Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1897, p. 4

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jiiuilbday allul 20 181 itijc aung jtollia t jflmsojv vim i ki ow u littlo million who in always- in a hurry hi o r illh 1 rotidu bur 1 ronkfaiit tp i o in lima f r btliool blio htjillilub ut 1ii 0k hi a liasty ort df ll irr i uimt3 i onio in a bruutlilufti wllil tint jule tlio vtallt uk bl cliunlth tliroghli if atmljlm hiio hurrlifo tliroujjh licr bowiiiff i il o in cufjn t liigli prlbsuro nu if loleuro voru a crluiu hukb alwajh in aaoramblo no in ittor lioro hi o h rblllf ni uiupitm jqt ijliiuo itbhouoior uiu tiinul until you know jlio as i do it uuuiiih ii contradiction ronton ii it i in huro you think it bimi i e wliuil i etato hut ehouuor has bton known td boglu o thing lu honuoij f ami ehobolwajs in o tturry bxcaima blio ptarts too info pilncillia 1 canard ifiulhuithmttn nw baseball rules ii o who herniates is out a cloned glovo catches no fliefl strike whilo the pitqhef ia hot whore there a a hit theren a waj the early bird catohemho pan dud t a fool and his base are soon parted good pitching in time aavedtlro mer it a a bhort game that has no kicking ntrtcr look a gift pltsher id the month of the making of errora thoro is no end the race is not always to too base run nor twafltnkes is company throo is a roast a hwiftrolltnjrb it a a poor bat that wont work both wuys if at firet yoa don t aacceed try the oat gold even the umpire will turn wheu trodden upou a recklegs baae runner makea a fat aooro card if wishes we re home runs beggars would root a fly ball in tbo hand is worth two over the fence there aro no good umpires except dead umpires half a loaf on tho bench is better than none at all money makes tho manager go and ox change players whore ignorance ia bliss twere folly to attract the ampiroerattention dont oatch yowtcatchea before tbey are oatcbed there s many a oip twixt the cup and tbo ohampionb it a a wise child that unowa hffw to koep a ecore card it a an ill wind that hlowa tho ball into tbo blcaoiierh the pitcher that oee to the raoea too often ii sure to get broke ho who httband runs away will live to hit another day lis a long game that isnt oalled on account of darkness mako first baae while the bud abinea in tho neldera eyes a bad beginning makes a bad impression on the grand stand oattielderp liko infleldera come homo to roost on the umpires neok does not take in washing whan luv dtvid short wuk tbtor of the fen a aienuo duptibt church ut soran ton ho waa zumiouh iu iho work of ht irlg now mombcru one man with whom ho hud laborod exhaustively whs llnally persuadod as to hie christian dut but could not mako up hm muid whether to bcoomo u bap tint or a mcthodmt 1 nmlly he lift upon a comprbmim and wroto to tho doctor that he hud united with tiro tho mothohutb but would like to ho hup tiod in tho biptiut ciiuilii by liiimcrmoti ihibeoi xiuptr itorl ilic oo 1 doctor unit he sent tho following rep1 i regret thut i otinnot uccoinmojuto jou llus ohurch iiolh not tuku in wubii iuk broader than intended a wealthy id all lady vlioeo homo is eit uatod near a yarnsou toyvu in iroluud oiilo bent an invitution to captain armstrong to take ton with her saying that tho pleasure of cupt uu armstrong b oompmy la rospectfully re quitted otc lo her abtdliiuhment alio received by nu orderly tho followiug noto enlisted men jones and smith have been detailed to do guard duty but tho remainder cf captain arm btroufcjd company accept with pleasure mrs taylor s polite invitation- paines the name and reputation imply much iiilti iro i l pit who ijvo gji with all thou heart who ilru hfriud to timt him with a dollar of tlitir moi t rheumatism can bf cured iii jmmim lfa0 i u is ntt clad with scintioa ironi h ch i uiw a ttrnblo hu forer mil i could 11 d no itihtf for mna ruqiithi llitn ii llalsted a treatmbht cured mean i h ut r had a rheumatic l am erne aii- mnv n ugo 8j js aciof mifohltl 17 injnncl80j i wiu stacked with in umtnatory rhouuntiam with wlucirt auffored jundor contumol medioul treat mont five monthu lho list livo uopks t wart not able to ga jt of bed i then sent for dr iulatod ilia treatment gave mo immediate relief and in a fowtu8 x was at my work and i have had norhiotu atiem since ijium boiimiuimin molntyr dec jbth 18tf dr halated a luicumutlo curo ina bo had at tho mcdiuu hall main strcot aoton paiaes celery compound estab lishes safety health and strength neverallowanvdalerto persuade you to take something else faino a i glorious tahamauto name that bpeaks a wealth of hope and health to the thousands of disoaeo burdened meu and women i fames 1 marvelloub healer that oureb when all other medicines fail i fames i thou bright loadstar of the despondent that bruigeat a world of joy and new life after the dootora have declar od tho caao to bo mcurr he j now is the time- to uso pamob celery compound if you would bo wot happy and hearty tho heart kidney liver atonmch all tbeso great organs with tho majority of people are out of order in tho spring lime and crij for aid and repairing eo that their work may bo properly doce if yoa have any of these organs out of ropair your whole nervous system is out of gear and your life is in peril fames celery compound gives perfect action to the heart and other important organs it makes pore blood gives porfeot digestion aweet bleep and puts you in a oondition of vigor and strength that euah lea yoq to battle against tho heat of sum mer and all tho epidemics that may aribo item ember thiu puinoa is the kind that cures refaae the something just as good that dealers woald offer you ask forfaines celery compound and see that yoa are supplied with it she was a businesswoman there are more ways than one to make a living said a deibare little woman with hashing brnwn eyes to a reporter i know a woman who was left penniless in manchester she was riding in a tram one day when she was straak with the same ness of the advertisements that are posted up in the oars bhe believed that sho could write good advertiseuenta and she thought oat a lot of little four line rhymes for a certain article she bubmitted them to tho advertising manager of the firm who manufactured it and they were accepted and now sho ia making a lot of mono every year with her voraes extolling var ious warcb fuhaw 1 said the blondo who sat next to tho demure little woman i know of cttto that diacounts that tl woman well i do and i ii tell you about it to provo it a friend of mine who had been doing aomo newapaper work got the orazo for writing advertisements and she went around a lot of eatabliahments only to find that they wero well supplied with people to look after that branob of their b a bine is she did not undone firm that was willing to let her try ber hand and she began to work in less than a year sho was cdm forublyoff for the restof bevlifer no gr when you take hoods fills the bis old fash ioned sugarcoated pins which tear you all to pieces are not in it with hood a rosy to take laxaliver rills- biliousness conswion sick headache liver troubles tho do il generally fo6b to praj era with tho man who yee into his clodet and leaves tho door open ifio heat lumciij iir corns tb futiiam d famleaa corn extractor llapid painleas ita action ia a murol to all who have ttitd tt i uucy fiettuif rid of painful corns in twenty four hourfl putnam a doeait rrbi castoria for infanta and childreu th fu ll mils tgnitnro icra ctbft vrtppsr hitlthltrmii feunilr gtmlimbn your burdock blood bit ers cured mo of salt itheum three years ago it wuh eo bad that i lost my tlngor ubiih and i can traly bay that i know of no more valuable modiaino in tho world than b b b i havo had no return of salt rheum since mhh jas sanders lmoreon man ouo way to bhortcn tlio jirm of god is to boo how much you can do to didcourggo your preacher it is a grout public benefit these significant vortl a were ubed m relation to dr thomub lclectrio oil b a entlemin who had thoroughly tested ita merita in his own cabe having been cured by it of lamoneas of tho knee pf three years stand ing it never faiui to remove borencaa and lameness and is an incoraparablo pulmon io and correctno provo that a christian life may be lived orifiny pd ryx pr that it may bo jived nd easy to operate la tru of hood a pills which nr npto date in every respect safe certain and sure all arugglsta 25c o i hood co lowell mass tho only dim to take l ji hood s sarsansrlua- pills there are people that are wilhug to do anything for tbo lord who never think of going to work on a rainy sunday take one did alio iovontbome new style of writ ing or aomotblor of tbt kind anked tho demure little woroan no replied the blond bnt she roar ried tho senior partner simple subtraction a favorable xarople of irish wit jb the following borrowed from judge it an ewurs very well also an a hit at the fcood uutarcd pcoplo who amubo themselves by ntronuing the lower olabees an irishman wbb batlling water in bar relirom a fmall river to supply tbo in habiliuitu of the village wbloli waa not pro vided mth waterworkh as he halted at tho top of iho bank to give a blow be fore proceeding to peddle the water a fjontlcmnn of the inqnltiltive typo rode up and utter pabeing tho time of day a9ked flow long have you been hauliug water for ho village my good man 1 in years or more aor was the elm cle reply of dr agnews livar pilla after dinner it will promote diges tion and overcome any evil effects of too hearty eating en vtufctablb do not disturb the system safe prompt active palnloss and pleasaut this eflootivo little pill m eupplanting all the old school naubcoub purgativce tbe demand ia hard to keep up with binco placing it on tho oanadiau rnarkot tako no substilnte 40 dosos 20c at all drng gists in advanced stages of con- sumption scotts emulsion soothes the cough checks the night sweats and pre vents extreme emaciation in this way it prolongs life and makes more comforta ble the last days in eveiy case of consumption fioni its first appcirance to its most advanced stages no remedy prompts a gi eater hope for recovery or brings comfort and relief equal to scotts emulsion book on the subject free for the ask- ing cott iiowm iklevlllr ont hazard a mellon oil tina old reliable medicine in usooor third of a century cures rheumatism stiff jointe spraina bruises swollinga frost bites chilblains chafing neuralgia and all pain or aorenoab in man or biaat 25o at all druggists any work is hard work to a lusy man si 1 al do ii d ff tf hrom unci vmiri i ilii onl i botaii linn g djh curt i mo con ii it bcht of in nidi si 3ia ii liihtihton i ii til lit till ml i 111 i m i i ii ia t lit i lo lu re nit ii i i t ii ttt t i hi ved tiiikh i ftwd vh t i lio wlnli ki lnt 1 ihh lhty in i i ii m now iu the f al 1 1 j ussron lorm lo ont i n h pi 1 jou urn know n nit uu uth r u 1 of hi i wifu tt rt lii n j lu re irti to iiiiiny tnu h in di intb in tlic nmrkct lliut it iu bdmitiiikh difbcnlt to tell v1 ir h to buy but if u ii 1 1 a coulr a cold or mty nftcotion of tli throit dr hiii wo would try bnkluu anti oon huniptivo foyrup lhosi wljo have naed it think it id fur u lu mi rf all ollur propnra tuiiifl ret ommemlel far tuioli compftiottj tho little folkri like it ilh it 11 uu pltamnt as fj rup t beak up a r ii tune i t pynypegtorau tho qnlclc cnro fr coxifhs cui ps koi v uitov xiiiti lurciim j ctir 1 tv 10 vc ice i wr f i 1 in e n r y peli rnl 1 n lllrotior i ji kofrvl in i n m a il i 1 1 1 f i i hi tin i lilr n d ilt wllll40 idtrgo bottle 20 cih dwis lawrlnce co ltd proj iotora mostrial nlonoy that has no religion in it ia apt to burn the fingera pai melee a pilla poaeees tho power of act ing specifically upon tho diaeased organs stimulating to action tho dormant energies of tho system theroby removing disease in fact eo freat is tho power of tlua medi oine to oloanae und purify that diseases of almost every name and nature aro driven from the body mr d carawell carawell p o ontario tvriteb i havo tried par melees piiib and find them to boaln excel enb medicine and ono that will sell well thoro is no real joy in giving to tho manwhodoeonotgivd half enough r o ihut mi- bits t mil mnin co dy aii sn h i can recommend dr wood a norway pino syrup bb tho very best med icido for coughe apd colds eoro throat and weak lunge which i hao ever ubed yours truly wm 1 1- nn blenheim ont strong points about b b b 1 its purity 2 its thousands of cares 3 its economy lc a dose regulates the stomach liver and bowels unlocks the secretions purifiestheblood and r impu fro a comm and nerve pills for weak people at all drukfrlsts priccjto conu per box or 3 for i so sent by mull on receipt ol price f miuiukn c co toronto no man oo wife ih to pc i iu la out hnv harl his nil hi bffjns t build a i his spilntr- sfrnii 13 at hand wuitlr vj ncul ovtr aro jou reuly for biirnmor ia jour blood puro burdocicblool but r pnriheu aud onriuieb the blool cures djspephia ad bloo silu headache eto b b b ro move a oerj trace of ihlpnrttyfrorrr tho blood from a common pimple to tho worst scrofulous core when jou und a man who has tho oonr ftgn livo within hia income you und a hero in hir vuetablo piila dr parmolco liaa given to the world the fruits of long ecien tlflo research in tho wholo realm of medi oal ecienco combined with now and valu ablo dibcoverica never beforo known to man tor dehcuto and debilitated con stitutions tbeso pills aot like a charm taken in email doeoa tho effect ia both a tonio and a stimulant mildly exciting the sexyotions of tho body giving tone and vigor emybsion is invaluable if you aro run down as it is a food as well as a medicine the d l emulsion l wi 1 1 ull i you u if our ecncnl health 13 i i pa i re 1 tho d cl l cmulsion latl obc tan i mo 1 1 tnl in j rcpinnonof cod liver o i 0 v1 li lliu mojldcli ca octu uclis the d l emulsion is prescribed b tlio kadlnr physicians of canada the d l emulsion uairiarvollous flesh roduccr a d ill give jou an appetito 50c el si per bottle he iurc you s i davis lawrence co ltd tliogt- liue i montneau mxnuuiiiiiunuixtnutttut- it is hard to understand how aomo men can profess to much and do bo little skin eruptions onred for 35 centa relief in a day pynpleto the worst scrofulous sore and dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn sour stomach dizziness dropsy rheumatism skin diseases iknclaciin f nee ache melatlo lnini curnlnlc pulufu ia i u ik tliu side etc i fomi tly rulevod and curud j thedl menthol plaster iinl iriiiirly uro alfc jfcntl nlfiaitor f ri n n j til tt im lc an i i mlmo i i nl uluitl uly rr- l wmo n nnfr i uniilr f it fa u ttwy m t llko i auv altoistl lllulmliltowu jut irlco uc dav r a eo tiu i roi riuora iomtreal the sureat way to become ood looking ia to behave that way thero never waa and never will be a universal panacea in ouo remedy for all ilia to which flesh ia heir tho very nature of many curativeh bom suah that wore tho germs of other and differently seated diboahce rooted in the system of tho patient what would relievo ono ill in t wou filan nauts but little here below this fact mon him renown while woman wants a lot of things and wants them all marked down victory for east simcoe of one thlnff mr w h bennett the conservative standard bearer in east slmcoe is sure he suffer ed from catarrhal trouble and found speedy and fixed relief in dr agnews catarrhal pow der in tho oominti by election it will not bo settled until tho voles are counted whether sir v ii burnett who has rep resented tho conatituoncy with ability for years will uaiu bo tho successful can didate one thing mr bennett is perfect ly certain of whatever turn tho bteotion may take when attending to his duties at ottawa two sosaions ago ho was taken dowu with catarrhal trouble in tho head ho used dr agnowa catarrhal powder and over his own signature says that work ed like a charm and quiokly removed the lczema tetter salt rfituin laiboru it oh all itching and burning pkin diseases vanish where dr agnevv a ointment is used it relieves in a day and cures quiok ly no cibo of piloa which an application will not comfort in a few minutcb if yoa havo ised hih priced ointments without benefit try dr aguow s ointment at 85 cents and be cured sold by a t brown tho man who worries about things he call t help bavcs tho devil a groab deal of ttorrdwori a lliuliuil cliuiige mrs jas graham iiamilton ont aaya my doctor said that my heart trouble could not he cured but i am happy to bay he waa mistaken for milburns hoart and nervo piiib havo mado a comploto euro in my case i have now no heart pains sleeplessness fluttering or breathlessnoss and am entirely restored to health and vigor the right hotlse cor king apd hughson sts hamilton railway time table spring dross goods dubimh th weavers anil loonm eooiu to hnvn nm lu il combination on bt half ct beauty aid ion i lioih i bin uuaroiitt dlunloy far suriiaetiuh nil iruvioiib iftoith in tiirnlnn out beautiful ioouh at mo tuvato prlcoa i nnov iwtcd muturob 43 inch aiandloc tho sow oanvasuotli flinch go lb and 70c silk un 1 woo mlxturon 42 inch boo iwoolrt i inoy all wool 41 i noli 0c iiliicyo hrlklit i inlah iuat vuritty pf hliudth ii liichua wldu j silks in nil tin ir beauty arc dinj latl vou ii ad milt tlifit oodh so miilli that jou 11 almobt forgot tlntt oui i rfclb aro ulwaja ut tho iowobi notch ritriilh and chockh knikaijjiltu 2- c i lain ta iinutio hilk all hhudoa ijo great hun to ot i ancy blllih ioifootly new in coloi and lobjbu pricos raiidiufi from 50o to si x por yard black 1 oau dolsolo file ial valtio at il 00 miliinary vopartinoat ih alvjayua lea lor with uu all our hulaanooplo lu thio dopartinont arti practical mlllinora aud cuu rivo ou flubobtlpjia ob to hotv jour hood wear hhould bo trim mod htrav4 sailors in blunk white brown navy and mixolcplortj now ftiapcb nricoa from 25o each clilldroira hroadbrim bailors ribbon triuiniod wiiito black and navy from io up untriuimpd atraivfi groat variety of sbapos all now btylos nud colors from 75p trim mod mlllloory from a3 cliltdkoli fl itoarjwoartmpactalty nov l lowers koaoa kfulioua jtftcoa otb wlui our larkithtttflof triuimprs our country friends may leave tholr orders wbon thoy como to tbo citv and bavo them oxocutod in time- to take them home with thorn tho satnp day ladifis spring jackets aado of twoad or coating berco now bioovob blazor stylo pearl buttons 82 8360 54 75 fl iftdios spring capes iu navy cardinal and firown eiflo iiadlob capes ftiwu brown and black vol vet mycelial dj m ladies bjousos and shirt waists laundorod collars and cuffs now bishop bioovcb coc 75c 1 1 ji tho staple department i ull to ovorllowltifi with tho boat rados both canadian and liii ortud canadian hhlrtlnflh 5o f ho i0o 124 t tl 1p ojuallty tho host quality nuiilo color kiiar auuida ho lliqhos wldo iiaavy doublo svttrt liikiibu oxrotda 17o cottonados full width good pattorns lic- 15c lsd 20a 32a prluts aud rauihrlon for go hjo 10o boat quilityliithah cambrics u luohoa wldo 1240 bpooloi lino hoavy drillotto bluo regular 15o for 13o cotton gropoiib aud wahh goods 40 pattorns asanitod now bij ad en crinkles dhnltlou oryivti diou jjn boautnul prlntod oodds for drobbob or blouat u 15o 18c 20c 5o now apron muslin and lawns plain oiilcuo 1 aud tuckod loo tavoo yard i lannetottea j3 inohos wldo fast colora oj yard ioupy chocks 5o 1 nellsh tmnnolottofl jj incbos wldo twlllo i bjo hotter quality loo 12jo 15c lbc linen table naperx go luolios wltld udbloachod damask 3c w inohos wide uablaqchtd dunafik vcr heavy 45c 1 6h iuciioa wide qxtra heavy loom j7c 70 inches wldo apolal quality 70o go inch blaaohod damask 40c to 55c g8 lncli uoavy bloachod puro lltidu 7k r sheetings 72 inch tlaln uubloaohod 12jc ire 12 inch twill uublaaohed 18c an 1 22c 60 lnon ltatntnbloaohod iae eojnau twill unbloncbed c fillovr cotton 40 i nob plain 10c circular 12j 42 inob plain 12c circular 14c 44indb plain lajo xirpular 15c towols bpacial all ijnon loxjb 13jo white muslin underwear corset coveraspoclal 2 for 35c wo 2c drawers special 25c 32a 45a gowns special 45c 49a 63t7c cbhdron a dtresaos fit ago from 3 to 13 joara wblto 45o toftljo cbildrorj a dresaos eolored gjc to 82 75 bamploa ou application trolght or oxjiross prepaid to your nearest 1 all purobsses amountfug to 65 and upward x railway station in ontario thomas c watkins thbhrtghtttottsk tubmens tailoring thats wlint we like to call tbo class ot dres making we do dont contuse it wth the ordinary dress making this department is now open and is acain under the management of miss oross- land who lias just returned irom new y orkwitu the newest and brightest american idens the class of work we do is distinctly difteioiit fiom that done in other stores have you ever examined our woik it will be a revelation to you if jou have not thorough ia the word that expresses it wc cant make everybodys dresses it wo could we dont sup pose avo could get them to make although in all our experience we have yet to learn of ono person who has been disafcisfied thero must be some we have never met them while we cant make every bodys dreases wo can make for the first comers we back up our dressmaking with one of tho finest stocks of dress goojb 111 the province all the latest taste of the lion was brought to bear in the selectionof this stock variety style and extent nre important fnctors yes the most important in a dress goods stock but 111 these hard times the price feature is not to be lightly over looked and wo commend to intending purchasers an inspection of tho qualityvalues of oui goods j d williamson co wyndham and maodonnell streets guelph painkiller ah and uow many loads do yoa take a day trom tn to fiiteen aocordfn to the wcathqr or yes now j have one for you pat smid tbe onllcmau taukhhif how much water have you ha a led altogether the irishman jerked his thumb in the direction of tho river at the bnmo time mvinn hu team the hint to itart and re plied 1 all the wafer that jez dont see there now sor 4 nut kindly bight thouaands of people are in tbjfeonditior they are not sick and jet thy are by no means well a ciule bottl of hoods harbbinnlln would da kliem world of pood it would tone ifce htoinaohroreme an appelho purify and enrich tho blood and ivo wonderful vigor and vitality now 10 the time to take it the bipfjer tho pooket book the smaller the bible deaths cold sweat stood out in great beads upon his faoe a victim of heart disease snatched from tho grave by the prompt use of dr aarnewa cure for the heart relief in aliases in 30 minutes agnravajo the other wo have howeor in quinine wine when obtainod in a bonnd unadulterated etato a remedy for many and griovoua ills by its radaal judicious use tho frailest systems aro lod into con valesconco und strength by tho influenco which quimno exerts on naturo s own restoratives it roheves tho drooping spirits of those with nbom acliromo atato of morbid denpondent and lack of interest in life is a disease aud by tranqtulizing tho noricb dipposcn to sound and refresh m sleep imparts vhor to the uction of tho blood which boin stimulated oourseb throoghont the vtms strengthening tho hbalthy animal functions of the syatom thereby making activity a noochsary result btronthoniiik tho frame and kivilg life to tho diostivo oratib which naturally demand increased substance result im proved uppolitc northiop lyman of toronto havo f to tho public iheir quimno wmo at tho tie mil rate and ruagod by do opinion of sciontibts this wmftflpprrmrthfla nnataalpnfilin trouble and mado him liamentary duties fitted for his par much distress and eioknesa in children is caused by worms mother graves worm lxterminator gives relief by removing the cause give it a trial and be convinced the great family medicine of the age taken internally it cures dlarrhma cramp and pain in tha stomach soto throat sudden colds coughs eto eto used externally it cures cuts bruises burns scalds sprains toothache pain in he face neuralgia rheumatism frosted feet mnrtl inrvrrntuii ol to luch tit bounded popatar kellys music store headquarters top pianos organs violins truitars mandolins flutes accordeons drums etc etc the only store in the city where you can get the rest quality of stklkgs for all instruments pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclasstune r c ja keiiy crand trunk r ailway lois lhti iojs 1 mil mull 1 x r i h 1 lis i j 1 111 1 il in sn i tu 1 xi rtiiii 7 ollt tn m ill imikoi 11mi 01 ho ini ji41ih tl j n in 10 47 a m 1 11 p in ljdj l m doll c 111 m 111 1 c110 n ruliibl i ililh tin no will t 10 1 1111 111 1 1 1 in ubll wullt llltp svittlt 11 moiidaj more than half r 1 yoiif life ib spent in your shoes thpn why not have thejn comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on jthe material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latestspnng styles j and best quality at w williams boot shoe store mill street acton acton roller flour mills phopibtoh havlnr leased the above mills for a term of years i am in a position to supply the wants of the public with the best qualities of roller flour cracked wheat mill feed and all kinds of chopped teed required 11 our flour will contain the proper percentage of ko 1 manitoba hard wheat my long experience in the milling busi ness enables me to assure satisfaction to eery flatron i will be pleased to meet all old customers of the mill and many new ones i am prcptred lo pny the highest current prices for wheat oals and peas for use in said mill telephone town orders from yrown s drug store exchanging wheit and chopping a specialty james clark main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of 8aaji doors frames mouldlug in all styles matching and moulding to order on short notice weill assorted stock en band at prices tosul tbo times weill ai john cameron proprietor i miitiiui- i i bristols i bristols sarsaparilla 95 upper wyndham street guplpij nr nrtifirtrinlnintir1 pnn- r unl mo ultl tiu rtfr in rotl i u it o i it riil u d kuow it tu lo k good rrtltlo t c trrnln or 1 1 u n tin it ynnl thnjtfltinia ribbv vtirywl itro trru 1 uu 6i voryurjo mtuc fyn all wool bicycle suits of shorcys make waterproofed by tlie uiby rroccss enn he pur chased ns cheaply as unproofed goods of nil interior mnke the w ay j ou l ii know that y our dealer gives j ou shoreya uinkp of rcath made clothing la to look ill the pockets and sec that you find n card guaiantcaug the goods to be shrunk and the workmanship not to rip and signed by ii siiorey co ol montreal on tho market all druggists sell it if tho tombstones uoro reliable thodovll would soon bo wearing moiimng tl3r3jti1tl43 dr agnews oure fur tho henrt positive ly gives relief within ho minntes after the first dose is taken james j wliitnoy of willlamsport pa aaya cold sweat would stand out in great boada upon my faoo and i indeed thought that my end had come bat relief was found in dr agnews ouro for iho hoart after using it for a short lima i feel now that the trouble is altogether romoved its effects are motloal sold by a t brown jlood s fills ouro nausea mok hesdaohe indioition billniitiis jvll druggirts 25 crnlr ask your grocer for crump 1 cnhc t colds vl l h via i niaitrtjia a di s ntlry f and nil oymtl coiilaxntsi a sure safo quick cnro for tboso truulils la t painkiuer pchrt davis i7cfl inter tially niul externally 3c twoelw co nndboc liottlrs jjy for table and dairy purest and best tho duvil iovch lo tot hlo linnd on hocd hearted poupto not lrmh miitirlil scottri 1 mnlslon ih coil livor oil par foaled ami id prtptrtit upon tlio principal of its rhtfrhtiori ifnd iihuimilutidii in tho harnan b mum linnto it in 141 en without tlisturhiiiu tho utoiti ilii columbia columbia columbia columbia columbia wheels 100 wheels b5 wheels 75 wheels 65 wheels60 sairage co sole agents f01tguelphand vicinity there can be no better than the best ceylon tea in lead packets only black or mixed half and onc pound packets retail 26 so 40 60 and 00 centb a pound is the best the davidson hay ltd wholesale agents toronto best ih wi waven wire fencing cheap cheap im si cheap the ontario wlmt pbkoinq oo lra plotouontarla fencinc a3 ll as 1 mcmullens c hoicx btecl win netlliis for ircllis loilllry yirds i iwn 1 cncins etc are hold much lower thin jcir 111 in ever before i hey nre the iilsi ask jour ilirdwirc mrrclnnl for llnin 7 shops and warorooms 1 oot o willow si cills attended to day or night s a speight fe co undertakers and embalm ers latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnitur13 j ot all kinds a wellassorted stock hi reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co oat p11j sto a apeoipio for rheumatism a out and chronic complaints they cle tnse ind purify tke blood all druggists and geiicnil dealers bo vmm us ai progslt oonflantl tn amarlet psunu jwhetliraji ititmitlon is bls cotumuiilcstlniis strlou dsit wfsuc7 forsoeuhiur pstents tt dts a wbtnnstcn oium ugskx 80ientific american txmiiiufulf411tutmtod inraott olriuv ion of anrhlenuflojpnmal wwklyurnijwxi ieari fljuaix month h pom man oopi ns and ham iluoa on iatkmts milt ttoo aduroofl mtinn co 3u1 ilroadwnv now york-

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