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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1897, p. 2

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jjoha hi h u 111 dm rhitowiroii wt lnohilij mrticli ir i to mr itn 1 mru john v uouauy asm ilal i c at milton en 1 rljay mnr h otli tliu uirt f tltu ltev hubert hud low 11 a of a s ioainiton winjiitsiiayrmftrcli jnl i h v 1 hhnriit nt tlnf real loutt of lliu 11 hinnntn mai it hill mr win a uitk n t mlua 1 llzuoakxa loth of i rainoaa bi 11 t i i i ii iiai i at tborubidonca of tlio bridu fill r on wndm h lay irtl march 1 y huv 1 rji 1 mi in i award lluthr of lrln to lliitoill uutitrof jomili ijall of oraml ill v iirr mtdt i mii lu gorii town on thursday 4th much iolin mouumltri aged 0t ycura ic i i im in i eiiiilbluh on tuob lay march 2 lrtm lor mcalilnu ayi 1 h joars 1 mouth in 1 lollljb xniiiuunh onrrmaj rtn march j w ii koli fvthurofmr c holly ftgod 711 l u til 10 ulotltllh f alii ttlt homo of hoi husband lot 1 con i rin on irlilny maiuh th catharine wlfo ufltoliit ultl ngol7jyorni iiai iun t onkvillo on thuriula fob iith vnnn lautiturol urn lato john f- orr wife of t 1 harria doutlat in hor 9ui year iiai lidav in trafalgar townabp on tbura dtij march at tlio roeidanco of mr jttmofl c uituloutmary ijrgwii roliolof top late adam llalllday ftftodbyuars j mouths mxz retort jfm frm thursday maucu 11 1897 notes and comments tbo houflo of iordb hftverofueed to take up tlio bill conferring tlio parliamentary fraii oh ifio ou woman until tle measure iibb been decided in tho houao of commons lord sandhurst has appointed a coram tt too of four couaiatirir 6t general gatarore commibtary suow surgeon major dim raook and muuioipal lngioeer james armed with the fullest power to institute moabures for the suppression of the bubonic plague cables have been published from mr charles russoll representing the catholio liberala ut home stating that the quebec bishops were ndvlaed iu february to cease their agitation against tho school settle ment and also atatmg that the popes private secretary mgr marydarval had been selcctod as delegate to canada in the course of his address tho new president said that it had been the policy of tho uuited states bince the foundation of tho government to cultivate relations of peace arid amitj with all tho nations of ho worm and that that accorded with bis conception of our duty now president mckinley has ibaaed his proclamation- for an extra session it will bo called to meet on march 15 during the executive session of tho u s senate on monday senator davis moved lo refer tho general treaty of arbitration between the umtod states and great britain which is now on table back to the committee on foreign halation together with the pending amendments this action was taken without opposition although there was someioimaterial discussion as to tho method of getting the convention there greece vs turkey the war cloud hae been heavy tho past week owlngr to oroecoo attitude kino george is defiant ror many months tug groat powora of luropo have wiinobed tho repeated atroci ties of tgrkey without interference dur tng tho pant week greulo unable loutor to permit tho wrong to whiolx lior subjtotu in croto were bcyig subjected took nation and king georgu in doiauco of tho throat enmtfb of tho roat power h in couotrj pro ceoded with his forced to croto to aid tho insurgents to oxpcl the lurks this octiou immediately created conetor- nation throughout lurope aud for it few days it looked as though lioatilitios might bo widespread an ultimatum wab des patched to king george by tho powers demanding that ha evacuate creto within bix dayb in reply the following despatch was received from a correspondent at athens by the new york journal givirfg king georgo s position trutnh jilar if i cannot see bow greece can alter her course king george euid in bpite of vfbcvt lbs powers say if tho greek troops were to bo withdrawn fom crete there wonld be the greatest maeeacro of modern limoa it ib appall ing to tnnk of what vffbuhl follow the crotaus themselves will rtfubu to accept the proposals o the powers to create ft municipality they will liht to the last against it and will rtithe pariah in the attempt to obtablibh their liberties and rights thau to submit to tho new form of oppression if groeoo should withdraw her forces from crete it would simply mean tho abandonment of the ib land to barbarous and indiecrimiuate slaughter nine months ago the sultan granted to the powers authority to pot reform a into effect wbsltl jawt rreaeinirti onadone- xhe corliss immigration bill is dead for the present the house of represent a tivoa passed it over tho president a veto by ljj to 37 but there waa no chance of it getting the necessary two thirds majority m the senate to pass it over tho veto as tho senate only passed the bill originally hy31 to3l itreferredit totue com mittceon immigration where it lay when the life of the senate ended at midnight on wed ne ad a an important motion will be brought into tho legislature during this session the object of which is to maintain the principle of canada for the canadians it will bo an outcome of petitions from the county council of chatham and also one from the town counail of dundao asking that it be a condition to the granting of subsidies to railways that all the rolliog atcok be manufactured in canada the bill will require that all locomotives cars rails etc come right from oar own country thte is looked upon as a capital schema to develop the iron mines of the province aj a reault of the gold mining fever much of tho surplus cash of ontario is being invested in mining stock including a wild cat variety in toronto shares are being hawked about the streets the probabilities are that not a little of the money thus invested is gone beyond redemption while a percentage will yield but a moderato return undoabtably there aro many enormously rich mines in british columbia and the rat portage country but as a rule only tbobe on the groand floor will get an opportunity of participat ing in their profits tho average investor is not likoly to matte a fortune in mining speculation acton union exhibition to bo held monday and tuesday oct 4th and 5ththoo wilson the nevy president tho annuat meeting of acton union agricultural society bbowod that the affairs of the soeiety are in a more satis factory condition than most of the societies instead of the almobt invariable deficit which b tares the directors of agricultural societies in the faco this year tie treasury ha a bmajl balance on hand all prize jnoney was paid in full the report of the auditor mr james matthows was passed monday and tuesday october 4th and th was decided on as he best dates for holding tho next exhibition the secretary was instructed to have the members tickets printed and distributed as scon as possible the following were elected as officers and directors for 1807 probidontrthoh yilson vice president t h harding hoorotary treasurer goo hyuds auditor tamoa mat dlrcctoib acton j ii matthowi jtlio wii damp hobt agnaw wm nomstreet adam cook wrn konny goo ravlli nauogawoya g co hitch ing jaa lpgle j it niokoll kiiiuoalng walter lawaon john billot a waldlo a btark ii wtttklna jno a gordon erin john dun win sutton bratnosa jamoh black itobt talbot cordial thanks wore expressed to ex president duff for his lqng and faithful service and general regret was felt that he continue in tho ofllce newsboy partners to eud the horrors and atrocities of the cretan war of extermination nothing absolutely nothing i the situation was horrible no oml izod nation could endure or tolorate it the great powers say they want peace but is every nation to havo peace but greece we too want peace and the powers bavevefoftcd to act except when they fired a few days ago on the obnstiao flag think pf the situation every jear we havethoubands of men women and chil dren flying to our ahoros and begging us with tears in their eyes to aave them from starvation an 3 to proteot their helpless relatives in crete from mutilation and death what otvilized nation would con tinne year after year to turn a deaf ear to these prayers greece has something like jo 000 sub jecte in crete and tho great powers say bhe has oo right to land troops to protect them although fix nations which have only a handful of subjects ou the island have landed their force b tbe situation in macedonia too is very critical i cannot foretell the future bat the great powers have delivered their message to greece and we shall see what the result will be the powers have taken upon themselves a greut responsibility they have deliberately offered encourage ment to the excited torka london march d the latest despatches from athens say that the fever of ex citemunt is abating and the oity is becoming quieter the greek govumtnenj have reason to believe that the moderate tono of greeces note to the powers will be vp proved by the governments at paris and london- and oblige the powers to pause germany and russia in the opinion of tho greek government will not apt alone and a halt on the part of tbe powers is believed to be assured another despatch from athens says that every available steamship in greek waters has been chartered for tbe purpose of conveying war material to tueasaly the reserves who have been suonmoned to arms by tho governments are arriving by thou sands amid the cheers of tbe populace aud are being hurried to tho front neighborhood news novva items supplied by corres pondents and exchanges ashqrove i ho roivdu in thiu vicinity nu not hi a vory oominotidubld condition j thaw haa broken thtm up to quite an cxtutit itov j llauilu of owuu hjuud undmr ii c stuvull or wniniptg vimted mr m itthuw riowaon durmu list utok wo aro ir la 1 to h iy mr i low do i is much buuui mr 1 i bhoitill had u iievero iuulii of la rlppo tho latter part of luut wtxk an i uus obhg d to cloeo school miss a brownridb l- a vtrv jy abjo party to a number or her young friends at hot homo on vodiio8lay oven inf marclk4rtl midseu p aid i iiniuu of cheltenham spout a few tljjs ivitli mrs wm thonrp son and other friliidd mr w and mhb i cantolnuof strcota villo spent sunday with thtir aunt mrs alexander rockwooe georgo meoond eon of mr georgo graham farmer near ttookwoou met with a bevero aocidont thursdiy afternoon while ohoppmj iu the buh a limb of a trto fell ut ri kin him on tho head aud severely woundu g him bpclial hervicob are n pro iu the stone church rev mr howell of aoton ashtatcd the pastor on monduy and tuea day eveuins a private fiacial was tlvau in tho presby tenan church on wednesday evening by tho christian endeavor society a good program mo was furnished by looal talent owing to tho illness of the pastor rev d stracban there was no service in the presby terisn church last sunday morn i row tlio orijlla istwdjottor the following lettothasbeen forwur led us by the coldwaur out corrospond nt of tho news letter wlnoh wo havo groat bohool uaohor pleasure in ptiblis mg coif ani sept jth 18 ig a few weeks uo lbecamo very unwell from an utiaok of t latioa and rem l moor ing that a while a a wall kuown friend of mine mr c 1 ilnpson of i oaserton a r few miks from h had boon a great sofferer from this painful complaint i thought it wculd bo well to consult that gentleman as to hie medicine he gives credit tofor bis rohuf and aufo as l was aware that he wad now weynm hearty and bal ever ainco san iu stoady work among lumborhn regular business he gayo mo the information required and mg jas gorlou hue been touching in the hchool during mr john straohans sick nesb wtruro glad to see mr stracban able to bo around again tho township abaeaaor mr wood was through the village this week performing h8 duties heffernnu bros nichol wore in town bu ing cattle labt week mr and mrs king of orangeville are visiting mr d stewart mr nstraohan of guclph was in town last week miss t mocrabo of toronto viaitod- mrs m p barry last wook milton the whole world thrills to jay with admiration for plocky little greece throwing prudence and diplomacy to the winds she has taken tbe foal turk by tho throat and defied tho guns of all the great powers of europe trained on hor with threats of instant annihilation it is a speotaole to fire the heart of every true man and woman it is worthy of greece and prebbges the restoration of hollonto great ness sung by poets and reasoned out by philosophers king georgo has novor known defeat since he started out on a mission against the sultan and the least diboernmg may prophecy thatjiaw he has determined to bring crete back under christian rnle ho will not let go and the people of ep rope are praying as earnestly for hia boccobs as the people of america even though their governments are battling ajzaipnt jairo no wine in white house president mckinley to maintain his principles of abstinence washington march 10 from indica tions no wine will be served at tho white house daring this adralniatratiou at tho dinner tendered by tho mckinleys to their kinsfolks no wine was served in not liav ing wine mrs mckinley will only follow the practice of many years the president is a constant abatainor during the recent campaign although many noted statesmen were guests at the mokinloy house and tested the merits of the major oalsiue no wines were served news of the day an epitome of the worlds doings durlnar the wek the london ttmes on tuesday warmly commends canadas generosity towards india the power have served notice du they were brothers kept their mother and one leaves an estate i he trusth corporation of ontario is ucokiug administration of tho estate of jai welsh a newsboy who died august 0 lht having 8 101 08 in savings in the bank tho lad was killed last summer in an elevator accident the tracts corpora tion is executor for the lads broth er who workod in partnership tho two lads keep ing thetr mother they had saved to gether pearly 8800 in the bink quebto prohibitionists are nrgnniriug for tho plebiscite campaign greece giving her six days to witkd raw from crete air w maodonald of montreal has made soother gift to mcgill university amount log to over c0ocoo the strike of natural gas mado at til aopbarg promises to devolop into a valua bis benefit to the town mr and mrs mckinley president eloot spent tuesday in washington and dined with mr arjrtturs cleveland in the evening tho inauguration ceremonies took place last thursday a ridgetowu young man named patriok mannix waa shot through the shoulder by joseph hall who runs a billiard parlor in the town on saturday the wound is a very serious one not withe tan ding that by llio will they were allowed twithty eara in wliiob to pay the bequests the exesutors of the estate of the later mr hart a hatmy report that within the aral yearinoe tho death of tho testator in addition to paying all the leg acies lo tho relatives of tht deoeased they have paid over f 1100 000 to religious educational and charitable institutions evangelist jenkins gavo a tirnndib course m tho methodist church on sunday evening ou card playing theatre going and dancing dr b gallop has purolmbcd tbo flue brick residence on main at west former ly owneti by mr t lavery t tbe last meeting of tho town council messrs john hnnter and w a lawrence were appointed members of the board of health in plaoo of moears charles wiiboh and t henderbou rcbignod thejrev john young m a of hamil ton delivered an luterealmg leoturoin boaton church monday evening bud jeot new orleans and the mississippi tho livery stable is about to ohange hands mr moffat of tho music btore wilt bu the new proprietor the spring assises brought a good many people to town last monday the docket wae hfeht but chief justice meredith on tho bench attracted a crowded court room mr pete walker of notson received word from his partner at rosbland b c that their intorcstb in one of tho mines had been sold it is roported that mr wal ker bhare amounts to 950000 through tbo death of their undo alex ander howdcn of haldimaud county meters benjamin and thomas howden have each fallen heir to 81000 the deceased left an eatate valued at about 5000 an important letter showing how asufferer from sciatica was cured correspond ant of the orlllla nowblettoi with permission from tho uthor makes tho letter pufilic it wiii bo oladly road by other sufforora from this painful malady limehouse at ihe examinations hold duritig tho month of fobrur tho following pupils obtudiod eixty per qcnt4- 1 hon mumle nmkell 21 1 alice lipoidovin 2h7 l jun olivo marshall ji0 mary deomurt 1 iii jun cirno mornlilh 271 itnmo g irvin h72 jcinrllorno 2t- robrrtr marsball u willie mcdortlll 215 j i lmon swackhamnior i 7 john ilumcr j 1 i james modowoll 2 lb uonry lepoidovin 200 sualo deemert li2 i b i va meredith hattio cowan wilho dotbio burvillo morritt harvey modowoll i a larl mtirshull marks poaibto 100 1 1 v a loin teacher a quartotlo orjouiif men havo tot tliem bolves into trouble through repeated wib conduct ut tho services in tho methodist churoh thore is likely to bu a magisterial case to hear tho charge of disturbing pub ho worship ftlhihuhmli avcbclablcprcparalionroras slmltatlng itetoodandretfula- llqg ihe stamacks andbowels of mi iui of business having bought the tailor- l establishment lately car ried on by mr h strasser i hope by strict attention to business to share a continu ance of your support i shall put into stock choice sllit- iiios pautings atod over- coatms ready for the spring trade e h- scblimme i ito of waterloo acton georgetown wrote put the following testimonial wlnch j chdllfifg he deelres to have published irr any way i thiuk proper boping that it will meet tho eyes of many aufferon ijiko myaell whp are anxioas tdot relief 1 therefore forward it to jou to publish t rtshfcuaon stpta3tb 1800 w with thegreatebt pleaauro that i testify to tho marvellous benefit and euro that dr williams pink pills effooted in my oase in the year 1802 i was taken very bad with sciatica i was trouted at different limes by two doctors but dis poneel with their bervtoea aa i found i was not getting the hoped for relief 1 then triel different remedies advertised as a oure for sciatica but with no better reault then i tried strongly recommended elec trooarappl ancesbu tem h tono pur possr- i did not improve any and ihe pain wab exoruo ating and i begin to loss all hope of evar getting better i could not bit down or move about without goffering intense pain and the only roltet i could get was when i lay down with my lega stretched straight out and then the pain was bo mo what less i was in this position one day when i pioked up a newspaper lying by my side and there i read of a man cured of soiatioi by taking dr williams pink pills always having but little faith in proprietary medicines and in view of the exporionae x already had i would not have tried them but for the faot that my wife insisted oh going at once and procuring some sbs got a box and persuadod mo to take them by the timo i had finished the box i believo i felt hotter so i kept on taking tho pills aud by tho timo i had taken six boxes i wai entirely oared i had been laid np for four months before taking the pink pills and i shall continue to take them occasionally aa i know tbem tqba an excellent medicine i shall novor coaao recommending them yours trnlj cliahltb t iiopson our correspondent adds that this letter is from a muoh respected resident of teaser ton whose word is generally considered as good aatiis bond a now railway from winnipeg to port arthur is projeotod in winnipeg tax collector little of duntroon was robbed of 875 by highwaymen on monday an earthquake shook was distinctly felt on both eidea of the niagara river on sat urday night more than half your life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction ail grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best equality at w williams boot shoe store mill street actonr ptomolesdlgeslloncheetriil- ncss andrestcontalns neither opiuinmorphine nor mineral not narcotic nsamvurirawi aperfcct remedy forconslifwk lion sourslomachdiarrhoeoi wormsconvulsionsfeverish ness and los of steep tacsurole sign of thatthe facsimile signature of is on the wrapper of evebt 2 bottije of ihclu alintisjiiuntf ditesssmaking mffh n l w will i liif ut 1 or r n fn drcrrinak r lurlck hlicot mlhh noi1 i wantbi old hi il lid oi t 1i 1 wliol blllhollh w jt ail 1 induurioiih roi tlvb for tl li h tion 11 j iy i 1 j 0n wuut to blurt will uumt limvmloltd ont ul ilhoijt itlur iihm nt wanted inti ii k1i m wl hi dj00 tl i witli hool clucfitloii to ii dhin for thoilrut juir wool i liu tin i lucuiikmt wiitu with full t ir tlculurm till manaorlt a richmond nt wtiit toronto out your spare tjjifc mi n woinoii to conclutt bughiohb at homo work i ulmt lo writfig and copy inn lists of ttddrcbhos receive 1 from local advortlbinj to uo forwarded to ub clfiil no- calivosalng no provloub qxporifliicq required but plain wrltprb liroforrod rorntaiiunt work to thdtto content to ftrn en or moro weekly lu anaru tlino annlv to wakufnluil co london olit for 8alb7 rphat alual le prqt orty x gucilvli and jol n street on tlio ooinor of tlvh aud jol n etrcou in the vllluno of 0qrkctowi at prcflulit occupied by j h jack ton cniiblbtuik of botwooq tliroo and foilr acres of mud ou which aro situated jv brick dwolllnir 1 1 arti and other out hulldjpi largo orchard 4c full arllpulara as lo prlco and tertna may bo bad from ii ir 81hlim geornotown putorla ii pat op la aatu tottus only it tot told la balk dont allow anyone to tell anything elie on the plea or promise that it jntt u moo and will aniwer tery pur- bet that jn fit 0abtc exact copy of wrapper w irtry i dr6ss goods glasgow house acton rova l pernn and t h rogers ex changed pulpits on sunday morning mr o c roo is again confined to his room with an attack of rheumatism rev rural dean fennell has been un a bio to occupy bis pulpit for tho past two sundays owing to an attack of la grippe mr and mrs w a- frascr attended the olan fraeer conversaiooo held in toronto on thursday night last bt georges sabbath school gives un other of their serioa of concerts in the tho baaemont of tho churoh on friday evoning next when boiob recitations tableaux etc will bo given the booial fiven at mr f iluddolls under tho auspices of the ladies aid of tho congregational church laat friday even ing would have boon hotter patronized had the weather been moro favorable as it was several loads left the church and a good time waseiijoyed by all who went it is with deep regret that we have to ohromolo tbo death of mr john modor mid for years a suocosaful merchant of this town his illness which only lasted two weeks was a very painful one his suf fering at times being intenbc the funeral ou saturday was very largely attended showing tho high ooteom in which he was hold by all who know him rov l for rin conducted a short sorvico at tho house the bereaved family have tho sympathy of tho community crewsons corners miaa ada joichman hae returned from tho guelph gonoral hoapital where stio has been undergoing treatment her many frioudu will be glad to hoar that sho is about permanently cured miss lsioh man apoaks very highly of the treatment biio reooivud in that institution rov mr kcstlo was unable to preach in tho juethodmt church here on snuday through illness iliaion mr asa kestle proaobed4u hisfuthers plane miss mina moore returned to her home in mount forost after spending throe woeks vory pleasantly with friends hore mr james mcoro jr of this plaoe spent two days las wcok in mount forobt mr wm ortppa will from this out run hia ohopping mill one day only on tuesdays death lias claimed another of the pion eerapf thib sootion in tho person of mrs aold wtfoof mr r auld of tho2ud cou urin who paubod peacefully away on friday evoning laat deceased was highly respected by all who know her and her funeral on sunday was largoly attended to ohurohill cemetery what might have been a serious accident occurred last wednesday on the farm of mr geo graham tin aud his two tons wero engajfed in cutting saw logs in bis bu4btherr a limb heavily laden w tea fell striking bis ion george on tho head infliotlog anj ugly wound and rendering hliq unoonoiouifor a sbor time bad the limbtioi gltnoed to one sldettnalllt thoaoctdont would no doribt havvib- fata mr graham ti ftpldiy rtemrlpj from the effecu f choice noyelties in spring goods now being placed in stock daily secure an early choice from our pretty range of dress goods henderson cfe ge tlie riglit house oor king and hughson st9 hamilton high c e carpet clearance 1 or this month only we hic decided to make a great clenntnce of surplus stock of ctrpetb ind for this purpose have made deep cuts in prices nolo the following list 27 pieces beat quality royal wiltoa regular 185 now 125 mndo and laid 67 pieces best 5framo brtjs- sbls regular 1 35 now 110 made and laid 32 pieces good quahy brus sels regular 1 15 now 90c tnndeondhuirj 25 pieces best quality tapestry regular 90c now 75c made and laid 48 pieces heavy make tapestry regular 65c now 50c made and laid scores of ends of allwool and union carpets length tanging from 8 to 8 yards all clearing at one price remnants and odd pattorus oi floor cloth and linoleums ut nearly half prico regular 25c for 15c regular 80c for 20c regular 40o for25o biasells worldronownod carpet aweeperx rogulai 2 50 for m85 hearth rugs large size chamois goat regular sg60 for 5 velvet regular 92 50 for 175 kyber regular 850 ior 8250 goorka reg ular 550 tor 4 50 highclobs curtains cream and white irish point loco and tambottredovrrtains r irish point 1 regular 8 oo for 5 00 11 5o foi 9 00 1100 lor 700 1850 for 10 00 19 00 for 1200 1600 for 1176 tamboured regular 815a0 for 81000 1000 for 750 1160 for 8 50 700 for 6 60 blaukots jfino wlnto and grey blankets standard sizes 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 lbs at a regu lar disoount of 5c a ib oil out tegular close prices goodp stored till required it isnt possible in the limits of a newspaper to picture the exquisite taste and unique effects of new dress goods clever genius has been at work and improved machinery has helped to make stuffs better than they were wed be slow indeed if we offered you this season the counterpart of what we had last it would be quite possible to maihtain a successful busi ness here with nothing but dress goods it is capable of easy proof that ncr other store near you attempts variety and assortment which we hold necessary these items are additional to lists already published the goods have only seen retail light black figured lustre double fold 25c 1 pieces black silk finished henrietta heavy weight igiirrformc- cavliers french serges in black and colors 43 in for 29c wanted eaunest mon and wanion to cjraulato tjia sword of inlani or siiflorhib armoula a thrilling book graphic account of tho tastem question tho turk armenian and mohammed arjlbtn with ita borriblo maasacrea numerous fltartliufl illustrations taken on tho iliot hh pages ouly 61 90 aronte mako 615 00 to sj0 00 wookly uooka nn tltno probpootu froo to canvasborn t hradley g ahitetbon co ltd toitonto ont wanieed men to oticriro with us aa ia loam en now voohon juat opotilnk now atvle of plate oihy canadian nuraory pay in r salary i lidoralcodimlialon to popialftlob all fharda ii yoq all butipueb lurnishod frco canadian nuraor expenses from tho start eart timo men largo list of si avlng been teatod at our trial ore want a good thing for tho winter write ua atqne 4 wellington nuraorymon and fruit owors toronto can over 700 aoroa under ouutvau6n her majestys diamond jubilee carhifb quooti victoria her llfo and bolpu into every homo persona who ever aold 1 ooks tako orders fast preface the mobt oloquent of lard dufforiu s aohievomoats no book bo highly praised wo need moro oan vaster easy to mako 913 00 to 990 00 a week hooka on time prospect us froo to canvassers a trial will coflt nothing and it may fill your omnty nookotbook the hradlfy oah jtetson co lto tollonto ont the ijnstinsan store rockwgod fine shoes our policy in regard to shoes lias given a fixed meaning to the words dry goods profit the public understand us we never juggle with words shoes at dry goods prices is a trade mark for everybodys appreciation our stock repre sents a complete unique concrete collection of stylish foot wear in sizes for men women and children our contention is that anybody can buy shoes here at any time and get better satisfaction than is possible else where perhaps we are mistaken but would business grow and grow if our claim had no foundation in fact in view of the present shoe sale it makes it doubly profit able to bu now the frank bowler departmental guelph co ta the right house regular 1500 suits this week for f 1200 neglige shirts regular 75c this week only 50c about that wheel i again have the agency for the celebrated stearns- six models and at prices to suit everybody the ohio at 50 has never been equalled at the price observe your own interests by consulting me before plac- ine your order w stabk 8tearns agent acton brhntfohd steel wtnd- mills internal cov cred gear patent holler aud ball dear ing gajvanxied toiv- ermaad wheels tba beat in america ideal spray pump- iron pumps water lankv piping fco the ideal ppwo mllt with boiler and ball bearings ib a wonder send for circulars tor any powstt pltom 3 110118b to aouonak ten inoli nevorslblo platettof special dosiqu sal bearioga for the uo and faatcl oarls foot ideal power hul run it satufac y thufbbyanodds beat grinder mado advertising is the chants bait suppose the flah dont hto at fast avhaa hn yaw ffpin tnrclqw chuck flown yewr pole throw outyowr bait add aay yowr fiahino throw uv course yow haint yawr roin tur flab an flob an flah and wait until yowvo kotobod yawr basket fall an used up all owr bait sopposo aucceaa dont come at fast what be yewr roln tar dew throw ap the sponge an wok yewraolf an ro ter fooling blew uv oourao yew haint iowr roio tar abtt au halt an bait afjin jjimcby aucoeas will bite yewr book and yew will pull him in try an ad la tub fsejr pjwq3 auationsale in esqtjbsinq fkr7mx stock tjutpliewtehitsf fer cr the undersigned has been instruclcd iiy henry towsond to sell by public nuption on lot no 30 con 1 jusquesing at one o clock on monday 18th day ot march the following stock implements etc 8xo0k 11 ooira uppoma to bo in twir some nou oalvtng a ily somlvm 1 ayntatre tboroaghbrod llull syoarf old bimo of bimk honu q yoani olil 1 lirood 01a h11 umbynnold rlaltia4ymnold ohtn bow with 1 mro 10 years old 1 colt 1 oolt 9 years eld 1ouqil rqtf flsrlhlro sows with nig 0 pigs 4 months old 8 bboep 100 lions implbmbnts 1 binder 1 uomr 1 oslo cultivator k soed j dr 1 1 beuffler 1 nrlllp lulner 1 jrunms i mtlknoftrljrnowj 3 rlows no fil fluury llrqn j harrow liugey rlyni idoiuoorat iwiloellmfrpwlhinbie 8undkie8 8iov oookln tbrists op bulb all sums of tio and under cash over thit nmount eight months credit on sinprov- cd joint notes wst bbltstbebt auntlouoal t

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