Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1896, p. 3

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i hl bank of hamilton tlbauofriok iiikmf kukii lotal amt hatflltoh slavmul l7k otl board directors met 1rfmlilktit hi ilu ii at wmi ruruiiiii w u t unmix m 1 tllltnltum caaliler ii h htii hhs am ciller ii u wathos lrihrliir agencies llatiihum tllarlnii ht kail 1 ml aiiibioii matllneiitiblnjr umirnlowh llriuibliy 1 ladiwnl it umuuuvlllu xstunt hflthncliealor limine luojmmiw hill on uouul r ureal it hound iurt ii hli vlisliam brltlih correspond outs 1 on don national provincial liana nf kna va ltd american oorroapon dents nhw york fourth national liana nil huottr nili ntl hank llosram iiilenistliii 1 trait oo llumlojariultahli clin nsuonal liana o lllluoi and colon national dank usrnoit dlroll national liana kmbailirv national hsu of coiuuiurtu agents in montreal tlia llaukof turuiitu oworqetown aobnoy no to iliaoouulod and advance liiailo uu mil oris mulitlm i clloctloua inado mill lrl lauslil and olil on all sooaauruila paluta in canada rnltex huu qrhl ilrllaliaud uiouitluautuf humim iikii ii oat favorslilo loruii sowings department dsposlla rt 91 tut tutrsat 1 tt riikcial dklohith alio r oca i th1 at currant rata or tutors s m uvlkoutomt a wed i mui ilsto ut iioiki dont do a thing unnl stuck i oppurtum i tut inked ihr i wdd in bo vdou qoodneas so much variety bo moch beauty bo ulioh quality and all lor a i luilr m nt ktuniuur yuur himc mid fiirmli tim t ir in nvcr did hefcrr ml tvilllmk wu with i lie best j null i ml i iwoi prut i geo hynd8 acton ont santa claus headquarters jkwtileiii troiir ci4 ctojl jfm lrirss tuuh8day dhchmbhh 10 18 utcfmiiru 10 ihmil r wi itot little local brieflets which ouffht the eyas or eats of froa praaa roportors thla weak the fun- lie to january ib w for 1 00 number of cur bubacilbcra am dread y renewing tor nest year a dumber of citiena went to milton on tuesday lu the capacity o juror tho que kalintt last ww afforded much licalthlul exarciao to ihc youit coilti who participated abuut a doxau aclon frlrud altottdtd th ioiitbi of mr huraptiltthurat at uaorc uuu uu 1 uoday a boku ttnu lu 1 uroulu haa been vlotimaunx local menhaul wliu rtii alup mania of fowl a wooa or iwu att a number of the armor i tin aootion bao boon attending ilia iloviucial fat stock bbow at juoiph una week all kinda ot wcatlmr havo boon o poriancad tho past weak ii baa at timrn beau wiulry auulmory and apring like ur r h mnrcor l i s baa oloal bla ofhoe at brin lu order to kl bia prac ilea here tha attention ii now demauda albert olbbona wfio baa born dultik aome aucoeaaful trapii lately took a bundle of mink aod fi akiua lu uuolpb on tucaday the knikblaof the bikb y u oall at acton lor a iitbl bximi will now tcapodte lu kuuiie coinfurt on llio juuny ccuobea at the colli iiul mi pipe lio barn put in the county outiiil mmiualiuii will be held on mouilay lcicntuci j 11 lu tow n ah i p and klllatje iioimiiatiuii monday dec ihtll lleclluna lor racli uxly will be bold on monday ju ui two acton youth canto to town ou tltanklvin day and koi awfully drunk ona of them waa uito davvdorly and ahould havo beau looked up citmirifauiwn heraul who wcro the youth hev j fc howell m a ol cluu occuplod the ld pulpit in ntirlli hltoot metbodiat churttr morurin aud oveuuik last bunday thero were iarntj omijtrohu pun to lialen to the able delivrraitor of tha much luved old hum paator of nurlh street oodenob sjjhw the eueeu hotel at now haniburk haa cttankod proprietor mr harry frank haa aold out to w r j 1 i mi q i h atation atfout al bt joob and ur 1 kaiq tl i it relieving ayryt l ilikolitih tiuolj h strum y aollie good mail nakoa a mialake editor a table around the camp fire by i 1 ltoueru hlhi ouo of our ioat iopular and laletiteil tjatiadlau aulhura i bolore u it bear tho imprint of william llrlkk woly ituildlnua i uroiilu and ibia la li llef urito of the char ulor of tho volume and the nieohauioal eical lanoe of it eacaulloii irof uoberta la a jhtful ttory teller and theeiivirouiimnla if bla botne m ou of lb maritime proviu au noli in advent uroua rplutta aad biatorlcal oenu that be la in kim aiou of a wealth of detail which lulerwuvcn into llie variuua narratlvoa by hi master ty miud rouder tboiu peculiarly ulr like ud lularealiiitl arouid tho camp tiro t i aorta uf alone told by a half doxun huntara to amua and latsroat each other aa ibey aprnl lb evetilik arouuil tho lire earcre ibey were from lllno tu llttm oaniped they embrace all ulwamia fcdenluraluuli aa were ouauoj lit the wul wood a on the rapid rive mi mountain an if ua plain with animal i domnalta and bcaata wild aud ferocidua in oamp aud out uf ii and atary pk uf these reoital la tbrllliuu wttti dim danjjor and miraculuua racamb ur wltb uiifuunded terrur and a auhae ijiieiitly tuiclily iuiuied aamp 1- very story vire wnlb it predeocaur lu aeat and roajtaui the book contain jju laue la itaodeomcly bound iu cloi and arlu at arltliis juluts anuouuoo lh proacucc ijf rhaujuatlim anob cauac untold auflorinm hbeuma mui la duo lu lacllu aold tn the blood l caunot be i ureil tiy llniuioute ur other oul wawd aipltoait tn hujd harbpaiila uiirllla tha blol rruin ihe tuae l rhautuatlbiii aud wi iiiauriitly iurca line dlaeaaa lbiaa the toatlmuuy of hum sanda of p ople who oiu oj uflerrd luapajna uf rheumatiaiu but who have aalually brcu cure1 ly inktiik llootl haraipanll it jrrftl lwrr in at t uiit the lli al remove ocry la tirity la ibu ctrtil of the won litf11 curta li ii hiujapaiilla the news at home montly of a loon i charaotar nnd ovorvjtam 1ntaroatlna coming and lioing if trill servient in hi- athun tho inial ndvont srviooi are beln lielil in ht tban a elmrch uii tliaraday ovooitiha nt7 iii ii cloak ittvpulll bn followed b n caurru of c tune by the incumbent oti tin ulory of our iurda paraon ua arm in tho oil tulmout h rlpturj mo auhjcol of noil huuilny cvohitih a acrmon will ht hkii in ouimrotloii with llio coiirio of boruioiia i ii the laal ill ill a vtite at appreciation at tho mootfnu of the i ire jujuade on m mdny dvciiiiiu a ooritatota ptd ttiankiti the varjjip lailiaatiid ienlleinin who took part in ihohankaklvirifl concert for tlioir icrvicoa otatlnit ihat through thmr eftorta llio uratifyum auo iirn of tho connrl wa liitly contrihutetl llio brti boynnf the litmaitc fully apprrctatn all olforn of tin character in ihoir iehalf an imniohmctnh- mitr j a hptliht if o completetl lat vviak a lank or clalrrii for hi ran r ii r itihro and co winch u erliapa thi aret irorplable of ta kind utur built in llio enmity it ia aircular in form twrnty fonr foot in diameter and twolvo foot drop in it conalriidtloii nvrr jooo furl of inu fitcit cedir plank uaed it haa u7 hold i fid tuna water it lava and wili hd intrndod ar r foi 10ft r for uo in ilia boiler hrlttmh columbia vurkcl a loiter jutt received at tin ofuco from wrvheuon martin of vancouver 11 c m wo hwvo bad two week of cold wosiher and a week and a half of flood loiuhttu oinelhlnb new for ihl part of thoouutry it haa auaeil mllu a boom in buineae an i an advauco in flmr and feed of 100 per ian we iuolo bay at h or ton oat li to 61 wheat fovd th to u barlay tit hungarian pruorat hour siuw per barrel lveryilitn in hiibiiid liooa aoema to be llrnier knov ftltrrnjvofra sir j 0 hey lie of knox olu- proacbtftl lavt sunday muiuiiik in hum butoh ha prlbtintod m an able manner llio work ol hum ollono htndaul mi aionary bociety the diblo laia t lv iii kroal intoroat id the atudy of tho con onion of faith next hmidy the iobxbcl of ooda ltornm oocrco will be continued tho nuuday school acholara have fallen in moa heartily with the idea of biurf now year a tree for poor clfil dren in crtain partu 0t the laud itov mr macpliarain preached lu chalmor church qunlpb laat evening not hnjoyiat juac wemlhrr wo had ynaterday the pleasure of the purjaual uf an inlorcauiik letter from mr j kanuawiu to the hev mr mcpher ioi hiving a vivid doacripuun of llio tciu to california and nomeriiua noma of intorotl rapcclint llinir preaont aurround ioi they are roaidiini with mr hanua win t relative on a fruit ranch at trupico iu the tropico alley five mtlua from loa anfllci mr tvaunawiii think ilia friend in acton would enjoy plucktui rloranio from tho trcoa to ntvel lu their tender aud imcioui acetuuand to be able to have i imaloeit reon pta aud ripn ilrtw tiorrir i for ihankti vuik dinner that ho i imtii atliernd in ihs ifarden the lime murmur i tie climate ho aaya ia erfoct 1 am oul nearly all the time and am iilinti ou the lawn an 1 write tin letter i foul thai 1 am now uu the road to oomplota recovery hrtnlhtu ami ihe sunday- xfumja i he vanoua sunday huhuola lu town are uiakiuu prcparaliou for i heir annual ifatherink during tho commit fralivo aesaon 1 bo chh of st albau a hurch have tho ploudld cantata hm winter well under way and will ivo 11 iu oonuodtlon with iho i lbri the town bad uu monday oveptuii tlt int llio vanou com mi it tw ol the method ml sunday shuol havo a aploudid iroraiumo in rebearnal fur their outer taiument uu hntiuaa uljdil the mui ical o cctiuna aro prttlaaily uaav the cliot uao heliih partlaularly 1luo i he holar will provldo the proramiiio almoit ricluaively the suuday buhoul uf hii i hiirch will till year depart frum tho usual acholan prukmtime iartiui lara will be announced later j new ar tiiuhl will lw their daloz the suuday sohool of tho llriok hurci is arran lor a t hriatina tree enter tain men i jlenlth ianpcir t fhultla the tmaaerlrm iwiodioally there haa brcu more or icea oppubltlou to ihe tauuerir hero uwtiiil tu tho decoloration uf iho water lu the atilm on whluh i he aro ulluud hum lar complaiul have been made hi the i lilted htatea a llliatnaport 1diiii paer rotorriii to llio nnpliuu by lr kllidior slate heal hi innpntlor of tho laruu talinotlo uf that county ha the fol lownil llio loainclor bay lm found tho la that ho will havo only a favurable report for iho btale board the doutui i oimh tally well pleaaed xuti ihe maunrr iu whiili iho waato matenau are dipol of tho inani 1 lie hlr of hi in lr drlej and ahlpied away tu bo uacd in 111 able laity inverted i uiiiim ap pul wkal laiiuniri uuld la loft i mo harmleaa that it nan ta druuk with tmputily i bo doctor rafuired lo tha reoeut cry b the dlauharite uf auid into tha creek aud alroaiu thla he aver haa tieeu uujual auillho chaifta havo riaeii from the vory neople bouotllted by the tauueriea i imae plauls have built up oominunilioa wherever ibey have boon located aud those who are deendeiit unu ibem have aouaeloaaly oiijtit to defeat their owu luleteele bv ralalnh a ory kalnl the launerlra ihe doctor i that the druiauu of thwfo dull oil who are o luu tiy mini plalnln that the hhji eopla bavo nu limber any ohaiicc hiuild liiiii then plaint x thai ii inula llm nxit opli live no loiirr rhbuhtatbatchiiistmabtil 1 iho wild mower of uads i mie title of a ueaiililul vulume laaued by the aiflrrni star aud oudurscd by lhelaad ni men all over tho ouutry lauricr 1 uppei mowat t liaileau and a hundred other politiuaiia iu company with judge arllala untvcrlty prufesaora aud uiouaauda of other 1 hero hal hrlatmaa 1 jlltou of iho wild flowers of canada out tha aale uf whltii ia limited to december al a rldl culodsf low prioa aflor whiuh the ilure will riualn uuallorablr al tli ami tin according lo biudiuu the late mrs russell lndrottnrtimlnlioncob noonllocl in cormocllon with n skotoh vloltor to hty frorh a4lor end vnrloueqthor parrfionnl notom thu fiilivtlinaa luvllea all it road en to con irihninhirlll rolumii if nu or our frlemla an kuiiik aaray nu a linll lay lrl or if yuu have irlin tn ilillnn ytu iroj a cant tn the fiikd of hoi- llfo the i ukt im h has a i rosily abntomtd tho death cm iho llli notumbrr uf alrft ur ituaaoll of iulllnral j tin foil in n akctch will in rta i null inlrna pu tlealarl ty iho older milter xfaruawl htewuri ai brri i rnil in the lowu of i rib v nlimliir suiilnml ami whilo t a vr 4 mie womii nm rattcl h nh b r pan m and ah i i of llio filnlly lo ihbmuhtahy atlinu m ul iiutiwlhi traml old lowulnp of 1 ira inu but iii early d nuiilloult i tiled iho scot oh illnck 1 here la nl fniuily lu f al ton more unlteraally raltemiil than llii btewarix many of ihrm linvui imh n prominently nleulihvd with lln ircat movrimut whib tcurd auailiana that liberal nruimf if l ml no dear to u ii li ii ullhm i von m kenin i pprr ami 1 aaiiit llit malalminibhatiou and illtli miarula of urn rdiuil ompm the country h m aiuipillhr ltui fho xwarl famih mrx luura of rrofdom by luxtlnci uifryji if t oiihi iouii a of tile wroiiic hilirlomil llm irmiliiij h apitosla fi r t foniin iliry lliri w in llit ir wholn ii hilimkt nll ibr itlunilr f iho pnilo1 led h ulllibin on maiktni tho irsderahip of the itrfonurrt of thu scotch lllock ml to john htotwl brother tho aubjill of thin notice who with bia ardent ccftlc lirnjirramiiit llew hlninelf intoaflo movement nub lln ditorminalioii to auettrid dt die tu the attempt lit led a forcfjtufiutv men lo toronto lu aait wfcckoiilnip 4rm 4lie defeat uf the inlttr at montmimtr umtu crub the r l i lion and ldin hluwatt ucnl through all iho tait of a hiato iiiiiiir until hia wuudrrful orajm frm tort hi nr where lie wn rolaiunl priparaturv to hit trajjb jwrtmtiin tu an dioiiiau rt i iinl vfler hi di frat of matkinie ill gov eminent purt fell un i hit parilt i ttiila of the rebllion rftt llinr frit ml tvilli line a 111 plod aivcrltj maruairt iitaart wa lonte1 hv tlm i ilml an 1 biiikkiii abu lia 1 the r of flhi r llind and a mother uiieriiik from a fraiun i linh and h r inter in aw very rutmlt titin d hie marau icr totk no nit on bur upal but atnpmil cian llm i iu of all llio uecoaaarioa of life marairl rtli wart did not quail boforn the to tnn uuiim1 wijji buccchb for lji belitcd in tl t prim ipha that weracunlrnilud fr ulul rt a tjaloiia an advocate of william 1 yon mackinxio aa jap r brother whoaulltreil impriboiimuiil and with difliluliy ewc1 llio clful 1 for hi part in tho tnovtnioiii im17 21 hroulioul all hr life nht rrmaluqd a ftfadfl ami inullineni i ikti and allhoukh bllidno fell to her lol ho r tallied a keen inlereal in nil thu allaln of her country aud chiln ii in lull alio marud ir i hril lier itnaaell one of ih pi mr of hi j ro fobtloll ill i ppri i anaila and ihe yoiin fad 1rin township u win ii in hil 11 her llr aii1 n4 li lului i i i ftml by iift biml induln it i hi i i ik i i to iiba oul a homo i lwh to ilh try mir ituaorll lea etliou i had a awn apprrrlatl n anil kn wle le of tho and iho present him h urn thai iho ordinary lute foi hrr own mlmirj hool hciqiiiudiniiiiiinixnk 1 tlio nu and alory of her ualtvu li 1 lllhrrowo lalllll ale ieu d luvet her luldren w m nli of devotion remarkabla m l iheln in u demolibtralmu llvil of tin life wa ill koeplux with lb io alt ilnh i til he l wunll ho k exptr 1 ii if ly days a d- volt an i iiiiinl iilif f llie irohyterlattt limi h h i t the drtu ol tod bl may h it to have and mr j kauiiawin arrived anloiiu ifuly at ihoir dcaliualioti lo anlof i h jituh block i in lent to bavo thru iliaukaflamuji dinner al ulu liomo uf mra fraaer mr haiiuawiu a mother they aro eujoytng ilu aalouriuub climalo ol alifornia vasy much itm milton a ya riiooou eri lucturo al tho molhodut diurcb on every rcujiect mra j w iiowb aoprano mulo her urat appearance before a milton audience sho haa a fine well trainod voice aud eaug with eicellout lasto mr and mra i d chrlatio and da ugh ler uf uuolph mr thomas chriatlo ormilo mr ttca gordon do i ton mr lamu llouderaou and mia lliomaa hen lron milton and mr miihton of baruia alti tnled thu funeral uf he lata mi w ourdou lure laal 1 buraday mr jmua ltoyle furmeily uf toronto and known lu ouulph friend the trusted aud popular olllcial privalo accroiary to major mckinley while bo wa governor of ohio and private aearelary lo llio mj ir duiiou the utc cmpai i tu ho ntallod in tho while uuuao it ihe aamo capacity diielph lr hearts healer tra muifor wlfo of copt charlas mutfyur of bydney c b qot rulluf in 30 mlnutei from heart dlaoasuof four yatn btandlna and dticlarafl sho owai heir life to dr agnowt cure for tha heart it slforda mo groat pleaturo lo outn meutxtlr anow a luro fur llie heart i waa aorely ahl ulcd with heart troublo aoooiiipauioi with dijltiuoa palpitation and amoiborruk on alloc for ovr four year 1 waa treated by iho boat phyelciaiia aud ued all roiiiodle known lo man 1 determined to iry or atfnew a lure for t lie 11 oar i iheflrnldoao avo me groal relief inaido of thirty minulo i uncd iwo bolllea and fool to day 1 have boeu oonl plrujj cured sold uy a 1 lln wn mr win ii lie ulwhllb waaiau 10 the tuinblinti rnl if hi- father a older mil and flltfutfully mangled uu mouday ii n lltlabanl h pir i a i h 1 1 i i nll i ihechlltrin torn 111 h llirl hu ul twfore inr aiil nai oliilu heinoard llio ureal river ou nm lih ailhuiip of ui yeara of her family onlj ouo tufvitta bn mi t brutophr kuatell li litre ou tho oalate handed lown ti hi 11 ti in pareula mra uusttll a ni of it hle plaulni mllli dull 1 m john dull uotkwooi amulii conor a tula 1 lu i a i t h i ii montreal ll tl t- lh ii jnbiln year ha litn pin uii vex aiui e laal hetmli tkls d ll it 1111 l nkfil uli in vive maiiv of whit u have b 11 i ufttfol iuk inlereal an i all of hi h ha iwen full nf caor an i hoty h dl f ihe i011k uoiintflltx 11 i uuou fun i llr i inn of ihe to let ti i in i tl of lonlilbiuj i hi t lllo f 1 ohlu ulll i 1 aup jd i aily iuor folluw 1 auppo ot hliodue ia imuili hvo you oici ihcii i lulled llllud man in mum hut no idlni i am t many a liaia lu be imii uiim inio a bar room willi a bliud be vntru lifl iia1 iaitjih i min uu lilh 11 tllilali halai a i liuii luu 1 i in ium uli a ilri laiiiiuil uu i iccouiiiieodllk tnl hi t 1 led the lhlr amoiih tbf u 1 ll t iii k or old ur yuxtitft hliillj allii 1 i t f r the itol and dl over a boutu of yoara h 1 have been laklni it time wilti njaaiuro and pintlt lln pine i very lliotlerale iiiomi llio ii hh 1 a line oaulel laklu a 111 alan i fr n tieav umwiane and vcrllin uiat make for llie ho 1 i of 01 and llie l i y of tho i loalor 1 lw a pi i i make 1 f two f lh hitflrl piil -aion- llm lent tho pita and llti ililk t uiat ihe pre hall hindi clo lln leu room 111 lb 11 unml 1 h uo li 1 frufll tho ollri tl and lll il f ibr wll all kptak l il m mini nd ult ii i to lilt it pi llliauil a powol lor uud hiiniti knmi j un l iv u uleu oak oil ii yoiiwaullal ia uolpliii i diwr al luelph i i 11 a a can 111 your order al hi plitumi i n mmiuii 1 insi iho now marriao act repnria that bi ih bridi aud ttrnom mako ai lavu w lieu procuring a lining 1iuuh llltiriiil t atoil 10 omncnleuctfrfld iliiticcotaary pulhil llie uuilaibiuuul wilt wait afmin tin puiliea deairlujjmouiiaa al tho homo uf any of their fnrudahi lown lu iue document ii 1 ftoyua laauur of mrrlauo iioanata i in it rm nttlint aetrnt t 1 vftajtisaitintla k mra allan mun viitol rlllvo in loroiitn a wihk au mrtjuu lhhe who ban hton on hie atnllot tho aj1 tt lltxinia toitmlo lately i houu for a nhoit vacation mr lnoro iill who baa imii 11 0 ill fur ibu iat month or so haa inuuhimprov lu health ami iaable to l itbout again mr a mckouaie of thomckonaie 8lan td laaa work ilamiltun waa theflubatfor a day or iwu tbl week of itev if a mao pho boh mra 1 oraliain and mla au hover tiro 111 1 nu the pa i week atteudiuu at tho death leil of llulr ualtr mia john itubiiaou m iho llixre lioble1 of iho dumb ciea lion nheii nuffirliig from a ml abraaluu or xoio denvea a much line 111 aa it maater in a tike predicament f the boalin aoolhlu aolltili uf or 1 liumu lileilin oil i unriini awrliut uf the neck aliftuoa of tho julut ihruat aud limit are rrliovod by i 1 inatii- iiart xr ays st greatest merit hreured ly a eeiillar rmblna- tiou iroportttni ami irwe unktiomi tn iillier wlilrh ualiiriilly and aeliuilly prtmhuea 2d greatest cures hliowu j tlkxivmiltol tmtieat voliiiiury trtllinouuiu nlileii naturally ami artually ihiuno 3d createst sales according t llie hatrmtitj ol drurkltl nll over lllr rtmlitry iu uleae ihree ilnl hihi a tjsnapariiu la peculiar tn itself hoods sarsaparilla it ttr tntl it itllntolie true hihhi im itn jt itii nrr tin null iilla intake liood s plm5 villi hii lumarilla e b collins butcher iii llohm thai tn ill inurlchiu 1 i lln ir 1 iiioin a luiunloui uitiusul ul dil ulaa lloef uuttou cainb potk freab bttlt ham sausagea poultry laid o lu beaaun 1 icoiuunii kltmtric uorks t j sillqiir proprietor mooktf f fiuturiii uf uynamoa electric moiuhtl water motors and hvuhaulio rams is nui 1 uib1 iuii w 11 t litliin ou lllcyolaa krauiua ul 1 tntvilvil iriui lltrset lo talisaul h ii i iu liar ih ut lo any dualrod auul nil in 1 hkt kepi iu eluh tiallafaouuli 11u 1 iii ili eoauisllatl lu auy color t j hi eight aoisatoirn a qolderi opportunity for uvery womin in- lite dominion t such our or cat dissolution sale- thu remarkable 1n renins to ixi inund iipto nl every turn tiro the result n our dctcrummtlon to cut prlcm iltiwn without connldcrnl hm uf value in order to ium nn much nf our mimk ni n-vdlil- inm cnih b jnnuiry ul on tlml dnlroiir nrulr jmrtnrr lll relire from ihfthirmiirin nnl ur muti inu i uiikii ath nn ikrtnhle in ttilar lo niikr llie re pined ut ter w inmin lornnl hi v i very unmin in t urnnto idmuld pur i ins ul r iniiiartiai mm ilmi iliasn i mnluilr uiitirn ulmilr nf tlieil r mrhuiniiikur m at ihcm rrinirkiill i fikiirfrk our mall onltr 1 tepirttnenl m trrjfu u llirn in i ipilrk oiu jji 1 nriile jftiirn lll he it eil to llamrortr re fun id to nll ih ir oul tuttjiliril in lit til ir i ntu nvjnjiii hi k 1 un 1 tf prtrv nut orris ohkit silkn mini inyltxln llhlu l 1 lllr milliners hlld m g k nit noll mi mid lanr otxln 23 all question cheerfully ans arcd 1 cttcrs nr orders received he tire 1 nrlnrk answered ftimc di j jsutcuffesons wlicu lallini suniin toronto t lt mr j i grand winter saje mzca2mzuagbaa perfumes hunii aiiniiiill liiru lotn nt cxmih uru thrown on llm niarkut at iuhs tliati hill tin eokt ol thuir prtmltiltinn uikj oti r liohi torn ii w hli l in liitiliii l rati urn anil iniiiailui inritt inalilth un tu necurt llio lull iiilviintiit uf ntu li uiciihiutiti out mr iiolltrt hiti jiihi nturtiuit frum y ck trip iu montreal wlnlltei liu went al tlio tirgimt rulu ifutiun ui nit port 1 r ami miitiutirt iiiilth i up rumiitntivvst uliu lnnl inre jtiuti titiun o guuild linli tlicy were luutnl tu unlnml tlu remtll in llll imunihihu pllitllllhi f gootlrt unenitu nlmotit ever lujnirt- inunt of our hturt at ruiltn liunn in prliu tunnel lriilllaljle hi impl k tlu k at in uwn pneu niw tlit w ei i nut 1- lljilit lukfip inn li i linhiml olt at unit ami in make 11 little nruml into mir uiiwunln ut nluk til it iuiip ilur iii tlu month ol dli tmlici w lluvl ulltlltcll iihh plun on 1 htore will hu t lunu1 un tliurhilii do lril to inalilf iih to mark it ml 111 ratiu ilu uliii oiuik on friday dec 4th rtin pen at l trftfoik tun il irkl in ikk s il- no umii1 ul ulint i nij wd unk mir pt rttrtj ut tin luttt ol good advtirtirtud wliit h iuwcvur ilu not li an iiiluhh tovur llll thu tuotln on hulu tu detail uvfr item mild make a lotit1 llwt than hiii leudi m would au to o lliiiuh uliu epet tio it ha ruin and ou w ill not hu dlnappoiuttd it ih not ie tnhiiij hu ua t ti ii uti hut vi do w hut hiij uii know llml lmillhlull u e r bollert a co ib mud a wyodbam aireel ouelpu ont december i tea aitoy salada ceyjon tea r fall campaign preparo lor winds d would kii uurklleuloit tu ibo fol tit irrod lu ujtly vuu llh litiiitior ut iiuitblt isnuth fur yuur uru ltiufb t id ij uorltlmlilw sasn doors frames mouldings v i i litiildii i ritt hut is xti ttt t ru7vtrs bltou at tool uihivor tat r ont autotj thos esdace manager r u ct- i mliazkys busy at q b ryan cfe cos hardly a day passes that wc are not told by one customer after another you art always busy here i have just come out of so and soj store and tk- had no custonuis worth mentioning why is this one reason is wc have always kct strict faith with the public and th haw so barn ed to depend onour word that tncy feel tlu fullest t onlidt ncc in rtcim lioncjrabb tit it nilnt at our liands 1 hen our connection with the powerful canadian lr ioods snditalf with its enormous and peculiar buying advantages places us in so favorable a position as to iriils that values are to b- had from us in all hntts which other dealufs are not in a position to give their customers tht and the enormous turn over of our thrtc stort s in ouelplr owen sound ind kcgina plac us in so enviable xsiticn in the fori ign aud donu stit markets that not onl is our trade solicited by thelargest manufat turers but we are approached b both canadi an and korcign houses having clearing lines at sptciall favorable prices and we aic in this way able very often to do even better for ou thay ordinary alues bought in the rcgu- lar way i ittle wonder that under these favorable circumstances w are alwas bus and are increasing our staff of employees where olivers arc reluctantlparting with theirs g b ryan co guelph clearing sale groceries and crockery ut ur rniire iinck il drikcrtei tnd l ri iitl rrlirr in m ihr huitnrti vr tlirrrfurr tiller i ml hummus in ttrrnhini e hnr in ihku wcill ll tier limn at cost cor the next ias mid miint tc leaicd out ltk ind tlcun l- mill january verjlhlni iiifltue1 in plain hkiircs ind the taiiir price lit everybody or rash wc ire hearlily in cfiuieit ind nrc txiiuid uii n utsi vuu are inntctt tntnll earl m irliiumiiniiv lie paid before iilh nn t c moore ai son or uii and main si reel acton a new d well assut u d atoili ul 1nghsh ilciuh and amei ican odors uesides tlu ugulti iiibiit whits husk nkw uu wn ha r jol key clutt viulkt nowkrs chab affuk ihoiio olkopa tha stc ul htw ilu following spei iil aw7aa lilac victoria hco in a mahtha vashinoton amkhilantlao cahnatlcfrv ii til thtiomiiv bt had in i lk ot in botlleblnnn fuc up it tlit drug store a t brown plim b acton our booko l llu loaio 1 u 1 11 ul a ml it ii ai nul 91 l tn adtiui i ia ht ty al lluiuo 1 laal tolt lt utira lluui it i1wlatia looki in setu tu nudl a vuluiuas 1 j ilu ium t vuluuia a u otu toluitn l ii ll heik it vuliiu 1 j chas l nelle9 booksallor cuelph wantetmn ideasrsss whuhn wlllusijiufs ou ftml ill boots shoes heres a fact 1- wllltmvllmlicltirii l kl heres an opinion l- w ih i k m i 1rllct he a 1 inkvll heres a pnoruse teimiii hoie a ao admibbiuri hei e s d state rn a nt hoiub an ea p lanaliui hula 8 a grand lofaa 1 wlltlmi i r vl i mi moio b a m oinoi ttiulwi willi m tlld mlws hulll lm il t n mill mi ctrl vh11 william williams mill street acton si- j tll old i iiu a wiuh high cidde- 1 ijlli mjqreijii nt fr 4 jt eu citd 1 illed t high gade nut me nt j i- iu 111 i lllti i is totttl 1 1111 mt lllh 111 1 j j l t u tilil i llltd 1m uvlutl wllt hun movemliu i i k is ycir old illlcd cnic cood walt- hini muvcincnl u i llmld only j left chsh onlyi sale ill rlis in ll few nays savage go i iii jlwt 1 1 lltb clklrh ont ide bpecial eliorts this tai t new goods for christniaa ah fie world hai bt i n st an lu d fur now llies tlin art all of tlui n and in amailoan and canaduin s trtixl ituck ol alio uthxl iliunii li in n 1 korll anil thai i rlln 1 ilia ll all tlio advaulauea in tallinn kthit taatclic 1 llie trulauuu r tt wi hl hit at i hllter walctisaavtnn 7 tn 0 ll uiildli 1- 1 u t- i r ittmi imrn i ml uian1 ii oriud u pringle nc atanlivler o t 1 r- 1 henderson co acto it llot ltjt ul llatli j inl llie loweriiiy of wujjoti i i t i 1 h i 1 1 hint 1 ti i mit i itl itinoi a o ti at ml two more weeks and xmat v ill be heie i i i it i 11 l iu ik il 1 llltl kill wllil wtull it llitl llil ll ll i liil i in mil iv silk llniilki it hi i- ul iv ill in iil nispt i 1 mil m i c f- goodbye nl m ii 11 i i i n ll ills i mis l tls ml on ss s initl i ilt we dont want the earth we do want your trade it will pay you to give it to us good style perfect quality and reasonable price wrtli j bdcltloll of jtiods ilu- iirsl in tin n nit lur furnishings an up tu du iiu joui liit liti r e nelson leading tailor ind imii nislur yij wnilliini si in ipi r a irf-

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