Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1897, p. 1

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txjftmt ftss voluxji xiino it acton ontario tituitsday apkil wk 1807 price iliree cemh win ctoit jfrcje rcss is 1u1i ih1i1 iv eveky rnuitsday morning at tat freoprebsteiiiu 1 rlntlnp ollli c stltl ct u cton ont tkiimh op hu uticit ifti on ono dollar ir oar strictly iu ahanou all h ii ricrli hoiih ciiulou tlnuod when tho ulna for which tlioy bavu boon paid has oxiiiral alio dato to which every nubsoription is i alif 1b douotod on tho addfesh label adveittihitia kati a tranaloiit advorlleo tfiouts 10 conth i or kpni aroil lino or llrht in surtion joouta toi lino lor ouch buustiuout iaaortlon w 4 contuagt luikstho following talljil shows y sur rates fr tho insertion at advert in qua cuts for jpoclflod periods i 1 tu i ma d mo 4m6 our mew wall paper kor 197 is the i incst and best in the city from 5c to 66c a roll perfect combinations day has tho largest and newest stock in tho city and hia prices are by far the lowest 8g0 00 835 oq t0 00 710 3 00 jo 00 ja jo 300 jo 00 13 00 700 a 00 aw 0 00 100 201uabeq lulnohos filncboa l inch advcrubuniontri without specific dirootlorfn will be inserted till forbid and charged aocard logly translont advertisements muet bo paid in advance adyortiiwmonta will bo changed onco each month if desired i or changes oftonot than onco a month tho composition must bo paid for atrogulat rates ghancetffor contract advortlbomonta mil si bo a too olllco by noon on tuoadaya h p moore editpr and proprlotor days bookstore quelph day sells- cheap wusitwhb biwrforp af v1cal j r uren m d c m offlco anotrealdoaco coruor mill 4 froderlck stroots acton as elliott m b m d acton qiuduatx tonoxto usnerbin office main btrcct third door south or presbyterian chur acton terinary surgeon lfred p husband v s graduate of tbo ontario veterinary collefio honorary motubor of tho votorlhary medical society office wm husbands lot 21 con i nasa agawova call a day or dlglit promptly attendod to a dental l bennltt l d s delntist qeonaetown ontahio 1 traders m of trhe mm authorized capital 1 ooo ooo paid up capital and surplus 785 ooo assets over 6 300000 3 cuelph branch sums of 91 and upwardh received on deposit atiri 3 percent interest paid or compounded jiulf yearly 0trn worth wmii jsow do these pj11cks strike you 1 psom silts 9 lbs for 25c or p lbb for 1 00 sulphur 9 lbb for 25c orjolbs for 81 00 beef wine and iron 50c 1 bottle sy nip of i ly 8rn dbf 8 mercer dfnti61 oraduato of toronto lfnivoralty and rods offlco over drug store acton vlbitlino dath tliullhday ami tilldav jm blll ddsld8 dlntiht llaooitv illk ilovon glliduatb op toitonto umv ensity work malu satfflfactory prices modcrato vimttt a ias tuosday and trlday of each vtok m clean mclean barristers solicitors notarios conveyancers jfco private funds to loan ofllco town hall acton wm a mclean jho a mclean douglas murray baitnibtena solicitors notaries etc orpicefl 1296qiioon 8t tarkdalo victoria chambers 01 victoria fit telephone 397 a toronto john douqlab a g muhiuy a j mackinnon daimibteb bollcltoll convitakceit office corner mill and main strco t abovo kopmau s store acton m g matbeson fc j b mcleod jl almibteilb bolicirorb conveyahckhs georgetown and milton money to loan at lowcbt rates r j mcnabb clork fourth division court county of ital on gonvoyancor agout 1 iro and lifo asburanco heal ijbtato agont mouoy to loan etc or fioe perry tn an u block acton ont mjscellaneo us enry grist ottawa canada 1 bottle ltrfic size pure cretitj of lartir 40c a pound vo block ptppcr pure 15c a pound po refined borax pure 15c a pound insect i owder 50c 1 pound moth cimphor 15c 1 pound a blood purifier tiken at this seison of the year may pncnt a serious illness our burdock and sarsaparilla bitters contiining celer buchu cnsctra ind other vegetable drurs constitutcsa perfect spring medicine being 1 remedy for ill disorders of the blood stomach iner ind kidneys price 25c i or 20 diys from this date we will sell it 15 cents a package m order u more widely introduce it alex stewart family and dispons iae chemist deposit rocoiptb idbtied for juro ebma deposited advances made lo rpaponaiblo fttrmerj on their own uamea no oharjjs made for calleilmg sales isotoa if pajablo in guelph a goneral banking buaineea trauaaotd a r ii jonhs aliiiiiigtr youre unrig i cuelph ont 189798 inkjul- phpsrs- styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros 8t aeohoe s square gtjelph fruit ornamental trees 700 acres shf27bsrt20ssr3ztines knd seen potrto6s we liavo tbo inrgost obsortmolit and omploy tho vor latoflt and mofit improvod m th otla fot proppratlon ah btock oarefolly paokod probable cot of new barn or perhltos a new house weqblike you to write us abouc the hardware required we want your trade and can save you money no doubt about that j m bond co habdwabe guelph t 1 1 eimy tnoi li to bo ploauant wlimi lifu itowa iilont liko a sotif ii it tlio man worth whllo in tho 0110 who v ill biiiiiu whuu our tiling oua din 1 ttrous 1 or the tent of tho heart in troublo n 1 it alwab comrfl with tho eara i 1 tho biiillo tint is worth tho praise of earth is tl 1 binilu that cotnck through tears it is uobj enough to bo prudent whtjii nofblng tomptb joti to stray wlion without 01 within no voice of sin la lurlnf your soul awdy but ltbonyaingativu virtuu until it la trlod by tiro and the fifo thatla worth tho honor of earth is thu 0110 that rpslsta doalroy by tho cj nlc tho aait tho fa ion who had nostionslh for tho atrlfo tbo worlds highway is cambored to daj tlioy make up tbo itemomife but the virtuo thatconquora pasblon and the sorrow that bfdos n a emllc it is those that are worth the boniago 6f oarth for wo niid thotubut once in a will jo ella wlieellk wllcox sttutt yamiltt ilcabing s tylish phing u1tings our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection puces right also styles shaw turner merchant tailors guelph robt noble the highest price for whert okts brrl6y at the warehouse acton station puour i he fterniath tlieadeyeaoflhe irl btandiugat odo- of the windowa of mra btautons mansion were not qb they eeeroed to be filed on the faat falling nnow elbel matheraona thoughts wcro far away she was dream ing of the dnys before ber father a death when in her distant former homo col mat her no 11 a idolized orrly child biio had been so ealoudly guarded from life b sharp odgcb but in tho prime of life her father hid jbren buatohed from ber by death so little remained for her of her father a once largo fortune when all hia debts bad been paid and she hud so annuity failed in giving lessons in muaio and fancy work debpito her own proficiency in tbebe arte that this little had soon disappeared it was at this juncture that her wealthy oousid julia staunton widowed nndobild leba ha 1 dawned upon her horizon bb a po helper with an offer of making her a lompinion eihel had gone to her with miehiviiiljp for the letter in which tho offer was m2p was far from cordial her feirti had not it proved beon with out a cmiiho for she had been made a veritable drudge mrs stauton lad beeq quick to at ize uuon her uktll in lace makiug and t ml roicitrj bo that when not en gag od in rtndinf alou 1 nr otherwihc omubing lit r ltlal was kept constantly busy with fanoy work of the most delicate and intricate pattern ihusilwar that many a 1 ilju with bchin heart and smarting eyes the tirl hud cried hersolf to nleep on the hfternoon on which we found her ut tho window sho hud jained a brief respite duo to the faot that ber coutm was 011 a shopping expedition suddenly there wub a tup at tho door an 1 m reaponse to lthel a invitation to enter a trim maid camo in bearing a lump with a rose tinted low through tho room shall i draw ilia curtains minn ethel hiio iihked with a kindly glance at tho sad faced tr i yes mary ethel replied as ehe sank into a chair mrs stannton has not returned yet sho questioned no miss but i think she will soon bo here tn getting late tho girl withdrew oloaing the door after her preeeully ethel heard a carnage blop in tho btrcet below followed by iho oaii of 1 ho hall doore she heard tbo ruatle of her coiipina garmonta as that lady came up tho rtairs and to her door she entered with a emlle whioh when lihol was tho object ooi which her eyea rcbted sho was in so happy a mood that she oven failed to uoto that her companion hands were for once idle such a delightful time as i have bad 1 alio cried wfh vivacity i mot him down town and we had a very pleasant lanoh t i am lad yon enjojed your trip cousin jalta ethel said his attentions aro becoming qutto marked don t yon think why ho has already been here twico this week i i determined from tho first to win that man for will you behevo it at the beginning of our acquaintance ho actually seemed to avoid mo tor porno momenta she was silent her eyes fixed meditatively on tho floor hehaainvitod mo to go d with him to morrow and aaked that yon might accompany me your companion i pre biimc will bo that odious mr thompson by tho way ethol i wish you would not call mo couain julia it might be better that the major did not know of out rela tionahip must i go ethol aaked pleadingly it hurts mo to toko part in any gaiety it seems disloyal to poor papa cannot some one go 10 my stead tho widow oyed her with dupleaeure ldo wish 0u would givp qp that aenti mental nonsense sho deolarod it is only in books that euoh things occur major ho r ton has asked you to accompany us on my account as my companion and go you must her sharp eyes fell on ljlhel a idle hands you have not uuiuhed the violets on that scarf which you began yesterday have you how inconsiderate ycu know i want it just aa soon as yon can pobbibly olabpel huidri and fjr awiy gto hlio at tl rot mi uj ifrhttrdjiv hud blen tho day of her dm ing eiptditiou and a honiluhat aniusin incid ijt ha i tukui pluco at the very outset on lotting the iiouhu muj horton hud asked mrn staunton which seat she pre ferred aud tlie tim in ih fuitlv that ho would dnvi had unmvored in ult nwootuebi oh jho front by all moans 1 tho mttjlr luudol hr m and thpn to bor surprise that odiuiia mr thompson took tho seat bepjjo her and the major with a bow took thtt beanie l hoi little did he dream of the storm that wub faink in tho breast of tho outwardly amihug widow how ethel had enjojed ilu drive i how kihd the major had beeu aud how interest mgly he had talked how haudsgmy ho was with his strong noble face his grace fal well knit juure aud his finely turned head with its iron gray hair boor lthql f it had indeed been a red totter day tp nor calendar she wab aroused from her reorie by tho atpnd of her cousiu a 4100 at tho door i wish yon would ja into the music room at once ethel sbo said hurriedly and play some of those soft dreamy bits you were practicing ycttcrday ethel was well pleased for tbo ouo pleaburo her droary life afforded was that of keeping up ber mtisia it was one of the few things ou wimoii ehoaud mrs staunton were of thc same mind sho did not givo a thought to her cousins btrango manner but bitting dowu at tho piano did as she had been bidden after u wbllo her thoughts strayed away from tho musio her finders were producing and she fell to dreaming of tbo halcyon daye when in tho dear old home ber father bitting noar with book or paper sho had sung to him in the twilight herfingera wandered tdowly over the keys stnkiug mournfnl chords hero and there then without her volition they strayed into one of tho old b0nfa her rather had moat dearly loved a wave of emotion swept over her uud tho tears welled into her eyes and fe 1 alnwly ouo by one she ceased pl j ing suddenly and buried her face 111 her iwiida o what a ohanga h 1 1 iomo into hi r life binoo thoeo iihj py ita h the dtar fa her gonel so little to euj y m the picsent nothing to look furw tr i to in tho future she did not heur a step uh nd her and it wab not unlit a gentle hand wub laid upon hor bowed htal that aho started up and saw muj horton whoso eye bright with tears were bent upon her my dear child he null takim her hand and drawing her gently tohim a hat is troubling jou there is something wrong i am euro i havo noticed our sadness before tell me have i guessed aright that your lift here ib unha py sho stood at lus side in silence a delicate flush upon her checks the tears shining on her lonif lttshec how kindly ids brown eyeo and how btrouu his arm to loan upon 1 with a sudden movement biio hid her face on hm shoulder iho tears fulling unrcstraiucdty and told him all all the trouble tho unhappima tho grilvin for her doad father ethel he said excitedly there is a homo i know of which needs a mibtress to brighten it a heart which has bilently chosen one but feared to mako known its desire lest ita owner fell too far ahort of a young rirl dream of a lover that homo and heayt are mioe and jou aro tho one on which that heart 18 set she started back quickly and gazed at him in wonder he relented her hand and turned badly away forgive me ho said tromuously i bee i have pamol you 1 waa wrong to think tbat ouo ho young and fair could entertain a regurd for ouo as old ard ugly aa i suddenly ho started a little hand wao laid timidly upon his ftrjii and a bwecl pathetic voico wab speaking old and ugly it sail not to mo ho turned swiftly and gathered her into flowers in the home trhn iu so many well lo do homih wheio comfort nay luxunca u bound theru iu ono to mo dreadful luck thia ia the ab senco of jlowern or plauta ono dees not expeat or euro for a floral diupluy but tliere should bo a fe v bright eyeil hlouuomp or some teudcr greon to udd the lust touch of rotinoment and cure to the home to noarly all it is posmblu to have them by some slight hacrifko thutcwill soon bocomo a plousuro do without eomu extra trinket and let instead a fuatbory palm or a graceful fern in thctlud you will not only add to youx own happiness but to tiat of thobo about you if it dan bo- afforded out flowers aro a conbtuut euuros of delight roses cunitttiobb and vrolets during the wjuter and iu the epringtho suqny duffo dits brilliant tulipi and hhef of itia valley but unfortunately haeo will fade and leave oply a motnory of fraratfoe behind this will do for a timo imt wo iieed to have these memonoa refreshed frequently boj favor tho lovely green things that will not fade and do so much to make a charm ing borne lew poople realize the influence flowcrb and growing pluntb liavo upon children wo olotbe ald feed the bodies and develop the brains but too often we fail to warm and nourish tho isvo of tbo beautiful whiob is one of tbo attributes of the soul a mere baby will smile at a flower the bond which dra to tfae blossom is very strong it is an uucon saious recognition of its purity and loveh neaa if this lovo of the beautiful is strengthened it will becomo one of tho strongest aids against bin and wrong a oharaoter that knows and fool a the beauty the soul of nature ia one that will know the good aud true in life did yon ever think why our bought of heaven ts always mingled with tbat of musio and flowers heaven is tho highest thing wo can imag ine mublo and flowerothe highebt things we know it is odd and rather amuneing too the way in which tho floworaeffeot the manners of ohildren i know of a family who for tho past year have had either a few viues qr flowers on tho table for every meal the cause of this wan rather funuy ono day a friend sent a largo bunoh of roses and at lunch they were placed on the tadle tho bmall boy of the houao made his rfial hasty entrance and flinging of hi at cap was about to take hia placo without tho much needed touch of wafer and brueb when hib eyes fell ou tho freah roses he looked from them to hia dirty utile self and without a word left the room when ho returned some miuutea later it wua a very tidy boy that quietly took hia place twico during lunch timu he aaid thank jou an unheard of thing from that bmall boy they havo had flowers over nines i havo hdard bcveml ladiea aay tlioy would rather have fewer dislua on the tube and have h daiuty with blossom or vines it is not impossible either when jou think that for 25 cents you can get a sufficient quantity of jointed ivy to laet with care for nearly a josr do without somo of the little thinb not really needed and havo flowers which are a neceaaity to u rcilued happy homo a typical critic of tion prohibl- boarding house geometry 1 efimtions ami amihib all hoarding bouses are tho earn a board ing house boarders in the aarao boarding bouso and on tbo same flat are equil to ono another a single room iu that whioh has no parte and no magnitude tho landlady of a bonrdiug house is a parallelogram that ia an oblong and angular figure whioh onnot bo deaenbod but whioh ia equal to anything a wran is the disinclination of two boardera to each other that m tosther but are not on thetaame flat all the othor roefns being takoj a single room is baid to bo a double room i ohtolateo avd i hoi 0hiti0nh hi a pu i- prod need- ii gjniloinan from webteru new pork wub introjuced at tty horn a fn v weeks ago ho wiuhud hu bald for lnfuiintlun about prohibition i baid how long havo you beon in towu i have beeu here a week ihon ou- muat liavo aeen and hour 1 enough to enable ou to form uii opit ion about it whut do yon think ot 11 i think it is a failure whoro are you stopping 7 at the 1 ulmotjih hotel do they belmiquor there 7 no i trud to get bomo and could not xd you try any whoro else yob i weqt to the preble und thoy would not let me have any did you try anywhere else 2 i went to the barboru shop ant asked it ho could tell me where i could ict a drink and he said ho dij not know any buoh place well jouyo been hero a week and havo tried jour best to jjet a driuk and havo failed why do jou think prolubitibu a lailuro ono morning i wai in the park and eaw a drunken man with a bottle and from that i aaw that prohibition was a fufure if vou had been in a morning paper an account of tbo conviction of a thief would you couoludo our criminal laws to bo a failaro und snggost thejc repeal aud a- hoeubo instead oh no that is different do you know if that drunken iniin camo hero from bob ton in tho early morn mg steamer with the bottlo in hia pocket or that he huuht it here no i do not know about that there is not 100 part ao mnch liquor sold in portland now aa there was before the law and the city is twice larger than it wbb then doesnt that indicate tho law to be a great success no to my mrnd it ib a failure r 1 consumption is a fatal dibease it kills all whom it attaoks suppose somebody should announce a care for it aud on trial it wabtotnd to care ninety nine cases out of every hundred would yon consider the romedy a failure he made no answer but took hia hat and left i said good mormna instead of what a foot yop are neal dow rouie to sv caudllb drohho i id tiny nkiith prou thunihulvtiqtlia wor t of rllitn itohoa rind to violut 1 uai an t nuiilax incki tl 0 clinu lull 1 mion pruttvllttlo vi rl ih fit li 0111 oro m four to lx thty looks forty and u rty juat iif1 i in tho llattcruiq tlow or a roaj if lit and oven a nhni lu cup of tta a halo wears it souiiih to mc when nrotty little mra tilx la a homo rem four to bix my little lady with tjts of bluo la charmed to boo you juhi looltti fot joul ad a tlay tiialdou nnillesjnto your iacc acfd offers ot bon bona with dalqtlont gi aco whoti nrettyjlttlo mrs trlx is at homo from four to six ltdlcatrlp in bvilioecoro moqi oh wolh just throo or tour thoy talk- of art the latest book the woatbor tbo departing coob when pretty little mm trix ib at homo from four to six cupid doesn t conlo at a 11 havos hluuelf for tho ovonliifj ball still life ueouib 111 c a merry rhymo ou dotvt miss cui id for a time wlioujrottylittlomrs trix- la at homo from four to aix mauv facuni in he got better the first drink two boys stopped in front of a saloon and an old tnin standing near listened to what they said 1 let s go m and tuko a drink said one of them i i dont think wed better siil hia companion my father a terribly opposed to saloons t dont know whnt he d aiy if ho knew i dleen in one nnl drank tiqnnr there just for the fun of tho thing ou know urged hifl friend of course we d stop with one drink there could q t hoi y harm in that u my bos said tho old mun coming up to them yon dont know what yonre talking about if yon go in there and take one drink your not euro of slopping there the chances aro that you wont for i toll you and i know what- im talking about by a bitter experience theres a fa coin a tion about liquor that it takes a strong will to resist after the first taste ot it some timec tuko tjio first drink end tho way of the drunkard ia open before yon only those who lot liquor entire ly alone are safe i know for ive been a drunkard a good many years 1 expect to be ono till i die i began by taking a drink just sff you propose to for fun but i didnt stop there yon see take tho advice of a poor old wreck and that is never tako the first drink 1 youre right said tho boy who had proposed to visit tho saloon i thank you for your good advice air i say tom lots promibe each othor nover to take the first drink all right said tom and tho boya it was a ha 1 huqiio tho old man uy 011 the bod and by him eat tho faithful wife holding bis worn hand in bora and forcing bacltthe tears to greet his wondering look with a smile she spoke wordb of comfort and of hope but he felt tbo cold hand of death fulling on him and lip turned hia weary eyes up to her pale worn fuco jeanme dear wife i am goiuj oh no john not yet not vet yejjkdear wife and he cloeod hia oyen theenofts uear tho world the world grows dark around me gathering thicker and thicker and i seem to hear sweet musio no no dear john ihtts the brass baud in the etreet what said tho dying min hivo those bcoundrola dared to como round here when hoy know i am dying give mo my bootjunk i 11 boot let om aee i and in a towering rage the old man jumped from hia bed and before hia wife could think he had opened tho window and hud ehied the bootjack at tho bin 1 i vo hit that dutch lender anywav aaid he and went buck to bed and u it better insuring clerks honesty a cleveland uewppaper n entioue a novel scheme adopted by a hardware merchant of thatciiy 10 insure hnnaelf mlmnat 1 bb by the dialionoaty of emplojeen when a now man comes into hia employ ho in called to the office where there is a pnvure interview tho employer prnitly enmes to the question and uttks tho man if ha thinks hit he id honont tho roplica naturally vary 111 frmkri hut this is immaterial well replies the merchant if ever vou have an inoiuntion to men i pint enmo 10 me aud i will live y u the nut unit mi thought of taking hivo no lilhiiarc but come rnht up aud i will l1 tdlv give it we will thus save your chnruoter ttrd 1 11 save a clerk in all his experience only one muu 1ms couio to him for this purpose and ho waa in desperate straitn as for any money being stolon never handy figures here aro somo handy figures und rules very handy to know an 1 keep in mind and they may bave tedious figuring und calculating if the are committed to memory a rod is 1cj febt or 4 jarde a mile id 320 rods a mile ia 1 700 yarda a mile ia j 280 feet a square foot is 141 equaro inches a square yard contains 0 square feet a square rod ib 272j square feet an acre contains id fiijo sqnaro feet an acre contaiua i 180 equaro yards ap acre contain lftfl aqnurn rnrq solicitor of patents for invention eo proparea applications for thocanadian amor icau and luropoan patent o iii cos and for tho uoglbtratlon of trado marks tiond for pam pblot thirty two years oxporiouco f ranci8 nunan bookblndeit wyndham st guolph ontario ovor william b storo account books of all kinds mado to order lorlodicals of overy description oarofully bound rulinpnoativnri promptly dono under our personal supervision and all now variotich tcbtad at our trial farms before being catalogued tlieeo arc thoonly teslnroroharda connoctod with any nursery lu tho dominion agents wanted to represent us spoclal attention given to park comotery ana boulevard orders t btimatcs furnlahodfor sunplyinf ontlro orchards why buy of foreign con corn 8 or of middlemen when you can purcnaso aa cheaply from ub and got hotter value our stock is canadian grown and acclimated catalogue pngllab or fronch froo on appllca tion stone 8c wellington fonthlll nurseries toronto ont t heloading can tr m brrn shorts seeds ind all kindb of i ted it acton flour and feed store try norval tlook the best i amil i lour in the market frank harris manager b g tr o h h i know now alio wh spared that i have almost worshipped yoc from the first but it was tho worship one livea to heroes 1 scarcely dared nwu it to myself you seemed so far removed from mo r eo bravo and strong and i dearest ho responded looked upon you as so rnje thing to be admirod only from a distance whenever i called here it waa lot mo whisper a secret to ou with hope of seeing you to day aa i sat alonei hearovonbpgintopla and i w timea tho landlady oan bo reduced to her lowest terms by a series of propositions a bco lino may ho npade from any boardinl house to any omier boarding houao the clothes ot a boardiug house bed though produced evor so far both ways will not meet any two meals at a boarding bouso are together less than two square raoala if f the opposite end of a boa clafiped hands on their pledgo thats a good temperance booiety to bolong to said the old man i wibh id joined ono like it when i was a boy a section or a equaro milo contains 010 acres a quarter bdotion coutains 1g0 aores an acre when 8 rods wide is 20 rods long equal to the emergency have everything bright ji p moobb ifpupji op maiumae licenbeb prlato oolcn no whnorsoa roquirod issuod rosldonrnld tbo evening proo proas olllco aoton acton machine and ilepau shops hknhy qhiudell proprlotor auk well oqulppod with all tho maclilnory nocossary tooxouito all ropalrs to machin ory and agricultural implements and to do all kinds of btoain fitting horse shooing and general buoaamltbing woodwork ropalni norformod in a satisfactory man nor wo can repair any maehlpe or implement of any make haw gumming aud flliim dono wellington mutual fire insurance company estadlignkp 2840 insuhance on caah and mutoal pun- any oommunlcatlons forwarded to my address hox 638 or tolephono 06 will bo promptly at- wudodio j0iim taylob a8 guelph the campaign prepare for winds wo would oall oor attention to tho fact tbat wo are prepared to supply yo with lumber of amtablo tonfjth lor your born doors viz 10 12 13 or 14 feet also sash doors frames motrtdinqs eto for building storm doors put up at as low a tato as possible fu7mtls repair our pumps or put in new ones before it is too cold wx can do it shop at foot of river street acton th08 ebbace manager j h hamilton dealer in marble and granite hamiltons blook guelph having ou hand a largo quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian grhnite and in order to dispose of it to mike room for spring stock now purchased i wi fell it a reduction of 20 per cenf and will illow ill expenses to customer to tnd from our works john h hamilton almost more than i could do to restrain from stealing in and catohing a ghropue of you when you plajod that laet sweet aong i roold restrain myaolf no longer for it was ono my dear sister used to play to me something i aould not resist impelled me to go to yon i eaw yon crying and knew that aa i had often suspected your life was far from happy and now lot as think no more of tho chccrluaajiabt but rather of the joyous future mrs staunton after buttling ethol go into the rnoeic rttru returned to btr own boudou r after what seemed a judicioua wait she stole down euterlng the drawiug room with one of her sweetest em ilea on her lips bho btared blaukly for the room waa empty it was then tco that she noticed that tho musio had ceased sho nqnk down wiakly whatevor did it mean buddonly she robo and went to tbo door surely issuing from the musio room bho bouse a lino bo drawn passing through all the rooms in turn than the stovepipe whioh warms he boarders will ho witljin that line on the same bill and on he same bide of it there bhould not bo two charges for tbe fiamo thing if therobo two boarders oti the samo flat and tbo amouut of side of the one be equal to tho amount of eido of the other eaoh to each and tho wrangle hetweoo oqe boarder and the landlady bo equal tn tho wranglo betweeu the landlady and tho other thou shall tho wookly bills of tho two boarders be equal also eaoh to each tor if not let ono bill bo thetlroater then tho other bill ib loss than it might havo boon whioh ia absurd htkihbn li iccck tho louiavillo post ia oredited with a btory of a city gentloman of simple taites some of which aro not eharod by hia wife he likes to dp things tbat be used to do when he was a happy country boy thoothoxdayaccording to has own many farmers when their fences havo gone down buildings need repairing aud everything on the place looks like a wreck become disgusted and offer their farms for bale of coarse auoh a place is not attrac he took one load it ia reported of tho lato william ii vanderbilt that bis father tho oommodoro hoard voices wlttrawfttratopssha croesod the hall entering the rou jubt as maj account ot the matter he was sitting on the back porch shelling a dish of peas it waa tho sorvanta work of couree bat he was doing it for pleasure hia wife mean time waa entertaining aomo btylisb callers suddenly tho man heard 6ne of the ladies say ob j must aee your pretty back yard i havo heard eo much about it tho noxt mataut a window was opened and out popped two pretty bonnets tbo man was iu a strait his wjfo would be terribly mortified he know vviihgreat self posseabion he turned hia bead away and oontiuuod his work ilia wife was not a whit behind him in qunkncss of resource patrick said biio you mustn t forget to mow that graeb before mr comes home yis ma am answered the pea ahollcr with hia best brogue anl tho en at a was passed in safety live and if it nods a buyer will bo boij at a discount a few dollars expended for paint whitewash lumber aud nails would add hundreds to ita value and many times aftor such a plaoo is fixed np our age returnr to the would be seller and ho finds his far ji a pleasant enough place for him to btay getting even tbe new york preafi repotta an unam table but not altogether unpleaeing atory of two street urchiup one of thfmwiib munching a big appb numbor two eyed the operation longn t ly and finally said 1 say skeeter goin i limine a bitu nope was the curt reply of skteur aa ho bit into tho roaioat part mukea yer mouth water don t it ho added tho bocond boy watched the greedy follow as the applo rapidly disappeared then ho toakott hia hat and ai apple fur bmstilbb liokifflib auction eh for tho counties of wellington and hal ton ordorhloflatthopftkb puhbb offlco acton or at myraildoueain acton will be promptly at tended to peoa roducod to 5 00 for farm sales also mduoy to loan on tho most favorahlo minis and at tho lowest ratos pf interest in sums of asooand p wards electric works w barber euos t j qpiqut rroprietor manufacturers of 1 paper makers georgetown ont amah it lrayftsllltafohce rthel co with ft half uttered sigh acton saw mills 1 and wood yards dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams ilpo andhloam fitting and general ilopair ing doing equipped with a gas bracing maohlno i am nroparud to do bracing on dloyolea frames ao whuola converted from direct to tangon hiktkon handle ijars boh ito any desired nolo pull lino of spokes kept in btock hatlsfaotloa miarautood illayclos ouamelod in auy oolor t jv spkjht qeorgetown uakb a speoia1tt ot machine finished book papers hiohoitadrwkekm 1cwn and presently her cousin loft her with many instructions to hasten the eoart s completion tbo day ended as had co many of ita predecessors lit he 1 with aohtng heart and weary ecs cried homelf to aleop tho papor usod in this journal is from ho abovo mils wm barber a bros mainuhaololtlthamo dkallll in unifier intli sltimilcti wood rto all kinds of wool in stock and promptly dolivored to any part of tho town at rtasoiiablj prices tlardwoqlanl blabs out stovo length always ou band telephone eonimuuicitiot guelph business college asd shorthand institute qvelpil ont buppriolt facilities fos tliornunh ond 1 radical coumos of htndy lluokkoeping hhortuaud and rypowritiiux courses a apoolalty iroduatcs ousisuki to positions palf fff khionb com men con rept 1st wrlto for circulars j iiiarp principal e b collins butcher doslrfls to thank his numerous customers for their lfboral patronage sinco lio commenced huslneiw last january and hopoa that by caroful and courteous attention to merit a eontluuauco of their custom a eomplolo abflortmont of firstclass beef mutton lamb folk fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard ao in season prices always as low as eonslsto it with tbo best quality prompt doll very 1 at slock wanted j it cqimttnh mra staunton standing before her mir row surveyed herself with critical oyes every detail of her hatidaome coatumo waa dwelt upon yes aho suddenly announced to her reflected self it is juat the thing she was so deep in thought that bhe did not know how lou 1 alio bpoko major horton is extremely fond pf musio more than once i havo hern him moved to tearasty it when ha hai arrived i will have ltbtl g to tbe muaio room nnd play aomo of her most touching sukotion in the midst of which i will go down she paused iviag tho image in the mir ror a knowing nod 1 wall fhe rptnmed muaio ban dono greater things than move a heart to make a declaration of love eihtlln hrr rnin had let the laco aho was 1 lakiu ihii into her lap as with horton had finished speal ing lie stepped forward hia arm encircling ethol congratulate me dear mr staunton beeamlr nmvmgvon fotray wife tho hwcetoat wi niu the huh thinrb on to eay that mrs suuntun was atuuued would bin faintly exr m that lalya fcul ings suddenly sin 1 illied tor her own sake it would not 1 o betray her salon ishmeot so with 1 brvi rv worthy of bucii commendati 11 she 1 1 1 c 1 gralulalo lliom both jclhel in litr lupi y hoiii cherishes 110 111 will toward her coubi nor do i think even wero biio uwaro of how that lady designed hor for a tool to accomplish her owu ends bhe could find it in hor heart to condemn hor since through it by a jtst of fate she gained tho noblest husband in tho world the pmcm hid 6t gl hu bou whim it young man much credit for business ability abaolnto much too literal the fsct that mon i wo a devilmti naturo ia all tho proof that ia needed to how that thore la a devi health and vigor are essential for auo cess therefore make oui self strong and healthy by falin hoods sarenar ilia veridoation of thifl ib doubtful but a good story ia told of an incident wherein tho son proved that ho too onrnedtin hia head aomo uf the antutenoae iu commercial inter con so thai his father posse used the commodore preauuted him with a farm on statin ialnd informing him that ho migl t livo there and to ninko tho land pay as hat was all ho oared to contribute towards tho lad a nupport a bhort time later the commodore enquired of his eon how he wfti getting along not very good father tho young man replied what i need badly it aomo moans of improving the oarth well suppose you go up to my stables and get a load of roftiee but mind i shall only give you ono load all riht replied the bou and ho took ono load but to the astonishment of the commodore when lie wont to the btablea they had been entirely cleaned how many loads did that boy of mine cart away from bore he enquired ot tho stableman ouo sir replied that functionary bnt be tarried the atuff anay in a barge bir harpt 1 llmnd talk bigger than skeuldru rolled oui fcjkeutera eyoa grew almoit as round as tht a people who take all things literally are apt to tread on othor peoplu 4 toon tho mun who walked 111 whoro ho saw a siln walk in aud who wasordered on wuhh literal man and bo whh he who wont into a pawnbrokers eh op uud demanded 40 shillings botauso there was a placard in the window that read look at ihis watoh for 10 i looked at it said ho and now i want my jl2 the moat aniuaing 11 cident wo havo hctrd is that of the countryman who wlnlo flauutcriug aloof- a city street saw a sitn please ring tho boll for tho caretaker after reflecting for a few minutes ho walked up and gave the bell fliich a pull that it nearly camo out by the roots in a few minutes an angry raood man opened the door are you thu caretaker asked tho bell puller yea what do you want i saw that notice ao i rang the bell and now i want to know why you oavi rln tho b ii joura if i but ho only aaid 111 a nhcopihli tone yer think yer bmrt dont yer i a difficult problem satis factorily solved in tho paat the jaiiiea havo hal t ousamls of dollars worth of valuablo goodi ruined through iho use of inferior and adiiltoraled dyes preparod for home dyoinj lhu greatobtloas we can point to ih the olonng of mixed yooda fahricm c mposi i of cotton and ailk and mlk and wool tho manufacturers of diamond dyoh put up special dyes for tho coloring of all mixed gooda givmn colnm that aro fast to aoap and sunlight dia uond dye for mixed good are the only reliable dyoi 111 the world aud are all nuarantetd to do per feat work every drulgibt and dealer of uny stand tag in canada oau supply jou with dia mond dyos for mixed goods do not ac oept imitation ortitibalitutes compel your dealor to givo yon thu diimohd

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