Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1897, p. 1

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w v volumh xxii no o acton ontario thuksday january m 1897 price tureli cjknts l ta ctint jfrce firm t ib ruliaued evehttncnisdaymgunlngt a tub free prosnstcnni printing office mill ajrbet aoton ont tanus ofsudbohiption ono dollar per your trlotly lu advance all subscription duoou tlutloa wliou tho tliuofor which llioy havo boon paid baa oicirod tbo data to wniah every aublorlpclon is paid 4a do no tod on tho address labs adtkhtibino iuteb trunnion t advortlso oientii lo oenta per nonpar oil lluo for first lu oertlona oonta nor lluo tot 0119b subsequent insertion ookthot itatka tbo followjiyz tablo shows ourrteo for tbo iuaorttou of advortibeiuouta for poolfiotl periods our ex6rcis9 books and scribblers ire made of better piper inn ioy others m town 1 ull supply of all bpaoe 1 yll i 6 mo i j mo i imp 90 inohoa 860 00 8s 00 20 00 ww to inohob w 39 00 woo iaoo 800 s laobea 90 00 13 00 a 00 om unob 000 w lpo- advertfiotnonts without bneolflo dlrotjtlonfl will bo inserted till forbfd ana charged accord i jftbly transient adycrtlaomonta must bo paid in advance advertisements will bo clianged once each month it desired for changes oftonor than ones a to onto the composition must bo paid for at roguaa rates cuaoffesfor contract advertisements munt bo n tbo oifico by noon on tuesdays h p moobe bdltorand proprlotor ftitsmdss birrtorp school books at days bookstore a oublph day sells cheap traders- bank of authorized capital 1000000 pald up capital and surplus 785 oop assets over 6 300000 llortrg trhtting to be a man 1 in glad my lialr uin t yellow and a curlod up and long i in glaifiny cheeks aln t dim plod and that i in gottib strong fwinbtmyyoioofs hoarser to talk likp unolo dao wa to hu njgjttc medical j eurln office and roeldenco corner mill frederick strooti acton as elliott m b acton gbaddaot tooonto unienaity offioemaln street third- door outu of rpreabyterltn church aotou t f halsted m plug mop ma boot optics medical hall main street acton j patronio bolftjiteu hbeiijnutibni amlxjatarru special tjca vetexufary svrqeoiy alfbedp6usbaid s oradoblteof te ontario voterlnary colloco uooorary tucuibor of tbo veterinary medical bocnty office win husbands lot 21 con 4 nosa omojy callsday or night promptly attended to dental l ubennltt lds dntist it oeoboetown ontario j at blll uli 8 lds dentibt bnoqkyjlle hooa gnaeoatb op tononto upiveuaity work made hatufactory vrlcomodorato vlbltrno days tuoaday and friday of oaob wfcok r dr 3f e merce dentibi graduato of toronto unlvorelty and rods office over drug btoro acton special cats mohdav tuesday wkdnehdat and saturday legal m olean mclean barrbllseni solicitor notaries conveyancers ice rrivto funds to loan offlce town hall aoton wti a mbeijuw jwo a mclean douglas amdbuay bjliinibteilfl sollcitoia notallieb ftc urricaa 12s6qnoenst parkdalo victoria chambers 61 victoria st tolbpboa e s97 toronto jonai dovoiiab a o monnay mackinhon baitmsteii solicixon conveyancer 0lcxcorner mill and main treo t abovo kovman a store actito g matheson a j b moleod i aotnibtbnb bolicitobb convbyahoeufl georgetown and milton monov to loan at lowest rates t clark j mpmabb uiartfdorthdlvlblon court county of hal on oonvoytncor a gout jiroand lito aqaurauco ueal bstbvte agent monoy to loan eto ovsfiob mattbowb klloek aoton nt aflscejllauso vs hcnby grist ottawa canada solicitor ofpatcnta for invontlon oto prorres applications for tbo canadian amor loan and european patontotnccb and for the- kdalitratioo of trade marks bond for pam pblet thirty two yoara exporlonco iranois ndnan hd0bkb1n15k1b wyndhunsu daolpllonurio dorwihim storo aocoant books of 11 kino mado to order iarlodtosof every dotorintlonoarofallybound liaun dm pvomptlv dono m ariuaoi3 licenses h p mooilk ipflltfb ov uanniaoe iilotnbes prlrateomcit ha witnosos requlrod iiuuod roifdedpfl lu tbo evening fimjibbi oinoo aoton aoton i machine and repair shops neury qbindbiiii proprietor abe well oqnlpped with 11 iho nweblnenr neoeuuy tawnta all ropalr toinboliln v ind jrloultarol implomonui na to do 11 v itm nttlnl hone hoelndwnerl iojiraltlilnb woodwork roplr performed llitufotorj mniir wo cn repair any aolilne or implomiint o any make baw mtniak and alius done wellington mutual fire insurance company establiaribo 640 inbubame ouuall and hntnalpln airy- oomoaunloittiona forwardork my addre box kb or ulphono 60 will bo promptly at- endojto tayloit asent j aaelpli w m hbmsheeet llotmsmd aootionh kor ilia 3ountleaof wellington and halton ordorsler tt tnb pnau offoe aoton or atmyrealdooaolnaoton will be promptly at tendodto fees rodacod ta 8 00 for tabu ba1xs aim mt to loan on ttw most hvoreblo roaan3 it the lowst mil ol lnterost in inoffseiand pward w barbeb bros jl paper makers j aeqraetown ont mninl finished book papers t -4wj1imjb- if th pir ubed ln thil j ib from tho above nilln wm babbbr bhos we lnciust closed a one yeart contract with the fhcd press for ihjt spice avo do so in ordeq that we miy extend our already large business is phirmaceutical chemists advertising with us is not a lot of extravagant bosh we cannot afford lo deceive our patrons we have been seek in his last five years to build up busi ness of permincnqe this is stfll our aim there is or one wiy to do this and thit is by straight forward honest business methods we conduct a strictly firstclass phirmacy in every detail wo give the utmost c ire and attention accuracy purity ird cleanliness is our constnnt motto money making is not our sole aim wc seek the confidence and estecntof our pitrons we will only advertise articles of genui meri dispensing prescriptions and familyueceipcs is a specialty with us all the newest remedies kept m stock yours truly alex stewart dispensing and family chemist 3 doors west poat office quelph wedding presents up r s to dhte frames pictures artists snpplres fancy goods waters b bt aeoroe s square g0elph boots shoes heres a fact ks williams has the largest and most iricd stock of shoes in iovvn jhbebs an opiniqjl williams doesn t believe lie can be undersold heres a promise fcssrwillhms will meet any honorable com petition heres an admission fcawilliims wants your trade very much heres a statement lswilhains will prove it pays to deil with him hre fcrfwilhams saves for you in price ind guns in quality heres a grand idea rstry avllilama just once when you need shoes heres a memorandum 3 williams boots ind shoes are found a his store on mill street acton william williams mill 8treet acton we have on hand several valuable farms which wo will bell very cheap and on easy terms of payment y tbo farms aro situated lu tho following counties wellington h bruce durham haldimand perth stmcoe- i borne of tbom aro highly improved farms all aro good various sise end will be sold t a bargain if sold buforo the first of january noxt for terms and full particulars apply to j e mofilderry secretory oublph and ontabio investment and savings society ouelph oht cuelph branch 3 suras of 91 and upwurdu recoived m on depoeitarid h poroont intoreat puid or compouuded huuyenrlj deposit recoipft iasped or largb aikma dopobited advaucoa made to reaponeiblo farmers on their own names no abarga made tor colloifinij 3aleanbteb if payable in gnelph a gonoral banking budinesb transacted a f igjonjs manager hockey playersr can get here just what is right in skrtgs h0ckey sticks if youre talking hockey write us for prices well make them low enough de pend on that j m bond co hardware guelph stock taking shoe shl6 w mclaren ccrs guelph 30 days of shoe bargains the best shoe is alwa s the eh rpest- w mclaren co the leading shoe store cuelph your black coat how is it there are times when the fact ofyourhav mg a good black coat is a very greit satis faction the occasion demanding the weir ing of it often arises suddenly beprepired for such an emergency by ordering it once we mike really goodclothcb none better try us and prove us sitaw turnel merchant tailors quelph main street planing mills acton ont john camerdn architect and contractor manufacturer of sash poors 1 ramus mauldiue lu all styles and moulding to order on short notlco well aesortod stock on hand at prices to su tbo times john cameron proprietor e b collins butcher doslras to tbank his nu morons customers for their liberal patronage nlnco ho ooininuncal basloobs last january and liopos that bv careful and eobrtoous attention to intrlt a coutiunanco of tliolr custom a complete assortment of antclana beer mutton lamb pork freab and salt hams sausages poultry lard o ln eoaaon trtpo al as l a bost quality prompt delivery tat stock wanted e i cor 4jy guelph business college 8horthand institute ouelfb out and git to lo a man i m gld the tcoutou never come up to mo and say oh what a pilrty littlo boyl m in that aoft kind of way 1 i wear i iji biioob undalwajs afako all thu nolso i can dcansol want to hurry tudlt to bo a man oi o 1 t oho tobaokor fiut ooutdnt do t quite itruiado mo awful dlnryo 5boy flald i ras a sight itutisqiiio time when 1 in older i bol jou that i can i- won t give m that easy causo i want to bo a man i vo got on pas suapendors wish i badnmiskor too and that my foot was bigger and bolioollu was all through 1 wlsht edison pr some ono would como ont with a plan to help a boy to hurry and nt to bo a man i 8 b kihpn face iini ti ptir of honest gray eycb emiled into hie you ure betttr inj man thti deop hindvoico nuked you know that air better n 1 can tell you you know its not loo til be wattiu now not long jjutiliwillbebetler foryou niy poor- follow sttuzt 3famiig iuainy jvifas jrucie s parity iso was arrold miu a poor otd tramps homeless tnd forlorn ami he atood at miaa prutiba little white kftte look in k ujalfamy at tho copy cottage wero late rgaeb tapped at the wiudowd aud feathery obryaanlhe mumd ehutercd oioso to the lpw piazza the october windb tugged piraietefitty at the sturdy oak that urcw near the gate and for l ttio old trto a liglitui and com- plaintnk many a cnup brown leaf humid down- and ecurried alonj the walk like a frfghtuuid homeltmi bud pretty rimeon maple uatves fluttered abonttho yard utid olr by thn fat little ohimnev u hotly stocn n splendent imjtttt- lot and green mi aa druaio fat ut her window reading from that old but ever now book from which she hud found joy in aorrocr atretirth in weakness and lijilit lu tho darkebt dyp she bad seen tho tramp but ehe bad hoped ho miglic nnrjacd on as she read on she oumo to tl cho wordu lnaamuoh as ye have dune it uuto uue of the leut of thbaa my brethren jo lme douo it ubto me leira nj runy tty mitfs urucitid brown eyen lnyirik thu btok ufide ehe weut out qaieklydown theohryanthimurn bordered walk to the little ato over vrblali tbo old man letmed l z lo ilorejin ihiii i oan do for you ahe asked dutlly for alio was doing thia for the master and the old man was no longer a tramp bua poorplellow creature who from wickednos or mulortuup had come to noed lior help ah how- doing t for him ohunee it all i i am hungry ma am and the other houuew looked eo big an shut up like miaa drucieii heart swelled then it wpb iter very lowliness that had been her fitnoua for serving tho lord tbia time and she bad jubt been wishing that biio could do aomething for hiqi- como in and i will get you bomothing to car she a a id cheerily he followed her to tho little kitchen white he ate aho noticed that hie olothea were very thin and she thought of the cold da 8 that were coming will you wait hero for a moment alio bald aud went out up in tbo low attio she opened a trunk and took out a thick dork overcoat bow inn her head over it bhe moaned oh fathor tins id eo hko you somehow i ulwaye sco you in this how can i let it go zzi then smillnj while tho tears ghateued in her oyes she whidpored giving to the poor is lending co tho lord sorely i can trust god withtmy fathers overcoat then ahe carried it down jiud helped the old man puj it on he thanked ber iu a few elmplo word a and went away and miatj drucio returned to herraading with a heart btrangely filled with peace and hope along the dust loaf atrewn road the old tramp went slow people passed him as ho wont borne of them wondering why all men have not hom and hn others thought hpw well the forlorn old figure fitted into tho drear fadded land- eoapo only a few saw an unfortunato brother in tho weary old man on be trujgedj paobed com for tablo farm houses through brown moadowa and vrovet whoroovery jeatwjiiapered oldeath and decay on to- the town that jay miles beyond tho pretty milage in which miss druoio lived ho had goue slow asking a meal here and ajnghtrj lodging there mooting jtmd kindness bomttimta but oftener turning away silently from unbind faces and harsh wordti ho was very weary when he reached the largo town but ho walked alung it busy blreet with no object except that he had nowhere to bit down and wait for the end surely where bo many men were cougre gated tli ire muul bo more brotherly love perhups aomo ouo would be kind to him here so he walked elowry alung while people hurried past him suddenly he hoard a oi georgetown electric works t x speight proprietor c manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motor and hydraulic rams pine and bloam fitting and uooeral jlonalr ing being equipped with a gas braslng maonlae i am prepared to do braalng on bicycles frame n w tm am rf u fioui dliqjt u ta hpokes handle bars bent lo any ftesl ad angle fbll una of spokes kept in stock batlsfactton baaranteed dicyoles enamelled in auy oolor tt t j speidht oedrflotbwn supebioh faoimtibb for thoroiirli nnd practical courses of study uuokkuupink hhorthand and tynowrltlnu courses a specialty graduates analsted to positions fall besaions eommencos bopt 1st write for circulars j sharp prlnoiput job printing including books pamphlets poalern hill heads olroulars ac io oxocuto in best style of the art at modorato prices and hort notice apply or address n pmpcyte fnnariikrhortoo anton w antkd bevnilal fa itu 1 ul men oh womeft to tnvbi f wn -mnaitr- llshoa bouse in ontario salary 780 ny vis weekly and expanses position permanent ltsferencn wdoiobii self addrasaed atsniped on onvoldpo tho nations star dulldlng chicago vts sir thtrua room ibere you know for even me and i was only wmtin the doctora eyea grew dim and many an eye gliatlned with uuaccutitornod trloibture was there ti lettorjo iho cot jhe trump naked bqmcono- anawred r yes sbo gao me the coat biq warmed mo and fed me anctber eyea wero tender and ipvipr blqaaeeend tho coat back to her and thaqk her for me tho doctor proraiaed and bending over him whispered a few worda then with a flmile thatdroo all the msrka of age poverty sorrow and pfttn from bia face tho old traiup pioped from eartltuuthe land where the wicked ceabo from troub ling and the weary are at real after the funeral whioh was by dr worlha orders like that ol a friend the dootor went away to edewood misb drmie was arranging bowl of chryaantbemunih on her pretty aiding room tablewben he knocked smoothing her aoft brown hair antleliaking out her neat white aprou aho went to open the door and the dootor aud hia big buudle came in miab drnoiea ohoeka tluahed prettily sb ahe offered him a chair and boated herself by the table on whioh otopd tho bowl of chrysanthemum i am surprltffid that ou knew me pruoie mibb drucio pmilod how could ho know tlfdre hadnt b a day since bhe saw bim iiret twenty long yeara ago in which aho had not j bought of lnm forget him forget jack worth 1 but then he didnt know so rho only stid quietly i knew a of course lhat pptaku velt for me doesnt it then 1 havent changed pmt recogni lion 1 mi druciu lo ikt d atjinn q ictr little light in hor bronu tuii shu wub wonder ig if thoso ut lovo ewr ohango if they are not always thu famo in our partial love blinded ea but bhe only paid you are more manly that is all du on know drucie that iu tbo old dnb i used to think yon eared for me mies drnoie was pulling tho white funthory pttuls from a great chrysan thtmum that leaned toward her in a frilndly way hud aho then shown too muub of her heart in those old das h wtll outh and experience never go hand in hand t she would do better now but for all her inward reasoning her lip quivered though she aiibwerod bravely onough no t never knew that and perhaps ou dllut know that x wanted yon to oaro for me his gray oyea wero flxed earuebtly on 40100 iladtbeaancorrio oflpettajjy-to- ignorance agatu ahe torture hor i most plead sain stalling then i ahull have to enlighten ou little woman ho looked very doter miuod and ehe weut on tearing up tbo flower ontll her lap was thiokl strewn with its whlto petals now to begm at the tlrat lruoie i loved you tho moment my ejoa rested upon your pretty faco and that was tbo day i ameheretoreadmediouie witli old dc hall when i waa going homo i wrote you a letter and told you all this and asked 30a to marry trre i know now drncio that tho letter did not reach you here it is he roso took the old letter from his pocket and laid it on ller lap among the leave b bead it druci he said but ehe only h h h nq ihe lh tablq and rr tben something rushed against bim there was a sharp pain all was dark after awhile ho heard voice that seem ed very far away paying who lft he are there no letters any whore about him and another voioe tald look lu the coat pockots all tbo time ho had felt a strong tender hand bathing his face and rubbing hia hands somehow he kuew that eklllful hand wherever it touched him and now he felt it tremble as one of the voices said here is a letter addressed to miss drucie darrow edtevood does anybody know her the lomor is old aud unopened tho haud ou the old tramps head trembled violently as a new voice said i ii take tho letter friends i know the lady you dootor why sure enough you ubed to live there uoreti the letter why what is thtflmvlter dr worth tor boroo time the tramp missed the wopt why druoio my dirling what is it he asked while hie owu tears fell down aro org the chrysanthemum petals bb hen bent over her and took her hand in his own and thou bomehow it wasnt long before his arms wero around miaa drdoie end ho was kieslrlg her tear stained fao tell mo why you are crying dear jack i am no longer a young woman i if you wore a young woman you wonldn t be my own drucie pq see that t wouldn t give ou for the youngest woman i ever aaw indeed i wouldnt and you vo loved mo all thene yearp darling tell me ao yls ivo never loft off for a auiglo moment misi drucio and but i do think jack that aouoger wife juat wouldn t do at all h all ho in terrnpted yoq muht think well of this she aaid and he dcolared ho had thought of nothing else for twenty yoars then miss drucio remembered the letter und atketl where he had found it tho doutor untied tho buudle and laid tbo coat on tho table here drncle in ono of thu pockets i boppooo jour father forgot the letter and i remember he died just after i w nt away and 1 mself packed his clothes i wsnud no other haod to tonch them i remember i removed the pipers from his other poctete but i didnt think of any being in his overcoat but how did you get the cost she asked then the long story was told and whan it was finished they read t boyi love urm lender lulld bill nreseullj he fell its tottoli again xheu heopsned hie ejes nnd they mated on a handsome bearded letter together 1 1 oanfcleavfe you agaiu druoio the doctor said kissing her gbt your lon net dear andwetlgo to our minialer to be married ao 1 con take ou home with me so mies druoio ncti t n her room and pnt on her prett l auk bilk dress ani dainty velvet bom- 1 then she pinned a bunch of white uhrvshnlhcmanib lu tbo soft lace about iter thins and verv sweet she looked when fho wait back mo her lover together thoy wnt lo tho par on age and tho good old preacher married them and said something very poetical about the sweet october bunbuno and the fragrant chrysanthemums and tho tender peaceful love thai bad come to them after the sam mer of th fr lives had pasred forof course he didnt know the wholr wtory as wo do a good investment thirty yoara ago tbo pastor of a oung brooklyn church made an earnest appeal to hirpeoploforbntiacriptioba to bultflb7 now he ubo of worship one of tho hearers of that appeal waa a gentlemon from now york who spoke of it that tiunday evening at hia boarding bouse jtahlc among tho boarders was a yonng bouooi teacher who bad known the brooklyn pas tor and bad onco recoived from him aomo blight service sbo went to brooklyn and gave tho pae tor a twenty dollar gofd pleco at first he refused to keep it because he knew the amount was more than ahe could wotl afford tp glvo but she instated and told him that it waa the firat time she had ever given an thing to a religious objeot ii was a new experience to her and she felt ber reward for the act in the happiness of doing it the piece of mouoy was kept and its etory told and eo well told that the die couraged congregation took heart from it renewed their efforts and soon raised enough funds to complete tho building to the onog lady that contribution was the begiuing of a moral earueatuesb that ohaugod and eunoblod her own life and helped and blebaed mauv qther lives to day tbo two sons of herself and ber christian husband are christian young man soon to gra with high colleg a little way down street my boy ybu came in late last night and thib jnoxnirlg wheb your mother hbk d where ou were ou a i i do ii btriur writes robert q burdetto then whon aho asked whereabouts ou said oh juaf little wu a hero is jqur homo tbia bright little apot like a star on thn map xh honors aud both active members of a western oity ohuroh tbo poor sohool teaobora twenty dollar gold piece haa lived its usefqlueas over and over again in the eloquent words of the man who received ir and us utory has im parted new eutluiaiasm and ftnth to many btrugghngcongrogationb l5onbtieba it will go on doing good for mauy oear to come youth companion a point opetiquette my wife 1inibhed tho uoto with her fore boad guthered into pnokera aa deip ae though bho wore trying to make hor accounts balance what id it my dear i asked why it ia from mra tuoker bhe re plied blowly aud thoughtfully telling ina that poor alary u dyin aud is extremely auxtous to bee mu well why don t you 10 nt onoo i a eked why i dont aee how i can replied my wife why apt i demanded impatiently it e broad daylight it idii t raiiuug and ou have a new dress and hat oh i wouldnt ever think of such things with such a tumnwin protebted my wife why dont yoi go then i urod or do you inaiat npon riding shall i go over aud borrow thompson s wheel barrow and trundle qu thera oh john i dont seo how you oan joke at such a time bb this replied vny wife almost in tears madam i retortod ou mistake i am not joking what feminine foolish nesi preveuta you from immediately graqi ing the laat request of a very dear friend is beyond my poor comprehension that is all will you kindly enlighten mo goodness knows said my wife id go through fire and water t mary but under the circumstances i douu aoei really dont aee how i can call there gow why not i agaitgp demanded uharply because explained my wife pain tivelyyoq bee mary owes me a call compromised i winh ivcould have my way for a littli time baid the pretty mrs earnestly aa she laid aside the paper you surely shonld havo it as a matter of juat doerte replied her hubband with his moat conoihating smile he was lay ing hib plans to be oq late that evening id fretf cuba bcfowl ate another meal it is intoleiable to think of the slaughter tho destrootion and the sacfering that is goiug on wboro all snbuld be sunshine prospenty aud happinoasv it makes me fomo nf of heaven the homo where from father to baby they lovo you batter thun ull ho rest of the big wido world now when you start from hero and go down atroet aomehow the street always has a down grade from hotpq when ynu tmeak oat after night see how far you get fron reapbot ability and qolt reapeot when 0u reach this corner juat a little ways down whore you loitered last night yots bad to meet them horo beaauho jou cauld neyer- meet them in qur home for two reasons in tbo firat place your father wouldnt permit one of trebq to come iptohia house and to tho eeoond placojpujcoilld be ashamed to invito them thorp whether our fathorforbado it or not it m a long way from your reepectaljlb home from your mother a friends and our fufhors gueatt lo thia corner down street isnt it then look on tho mp my loy aee bow fur it is from mantinapa dun t ou ki ow your mind u ill never again bu at pur nu 1 iiinocint as it wo before ou vent j 111 a httle waya down street labt niiht 1 while 00 were listening tostouua puuotaated- so 111 english 1ivrais wo 11 bogln with a box and thu 1 un il la boxca but tho plural of ox should bu oxen not oxen thon ono fowl ta a jo oho bu two nro ca gooao yot tbo plurol of inooao should no or bo inurao you may nnd lono mouso err a wliolo nust of mlco but tho luralofhia iinthltn if tho 1 iural of man isialwayu called men t q i f with profanity tht doar onea at homo gathered in the bitting room your father opeued the book and read ihey knelt ut tho family attur and oomnieuded themrel vea to tho kcei mtt of tint henveuly rather aud tenderly retumbcrtd tho hoy who was 1 just a little wity flown htreel dun the hghtb wrnt out unu by on iho houuu was atill aud only the loving mother waited anxioualy and uletpkesly for the loy who was down aireoi it wis moro than ten million miles away fjrom the sweet old ohtipter that yojtr father read daw11 iu the biorits you heard my bov and what a uteep grade all the way down 1 ktrep off tho atreet ufier night my boi other people will think better of ou anil whtit ib a far more important thin ou will think much bettor of uurtelf progressive housekeeping j wo thinya have contribute 1 ti tho in creaaa in the anpply of prepared foidn tho llrtt of thuao n the very hih rente ohftgji 111 our 1 1 101 which hnve com polled houotkifperti to use very small kituheih with vhb fur fuel wo huvo no roam to store quantities if foul ua our mat herd did gut fuel ia too costly to aljow ut to oiok otitmcil nix bourn when prtparoj uatiieai can bu ttero on the breakfaat tabre in six minutea we htvu not the ioonj or timo or fuel tu iunki it eoup that imut cook ihrto houra uheti u canned soup oan bo nerved hni 111 five minutts the secon 1 reason ib that women have oi me to reoogniza that life mi 1 time ure too vttlnablo to win to 111 uny huiiac work thtt oan bo done cheaper quioker und bt tttr outaidt tho hmwe wu uatinot but its part oy the programme little one there have never been auy very radiqal changes in tho way of making histor yea and ruen who have beenv m com mand all the time you rnuatm think of having c and aroie dja jw th desolated jubt b wo are about to enter upon a new century if i were a manld make a strike for the right no mattoruiow desperate the ohancee anything you nay pot i m your slavo you know iyo thought for a long time that ijqvighttqjiteal my way to quba and cnliat with the insurgents now 6u havo confirmed my bense of duty ill drop everything elrje aud go you ii do nothing qf the kind jtmoi j earnestly let jomo of tho other men go your place is right herowitn mo it would be a moo thing for yon to start out to set tho worl 1 right while i w ia left lure to unguiah alnne jut ou dare try it james and ill appeal to the law then hero was a ccmprcmiee by which ho waa permitted to go out that nitht uitord the timeto waton ttio utouk pit while hotter soaps than we cvn make aro endless in variety 10 the alorer the tendency in homakeeping t ly is clearly toward a bavins in time and labor the way mother did is too expin eive of both labor and time tho dtxtrio lighi the elect no cooking apphancep elect no lamp and aa ughting apphanoec the lks stove the olectno motor preaervod foods and prepared foods havo come to our aid because we feel we must have such things life is too full to waste a minute in doing things in the bouae that can be dono cheaper and better outside tbo house janb kimisrond in tlit chatttawptan for january on boston common u a cold night a man was hastening tho common with ins overcoat but toned up to his neok ho waa rattier anx know what time it was but was too lazy lo unbutton his coat in order togut at bis wstoh just then he saw a man of well dressed appearance coming in the dis tance and remarked to bimelf go to i will ask you gentle etrangor what time it is and ho will unbutton bis coat pull out his watch and infoim ma of the hour otythe night uo percoiod that the atranger wat but toped upjubasho was when he oame upjlheniaujwho wauled to kuqwthojiino touched his hit politely and said l sir do you know what timo it ia the stranger paused removed hia tight glove on buttoned hib coat from top to bottom uubuttonod hia undercoat and finally pulled oh hs watah while tbo cold wind beat against ins unprotected cheat holdiug up the writ oh ao that tho light would jahine 011 it heioriiuuizd it an in slant and fluid yes 1 a aud thon ho passed on without an otherword tho cow lu tliu 1 lural may bu conn or kino iut a bow if ropoato 1 in uoyor called bine and the plural of vowla vovs no or vluu if i speak of a foot and 1 ou ahow uio your teat and i give you a boot would a pair bo called boot if ono la a tooth and a wbolu sot arc tooth why shouldu t the 1 lural of bo6th bo calkd bootbf if tbo singular a lb fa and the plural ia iboso quould tbo plural of klab ovor bo uigkiibinod koooot then 0110 may be that abd throe would be tbeso yet hat lu the fmtral would novpr bo liooo an 1 tbo plural of cat is cats not cose wo spoak of alirotber and also of brutbrou but though wo say incthcr wo never say mothrou then tbo jnaaculluo in ou ouo a aro lie hib acd bim 1 but imoeluo tho rouifnhio aha ahla audafihn bo tbo english i thluk jou all wlharoc fa tho quoorcat iatiguatu you ovur did eoo i boston comntomieattlt need of spelling reform lughtth rp llii ib remarkublo for its indefinite variety vs long aa nthim jh apnllft 1 phthiwi thn vininw nf th npnll mg reformer should bo hoard in iho land mr turner iu tho followug incident in view of the preneut method of apalling waa entirely eoufhtent dobbe met his friend turner on tho train they wero both oiugto london uudatoi- ed at the same hotol i urber rcgisttnd his name l k phtholognyrrh dobba noticing it exclaimed 1 here witt are ou ueaunnng fauch a foraigu name for aro you in uny tronble not nil of it rtplidd purfar and i urn nut aaaumiuf auv fornn 11 mio wlmtkinl of a liaiiu id that dc man tied dub be that it my iduntiunl id n unf itr eiated xur ler anrl it iu ljiirrtdh too proubcej plainly tumor i cant uoo how jou uu mukt turner out of th jtiu thirtetn let tern i ci lu- what id your object in spellint that wy askoj dobba well ou see nobody ever noticed my name on the register wheu i wroto it turner explained tho litter but biuoo i commenced v ritiufji phtholoiiiiyrrh i sot them all gueatting 1 lit u on ilt bat nation i am from wlit mv hhido ii i can now heat pcopl talk ubiut mo all around it h aa i uaid htfoti english tpdlfing phtli hero ia thu fcotimi of 1 111 phthtsih lu tlitr x tin ur 111 luluial g l hero 1 th n 111 timt yrrh ia thu ttound of u in myrrh now if that duehu t tpell ttirutr what does it ppell prof hamills ten command ments ieuuov4ughtewooiumviheitu are ddrlssed by prof uamill of ilhnoid one of tho moat aoocoabful normal iiiatiuotora in america to sunday sohool teachers generally 1 tbou shall lmvo no other books before the bible 2 thou shall not mako uuto tbee aa imago of other bible students nor bow down tbyeelf lo thorn to servo tram h tbou abalt not tako unto thee in olaca tho teachers monthly or tho losaou leaf 4 bomomber tho teachera meeting to attend it faithfully 5 houor tho superintendent that it may be well with tho achool wherein thou teaoheat g thou ehalt not bo absent or lardy tho quickest way to kill a otaee 7 thou shall not commit progressiva eucbro daucmg or other questionable amusemonte 8 thou blialt not neglect thy dully iobsou elud 8 thou shalt not eufter thy life to bear false witnebb agatnbt thy teaobings 10 thou shalt covet thjl neighbors knowledge of tho bible and hia ekill in teaching it how she managed harvard students it u well known that same rf harvard students are great ruguen one could not expect wmong 8000 young man thtt all should bu staid aud sober the bright little paper our dumb am ma in quoting some of their pranks ilakefl hoes and other 1 rioulturarlmplo mehtb are represented in the egyptian catacombs laijtr neuralgia is the prayer of the nerves for pure blood uood4 sarsaparilla lathe one true blood purifier and nerve builder prints the following the complaint made by harvard btu dents of iho action of tho ttoaton polico on tho night before eleotion reminds us of tho old couplet no roguo o cr felt tho bailor draw with good opinion of tbo law and thin again reminds ua of the scotch prof eat or who wroto on hia door that prof would at certain hours meet hia olaases somo student erased the o u1ak tng it loaae shortly after the profeseor erased tbo 1 making the notice read asses peciliarity of waves on the northeast of scotland it ib a favorito theory with the fishing and eoa faring people that in a storm three waves are strong aud violent while the fourth ib comparatively weak and less dangerous k this hucotadioh thoy nail a rote nt waves ifieharmeti returning from thotr llabiug grouud often provo by experience the truth of their theory and baog bauk sm hey como dpsf neeihirei to aeo qvitn lge of the inll that follow they say pretty rrgulnrly nfror three big breaknrs always a gentleman iiu wav ever notod for hia per foot breed ing and though ua an utirfenradiiau he was boiectimea a trijlt the worsh for a wine party he novor forgot to bo trim to biacodi on one auoh occanou aft r a moat determined tffort t eiiti r a bou u be believed helodgcd iu he waa met at tho door by tho boantily attired owner with in for mation aa to hia wlieroabonta with the al diiional iiowunthat tho htiuhuholdor had a siok wife and child upttnirn who hnd i em disturbed hrt male adiut apo oits an departed but hia lodgings stemud to etude him anl agvui tbaaama irata h tn holder waa brougt to bis door by tbo un dt rgrdduateb knocks for admiaaion didn 1 1 tell yon thia wbh my liuuso f cried tho mdigiiout mail and dont you remember that my wife an child aro ill i remember perfectly answered tbo inebriated one lober from the moment audi merely rolurntd sir to ak how they were getting along willi no to omit fifteen a man white flailing suddenly fell into tho water a fellow aaherman of benev olent aspect promptly helped him out laid him on hia back and began to atretoh his head in a puzzled way what s i the matter asked the b slanders iwhydontyon rovive him there arejixteen rules to revive drown ed persona said the buiievoluut man and 1 know cm all but i cans call to mind whioh comet first at this point the rescued man opened bis eyes faintly there inythitig about ivlnftorandyin rtilee- yes then novor mind the other fifteen a woman who had been living far a timo iniowa decided uuttatwouldoo to her advantage to return to her old home iu north dakota sho owned a cow and a considerable amount of household furtiiliire but not a groat amount of money bho wauled to take her cow with her and bho knew that in order to uhtp it that diotaticu eho mudt aend unalleudant with it bo ahe dour miucd to bo that attendant herself and thua pave her railway faro accordingly she lured a freijjtcar for the trip which was to lust from thursday to monday in this cr ahu preparod ao coinmodatioua ut ono ond for tho cow at tho other end eleo idk nnd cutlug urrmigeinenth fur heratlf and picked tho furniture into tho remaining pi act sho made the journey of four duyain il m freight our where htie i arcd for thu 1- cooked h r mcvta by meaui nf 11 tuoliiit utovo and hicjii do undertaker a b ii ia er uialitv liavn uffur no ploabiiru in jiuyer uo treasure in prater srgrossfraddt how to avoid deception and loss some dcalcra in canada buy packago dyes that are bb poof and weak that it re quires fully three package a to givo tho depth of color that is obtained from on a single package of iho diamond dyes these weak dyop wortu from four to five oenta are bold to customers at leu centa per package same price aa full strength diamond dyes auy woman urged by a xlealer to boy these adulterated and woait dyes should refuso at once to bo swindled 8 11 oh dyes are only a source bf profit to tho merohknt who happens to sell them thoy are cor tainly snares and deceptions to the womau who hoys them loeaimroublo and fraud cau bo avoided by aslmg for the diamond dyes examine saab package andboburo honarnbdtamonil working with the dlairiond you are auru of good fast brilliant and instliig cotora

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