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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1897, p. 2

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married moikat mcpuenbon at ttio roltlonao of hie briiloa pnroutaon wtduobtlay january aotli by llov mr llmiay anlutuu liv llov ii a macjlicron john mojttit of milton inlu of aoton to agtlob ditutltitur of mlaojiii mc 1liorboi kan hflijiioaltit t died btkvknmm at nor ltd roblilonoo cllntou on- rtiiidnyauii janunry alico widow of u10 into ttiomub htoxouaon astd 83yoars hkavkn on wodiicudnv january flotbi at glenaido oakvluo arthur loonfo uoavon fnrmorly 0 itrutol eng in tlio oaml yoar of ills ugu aminos at- tlio rorlriotico of dr molina 596 collofjo etroot toronto mi sunday ovonltiff- juminry illth hitutanuo gordon forniurly of axton uil 67 yearn thursday january 2 1807 notes and comments tiioontarto government has deoided bubjoot to approval of tho logialatnretto devote ggq0o towards tbekjelltjf of the suf ferers from plague and famine in india the larjro rold balapce in the united sta tea treasury now more tiianftlilooo- 000 liiohikbeflt tituro sinco early in 1691 aspnrea tho bt ability of theeurrenoy until etirplua rovonubb again increase premierhardy writes ho qlol tbatr the term of the- now warden hi the new county council fta in ihb old one ia for one year the new aot is to be read with and aa part of the monioipal aot and under and under the municipal aot the wardens terra ia expressly fixed at oho year noth ing in the new act repeats tbia beotion tho prorogation of parliament antil maroh 8 does not mean that it will meet on that day there ia nothing to prevent it meeting earlieror later aa the govem- ment may see fit althoorh it ivnot likely tobeanmmoned for the despatch of boal- noaa sooner than that date the proba- bility ia that parliament will be oalled for bubinoaa on maroh 11 the- newfoundland railway from 8 johns to port aa basque 011 the west coast will be opened in jane next with bteamehip connection with sydney o b what effect thte will have on travel foe tween canada and great britain is question froin st johns newfqnndv land to ireland tbedletanoe ia about 1 goo rnilea which at the rate of aay twenty knots an hoar would only oonsumetthree days and a half on the completion ollhe railroad and its steamboat connection passengers will bo conveyed to st johns and embark there on the atlantio steamers tho montreal witness correspondent at toronto hab been informed that the njew ontario license law will be one which will restrict the liquor traffic and be regarded by the hceube holders as decidedly hostile the flrat effect of the publication of the text of the bill wiflit i said eansedissat- isfaotion among temperanoe electors bat tho government expect that ft will be ao- cepted aa a substantial instalment of pro gressive temperance legislation to be aup- plementedv by farther restrictions if each are demanded hy the electorate at- the gen eral elections crew60ns corners we aro now paying for the warm weather we had the forepart bt the winter no donbt soma will be telling ua that we are having the old time canadian winter on aocotiiu of the quarterly service being division nq 4 honored the wavdonahlp goes to mrdavid mutbheon of naaaagawoya new council looked lonelv the u ret acasion of the new county counoi of 18j78 was held at milton on tuesdayytho eifiht mombore occupied an abbreviated table acepmmodation and pre sented a rather lonesome appearance com pared with that of former tlmofl tho volurpe of conversation- and oratory waa considerably diminished tho busy hnnvqf business being largely subdued those who w declared duly eleatodaud subscribed to tho noooosaary qualfffoattdna wore- div 1 henry robinson and george andrew div 2v g pottit div 0 di w avlii nt la div 4 dr robert soii and d hutoheon mr fisher of dv 2 wasteporiod ill and unable to attend clerk panton calleu the roll and announced that tho first duty of tbo 6000011 as to eleqt a warden david hutoheon 61 naasaftawoya repro seating divisionno 4 was- honored witbt elebtiqn and will presideiiver theooanoile deliberatipnedaribrthe prebebtyear j warden hutoheon upon taking the chair wprsseolrhta appreciation of tho honor conferred and heartily thanked hia collea- rues for placlrfg him in the positiqn ho solicited the support of the cbonojl in dis- charging the duties whiqh would devolve apon hinq the buainess of the day was prjupipahy of a routine aharaoter lq the election of auditors the warden nominated dr flatt of naaaaraweya and the council dnnoan dowar of milton board of education coorflta hyndaeifiqted chalrnan of thdubllatiohb61u6afa tcrirte third time the board of truatees met jdq wednes day evening 20th iuatvat 7 oclook for organization members preaent messrs james mc- lani robert wallace t h harding geo hyndsand robert holmes the election of ohairman lot the year jwas the first bnaipeaa moved- by jauiea molam eeoopdod by robert wallabe thafc george hynda be and is hereby eleoted chairman of the bpard f or the present voir carried mr hynda took the pbeltion antiafter a few remarbb tho boainesa i the evening was prooeeded wijfti moved by th harding sec m led by bobt wallace that the standing commit tees for the year be aa follows finance w h storey chairman and t h harding illolentx robert holh8vchliirmaana jas moiam scltuks george hynds chairman and robt wl 1 oe g ar r ied the board then adjourned for a few mipotea business beini resumed it was moved- by james molam seoooded by robert wallace that the secretary bo instructed tox advertise for tbirtycdrds of good eodnd body wood mostly maple to bo doltverod at the school before the let march catriod the finance committee passed the aooount of george havill of 75o for clean ing-farnaco- all unsolicited j- expert opinions rbspoctlnar the frea vretia calendar itssuod at new years bolow wo iniert a few of the rfiaiiy enm- plimotitary refefencan to hiofukk phkhh caftendar received tho paat week or bo iu kddition to these almost ovjory subscriber in remitting tho years eubsqription hab had aomd kind remarks to make concerning the artidtia beauty etc of tho work thee kiudly expressiotia aro thoroughly appreciated by tho fiuk pithh attifi it is a work of urt upon which wo cau congratuluto our couteinpoiary parry soumtsvak t the acton fuke pfteus editor hue our thanks for a handsomo oalondar murjj dale standard altogether it ib a flue work of art jiibt like one might expect from liro tioore miltori firjormer h ho aoton fik pkhi 1897 calendar is the neatest wo have jot- aeon iesuod from that office burlington record the accon fuek pitkhs burpasaed itself tnllio oaloadar issued for 1897 thereato no city offlcvaijtftinvxcclfrjendmooxeis work newrriirket av r ottawa jan 17th 07 eoitoivfneb pueh3 5ivitr deanbiutcalendar ireoeivod which is only like all the work from tho fuee pjiess firstclass m coiinan- we are in receipt ofahandabmo onfirav- ed calendar compliments of the acton optario fiiee pjikhs the design is very attractive tberfiiebh prkss is one of the neatest papers in oanad st clair mich htpublkan mr h p moore of the acton fikk pkess presents to his readers every yeax a hand ao roe calendar of hia own design antt workmanship the lbt one ia a gem hd has been given a prominent place in ho istar office egaubville star tbe aotpn free peebu for some years back has made a practice of presenting its readers with a handsome calendar at the beginning of every year the champion acknowledges with thanks a copy of tho calendar for 1897- miltodcaairtpioji a pleasant praotice is canadian jonrnsls ia to issue a handsome calendar whioh bringathem to mind every day of the year one of the brightest of these that wehave seen is that of the aoton fnee pkess with portraits of h p moore the editor and rev t albert moore- bia brother two active sunday school workers onward toronto a calendvsr from the office of tho aoton fuke pnebs shows the enterprising pro prietor of that journal mr h p moore to be thoroughly up to date in hid ideas the calendar is marvel of exquisite work manship mr moore ia known as the sunday school edjtflr but ho knows how to conduct a bright family journal and do fine printing as wollorillia times with commendiable enterpuaemr h p moore editor of tho aoton oat fnee pftebb has iasuoda calendar for 1897 whioh 4a one ot the moat taatefally gotten up we have seen for some time the calendar like tho free pnesa ia np to date iu every particular and is joat what one would expect of mr moore who ia one of the moat popular and successful newspaper xnen of the province glengarry news whenever our friend h p moore of the aoton fjiee pnesa pnts type and press together tho result is aa artis- ttn jnh nf prfntinjr thin hnlria pr- news of the day an elpttorne of the worlds dolnara durlnsr the woek the xandon eluuiou tril hda now lasted flfteon days tho c p it has eubicribod 1000 to the itidiun farnino rolioffuud lord mountstephen has given jjiooto tho indian famine relief fund mr win tibdulo ot pilot mound was frozento duth hi a recent bliard lxqueeri liliukalani of hawaii called ou president cleveland at wehtngton rbnatfc wellington a greerjhousei at louthill word seriuualy damaged by firo a coihpany of new york capitalists has been formed to work an oil territory at crutches discarded t the story of mr j modonoqh of tiver ont suffered from two severe attacks of rheumatlamdootora feared the trouble was qolns to his heart pink plllo cured him nrid ho gave away hie crutches lothwell dr ahluglmui purfuruiud a very success- fui operaiiou upon lieut gov kirkpatriok in lioudqn labt week roppvts of iutenaely cold weather come from all over tho dominion the east end of lake eriu ia frozen ovorr reports of intensely cold weather come from all oyer tho dominions the cast end of xake rie ia frozen over hontm daly late minjstcr of the jihetior has left brandon for bbaalknd- where he intonds i practise hia prbfesbidn theq t r has determined to give a free pass to any point pu tho line once a year tbrevery employeewho applies for it local option which fads beenln opera tion in the twubliip of wainfleat for the last three yearj wab- reibarootly o major- itylotl7l mias eliza damo of bellevilie was burned to death last friday- she roll with a ooal oil lamp in her band while alono in the house famine autfplatjuo are s lai king hand in ftnqvhiugbindtapdts aimost-m- possiblo to give any idea of the fearful dis- treaa that nreiails southampton carried a bylaw by a large majority voting 911000 for the pur- obase of the saugeea water power and eleotrlq jight plant the bold snap causes a great deal of suf fering among the poor of- tbe largq ameri can cities and extraordinary masurevfor their relief are oalled for i hamilton citycanuail has appointed a depntation to interview the provincial government in regard to the niagara falls power companys proposals reportb from every part of the north west indicate that saturday night was tflfij coldest night in two winters thflrange was from 25 degrees below to 40 below mrs dana widow of thd late mr a b dana and mother of mrgeotatana m pp died at her home iubrockville from a btrokeof paralysis in her 84th yeari tho canadiun paaiflo steamer empress of japan has nowbeen fitted oat as a orubier the armament of the japan con sists of ten gunb which can be easily mounted at any time within a few hours an explpaiou aet fire to the berlin gas works on tuesday mr aldrioh one of the employeea was killed and secretary breitbanpt and mr wemur blown great distances and very seriously injured mr t ii inco a barrister of toronto fell on the slippery pavement on young street saturday morning and received a blow that caused bemmorhago of the brain he died from hisinjorlea saturday afternoon jv tb th m fi in veatigation at shel borne is of a startling aharaoter one witneaa described the fir ing of david ballards bam and told how the irons from agrionltural implements were carried from one barn to another to make the loss appear greater than it was the bame witness admitted arson and per jury in his own paat- from tlio tlvorton yatqliman anyonp beeing the robust heajth and active form of jack mcdonogh who ia managing mr a gilcurjatv harnopa bubl- nea during his aoaenoo in scotland would ho cansiderbblvtburprihuif tu16arn that pnlytwo years ago h was a confirmed invalid and nnatrlo to walk without the aid of crutches but suoli ib the case and hearing of lift remarkable oure frotn the excruciating atony of infldtnp rheu- mathm by thouae or dr willima pink pihs a rejisntall or uio walc7imdn oaljejl upau hin to learii tho particulars mr modonogh was found working at tho harness bench oawell and aotivo as atjy young man in the country and tn reply to aquoation about hid ooro said yea mine waa quite o remarkable daee two yenva agb last spring while at homo in winghani i was stiddeuly taken downj with rheamatlam my feet and ankles swelling so that xoould not ovou put on an overflhooi xwas inbe4 for three weeks nnder the bare of tho doctor and bad to hse crqtohoa tor a long time after that the next spring the rheumatiam came back again worse than ever attaokiog all my joints bat principally my anklee kueea hips elbows aud wrists the doctor gave mevory little encouragement and said he was afraid of it going to my heart and kill ing me i had read a great deal about dr will tarn a pink tills and the cures they had wrought and i determined to try them at first i did not ootloo muoh change but before i had take cu a half dozen boxes i was bo muoh improved that had given away my orutohee and have never required their use sihde i still took the pink pills i jor some time longer and i have never bad a touch of- rheumatism since and hope i never may i oan eay that pink pills bared me of a bad oaao of rheumatism and i cheerfally reoommend them tq others a a fieri ng as x did br waiiams pink pillaatriko at the root of the disease driving it from the system a n3 restoring the patleut to heajth and streugth id cases of paralysib spinal troabjtea locomotor ataxia soiatios rheu mattbm qryaipelas sorofolous tronbles etc these pills aro superlprto all other treatment they are also a apsciflp for the troubles whioh make the liyea of s6 many women a burden and speedily re store the rioh glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks menbroken down by over work or worry will find in pink pills a certain cure bold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid at coo a box or six boxen for 2 60 by addreaaing tho dr williams medioioo co at brookville ont or soben- eqtady k y beware of imitations aqd substitutes alleged to be just as good b1q fire at syracuse syiucusb jan 20 a big firo whioh broko out at the corner of south salina and fayette streets early last eveoinj was several times bolieved by the firemen to bo nnder control but mowing to the violent windbeoamepi ioally unmanageable and at midnight had destroyed three large bnaineas blocks ooonpied by the new york cloakhonae palmers millinery house kimball piano companys agency loiter bros piano and jewel i ry house and l a duse cor king and hughspn sta hamilton january is the great bargain month and when you rcad our list ofofferings you can rely upon their being bargains- broad cst3cnsedrthltword new wbite underwear the large quantity sold this month places nriitarpostriorrtorjfler a m tebstharr usual prices pi ifel ladles kirts 253539 o3 65 cents corset covers special i2li7 30 45 55 and 75c v f t special 45 49 co65 75 89 and qoc draviers special 18 2 35ais and 70 cents chemise special 25 3545 and 60c inrarrearr j robes barricots slips cloaks etc at specia1 prices great anuary fjsrmapr dress qoods j all new goods bought specially for this sale clearing at nearlyhalf price tweed effects very special 40 inches wiile25c bpucle kflecta very special 46 inches wide 30c boucle eflects very special 46 inches vfdei35c tweed effects very special 44 inches wide 50c extraordinary mantle seulinq the sweeping reduction in our mantle room is clearing off the stock rapidly better look into the matter it money savcd to hnyndw ladies jackets in beaver boucle or tlrlnim fl qitallty ttyuh ypimnta nil t his seasons importation regular 350 for 1275 regular 94 tor 9335 regular 9550 for 3-95- 1 regular 9650 for 9450 t regular 98 for 9515 regar 99 for 6 v w0ua7t3 winter skirts wellmade i sightly garments at these prices they shonld not be passed by black sateeji quilted regular 92751 for- 9r5o black satefl y7 tpr 9a 00 eiderdown quilted regular 96oo for 93-o6- moreen regular 4300 for 9 150 fur sacrdhce v theres a great saviog in buying at this end of the season note these prices wool seal cape 30 inches long regular 2875 for 91500 black opossum cape 30 inches long re gular 92500 for 1500 alaska wallaby cape 30 inches long re gular 93750 for 92000 thomas g watkins january ink 1897 the right house merchandise movements this business is opposed o waste waste of money- in gather ing and distributing merchandise wastof timo which wonld be more expeusive still and so tho seasons that old fogyism counted necessarily dull are improved to hniidle vast lots ot goods with largest benefit to our public womens arid childrens coats if you had a sortrngxfrom a market full youd pick just each styleb as wetell oftonlay prices aria littlo notbecu8e the gar ments deserve such aaate but because the holders of the good got scared i2 cloth tackels beaver and serge velvet collars and cufts close neck buttoned diagonally ihree buttons j for j335 all jackets over jti at half price y all other jackets and capes one third off regular price bo youwonder thnt luore and moi the coat selling center m iltta aubertiscmmtr imlkssltaking sb nolito will rcooivq ordon for dreumak ing at iter rcufdonoo frodorlok tftroet 1 r mibs nodlb wanted v ounq women and men or oldor ones it still i young in spirit of undoubted character 8ood talk cm ambltloua and industrioua can ud cniplovmonin a good cauie iih 860 per month lind upwanla loeardldk to ability uev t b lilnhcott toroutp ont r tilhfksr tub underalrqod doslroa oti bebalf ot ultuiollv and family to oxtond tbolr most oordlal tbmnks totho mpmbori otaotonptrfidiitriule and tbe many friends and filtleens who aided- ihamltrsfctltntgthsr a p noldaoods olotblnti etc oq tbo night of disastrons ato wlhob befol us and who have liisnllestott niny btnauuiinw aiuetr nrv gbindbll pbks qiteen victoria v her life ahd reiattv gitgat hutorla workjell on bight to thou sands lord duflorin totroaueea jt to canadlauslirblowlabord8bmy to make 93000 a week some make twice tbat mao v jnaka moro in spare tlrha than daring day- at roguisr eihplojmont this years great -bexa- smarr celebrations re bom4qglt npolu bo m prospeetai free to oaavauejrsx territory golnafaat thk bltadleygaitletbom oottmi rdtonto on yante1 m en to ensage with ua aa mleaoien new boaion fust opening new itvleitf plata book mora attraeilvet and yet lighter than ever all supplies tarnished free we are the only xauadiarikqrsery spaying salary aud expenses from the stark rberaleommlsslentb part time men large list orepeetalltles all having been testedat oar truv orchards if you want a good tbihg for the winter write us 8tonr werxlnoton nonexymoa and fruit owers toronto can over 700 acres nnder cultivation weairh9ivepositiom to persons of all grades of ability agents bookkeepers olerka f armertaona lawyer mechanics physician preachers students married and single women widowa posltloos are worth from ioo00 to i0000 per annum we have paid several oanvaieet 00no weekly for years many have starttf poor and beeonie rioh with ua partiaulars opon application and if satisfactory and neceeaary a personal inter- view may be arrangea tbu is an hottest adver tlaemeat and if yon want to better yon posldoa write befora you sleep state alary expected neither loafers nor tipplers aeea apply- the bitadiievoabbstaon oo ltd toronto ont the wellington mutual eire jnsurauce company 1 -i- the general anndatueeungof the welling ton mutual fire insurnnoa company wul bebeldlntheoompanysoinee qaelpb on tueaday 9th day of feby next s a oclock p m to receive the direotorv hk port with theplnanoial statement for the year tho election of directors for tbe ensuing year and other basinets relevant to the meeting by order signed chas davidson becretary- tenders for wood m acton publjld tenders will uereeeiyedby tbennderslgned np to monday 8th febraary for thirty cords of ioand green body wood foar feet long mostly maple contractor to deliver and pile tbe wood in the school yard before tbe flrit of aprtl h p moore secretary of the board aoton jany 91st 1807 selling at half price bo no service in tho oh arch here the h pedal eervlces held in the ohnroh here for the past two week a were brought to a oloselaflc friday bight mr r a damper of thiaplaoeifl attend ing the northern business college in owen sonnd ibis winter mibb janet kihkebnry who hab been en gaged in guelph fgv soqiq iirne is spend ing a few weeks at her home here we were pleased to see in the toronto globe reference to tbo oaccess that haabeen attained by rev 3 w bae in hia new charge at toronto jnnotfon fiftyali new members were received into toronto junction presbyterian ghnroh last bnn- 3ay the globe aaye therowittor the- corjgrofiation since the indaotion of mr bad last eammer has been marvel lous hie many friends will be pleased to hear of hlavnccees board adjourned to meet on monday evening 8th february our municipal fathers regular meeting on monday even- ins at which all necessary business was transacted a8hgrove mrs geo brown and obildren of dakota were vialtirjr friends and relations in this vicinity last week mrs o thornton haa been improving thb appearance of her premises y potting np a champion stay wire fence messrs brownridge and alexander have bowght tho bole right for halton and ofaim thoy havathadoat03tand mostdorable- wire fence on the market hornby tnjerenpajpdheldm optfn meeting friday evening jan 22nd amopg7the manyaltraetloob of the even inn the abfagrbve quartette flgurjsol pro minently snow i sdow1 enow 1 at last time are livelier since eloigning has council met in regular aebnion monday evening roeve nioklin in the chair conncilloro present denny smith brown and arnold the minutes of last meeting were read and adopted the report of the finance gommitteo was read aa foil owe j b pearson sundrios 8 29 boyaroilcotjoaroil 08t joseph holmes watching ore bobt blnolair watching firo h p- moore printing 1 1 00 100 17 m a291 moved by w e smith seconded by h t arnold that tbe 1st report of tbe finance committee be adopted carried moved by wi h denny seconded by wzb brown that the and tore report for the past year bo reqeivedand adopted and that they be pad for their florvioea carried r- moved by w fl denny seconded by w smith that mr robt wallace be appointed member of board of health carried- ticnlarly pood of the fiyie fitesa oalendar for 1897 on which appears portraits of the four who have guided the fortunes of that paper innco xta btart now nearly a qnarter of acentnry ago long may tho present proprietor hold away renfrew ercurjy north bay ont ictb jan ib 97 editor fhek fnsss dear sin fnee puess calendar for 1897 is to hand and does you oredit it folly subtaina your motto whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing welh and aoton shnnld be proud of- having an ofooa within its bordefs that turns ont all the yoar round a 1 work 8omo offices make some bat yonr in hon mr borden injured railway wreck at dorchester n b on tuesday atbplfrtnoe year or ao thing np in extra good atyle btaff aro always at it judging from yonr very excellent work that i receive from timo to time the faces on the oalendar remind mo of a time nearly twenty years ago when i bbsisted on iobuo days in inking the farms and in distributing tlio fne pnesa through tho town may yoorysno ceaa continue s l p8niei a bad railway wreck oooorred near dorchester n b in whioh mian patri- qain of bloom field n bi and mr arthur idgeoombrpobtaioler moved by wro brown seconded by h tarpoid that thoro bo 400 oopleofthe auditors reports printed- carried coo noil thon adjourned conflagration at 3helburne some rov 3 e howell m a of aoton preached a very eloquent and instructive missionary aermon hereon sundsy 4al forhii teit isaiah 03nd chap 1st verse anniversary serviceswere held in hornby methodlet 6hnrqh last sun nay bermons were delivered morning and evening by rev j vanwyob b a qf hamilton prosiddnt of conference on the follow ing monday evening an entertainment was given a number from here attended mr richard graham lost a valuablo her so last week m 00000 fire in this sprlstly northern town 0nxnobini jan 2gtbe mbatprosper- ons portion of this village waswjped out oeo mrs j e farrand is very serlonbly ill with congestion of tbb lans mrs tylor of erin ia visiting friends in town l w- mr and mrs r w king of toronto visited friends here last week 0 mr o barnes la rebuilding his- batting mill whioh was recently destroyed by fire tqfra accial under the anspicea of the xiadioa aid of tho godgrogational chnfofa was held at mr c has bells tuesday evemnp arrangements are belna made for a hookey- match 7 between- toronto and georgetown in the near fntnre notwithstanding the storm on friday last a number of representatives from this choreh attended the b y p u rally held in brampton that day messrs creel man bros have completed their mexican order for fifty knitting machine shipment of which was made last week rev j e howell m a of aoton preached al le miiajftoary sermons in the methodist churc sunday all ititarested wtswoa pleased io know that f xreeve barbtrhal been elected by onnty cootcji 4n the high eebool board no other man has done as much forth school and us sorronndioga as mr barber by fire early this rooming and the loss is esmmakptfonghlyutm fol- lowing bniinesb estahhshnientb wore6om pletely wiped outgu hannahs hard ware loss ilsjoooi w alfenwibk jewel er 12000 wm bawyor boots and shoes m000 a d galbraith joweller lco0 jbwyberwktkrflon genera atbra and grain merchant a 40000 hah carson saddler s2000 in addition to above partial loasea by water and emoke were sustained by hill house a jelly hardware raerohanta t e brown druggist and wm jiuhneyi f urn tore dealer the loss on hnildingsis estlmatia at2fl000 all told six btoreaboingcomplfltelydemotished the entire plant of the sholoorna free p w bu it lm british subjects starving by the million india needs oar help the famine isnpon ioraniaccordingtotho esti al ateof the highest authorities the lives of aix millions of people are in daorer a british popula tion rreaiefthan that of alfoanada both the imperial and indian governments are mpving in the work of relief bet this is a v that cannot be iaft to governments tlbne it appeals to humanity generally e people of britain have taken up tho wovk of relief and their exampleisbetng follovod in other lands even the rus- froderioton werebflled and many others seriously injored hon mr borden was among thejatter and received a bad scalp woundthe whole train of six oars tolled do wtkan embankment ot mttrett wal iqd tutproto in nganl to hooda attmivtlu 4 st greatest merit beeureabyapeeullar comblna- tlon ftoportlbn and process unknown to others which naturaliyadd aotiiauyproduces alane are sending monoy and food to india canadians cannot turn a deaf ear to the ory of their fellow british aabjeota in the fatgasoand the means of sending effec tual aeshiturcthasowjtwon provided a relief fouavtlie first tobobtartedin canada has iseen opened by tho montreal star newspaper and its publisher has headed the subsoribtion list wltb a dona tion of five hundred dollar premier xaarier has written the star a jetter in which he expresses hearty approval of tho repo hisjotal loss at 14200 obvered byan in- nranoa of 21g0 the masons fo restore a6uw and maooabees were sufferers tho insoranoe is oonaiderable mr hanuah carried 13000 all told- 97000 on his stock and 0000 on his bnlldlng jew eller fenwlok had about jbboo iobnranoe wro sawyer carried 2000 jeweller gal- fcrjmoo u the fjre started at the back of hannahs tore on the corner of owen sound and main streets a veritable blluard was blowing from the southeast and gave great impetus to the flames every one denounces the fire as a piece of wanton incendiarism bat no motlvo csn be found for sooh a deed anywhere relief movement aodhe qontribates a handboraechequo to the fond j v- a joint rnemoriar signed by all the protestant clsrfiymen of montreal has been received by tho star expressing approval andbnppoxtof tho relief fund movement eexyanbacrip to the st f 2d greatest cures 8bawnbr thousands ot bonrat sbown by thousands of nonost toluntarr teiuraonulj which natorallrud aotually pnxtuco 3 createst sales aoeordlng to the statements of without d g eb many other firms suffered extensive damages the loss will aggrigato 250000 at one oclock this morning aflre brolie out in kearneys brewery in the fir at ward which owing to lack of apparatna will be a total loss tbisis valnod at a boot 925000 messsgea have been sent to oswego rochester and other oities for are anparatus tbe diokson companys now flour mils at peferboro were burnod last week the loss is 90000 if yon want first- olaas guelph sash and doors at gnelpti prioeb t ebdiocoan fill yonr order at his pla mill ifere 335 and by easy stages to the tip top of inxorioubnoas more and more tbe pubho realizes thnt the proper place to buy dry goods ia a dry goods house not a grocery store so i j d williamson dv co wyndharh and maodonnel i streets guelph r ttcton i intend leaving the city next week wllloffertho balance of my stock 7tth3ccljp pricb call and get bargains p do carteret wyndham st cttjelph tub new mahriaqe zjicenbes th hew marriage act requires that both bride and groom make affidavit when procuring a marriage license in order to avoid in convenience and unnecessary pnbliotty the undersigned will wait upon the parties desiring licenses at the borne of any of their friends in town to issue documents h p moqmi leaner of marriago licensed fbek pbsss office aoton fall campaign drugslstaal orerthe country f in these three pojnts floods jmmtiarula upecuuar to iueu x tliebimtjtltlie purlner hoods phis hfts we wonld oall yonr attention to the faot that we are preparod to supply you with lumber of an i table length for your barn doors viz 10 12 13 or m feot also sabhr doors ttpramestt t mouldings eto for building storm doors put np at as low a rate as possible fu7utfs repair yonr ponipa or pot in new ones before it l too cold wx can do it ladies i dongola button si 35 worth i75- ijdlin finn tmp prepare for winds worth 9300 ladles imp kid button 225 lidies mens fine dong kid 9225 worth 300 mens dongi kid 9200 worth 9230 mens buff congress 9l6o worth 9aoo misses dong kid button 9140 woi 9200 misses calf lace 9iio worth 9xv a girls dong kid butt tf16 wortk9i40 girls calf button 90c worth 1 lb dp of mint eclectric oil ioc castoria 30c scotts emulsion 40c a beef iron and wine 65c worth liob belladonna pausters ijc epsom salts 5c- per ib sulphnr je per lb wsljuw headnaners for patent med ifaltt great or email jillbq pablialy aokpowledged tvomen a will qbt ideas here harid timbs in ohicaqo new yom uds6 a herad pectal from chicago says chicago has 8000 families who an actnaly starving io death it has 10000 wife hatbands and obildren btgging fox bread begging for a pitunqe of food to keep body add sonl together hodailng into single rooms and fueling in lb bllnaxd tbat visited i be city thursday 1 every womanlias nalnralfanrloaily to see how other women fnrilia inifir homes to satisfy this the taqliuffioff journal will publish during thrjrr interior photograpblo views of abttndtisdor- the most artistlo oheerfnl and wsrijomfort able homee in america olftiiwill show in delau tbe oodslrootlon 4lub addtfor nisblng parlors drawing rtottl balll reoepllon muilo altilng oviiltsgba4 and 0remki mmffibbtmb note a few of the af week r- bath rooms kllohent this iniqus aeries will ideas for ersry bi maker it will interiors ot honaai j aw fll nl good iaa and at ootnbtraftvery tejpanlo wnsplonons sroall atroagrrldmaawas given at the mel mwutdonre investigation al bbelbaraa nagalnsl james ssltardvt wo er brat wit- jwiarlng tbat ha tried to indue them lo set are lo bolldinje j childs and womensvpong t wprhenirkid buttoned mercsbuff lace s buff gaiters omens felt lined lace huiliors ii drftndm hf wspaperv 80c hirr moijiltl bder direct of agents wnhtrrl gont nnrt carre- fleifrirfrjnaco ij ghaigsh6ps asi bayeleittbii iijjp now occupied by roeilsktiyirfiifemi j imend to oitcnpy tnwsbopauextdoor vtiere i iwilj liable flour md in connectlob with feeoacmsrgtvesanhyrr is tactions of our clearing sale this oots and shoes isses pvershoes 56 pet- pair reg l buttoned 00 per pair reg i 25 per palrreg 1 25 per pair reg 1 25 per pair reg 95 per pair reg 10 so 60 50- 5- 25- ln dry goods ladies fur muffs c seal nslra at 5150175 200 and 2 25 reg 300 to 500 overcoats at reduction of 15 to 50 3 spools for ioc prints sheetings tickings etc at clearing prices f onsco violins mandolins druins organs quitars bs accordeons btci etc change in the business all accounts due me must be settled onorbefore x febuarj vya be placed in other ijsodsfqr wjeeuqij- b lu qu i ont the only store in the city where you can get the 3jest jquality of strings for air instruments pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner 9mi 95 upper wyndham tree kbllv gu ph ngsaljesof es etcistill this iavsdb- -v- 3 crockery continues bakcm now getting you wish to save moin at stqvijib yofls suppjiea the tenth of january 1897

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