Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1897, p. 4

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1uuksia ii niujyky iuhi ati aung jfalhs a hi till ciliistfki at juovx i acli i i whtii tlio rli w ol tlio htirirot fades in ti ut rn hltj ii t thimnomub tli d of i luylnj o vruo t jlfhtlj i hit la i froniuij liiiilian 1 aa h hits lu cany ihali nduntcli fiom tl o oilii doorway tliulr ficim fiunh und fair mono in tlio dear ol 1 hoiicbtci d hi it onoo wan full of hfo ltliibliif with rirllhli lauitbtgr echoing bojlib ntrlfy c two aio aitlii torotliur and oft us tho nlm iowh co mu with trumulousxoico ho mllo mo it is ukut itru tlio chlldrou homo in loo l uufiar ulm foully tjioy ro he i 10 loiij ho and iwdifhii fjmtifvuriuh tiublo ufiqiihho natl in i low 1 ill tho old man dioj h tonluiiiborvuh hb ho ad u on his liauc aiiu till to mybolf tho uumbervlnmo in tho bottiir land heine mlioro lto or a borrow blmll dj w tliolr ojcfl ith tlnrp wlipin tho buiiio of god in on thcni through 11 tlltj summer j oarb kiiowiot niv arnjb are opipty that fondly fol lod sovon and tlio moth or heart within mo ia aim oat btnrvud for lioavou abioath and tho vision ia lifted away on tho v jugs of tho light and again wo two aro togothor all alono ia tho night tuoy toll mo liia njlud 1b failing hut i dmilo at idla foars ho is only hack with tlio ohildron in tho dour and peaceful jcojb and still aa tho buuimor uunaot fades away in tho wost and tho wlo odob tired of iilaidg go troopiug homo to rest my husband calls fiom liis corner say lovo havo tho children coino and i a nan or with cjcb uplifted u dear tlioy ro all at homo mincunnb sanasteit the double meaning a methodist preaoher who proiobtod against people going to sleep during the sermon would if ho proceived any ten denoy m that direction lqtrbduoe some queer or startling statement to revive their flagridr attention this happened on one occasion when he jffas preaching a mibbionary sermon and he thundered out brethorn you have no idea of tho saf ferings of oar missionaries in central america on account of tho enormous mosquitoes a groat many of them wonld weigh a pound and tbeywill get on the logs and bark as the missionaries are paabtngl by this timo all cars and eyea were wido open and bo proceeded to finish bis sermon the next day he na called upon by one of his hearora to account for hir extraordin ary statements but i didnt say ono mosquito would wqilh a pound ho protetited i batd a a great many of them would and i think porhbps a million of them might do bo 1 but you said they bark at the mission arloa 1 persisted his interlocutor no no brother i said they wonld get on tho logs and on tbo bark you rois- qoderstood me just for fun iho ministers jittlu girl mil litr pity mu to liver o ttdlmigjjjjflwjr sorluin thium dovbu knaw what a backslider is v thu questioned vm its a ntrhoii that used to ho u chmtiun attfl un t huki tin play mate promptly but what do jou bjiouu makes them oitll them baolihlidura 1 o that sons oiihto when people- urt oo 1 thoy go to diurch un 1 bit tip tn tho front when they fiat lirtd of buug oo 1 tqty hlip buok a nuit jilh tlii 0oy clear buck to tho door af tor uwhilo thoy elip cloir out and never como to chunji at all i an old jady wont on board ntlson s ilaj ship the victory iho difforont objoots of interest wore duly shown to her aud on veaclnhg tho spot whoro iho freat naval hero wqb woundod which is murkod by a raised brasb plate the ollicer remarked to hor horo nolson fell and no won der 1 exclaimed tho old laty i nearly fell there mjbelfl 1 here i exolaimed tlio enthusjubtic admirer of music lliat tenor just reached high 0 wo ii that tun t anything t all t remarked tho motherly lutly who waspviderrtly his ijueat ju9t jou wait till the fpotbul season opens and you get ao banco tp heap my boy josiar givo hia oollege yoll a mammii said wilho leaning toward ua mother and speaking in a loud wluapor tho preacher said ahttlo while ago one word raoru and i havo done and ho s talked 663 words ainoo ho said it 1 ve been counting em on him 1 chlcafo tribune premature and late dev opment l value ofevidencein turkey a few jears ago an cnglish traveller in tarkoy reported a case of bleating as it was tried in tbe courts of that country the armenian newspapers of that time commenting upon ihe oae said that it proved that tho testimony of a oalf was worth more than that of two cbriatianb a turk oovotting a cow belonging to a christian succeeded in stealing il the owner complained of the tbeft to the near- pat judge bringing a friend to corroborate his story and ho demanded tbe restoration of hia property the judge declined to believe either the injured man or his friend on this the injured man said 1 i havo tho calf of this oow at a place very near the court and if your honor will have the cow brought to the calf and will ob serve the two together he will immediate ly perceive by their affeotion for each other that the cow mast be the mother of the calf and this will prove that she belongs to me accordingly the judge ordered tho cow to lie brought to the oalf and went himself to bee the two no sooner had the oalf sot qcs on the cow than it claimed her as mother the judge was convinced and ordered the cow to be given up to the christian chattorton wrote all his beautiful lhinh exhausted all hopes of life and eawnoth ing better tban death at tbe age of euh teen burns and byron died in their j7th year and dotibtlesn the btrenth of their gen u1 b was over kaffttello after filling tbo world with di vine bean ty perished at thirty bovon mozart earlier the bo might have produoed bttll greater works on tbe other hand handel was fortyeight before ho fave tbe world assurance of a man drvden came up to londpu from thp provinces drebsed in norwich drugget somewhat above tho ae of thirty and did fiot even then know jhut he could write a single lino tit poo try yet what towering igor and swinging ease appeared all at pncsin glorioub john milton h i deed wnuon comiu at twenty eight r but he was upwards of fifty when ho bogao his groat work cowper knewjjothls own might till bo was far beyond thirty and hie tabk wae not written until about his fiftieth year sir walter scott was also upwards of thirty before he published his minstrelsy and all hie greatness wiis yot to come the editors table tis joyous news paines celery compound cures aie always per- manent ihehapfycuftes that the afflicted desire a report from mr douglas nixon of beamsville ont a reat numbir of mm and womtn ured months an 1 vunrs iio b funic h colerj compouu 1 luvi taken tlio troul lu toimauru tho propru 1 r f tli it f imoiia inediaino tlutt tluir mroti iltl p i n inont 111 lb uobla mid bright record of porm- nent curb shown only by puino e qolory compound is worthy of special notion aa it is tho grandest record of tho kind in the world it should also co noted ttfafc all tlio permanently cured hpoplo are residents of our own canada theroaro aomo mcdicinob tjiat partially relievo p5i and apffotrng- that asetat in building up vain hopes of a new life but after n fuw daje oi weeks tho terrible agonies come bick ngatn t moco ularmiug foriust and hopa apd faith are lost foroyer fhis never huppnnu when patuo s cilery compound is used as a bat nab or of disease the iirat bottle ostsblisheh a joyous feeling of aecurit and boon a p euro m ofteoted winch id iilimattnt and lasting ilr nixon bays 1o d iy i think more of paine d celery cumpouud thau ever bo fore since i was cured over two years ajo i havo ntvei h id a ha 1 day or loit a day b work never 1 ivia hud u return of tho rheumatism from vh ch i once suffer a3boterribly through my influenco many have used paino d celery compound and have been ourod i wnh to aflirm onco more that it was pnnoh celerv compound that took tho rhmm itiam from my ayslorn i strongly rclummem it to all rheumatic and sick pio an advertisement ptillb in evory diroc tion gie holloway s corn cure a trial it removed ten corna from one pair of feet without unypain what it has done once it will do again the methodnt book room toronto has just issued a now volume which is destined to have a very wide circulation three boya in tho wild north land by egorton b young mr yarjr btones of the north west have tho double merit of being moat interestingly written and crowded with valuable information tbo result of persona observation apd experience the author spent many years aa a pioneer missionary during tho earlier days of our canadian north weal when tho country abounded in indians and bucfalos and had yery few and sparsely bottlod wbite oiti zoos many exiting incidents and amas ing anecdotes of pioneer life are rehearsed and from beqinmng to end the volume is crowded with just such matter as will excite koeneat interest on tbe part of tho boys and girls of the present day and at the same tlmo impart information all should know tbe book is beautifully printed baa 8x1 pages and ia embellished with twenty eight excellent illustrations by canadian arlidts over a hundred thousand copies of mr young a previoub books by canoe and dog train and in iudian wig warn a and around northern campfires have been aold knowledgeshall increase what tho future has in store in what way old laws will be newly applied and new laws discovered it migbtbo difficult to deter nine bnt that wo aro on the threshold of a chamber of woudera and miracles is boyond a doubt we can look on the canvas and see a wholereirnent go through jts drill or the toreador and bull in deadly conflict wo can hear padorewskt at tho tho piano and with a microphone wo can libton to the patter of tho flys feet on the window pane and tho telephone reproduces tho voice of a speaker who ie a thousand miles away tbeae however are only btepping stones to higher things and though they aro marvels there are still greator things to come which will make such aehtevementa- rmall and insignificant mr tesla tells as that it may bo posbible tp sea the face aa well aato hear the voice of the speaker who is a thousand miles away when tho roentgen ray becomes tamed and diecip lined it will aid the physioian in many ways it is a bit refaotory just now bat by and by some one will cajole it into pro fit able servitude ajid then will follow a multitude of remedial agencies which aro at preasnt in dreamland only now york herald the february number of tho delineator is called the midwinter number aud ita artistic plates embody tho latest ideas in winter dreaa modes fabrics and millin ery one of tho moat valuable articles which has ever appoured in this bterhng magazine introduces a writer new to its pagep nora archibanld smith a sister of kate douglas wignin wboao paper on the study of children should be read by every ouo who accepts responsibility for their proper development dr graco peokbara murray continues the talks on health aud beauty ao auspiciously begun in tbo january number the departments of fanoy work tloral work book ro tiewjtrjtea table chat seasonable cook ery knitting tatting crocheting etc are of acoustomed excellence addreas n fowlers 190 ext of has a record 40 yearsof success it is a sure gufie for uiarrhcea dysentery colio cramps cholera infantum bummer complaints ik 5ktdrrv op affulla scotts li nulsion is cod- livei oil picparcd as a food at the same tilxje it lb a blood iruku a ntrve tonic and an upbuildcr but principally it lb a food for tncd and weak digestions for thost who aie not getting the fat they should from then ordinary food foi chil- dien whom nothing seems to nourish for all who are fatstarved and thin it is pleasant to take at least it is not unpleasant children like it and ask for moie o i c t urrims 1 ave ju t an k vtln t isn t t nd all olhernryw equal good enoustrftryou-to- buy ah old tlh anlinullj laiihor by aoqulfod tiiint- or hecotty uiobo old fopa borofula amf consumption mubt bo faeod gereratton aflor 6lietatln you may moot tbom wttlilho odda in your avor by tho holl o scottb lamulbion ab all roads load to roroff ro dql ad advertisements lead to thoadvcrtibcrb place of bubinesfl jrelief for jbiztig troubles mm emulsion inconbvmptiozv nnd nil hnc disease9 pitting of uiood covoii loshof appftite jdedu1t1 flin blnrfli of tuu a article uroi tt ninbircalt nyllixildofniw d 41 pm lilil ilittroirot ridorulmktiutcoukh wtit h i d tro 1 lod mo for ovrr ycnrnnd bavn u mod jorably in rtll lilted til vn m niowrll acud tiu a can o nro i it lo t kq it t ilwisrtfvh ck iottrefll m 00c ami st rcr o mile davis uwrehce co ltj mori heal i o o goooi positive proof m i hsu i j mu in un co lorouto out cll ml 1 mjn scilho tfto wit 1 b ii j i ob tained t 1 ox if your iliurt mil nurvo iiiih from out jiopnliii drmgiu mr i scuilu of duud ibhind i fan now un hesitatingly lliitttbo imvo bttn very bciieiloiai to me in rtlilviiif an ubatinattl and old btuiiuif tonplunt ulttctui mv heart und net von i wiu trnublltl with tho well luiown hymptmiin of hourt und nero trouble uuoh ns ate ksiitth dii ncas palpitation nouralm und other aitifl for euoh a long tuno that i hud really given up hope of a cure now out of gratitudo to this romedy and bo otlrjora may learn of its virtues i fio my unsolicilcd toati mony there u no euro so jood fur heart and nerve troitblth aa milburn h hrart and nerve fill una ia my liuutat opnrioii my wifo isuluo using thib rtnicdy willi groat bucccbs for flultorin of tbo heart signed j i itobineou duudutt out l ixa iivtr pilll ouro contination biliousneah and eiok headacbo 2oa castoria tor infants uj cbufctuvt tlofto ildllo ifoturs tf is os vrttf vruppir tho larger ths oliequo tho advertiser draws tho larger tho trade the advertise ment draws bickle a anti ciusumptive sjrup stands at the head of he hat for all diaeaaea of the throat and lungs it aots rnagio in breaking up a cold a cough te soon subdued tightness of tho obebt is soon re heved even the worst case of contmmp tion is reliovjd while in recent oaaos it may hajiaiiijiqyraoimi u lajmediqincprq pared from thofictive principles or virtues of bevcral medicinal herbs and oan bo dc p upou for all pulmonary complaints truth in a nuteliul impnre blood is the natural result of close confinement in house school room or shop blood is purified by hood a sarsapanlla and all tbo disagreeable robults of impure blood disappear with the use of tins modi otne ifyou wiah to feel well keep your blood pure with hoods sarsapanlla hood s fills are tbo best family cathar tio and liver medioino gentle reliable sure qivo until ou feel it and you will frel more like living than you did before what do it on think of 1 his 7 mrs james mcarthur 116 robert street toronto states that the aotion of wright b liver and stomuoh pills is mar volloufl had been troubled with bilious and biok headaoho for years one box taken according to directions removed tho cause of all tho trouble and reatored mo to health ask a t brown chemist and druggist about them fot a aircular stop that hphttmg headache you can do bo by taking don t headacho powders 25c a box communications to tbe delineator publish ing co of toronto ltd 33 richmond st west toronto ont or tbo local agont for the butterick patterns subscription price ol the dehneawr 8100 per jear or 15o per bingle copy 40 gems 20 cents- dr aokews liver pills cure all troubles the world is full of blind sam bona who npeud their time grinding in a mill tagged out none but thoso who have been fagged out know what a depressed miserable fcoling it is all strength gone and despondency 1ms taken hold of tho bufferer they feci as though there is nothing to live for there however is a cure ono box of farmeleo a vegetable pills will do wonderb in restoring health and strength maxjake and dandelion are two of tho articles entering into the compobition of farmeleo s pillq thiq world is a kindergarten in whish god a little ones learn to spoil out tho meaning of hfo tor nine years mr samuel bryan thodford writes for nine joara i suf fered with ulcerated sores on my leg i expended over 8100 to physicians and tried every preparation i heard or saw recommended for that disease but could get no relief i was at last recommended to give dr thomas eolootno oil a trial which haa resulted after using eight bot uea using it externally and internally in a complete cure 1 behove it ia the best medicine in tho world and 1 write this to let otherb know what it has done for rfc an advertisement ib an inohued railway down which the trade ah den without push mg and lands ur the advertiser f boboro aa it were- rover and agne and bilious derange ments aro positively ourod by the ubo of parmelee s fills tbey not only cleanse tbe stomach and bowola from all biliona matter but thoy open the excretory vessel aausing them to pour copious effusions of blood into tbe bowels after which the corrupted mab3 ib thrown out by tbe pas sage of the body tboy aro uaod as a gen eral family medicine with boat results aveeefoblcprcparationforas slmiiatlng ttetoodandreguta- llrg he s tamaxks andbawels of a iiiidhin pcomotesdigestioncheeirul- tiess and best contains neither opiummorpaine nor mineral jaqw oroidursmvapntbot jyfna seal apcrfccutemedy forconsiipt hon sour stotnachdjarrlweai worms convulsions feverishr ngss ondlossqfst tacsinuic sign of see thav the facstmfle signature of is ott othe wrapper 7 eveet- sotttitti oif txtpv copt ot wrapppu r outoria if put tip in ootli6 bottii only it lb lot mid la bat4 dont nllinr ufono to nil ton anything sutfon the plea or promlw that it jli jtut m bond and will aniwoi tory par- posasto that yon et oast0 ei a itsuiu- iin fttf tt mpw ptmixt stbenqth and pinrobm btatob xff bvkby paokaob ceylo tbe fanlt fluder would growl about tbo weather if it was raining money fvery familv should know thft pyny- pectoral positively cures coughs and colds lu a bitrprl singly short time it s a ftel cinlficctriainty utulnndiruo soothing end healing in its effects w c m cohii rsom jloi cl cite quo report in hi iter m nil 3 y i tnral nlhn t aarcm r i lit lrmr lirnnchtsl t txo i iii a q lclumbor of imtl ata din vuid m m arising from torpor of the liver easy and quokbanlsh slok head ache purify the blood and eradloate all impurities from the system tho demand ia big the pilla aro little easy to take pleasant results no pain 10 ip a viat and 20 oonts at all druggists cheerful people ono is alwoys refreshed by the presence pt cheorltii people the thought ooght to teach ua a salutary leason to be always cheerful ournolves the cheery person who haa unpleasant bmilo for all a genial word for every acquaintance a happy ex- preasion for the world is tho person whose companionship ia sought wiiobo presence is indispensable at a party or dinner and whobe absence it always noted honesty ia the heat advertisement when a merchant drops bis advertising something ib going to break advertising is tbo lecamotho that butts tho bull of dullness eff the bridge tfientih nothing like telling good newt for imparting a pleasant tone to the voice praying without ceasing fa to religion what advertising without ceasing is to business there are nono that fall so nnpitled aa those that have raised themselves upon the spoils of ihe public if yon want first class gnelph sash and doors at guelph price t cbbaor on fill yonr order al hi planing mill sy to take asy to operate anfeknrea peoullar to foods flltir email is efllclent thorough- aaono mas pamkiller pwujt davjs a 8trro and safo itrmedv in every ease and every kind of uowel complaint is painkiller dislsatruofitaterilentnsd it cant bo made oo strong or too emphatic it is a slmplo oalo and quick cum for crampfi cotifrh- ithotimattbtn oollo colds ncurai dalmxhcoa croup toothaeliot twosizgs23c and b j ii tiittv cl cmiot i yunj0 si toronto writes n n nlu il m i lunifr p liny u it 1 vul 1 1 i riu niilnn h n t tuir ri n to all wlo i vj k 1m irn totnaottl o i in uu i i irfemllln lory ite brl irplmuntta till nfiicrntt nlorfill r commend it m u tafo w tl t attle s3 tl wrencf co 1 rorriptora titrpai is a very ramaikablo lemedy both f r 1 thzttfali and extbrnaij unc aril t dortullnlta qulclcaction to relieve sua painkiller ffvr r n ljn ir l1 coiiii lull u litil fily k na pie painkiller mffkw specially selected black or mixed half pound and one pound packets at all grocers 25 30 40 50 and6o cents a pound the davidson hay ltd wholesale agents t6ronto i what are you wearing on your feet this weather there is style in footwear as there is in hats each year the granby rubbers and overshoes are modelled to fit all the fashionable shapes g of boots they are thin o as to prevent clumsy appearance and s feeling and to male them so necessitates the use of the finest quality of 2 rubber while granby rubbers and overshoes are up to date in g style tit and finish they retain their old enduring quality iqranby rubbers wear like iron tho writ t tod n painkiller bleehanlr farmer pluuler hullor frtll dor ntl it nicillclno i it t indbafkt i nit lutcrunliyor extcritullj ruinty of relief brtior inllntloni t k nono but u l tluulv davib bolil o ery i b g ijuti tory to a 11 menthol ui plaster ihatprmctlbriiuanttnlp1amaritnntnber l5 rl uootlo pain sdd trrt md hotflioironl lioiton 1 1 nra 1 ted uontl 1 i nitcra in ietrml caaea icfmuc urrbanmitun ana 111 i in every iim it tltfriyaejtioitli mni i nlprrnu nentrouat j huo bklin unl nut n ho it curca solntlcii altinilmfro ncn- rnlfflrt pa i an lu biilic or side or any muscular pnlim any j price i dnvlft jawrenco co tu1 5o solo i roi nctors montreal 3cgie nelsons annual spring suit sale yonnetrknowi nave taken a pill uu it fa ah oter0oo c i hood co proprietors towell man tne only pliu to takn wlui jhoodg smaparllls thore is no politics in an udvcrtiscmeut there never was and never will be a universal panacea in ouo remedy for all ills to which ilesli is heir tho vary nature of many curative loing such that were tho germs of other and differently seated diseases rcotcd in the system of the patient what would rehovo one ill in turn wonld aggravate the other we have however in quintno wido when obtained in a sound unadulterated- etato a remedy for many and griovoub ills by ita gradual judioioub a se tbe frailest bslcms are led into con yalescnnroiinlfltreut influence commences thursday morning iwyllth at 10 oclock we will place before you a magnificent range of choice new spring suitings including english scotch and canadian tweeds worsteds and plue and blacklbere uegular prico for these goods from 18 lo 22 50 per suit i offer you the choice of any suit made to order perfeot and first class the right house cor king and hughson st3 hamilton railway time table grand trunk railway u01su uj hi u0iko i ah1 ynil t i in i i xprt bb q l i m i xi rtnh rj it ixirru 10 17 n in mil 0 n mull tl it j m i mixul 10 lu m 1i1m ol clomnj ma1i h oil h lbt n 1 j ii in und 0 10 l tn going lubt 10 lo ii in und 6 4 j p m tmn timo tixbla wont into direct on monday nov joth 1hj6 boots 4b shoes heres a fact lwilliambjiailhijarseiumnlmoiavadli stock of shots in lown htcsh grade carpet clearance a i or ilns month only c hue decided 10 make a great cleannce of surplus stock oy cvrpets nnd for thia purpose imc made deep cuts in prices note ihe following list for 1600 9 must accompany tbo ordor tho balance wlion suit is oallcd for any timo up to and inoludinr 22nd may no suit will bo dohvorcd unloab paid for got your spring suit at this salo nnd aavo t for yourself wo co oxaotly at wo advortiso jale olosos at 9 80 saturday ovening f f 27 ineces best quality royal wilton jegular 8185 now 1 25 mnde and laid 67 piecea best 5frattio brus sels regular si 35 now 1 10 made and laid 82 pieces good quality brus sels rogular 1 15 now 90c made nnd laid 25 pieces best quality tapestry regulur 90c now 75c mnde nnd laid 43 pieces heavy make tapcstiy regular 65c now 50c made and laid scores of ends of allwool and union carpets length langing from 3 to 8 yards all clearing at one price remnants and odd patterns of floor cloth and linoleums at nenily half puce regular 25c for 15c regular 30c for 20c regulni 40c foi 25c bissolls worldienownod carpet swcepera rogulai 2 50 foi si 85 hearth rugs largo size chamois goat regular 6 50 for 5 velvet regular 2 50 foi fl75 jkyber regular 3 50 tor 2 50 goorkn reg ular 8550 for 4 50 highclass curtains cream nnd white irish point lace nnd tamboured curtains irish point regular s 8 oo for 8 5 00 900- 700 10 00 12 00 1175 11 5o for 1100 for 13 50 for 19 00 for 16 00 for tamboured regulnr 15 fio for 810 00 10 00 for 750 1150 for 8 50 7 00 for 5 60 blankets fine white and grey blnnkets standard sizes 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 lbs at a regu lar discount of 5c a lb off our legular closo prices goodp btored till required omas c watkins february 17th 1897 the right house we are always in great danger when we hold on to a little sin the tower of electricity jy tbie agency norvilice is made to pono trsts to the most remote norvo every bono mubole and ligament ia made to feel us bansflolal wcr nerviluie la a wonderfol remedy pleasant oven to the yonngeat child yet so wonderfully far reaching n its work that tbo most agonizing internal or external pain yields as if by magic a big man in a llttlo world is aa much out of place aa a little man in a big one which quiiuno txerta on nature a own restoratives it relieves tho drooping spirita of ihoflo with whom a chronic btate of morbid dcbpondoncu and laok of interest in hfo is a disease aud by tranquihzing the nerves dluposes o sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vior to tho action of tbo blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the vtinb strengthening the healthy an rail functions of tho system thereby making activity a noocbsary result strengthenmgjho frame and giving life to tho digoativo organs which naturally demand ineroased substance result im proved appetite northrop a liman of ttoronto havo givon to the pnblio their quinine wine at tho usual rate and gaaged by tbo opinion of scientists this wine approaches noarost perfection of any in the market ah druggists sell it r e nelson leading 1 ailor anl furnisher 99 wynclliam 51 guelph prospective housekeepers kellys music store headquartehs for- x7antbdbevbbata faithful men ok lulled bonis in ontarla hlr 700 payablo 15 weekly anil xniea l osltlonpormanont ileternnce bnolor oliulilromml rumnnil enelop tlio national htar ilullillnn ohlmso a oerionb qneatlon for proipootive houookooporb is tho roat original outlay dcoessary for the purobaie of appropriato rurnfture and futniahtugb wo can bo of bervloe to all saoh theyll be aorprisod to loarn upon how small an investment they can betfn with if their eolootion ib mado from our stock older house keepers oan find many articles thoy need this spring at very low lricos in onrwarerooro undertaking purest and beat no adulteration never calces our stock is com pie to an excellent assortment in all tho city ntyleh in trimmings and finish prices lower than over collins or onaketa delivered within fho miles of acton first olaes ikarso at rcabouable oharges j a speight co shop and show room cor willow nd agnes srroots pianos vlotin mandolins flutes drums organs duitars banjos accordeons etc etc heres an opinion fct williams doesnh belice he cm he undersold heres aprami3e tswilliinib will meu any honorable com petition t heres an admission cwilliims uantbyour trtdc cr much heres a statement lsvilhamb will proio it i s to dcil wj him heres an explanation tswilnms sies for qu in price and gaim in qmhty heres a grand idea ttry williams just once when you need shoes heres a memorandum 3willnms boots nnd shoes are found a his store on mill street acton williamlvilliams mill street acton main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of saab doors frames mouldlug in all stylos ma tchztta and moulding to ordor ou abort ootico well assorted stock on band at prlcos to salt tbo times john cameron proprietor acton steam -laundrt- a cook proprietor first oibbb work guaranteed in 1 family xa undr work shirts collars cutis etc work ailed for evsry monday and thursday and delivered every thursday and saturday a cook job printing including books fampblots fosters bill heads ciroulars a o ezeouto in tho best stylo of the art at modorato prlcos and an short notice apply or address h p moore fnstt prrsb ofllce acton imm r murray lanmans florida water the sweetest most fragrant mpst refreshing and enduring of all perfumes for the handkerchief toilet 0b bath all druggists perfumers and cenebal detlibs frhttttl tor twisitftbiivilis tdah9 the only store in the city where you can get the best quality of strings for all instruments pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner c 1tf kelly 95 upper wyndham street guelph- l 80ientifi0 american vilx months hpoalmsd oopim and iuhs ox patrwtsmntfreo address munn a co 301 drondwny new yrb

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