in asuie llic ladieb of cuclph nd ftoii of tb good betiec ah can ht obtained in tii part of the world and at moderate i om loo i nuugh said the fkank dovvler co onlit ilsh llouic pcpoituicutal guclpli v mill a minitk on a stearns l tt iilliii uioal l 1 w stark aireot aotun good looking lassies uuieliuibb wuai klaaaea tba glaaaaa oay l irnawiaiitaturuttimwiaa we turulb uut uutv lie iiimim jaas aun waut bill also tb uiwl ttva imihi iroo taai eapurfnulad olitlai savage st co jtwlll lhs cuelph r- tr

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