Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1896, p. 3

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it r v tv bank of hamilton head ostiok 1iaiulton tunrat lutif in isioiui itksknvh kuxii fl70oou total amkti twiktlhlu board of dutefotors 3fltt atvairr- a ii itvmrim jttel lout lolsmltow4v ml ilmicton tlfll 111111 a r ui1 a ii ikk toronto i v w hiion ii i ashler ihksaai lallnr h u wattion iu agencies hamilton ilurlonhll fssl kud alllliui llaruti tmsloy ii iruutuwu uriinbj list 1 iuekuuw ulanu uuunl eorst jrai rllle pwea hound iurt hftlu kliucon tomtit vtigham brltlah oorroopondonta american oorroopondonta nnw vouk koutmij ftaltuuel hank ami hanover natljaal hail iwstoh inleruatloii mj traatco iurrt uarluajtaiik cini im national i lank ol illinois an i union natluual hank uafnoit detroit national itauk h imbab ci rv tfcatioiial llauk ol cuninmren afjonta in montreal the uauk of tu rou l aiilorgetqvrji agency tuteaefli collacuont mado and drafl bouiitit an sold otj all aoooaalblo points iii anada united hfalna oroet britain and ilia contlnaiilof kurofi uimjii stoat favorable terms savings department deposits of ami upwards received ami in tarsal allowed iroui dale of deposit tu date ul dthdrawel hikcial dkfohirh alio received al currant rales of interest niljinahtonf agent wall papers window shades curtain poes and a most compete ine of envelopes note papers scljool supplies toys do s ett hcaduartcis for wedding and birthday presents geo hynd8 acton ont hjje tton jfm rrss t11uk8imy nohmill 1 ihyct little local brieflets which caught tha eyas or ears of fmo proaa roportera thin weak tbu id gay ttwkn day f a kerns of hurl in ton liu born kb ullcd notary public ualluwe en i aaaed with comparative quietness an halurday niul turnips aro beiuff shipped at the o i it in cmiibntorable quantities ttu weak tho lunger a firm adiertiae ilia mora reliable it become in tlm t re of l lie lablio gael tl haa been enriched by tha apeiidliure of mil 000 in new building this wi albert gardiner of oakville hail hli left broken wbilo payidk football last week lie u removed to the general hospital toronto tha communiou eorvioes iu tha melho dit charati on buuday were lrely aitand d iu w urfcrtaaaibud tha jiaalor iu tbo ar lea uoliday buying will aooti have cum oaeoood iu earucal mcrcliatila what an yoo doing to call tha attention of tho public to tha attraction of our block t tho laat of i bo ubw bark ahodt at tbo tannanoa la boinn coraploiaj during this aymaon abeda tq uuu feel in knulb and 35 in width have boan oracled lotftaallnk reortb of the provincial sunday uoboul couvbouou worn it bundajr altaruuou by tho superintendent and ulaa clara moore iu the uelhodial hotiool owing to iho tall aaalica and hcaaluu balng held ou tha ftrat weak in doacmbar the laat rriular ruicimn of the county counoll will be hold on i ho laat tussday in ember thib year at tha conxervatite couvculion iu toronto laat week bon at or ban ford waa appointed chairman of tbia division em bracing ilaltou 1cel north and south wont worth and hamilton iu addition to the ish application fur the vacancy in the primary deparlitiant uf acton public bcbuul reported uat week another was receivod by tlio accrelary thia wook from a radualoof vliailaull mich normal bohool in bl mary over be hundred women have plodded themaclvna to do tbeir katur day aboppmu early onouli tu onablo bual pcm men tu cluae their aturea at eifjlit oclock a almllar arrnuijemeul uiilil be of ad y an la bo here a leukihy ounimumcatiou from mi john duff containtuk tho controversy to bpeoliuji tha ba pipes and danuers at actou lihl billon coucertn xm ret rived jeaterday as we were ml tij l prac will a to prvaa iu lrbwbons cohnkhb wa are liavink urautilul indian sum mrr weather now the iiuarierly services in the methwilat church hera last halurday was well attend od it waa the moat largely atteudod juarlerly aervlue held tiera lu yoars mr win uray led lh 4uor moctut laat taaaday ui in tho abaence uf tho minister what nilghl have been a kuam atcldont occurred here uu huuday mbl whllo mr and mr johu iuibiuu and miai uolla hill uf aolun wera drinu boiuo their horo look fright at a panalng train and bolted upaeltink the buggy and throw lug the ocoitpauls out mr intoruu held on to tha unas and mausged to keep the horaae from xetliug away and thus pro von led a serious acoldcut lleyund a allbt buekmx up uu una was hurt and they procawatleti on their way not tuucli iba worse of the acci mr n forbes of lbl plaoa bad tha 0011 11 act of butldiuit i ho large brick orualo or lb aqiqii lauuin ompauy aud cum pletad the work lu wo day this la con ndarod by all who have atrn i aa iiuick work mr tor baa i a hustler mra jaa hauiahaw spent a day or ao ibia week with friend in ijiwviiis uiaa nellie twrtxa it vtalunt friauda in rusliuch mra tiomarvllla am liorlha who hate boon klaliiuit tiora fur lha past uiuulli raturpad lu ihau homs in uiiliiaii uu 1 rnlay mrs n torlioa pan a lu la laal week with rtetida in llutnby mr add mra j mckenly of lwi mill- amut sunday at mr m ciowboii j you waut ural olaas uuolptieaahaii i duoia at tiuelpb pi ire 1 laniua iai 1 ymc order at liu planinii mill 3 the news atrhome montly of a looj charaotor and uvorv item intoroatlna- ilrj i mm jrtjnir ctiutch hivoaniunl of tlio lor i buppor wilt ho obtorini neit habliatli irrpuatory bor ko will ho llihl on i rlday oi thia week at ii a m sn1 7 111 p in hcv mr mian ofll in tiirt at cvciiinn aorvlcn llin all reiiiill i irotril cutetm will w ordainodu- tho prny r uiiatiuh uat tuesday ovoning looft tho luru f a inrovpll td mr and mra 1 kauiiawin i j roll fafi ft m avrr miriira hiunii itroa who hao for hkxiinl i am urnupii d thn iweltl flto aero prnprrt t of 1 lr iiwry on tha eaalern i nut thn ct rkiratiuu report ilia follow pluidid y from lha prettier ty this iar nthn busliala turnlpn i0po haga ktaloea slid km barrels of applra it will rn ihhv matter to compute tho value ol orupal current fjinrkol prices ficitlii fit nn iuqucmlnti iianver die duath of mr ijaviu row occurred at hia home in htowartlownon wednoaday night tli ult after a short illnraa ho h orm uf tlio old rattlers and aj highly attimel lv all who knew fhlm the funrral very largely attended ou h rl day lifter noon a wife aim an 1 datililrr aiinnr hitn mr w ii rusa ol hlewarl luwn am mra john hprosl of mansewood aro deeply aympalliised wilh in their aad tnnlveraary mrrvirra thr anniversary aervloiai of tho metho dial church will be held on sunday jolh inal ltev joseph hde of goderich has accepted an invitation to preach the anoi versary sermoup this occasion will be looked forward lu with plosaurable auticl potion f r the rnliru community will apprinte tho vialt ajri in in mirations of krv mr 1 dk- who waa for three year ilia mi ular an i succeaiful pastor here aud llie frlninl of all lfnuml ii ti it tern at orllllu mr j 1 hecord of orillla has recently boon in veal iiatirifj a aupniaed berient slouud atmnl mj tiiilei from that town in laat imtio uf the nrtrl aafntercaliug letter to mr david lloylo curator of the tiadn usliiiitr descriptive uf the alleged work of the mound bnildork la turn mr hnord btlievea thia to be the tiran leat rirplitiinu mound jet discovered tn tins ur any oilier country it la two and a half ml i on in longlh uer ur muciilicrittin at hcmfartb he mr macplicraon spent tueaday of laat week at hoaforth where he had been for some time aadtatant to hev ir mc donald in the evening he gave an address before tho briatian kndeavor social retipecling which the be a forth fxjttmtor a a 1 ho main feature of the evening nai an address by ltev a ii macpheriion of acton formerly assistant to ltev lr mcdonald mr macpheraon has lost none of lua old timo fluency plaiuueaa and power of utterance and delivered a moat excellent address emphaaiung the uecess try fur all exenianig i heir full powers in missionary and church work mr mac ptioraou a many friends here were pleased lu have another opportunity uf tiieclini with him and hearing him and hisaddrcaa was linleued to with much interest aud me have no doubt with profit alit a ionnjt hue or stratnril those who claim actou aa their birth place aud now reside at outaido points are almost invariably lojat to their native place aud always manifosl a living interval in us progrcas alderman john o dono ghuo uf blrakord la quo of these aud and alwaya keeia liimaelf posted lu regard to uur progress lie roads tho local paper every wenk and is a periodical visitor to hi native heath while in stratford laal piida tho oditor called upon aid o douo itliuo aud ciijuycd a ploaaaut hour with him the alderman la also loyal to hi adopted home and for years haa been an aclive worker lu srmnng a progressive aud attractive city lie has specially tnlctvit cd himself iu tho organiailiuu and eijmp ment uf a moat rdectlve fkro dcparlmenl and lo day stralfoid haa one of the moot jierfect ayaleni fur protection agalust fire uu tho cuutmeut a spleudid now electric alarm service baa juat boon installed by a firm in boston arratiitod upon the same plau as that in use lu t hlcagj durlugour visit the alderman had an alarm sounded and an exhibition of tho alert ocas of the hrigado aud its boraea waa given for our benefit ltofure leaving the uily wo learned thai aid j donoghue la in the held for the mayoralty for uoit jear with good pros peels of success twtatly uexrorrd thia time a little over two moulha ago the dwell lug uf mr jnim 1 i i slated ou 11 owe r aveuua waa fired by an incendiary but au alarm beiuk given by a brakemau of a pbln traiu and the prompt response of the tiro brigade resulted u the ttio being riliukuishod with a loss of loss thau 10u llie llrat alarm aiuco that occaaiou was r k g last i- rlday morning about it 60 and it aa louud that ibe ii ro waa in lbs same ptrmiaca 1 he nrriiicii were promptly ou the aceue but tbq devouring clement had been in possession fur nouio 1 1 mo and tho houso w aa a mass of llamea aud beyoud rescue only a kitchen rtuve and tablo wore avtxl mr and mra ii aisled bad been hi hamilton all the week visltlug relatives and there bad been uu flro lu lllo house slum 1 ucs lay i he fire waa cleaily lha wurk of an inceudlary aud attdeiioea are numerous that burglars wore fiapouiiblc a bundls coitlalnlug cutlery and sluerwsre a cuupls oj quill and a lahlrclulh was found on the u t it track in fear uf premises aud a suit of clothes belonging lu mr uataaad in the garden 1 kwavee had avidoutly gone tbroub lbs houao aud after securiug what they could carry set lire to tha plaoa ii waa a deao lata looking ploco that mr and mr hauted found upon arrivlug from llamil ton in i he evouluu 1 he house was luaur od tn lha nurth itrittah aud mcroaulila fur 3uu an 1 the uuulouta lu tbo aetua or tum mr hal tod bsa nut decided wbollier ha will rebuild or not bil lb iadlea aid uf kuot iiurcli a i tun will kivo a social iu ths ahuiil ou til ur day evening iba utb uf november a nui treat is in stofu fur all wliu luiiio as lha pastor lbs ltev mr macphersoii will bo tbo leadluk sioakcr of iho oteuinl maile by until buret choir i ea aervod lu the baaemeul from half paat sit lo eight o clock admission adults i i ocuis llnldrru it cents a block of two stores and all dwoilinib aa burned at liiiton halurday muruinit lion ijwail luake called from new tturk fur lnlrind uu the steamer i bvwki hog chuler ia rrpjrtad tu have broksu uul on walpu u island aud lha annuals attacked alii ad to be dvina by lha bun drl -neighborhood- news nowa homo supnlloo by corrjn- noptiuntsi nnil cxohannoa rockwood a cone rt wll hiriveirby v itirt i h na a l i ml jladmh hull pu iliurhda 6th iuat llie phintmniii will he aip1id by muara llogsnnn i wcatlirrmton oimtn mr j htracluui itnrkunol mr i lalla ijhef of guolph and- utlnrn dm sdnlui a ion is free abhorovb mr inlliu ilmmpaoii b mias auiila xhnmpqii lroo to i irm on saturday whero ihey lioud pen ling a inn iu with fieilds miss laike uf inrtiiiln i mutnik at mr holird raham h mr will dttunr ot milton whet led up to mr j nfionalaat i in silsy evi inui mrr ook uf iirnutn slid miss anl ion of hlr elvlle mild will mr alexander laat wuik brarlet fnter la naiu in thn lit ighbor hood i illle ma hardy hai hml a mi what iiuro nttaok hru i milton a nnmlur o onrt tl h cl h apt iaiilni aro bin l di r in the vicinit uf hmu juilt mhk the firat auuivorsary uf the iijieiiiug i qracn hurch milton ant i i held unlueada nov 17 i he ird illimp uf niagara will thtn iy lua llrl visit lu milton lieut il iliichaii waa in milluu and campbell lllo last week inspecting tho arms and other stores of no 7 and i cos jolh lome hifles ho was wall satufiid with the riiudiiion in which ho found em ami nftlhal il wa flrnt claa alliarduf irsio has lrmi furim d in town mill hie follow ni oitur i 1 karl president 1 miku nn prenldenl w 1 dck stciotsry and a himbol bam treasurer limehoubfc iho honor roll of i iniehmi- pblio rchoul for the m ijilh nf oil b r i as follows iv las maim siikeu t rank mo re iii laal sen o ue mnrhll 1 rd aackbammcr i minahtott iii class jun arnemr tnl i 1111 garvin cmal jumm niikrll ii class crnou swaklinu nei iuii lepoidevin j 1 il tni r willi m dowoll part ii laai su i w heeler i n clam i v mrredlll nellie hv ick hammer may o ill willie dobbn duncan bharp i mmiil h ill i a uss ltau sutt 1 ml mirhall willis mccsinsh r 1 i 1 chi lr mil mr j v kmnin are ipeii i lug a few days here prior lo inavinu nei k for california i boy will spell 1 k ra r mlr at lncio chorobtuivn tho sou ul friends at thrl 1 rid 1 ho iscruam bia luuii rt in i tin luwu hall laal oveuil was b jiihilii mi t u ev uuril lki anl mr- r mil el i attended ihemarriat of their i nee mi alioeveaiiell at itcrlui ul w ineauy of laal week the ltev mr v euuell oltlt atel tcrtainmenl kiven in tiio itaptist liurcti ou i rlday evening laal a chuno jiroijratn aud lilulll enjid b all prunut hie cm lowers i mm i loral view i reel houe mm will i ait ilh in1 i t mi i son htanllh pllly fain halll hliico reluruiug to in i mi i i m n w 1 he ba iraiiiall tr n w his i which vi nrtill r u r i in the lroatmeu preset ibl wlul hem nn weeks ago is unw totally me mr samuel phillip an ol 1 on i respect ed residvul uf this plac di i al hia rei deuce hurti street on mul ai tboukh ailing or some lliuu pail inn con d it ion waa not cunaulorod mninn until within tho past week when ho rapidly aank the funeral took place yeaturday at 3 o clock to oreruwooti cmolfary his wuluwaud relaiivi liavu llie alicere ayin palhy o a large circle o friru 1 ehjn ilc a ul jlowluk llltl i 11 brlday ou the farm of mr a met utcticii ospriue 1 he al tendance wos l i riic match was pirhapi llie b 1 bel 1 in t- mi township ur mars and tho due lr aud other oflkers of the aoii ly ao i lw cungratulated on iho ml uiu uf their clfufla lius yoar iho jdouhit g to 1 ih alaaaea waa uooil partirularly in tho ih a claa aud in iho lou j lii i taa an i a koeu i n teres i waa malilft sti i ti iho eula ton from atari lo fiiiii prlaoa wv warded a i ll 1 laa 1 1 jii iluutjha ul aiu1 1 ton iud john llufjition jrd i nirsui tolton tth jia inahollu llolit class 11 i irsl claaa j inter ll i ji aid duff jod win itarber lid hruughlou tth jolm smpbell mb teler mccareii lllh jubulluiiitil i laas 111 oreeii lara open to all ho never ploughed in a aluh 11 duncan mcheoaie i ic amoliee lil v akitl class l bos under 1m ul h lrt wan leas iud itert ci inl hiram a i loo lib j ii hnkwoo1 tti john alio hi jas willi hprcials i laaa i r r uol hnmg loltuu lur best lliih allwrl 1 lun claa ii lor bel eerm i lonald i ii boat finish william itallcr class 111 1 or bal ferriuk a m i lira ur beat thilsll dunean khei ie laas i pur oral feerin licit der stu lur best finish it bl w lor youukest pluukher in held j itiu alton sweeps lakes a 1 ult in hmt at ultnwllhamb aelllul coming and going visitors to and prom a vnrlouaothor porto nwttlotoa 1 tut l uk i i lit hn invites afrt irhitu i tliia coluuiuohi you pr your friends an i mjj uasj uu a liulilay irlji or if ywu have fill if i uiitinu ii drop a card lu tlio kuan mr j h doacuu v h i waaf in tuwn o monday mr ci ilrry 1 1 ijihi friond at new market lust m k misa annie monahb visited frienda in lorunio this wctk hc win mr vers left pu i uoaday to jmil a wetltur so at parkhill minn mina walker spout a couple of days lant iv ek the gucal uf georgetown friemla min i ifin mrltm left last week ur harms wiieru alio will sjm ud a luouih with misa sophia oojcinau attended the wtddiugof a lady friend near hamilton last wo k -r- itev mr macphersoii attended tha pro vuicial sunday hohtxil convontion at con don lisf week mr aud mr jamoa c warren fcnd diildr u spout a day or two this week with rtlalmna lutiuolph 1 milium sbb uf iho toronto ooiv oial hoapual was home for a coupla o dnj during the week ira illvj j redditl o llrampton wa tho gueal laat woek of ber sister mra 1ruictpnl i 1 monro m7 arthur ilollaud of toronto waa the guest during the week at the homo of her brother mr james b t rat brook ltev b hellery d d haa accpled an nn nation to ciitiiiniie in the astorato of dublin htrui mtlmlut hurch guolph afmrlhjnar hheiiif leiiniiu uf milton made lha phi k ixtfn a pleasant call yesterday w ik u hn c iim ufnclaliy he will not be so heartily welcomed utiillor mallhuwa left lail thursday un a trip to manitoba ho will visit itraudou ik uraino aud other pom i aud will rrluru tllhui ihe mouth tuiciob at drayton a huapuctuii citizen of drayton hnna himself in a slauyhtar houdu f mt tjiiiia ihe 11 u an unusual stale ei hrmeiit this adtri o in when ii waa repuil d i hat mr llosell ii newlon a resimctr1 ci 1 1 ten had committed suicide mr now tun led homo early this morning in u a kliorl dialance lu the cituutry to work 1 here la salauhlrr huuse on ibe oulkirlo of llie village and it is supposed he nlercd il and hsngnd himselt aa he waa fmiil haiiint annul 4 p m nu cause can be aaikiicd oll llsn hi lies 1th i sel waa m comfort able otlcom slai e an ihijuiml was nut deemed iirockhary mr w d uoper uf virgil who waa lliniaii ml a ilileh bv a runaway horse anl lay iheroall niahl diod al hi lath arilea huapllal un monday kor pi lilirvthhn a permanent cuht a letter that proves ihe value of paine8 celery compound a mtiuicine that makes pfaoplfc wfcll and that keeps thbm well i i oul tipt 11 injfi jour i aiiic a elory ummtud will no doub uitereai all who remember my luminal mi veil mora thau two years lua long interval ban s horded me ample opportunity or judging o the e fleets u tho medicine i have always vtlued the dgrstlon f a cure mure than the temporary relief it is dlflloult if indeed it i possible to gat a medic i no that will produce a permanent good cfloct so inuoh being depondsu on rilii use and dietary reulauour we muat holp 1siuo s celery coinpouud we uiuat oiusider llie mantity aa well aa lha i lit uf the food wo eat i am convinced by eserieuco that if this medicine ba properly uad and aflurded air play it will do k kj work 1 am past seventy yet alno i look lha 1alun a l elory compound i feel a well aa an old man can foal for this dominion of h aliti i can think uf nu oilier causa ibau ue of the tompund yours thankfully la l g mr u will la ma sovoroly uiu it ou wttll o r itlhtlnaf it about i noon oi ii halurday fire dam aged the residence of mr win horrate al glanwllllama lo ibe extent of ttm no lusuraiee lr mil the rxort u uf iho citlaeua tu pul uu 1 lj ire mr lieu williams ellvft the iiuf recr lug severe injuries i ncludli ti tjsclure t the a nkle cant this la lho complaint of thuuaanda at lhls acaaon theyhavn no appetite food does nut relish they need thalonlng upot the stomach and dt festive orwana which a course uf hood a he rea parti la will lva 1 bom it also purl tea and oil riches tba iiikmi cures tbst dutreaa a tier eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know creates au sppallle uverromea that tired feel inn and builds up aud aoslavlna the whole physical system it ao prompt ly andeineteutly relieves dyaprpttcsyttip- lumi and corns nervous headaches that it seems to have a 1 moat a magic touch hoods sarsaparilla imlieltest iii act the our ttlw ulnod mrfarr sti m l allet dinner iloox b hlllti tns aid uceauou me itfiat interesting question what to wear can ik quicfcly nud satisfactorily settled here with srtih an array of dress loot is mantles millinery aiitir clothing as we show theres nx one ho cant find just the things itnt will plcisc most and ou will find our roods somewhat in odvniitc of the ordimry stock ivcrthing is new scitonahlc and right up to he laesr idcis of fishion and theres no cuirt inrgc lccause the re exln sthsh send for samples of anlhui that can lie samfllid in all wool fries cloih ft i lt cnruln ft in wlile il tl raculataijo fi7jir lllack tei silk i d n i m i kiii trellra i el b in bne y k ou haven i had one mtt you drop us card and gel our pall catalogue all questions clicerfully answered i cltcra or orterseoci cd lc fofe i o clock answered r same da jsutcuffesonsl imillilsnbry at toronto when tailing nk for mr j i- sutcliflc qt b ryaix cfe cos all this isteek 1 in orcsi iuod i tin sile will continue ill thih week i tuth lb wl ot ni a lot that came a littlt lat and we won t give them room on cur bhclves i hey tr- to o out at once vh n we ad vertise a dieafa ctxjda stle it means that you can huy the ver best iikxis vcf lheap riieic isnt mother such a dress joodt slock in the t it merchants who do their lusiiics on a low rtde of ljchds cannot and do not handle the nwvc-ltie- which our stock jncscnts liu l no matter ill this week high and low grade all go out cheap we cut the price on every piece of dres goods and silk in stock no need to give quotations i he range is too large au varied hnough to repeat that i very piece of i i ebb roods ot the man hundreds in stock will go to ou at a batgain price this week ileitai sol out ul v t i tho juelph heiald thl tek foi men s lolhing salt its woithy of tur dtttiitioi t r bollert a v ib sjul 37 wjndhain uuju ouelp11 ont have youtasted u ast it hr t hai kaitiir i u mkn ok nun lo ltanl fir rimalbl eallt lilriiiiih in jilatlu halarv stw i llnliaiii fit i w sell a llrvsi alami hi an i r ii saudinil hull lliu illrau i salada ceylon tea j coinflhul l 0- lajiluibkra eu and a e quiney x co f1 painkiller kmt mra a bora aad bafa nainadrlw ais oaaa aad otwry kind of uuwal oonptala- at painkiller tali is a true at aad ft oawt ba iiumid tun auyas ur too esbphaue il u a simija safo wall quick cure for clbmu oosfk ausihsbtlmm cttllo cwlda masmvxlajla utarrlyajma croup taat two subs mc ms mi many girls think themselves milliners because they can stick trimming on i hat but theyre not anybody can put trimmings on a hat or bonnet thats not hard to do but to combine feathers mowers ribbons lace ornaments c with taste of the highest order is where we excel some milliners go in for loud showy stuff we demt it doesnt suit our trade qur trade calls ibr ladylike goods and they get them our trade calls for exclusive styles and they fcet them weve the facilities for getting at the choicest goods and then the taste to arrange them properly and to produce the most desirable combinations of colors we cm promise you satisfaction in all miljlinery transactions with us and something artistic into the bargain g b ryan ccl guelph the right house cor klnp hughaon 8ts hamilton we ll kw wind ihe bualnoss clock daily icicss tireless w irk j iihirui lejien i ililr kitujit tn uhkii inenhuiuliv nhruk ufh eve hewn ilia way to ail luiiuniian urea jowls traria the ernwila that dally uiiong till alsa la a proof ot uie above aaseruon uthl novelties in bxelulvo draa isittaru in botli plalu and fsoctea at vf ry medarata jirloea a vary larva range in plain elotla in cheviuta auiasuns and idy clolba tha oorraei tiiluu tor iiimi wear in all tlio loading ahadsa we have soma ahalal bargains lu henra twpail and fancy ooods left from iba murray stock thai we see ashing far tic nor yard worth from sua to 1 in tha recular way tlita season we tiava mads a specie effort in ilalds and wa can abow you a aascjal sssurtmant in tba different elans we am allowing a large assortment of ureas tweed ii indies wide at 10c lalneli uoutcb cheviot tweeds al7ie tweed el in 61 joe in rlcoleh and arnullau ami lark wttarns rartueml u vc an una m tl v iv bo too all reducod t kocllali trousaiinaa lu dark sutl fancy lietl l n rwtuced lo tl f l retlnchf to ti tabic i inen hihklal vatue in uiblvaelio1 talla 11 ii iieiiea wila at tfto worth mo tl luobea i or uo worth 6v kitra n ostitis in h i an elied tablo prices were never so low hilell lid assortment dfttouhle damaak table clotln ail slsna h4 la 101a toll in all oualllina iirioei wtlli uallllea in table napj kins tu ma toll tlia above a toon fancy dainas taaelothhouisutebed only 1113 ti kriliol damask clotb drawn only 1 04 prluitsd damaak extra quality al 1z ilamsutch tray clouis ii7c00e a lot ol new turkish towels in turkish uatlerna ji and loo turk isli hath uata mil aiaa beautiritl deslsua t5o hemstitched liuck towels ttala only slo oaali baiter qoalluoa lor u u and aoa gplendld value in lluek toweli al 140 larua also au i good quality q laaa lluoua aiwelal qualities t hi and lllo hootoh llamsley crash m 1u llin onlueb tarda padding a it rand thing don pull etlnga lueludlng rtootch suit i lualltea mantle lullea ka11 laekela lu overt allub and iteavnr box backs velvet collar aud cuffs larva fanny iearl button aonn miliar slio 17 m iaiih tsohi and krleaa jaekeu double breasted new illy collar velvst trlrnpjad box plaauhl iaok r30 i0 til illas pawn lilek pan nil llrowii itoaver cloth jaehets new star enllar ijasinta brasatail haw pult alaava m 76 xl 753 i0 li and up to juilttnmry lu thia deartiuau wr re buaj as bees plauty of us raady to help you as you may ask ii pluiity of us tii mako suoli changes aa shall make the bat or ttounet seain to be lairt nf you iilanty of us to taks your hints and make some- hlnjt just tovour notion bom a very special altraetvons ne1taana wings new iaratllaa plumes new htaal ornamsnu in all uptodau atyle new felt ii au in i a last french ityle luiiubiiao assortuieut of tarn and cap suit abl fur ul rls going to school flmauclm gal this r new kldordowus new atuinis m colors 1laln itlimle au1 fiuili wool kldardown wrapiier uoods new natlarui aud sbados li li in and soc tliirjei pinl in jnj mti til oninrlo thomhs g whtkins e b collins butcher daal to thank his numerous customers for their liberal itatronege since he ootnweuood and courteous stteutlou u merit a ooutluuauce of their cuaioui a ouuiileta saaortmeol uf lraj elaaa beef mutton lamb poik proah and bale htmi bauasctra poultry lard ao tn somaon i rloas always as low as couslsleut with uia uealtjubllly prompt delivery fat stock waiitvd r ii ihiiw we have on hand several valuable farias the larms are situated in the inl lowing ouuuuea wellington i lalton bruce durham matdimand perth sim cue nuuie of tbnm ara lilgtili liil tuto1 amis all are gout various alsea and will tn sold at a bamalu i sld beture lha nrat january no l fat idtioi an 1 full arutulsj apply to j e moelderby secretary uljkl 1 h am ontaiuo rnvkhtuknt am kv tnuh wocifty uutlph ont look ve dura la the store j where you get the mo chnti back it si v 1 11 hi 1 likle ilc uule il l uni ii vs ah j p picjk i l i ltll l lhl hi l l 11 iii it m mil henderson 8v co acton in it e tl and the your troubles are lessened by our prices windc 1 1 plain t lor ji window shades freic x 6 for jy window shades lace j 6 for 55c wall paper combination wiir reize and ceiling reduced from 12j to 8 cents a roll cha8 l nellc9 booksollar cuelph wantedan idea b wgmmm out pticc uie ash t i moore a bon oi mill and mala sir arloa g d pringle 1k tiaih iu uelph lu iwfclu u uiy huul t dud llat t- untu o iualtl iu into 1 bays elaaua1 i raauiad id suuia way ou tw sfataliaa laott clocks au1 atiout 4atuu sruelaan jeoelary au i altlxhigh 1 uav uoi bean alrfe lu do all uiaae rawlrs ihsrauuallv still i have doua a vary targe wrt of uiatn and ail work on uteu laa bsn uvotaen and erttloallv aaamlnad by uie parson arty aidkt lu eases where the jub was duua whiiu i aaa away and tskeu oul befors uiy reluiu i uiaraivnllauuoa ibe above figures to suow you tbaf luy sapvtlaooa baa been vary large and tb lodey 1 uugllt u be bettar aids than ever to give yon guud satlafatiou lu wateh and oloek raiaxlia i have ideal of beaullfui goods lor sale aa fine a stock ana as cheap as you caa gel aaywbara bulau ars uartloular navvr to huinctuna you to pureliaaa wi are ideased lo show tbam but aul never urge ou lo huy hul i oouskler uiis a aaonndaxy matter wbeu oamiaraii with ilia pruper repair of yuur tiiueileoea uauy of vot liava had walehes givau ou wlilaii will laai your lifetime wll pruier oara but 11 is uul irupr of thaui to pi ihacu into oaralaaa e iiuquallaad bauds fur repairs 1 dud many watches lu thaae umaa of seavrlly uf uifuey have imu allowed o rult umi i lung and are very much worn ban brought in 1 s s cclltb 1 v 1 fll uts it la uol kouuuuiy lo alio theiu w ruu uutll tbey iii ruu uu luug if they have alluady ruu two vaars and i wabld uua urge upunyuu ths neasa4ly ol choosing a oaratul ami eukivieai workman wa are aa earelul ai ilia poaalbla to be jloiftreiung of wayb it behooves careful ih jj i t i iiil noat lor the ijollak every time we are doing out utmost l met liu pit tut condition of trade and rock bottom pnes will be found lushing in i very department bu one i out i la w 1 a t jciu juitts 11kndkrson cv c a ci on belfast store iai uit i whit w uu t il f u jiteij tiid attenli 1 aud etv m tn un t ui 1 it tl in out elhnts tu milt a putt hasei t we wish no uu u ltd that he is undc an tjbhalion to i a wt knnv ui puces au the lowt st and depend m this lat t uul on the judgment of tlu puhlu foi au t vt r ifn leasing volume ol tude not fc ilin sp9cihl lines a line of ladrea kid gloves to cleai at 75c regulai price 1 00 menb under wtlaj tit lowest prices chnstiea ci eamsodas poi tin box zi sample our 20c tea new raisins and cuiiants now kbjl no m ou t m e curneyco mill street acton something nice u uur line of tkble lirnein and vcrj reasonable in price we have fable linen t 50 and j lln no 1 iianulaltd suti 1 00 oioilc uullcr per lb 14 k 1 ntlnulk i c f coodeve acton oublpa ont n m ihius lalin as ish y x-

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