v xv bank ofmamiltoinj iikad orriqjc hamilton iufitai i llrhkiivir- totiytt 419311000 mijbaa kd of directors imnhxuaiit irealilont luu ituihat leelrtwith til a t uii lilllalk it i ii lk itoroiilo 4 htiphr v lal aalilr ii u uathos lii mai agencies i marlon ht a raat i lorllli ihiealny loiru town urlmah huckuuw it i if ml mnuot rortat iwen hoti ml purl hifftu himc hv i lit british correspond onto ix1ndon ratlpnal i ruvlnclsl llauk nl kin d lid i american gorronpondontn nw voiie fourth national lliak ami tlsnovar nallirlal llauk iiobtom lntertialiou tl trust uo liurralo usrlnaltsnk cim iaq national hank or illinois and union national llauk usruoit dalroll national hank h uiui cut national hank or cohiiuorre agitata in montreal tho hans of toronto omohqetown agency luted aud advance utade on suit tlila aoouriudb collseuuns luade anil draft n all aoeesalbtp point in canadi id draft bouflhl ai tilp point in canada unit tjreatjirluuti andthocouunontof kurope upon nluid kuua toulitmiiitaf k most favorable terms savlngfi department dspoella of and iipwsrda roenivad and interval allowed from dato of dopoell to data oi udraws lipuoml dbiohits alau reoetvod at currant rales of lularost n u limnohtonr acoul wall papers window shades curtain poes and a most compete ine of envclo pes note papers school supplies toys do b etc ucaduuartors for wedding and dirtnda presents geo hynd8 acton ont jxwei ijcbt stubs thuusuay octoublt lhjdj little local bhieflets which caueht tho eyei or ears of frwe proas reporters this wook tha fall fair season la over kino all uher ibl week x ovcuibrr open nul kiuuda hslluwoeii nail rutuway nijht now there ii bo talk about indian lummtr national 1 hankhiving iy four woe n from lo day noil division court scm on hero next tboradaj no 5th the rue 1nnu till 1st january ihjrt lor tl 0 advance a second electric ltbt company hag been organized jri 0avllle huow flakes are amall lbin tiut ttioy make tha fur fly these dsya tha goldeu grain maybe apukeu of literally if wheal continue lo advance quarterly oomm union services will be bald in tbe methodist church noil sunday tha ooustabloa will have ttiotr eye sktuned fur prank tier on saturday ui mr ii t arnold ba taken out a patent for a now fastener for gloves and roilta local spurlstnea say partridge are more plentiful in this vicinity this fall uian they have boon for several yeara tbo loardtof pirectors of llramplou flbow haa decided upon a hi per oenl reduction of prlao money tor ibis yeavr the fecial services which have been in progress in tha metboiisl church the past month will close with tho present weak tha ih annual plough intf much of the uallon ilouxhtnen a aaaooiallou will be hold in the viciutty uf millou on novtm bdr 4th djcrcbanul you abould kern before he people fur they am apt you knuw lu fowet you in husinraa if you do not tell them so about thirty five of the lool lovota uf laoroau went lo btratford on saturday to about ducouragcidtrnl to tho auluaa ol ueoretown mr 1 ii llardiui attended knu di hlbitiou last week as jude ol dairy and doroealio prpduou ho reporta a ery lanro showing- in ihia depart men t ia novel event waa wltutoard lu lou don out tho other day when aix hotel dlnlujfroom b aglod as p bearers at he fuurral of ouo of their late asaocislca tho slock sud ft hum of h i uaurowiu the abaoondiutt proprietor of tbe maple leaf cjiovo works will bo mild at abend a sale here next ttoduoaday aflerrioou tha hoard uf hduoauou bad jmle a dald olbu momuv when tbey couaidoied tha relative merits of iso applicaota lor ibe ioailloli of leaohor ol he pniuar deparlmaul next sunday llev o i iinfuru u a will preaoh the tilth uf the aerlea ol armoua un juhu 111 10 1 boas ol the aurlca already prcaohed have beli helpful and troplesaive ksijuesldg agrloulloral society like onmcroua otbra adoptod the plan uf retaining ii 00 of the prisa money of each sucoosaful exhibtlur at the fair of ula pre on i j oar aa luciuborahip foe or utt yrar owiuit lo tbo exiallug depreaalou lu hie laatber trade a flftwu per oenl roductluu ba hoou made in the waes of all w irk meu of the aolou 1 auninft co recaiviiin over 00 a week it la hoped thla la hut terowrary louduu clly louuoil attalaully ruua it atreot likbimg by lbs almausa like oura tha frr vrs aaya cmserrt irsmpcd bout in the ralu laat nig hi with the city in darkuma tha eleolrio llxhla wore nut lit bcoaa tha olhl was apposed uj be aiooulltthl tha uutiioial couuoil mat uu monday eanink itubir aasalou members were all prosmai lbo ooly basiacsa rciuiriuic tbtr attrnuon was lbs report of the vinanos commiluo rojawsiasaaidtug t tha of 118 00 tt kj blattbowaror wuikuu stfecuaud tuq to uvd ltha iir teaming upon u ollou ilia account wra ordered lo ba paid juhu 11 llatnillou uf ouslpb uionu ment wurka t utforink a reduction of jo pataaidl ou all orders luta fall to oloar out uis atook ocorauils lu orjar lo ruakortxim lur sprloij suck oou lo arrive mr ltatniltoa will alo pay expeuae of uualuiil u to and ihhii the k- at llual li the news at h0mei montly of a lob i character nntf- nvorv item interbatlrtfi kmtx churthm nrtr i filers mr in llm okction to tlm ulderablp uf knni jhnrnti i it wtok tm rolhnrlllk umillummi w fi itltrlid junes l jul tutu obarloa liaviumi jcnrmt 1i ntlw toll n it kil n l ir b a muknaitno nul william m ill ii i hid mildition ail riya the aaanii a ftrtiuif rrprnaenulini from llio ciniirijnlioii tlif cnnutry hull uf crnotim fruviiiclhl inanitir murray iilfd lnn and wn d1riiln islrs for the pnrpoao of lookiiift for doa tin ailitad a kaiift on ho imlii un llin way to jrjn ttjoy rot uff nt i ho htalioti but saw tho inspector aud did not attend the fair thny sin avn up ihnlr prohahlo project of h i wimiilbiitlia next day in pool or murra- intra thai hn t xpeola lo learn f mlmrroiia hurijlarna in ibu pruvmoe in llin next few month a aa the country ia undoubtedly full of orkw tan tifhuol truutecm hngnie a trachrr tho hoard uf ldiiciiou mnlrfi monday evening in the library at 7 30 mrmbors prmoul moaira ii storey chairman qeo llnda hobcrt wallaco and t ii harding tie ilosrd was ounvouod for the paroe of ooniiderin lbs sppliosljoni fur ha pnitlon of teclmr for lbs primary department of tbo sohool here out of tha 130 application which had b i received np to the llmo of mtxiiu mai of mi a ii h mcnoely m a of kiuton was the favored applicant misa mcncviy has ainoo uotiilcd the ujard of her acceptance nf tho poilion attcr arsrfr fitly i cars i he ualt ilrportrr management a few wtvka ko plarod atloiperjoncod newapaptr man at its head in tbo pnraoti of mr j 1 j a tray lata of tha chicago cimnuutit ahtruxim the firm uama is now j affray bears and kuowleir the infusion of now blood is already mauifcwtlnh a now energy in this old and popular jonrnsl on moti day of ihl week a lively aud interesting ly edition waa launched it is a credit us embrjo cily with two sprlrhtly dailies snch aa the ttrforimrr and ilrportrr gait will bo kept thoroughly in touch with t mil duffs rlimq at acton the rlds nts the voa rimes are contjac lndcr tho iipadiutt timas sro oettiajt hotter thp toronto iforu ys i all lbo nti point tu sn improvement in tbe time wheat at last baa began lo boood upward at a surprising rata a gold mining fever ia coining on capital lu the united blaita la only wailing fur the election of mc kin ley to atari a hum hllliorlo an pre radcutcd saroas the lines timea art more thau ood in great drilaiu we have letter from australia which say that for three roonlhs now there baa beou a won derful reeovrry there hurrah for a rise lo wheal and a mining tluurmh i ttfolunt m centenmrtma valentjne uynes the oldest resident in acton and pirhap in the county passed quietly away last y riday morning in hi ninety ninth year at tha homo of his luii bdwanl djno tho old geiillunian ha betni failtni rapidly lbo pal ear un ceaeajaaiborii in ireland in i7jh aud emigrated to anada with ilia father auiul seventy uva year ago 1 hey milled in urn ounty and th family have ever resided here tor several years tbey d on tho ninth line near hornby but about tho time of hi m imago in 1 hll ho t licit on the seooud ooucession and frntn that lime his faoo has beeu familiar lu una hbborbood mrs iytie and eleven sons and dsughters who are cturod one cuba and tho others lu all pxrts uf america survive him crtwbons corners with coiilinued one weather the farmer i ibis vicinity will finish taking up thnr iruips ibis week hlgb loustable merowralher of ouelph aa out lo thla place lait week luvesllgat g a cae conocrulug a cow which wa oln from mrs kifvan df aboyue aud as found lu the posse i on of wm lien nell of this place ileunctt bad- previously bought the cow from a man by the uama of borhy of ouelph not knowing that ibe cow waa stolen wbeu be bought il mrs o 11 hen of new yoik is vlitlinu friend lu this violnlly mr and mr n i or bo ipeul sunday willi rneuds iii lialliuafad mor j moore and l mpboll uf acton aprtit hundsy with frionda lure mrs cuduoy of usll vllled friends lu ihl vioiuily last week mr and mrs it campbell of aolou pent sunday with frieuds bare mr aud mrs h moore of acton apent sunday with friends hero u4batmjmillar jr co in another col uiiiu call acht ion lo their uro aaaorl meat uf orsi good hosiery olova olo d l belt quo high ol ass tailoring in wluob ihuir stock is superb ladies hur aie am aud huff a apccllty kbj rtil oiler fur s weftiro bred aud s rshlro ca to tlm imiturnr im i 1iuk dru hih iii frtiuiill a iniuli n vlrtuo to preiurvo tlm dinil of tilunru nndnr orllimaili na to reply iirth jisr tlcu1nrl if wo dinn llio orilhihiu in bi tiiifinr or iiiijus mr iulf uiul i null i in poaaniimiuii uf hint ntiin hit i lujiot sotu 111 lo r ph lit sinio i urn pmiilisrtit yutir jitppr who to ik ixo ptmn in ivh il in contibrrd llin loi ith h tilth diarir ler ufihe cunciita liui in mi i tl n with ilm sirilulltiral vihililtidii m tl i limit rrtlocllng m ih rujitii ol m n gem rally baiiu o mil i riliiiiii mr duff i am plml to i sisiidii well with i ur puojilu ami ilrvu pruui for his ciiiiliniioua iffiirlh in maku tlm actni 1 air a nucilih flimi i inlly aiidiillior wise whmh it niii hy hi lettrr ho has donn itui 1 am irnly rry and no dciubl msny olhrr kill aharo tho rrgrnl lint hn should fur the nirn nt tn ti law imt hiiiual koi ltnjr to hnu a lit f a acf7 mr dulf iiiunl hiin l hu kwari that tin p opln t huh villn itikiiii it please 1 mi tu tluti i b liigh mid iunlily ieopk of i t u iikvo h ii rutid liinlrili tiled to ihu ileum of lliu rtgr uilttiral as delation irbt onl hy dniialing mifhoy ami articloa fur ihu pni lil but ly ihnir patronage ol tho colinilu h well and ii is exqeohngly had form lu i hoiik what ungrateful uf him na ihu rni liu llhitr to attempt any aarramn ilcli a hn liaa indutgrd in oiriily nud h i nieiido i he fact t i any pur in tnhl ij i m p i hi to tint manner of con lu lint ihu oitmrtn r rx prcaaint a prrfironoi for souin ollur firm of entertainment ih miriu not siilhciuut to call forth such vengeful iro as mr duff has given uueranoa to personally i am a friend of mr duff and know how htrnug the national character of tho p npln uf duunie solund la and low cm frluo occasions tbrir burts are stirred hy tho pibroch ol tbo highlander or lu hank and braes o bonnie doon nuvertbelosa l hero ar other of our iruhjjjfelih slid analn uat lunahue to whom the aklrl uf tho bigptpt i jilst about aa molodfuiia an the racktl ol a borso nddlo at a at li rna 1 oliininri hn h pnraotia thorsfori f rum watir rlinjia uf tho early nocmlionn imunry to mill vato a tasto fol llio ninio ol tlm haupiprs are not to be acrim d a muasihlfl lo melody or r it for truaimi tmr in ami pal la tbo audience h gre t llia turn or ta are lleoansarily uf a uiixnd tharnilr aid mr duff hould mil fl nfli mlc 1 if nut out any intnnt to rullu t on hi i mhiic llldul iunl cltlsjti aboul 1 iijrurt u uniro to liavo leva buiilii in hu ha far aa the acton dirt cuirs am cor oorned 1 have not log tn ra i hi y nuiy liavo flloil to do lluir duty and they mut answer for their uhortcomiuu li doo not em liownur probxhlo that tho publicity be has tivon will mot d onethiugmr lui1 imii iibiiiuo i 1u mind uf that the i lyh a 1 inlglily people of aruiu uhlalu all the bnirllt if ibe ftlow ihl ia lol true tlllle the beiirllt coulu in tlm pnvil k f cmtnb utlug lo the elhlblll n a nl urn j i fmt i thai rxct pt in thu cast of oiw li mlix tlm bulnei ol ihu illjo on ill he lny m not bom iltcd lo any appro ulili niti t in ooiicluioti 1 ahare in iii mirl m prrakcd bj many of llit jxui f y inn that mr lui liill hrb j uur elf i ii i the evil elltolt f litli may bo frit in fuluro rill bllioui i aincrril iihi it i brg to auburibo m tatilf v 1 mi m u mi l iis ao at mh uo ubrr il h im jl phhsident duirs rlumhv u the kdilor hiisi- 1 nn dkaii bin 1 had no i its t in rrj lol of two or three wcka ii to the agricultural i uihmm immiluo i luato hag piwa and dancing 11 hi prt giammo lor a j tar or i won i i hto ihu t llui1 f blirring up hi h olt i in n infill imuooi nd friend mr jdiiu ilul ihn t rol lent lo such an rxtent 1 fnely admitted tho gtoe f lli loi u3rl on the jnd dutaur and ihnxt ot proi lout dale i havu always dmitod mr dull a bolt baoriuuiut and eraiall profit less efforts lu behalf of our p polar aud widely known ntitliiliio hut i don t like bag pipca and i umbora f my frit n in hake similarly oxpionani ihrmaout lu tnr and i auem to hatl ullndcd ihu world prui deul by aajiul so thmiuh nu tiluwi 1 think 1 ahall take hla advir it i h luliire whenever the bag pipja aro i u llin j r then about a mile and a half aud i h uo the i i urn if altjoi u 111 u i mil ibal prtaidoiil dull would lam j at a pub such a thing would ba j repoitir ti- sumo ouo tughl as i illy mkli a ilphnul lr ion lo luiinfl in nt lo ill tiallrl t be fore lbo grand ilsiij l ll i i it rilnli tlou i i in i 1 llllth le by auction hi houaahuld ulluro and furmahlug uu saturday ernoou jill oolober si so clock it in l jmicr itower ave wu hsuiruakt clionter mr ii j clsik will offer tor talc by uu on rimrajay ool wlh at lot 13 4th into wo i hlugoouay about vl bead id grade jersey duibain cattle luuludlug m resh ivod about j j yearling heifera lu oslf also a number uf rqgutercd berkshire pigs tin horaca aud colts will also bo offered all will be sold without reserve hleveu mouths credit tus sew hiitpii lileha tba new marriage aot rnpjircs thai both brldo and groutli maka aflklavll wheu procuring a marriage i loo use in order lu avoid in cuuvetimuoe and uuuooesaary publicity the undersigned will walt upon lbo parties desiring lloanaoe al tho homo uf auy of their fflrud hi town lu laaue dooumenls ii 1 mhiua lamur ot marriagu license kuta 1 ktu ulhuo acton a lhikplt fhom rhtumatiom cur ad tiy a rayv uosos of south amor loan hlioumatlo luro mlraoulou tiut riot mr n 1errls wife of s well known manufacturer uf hlgbgate jul says tor many ytars 1 waa sorely alllictod with r lieu mat to palna lu my auklrs and at llunoe waa al roust disabled i tried every tblug as 1 thought and doctored fur years without muob benefit thuugh i bad lost conudoiicc in luodlciuot i wa ithuced lu jibosoultiaiiitrnsu uhouiualiu ure lu ulydcligbl thu ural doss gate me mom relief than i had bail lu years and two butilos bavo cum plainly cured me rjuld by a 1 brown tako whun he brraton me t hi in my plain mer y 1 lo but twoull in vn li lt 1 1 woulf all him with btirruw si il liiiiii lur o heating bo ghhl an t trim b in ud nf in j really am if hn out knew i y ho goes for me beoauae of i lu k of i vo ortllo bagpijwn aii i ihu 1ml g 1 u l li nearly aa lrt ugly as ho lou for tlm inn dlreolor 1 lie ltolduul it n it aware ibal i have beun an xtilon i retilui and worked bealdo him many an hour in llio internals of anion nxhmili hi an i my everyday uarno is not t 11 harding either 1 believe oilier dlrealura dill make aa juat a claim fur luj al striie u may uot have done our wh ik dut in ihu pai but uh wholosulo layikiji nul la nul kind aud hardly savurs of r sling ov lenco ll ool llkn uatsssiyiij fi land and worthy projldaut lrbbpi if wu wirk hauler next year boll lot u ull at tha uuiilort without lbs plora aud lbo iiuid llltjlilaid dancing kirls you a as b ft rr a 1 i un a lot ool j7lh in iii his thhunt in uanubh li out j lheuy bel uu oorroapondunl roporla thai anur ling lb cunatanlluoplu debwtih s leu lul there the boltsmu very much irdlaled al 11 nelldulf lbo huaaiau atnbasiadur fur in blstiug upon refiuin aud aaid to ihu am basbsdor thai aicudlng lo ibe power demaud would qui auger his ihiouo v bbllallaithkul mkn ff woman lu trawl fur nwtwnalula ea ouumu hali 11 waaktf and asjmubsa i w uufiauca lulischi aell sildriwanl alaiuiwd tuli i bu nauoiial nlar hull uu tll vblab v ajmu iaabb nauoiial nlar hull ltti comingand goihg visitors to and prom aotananrj varlousotharperionnl notdm thu r iixk iiikmb invltoa all it resdnri to eon irtlniui in ihl column if you or r frlnnda bni imk sway on a linlliay trlporif you have fliwtlacisxuiig jjji drop a rsnl to the knxri mr j id fur detroit on monday morninn mia ldna ihufilon viritrd frlrudi in l ori lonn nsl wetik mr ami ftln john bows of millon vinili- rtienda hero tilt woek mr john ileuuett uf milton visittd acton frionda during the weak ml imiilu malthowabbs leeii visiting fnonvja jujoioitmio al week aaa hall lnj has been vialljnh relative at berlin tho past week mr aud mr airs i swoett loft on mon day for uiflr homo at klmlierloy mr and mis j ksnnawiu b him uy wiih friends tn bhelburne mr h ii mourn nf toronto made anton friend a bnuf villi last weak mira mnie and laura wilkinson i if l f ir tin ir hotiisj at brampton on ma mis john i armcr of i lorenco spent a oouplu of dajn lasi eek with anion frleudh liov i ather ilurkr of oakvillo was the hueat uf itov lalhirllalej a oonple ol days lal week llov u tor j ollpln returned home 1 ri ay iiiorniug after spending a wrek very pleasantly at toronto kov 1 w calvert kfl ou monday for hi annual deer hunting ontlng in tba miakokadilrtct oakvillo sfrir mr ii p moore and miss clara l muorurara attending the provincial bun day school convention al london this mrs biwr and mrs watson and little willio bpuui last 1 ruiay vary pleasantly at tho homo of mr and mrs allen near ihn rtmtiins of i 1 1 ull by of wood ittock brolhur in law of mr daniel allan of jal wurr interred in mount view come lory on saturday oall itrmrur mr a megraw of tho wisrton rnmuim hn r till ml from journalism a furlunate luviatmelil in iold mining atodk some time nkti ma bj mr megraw a wealthy man thb presidential con test tho mun who will bo on tha tlckota next wodnetday iiiii 1 he i mud slate iroeideuual nlrclinn win li hnn brn nuilallng ibe poo pi o for many mmitn paat will iw ptiiiinmnulrd next woliiratuy thuro are ix lloketn i t the hold for the irraidunov d vic- 1roidenoy thevo thechieforgan of the body when rebellious and out of order paines celery compound is your only hope i i iihlnualumiuhl harintb9 anu hhalth 1 fuw reconlo iho fact thai the 1 uiarh it llio uhiof of lbo body when thia goal and guiding orcau la out of order every ulhur ur dcpeudlng ou it for itmrnibhmrut i affected by sympathy ho 1 ng at dikitiou ib properly ier formed and heallhy fluid aeretod from the food llio body is uiuribhod when tbo alomacb la 111b1iiv0 iho ajalem is imjxivnriahod and dlauaxo rapidly doteluph ii your alomsob la rebellious and out of ear bo assured your whole system will soon lvo evldrnors uf trouble and your ufa will bo a miserable one whun ou auffor i hi tortures ot indite mirbiid djbprpsla jubi reinambor thai 1 nine wlery ouiouml ha brought ease ooinfofl bapplueaa aud health lu ihouaxi la in thai paat una marvelloua ai d wuiider working modlclue when used fur a abort liiuo restore rlecl digestion and givob it eveiy organ new life an i activity i liuubauds ol the blrongssl leallmoulalr aru on fylu from our bout anadlatt people icalifying to iho rllitaoy of pain a celery compound in c oa of slumacb troubles thai uoul i nut be ourrd by any other mad inn i hrso loltera of irstiimoiiy oant be lliaix olva at any time it i foil doar raader to ooulluuo 10 ulluriug from dangerous troubles ous bottle of isina a celery compound may aufnoo lo give you freedom ironi jialn and miiery ouo binglstboltle has ofisn banlab ed tbo dreaded nmy forever yonr neighbor and taenda bavs been cured by pallia a 1 o ery uyim pound 1 delay ii uao lu your oa whatthri use of sutcliffes wliat fhe ue of money or letting it worth or i is vine ny left jusljlu the harder i he times tho better it as on lo buy at kuiclifilfi v pnltcrn hats and honnetfifrom pans and i ondon and copies of all l he desirable new shapes tailor made manlles and wraps from the best linkers in german y clothing ready to near made in our onn work rooms made right ikciiis hl mcio it lint it j right no one ins more stylish goodsnnd i dont think nnonc could get buch worthy goods produced for less money than wc have women dsarar clolh mini in dubla- brsaitad naw tijl slaava from and back jjo joocli man a all wool prleja tulera iwacd lined all lira j oo wornj bjm mtn fancy stripe wool shlrd and drawer sjc sacb worth 30c sack all question cheerfully answered lot era or orders received be fore 1 o clock answered jsutcliffe4s0ns zyrz toronto ailtlrnt order clek b j ing ank i siilulifte eliliessesesi gr b ryan cfe cos oiz6rcqht- those tsrho plclty at clothing selling lui a few dis arc nut in it with us wc arc in it all the tunc clothing selling is a big busi ness with us our big cloth ing sale has knocked the other fellows off the track i he prices advertised contin ue until further notice look where ou will then sec our coats and remember the fol lowing price list ih for first class overcoats dress overcoats i r i m1 hcvlix l iul in s ami hlxk well hud wuci nil v 00 lo j ioi t i iic stm toll llcnei i 11 scr i iniiik t 01 wo ili tn j lo 9 is i ol hrai ow heater supctini will lining vrucicollir 4 hue tuil rilii til 7 i heaw ulstertk i ol 1 tltuy wool i reur 1 tint deep lining wpollar uul wrih i 14 01 111 i very suprrl ir 1 lh lw3i 1 iloniih un encra worth vijoofor vhf itoya and oulba o untlcr regular prilcs ishel in nake up 1 here is a big lush foi our oafs come wllh ibe uowj e r bollert a o 6 and u7 wyudnam bu si quelpu ont iiavlt you tab ill salada ceylon tea xrays of bstfrest ulal and lest prove in rtnorl 10 hood oarsaiaintta 1st greatest merit prcurcri uy a nccullar conblaa- tun lroportion and process unknown to others which naturally and actually produce 2d greatest cures hhorrn by thousands ot linneit voluntary teitliuonlsu which uaturslly and actually produce 3d createst sales according tn llw iu lenient al hi rtioiury inti hoi1 isparilki is peculiar to lucil it la tho moat dcjllolay o ull tuaa ttld ul in loa i i ai keta i y i j corn data l u notion jo ami i a e quiney i co hoods sarssiparilla litwutt ii miuliitnm lllmirf fw n li if niti l i in lo ink tioou s pllwil iimrilu not one coat loft over from last season all manufactured within the last few monfhs manufactured l peopli who knpw how to make a rood article no other kind would suit our trade we expect a iiir rush all this wtek our ovcrcoats consist of bla 1 brawrs hki im ulsters in hi 1 k brown and kawns in thfi ireics we are selling more culors than blacks they are better value than last car its too had that the people should pay us 6 oh for an overcoat when they can jet just as good in imagination for 95 down street t 1 hhppy why ithnnltln t 1 lc i ic jusl clcirctl nlxmi j in iwi miuutci ly liiivint om fcrciiih i hc ire just whit thev advertlw them t v n muni n i tin ti in i tell yon il the values lliey ire kng y u in tlih comfrirtible overtoils ert- ri nd cliilridl their sluro wnuliln t ixi iblc to hold the cuntnmrrs latc ni 11 1 1 im ttulsing my frtcnth lo malte acleclions il once lefre the licsl ihii ire wild 1 hey sell hoys oals too and just aa cheap as men s i i g b ryanl co gruejph x xx xlxcj xx x xxotlsv3 8s hamilton we wind the business clock dally rfillnfc if ilic p-i- lor wint of power ccanelcvi tirelc tileanun ream olucwucaa la nccr lov iai never higher than now itolhri ne ic irk nhci r txiiiht nti m trrcmm 1iat1 we vb liuwn llio ajr ui tea immtnibn ureas lootla trade the crowda lha dally thitiml hi alila ib a proof of h10 ahova assartlou itstl novsluas lu kielublve drssa 1 allarli lu imlli nlalli and fancies at vory motlarals prions a vary lar ran innlsin cloth in ciitiooa ainssou aud l dy cfouia tho ourroet itiliib for atreet wesr n all tho loadltih iliailoa wo have mini iiwolsl baroain in banff twotl and fancy goods left from lae uurray itook that we are balling for ale r yanl wortli from fido to 1 in the reffulsr way thla bbbbou we liavo mads a apodal effort in flslda and wo can show you a apodal assortment in the dlflaroiil alalia wo are alio wins s larva aafcortmoot of ureaib twood 44 luohoa wide at 10c 4ai110i1 hcuteti ltievlol tweed at 75c pi rfl i uoo in rieoleh aud cauadtsu lluht ami lark attori reduced lo mc aitilhnr hub hj 71 00 sa ml too all reduced n ave pucluh trauberluu in dark aul fancy tisltanib 1 1 rwluoet u ai l j rodnond to tic koriibii cordurova ui ks t aurl hlo hi milan moleskin u and lie i mr petit a rood uilnij la worth llmaaal wortti iji nam el 10 alntiant allern look a tlioihh uirown uibui nvt i lall a ihki of rtoaora an 1 in thu mill tnlci- ilva i i he klfhl tll hi 1 ilm diaiil line ol table 11 an a hjhklal valuo in t nmnacho1 table ltumi 60 inoliaa arid at 40c worth wc tt luclioa wt lo for he worth cm kitra tjualltlcs lo h 4 and 10 1 lllasollnd tatilo clueua bta rtltul patlsrua 111 rsnffn ot klnb to mateh tha taaelntli hamaliu damask cloth drawn only 1 31 kriunwt damask extra quality l ti llamlitehad tray cloth tx to tto a lot of now turkliti towsls in turkish pallerua aland loo turk lh haiti uau rull also beauurul dsalcn tsc llotiiiulcho huck towel ijila only mo eacti batlt ualiuaa for 30 01 aud due hnlnodiil value lu huck towol at ijjc larkn alaa fjnl boo1 nuallty olaaa llnoua aiiaclal iualltlob t ht and loo beoteli hamilav crah h 111 i3a olviiicti tablo iaildlnu a itraud lliltm don t tail to aae prica si 15 per yard usual cloth la xi and ll inch only 3u cent full in lu 111 low cotton hliimtlds includluk hcotcb aud mantle indian kawu lacknta in t rnrart tistlilit and fanny iisarl liutton atorin oollar su vi 1t vi indies twaol aul frlea- jackets doublo brnaalod ur illy tiolur rolvet trimmed txu tdaatad liack k0u s10 411 irfhlloa rnii lllack tan and llriwu llssvnr i loth jacknla na star oollar loulln broaatail uuw pull alimva 9171 t 7 i ri 10 ll and up lo jt ullltacry in till dajiartmoot we rn buay a booa plenty of u ready lo hol you fca you may aak it uiaka uie hat or buiiual simuu to ba part of you plasty uf ui to iska your hint and inakn aomit tlltugjubt to your uot ton rioino vary apeclal attraction vow lteiauo wing naw i arsdlaa ilumoa naw rlloal ornament in all iihoulo atylea naw fall hau lu latest froiieli my 1m imuienae aasortuiont lit tain n i ca ault able for qlrla tfoinn to acliool ftuaaelm va call your bpeclal atteiitlou lo our llnalal able all wool ftsmiel 000a un a brlithl from a wdttlne aa a duck from a diva not a parui k or lirinkas ualorlal cllly proparml to got thla rtainll now klderdowus now jiattvrua now color plain itlppla aul iiiiih vi ool fldantoou rspiwr cjikxu oow wtlernt aul ahado 1 13 in and ta li is- il s- ami orr t liircs putl i 1 4 pin ol iniirio th07vypcs c whtk1ns g d pringle 21 deals in iimph lu jookluu ur my booka i nnl thai alui ooiiluu lo tlualpli in 1ht0 1 hava oldannd nr r paired lu aome way 80 4jh watclim 13 ffth clock aud shout 4oti arualo uf lawslwy aul altliouh i have not iwan allo lo do all tliesn raialra parsoually sllll 1 tiava dono a very largo rl of ttiaui aul ail work ou li 10111 baa boon uvaraoeu aud crltlcshv baiuliinl by mo parson ally akoapt 111 cases whuro the job waa dono will in i was away arid taken out hafora uiy return i uiaraly luanlloa tbo altoaa otfuraa 10 aliuw you ll at my aud clock repaira i lo si you aood utiafauou lu walc repaira i liavo ilonly ol imsulifu ud for sale aa hue a ujcit and aa ohoaii a ou call nt auywlisra but wa aro partleuli nani to iinimirtuua you to purabasn wa artx plaasod to how thotu but will uavar urn you u buy hut 1 consider this a aeeoudary m allot whau oompsrad with the proper rapalr ot toui uiusilaoas usliy at you bsva hail watcho rivbu you which will laat your llfotiuia with prupar care hut it is not proper of liiom to put ihoiu into caralsa or unqualified haud for rspalr i dud mauy walchoa iu thaaa umas of uutrtty of money have beau sllowsd lo run too tauii slid ara vary uiuoii worn when bro unlit vo uia llli uot seouoiuy lu allow ihoui to run uuttl uioy will run uo luueor if ihoy haa alraady run two vsavra aud i would now urfco ulhiu you the urcesaity ot ohooalug a carol ul suit oouipotsul workman wo are as careful as ll la poastblo to ba and ara aiiituua tor your rood will our prices aro lha mima as all lewalors lu canada but 1 aui poaluva our work la muob utter tliah uioal ol ihoui j 1 pkinulk ouelph ont u3hs is thy grecer grjrisider oiil because wc are selling so cheap wo always lv reliubi irioils or inoiiti rifiuiutl we sell lor cusli kvbm a 1 m kliir i i h 1 i t ikidh iruu liu lu dmrtiuia 1 iiiiki uikrkt t c moore s son co hui nud vmt strrol yilu belfast store vvt nctr uri 1 usioinci whie wt stnvt to show the iicatcsl cuurtls flnli attention and eae no stone un turned in oui ellorts to suit a purchaser wc wish no one lu feel that he is uiuierviii obli ition to u wc know oui prices ait the lowut and depend on ihih tact and on the judgment ol the public for in ever lncicaiin volume ol 1 1 tele not6 k felnl spgclhl lines a line of ladies kid glove to clear at 75c legulai price 100 mens underwear at lowest prices chnsties cream sodas per tin box 25c sample oyr 20c tea new raisins and currantb new peel now in tuck k e curney5co mill street acton 20 per cent discount om flhnn6ls wlnu kd and cr u ud i jiiiiii do buttons ll i si wc lead foi tin bkht nohdh i mkrjhl 1ki i wtliirs t t follow hut doll t sin coed c f coodeve acton n h 21 lbb no i granulated bujjir for i oo your i troubles are lessened by our prices window sh1 plain t for ijl window shades 1 riie x ti for jo wintlow shades lace 1 fi for 55c wall paper combination wall ireue and cellini reduced from ui to k centb a roll cha8 l nelle bookseller cuelph wantedan idea xzb sisfisbflbslwtons we have on hand several valuable farms v illusion halt on biui dui 1 un llaldiniand iil h sum oe siibibsoihi vatiuus bafsjalu if sold balur lha oral uf january uaal kor tsruis aud full 1iruuulaia apply lo j moelpegfy aorotary lljktah ash u4xdviuu invutituunt anu hawrloh mocikty ouslprf ont e b collins butcher good meals lliil rrl uii iuy a duchess of oxford range i v oil 111- ktlfil 1 ltd 1 u ll 1 i 111 i iu z ll r ll rll 1 i lllr i cl kriil rc all i x i miti llur icib tlicy uie lc lull it oniki u 111 tile fuel vrt i apimt11 ml rcmtnalilc in pint the guryev fo0norv0 limited toronto ci a pannabkcker sole a0knt acton w h mdmmsi merchant tailor acton- umliea lu thauk hu iiuuhiuii lliair 1 1 tiara i atrouaga blue ha eoaiuiauoahl uaaiuaba lost jauuat and buwa that by osralul and oourtauua attalilluu u uiarit a ouutluuauea of their culoin a ouiuplals sssortuiaiit of drslulaas basjf mutton lamb poik rroab and bale hsuna 8ausata foullo laid o lu aaoa i irloeslsj luw as ouualaleut with ui- ll llor i iil 1 raik 1 ver uu i11cih lulrlutced bsaltiuallly k r ifuoipt dalhry kst block wan lad t ff ol i ivs 1s to be found in the same old place doini a hih cla perryman8 dlock l