i i bank of hamj1ton hbaqprriob iiamilton lurjwi 1aiii in itkhrtivrrimti total auxn lamiwk 07ttki h mu hiu board of dirfc3gtor8 a l iiamhav woo itm a 1 tuif j1im htuaut iroallm iun 1iimrpii i a jl lnk lorui tijiimllii i cashlr ii h htwhir ami isnlilir ii ii wathus ilia- tor aqencieb i ijainllwil ill lon hi i laal luil auulill merlin lllieshiy iiuiruiiu llrlnahy lion i liickupwmr1lii ifoimil i rial t illla lnti houu1 1irl 1 ihll hliiiotn tiriiili vliuhsin brltloh corrobpondonto iundos national i ruvhizlal han t i1i 4 hi 1111 amerioan corroapondonto nkw you fonrlh sat at hank ami vlanurer nafi nal hank hostum internailon itrualoo jiiraiuuariiiohank inn aqo national hank of illlnule and uiilun national llauk lruiit detroit n a mima j hank u imsjab ci rr national hank of com um no agon to in montreal rim lis nol toronto georgetown agbumcy notes illscouuloil aiil advances luatle on mil vlilo aikiurhloa cottbotlons msdn and drafts liouulit ami ili ajl accoaslhlo imlnta in auaila united mate tpoaaslhlo mints in ai ureal ilrltaifi anil ilia coullni t favorable tonus knrojo savlngo department dapoalla f 91 and uwsnli tntomst sllowad from date of ildolt to lain nl withdraw hlkclal derobitb ft m umsuktdnj anil watches- bomo people want ailvor while others want huhl hum olhara want both all their pockets can hold our watcttea or ft oi both toetals kuj wo will take either mclal for pay don i you soo geo hynds aoton ont 01 ih stmr 1 thukhdry oltobeit fl 1h0o little local brieflets whiwh qauuht the eyoa or earn of fraa proas roportori thin waok a number of our oil item attended tho county fair yeatoaday ibo fall wheal never looked bettor at sbbmtrrro q yrartbsn t preem the county fair al milton a as tot favored with very pronitiou wcallior lessra it a j hutmoa drovers have made an aitikilmciit to it j mcnabb uumbor of vm torn attended iho eahibitiou from uuelih on friday a few of our citliuni took in ibnccr man kirmca at herliti during tbe week a mifiwtft of the iublia sahool boaid wilt be i i i licit monday evening at 7 10 0fllka c oocxievo la rlllm a ftwui amulo by ctoainy im atore at ton i iluck saturday nthl the berlin dily vrr iiaa bren aolii lo mr j t ilobiuaon formorly of the out niiifiton oleuittr lay away the old lawn mower in ibo oatlftr ouil the hoae if tbe tomeraluro jfela lower niou we ii have lo aliovel allow mr ieroy hooord of buffalo n v baa favored the h urli 1liaaa with a liberal upply of i h lrtildoiilal lauijiaiku literature metlloal iiraalilluotjwi ail birlhi ti the loo i regi a nil taienta within aot of mg foithwith uty da i- under tbe ful- lb i ooiiuty ahow at aliltou thia week waa mr j it nlokall who cajtured a niii for d lb butter amounliiik lo a letter u ibo fuec iueii aiucd a labontik man without puulne muiia lure ta ooualkned to tbe wate baakel oulil lo iho omliaion of nainr tbo tai rate of 1ololca for hie iaxiiiiik year la cineclod to be nol iohb ibau ii milla on ibe dollar and tlio iuanoo torn mlltee lay it may onibly be inorr prof a ii welch hie wellkuwn pbrenulokal of loronlu wtio knt n uk or ao here lo juno 1 n town una weok 4 lie ilea rooina at tbo dominion ilotol tlor the news at h6me montis of n lociil chnraotor and ovorv horn intorontlnn him litl her viae- mcthoillmt church hfiuclat votijullttlo ervloai worn ioni tpmiood ii tbo methihliat clitirnlt laat htm- datiinjwill cuntliiiio during tba montli ipator itov j 1 iiowoll m a will ojmho tbo nrvlcra without tlio all nf ani hpainl itvanuolibli tliub itov mr itiytmnnl noiibloriii paatornul nlm bra of iho i jiworlli ioniiin wilt aid itl iho work or tuber in lh iiahioi a faiorlln mmilli f t rp 1 l rorvioca and im baa ciiltn i upn ttntn iillii bin wvil known ikor nml larmaiuvt 1 b ilf ifflllliro and mimrl llil- wrk liavi b on tory anouuriklnj lnrtnvrml7i nil thtr j xrc a ulnl vrcdilllik win ronaiinimatiil in tbe mnliodli cburch inhl wedmraday ovonintt tvlirn mr joe m mwiro forntnnn rtf hie oeorttetnwn llrxihl aon of mr tlnw i moorn acton and miai amy jorldtf f orjolowi rrn united fn the bond of holy wnfjork itiv j i iimhi m a krfornld tbo ceremony 1 ho hiijip ronpln rttnrlioil lo laormntouni thai vnlnf and it day itffor i tin wat to kumd ihtilr lninoynkmin 1 ha many frlenda of the bridal pair til acton and uiorildwti wili hi ii in all ujiaib u bnppi iran and aurcrsa i antlrnrai hfrvlcrn 1 bo p ihtor of the hapk1 biirrh itov o iikford it onnnnrn n lim day a hnnoa of evatiirl it mime from julin iii b tod ao tovli iho world etc til ro ro t f rrmoui will be aa follow i tin tiianurn nfti if i l t i hu otjnrl i in1 lovo 1 lie wifl i i tibilt nf jihii love m i kollitl aoli- 1 th- rdiiiuotl uf halvatl mcjadontpod r7twrsov nown ttotnn 8u nhh y corroo- ponduntn nntl pxohnouoo abhorove wirll iii thtii the itlui orlnl mltflit lullruiii llulitliot unrlali ion kierual tbi proi inr voea a rcmaikable nun tn what way you know that bad uold 1 bai the other week i wall who hu mot mo he didn i tell flic what to do for il cahl oltauay deairca to thank the people of actou for ao liberally oontiibqfitiv 17 iw to aid the halvalion army in aup porliiik tbo ioor men hhelior at ioudon ihe imperial 1 no uf temperance roit alila liave lutondod holding a aortca of arvioea in actou but owiuij to tbo ovuu ilatlo meoliuka n tbo molliollat t linr ludcqniteiy polotwl ihclr iail mr ii w hlraaaer well kuum i aoton and miltnu aa a ural ulaaa lalur i aa ooinuienoad buaiueaa on in own kocount aa merolianl lallor in mr botwrd alora on hu utrael in tba abaouoe of itev mi hlopbota wbo waa poujliim a few daya al bia uui booieliibl lbumaa mr lliii lllauk of be anion prfauhrit in ibo itauiploa olmrob auuunday iiuruiiih mr blaok uiluialralloui acq aljra aijntable sbmll we lure a iukllc ultmry t aotou ueeda and aboulj bavo a pol iil library twenty yeart au wo bad one uf lbs beat libraries o ihe couuty tbia wai urkanlaed and larkeiy aualainad thruuifb the elluita of i lie llo ho be r i ulur h4 uoudnaottou with aolou iublia tichoul biuoa mr lllllova death llinro havo born no additluua to tbe library and it la al pceacul itl a dractful atale of dilapkla llim tinder tbo new 1ublu llbranea aot llo irovnilul uovcriuiail i trail i very liueially with lioal uiunluipalilira in itltiik ibaitl to aecure and maintain aatin factory tlbrarle for every dollar ralaed b a municipality or una purxie iho veiumonl aoppleineiita the amount up to tioo thua if we ralamt f jlk for loka lor a luhllo library in aolou die koverntiieul would add j00 u il and ilia lut would purobaaa a very respectable library to aeoura ibta it la ueoeeeary lo have tbe library opau to ibo public two eciilub each w huraly ii l ilue to tbe rliing ilcaiaralton thai we aupply nieaua y jilji they may hat o aoooaa lo tbe ulaiiiiarif wnrka uf ibo day lu ibe var loua linen in wliiuli llidir tmuda may be it buorea o tbo huudrrda uf lurobai loa aui olbera lu town wwulj ud ibajr vcniiikf oioro protliabiy if mcb au avenue warn opened lu the in hliall we aa oltlaoua rtae to uur plain duty in the mailer 7 if yon waul llrl ulaaa uuelpliaaah an i 4uora al ultelpb priuon 1 kuhao ran till uur order at bit plait i tit mill mfiro than naoil intereat no j of the courae will bo ttlvon nel huuday llapphy itilctl at krta ou neduciday j3rd september one of lriu a fair daughter was umtou lu tlio honda o holy matrimony in the oniii of lna mary hibloy oldeat dnulitur of the ule j btbley to tile itov john w iiitohiuu b a uf durham the cere mon took placr al iho family residence in tbo prlbuiice of a oonaiderable uamber of ibo rctatitoa of both parliea apd waa orfnrmed by tbo ituv i hoe 1 olaobun b a bolton unolo of the bride aajiqlpd by tliu ttii w ii jsriiiiain b a bur patur mirn tliblry waa a failhful worker in ibr motbodial clmrcb and was kiudly rumembtred by nameroua and baudaome present lr kitcbluk on of mr j kllobinr of nasiagaweyaaod oar yearn npo wkm asaiitijiit pahtorfor forrro ttmo on hriii circuit his labors woro biuhly aiprrcialod and be waa personally a ton oral favurilo amoutl all claases the tiiki 1iikth mtialies tbo happy juuntf ooujile many years of uaefultieas and progjerly hive thurfphjh and jmncer m real aciaeu wbb has no bcotlish blood in hlftfvomis sendsbo h nsr lliran tlio follow lii paragraph dcaii mil lnm u don i ou think the manauera of the bliow is tfiit t oocerl miijbt be prevailed uoii lo ivo iho bcotlish dance artlata and iiera a real at tbo annual concerts for a yesr or iwo al least ibo programme of seven out of tbo ihl annup1 concerts kivod by tlio agricultural tioclrty tiave mcluded pipers and dan era willi all res peel of our biotch fririida tlio resl of us havo beoome llearlllv tired uf ibis unnecessary addition to wiiat would have invariably been an cllollelit programme without theni tlie aplendld eiitertaiumeul of the shaw aih pan would have boon uiuuh more enjiyod if tho pipiiik etc had beeu left oul last friday evening many people tell mo ihey will oot atlotid ihoae cittprtalllnients while plpipfc and dauuliik are ou the pro gramma lou t you ibiuk 1reaiduut dull and br ilardink with their tiood nature will sgrni to var tho programme to this client neat year 1 urs appealing a i itl t an s roricl o the ihhiim lh hlt ciiterlainmonl in ibo lh laal i nday lvouiiik ttas tbo last llom on the pruitrainmo uf proceeding in eon tjopllon with ibe aotou union lxhibitlon of irtyb by eifclu o clok etandink room was at a premium in the hall in fact tho crowd wan too ur to be com furlablu or atlculltr ami llirrc was cun ariucutl more or less of confusion ihroukhonl tho proceejlns i he hliaw 1 ntcrlaininunl t ompaliy proved i hem selvei dcarrwiik uf all tbo kind tluoa aald of liiliu elavmhcro by pieaa and pulpit 1 heir aolcctluns were ohaato varied and creditably rendered laoli member of iho umpany was fuuud to be aliall adapled lo ibo part taken ou iho pru kranime 1rof bbaw is tu be oonkratiilat ed upon tlio ability of ibe members of his co hi any tu entertain mias jean moru tier of loronlu well auatauied her provioua repulaliun mor numbers aero oiceantjl willi rondo red and approuialcd by tbo atnliruio 1 bo m isaos mclaren of odorich performcil ihtir part well aa biuliuista they nhlbil couaiderablo a nklll and dohatc touch ibo pqiei iheiv with all bis brey druuing riokhmou aay he placd noli 1 lie 1- in iliaaa tupruaeulallvo a education dnncleiil on tins point trcsldoui duff and 1 ii llardlilu hn rotary of llic i ominlttre were in acalacfovrr ihe aufccoaa of ihe oilier a jn umber last in actnti uf our and ro frlonilti irt i 1 r u 1 rilny mjul day mm i t of mrs mun ih ht 1 ock niliirn hlllohl rt ihrhlm ptklutt spn mllllllk i km irn 11 ll 1 yu sly r busy mr dnwmi of mr uiiiion in ujiiu up nrarlyil thappl h mr hswh f mill ii tlm ih lll14t of cunrllor w r iiil h rlli hi il i uetynus b vlllo show oil hi k ihe 1 itl r htrn rl is l u ulh t i- rimouiiiily miltun inir brniikht 1 in rnti of viilura lo urn ton ly t w ii t llm w k iho nrw or atl p inoi allh 1i nil altrniiion mr 1 l ltubrts roronlo btliiol uf m on u attit t r linit tol nlpl all ku atrr ll ij h 11 comlngrand going vloluxr 6 and fveffrf aoton and varlotfbothor parsonal fjotos riit i iiki iltish invite all lu aisdvfa to eh rllfni to this i oldiiiii if yoa or your frlouili iri iioliim awrtj on a holiday trip or if you hav ritnli vlaiiliiu yn itrnp a card to the prisn mr iindmrsi w ilowa of milton were u town lant wook mix ilolu kouuedy la idling liaisuirs it i immjnt mull mr w mocby mid umily uim ro mud lyllarmliiu j nd h a t t iimpbolf uf tiiielpb ul wnk mi vry ill is ubbi lo im nb nit iiii ilarvou homo rri ro lrld in ih mnlhoillst huroli in i siimut appro prlato ioruyjtii mru pkinolitd 1 v llin pastor itov d w huulor iho iiim h wbsayjsotw1 dcorpilti diplilbcrilio nroiiu hsn lir ku out in 1 ralalsr u i lies lay litroli i iii k onl child a lillloiiinhur ill 1 it l t r only a day illnos i wo uf aluu mo dtsll- ohildron ore ill with wlnl it la feared i tho ramo dally ijinua caiwniikm gtohgttown itoheil lldiuutt s ilnd iklan i i oata last week for intcrfrrirti widi a mn table wlillo ip dscburd of ins diatin tho hi latr mich ir ulh n n a a rscrpliou has tenlrd ltn italpli dufl in iho chapel of hie ii liilrrh last ihursday etlniiik al o cloi h iho chapel was liandooilicl dpi urutjd in pink and lrem ami pt suited a irry lunly apiwaraiice thu lartu numlwr in altud anoe spent a vtry i njo abm uvmuii and il proved lo bo a bunrllt tu nil mi liocomin better aapuainted list ibiiraday uliile r oi ljtu bed auiiuf ufurtelunusuldiiat rtsiduiil was pieklnj apli hn f 11 iron the iru alihhtink on ins iili i vviili sin h rt o tlntt the spinal cor 1 was in veto i at iho nick ho is completely pi nil id fn lie hesd fof bs ruumcrj thu aid i r laauco la deeplt rrg n asbagawty a al the roilcufo of mr mr urn i ii tt on wrduusday h plniuf tultl i oiu tho marriage of oruol m wikoi of guelpli tu mias saiah mrkolx ut na atswua iliultcv mr kohr if itx k wood flklatud j lie htldu i aupp ir i til by her slater mix mi knio while the kroom man v a mr i in 1 n u n ofldonmil brulliurr llu h i h bupy couple imnt lhit li ii ii n in toronto kiev will ii if n oolph mr john waunu of llrali p huuday with frini la in ntt mr uoo lurnsou of anion nul das viailin frloi la in lfskb lliia week tho monihly moiii i 1- uf ihe lben i i i i evening was a hi uioli mcnair had the i pm i r was an ricollot uhu m 1 lakrn in iho ut jc 1 m 1 uubbald 11 i a un thousand pulla h l tuhh h is dm kltiil if tlxmi i c clo ot dclltthlod a uhsedbcra in ii th le world tliali lhoe who huu th m 1 rtmo to ik un thu uhnoruili n 1 1 il 11 o htnlt n f m t nl 1 h pajior itsel i imply it 11 u 1 u o would aluoil llil k the publish f w 1 rq uro a mini at ilia li k lo 1 mn h a paper as tho ill ii til ii every auo and ut- uur 1 bcllcr uch week 1111 uost al in hi all are ibo beu i ll i i t ij tltr thi u hihcrun aai llnll 1 unnl i tlor sub nb i hi r ro ill 11 1 lot tblb la as wido hi o iil in 1 llolf i iii- la sal 1 lo b hie i iiu m 111 llin wo ii ll 1 if lui llil nice ii wa a llfl ir 11 ll ln aikio of oapriu- visited frcldahro ihpat wto mra jitiuia ryder baa been visiting friend i harm i ibis vwk mr loltr a mcdrnil malu a brief visit to i limay i duriit tho week mr 1 madduck la romoviutt his family u loronlu llus week mr it jllle hnihli of tall spoil i a few d h hi liiiino duriit tho wtek i mrtf hobiou uf ailnd aoton friunda last week lildrou and mlaa mary 1 lynn are mituih fr ends in hiiiimio jff- j h cleuiiiiand babe of aoton vlbtr i rolalikis al rowsulis corners this weok mrs w y brow of immto sil a few days iliiriui llin work with aoton frituln mr woalr i of jiollouliam spent a day ur two during ho wn k with anton lloriiu vtlud acton friend mtk john 1 lyujvandcbil ids willi- iker alihrft hiohard tailed actuu friends wrifiit of tiuelph waa the kioat i monday of ml lolu l hpetbl kcca and ij r hamilton of ih last wook mr nml mrs j 1 llhs and children of ht jacobs wero un at of anion friends lakt rrida mr jamnj i warren iiroaldn 1 al ibe llaptlsl yoiiuk ioopie s hally sit lrlu ou lim jjod ult misra ida wriklesworth and miuilo numi of nslurovr visited aoiun friends dun ii itiyjwmtk mr- k 1 llililllxirl or of newton bmmik iy likik ihe work willi t ii fl i ii n 1 m- william will rrollo laarn that uli la vxry i iiuiisty 111 ltr j wilkinson lft n ihurly for hloao lu tako a post radualo ooursa a oio niloa peiitat cowie mis john a henderson and tub left on haturdsy q a tend a wwit or so al her falhm- home al grand haplda mich mr- h 1 si a i laiinlv woni lo aclon una inorninm whole they purpose re maldios a week or ullph entd mrtid mr jmiiia hrowu left yesur day mnrnltti for ht marys where mr brown s slilt r me freoinaii la seriously lx w 1 all ii 11 i it d warrei v led iho of hie atrrr ul vha h- eihihllloti 1111 i has been ape nil in k the auiiimrr with friends at ieiiolatui re riei homo la1 auek llh familiar rare ih w iuiiiid i upon our atrcula attain mi i hhicivo n family havo arrived i in i rotl liio willabrily take up i heir ll i m 1 1 the h us 1 rede lok htrirll i i col d by d j l wilkna o ml john 1 nrllir of ho not who aa lr murrh konnody who waa ato aerioualy injured lanl w rh vintod acton rolallvea on moo i misu 1 till it auri ktichmx and m iimiihi i iv in mikoi tiara ami iuie llcai hi it d warren and mi it t met uiloiili of oeorhotwi m rmrilluui of millun dr webster s wrn uuliocd amoutl tfivvisllors al ir uir on y rl lay uw fr i ml the ih uada 110 4bcar that tbt pibhhri film a ij plaiiltit mill juiporliti ifumtut- bum huurleeli year ul close aipllcallu lo i ho drug buslurtaa has to aolno oilfit mdoi mined the health of mr j kanuawni and upon ibo advice of bis pbyaiolan aud frlouda he decided a week or au aifo to dla poao of bia buaiuean bore aud cukbko u auma occupation where rhero will be lose ruiiuiioiiiaut m r kauuawiu has ooiisv jueiilly aold hu druk and ilallonnry buaiueaa lu mr a i brown a native of aolou and one of out iticwl tiikhly oslocm ctl yuuum men mr brown served bia bppratiliooahp willi mr h n i iuitell i kb water a popular and auccosaful dru kial also one uf aotou s boys ljurluk tho oast year ho baa boeu ibo mauauer uf tlio drulj tore of j w itruwuim m 1 of 1 aoler lie i a first class drukmal and will enjoy ibo cunudeiice uf tbe public from the oultul ouneral retire is foil al ibo cuiileiuplaled removal of mr andimrs kauuawiu from aotou i bey bavo becu jaipular aud useful uititctis parllaulatly iii conuacttou with kuoi church and the bibio hoololy in both ol whloiinlr kaina wlu has oaaupied uflloial kmiiioiis for seveial oara mr kauuawiu has boon a successful business tnati and rellrta from ouo uf tho boat druk bubluessea to be found in a tuwn uf this slao lu cauads by his buslito a inc snl unifnritiftkmirleay lu cm loincrn ho baa wou sk wltle prolliu luid a lkrto unolo uf frion i mr brown lakoa lntiiodiaui puaieaalun bbtall be absent fur a fw day uull lha aulval uf bl bucoesaor al hlelcr itov and mra w u chariluu foimei ly gf ilia dlstlples churoli here have ro im vrd from 1 aai i to ouolph mr chariluu will hereafter duvulu inmaeif lo uvat k work v world l lraot tie pohlx know t t h ihi lod that ijifhalie in twniily op in refoi k t o lo ted by tiio aiiiiuiiuueuilul 1 i bo orphan s frajer perbap it may not be ailltas to ijuute wlml wa aai i by the real art faunae if bali iit v t here their own wind i t i f p in a ii tolls its uwn lory in it- i way we propho a threat lonai 1 1 li i al- deel from siil nu ul i it- th rraiks herluua dmaue h praitl ftnir hrl hefcjuia balllelnrd tj lod- huad this week inia iriimri luye 1t all ibe 1 inn m rokl dr agnow b liver pilla uro coat ud llko u cinnamon drop very small and delight iul to take unb iill aposfa u in a vial roh 1 ottntb rhulr popular ii y it ii miihlywinl yliul iwuuiilnu cuinputlturn tsatloro it llkj chfr no pain no tlrii in im m hmall in aiao and pbaaatil lo tlio talo must pleasant elltrr i itrcls til in a ul it ofiits al all druuitils merit merit talks the m luirlustc aluo of 1 jj llafo ii d sararllla asail arvaa9 merit in mcdiclue means tba power to i ore hood atiarsaparllla poaacaaea aotoatl unti uteualcd curatlvo jiowarand ibara- f if u hai true merit whan you buy huid it haraaaarillaand uka it according lo directions to purify your blood or cun any of ihe many blood diseases yoc sn morally ccrtsln lo reoelie benefit th luvtertocure is there yuu are not lrj tuc sn aijmtlineul it will uiak your bit xl pure rich slid uuurlshtug and thus drl t out ibo henna of disease streiilbeii ibi not ua and build up ihe whole system hoods sarsaparilla t dryp6ods and clothing excellence at the easiest prices ever known never has the store risen more clearly above surrounding con diiionn never hivc yoti picked from ihe world q nierthnhdiic at prici so easy i lie slorc ih a bower of bargains not trashy goods for unworthy stuff has no entrance here but from far nnd near come hrc blocks of season able goods ai4inccfl exceedingly low liccauie our buyers in hc markets with the ready- cosh can pick up many a choice lot at less than tho coit of production and ou share the profits it may be that you have often wished to try this stgre and the opnortunrty inn nop come flit now jiul dur in j- he kxhibition you will be in l he city and it trill be jour t hance you are welcome to use us as you wish ask informn lintltcive your parcels use nur tilfir s or meet you fricndv hen anvtlung tecl alhomc un llic store while here in idtnl ill notice how cheap jou in buy wood qualilits of hi mds floiliiii- milhurn iiikll capts dress goods lu i all questions cheerfully answered 1 ctlcrs or orders received he ore la dock answered same day jsutcliffesons tqflonto ic sk lr mr j i sim lifli a iil ur iii 111 b llu sk i 3 days blanket sale thursday friday and sat urday oct 1st nd 3rd we ahall make a treat offer i k of 1 white wool blankets at ibo folluwir u e a traot dlliai y sllmm wool illllktk rtoxo worth j bll for 1 7 ti d-xb- wo im s 1 bo for sj t ooktttj rjilti 34 0 lui j m k isoiilh ltii wool riok worth 3 o tcr j 40 oontiu woitii w ou oi j a a 041 worth j4 co foi j jt oojiho wo til za ou fur j mb iuauu wuru r do 1 11 inutltiiily i y i ii hoods pills itrur hiikhi 1urlflor iwrll maja it purse palp all dubfcuu euit tart till svllk tl ftnn limiprititi slvct i indicon of pairb llic ire ijrc to ft out with 1 ruhh and h will he iniposbiblt to repeat in uf ihcm 1 he drtpait of a manufduuicrs stock who had to close ihctji oul uudci pitssurt hie sanu k t annul in huuht at fioin out ilmd iu urn half more remembeh thursday fridciy saturday k bolloi i a 0 ib nl j 7 wyndba uli ot uullm oh i hn0ther shipjvcet of fj dress goods -at- grfyftncos wo received thisnvcck another shipment of kail prjtss goods which hac h tome direct from the looms of kraaice germany and ii upland phis completes our issortment of these goods and such an assortment as ywu will not easily f i ii c i for variety quality and rd value you wont hesitate to spend money wlu n jou s e these values a large range of sty ish tweed dress goods at 25 5 p 51 andioni a j ird 111 irecn nav brown granite and kawij iffet ts 1 ine scotch tweed dress goods o 50 60 and 70c in all the ncwjkltects ask 1 sj rcull to see the jfcw irench wool pjincess serges in nav myrtle hrone in hrovynsvtt fo 50 and one r iane 1rench goods boucle hffeets in the newest combinations of col- ois also iarisiaii i i fleets harge range at 751 a jard new glisten h fleets in stylish tints at 6ot new i basket i weeds 52 inch at rjoe 5 mill line broadcloths lovely shades latest novelty 1 00 a jard 1 hese arc but a suggestion of the variclj and values of our lrvss goods slock g b ryjtn co guelph pringle watchmaker guelph ont ikoiuietowns 14vkst stork gibson millar co looth iuks prices thai camiiil i ixauiii in towu or city llit wo are n i luflrl m atu in rl mora we nlit in ttl wr waul ii all wanvar i iir ha lrjr m lock hover wt aa mi i htaphi ir lihxl t i alloi l mlurwear notice change of business i i tvuig pun based ihi i iug and st ititiut r bus int ss bum mi j v kami twin i lx to mi iul i1001 his pa irons a tiiiiuuim t 1 l lu 11 p tst 1 v is i lit samr lint s will hi l u i it tl tnd it will be our lin to give bc best goods at tin best pruts hoping our relations in 1 in mutuall pit ts ml old piutitabk yours trul a t brown o o k i n o i e wj illt 1 mki l roi kinuli with 11 in- i iir 1 jnlnr si o- i mi 1 i linh iiili n w f has l nelles uuokanllor ouolpli hiklul h valuni tter ffli l theni or im hull i nlanw ir lioal pine hioh class tailoring f liu s do floe tailoribu uurfkh l now nimiilt tor tlio all in u latial imi rlall u lu hotuli i- ovrttialliiha l gualltt ih aitl tlulh p itlvely iraill ilksts h i kmlilil s1h l i wh ii i a limlra ilon pom tll lki ill toilo llllmin mil iah a t itou llluch licork ladies perfect fitting underwear 1 lit n uial wtyl v tt nok at 50c 75c sjl and i 00 villi eiouuc all sizes fall hosiery 1 iies and i hildiens 1 11 double knit in all stiws ribbed cahmcie il h e curney co mill street ac ltn henderson co hcton millinery opening w nhall null i- ill liiiiirlitiins ol millinery i ii oi at ton to inspect ot 1 dress jcoods mantles etc oi aoiidoy september 26th t t 1 oil ut k unit lllmikkson ml at im 1 a v miik a mini tk on a stearns w 8tark atfont agton w xt wantedan idea well 3rjiln witbilajsul5fl qo1imilm ubis wasnlasithi 1 o rw laatr alaii wrlas ohw aad list u tww bstutml uirouliooa waabal fflt mend that cough shaws cough peotoraj mhtturo wa oarry till lino of ontario cbatuisls uroiiarari us sucb as byruu ul ilynuiihoa nb i us cud liver oil l it uypuiboaibllo lunio iron islbj a to elo bit iuiiiuk tba aystemuiiak this lime f loar ami pro veiillnt tile discs us au jo vsleni lurii h ibo wiiilux and airlii shaws drug store rockwood uhu is ihy grocer consider tiou because we mi iillllik 0 illllip r idmijs tn riliuli nomls or iiumr icliiiiilcil wt- ill iir i ii t c moore son 1 or ul rr slrrrl at chv right houb rtlufct uiid hughnoi a hauiiii taijolti and upiiolsioi iu ialuinar ibuik ts lu oarry r ktid bold iboiu fur irortl until aold we ohatiifo the alouaa ui oorrnaiioiiil wllb ohau hero are alwaya fresh an j n because of thai willi refer hlauy of itir i aril wo oau i bo th oniols i ihe birth if tur buainea if to the nrylhlilk you fan oaaiuly neel i lu smk we odor 200 plooou of bust flvo kuiiiod bruwiola jurpet worth 1 35 tor i 10 made duih laid our oos of lwcf2ptilna oilcloths liinoleututs rwgs 7vhttings us worlb your wluto u vinlkd alur auiulillloaluriilah live wi in tba only canadian nunvry ifuit aalaryainl daikuiuis fruiutia atari 1 berl ooiiiiiilaaloltto i ine urug 111 f hwculltlea all wti tualaj at tiui tilal tin lianla ii tiu iiu1 tlilliu h llht tlt nb h1iim a will imiiun ir axmlnstiis aaillitorms ielv6ts brussels thp6str16s waa nosor bettor oiiber in valiu we re alwaya ileaawl lu abtf iewa hulo selllnit atenu lor johuaou a llaolne wtaoonain fanioua hart wl ilikirinkband lloor niilabliii rlniia fir oalaloue upholsteltlkp iloaorvo a bitktr mfllillon than wa asjy 110 bore newosl stylos ul oourae aoj umw ultras in ilraiut hhoclal ilea gjsfc feral lur tlium who wul ao moth mil roally eialuslve now hiitneiil frtou nol urlains jual 111 eicellonl values rum ij lu any urite you wlsli wow frilled mreiue muslin urlains 3 j and 11 i i uld ly oaimol loaorllw ibo brauly ul llirsai kihmls 1 oalbor illluwa tor iiihib a ory 1 bun loollnn hi various biaos at iho luwcsl ihmaiblo jkilos larue amrlotool ul otlou lllanaeis eiv beat r almih of wool lllauketi la now u1 lbs boal uver bad mole aatia factory moimib lroulu lllsiikola tery thick t oitbrr while or k mail ordora base our careful and l allcilion always i urchaaea ul 1 and over charges iiaid to any isrt in onlaiio thomas cwatkins iiim i 7ii1 lsili nil- rkii 1 iiorsi i wih ids iii