Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1897, p. 3

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bank of hamilton head qbjfioe hamilton uai 11ai 1 all ul i haw u vi 1 uu lotal ahbith tfl 250 0h eti uoo lhttu board j ulnhtuaui of directors a o lumhu ttlont 1lo lrutillunt j un i hoctqll uqjt0a01i a 1 wood a 11 llim toronto wm giuhon m i tuum1uli lnahiur h h u1ulu1n vhtit cihhiur h m waibun limtuotor agencfes hamilton ihirtonbtljj last lul alllnton hoilin li lrio guorkutowiiorlnibl y libtowr 1 ijuckuon mllipu mount i oroat urauuvllhi ovoii hound 1 ort i luln bimcou lorutito wl ttjhfiui british oorreopondonts london national i rovlnlial ifttirtof i nj amerioan correspondents ntw yohk lourth n tuuiial flantf and hanover nutuiml dank homos lutuuatlou 1 trustco jufiaio marino liauk chicago national hank of illinois and union national hank dtritoit detroit national bank k vnbas ctrr national liauk of conrtnorco agents lu montreal tbobtnkotorouto aiilorgetown agency notes discounted hud advances niado on uult mile floodritlus yollootrona niado and drafts bought and sold on all accoselblo liotnta in canada united htatoa groat ijrltato ana tlto continent of europe upott iiost favorable tormtf savings department dopoalu of si and npwarda rpcoivotf and lutorost allowed from dato of deposit to dato of withdrawal special depobits also rocoivod at current rates of interest n m livingstone aaont the news at home mortly of a looal charactor and every i tarn interesting bargains already we hae some remnants in wall papers j ust enough for smill rooms seen ana eight roll lots 15c piper for7jc ioc piper for 5c another shipment of beautiful gilt wall and ceiling papers just arrived nowhere else cn you find such nn issort ment headquarters for wall papers window shades curtain poles geo hyjnds acton ont tion si favor look lit the date on tho labol on your fymiir bubscrip it will confer a uer and you will soe bowyuur subscrip tion atanub jtenew promptly hj retort jfm fjrtss thubsdat april 28 1807 uttije local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press re d ort ere this week j nsf quarterly lotntnuntoiir- ji10 hidt jintrioily communion eerviceu of thu omifuronco your and of tho pue tor uto of ltuv j l ilowult m a in aotou will bo laid m thu mothodiat church next sunday morning commouciug at 10 10 o c olk xhii naitor will preach aud tlio public tcrvico will bo immediately follow od by the loo fiuht and sacrament don t annoy our neighbors xho urdlii and doorard aro now rtcoiv nif utiuutian and this l the beueoti of tl o jear whon poultry brecdoru and dofuucuirs auuoy thtir luibbore by allowing thce ivijitnulu to tntpius owncra of fowls and djti ahouli- nut allow them to tun larjo to nuoplu who would liuo to bo neighborly liurglurn make a haul at oakvillo t w audtriou d son a prnato bank at oakvillo was ontorod monday uijlht by burgluru wjio iirdt blew open the vault and tticu blow open a giant double com partuviat safe oontuiuing 700 in bank of hamilton bills which tiiey secured tho mou evidently wore profeamonalb at the buainoah riiqy also etolobav b s gruiud horde and bugfjy with whiob they drove to torouto 11 niton post ofhocs 3 ho roveuuo and ealanea of the principal offices or this county are as foljjoue l itovonuo halary oc 83 15o 00 j wjh halton and the new tariff this important leather centro is woll satisfied with the now tariff 9iii tlio htntoiuuit was rolliitly ma id ut ottawa that witli ouu exception lit i ton county ij iho lurtat pcoduaer of luattur and leather joodu amiig thu oouiiikh of iho doiniuiou urn exception ih premier lauriur 11 coiihliiuouuj leather and leather inuuufttiturlu jold an important place in pur 1 iduatrus and the value of the output in larger than that of any other manufacturing mduutry the tunuenib nn 1 factories in acton georgetown oaumiic miiioil gluuwilliama aud btewarltomi turn out an liumentu ayregato of leather products with a view to nto lnn tlio opuuona of our jooal muuufaolurcra with reference to 11 1 new uuiff tbu 1 111 1 i iil s h is waitod ut on thu duniftle and annoyance of 17 ii 11 i piliem aud rocuivel tin folio wn i ijtate moiits olnl v ulul wohkh mr w ii storey of w h storoy s son propnolorti o tbo canada gkova works oxprobbodhiraeolf us vell ijleaeod witlj tho now tariff aa it ufivjttr the glovo maiiufaoturing business ho euid wo tiavo not jet seen the full list of prbvitnoua attocting our jjuluifrv bqt no far as we have loarnod we are not affected adversely their being no bcrious change via look fewith some dread liowoxer on jthb favqrd nation clause lost it bo emended to gcr many and other countries outbtdo of great britain should this bo tho outcome we would be affected prejudicially jn our business this aeemb to us the only thing we have to fear if we omit the possibility of groat britain becoming tho entrepot for the distribution of tho manufactures jof theso our chief competitors person ally we feel ver grateful to tho govern ment for having 111 tho new tariff treated the gluvo industry bo considerately eeaim a tannkiucs coming and goinq visitors to and from acton unci variousother personal notes aoton burlington 1- roomau gooreetowu milton ohaadweia nerval oakvillo palermo tho very clone uniformity of tho revenue of tho larger peat offices in the county will 1322 60 6u 28 mo ja 104 41 2 97i m 1161 00 j07 ifj 1 012 do 1j0 ib 385 oj 10u 13 2c16 11 10j2 10 200 70 105 68 applies april cuds to morrow queou a birthday is tho qfxt holiday the tihmg season opens next monday gdrdeniug operations ara becoming general tho streets are receiving their annual cleaning the lawns are beautiful in their reen nets no r br i saw mill n hard at work on the ueanond btook dont lay yourself open to bo fined by fishing on saturday the horse show will take a few of our cxtuzedb to toronto this week kincardine town council intend passing a b law restricting the eate of oigurettcb by imposing a license of fifty dollars the third lecture of tho course under the aaapicea of the epworth xcagoo will bt held on tuesday evening may 18tb wheelmen 1 tuetes a by law agamst riding ou the bidewalkb of this town tor violation you may be called npou to pay fine and cobts a couple affiections of bidewalk be tween the g t it track and young street requiro the attention of tho street and sidewalk committee a large number of samples of beed grain have been received by farmers in this stotibn the past week from the lxperi mental farm ottawa the barber bhops hive fallen in with the early clouog movement and have a to close on monday tuesday and thursday evenings at 8 o clock tbo broken glass to be found at the foot of nearly every lamp post in town is apt to seriously injure thi bare footed hittrnipk frftt in th aommer time gnelph newspaper editors are prosper ing lodt week we chronicled the advent of a eonto the editor of the advocate this weeka daughter to the editor of the her aid lext 1 a couple of guelph hotel keepers were oanght doing business ou sunday morning it will likely prove moit unprofitable for the bonifaces for on it a a second otteose inside of a week mtrcury john filraan and w plan fa ic both of utn cgnghtbygfafef game cbo be erected nrj warden kinsley ehootipg ducks on the north shore of the bay last week they were fined 1g each and their guns confla cated mr moses smith has engaged with arqoldbroblorjlp their tannery at glen lawson the partnership nicklin smith at georgetown bat been dissolved mr b nicklin will continue the busi dess at georgetown tbo looal committee appointed to arrange for tbo entertainment of lalton county union of the y p 8 c l to bo held tiere in jane met in knox ohproh last saturday evening and advonood the matter several stages powy willow bad a aocret ibat the snowdrops whispered ber and she pnrred jft lo the sooth wind while it stroked her mfelvt far little robin could not keep it so bfffltng it loud and clear to the sleepy bills anotrneadowb wake up i obeer up spgiug is h i rr rc the annu meeting of guelph district will be held in the method 1st cburoh on tuesday and wednesday 18th and 1jtb may between forty and fifty ministers and lay representatives will be in at ten dance rev 3 o hcolt of guelph tho chairman will preside plmpnohoohai lkctohk pfof coi tut a phrenologist of tbe fowler institute who has iurt given fifteen lectures lu the city hall guelph to crowded hoaaea is about to give a short course ju the lown hall acton to night and friday even ings for particulars see bills the pro ftiror u s learned and fascinating speakor ftndill give tho people a treat t d bozzell 6c co will open a repos itory jind anotiop mart at 730 to 740 dor cl ester street montreal with stabling for about 100 horsos auction sales will be held twice a week and private sales ovcry day they have tbo beat lino of custom in canada aud want hot ota of all grades for export and home trade special faailhioj are given to patrons to dispose of their horses to best advantage charges mod erate write them for terms and particu lars bo observed while the bamo feature to tho smaller offioea reported tho plaintiff sent down it is not often that tho plaintiff in a case finds himbolf in the toils ha had hoped to- surround tho defendaut sueb was tho result in tho case watson v watson before reeve nicklin and county attorney matboson last jtndaj william watson late of coliiilwcod who has been around here for several months cbdrgtid his cousin john watson farmer on ho fifth line with assault tho oaso wan dismissed john wat bo n then htd william before the court on tho charge of proposing to him that they burn john s barn and divide the insurance monoy william was found guilty and bent down for trial w a molean for john watson and j a mc kiunon for william inoflicr hod fie to attend a court of the canadian order of forest era was instituted on moudav eveuiug by- mr w h pi nob brant ford special organizer with a full list of charter mem bera after the organization tho foltowiug ofheere were elected and installed cblof ranfjor w h denny c it itobt watson x 0 h james synion chaplain ltuv j k goddcn m v kin beo v ii adams troaburor d camoron boo hoc p a balloy s w angus lawbou j w l ticiillmmo h it albert adantb j 11 alfred sopor auditors j svmon hobt wataon 1roaa corroaponduiit dr p 8 morcor i xain rbyhlolin dr ti a mckobruo tho new court startu out with good proa pcois and its member and officiary believo it will have buccobb a happy wedaintt haat evening the home of mr john b chtshqlm mill street was the scene of a very happy gathering of friends last evening they had see em bled to witness the nuptials of mr ronald a johnaon of johnstown n y formerly of anton to ada grace daughter of john d chiabolujeaq of this town the ceremony was performed at eight o olook by rov h a macpberaon the bride who looked lovely in her pretty wedding gowu was attended by ber eiator alice who was also very attraotively attirod tho groom was supported by mr park dills the young couple have been much ebteemed in the circles in which they have moved and this was amply manifested by tho numerous andfieauti ful bridal tokens presented they will leave for their new borne at johnstown n y to morrow morning whence will follow tho cordial good wishes of their many acton friends proposed improvements the trustee board of the methodiet jhuron has unaer consideration concerning tho now tariff m7 s 0 beardmoro of beardmore co who manu facturo solo harness and belting leathers eaid to tho puci piiebk as there is no change in dutieaof tho classes of leather wo manufacture nor tho raw material wo use wo o not a lice ted we wero well served under the old tariff the new tariff will be of advantao we think to home of the other leather tunners in tho ct unty who are manufacturing different lines to- oura as a wholo tho new tariff is eatiafactory to ub and we are particularly gratified with the preferential clauses relating to grcut britain wo consider thia a movement in tho proper direction excilhioii ilom uolthjj mr h t arnold of tho excelsior gjove works expressed himself satisfied because tbe tariff was not changed jn its relations to tbo jove buiincas of coupsc ho continued if tho new tariff had been made adverse to our industry tho fleet would have been much more keenly ft it by the laboring intercuts than by the manu fuoturers tho price of labor would nccesb arily bdvo been reduced as he margin on our floods is already bo low we could not roduco tho cost at uuy other point we pay in canada twice tho prices fpr cutting and making paid in lufjand and three times those of germany aud belgium i oannot bpq much 111 tho new preferential clauses outhide tho qucatit n if lojutty to thu mother country although un lug llbhrnali i urn blrom for caiitul 1 fir canaliauh hrcauso here a num mav rue from tbo ranks and become a proi orous manufacturer himself uhilo m lngland this is lmpobfiblo i think tho govern ment has eitrcmtd diecrelicn in urran ing tho new tririff though of u turtle it is not possible to meet tho t rcxlu of nil clueses and in bo mo caseb manufacturers of isolated iiucb a ay suffer 1 bu l iiek 1itlbs luvltonall its roadoro toeou tribute to tills column if jou or your friouda aro koliid away ou a holiday trip or if you have friun la vl8ltlnyynir drop a card to the i ull 1 1 imh mies jennie christie of gunlph spent a tvuk or ao with relutiveshero misj niua millor of georgetown initod aotnn frionds duiing tho week mr aud mrs williamn of cwmpbellvillo vuilcd uton relatives this week mr james a mutthows of orunovjlle mrtdo aotou frioudd a brief mail last week miss jean beattic of guelph was a lucat at tho boms of her brother labt week mtys litlitrr a iiuheg bpont several 1 iya last week at her f uhertf ihome in ouolph j air yttteb of the guelph advocate bluff mtde tho pin b pufuh a pleaaaot oall on butnrduy t mr ij whidilo of toronto was the gueat of his daughter mrs i rank harris lbt week rov john hough of guelph who was ill for aomo time and subaoqueutty rallied is again very low masters will aud charlie powell of guelph spent caster with thoiraunt mrs te m secord mr and mrs richard hematreet of trafalgar bpent a couplo of days lovit week with relatives here mibs ida monttbb returned to toronto general hospital on tuesday evening to resume her duties there mr joshua williams of manistee miob bpont a day or iwo during the week with hiajitother ex councillor williame messvn rubort agnew and jno wil liama weiuo elora on tuesday to attend merit meriualk tho lptrlnfc diuo of jsj i 1ao hoods barsaparllla mil l9 merit in uudlclno means tho power to lure hood h sarsnparilla possesses actual ami unequal cd curativo power and ihere- foro it has truo merit when you buy hood a sirsupnrilnoud toko it according to directions to purify 3 our blood or euro any of tbo mnny blood diseases you are mornlly certain to receive boiieih tho power to euro is there you aro not trying an experiment it vt iii make your blood pure rich nnd nourishing and tbub drive out tbo germs of disease strengthen tbenerveannd build uptho wboleayatom j rockwood trnprove menta which will transform tbe exterior appearance of tbe edifice rearrange to some extent the interior and materially improve the building it is proposed that tho boft bricks winch wero unfortunately allowed to go into some of tbe upper courses of tbe exterior wallb will be removed tho brick and mortar will bo tinted and tuck pointed the whple of the exterior woodr work is to bo repainted and there will also be minor improvements in addition an tbe rear tenders for tbo work will be asked for in the course of a week or so and it la intended if tbework is undertaken to have it completed by the 1st of joly it is but fair to state that the consideration of these improvements has been induced through the offer of a liberal subscription by au adherent of the church a short time ago this offer has been supplemented by a generoub subscription list by tbo mem bera of tlio trustee board aud members and friends of the church if all interest ed will asuibt in tho matter the whole of the improvements referred to may bo carried out architect ellis of toronto was here on tuesday taking measurements etc for plans aodpeoiflcations death at mrs auaon hmttt sr iho uowa of tbe sudden death of mrs an sou smith sr of hannon glarjdford townbbip was received by her friends lilro last thursday with much sorrow mrs smith had been ailing for a couplo lit wwks but w not thought to be hold to determine what was to bo done with tho monoy nisod by the haymakers concert co a voto was taken on whether this money should be left in the hands of the treasurer bo expanded in building side walbs or bo given to tho meohanice in stitute tho result was that tho majority was in the favor of tho lattor sohome and the cash will bo placed to tho credit of tho mechanics institute the block and implements of tho bquira strang farm w bold by p au on tbe 20th mat tho homeatoad was also offered for sale but no bids were rcoeived day evening sho was taken with a fit of hemorrhage of tbo stomaoh and expirsd within an hour mrs smith was in her 7 1kb year her maiden psmo was jtlanoy potru0 and her birthplace tbe township where she died sho was married at the early ago of fiftclu and ber husband who survives her was only four years ber souior lor cu years they lived happily together uud saw their family grow up around them to enjoy lifo and prosperity about uii years ago mr and mrs smith retired from the farm and came to aotou to reside two of tbmr daughters mrs w ii storey and tho late mrs w l smith beind settled here they remained in aoton until two years sgo when they decided to return to tbe old home to spend their decliuiog yoars their fine property on 1 redcrick street they slityrotojn mr smith wab a christian woman kindly in disposition aud respected by all wbo kudw bur her partner ju life will feel a keen sense of loneliness during his remaining ysam llio funeral on saturday to tho cemetery at trinity churoh was very largely attended rev gepftfo 1 ergusson preached an improvsivo memorial sermon tlio rev mr strachan has tendered bis resignation of his appointment as com mtsaloner to tho general assembly at its meeting in winnipeg in juno next thomas piper many years ago tho principal storekeeper in guelph died about a month ago in the town of barrio where ho resided soveial years he was about 70 years of ago ho built tho laat aud shoe peg mill in rock wood where ralph richardson s bhingle mill iaat present and which ho turned into a gns mill after wards tbo r t of x had a ploasant at homo in tbo lodge room on tbo evening of tho 20th in fit labt thursday evening a meeting waa thofnneral of tho lato tranli dalbj mr asa hall returned home from a lengthened visit to penetang on monday his many friends here welcome his return tho death of mr frank dal by of elora occurred on sunday mr dalby was woll known in aoton ho was in hi 5cth year 4 mr will barry of barrie who waa mbjtiug at tho hon e of mr jamea barry for a coupo of weeks rtiornrd homo jes tcrday miss etta mckct tie who 1ub been a kuoat at the home of mr arili mcnabb the past two or three months returned to her homo at southampton yesterday mr aroh mcnabb attended the grand campof the soub of scotland at toronto last week mr j a molean of molean mclcit barristers was elected grand chieftain mr ami mrs w ii storey and mr w l smith went to glandfurd ou triday to attend tho funeral of mrs storey a mother the luto mrs anson smitb sr they returned homo on monda mr d d christie is ndw superintendent of chalmers churoh sunday school guelph he took pnrt in it 0 21st anmv erbiiry fervicew in dublin st meihoditit und ty school of which mr r e nolbon a former ptrtner is pnprrintotid 1 1 on sundu hooa s sarsaparilla is tjie ttcat in fact the one true nioocl purifier prejmrcd only by c i hood co lowell mass hoods pills io not brljn alltluebf am utrrc pain or lm walls must be covered simples on application seeds save money by buyihf your girdcn seeds in hulk we hivo lwrylhine in seeds for the i lwer in 1 lltibe 11 dins vi bo root ve is fir the fit in i urntp m ingel l4p fishing tackle secure jourii befoil monday and before dwiiif s- bee our new l hcb and qibts elc browns drug store we were mistaken wo cvpcctcd there would have been a reduction in the new tinfl as compared witb the old of about 25 per cent wc were mist it en it only amounts as neirly nt ule cir estimate it to ibtsut a per cent we are glad it lb bellied as we are no lonper working 111 the d irk i he reductions already made in our f iods will stand is ihcy are 1 he pub he have begun to apprcciuu ihe fact thu there is a frcat diflerence in the price of our imported eoodb is compare 1 with oilier fa tores retiittm from our hainf marked our jc ods on ilie basis f a 25 per cent lower tariff dress gboods mill street acton wl do the largest will lipcr business in cnelph our pricoare unexcelled depart mennt values window 8hades darkgriog0late is a favorite color in ladies shoes we jiave in stock a line of j oxfords pointed toe toe cap turn sole misses sizes if o2 for 100 womans in 2 12 to 6 for 100 cjmplete with roller 15c pringe ditto and roller zoc extra cloth and roller 35c heay lace and roller 52c 1 ull size 3x6 acton roller mills uuilcct repot t april 20tb 1b07 wheat whito per b 11 ob 70to7io wbo at rod m to 70c wboat pprliig pj to g3c poae j j8 to0o oata 20 to 2o ilarley 2 to 30c 1 lour ontario wboat por 100 it a 1 80 rjour manitoba mixod 8 3 00 flour manitoba puro 2 20 cracked whoat 200 graham flour e a 00 bran per ton 810 00 shorts 11 00 midlines 612 00 childrens carriages big stock in ill the new colors and designs from 96 00 to 920 00 velocipedes lor the bos 3 00 83 50 82 50 2 75 on monday we toolt out of bond a larpc shipment of untish lo kis which coming in under the new tanfl will be coiibidenhlj cheaper than btock held in thu city and imported under the old t inft the goods that fill our shelves art fairly achii to bae their qb i qualities and keen nlues placed before u in tire papers worth ol bpecial mention arl drebs goods drtssmildnj and millinery 1 bese departments we are almost afraid to adveftiso is we hae lud such a tremendons rush an thpi tliat to make them any morl prominent iinhi so crowd the chantiels business that justice could not be ctpne to ifl wq trust the good wjll of the puphc lo do their blipppin earlier in iho weett and lfposibjc earlier in the day indthus gte our milliners who are workingto detraction an opportunity of getting ouf their w jrk without coming so dingerousjy near to working on the babhath we ask this in the interests of humanity and we feel sure the ladies of guelph and the country generally will heirtily respond big stock of hituicli boxes rfrourwwidowafid the- pnee is ghas l nelles city bookstore cuelph xltx needle sstork allhdie3trl tnvltcd to the art needle work cltu conducted by miss schick of ntw york who wdl give free tuition in the room upstairs in tbt open houso v full assortment of silks linens and stamped pattternsls sold by us brhntford steel wind- mills internal cov lnd gear ratfnt itollor and ball deer lupp mesara beardmore a co suppliod six or aeven cars of freah tan bark for the horse ahow which opens in toronto to day john wendling of tho western hotol guelph waa fined 920 and oouta at the polico court triday morning tor a violation of the licenao act spring fever ia not a bad thing to get if it developa into an anxtoty to olaan up your burrouudingu and improve tho appear unco of thinga generally be loyal to your town buy whkt you want hero tbo merchant you patronize may iome day bo ablo to direct a dollar in to your pocket in any ovent you- noodn t look for work or patronage from toronto when the city ehufk gqtbiqur money he u through with you tbe warm raiim of tho pait wook and jbfi accompanying warm weather have given vegetation a mighty impetus the lomilyllpjvjiil bitt atbemmwfldnfla fatfriccountryliaaliindergonebreat change budding trees and luxuriant green graan indicate the bonctlts of tho rainfall and the hnabundnmn d heart la glad ntunilglittf itrllciit a nun ha but one eourcoof relief nervlhuo norvp pain cure panetratua to the irrl tated nerves boqiiiob hem into rapoae and eflforda relief almost inatantly the whole range of medicine n fiord a no parraljel to merviline aa a pain reliever if you want first olasstittelph sash and doora ut guelph prices i limiaoh oan till your order at hitt planing mill better thrn 6u8r t amm aim iiifi iilwi bold in iead pftcketa only never lafiblk all qrooera s is hene you want seeds thorp the seedsman cuelph sclls red clocr at 95 00 to 5 3 alsikc clover at 94 50 to 95 lucerne clover at 94 75 to 95 crimson clover at 93 50 timothy seettat 9 also red top and orchard onss at 9z siberian beed oats at 25 to 30c joanette seed oats at 25c new zealand oat sat 23 to ac banner oats 23 to 25c seed peas at 42 to 48c beed barley at 35 to 40c beed wheat at 68 to 85c seed corn at 38 to 45c mangel seed uac a lb or 89 for 100 lbs turnip seed 124c a lb or 89 tor 100 lbs rape seed 15 lbs for 81 00 or 85 00 per 100 lbs sugar beet 20c a lb l cry thing in eed3 we carry tho largest stock and aro the only direct importers in the city rlmlmblr thl placl geo j thorp i seedsman market square guelph a change of business having bought the tailor ing establishment lately car ried on bymr h btrasser i hope by strict attention to business to share a continu ance of your support i shall put into stock choice suit- nitfs printings and ovei- coatingh ready for the spring trade e h schlfmme i ule of wnlurlo acton 117 black 459 colored by actual count this morning the above figures represent the niunbcr of pieces of dress goods on our shelves this day think of 41 1 if yon want 1 black dress you have the choice of 117 different mater nls ind stylos this represents a range of prices from 25c to 82 85 per yard meeting every want of every customer and in i ancy dress goods a choice or 459 styles and colors in which no two pieces are alike gives our customers a selection unequalled in the trade we emphasize the superiority of our dress goods department however not only in the vast variety but in the splendid values offered and the careful fieleolionefeufetyles tlie4jestmftkei gerrmny trance and britain contribute their best efforts to our collection and our arrangements with them are such that wc constantly have the refusal of the newest productions considering the large amount of flimsy and trashv materials offered by present day merchant fakirs and the fake system of business so prevalent ustomers naturally turn in increased numbers assured in tho confidence of getting the nicest new est and most reliable that money can buy we commend to you our dressmaking where all orders arc executed- with the ut most care millinery trade lias never shown such activity with us constant novelties coming in keep the attractionsfresh 8pecials this week for friday 6e saturday e r bollert s6 co 25 and 27 wyndham street octeiiph ont international di5tieiary tho one great standard authority 1 po write lion l j lirtftrr 1 jiwtlml h h pifchr cdnrt j vsefii a postal for fpcclmcn paste ate vuabrldged standard iii lli iqwnts m for lltmuilflil ynur lintua nu lit h deun mauh lnqmu flolllllh onvan htainim luknu alirun iiouuk liiuoraoll out oaltdd lovoiy vloluroi or ho h wit ofuli wiui ordnr uanada oahu thitbmt tori itook 1 untily c niniended 1 by hmta fttiperlntrfml nl of hrfmol nil t oiiwr mlurntorn iiunoat i wluwitt number for kvkiiybodv koaubc it to trngy to and k went mimed it li ay t pecerf tw the prwianclatlon it y te um growth ol word it u wtjr t man what k wefd himih ntmtitninrtn nmmly fi tinliur rfrmmlxrcl i ikhhiln fntfllltmhtlm ihiii 1 1 f mirtloinhnitle i i il 1 mry itiflnttmauotiflf rant frntnlninonnior 5 y twiienq tiifonao of prmttt ln uiam r 1 o a cmttirrrxwco rvhltthkrm aprtmgald mmtu ur gnlvnnxled tow ers anil wheels tliobcst in armrlcn ideal sprn piiiiui iron pimnifl vvatyr laiikr hi inn ic tho idoal power mill with roller and ball bearings fs a wonder boa t for circulars tub maple leaf toiikvbh j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell streets guelph and now tel 40 a word wilh 3 nn nhniit- our fio rpiiiig hnts they are strictly uptodate they represent every leading style they are made by the best makers they embrace every shade and color they are the niest in the city they are reasonable in price need we say more just thib that our i oo ht is i leader r b nelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph pringle guelph poil any powrn phoil q flv uoithi to sononsk fooldj to incli ovorslblo v 1 latosof flpoolal dobiro lhapley boarlncn for tlio lilatoo huns oay grinds lmui r mm nl and fut 111 wl n wm our ia foot idonl tower lpoltkals m rurt it batlifsa atmi torlly tills 1b by all odds brrntford can h0 b mad john wquesn agent for above also tor frost and wood binders and mowers a fall lino of all kinds of farm implements and kepair acton steam -laundry- geo peavoy proprietor iirat class work guaranteed in ftahily laundry work shirts collars etc caffs work called for ovcry monday and thursday and delivered evory thursday and saturday ceo peavoy read till 1 c great offer fl 1 the london i free press lit lrco prctw clomlrhift to krcnll 3 inert nrfi luniibm rlption lift in kci hi follim hkal otlcr to i tit fit iihikiui j blotih m t m wlni w fc hluj hcrlbcrh to ooi fioo ircni wfll got 1 one years paper free r tlio ro pren linn mrttln nrrniik- 2 nionth will tlo xttulntrv clou z ilililuliink t ci fcirn muuli r i f c ptomf s tholr liotk mm itrh i loim 5 tho iirlro nf nlilili n m iliimhnnk liuith full mil in 1 1 ill lmktiktlio aimlnni ihrtiumth mi i niliiniilof dnnicitlli i luiiiln anil inullij nno goi tat lit iik h illicit hut lent nf mudklna 8n i kivufpih ho inil uui lurmurcau u iilsoun mjtorltmrj 1s300ees200 tho wtittly frco pirm nn i i inn nn t homo f r ono j cur prh o 91 hi nnd 3 amp of tlio cilcrlii ir h into prlco 3 12 xi hot it ill lit m tile 1 i uiti nil 3 trikh tipt n tl t i c int if two dollars 3 ilonol tnlihlrt i li ti t c i t in not aalfonl timimll it mi ill rihlullnltnl 3 ourottjcct in in ikiim ii iti v int mtmiro tn liniiiidiilti r it iii uhrh n lenn liberal oirir iiiikiii f ii to iittm i itci moinhnr liy m n i nn 8 i 0 for 1 1m book 3 you kct lint wet kit irn print mil 3 kariii ntiil hoiiit oini ylai i pee a akfliln m tl mi l uhlro ailtlrom 3 all comniihil imontt to tlio free press printing co sondun ont fmmmmittfitmnnmmimmnnr wantedfln idea myfjwiuitajiigl4hi l ortir timir tiifim priio offer the best isalways the cheapest my stock of watches was never better thoroughly warranted i will not sell a bad know it livery waich one if j i d pkingle gnelph choice teas nnd coffees easter goods 1 new j lmbroidery t and 2 insertion easter cloves veilings and hosiery- ibjr leading shades in chifforts large range of spring vests special prices in groceries for easter easter price temptations m black dress goodb easter colors mens furnishings hats ties collars in leading styles and gents furnishings a e curimey co mill 8treet acton newest dcbiyib in 1 icc cumins mens hats the newest shapes and best shades are to be found in our range of hats for spring wear we have carefully selected the most tasty things from the best english and american makers and guarantee every hat we sell we are also showing a complete range of colored shirts neckwear balbriiran unrtm car coshincrc hose etc jiendexsan fe qo gents furnishings department jmlc jt 11

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