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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1897, p. 3

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r bank of hamilton heajd office hamilton uafitai iaiu ur hithkiivr fund lotai atiaifl si 250000 675 000 986jj mil board op directors hn stuakt a q iiamhay irulduiit too lrouiilout hn puoclon ul o lloarti a t wood a ii lilik iorouto wm uiuuom m l tw caslilor ii h btliuinahst canhlur ii m watbq biiuctor agencies hamilton llartou tit y east lnd allluton burl in chjhloy uooruotown grlimby liatowol luoknow milton mount 1 uraut oriuetnillo dwen hound fort elgin himiou jaronto vingbbiu british correspondents london national provincial uauk of eng ird ltd american correspondents hny lonk ioutui national dank and uuoovor national linuk hobton iuteruotloii i trufltoo buffalo marino dank chicago national bank of illinois and union national detroit national bank the news at home mostly of a upcal character and overv item interesting property chaugou in town mr johulluddiok lias soldliia dwelling on church btrcol to mr noblo ho will rtmovo with lnu family to south irn manitoba nuxt wtek mr thomas f ferrj man si hat ro purohasod tho drtoilitijj onyomig strtut formerly ocluimil by him mr w i caaipbqll lias putllirtied unothur lot in cooks eurvoy from mr adam cook aud ia building now dwllhng thereon their s2nd anniversary tho saconci anniversary of the opening- of the now kpox church fittingly f observed k nbab oirif national dank of com more o agents in montreal tho bank of toronto akorsfetown agency kotos discounted and advances ntftto on euit tuloacfauritiub collections nmtlo and drafts bought and bold ou alf accessible points in canada uuitocj status groat britain and the coutluuntof europe upon 3loat favorablo tonus savings department deposits of 91 and upwards rocoitod aud luterostr a do wod from dato of deposit to data of withdrawal special def0bit8 also rocolvod at current ratoa of intorost n m livinqstonliacout slivsloiiurj scrvlcaj ulio imubinnury ufftsivorbary wub bold at tho uriok churuh and other uppoiutnuntb of tlio circuit on sunday llov t w jucksbn of torque was onrugcd to preach but owing to u funeral ho had ou hit own chure ut ftrguu ho wub janly ablo to reach lvertun und limcbouae kov w bryora jimtoiulujmlqr v j ckluiiqnduotfid tho bervioa ut tho briek oburoh tho wedding presents bitthday presents wedding eings ifoaeiis knives jjorks and spoons spectacles special attention gnen to repairing trust us with your watch repiirs we always gne satisfaction qeohynds acton ont wwtton jfm jrss thursday february 25 1807 t little lo b which caught the eyea or ears f free press reporters this week lent cooimcnaea next wednesday wexe had five weeks of continuous sleighing tbe boys and girls had a jolly time ooatiug on saturday division court clerk monabb has rt moved to perrymuna blook ttjtt silting of division court here will be held on thursday 4th maroh someono says that this ib the fourteenth hones mr campbell has built in aoton sxaun of weather it was tho other kind we had at tho beginning of tbe week ash wednesday services will be hold in 8t albido church at 10 bo a m and 7 30 p m a p symon hab removed his jewellry store to tbe shop nxt williams shoe store fivehundred feet additional of now bark shod a will be built at beardmoro a ooj tannery tbe coming bammer a defect in the boiler necessitated the olobiugdown of the aoton tanning com panys workb for a day or so this week rev l xlorco of toronto was in town on tuesday soliciting aid for tho colored church- of which he ia tbo pastor mrs jennio b cameron 19 the fuee pukbb banner eabsoriber she subscribes and pays for live annual subscriptions the name of mr m flynnof buffalo n y should have been added to the list of graduates of tbo aoton photo studio a sermon on f dancing will bo preached by bev j c howell m a next sunday evening at homes evening partieb and recep tions are of daily occurrence this last week or so before lent bev j k godden m a addressed tbo bible class of bt georges church guelpb on monday ovemag special collections nr behalf of the iiidia famine fund will bo takoo in tbo methodist churob next sunday rev j j kedditt of brampton will preach missionary sermoob in tho meth odist church on sunday 7th march w p campbell hftd cdramenced tho ere o a b bo on mt campbell the boolhweet annex of tho town he rodo down town upon bis bike and people btopped to gaze tho streak of mad thatjinotl his baok was something to amaze la grlppo is holding sway mobtaudaa- ioutily at present hardly q home in towijut has ono or more members undor the care of a physician rev v jgilp n mcbsre h p moore and jamesleslie and miss amy leslie left yesterday to attend tho annual con ventlon of hamilton conference epwortb league at fans mr neil mophail of nassagaweya took charge of knox church choir guelpb on sunday ha is ono of the applicants for tbe position of ohoir laador rendered vacaut by the removal of prof fenwiok owing to the illness of three members of tbe council and the absence of reeve nioklin there wss no session on monday evening councillor denny and clerk moore were tbo only members who pat in an appearance the baptist young peoples union holds meetings regnlarly on the 2nd brd mubionary offerings were very creditable sutl news to relatives here tbo friondd of mr jacob gitfbohb of leamington noeived this veek the aftd uewij of tljadouth by shooting of jlormun tho bright eigbtceu yaai old son of the family ho wad a high school pupil aud lata at niuht after concluding his studios wan imrmumg a roolvlrljo bad purchased tho day before yheu it wus accidentally discharged and ho was found in a dying- condltiou he was oue qf tto shoold brightest students an it u general favorite irtcctric- slg twls at railway crdsstiigh if ap experiment now being made pn tbe grand trunk bail way turns out auccesa fully the entire system of the road will in a short time bo equipped with eleotrio signal betlrareveryarob3tng onooftheao eleotrio bells is now being placed in posi tion at sboebottoms croseing just weet of st marys- a pointwhere sevoral fatal accidents have occurred the feature of the electric bell is that ft will commenoo to ring when tho train is within half a mile of either side of tho crossing thus warning travellers on tho road tho brick for now saopa on tho ground it would be difooult to liud a community with more genuine kindness of heart in time of misfortunetthan we have in thie ifctiohr- practical help is always forth c6mjng when needed last week about forty of 4ho neighboring farmers formed a bee and in three days teamed all the brick necessary for gnndells new machine ebops nearly 80000 from milton mr grindelljiigbly appreciates this kind act which hab saved bim much time and ex panse the work of rebuilding will com mence as eoon as spring opens a iveir and popular sillier messrs obeyno bros haro leased their oouridgmill here to mr james clark of dundapi for a term of years mr clark took possession on monday he is u practical and successful miller and is well known in this section because of his lodg residence at rock wood and brin mr clark has already received a cargo of of manitoba hard wheat the change will not necessitate tbe removal of tho messrs cjieyne from actn messrs james and william will bo in the employ of mr clark and mr andrew will qonoluot the the farm they have leased annual session of county orangemen the annual county meeting of tho loyal orange lodge was bold in milton last week whore the mo inhere turned out in large numbers after the general busi ness of the lodge wau transacted tho wor thy county master gavoft lengthy report showing tbe general prosperity of tbo order in tbe county of halton the elec tion of officers for 1b07 then followed and resulted thab w c m archibald mc- gibbon d c m w h crawford chap t graham i s john bennett b s john baird treas david lindsay d of c georgo campbell c l chas taylor d c l orange ribblo and matthew job course of lectures the leoture committee of tho epworth league hab completed arrangements for a series of tbreo lectures ono each in march april and mayj the first has bee arrang- ilio oft bccond your since orginiitiun aud tho bocond anniversary of tho opouiug of tho now oriillce wro observed by tbo oongngation of kub cburcl uiillvory bucccflufuvfiorvices lubt suudtty uud mun day very laru congregations guoted lla j a morrison of tbo- last prebytcriun churuh toronto on sunduy both morn ing and oveiiitg his seruious were of a highly interesting churnutor and proved him to be a prouoher filled with earnobt ucss aud eiithubiaem autl daao9sotl of an auxiety to t 0 his hearers souud luoici and jo expositions of gospel truth tbero was no uncertainty ua to hu position in spiritual mattorp nor of his eflort to have his hearers beneuttodtb a rosult of preuching iiia preuching kuox church may per haps havo had more olequent spoakora at itsanniversary ucrviaes butit has never bad a more earnest helpful and acceptable preacher on anyprovious ocqaaioti ilfivsj vi howoilrma and vm bryerd ussibtea darmg tho eontng atrvice the methodist cpugregation worshipped with ilmtp prohf vutn bretlftrn at that service on monday evening iho annivereary ser vicpb were cputmued the inevitable anniversary tea wub a prelude to the recital of oouree every body pitrtioipated an j enjojed the bouuti fnl spread the ladtos of the congrogulion are however beginning to long for thodj when an auuivoreary may bo sucocbbfutly cond acted without this adjunct to the ex cellent programme invariably provided at least that is tho conclusion arrived at by iho fitee piieaa sonbo as a result of sundry remarks dropped in hid hearing at tbe tea table after tea fromeixtoeightoolookfthe congregation assembled in the auditorium tho service opened with tho doxolog and prajer by tho pubtor mr george ifyuds then took tbe chair aud introduced mr j j lawbon clerk of tho sasbion who in u few well chosen sentences extended to ravi mr maopberson aqdhia bride tbo most cordial congratulations of the sossion and congregation words of hearty welcome- to mrs mucphcrdon wereaddcd by mr com and going visitors to and from aoton ant variousother personal notes 1 ho tiikk ijfctbtr invites aft its rondori to con tribute to this column if jou or sour friouda aru oiuf away on a holiday trip or if you havo frluiulb vlsltiugyou drop a card to tho fitbb im as alias jjlla snyder ib visiting relatives at llfrida j dr j v unen is just recovering from a evoro attack of la grippe i mrb jhogiu of toronto has been ipond ing a week or bo in th old homo l mr and alts d mokerraclier of walktrton visited friends hero this week mrs joseph mooro and family left for their uuw home ut southampton on tues day midb dowler of guelpb wub the guest of midd fyfe for u few days duriug tbe week mr james urawn hasbeen confined tct rtsiucs merit tillu me intrinsic valuator hoodbsarsaparill merit in medlolno means the power to cure hoods baraaparllla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and thoro- foro it ban true moritwhen yonboy hooda saraaparlllaand talro it according to directions to purljy your blood or cure any of the many blood diseases you are morally certain to recolvo benollt the power to cure is there you aro not trying anoiporlmont it fll niako your blood pure rich and nourishing and thus drive out tho germs of disease strengthen the nerves and build up the wholesyptom damaged when arsaparllla a thinker is the best in fact tboonotruo blood turlner rrepurcd only by c 1 ilood co lowell mass ihp now year muft be made even larger thin tho old one hud again tbo pust week but is now tecov oring mies mcduiigiill o hamilton is the goorit of mis u a mopberaon at 1l moojs pjs gripe all manse mru t u m sucurdl spent sovetal days ihid wtek tlie guest of her mother itt oullpu jiir j al vvaireu b a of brampton high school stutf spent sunday with rela tives in town miss netue brycrs returued ludt week from aihroe moulhb vuit with her sister ub niagara fulls mt jouoph anderson and family lutend leaving for their new homo near hurtuey man uext tuesday miss a francis of aoton is spending a few daya with htr auntrmrs m j kelly dublin tit guelpb advocate mi a maggie cobtmu returned uu mon- day alter enjoyin pieasant visit with do not puree pain or h utfggfstiajo 1897 to do this and 4th sabbaths of the month at 7 p the meeting last sabbath evening was with- drfcwu owing to th presbyterian onniver- aary service and will be held on tho rst sabbath evening in marob if you want first class guoiphsashand doors at gnelph prices t eddiob can 11 ii our order at bis planing mill thtfnbw minmne ltokksks the jow marriage aot requires that both brldo and groom make affidavit when proouring a marriage lioenie in order to avoid in convenience and unnecessary publicity the undersigned will wait upou tbe parties desiring licenses at tbe bonus of any of their friends in town to issue documents h p moons issuer of marriage licenses fubk pints i offloe acton the hamilton spectator has let contracts for ft handsome uew building lord nd lady aberdeen called in president and mrs cleveland in washing ton yesterday winnipegs india famine fund now total iboaadb of whloh 140 21 was received from the manitoba school chlldreu od for triday evening hh march and the lecturer is oue of the most popular in the provmoo rev w v wilsou on of toronto he will no doubt be greeted by a large audience as will also the sue ceedtng lecturers revs d w snider of milton add g a mitchell b a george town the fee for tho course has been placed at a very nominal rate the mtou- tion of tbe league being moro to oncourago a taste for instructive entertainment than to secure financial profit hal too schools armenian jfund the armenian fund being ralaed by tho public echools of the coanty is growing to very creditable proportions previously acknowlodgod by mi deacon to 30th i net miss f minonur e burlington mr w m korr loeaqucblob mr it h watbon burlington v s mr j bradley 11 nelson miss tona currle 0 nassagawoya mr q h lucas 5 kaifsagawoya mr 12 c bhortlll 3 eaquobiug mr w j shorldan 2 trafalgar miss annlo bltzer 4 nelson mr c a smith 10 nelson mr j w cantolon 4 esq nosing miss ida a ford 0 eatjuoatag miss nelllo pattlnson 14 nelson mr j o hntchoon7 nelson n m t earngoy coorgotownp 8 ninian llndeayebqj ox- warden dounty ilal ton additional i nnss0 2 nelson 20 total to 23rd inat incluftlve 6 609 98 j jo a no 0 26 200 iso 3 10 300 225 2g0 105 2 400 4 co 2 00 13 jo 200 go ontarios finances the public accounta laid on tho table at the legislature last thursday tho pabho acooupts were laid on tbo table last thursday afternoon in tbelegis latare thoy show receipts amounting to 564270020 expenditure 98703 s7u 711 with a bpeoial deposft of 1635000 this leaves a balance of 204320 53 which is about three times tbo balance of last year beoelpte from tho dominion of canada 1181872 80 crown land 908 21g go lioensos 280172 law stamps 01500 82 succession duties 105383 40 public institutions l4g78015 sale of annuities 27800i04 halo of lands at toronto asylum 3000 the receipts- are within tho limit of estimates the expenditure is well withiu ibe limit and includes the following givil government 250032 05 administration of justice 141055 07 lduoation 870245701 public institutions 700507 12 immigration 7200 47 agrionlturo 10204110 colonizitioiikoadb 102710 surveys- 120830 80 statutes consolidated 5108 3f central prison 20887 44 normal school 22801 00 wantedsbvkual faithful mbn oh worn on to travel for rosponalbl estab lished bousold ontario salary 780 pajablu 15 woeklv aud expenses f osltlou parmenedt jtoforenee isnolom sol fadd rousted stamped envolopsr ftbu national star buivfllna chicago hybde who also referred to tho fact tbut praotioal okens of their lovo had boon left at the roanao in the shape of a euito of beautiful parlor furniture and a handsome marbebzed clock mtb decorated dial mr macpheraon feelingly replied on be half of himself aud mrs maopherson we appreciate most sincerely the bind expressions of welcome so cordially spoken ho said aud feel that words from us are too empty to properly express our thanks for all that bus been done to assure ua of your kind regard b aud to make us feel at home we truht the months aud jeare of tbe future will givo us opportunity to pfovo worthy of the grand work ou have done in our bet ak mrs macpheraon has coma tonight as a btraugar to tho congiegation but yu havo mado tho way very pleasant for her and i only hope thut she may realize as great peosure among you qb i have during tho months of my sojourn hero i know you will not expect un reasonable thmgbfromhcr remember sho hab married me and not tho congrega tion of knox church her first duty is at tbo manse then whenever her servloeb arc required in tiinoof troublo and borrow or in work for tho master you will always final her ready to assist my eftorta and unito with you in yourb i would have jou to qndestand that tbaro will alwaja ho a welcome for overy mombor of tho congre gation at our homo all will bo our friends and there will bo no fuvontos tbe programme of tho evening wub then proceeded with as follows 1 antbcin praiflo him choir 2 reading tho soul of tho a lolin miss mccallum u duott life s beacon muesrs mnnn and gibbons 4 itoadlug tbo doha tin k society miss mccallum c duett tho angel a btory mrs mc koa and m pattorson 0 anthom traiso tun lord choir 7 lloadlng- ou the other train miss mccallum 8 duott buiidhihltor ctoruity llbbars manuand gibbons o noodlng how bandy oot life hair clipped mibh mccallum 10 anthom almighty rather hoar thy children tho cuoir mebb mccallumsreadrtiga were thorough ly enjoyed and all her numbers wore received with manifest appreciation sho an elocutionist of no ordinary ability hor manner ib pleasant and natural an attractive feature alwajb in public enter- tain or the qhoir of the church performed their part daring tho anniversary services with more than usual excellence notwithstand ing that a number of the inomberb wefo absent through illneeb pretty floral decorations added beauty to tbe platform aud surroundings a pleasing conclusion to the proceedings was tbo reception hold by hiv aud mrs macpheraon when many of tho congrega tion and residents in town wore presented ftiuuda at toronto aud milton llrv w g ohacltou the iravelhug ovuutolibt fur the disaipleb ib at present holding uorvicoa at oweu sjuud dr sdotf of southampton speut a day or two iu town lust week a guest at the home of mr arch mcnabb bev h a mucpherson went to mt forest on fnduy to attend the funeral of hid ooubin the lute altx maopherson rov u a maophuniou preached in the jcuet presbyterian church toronto un sunday mrs macpheraon accompanied him to tho cuj mrs john owen and her little son alhe of calgary n w t epenta week renewing acqaaintancos in the old homo here they went to guelph on tuesday mr jumea warren ot wulkerlon passed through town oji saturday morning re turning from aueudiimbjcourae of lectures on ihe hxumiuutionof soil and rook for mining purposed tivtn in the school of scieuco toronto tbo palinerstoo spectator bays at tbe meeting of tbo official board of tbe meth od id t chutoh last wednesday the following resolution was uuatiimoubly oarried moved by a moyer sccoudtd by g fulh- that this board dtsireu to repeat tbe invttution given to our esteemed paetor rev t a moore at our last quarterly meeting to remain with ua as our minister another year as wo feel that tho church here id prospering greatly both spiritually and financially tbe oburoh being iu a bolter condition now than it ovor has been prices iwtoj limes suit ihc hard before stock taking we are going to make an effort to clear joo window shades will prices do it cloth shades 30 35c cloth shades lace 155c wall paper at half price chas l nellesr city bookstore cuelph if you you tcyrn your thinker back one two and three years you will recall our yerysuccessful datrtaged linen sales rv 1 xr rrpxja c0 wil hold anothe of rfamaged lmcns commencing thujis- pay fe3buary 18th it will be no exception to the past as far as success is concerned can you recall any sale we haveadvertised in fhe past that wasnt a success why are- they always a success because we ahyays do what we say ths damaged fcinen sale will consist of linen towels- towelling by the yard damask tabling bleached damask tabling unbleached damask table cloths napkins c you will have no difficulty in locating the damage as in every case it will be indicat ed by a red string in many cases the goods are very little damaged the mperfection in many cases consisting of a flawjnthe weaving a small pinhole or being slightly soiled- all women have a weakness for dainty linens and it is a very pardohable one what looks prettier than a table handsomely decorated with snowy linen towelling chla1 very chlap 10 pieces uussn crash towelling only 5 and 6jc per yard 5 iiieeeybacnaleycjash towelling only5 2 pieces dark towelling only 5c z pieces glass towelling only 5c 3 pieces exchange crash towelling only 74c worth roc 3 pieces domestic crash towelling only 8c worth ioc 3 pieces tine 1 ea lowelllng zrinches wide only 8ac worth izjc 3 pieces 1 ine tea towelling 26 inches w ide only ioc worth 15c zplecesllnelitrclrtnttellln2itnclres wide njc worth 15c linen jo wels 7doz all linen hucl towels size 18 by 36 only roc worth t5c 10 doz ill linen huck louels sul ly by 38 only i2jc worth r7q 8 doz all linen huck lowels size 22by 41 only 15c worth 20c cotttln to wels 15 doz hrge size s6tton towels 21 by 4 j 12jc each worth 15c at the same time we will show t number of hath towels just aschtip as the iboxe bronchial syr up ftxtraerdiriary selling assault with a pitchfork st thomas feb 21 john mclean a dunwich farmer wasohargqd bymr susan graham this morning beforo mr j mccaubland j f with assaulting her with a pit oh fork mclean works mrs grahams farm in danwioh on shares and thoy quarreled about the management mrs grahams head was bandaged up and she showed marks of rough treatment mclean was committed for trial and gavo bail of 9500 r miss bice of gleuwilliamn was iho guest of aoton friends thisvoelt mrs f j travors of toronto wa a guest last week at tho homo of mr kd ward nioblin r o g langford attended the exeo tive meeting of tho baptist associulioi at gnelph on monday mrjiobert fjicklin olbrundouhaanqw a good position as travelling passenger agent for tho g p b bev mr bosworth superintendent of grand ligne mission quebeo preached in the baptibt oburoh ou sunday mr s p balls of goderich was a gueat at the methodist parsonage iubi week be was en route to toronto to attend tho grand lodge a o u w an illicit still was seized on wm mo ll roys farm m golllngwood township inst week mollroy was fined ftl0fand costs for tho offence a teagrowing paradi3e of infusion la detielont sold in loan paokets only mc 40a coo wo all arooers 50c 50c 8c oc 7c iqc 15c on friday morning we commence a battle of prices whi m a war of extermin ation to some entchsiderable piles of goods come and help us out with them and reap thcbencfitjocourheljiereare just a few indications dress aoods 9 pieccb main mottled and plaid 44 in only 2 9 pieces all wool 44 in colored htrge regular 50c for 25c 12 pieces allwool and silk mixed costume material regular 90c goods for 3 pieces special black henrietta beautiful cloth regular 75c goods for staples beautiful bleached cotton 34 in wide very hcivy regular ioc cot ton for c trail 36 in ery fine beached cot ton regular 124c tor g in wide soft finished cambric as nice as lonsdale regular 15c for t 7 pieces heavy striped twlled flan nclctlc regular 10c lor 5 pieces crtam pink cora sky and royal blue twill flannelette reg ular 15c for v 5 pieces grey and fancy ango a blurting regular 15c for h pieces bleached and unbleached plain and twilled sheetings regu lnr25c goods for 5 quilted comforts regular 4 50 goods for 75 only a few moro of those wonderful white crochet guilts worth 1 75 for r v iq 5 pieces 56 in curtain net rcguhr 30c for linen sale 229 bleached lable cloths slightly damaged from one and a half to six yards long at exactly one half the import price 53 dozen linen tow els various sizes at one third less than import prices 5 pieces bleached tabe damask 08 inches wide regular 75c goods for 10 pieces roller toweling bleached and urown linens regular ioc goods for jo in wide butchers linen regular 3s for r white undeftwbar rrr la should see the extra- ordinary values offered during our white underwear sale the goods for which are on display now tanottooods- ladies guantlct kid gloves regular 1 50 for 20 dozen fancy windsor scarfs rcg ular 25c for ioc 30 gross beautiful french violets per du only 5c 1 case french koaes and buds beau tiful shades regular 25c per bunch 20 tea cosies regular 85c lor 50c 10 doz gents neck scirfs regular 45c for 25c misses knitted hoods regular 75c for 50c we draw special attention to ou celebrated makes of corsets which include p d in trench the p n in american nnd all the best makes of canadian con cts rhe prices quoled last week for fur capes collars gauntlets and caps will continue during this silu the attractions are great an excellent remedy for the various affections of the throat and lungs such as coughs colds croup in fluenza hoarseness sore throat eawness tickling bronchial inflaininationancl ull pulmonary troubles for sale by a t browilpiinu mill street acton one hundred and seventytwo fine damask table cloths bleached we will show at this sale one hundred and seventytwo silver bleached damask table cloths in sizes from i to 3 yards long lovely goods in price from 95c to 7 every cloth is worth fully half as much more thanjve ask for them many of them are only slightly damaged in every case there will de a red string opposite the damaged part 50 dozen 50 dozen napkinsslightly damagedwe will show about 5 dozen bleached linen napkins just lovely goods what a pity they are damaged but they are so we will have to make the best of it they are yours at a little over half price bideboard scarfs quite a bit below our regular price bleached damask tabling 5 pieces in all 53 ds 68 in did table linen at 60c worth 81 6nds in all 11 yards 54 and 56 in bid table linen at 29c worth 45c 1050c yd 5 ends in all 26 yd3 60 in bid table linen at 39c worth goc h ends 29 yds co and 64 in hid table linen at 50c worth 85c 3 ends 12 yds 72 in bid tabe linen at 75c worth 81 25 7 ends 108 yds 72 in bid tabe linen at 85c worth 81 35 1 end 423 yds 72 in bid table linen at 72c worth 3i 15 i end 42j yds 72 i bid tnble linen a 95c worth st 50 1 end linen sheeting 3j jds 9 in at 53c worth 80c 1 end linen sheeting 2oj ds 80 in at 55c worth 85c 1 end linen sheeting 9 yds 90 in at 58c worth 90c 1 end linen sheeting rwilhj 5 yds go in 75c worth 81 25 2 ends linen sheeting twilled 5 yds 90 in 75c worth 81 2 i end linen sheeting phm 17 yds 90 in at 75c worth 81 25 1 end linen sheeting plain 18 ds 90 in at 83c worth 3l 40 table damasks unbleached 2 pieces 60 in table damask unbleached only 25c worth 33c i piece 60 in table dimask llnblelched only 30c worth 40c 1 piece 60 in table damask unb etched on 37dc worth 45c good yiotiln pta yepis- 40c 25c 75c rboll ertd6co qb ndu7 wyndluuagtwt quelph ont call on or write to us and get a good strfng for their violin we handle the very best strings savage co everythingwill be in rendiness early thursday morning feb 18th our values all we represent them to be come in good time you will find guelph g b rymn co owen sound regina geiits waterproof oyershoes maple iteaf brand for srroo jewellers glasgow house acton note a few of the attractions of our clearing sale- this week in boots and shoes childs and misses overshoes womens dong buttoned i womens kid buttoned i mens buff lace i mens buff gaiters i womens felt lined lace 50 per pair reg 00 per pair reg 25 per pair reg 25 per pair reg 25 per pair reg 95 per pair reg i io i 50 i 60 i 50- i 50 i 25 georgetowns fcrvest store gibson millar go stock taklog now ovor nd wo and wo still liavo a fow lines ot fall nod wlutor goods which wo havo to dispose of in tbe next few davs 0011 nutlnff of dress goods lad lot and children underwear orey platnielt gloves hoilory otentocktan eto no reasonable offer re fined ai wo wleh to olear theie goods im media t vi ftl odd numbers in mens unilerwoar to g b at j at once a number ol mens fine fur uapst eto to bo sold at i price now is your time to eouro a good cap obeap fine hlgb cisss tailor lug it is an aokobw- lodged faot that wo do tbo loading largest and best trado in tbo vicinity from the fact of the immense trado wo bavo done oentloraon you oan slways bo suited in thin department with us so ou oan coma with tho utmost conddonco in gdttlnn satisfaction everything guaranteed nd tl olargest and boat asaortod stock to soioot from gonts furnishings now assortment just arrlrod in all tbe best and latest styles of nock wear collars cuffs hosjory q lovos etc hats hats that aro bats the nowestand latest in english and amorlcao styles will bo ononod outbalurday ci on ring sale of ready towear clothing ilovi and men s overcoats at ft price as we dont wish to carry any over we thank our many frlonds and tbo ptjbllb in genera for their liberal patronage extendod to tnrtnrthotmat year and wo still hope tortalu tnlr confidence hy doing as wo advertise gibson millar co roe block georgetown rroduco talou iu oxobaiigo jfvjfday 10 gents pais for your name ont 19 hoautlful hidden namu cahdtf lovely pictures or so handsstne calling cards cash with ordor hump taken address canada cakd housu ingorrolt out in dry goods ladies fur muffs coney seal astrachan etc at 150175 200 and 225 reg 300 to 500 overcoats at reduction of 25 to 50 3 spools for ioc prints sheetings tickings etc at clearingprices hend6rson co linen and white coods sale the more than thirtyfive years of fair dealing has created confidence in this store that has made its btatements reliable we woiild have it emphatically stated and clearly understood that no d o sensational methods are tolerated here to deceive the public our statements ot value are real and not sham saturday we opened a large shipment of linens from belfast these goods are perfect made by one of the best irish manufacturers and bought on the same terms as the leading wholesale merchants buy them 56 in pare linen damask tabling worth 25c for 50 in pure damnsk table linen worth 30c lor 60 in pure linen damask tabling worth 45c for 60 in pure linen table damask worth 60c for go in grcam linen damask worth 65c for 62 in white linen datpask worth 75c fofr 08 in white linen damask worth 91 25 for table napkins ijc 25c 35- i7dc- joe 60c 90c pu9uncn 75c 8j oo jj do ja0svj2 ti 00 cnmpaiv tl 25 nipkins with ji 50 damaged napkins sold by olheri 8peolal values in towels and towellings pure linen towels from 18c per pair up pure linen towelling from 5c up white crochet quilts from 75c up our special no 49 white cotton at gc is equal to any ioc cotton we know of j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell strets quelph

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