Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1897, p. 2

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jyfcrav rcahtonat tit i chlwilio april kllhtoii 1 bod marlluci at toronto on wodiumday alartoi hint nuir huiitui to mzeio dennett duuulitor of ltoliurt liuiinott bui quorgo town brhloa moth or near crowaouf witnueflday muroli ulst by i homy ftluoro to mnruurot fife moliitouh tho robijonco of tho corucrb on mlat by hov 1 ilakor died r y liiiwh iii mlltonon tuesday marjili iii wtlhnm howb ju hitt klrd year homnhon lri triyrulka17 ou wodmmilay march obf lit mrn martha itaulnuoti oretl 14 years oh obod ill foiiniih at orion mlcb on friday march kith loorko w boh of guorgo fortius yeura llumiiy in trafalijar on fiaturdny march 4th mzzlu hhurwootl vlfu or uaoryo lluiuby agtd tl ytiun and h monthtj wuimott athor fiuhorii robidonconcar- mil ton on tiiuadiiv murclij7 alargurut daugh ter ofkobort wiljuiou hamiday in trafalgar on wednesday march iii yloleth only daughter ofmrs wm hmli- day aged 1 year ami il mouths itohiiimouun t hamilton on monday march lio dr john iloaobrough aced oy years father of dr frod a honeuraurh hamilton and brother of dr am ltoflubrongb toronto thursday april 8- 1807 l notes and comments the provincial legislature will likely prorofiua within a weekv tho bubinoas of- the soflaibn ia pretty wall completed- saturday may 15 is the duy chosen by toronto city council as tho date ou which to aubmit tho sunday car question to the people mr houderbon m p for hulloti had tho honor of presenting tho first petition of tho present session of the house it was opo from the county council of halton praying for legislation demanding that railway companies provide suitable croaa- ings at their own expenbe champion the government has dcoidod to with draw the amendment to the hoenso bill which provides that mnnicipalitiea may have the power of limiting the hours of sale in hotels there is a large amountof objection both outside of the honseand inaldo and it has been thought bettor to abaudon the ontiro clause a length ydeb ate the address carhedafter t speeches of 38 members coverlnff six days some crisp capital jottings ottawa april 7 tho dbbuto on lho address in reply to tho speech from tho throne clobod at hulf pnat ten on friday night when tfie address was dcclarcd- 3arrieot nn dlviaiou artor a dobato lust ing six days whioh is the lougoat timo an atldrebs has boon debated mnco 1871 with one exooption tho opdiiin of tho heuaion of 1894 sir jjohii thompsons laat session when the debate lasted six daya for many years tho austom obtained of adopt ion tho tuldreea on tho samo day it was moved konorally boforo six oclook and it id only during the laet four bshbioiib that thoro have been protracted debatcb on tho addrohb thus froin 187 to 181i0 inclus ive twolveyeara tho uddrebs was adopted bii tho same day it wia moved only the mover nd seconder the leader of tho opposition and the lgaajor of tho govern ment spcajtfrjg as ariil- tie dkuatjih rilkakkhh there wore jsspeabers on the address conservatives andltvxhberalsall their utterances fit about 240 pages of twoffiaial debates although the conservative speak era out number theic opponents ihotb will not bo o very great ditferenco in tho space filled by each b dp astlioepoocheg from the poverument- benches were as a rule longer than those from the opposition side an adroit conservative correspondent says the government end of tho debate was so adroitly managectthat tho discussion wsb continued from day to day without its beintf mado glaringly apparent that the government wub trying quietly to lengthen the debalo bo as takill time and make it laet out the wbolo wees ilicylxes ah jiafldaoe mrcabpy gives notipqjjf a bill whioh is being promoted by the canadian w neighborhood news news items supplied by corroa- pondentsand exohansos v milton- f iviilton mot with n aud iohb liiht week in llip doutlif air wm ijowu ho wub one of our tovnd oldost utid moat respooted uitizena tho funerul on friday urtcrnooii whb very lurgoly ntteiuled mr w f dowiir had hccured t jujition in thocohourj ppstoliico arruiigomentb aro being mude for a nevt railway hiding to lho ljur mill mr jiimes ilendorbon whp had beou very iirundcrvvent u ancqeauful operation last weejt sinuo whioh ho has been atpudily improving and now tlierl- a mining boom in neldon its not gold thin jimo but coal limehotjse mr phillip green while cutting wood luat week lmd the intufortuno to bovorely cut his left instep tho prohibitionists t of manitoba bavo arranged to alla provincial oonvehtion under the auspices of the dominion alliance bo soon as the plebiscite bill shall have been introduced and shall have mado some progress in tho dominion parliament manitoba prohibitionists want the plebis cite brongbt on as early in the present year as possible the poatofllco authorities are again after those who use washed stamps a short time ago a st thomas man was fined 820 and costs for this offence and now it ia bald others in bia locality are to be charged several persona are to be prosecuted too for writing mebbages in newapapors and then mailing at newspaper rates of postage these are petty fraudb but the lowest penalty provided by btatuto is 910 and coats rumors are afloat concerning the bon hartys retlrem and his probable successor there is little donbftr that mr harty will rehire soon his health baa been improving the last few days but ab privite life is more oongenial to him he will probably when the session is over give up his place ilia successor it ib reported will bo mr o k frasaiv of brockville brother of the late hool o f fraeer mr fraser is one of the moat sncceaaful lawyers in the east- jn thbhonao last week mr cowan in troduced bill intituled an aot respect ing the employment of aliens in the d6m uion of canada the object of the hill is toprevent the employment of aliens of canada and to prevent the employment of persons who would work in canada and make their hdmeaelsowhere mr taylors bill the senior by beveral years of all alien labour measures was also introduced the bill is entitled i an act to prohibit the importation and immigration of foreign ers and aliens under contraot or agreement to perform labor lu canada mens association and is of interest to tho bicycle fraternity throughout tho domin ion tho bill is tooompel railway com panies to cttcryblpyoleb as personal baggago wheelmen regard it- as a griev- ancethat whilo the ordinary traveller is entitled to the freer transportation of 150 pounds of baegage and tbo commercial traveller to 301 pounds the bicyolibt is charged f reiglit on his 25 pound wheel japanese citizens it ia urged that the term of reaidenco iti canada for japanese beforo they can be come naturalized eboqld be increased from three to five years that the evidence of residence sball be given in open court and that it shall be verified by the produptian pf the passport which is issued by the japanese govornmeni to all its subjects on leaving japan for foreign countries canadas luilwayfl the annual report of tho ministor of railways and canals for tho year shows that the total number of controlling com panies not including the government rail ways ia 77 the number of miles of completed rail- ways1087 an jncrtettboof20rtnltotrr the gross earnings amounted to 850545 569 an increase of a 700 000 the work ing expenses aggregate 835042055 an in- crease of 82292000 oom pared with thoao of the previous year leaving tho neb earn ings 815502000 an increase of 91ig7000 thenomberofpahsengerscarried waa- mr itowo of georgetown ia building a a fish hatchery on his fhrmjiero mr james scott jr who has beou av oorbottop for tlio past yoor is w at the homo of hia motlier our village willb considerably juietoi jnooiitwoi tackyiteq ss mpt ojttho bbyfi hayoaooaredplacea for the mib3 tah martin of -iiuebiki- yiaittng at mr honry lenpidovin mr robert martin olfivqueaing whilo driyipguhrough jiero on sunday had the misfortune to have his horao sprain its foot by atepping ou a btono mrs thomob gowdy of guolph apent several daya during the week at tho home of mr john moore a farmers wife tells a story of years of pain and sufferino dootors utterly failed to help her and morphhwyya8 continually reported toflfcao so weak she could scarcetyorform her household putles from tho lloavor nunanoo mr- and mrs roht stone have been residents of tho township of urncstown about- ten- milos east of naptnoo for about threo yoars and iu that timo have gained tho oetoom of ull their hoighbora for tx years previous to this timo thpy had livcl in glouwood spring h colorado and it wn during thoit rosidonco thero that mrs siono was afilictod withaa illness that madu her life miserable for yaaru to a ropojrter who recently inter viewed her hub told the following story dhring the early part of our rosidonpo in colorado nty ilincsa first came on at tho outbot every two or three weokal would bo attacked with a pain in the etqmach at botli stores of th0 zieglerhinch c 33 lower and 77 upper wyndliam st gijelpli there are very special bargains for tomorrow and fol lowing days at33 lower wyndliam slieut theld store n limiiol number of hoys 2 piece suits all sizes from 22 to 28 inches worth from 8350 up to 8gno for 8225 hoys 3 piece stiits sizes 2 g 10 32 small black ami white checks makes a capital spring and summer suit regular price 450 sale price 8325 a special lino of boys 3 piece suits in neat saleable pat terns all sizes from 28 to 32 worth from 84 and up to 8g selling now at 300 v a fey youths suits long pants auc 35 light check- tweed patterns regular8g selling now at 8450- mens dark oxford canadian tweed suits siztisfg yjrsold regularly at v50 now 8450 jic mens dark brown chec t snitsvery choice aiiih 37 to3q worth 87 sale price tfst h- tailor rqadc garments worth 81050 the roll ofhonor the successtut pupils in themarch examinations tho following list gives the harries ofthe pupils iu each class in tho several depart ments of aoton publio school who stood highest at tho marc examinations 11830407 an inorease of 622s27 the freight trafflo amounted to 24200- 825 tons an inorease of 2742403 the kccidont returns show 11 killed but not one death the report says was duo to collision or derailment the grand trunk railway carried 7587- 148 tons of freight and the 0 p r -4576- 032 tons the number of passengers carried by the g tb and 5077070 and by tho c p r 8034610 the total gross earnings of the g t r amounted to 16500000 and of the cpr to 820175000 the total net oarnlnga were 84002000 for the g t it and 87973000 for the c p r the pabaenger trafflo yielded the o p r 84750000 and the g t r 85002000 the grand trunk had no passengers killed during the year the coat of the intercolonial to date ib 855207000 the lose on the operations of tho year was 8118764 on all government roadb of which 855187 was chargeable to tho inter colonial the quantity of grain passed down the welland canal amounted to ashorove tbo froga wore out last week tho numbers on tho eiok list have not diminished mucli of late mrs graham ib t doovot i ngaf t er aiiat tacbrofiufl am mat i opr mrs henry wilson is slowly- improving after a severe illness mips a e nixon is also recovering from an attack of ecnrlet fever with bpring many changes have been effected in this vicinity mr james mc dowell has removed to trafalgar and mr ft brownrwgq vow ocoupiea his house while mr and mre jamea wilson are busily engaged la the duties whioh accom pany married life in battling oh the farm recently worked by mr brownridge mibb ida hood has rotarued after a lengthened visit at guolph mre john wrigglesworth bpent a few days visiting in toronto during tho woek mibb kelly of nerval ia the guest of miss m thornton mr wm cook of st catharines is visiting ia this vicinity- later on it groatly incretiecd in sever ity aud at times was s bud that i would soroam aloud with tho pain a doc tor was called in but the only benefit i ever recoived from- his troatment was through the injection of morphine into my arm ah r flf whi tho pa w nassagaweya mr george lockor moved into koatch- bull last week and will work for mr david agnow tbo funeral of mrs john allison took place on wednesday of lastweek from het huabanda reaidenco to the moffat burying grounds the rev mr amy preached the funeral bprmon and officiated at tho burial aarvice tho pall bearers were warden hutcheon and moaarb john simpbon geo simpbon jacob allison benjamin king ndbtrarmaore the warm weather and raina hove com menced vegetation some of the farmers have commpneed spring ploughing mr franklin rim- shaw was the first in this neighborhood the canadian rjuadrille band and the pied frogs orchestra aro out again in full blast mrs tbos wilaon returned home on monday evening after a four weeks visit to her son in armada michigan we are ploasod to see that mrs james erwiu who was iu the guelph general hospital ia able to be arouud again balllnafadr 1 fiiiht department class v mcqueen tina 273 barry gortrade 252 smyth arthur 247 class iv son houderson tom 75 matthews eva 275 cobban clara 282 holtnes ada 280 clasb iv int nioklio i3dith 275 spoight bertio 2g5 clark bennett 235 laird wm 235 arthurs miunio 230 arthurs john 30 marks possible 800 t t moo teaobor heconi deialltjnsstr seniors mabel sopor 230 ettie m don ald 230 eddie holmes 225 george oram 220 inter florenco sopor 243 josie stephenson 231 mary goodcve 228 jnniora ethel mills 21 marks pousible 250 o mcpjuii teacher 1- tiiiiiii department senior class etbol coleman 181 myrtlo matthpws 164 roy arnold 1s6 cbarlio campbell 156 junior class ena pearson 186 philip holmes 170 willie prout 171 marks possible 200 i e patteiihon teacher iotintii itelalttsiet sen pt it mahto edmiaton 200 mjrtlo cook 105 willie ballantine 105 231491 tons a decrease bolpw tho preced ing year of 40000 tons tho quantity passed through the welland fronr the hnited 8tilflbporl9tqjjriued states- ports wap 133823 tons a dec r ease below the pre- coding year of 70000 tons and the smallest quantity ainca 1835 coriliuoit jotttknk it is understood that mr dobclls present misbion in- england has to do with an arrangement whereby a temporary fast atlantic service shall ba inaugurated for glaearfv jun wilaon ernes 240r theapprbabinfraeaborrofnavigatioi mr quinn gives notice of a bill further to amend the act respecting interest it will provide that whatevor rate ia agreed upon no greater rate than six per cont per annum bhatl bo rbcoveroble- under arrangemonta agreed to by the united states post office private poat cards will be allowed transmission through the united slates mails but no other coun- trioa having 00 agreed cards bearing such designs if forwarded to buoii other coun tries would bo liable to bo rotorned to canada in reply to a deputation whioh urged government assistance towards tho erec tion of a permanent memorial building at ottawa to commemorate the queens jnbi- led hon mr laarier saibttbat it is the intention of the government to oreot a geploglcal building with also provision for the national art gallery but as yet no definite plans have been made ah important oieasure was introduced into- the senate by 8ir oliver mowat on imrie- h a m itnrantlrtrio messrs john mclean e beawibk and rev d l campbell attended the execu tive meeting of the s s- association 6 eequcaiug at georgetown on wednesday the annual convention is to bo held at ballinafad wo feel euro that lho people of this vicinity will do their best to make it a success mr jumes bennio has tho rossland fever and intends going west boon tho women ombo presbyterian cburoh havo organized an auxiliary of tho foreign missions thotolfowing are the ollloers president dr brander campbell firflt- vioe miss a j mcluro fecondvico mrs j mclean secretary miss edith campbell treasurer mrs c j russell thero aro about 15 members mr hector mclean who has been on a rmsuiuu fluid tfeor kingston for the pabt year ia at homo at present tbo fact that he has been reappointed to tho s urn q field speaks well for hia success some of our farmors aro in the jnaplo byrupbuaiaobsjuatuowi mr-t-john-kirk- wood who has an ovaporator turned out in the neighborhood of 100 gallons of moat beautiful syrup last week gradually pass away the medio iue which waa given me however badnot the slightest effeot and the doctor appeared to bogroatly perploxed and thereaftereontin- nally rebortod to injections of morphine whenever the attacks came op these attacks oontiuuod at intervals until oar return to canada when they increased in frequency and iotenseneaa tiln rebult was that i grew very weak anir my whole sybtem appeared to btcgvtog out my eomplpxion turned a yellowish line and i had little or no appetite latterly i would be attaoked with fainting spells preceded by attaoka of dizzlnesti i heoame utterly anable to stand fatrguo and could pnly with the greatest difficulty perform my household duties a doator iv as called in who treatedme bome time without benefit ting me any then bo gave pa e what i now know to be dr- williams pink pills and after i had used two boxes i felt bome- what better i then purohased tbo pills myself and continued tho treatment i found that the pain wa grad decreas ing i could get rerrsleep at night whieli hitherto hadtbeonalmobt impoa- bible i continued using dr wiliitmb pink pills for several months and the re sult ia that they have affected a complete euro and i am now enjoying tbo beat of health i aan absuro you it ia a great relief to be free from tho trouble that made my lifo miserable for so many years and i have to thank dr williams l jfills lor succeeding where the dootora failed dr wifliarnatink pills act directly on the blood and nerves building them anew and thus driving disease from the system there is no trouble due to either of theso causes which fink pills will not cure and in hundreds of casos they have restored patients to health after all other remedies have failed ask for doator williams pink pills and take nothing elao the genpine are always iuoloaed in boxes the wrapper around which bears the foil trade mark dr williams pink pilla for pale people may be had from all de afore or sent post rvaid on receipt at 50 cents a box or 6 boxes for 8260 by addressing the dr williams- medioino co brookville ont mensfinltniack worsted coats and vests siciic coats will compare favorably wit r sale pfjee 88- a line o mens- blucheavor ovorcdats fancy twcodiiigstzesjfssoahd 4iregular price 8to sale pripe 850 wuvant to impress ii upon your mind that the old store ant your setrvicc for anything injrie cioihlhgline hats ahd- qvcrcoatsfiire and mantles and that we aro ftiving bargajirs in tliescgoous just now that dnnovbe duplicated -elsewhere- caps at glieapside no 77 tipper wyiidliain st ouv new store simply imppssiblo to mention the variolic bargains we can showyou- save money 1- iou will find lots to interest ybuand plentyj of chances to wanted atioilhkmitlabio fotiihii on dray weight to uo hmo ijoumlu afjly at dnco to john hauvkv acton dressmaking m1bh noble will reculvu ordorn for drtonmak ik at her residence brorturiuk htreot acton mik8 koi1lb- here area fwi v wide 8c flannelettes for 5 very wide beavy flannelettes with lie forsc u- ends of fine white coitons yardvide mostly worth ioc or i2ic for6c a table of wide best quality fast color prints regular i2jcgoods for ioc a yard then there is that great dress goods bargain new nnd stylish goods bought at if- bargain and selling at less than regular wholesale cost 81 goods for 75c 75c goods for 50c- 60c goods for 37c 50c dress goqds fpr 35c 35c dress goods for 24c 25c dress goods for inc- also 4 patterns of the newest siyles lace curtains 34 yards long worth 8250 to 8350 for 8150 per pair the greatest lace curtain bargain to be found anywhere l ladies cashmere hoso worth 25c for 1 5c ladies fine quality casjimere hose worth 30 for 22c for 20c mens wool cashmere sox worth 40c millinftry mihinftii stock in this department is complete all new and no styles that are old because this is our first millinery season and wc have no old stock whatever to show our milliners arcvyrkianight and day the display is worthy of cheapside and well worth your w meantime we can fill all ordersvrmjn1ptlyp theiiegierhinch0oy guelph f f f this is your opportunity to get new spring goods every thing neir and uptodate wo start the enlarging o our promises jn a few days until theu wo will take 10pcr oentpfi- the faeo of all goods piirchased for cash everything marked down io plain figares tho latest in dresa qoods trimmings prints ribbons cneflfous gloves parasols hosiery corsets smallwares etc laces lac ciirtains etc younp maples wanted ad0z14n hnnlthy blralfilit niaplcb oiio and alialf inches in din motor at root suitable forslmdo trecb apply atonco fitlik pllehs oltlco wanted team or hoimd borsba ttvo to six yoal old wolflllt moo to 1100 aiplxto ubvrdmoiieco aolou wanted- tji altu elts bona or othor liiduatrloua persons j of ftir otluqaton r whom 560 a mouth would b au ifiduoqaiont i could also qogftfltj fowxttdlei at tbtlr own honiua t-hiitnscotttorontoodt- fp thk undorblgnod baa a thorouchbrod jeteoy hull for bale apply at ouce to i hugh mann aotod v- near 0tb station j kmhdtilxlrlsivi expert watchmaker and jeweller nasopouod n- repair shoplnpait or dr hal- etekab drug htoro for a snort timo watch ana clock roplriua athblf prloo watcbos cloftood 00 conta malmnrlugs 50 coats ah work guaranteed about that wheel mlinple7l 114uviwi u4 ewdikyi soon as i am able to loave the he dont placo your ordor until you got v my prices and boo my samples i cau give you unenoauod luo w stark agent stearns aud ohio dicycloo youfe spare time men women to conduct jinslnbss at home work is simple writing and copying hbu ofodarosbea rooolvod from local advertising to bo forwarded to us dalu no canvassing inlroi work ikly in si warben pub co london ont provloua oxportenco rcanirodybtit plain writers preferred iermanont work to those content to earnaor moro weekly in bparo timo apply to wanted intblttoent men with- rood education who vant to bottor tbolr positions ad would- be cbatoat tot a year wltli 900000 aod exnonob writ ilswithdecrlplloh and occupation and vta will mabo a jiropolltion for now pr tho futuro alwi needed rellablo men for antitralla writ todar for wo are in a hurry the manaoelt49klchmondbt wont toronto ont our own importation all new just put in stock i fine highclass tailoring gentlemen this will be your opportunity to got a spring suit one of tho tinestand largest nssortmept of new goodaoutside of tho cit ever guaranteed firstclass made byfir3trclnb8 workmen the best procurable in extant our assortment is complete in nobby neckweae shirts collars cuffs etc hats hats wo do tho hat trade this is proven by the enormous quantity wo aro selling the latest most stylish and bust goods in the market we have greht china sale keadytpwear clothing wo have a largo rungs in boys youths arid mens clotliing wo are determined to make this department a success if thebost goods at thelowe8tpricebw1tt in fact ive are bound to to make our store the most populnrif liboralty in methods excellence of merchandisoi and lownesb of prices will do it wc want your trade call and visit georgetowns liyest store gibson 7vilulmf m go gedrgefdwn every day bargain day to lease that vory valuable farm couslstlug of 150 scrobbelog tlioeast half of lot no 30 sad tua northerly i off lot no 29 concession 1 ee- nuoalua latoly occupiod by henry townscnd there are about 35 acres of fall whoat in tho ground and about 33 acrob of fall plowing ls done apply to it j monauu ac ton- dated uaroh 80th a d 1897 fob sale that valuabl property on the corner of ouelph and john btroots in the villago of ooorfietown at present occnplcd by j h jack on consist ingof jetween throe aud four acrou oflajia oh wfiioliaro situated a brick dwelling barn sad other oatballdlngs largo orchard ac fall particulars aa to price and tormn may bs had from h hbpeirb goorgetowo wanted ipaithest men and women to circulate tliei u sword of xniamtor snooring armenia qraphlo aooount of tho eastera qawtiodf u10 turk armealaa iand mohammod- tbrlllicg book quobtfod tho luii anngqitn ma c anlim with ita horrible maaaacresi numerous urtllcg illustrations taken oa the spot ufra psgastoaly 9100 ageat make 91600 toaso00 weekly book on timo prospectus froo to canvsuieni the bbadiievaabbetbonoo ltd toronto qnt roe bljdck wrinst produce taken in exc wc have made up ourminds to go out of crockery china cjcr- we have a stock of abou 3000 and willing to take 81500 for it you have a chance here you seldom get the following are some of the goods 25 enamelled gilt dinner sotts 400 to 800 60 toilet setts 7bo to 000 per ho tt solid brass lamps 400 tor 100 china biscuit jars boc to 7bo for 20o hansiotc lamps complote 100 g setts q pieces host goods 3 and 48et largo glass dishes 60 and 10c each woroom to enumerate come and see georgetown moeaohem 180 inter pt ii prank ilavill 161 vda foldler 172 ruby clark 1g9 k jun pt ii mamlo afinojv j77 joseph dictuto 173 hacclmtton 171 sen p i tbbmas creamoro 183 i re no mifun 108 oharlio matthaws 108 edna coon 1c5 marka aaiblo 200 ii e mcnkkia tcnohcr killed by a fall1nq tree dhavton out april g while two bonn of john barry of the 15th con cession of olarboro wcro felling a tree in their fiiihera bimh ori saturday it fell on one of them andrew killing him instantly hh was 21 years of age and hia death id tho lint break in h family of cloven over a hundred buffalo have beeu seen iu the vloluity of fort smith athababoi during the paat winter tho british revenue for the fiscal er which ondod last weak was 52o0ooo1 or 917000000 more than wan estimated v inat code of lblij in beveral partioulars tho llftuuea rotating to publication or printing of- immoral literature aromade rrttmh moro otringent an important bill has been introduced in the senate respecting tho employment of children no boy undor 13 or girl under 14 ii to ba employed in a factory houfv of labor aro to bo limited and factory in spector to bo appointed late literary news doea modern college kdiioation edu cate in tbo broadeat and most liberal sen bo of the term ia ono of the moat im portant inquiries that could ha bet on foot tills disonssion wjiiah to be taken part in by frobident oilman of the johns hop kins president d wight of vale president sohorman of cornell presldont mortou of the 6tvonb inetrtuter henry thunton peck of columbia bishop potter and others of the most disttogulshed men of both the united states and europe is be gun in tho april cosmopolitan by a radical inquiry into tha educational problem slonk the linos of herbert spencer lirninian xindaay talks of removing to georgetown from milton mr t brudloy and h maw liavo been buocesbful in passing their float examina tion in medioino congratulations doctors mr h j barber has gpno south for the benefit of hie hoatli ho was accompapiod by hia father mr j- ii barber anbrothqr mr bert barber itev j w pedloy of london waa iu town laet wook ho has withdrawn his his resignation and wilt remain in london for a time dr wm freeman loft for rook springs wyo011 wodncsday labt accompanied by hie little grandson mabtor brock barber it ia tho dootora intention wo understand to remain permanently in the west tlin cntcrlftinmnt i pt o church laet friday ovening waa moat on- joyablo great orodit ia duo tho young poop a for the way jn which they worked to promote its encccbs tho annual meeting of tho womans mibbionary sooioly of guolph district will bo held in tho methodist church hero early in may thero waa a larguand thoroughly ap preciative audionco at tho couoert given in tbo baptist church on monday evening thoao who provided the programme wero miss mabel grant miss lou goodwfllo miea m for tor mre bowroan mibi freo- man of burlington mr john sutton aud mr moalpiuo of momabter university a publio drill of the boyb brigade was given in the congregational church one evenmg last weok after which some pro motions took place according to merit rev mr rogers peseuted each member with a badge and pledge card stipulating tbt they should be forfeited if the rules wore not strictly adhered to rev j w pedley of london theu spoke in his usual happy manner giving good advice to tho members of the brigade t we are tea specialists tea pedlars must die they are charg ing you too much profit we guarantee to sell you a tea at 25c pure ceylon or japan or mixed equal or better than you have been paying 40c and 50c a pound for cnll and get pound or drop a post card for sample at once and save money 1 millman co direct importers cuelph iwebsters j tito one great standard authority flo rltcrllon 1jlirewer 1 jumlce 0 8 huprwne coart 1 wsend a postal for specimen pages etc sudceator 0 th standard of the knsluh ucvt i uie cokfiu teleir pepl hloytrrtn nt- 1 jh hil- j srrms conrt nil tiia 1 kiuj rnpreine courts r nnl of ntnrlt nit hie hchoblbookn w0cjrill- commended by hlnto bitpf rliitrntl- cols of kflifkiln nnd t oilier rjliicnlor nlniost without number for evepyiiniw ifrcause it is easy to find the word wanted i it is easy to ascertain the- pronunciation it is easy to trace the ffrowth of a word it is eaty to learn what a word meaits 1 the best w vv budlong hilla grove bi m weabtbrthk standard 1 tho toronto vlobo ibnnth ntpblly fkviimtnp recognlxnl itnt rcljjililn tniiilnnl llidntinry prilililir tnmlhimlrtriinilltiwiliiriilmrirylniii11iinnri1 inryllm inlflmnthinnt csntnlni tniilntl lufomviuon of prrnt vnni a c merrtaut copttmlahern springfield ma m usa oooooooooooooooooooooooo j h hamilton deukii 1n marbleand qranjte harnlltona block guelph stands for blagksy 6f this theres no doutts the black on these faces will never wash otit for wool silk and cotton blaxk diamond dyes wanjfedganva5sers queen victoria t ser iite and ptfn has captured the briton empire extra- ordinary testimonials from tho groat man i m l0b i lm fikilljnbujpnavndvtveveiitb send tor copy froo- marquis of lorne bays tbo beit popular life of tho quoen i have sen her usjesty beuds a idnd letier of appreciation belling by thonaands rives enthusiastic qaus faction cost atnlnt of money but largo clrcu- lauonjdbtifleslowretall300 xouof blstorio illoitrttiodb iarge book over all aj6jxl0j inohae wen and noman of standing in thp- commpnlty making 1s to 10 a weok ex cloilve territory prospectus free to scents bookaon timo the bltadleygaltuethon co itdtoroin0ont machine operators w on shirts and shirt waists beginners tauojat apply m once 16 the williams greeno romo co berlin ont are used without fear by the prudent and wise the above is tattn from exceuor rhymtaf ab ctboofc intubated each idler of the alphabet ii 2 inches long t ho two letters of the same color just the book for the little ones sent for cent stamp to any addrcstr wells u rioiardson co montreal s tstiloring t having ou hand a larso quantity of bcotoh norway swedlab and ruaalai duvb all kinds of raw furs bkim hoehwax gonalng living wild animal or hi kind lrlco ut of fur for noxt 00 daya for woli handled toek inforlor according to quality ileturu mdo day good rocivod all fur itould be shipped by oxprau hear 1500 to 9800 fubor 700 to lono ottot 700 to 1000 lloavor 000 to 1000 hllvor fox 4000 to 10000 orou fox itod fox orey fox wolf wolverine ijvnx wild cat marum bkunk llaoooon lllrk ltaoooon couituou iladgor door mink unix hat 700 to lwlo 100 to aco to 400 to u00 1o so to 300 to 1 74 to pontn hoto 100 to 70 to looto hoto 1400 900 1s0 3a0 b0o xai ho 1100 lift 300 100 160 110 1100 95 grknite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stoclt now purchased i wi sell at a redaction of 20 per cent and vilrdlow all expenses to customers to nnd from our works john h hamilton send me all your furs you want mado into rugs overcoats capes robes ote prloes reason ablo ou olass of work turned oat 10 cents jyfpr yoar nam on 19 beautiful i1u1dem nauu u oai1db loviy nloture or ho hannnun calling card cali wltli ordor swjk audroeb oaxaua oa1io house loganoll ont w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont i vakba bpjcoultt of machine finished book papers and iiiuil jilaui wkkklv nkwb tho papor need in this journal is from he above nilla wm baebeb bros thats wlint wo like to call the claas ot dresti making we do dont coiiiubc it with the ordinary dress making this department is now onetj nnd is aiain under the management of micjsoboss- lanivnho has inst returned iromnew york with the newest and brightest arrinri the clnaa o w w do jg di8tipotl dilloiont ftomtlint done in other stores have you ovor examined oirr work it will he a revplatiop to yoii jt yoi have not thorough ia the word that expresses it wecaiitmiiko everybrjdys dresses jt wp oould we dont sup- pose wo could got them to make although in nil our cxporleneo we linvo yot to lonrn pi ono person who has been disatisiled thoro munt bo somoi v never met them while wp cant mako every bodys drcasos wo can make tor the firstcomers we back up our dressmaking with ono of tho finest stocks of dress qoods in tho province all the latest taste of tse lion was brought to boar iu tho soloctionoi this stock variety style and extent un important actors yes the moat important in a dross qoods stock but in theso hard times the price feature is not to bo lightly ovor- lookod and wo commendsiyiitonding purchasers an inspection of fho qualityvaliiob ot our gooub cloirer seeds specials at moores this week south cor will and streets acton main j d williamson go wyndharm and maodonneirsstreots- of business haying bought the tailor ing establishrrjerit lately car ried on by mr h strasser 1 hope by strict attention to business to share a continu ance of your support i- shall i put into stock choice suitij ins pantings and owr- 1 coatllifljs ready for the spring i trade e h schlimme late of waterloo actonl guelph ii jin

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