Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1897, p. 3

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bank of hamilton head office hamilton- caimtallallf ul itksbuvu fond totab aubktb a iasoooo u75000 board op dh10tors dhnstuakt a q jtamhay tfrcaldimt vtoorrubidont it pltootoit obo koach a t wood a b lkk toronto wu gibbon ml tuiinbull cunulur ii h htislmiisn aost caiihlur hm wathon iitapu agencies hamilton uartoti btt isuat em amatoii uorlinjtibculovcjtjorjitjtawiiurimabyljlatowd luokiiow mi ovron hound milton mount 1oruut qjuwikhviiio tort liltjtu blmcoo toronto british correspondents london national provincial bank of ku- and ltd american correspondents njtw onk fourth nutiuuitl saiitc aud uauovefnatijunl ilauk dobton iutornatioii- altruatoo uupalo marlnobuuk cuioaao national dank of illinois and trniou national rank dbtuoit detroit national ilauk xipbaacitv national ilankoe couiuiurco 1 agents in montreal tlio bank of torouto the news at home mostly of a local charaotorand evorv itom interestlnff qilorgktgwn agefttty notes dibcpuntadabdadvducob uiadoou- bdit- iblpaocuritiob colloolobb uiaoaud drafts uoupht and fiold a til aoceasiblo points in canada uniust great britain fcudthocoiitluoutoieurapoupon liuidutatoa on ail aoceasiblo points in can ad groat britain and tlior 9tf6attttvorblaterma sayings department depoflila ot 01- and upwards- rocolvod and tntoreat allowod fronl dato of deposit to dato of withdrawal spegiatj deposits r also reoeiyod at currant rates of fatorout n m xivinostone acont bargains already we have somorcmnants in wall papers lust enough for small rooms seven and eight roll lots 15c paper for7c ioc paper for 5c another shipment of beautiful gilt wall and celling papers just arrived nowhere else can you find- such an assortment headquarters for wall papers window shades curtain poles- geo hynds acton ont f look nt tuo dato on tlio labol on your i paper and you will floo how your subscrip tion btanua favor ltonow promptly ltwilljqiifiira tho quvcua jublloo what about ti quooua jubileo celebra tion for aoton v for recognition of title important ovolt tjio counbil bhould take aotiotn how wojdd it do to murk tho event by uutablieliiii a public library on model 11 hneoin aotftn tho finn iiiuns will bo glud to hear what tho publio hnvo to nay in tho matter hultan mtjuar zlcevach hultou comity will have threo licenbca iobb thru onr than formerly tho aummis- bionera having rbfueod to ireupw g w iiixyiiert0kvilo j ii leflar hornby and t f biker trafalgar twentone havu been granted and two j p mullen of aolou und m williambi of oaibvijie wero held over by tho commiaaioporh inlprovimcihs n storey stu line ry isxtenbivo improvements ara in progress ju tiioluirhcry of meabrb v- hstoroy jkbon mjuu stroetrjaflre 50 h p oorlrio udda 05 1 p boiler from- tho works of gdldibdi mugullocb gait were received thu weetc und arq uoyv beinj placed in putitii onu of tho largo dry houses was moved nearer main street to tivo ppaco for the uew engine and boiler uiuoae a the tdlahlibhmcnt will be 1 thoroughly muippod when preiteutiinprpverhouta uro uomploled a scitoiinblv continent r the j week aakol u10 tovu council a very pertinent ijiieaiiou why ia the gnat ph pejdler who lakes- orders for printing not compelled to take out a license the champion would liko to ece this question answered other linea of bnaiueea are projected by a byaw requir ing peddlers who iuterfero with lliom to tako out liccnscb and thepriutiog buaiocbs is as much entitled to protection as any other if howover our local bubiooas men wonrdailpracticowhattbdyprehohbnii neighborhood newp nqwb itoms supplied by corroa- ponjents and exchanges lorne mil tyu the honor lint oilqrne buhqol for tho month of april is as follow olasa v alico brown 171 banieu 101 minu qanihle 12 murlibpo8biblo 200 bubjicts hfstoryuud kuclid claea iv lquiu gatublo 1120 lizjo modoniild baljalioo snyder 21u cloaa iii souior harry lloid aiil nellie drown 2611 pinna iii junior annie quantic joi harriot lutahy 108 willie keid jj10 olaea ii doh6jwclonuld liig murka pobiiblo itoo subjects tttfltory spelling gcminar olaaall arithmetic spallin languugo kuator promotions from part i to part ilaeduti plank380 lime laaby i5 huzel oibboiib iw toioltnarka 100 pubs tfgu 1 atteiidauco iviiha gumblo liziu mo lioniild idu jolnibtcn iva cleave- nellie brdwp harriot lasby vzzio xaeby robert laabyi llttrry fttidvillio rtid jalcionui teuoher oeorcttown tlijb xidioav aidyf ii courcpalonal chtiroh iiiiriobitltaviiign cgneprton ties day dvonink iuivy ii in utlditipnto tlio italian orchoutra and mi filler olocutiou- idt toroitp some of our beat looaf anient- hue been aehpred for tho ooottfjion mtstt iiortrv uarrison of iha public boboot etaff imasagain becu deeply afllioted by the death of hepjuther which occurred at bia botne in miltomyouly a bhort time ago she buried her rnottur her mauy frionda feci tho deepest sorrvv for tier in her don bio joae on woilneeday mr wm austin rjcejvod thoead intolligenco that his daughter mrb coming and going vlsltore to and from aoton and varlpusqther personal notes tliu piusr pnkbb luvitoa all its voaden tooon tributo to tli 1b column if you or your friondii aro uiiik away on a holiday trip or if you have frluudu vlkltlny yon drop a card to tho fnici ihiiub mr a l hematrcot 6t trafalgar was in town oj tuflbday mrs cpllia of mt poreat was the uest of aoton friends yesterday mr vv j mcdonald or aborfoylo was in town uhi week renewing actjutiiutuncoa mr and mrs wm joan a and ohiijreii of gluuwilliamf visited aoton friendd tliis week miss mary mcclure who has been til in a toronto hospital for several weoka is blowly reaoveriuk mra james goiihoy of- grand yoy wub tho guest of her albter mrs j mat- thcwb for a week- r mr and mm wm humateefc bpent upvoral 1iyb duridjj tho week witlf fcioilda injsjllton and trafalgar mr y m kannawin haabocn appointed to ochre- river mu ailiia field for mib sioiiory worrfduutf l bumjmtfp mvbdiimcb- iwiitp 3j norrish- a bteplienaon and juliir scolomaq ntteriried theanuutil district ctinydntion of ififf meth- bdidt woqianb mibflionary society ut georgetown on tuesday cures talk j favor of hoodu isaraapnrilla nb for no other modi- cino its great cures recorded jn trutttf al convincing languogo of gratoful mon nid womeny constitute its most effcctlvo ad vertising many of thesocurcs arc mar velous they have won uiq confidence of the people have given iloodn aaruopa- rilla tho largest sales in the worltk and hayomndonecoflsary for its manufacture tho greatest laboratory on earth hoods sorsaparilla is known by tho cures it has madecureaof bcrofula bait rheum and eczema cures or rheumatism neuralgia ona wealc nervon ourei 0 dyspepsia hvpr trpublea catarrhoureo which provo 150 cases i c f aoodete go ac3ton in seven weeks we have placed in stock about one hundred and fifty cases of natty spring shoes ladies blouses prlnns collars and cll at 8 a 9 hats a nice selection of stiff and fell hals straw hals plain and fancv lades nnrl childrens hals mcjiist tu hand see prices next week arilla is tlio bcstlnfael llie onettnic dj66i rnrloen hopcls pijig skcwofc our stock is larger than it has been in two years we are showing a variety of colored goods in gents ladies misses- and chil drens sole agents inguelph for thoh g f goodeve go acton ashqrove mljt jkttoit xtt nss thursday may 0 1807 little local brieflets which causht the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week mtlton is arranging for a queens birth- day celebration local dealers talk ot inoreaaior the retail price of tobacco the prospects for a aupepojcbajrjqp are exceptionally tdod another tbipment of fine cattle was rnadebyrobt holmes this week tbe blreete which have becu cleaned give the tnirouudincb a moro tidy appoar- ance iourthdi vision court sittings waa held here before judge mcgibbou of peel yesterday buttercups and daisies star the mea dow grass in amongst the clover flitting shadows pass officer graham sustuined an ugly cut over tbe left eye irom a falling stroet lamp globe yesterday mornjng the brick work of qrindolls machine shops ib rapidly advancing the window dddpor framebhave albeen bet 7 v jthe fdee fiiesa i in receipt of inter- eating daijieb from mr percy secord buf- falo and mr j g hill toledo ohio tbe acton tanning co has been so crowded with orders that the works have been running over timo the past month vthe halfyearly meeting of the execu tive of the provincial sunday school association will be held at toronto on friday 21at may rahorflp with a broken thigh in a field on willow street should out of homine feelings bo put out of misery its hoffeiinga are intense a test of the new electric flro alarm gong will be made probably today or to morrow the flrqmen are not expected to tarn oat at fir at alarm ia by the governor- general appointing tuesday june the 22od as a day of general thanks giving arid rejoicing on account of tho dia- a natipntit recorder of wash jpnner ablon has invented a now and improved glove the annual meeting of the synod of toronto and kingston will be held in tkknaymrtttodatrtot wed- nesduy bov h a macphoraon and pet- er mann eaq will attend from aston ra subscriber of tho fbck piiehs in new york stalo writes tho fhee press comes to band regularly every week i am always glad to get it- it is worth twice the money paid to receive it and get the weekly home news a couple of inebriated individuals who reside oat of town disgraced themselves and dicgosted tbo epeotatora by a fight accompanied with illegal expletives on young street on tuesday a few hoars in the cooler would do suoh characters good some very godtfeatchea of trout wero made in hendersons pond on ltfonday depdty postmaster matthews lends in the nnroberand size of his catch messrs l it orr and w stark also did well and a number of tho more youthful and inex- per fenced anglerj eurprieod their seniors patronixo none hut homo industries there would bo no necessity for a bylaw champion in acton our mere hunt a iid business men are very generally loyal to the local printing office nevertheless there are a few instances where those wio are most joud iocondemnatiou of citizens going out pf town for goods themselves ordertheirpri utingf romanoutaido office news of our churches rev j e howell m a prcaohod one of the most irripreaive diacouraes of his pastorate iu the methodist church last sunday morning inoouneotion with tils bacramental aarvice the subject was tho atonement rov father leh- mann conducted the services in st josephs church on sunday father haldy being confined to his bed bgiin communion services wero held at tho brickchuroh on sunday rnorning rev vi j gilpin preached- tho sermon and rev william bryers administered thefaianentrev d straohan of rookwood proa oh ad tho precommnnibn aermon in knox oburch last friday evening rov mr maopherson preached the communion bormou on sabbath from the text isaidh 2b 1017 fourteen now communicants were received at this service revs h a mucphersou and t r forbes oxchango pulpits next sunday morning and ovening eaqttelftg sunday school convention the annual convention of the townahip s sassociatiori will be held at balljnafad on friday 21st may the following excellent programme will be carried bufrr 7 am 1000 dovotlonal servlco president goo fraoor and tov d l oarapboll i a 1045 verbal bonoru toll in two mlnutoi how your school js profirosalng 1100 tho advautaiioa and disadvantages of a itoviow ilov w m mckay dibcubsjod 1143 general dullness lim uoo sorvico of praise led by miss thompson u 15 tho itolation l tho toachor to the piass kov o a alitalia li a discussion u00 tho i1o8h011 h0i11 its uso and ahuso itov ii a macphorson discusblon 310 the nootl of tho oooporatlon of taionts and toaoliora liov w h garnham a dlsousslon colloottpo 410 toaohing next sundays lesson mrs utov dl campbell 143 election of ojucora unllnubbd ilualncaa 500 adjourn dj ont 7j0 oponlnr sorvico oonduotod by mr f b near soorprosldeiifs address 810 lutroduotiob of now president h15 address kov o g langford li a oolloctlon h50 addross thopowor or tho holy quost in tho consocratcd worfaor bov ct tough the ballinafad frieucs will provido bil lets for all who attend and those who schttotowf racesmay 2itb free- for h 75 jli irot or iace slfill 8minuto trot or pace 5100 running rice 7fi w barclay secretary george town po 50 will buy a brand now bioycle of wellknown make headquarters for new and secondhand wheels of tbe best classes oar prices are very low esquire for full particulars of j c hill orh ramnbaw fruit culture la more profitable to tho farmer now than his othor oropi brown jro co the most fxtonsivo nursery faodbe in canada have a vacancy in tlfla neotion write them at browps nurseries p o ontano for their terms t d borzeil a co will open a repos itory and anction mart at 780 to 740 dor- cbeiter street montreal with stabling for about 100 horses auction sales will bo held twice a week mud private sales every i day they have the best line of custom in canada and want horses of aril grades for export and home trade special facilities siro given 10 patrons to dispone of their i horse to bent advantage charges mod- eujoyed theif hopitality atthejaatconved- tion will remember how cordial and excel lent it was music by the uuited choira of ballinafad tho projcotobcope nod stafalpbone messrs laipg bros of this place are qv u0 engaged in holding publjo entertain- w monte in new york state with the projoot- oscope and magoiphouo respecting this new invention the wollavillo n y daily jtcporttr says laing bros programme was a delightful one and tho lifeliko mov- i ng pictu reswerorouud ly en cored byw highly pleased audience the magnlphone rendered dozen excelleut beleotions of vocal and inetrqmental music it was distinctly beftrd and made a perfect change in the entertainment from the lively scenes on the canvas to the harmony of bounds from the phonograph tho black diamond express which came smoking in from a distance and then rushed direct ly toward yon on the screen attracted as much interest as any picture however tho kissing soene washing tho picaninnytho tub race feeding the doves thojire rescue and new york police bceno striking views the projoctosoopo is an apparatus by which the 1000 or more pictures on an endless film aro caused to pass through a series of rollers behind a lens which fs briltfantly illuminated from the rear by a calcium- light the pictures are from original and actual photographs takon at the rate of forty a seqond by an apparatus especially perfected for the purpose the film is buppoaedto run at a rate whig- wj derate write ihem for terms and partiuu bring the small pictures at the came rate of 40 a second each picture pauses for 140 of a second before tho lens tho pro- jeotoscopo is edisons latest improvement on the kinetoscop and has been on the market only three months it costs 9850 in cash and each film costs considerable tbe apparatus which tbrows the pictures 011 tho screen is placed baok on the stage in roar of the canvas the films as well as the apparatus wore pnrchaiod of edition at hid laboratory acton roller irjjlls j7b hull of toronto had pttaeed away herdeath waaa shook tq herfmentb and frienda the bympatby of the entire com munity isp2teuded to aft ttobso bereaved apd eapeoially to the imybyto aijd tljreo little boya who survive her tho rein tins woro iutorred here fridu ufternooo in greouwood cemetery ontffo arrival of the wp odlqok train mr barclay has bold threo more dos to ghioago pooplp for 8125 chief search tho general man of tho corporation resignod his job becauso tho council propoao reducing hia salary mr h jut- livingetuo of tho bank of hamilton is buffering from u sevcroly bpralned auklo mr tiivinustouu has ro- aigoed hia poaiiioc aa agent of tho george town branch and will likoly removeshortly from town rev o g langford b a will b3 or dairjcd iu tho baptist church ho re on monday 17th of may oelegsitda are ex pcoted from fifteen- churches rev c a ea toil of torouto is oipaotod to preach the ordination aermon air frnl v berber haa eold hia 1u0 acre farm to mr jtimoi mooro of spov side for 550q mr qeorgaleaito iia bought 100 acres lot 16 con 5 eaquesing from mr a storey of trafalgar for ftiooo the an utiaj convention of tho womaud mlbaionavy society iu connection with fho methodist church fartho cfuelph dutriqt was held hereon tueaday a jare uum ber of ladies from varioub churahe attend- ed the aesaions mrs mitoheli guvo tbe addrobs of wolcomoanct tttra thomab eoston of acton replied on hehjtilf of the delegates fter tho morning and after noon beaeiontha delrg itoe remaiued at the church for dinner und tea which was beijt by the ladies of the local bocioty after the usual routine of work during ahe duy tho evening mooting attracted a lurgi ault- en re the rov g a mitohth pretided and gave tlio opening nddrcsi adressos were given by mm porilt of r ok wood mrs ryan of guelph recitation by miss rose ofguolph mrs bowman and miis roy the oloir pf thu churoh furnished exccllont music and tho it e bud miction band also sadg and uhtiitod in tho euter- jtaiamend o the delegates at the church the llove a chown b d of toron to preaclieil in tho methodist oburch in connection with tho quarterly met- ting servicca luat sabbath the wot weather caubod a smaller atteudanco than ueiii at all the chdrobea businoaa changes aro still tho order of tho day improvements have boon made in the furniture storo of mr j g willson g nnn pidn iirh hpn ftitfidupfor a jawrl the rev fredw thompson pastor of fuibley street mothodist chnrob guelph has completed hia final conference examln dtions and will be eligible for ordination at the next conference to be held in braut ford mr thompson has bpent four years at cploge and threo on a oiroiiit and- in completing hiaexamiuatlona last week ip bexllu aeoared an average for the five walt must be covered sainjiiet applicition welo the largest wall paper business ia guelph pur prices are unexcelled depart mental values annual examinations qf 78 per cent mr thompson home is at asbgrove and wo corifiratalato him on the excellent closing of hia probation coureo mra colht of mount forest is viuitipc at mrs j yvrigiileaworth mra wriggloswortb attended the fuucral of hor sibtoriulaw mre jaa htfnfof torouto in georgetown on friday last mr 9 fiokard of guelph is staying at mr matthew howsonfl havo you seen tho champion slay wire fence if not do not build till you dp messrs brownridge and alexander sre do ing anextenbhe busioebb last week they built over 100 roda of fonca for mr robin son fruitgrower of qville a mr hobiux ajns fannslojk first in the prized offered for the bout farm in thecouutiehof hajtqn andpeelafewyers ago the farmord who wero busy at tho seed ing are obliged to stop ju at present pp account of the wet couditiou of the laud window 8hades complete with roller 15c fringe ditto and koller 20c extra cloth and roller 35a heavy laco and holler 53c full size 3g childrens carriages bik stock in all im now colors and designs frdm 8600 to 2uoo viohrtsy majidolins driims hea1guaeteijs for r jj jsttitajpg banjos aceorieons etc etc the highest price for ibrs j3his the only store in tlie city where you can get the best quality of strings for all instruments at the warehouse aoton station bhbl6y ppianos anctorgans tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner velocipedes for the hoys s3 008350 s350 8375 chas l nelles city gookstgr cuelph tlio smiute lid paired tho bill to mike the 21th iy uperptitutl holiday in honor of the queen seilmg in alanitqbu except in fled tivcr viloyt ia oxpeolui to be ouiehcd in 11 weetf there i a hrgeinoreiiso iu tbe uore0tfo thid yvnr if you want nrutolass qqolph utqh and ijuove nt qneluh priopf t kwutih oan 111 oi order at bi ilnlnu mill xxxx flous brhn shorts seeps and all kinds of feed at aoton flour and peed store try norval flour family flour in the market the best frank harris manager fruit ornamental trees 7o acr shrubs rqses mines knd seero poftoes ry atore to be occupied by mr wm will- son who will also abbmt in tho furniture and undertaking businoser the wofrwoathor has given tho wheels a rest for a few days speight brady have moved their machinery into thoir new shop and their prinotpal bueinopb now is repairing bicy cles uocal brieflets seairand warmbpriuflwoatburon now on dit thn roads are rather damp for enjoy- ab cycling this week may day was devoid of its customary warmth and sausliinp tho fall wheat never looltod bettor at this eeason than it docs hereabouts this year the hotel men of tho county have been exchanging money for licenses tho paat week tho iikii school entrance and public school leftviog examinations- will begin monday jano 28 dud bo in progress tlirco dayfl tbe anglers angora woro benumbed with tho cold on monday morntug as they participated la ihoopenirtk of tho t routing season tho ebuo9ink toxnbhlp annual sunday sobool convention at ballinafad promises to bo an occasion of interest to banusy soliool workers fridny may 21st is tho date l a thn ranfltipff nrin nttinirtln qf thw tstorfc a11 ladies arc invited to the art needle worli class conducted by missqchlick ol new york who will give free tuition in the room upstairs in the opera house a full assortment ot silks linens and stamped patterns js gold by us 1 17 black wheat white wheat red wlioat spring peas oats v liar ley market report maj flth 169 per bnth 70 to 7so 08 to 70o i5 1o080 88ux0o sotoftlo 05 to aoo flpur ontario wlioat porloolln 11 m flour manitoba mixed 6 ft 00 flour manitoba puro u w crack ud wlioat j 00 jrabara flour 6 a 00 dran por ton 010 00 bborth u00 mlrtlliirs iat methodiat ohurcb on monday evening it wna decided to change hours for public ser vice to 11 a tn and 7 p m comrhotioing on 8 a u day 10th may tbocityis infested just now with pin- ture enlarge they general iy succeed iu retting a photo for a sample and then h0ak tha ladlvidusl for a frame that ia worth about 310 retail but for which they ohargo 2110 guelph mercury 1rof cozens phrenologiht occupied the town iihii on thursday ovoninp ii ja audience was largely made up of juveniles be made some clover readings and gavo his audience plenty ot amusement but he found that aptou was not losing bleep in order to rive phrenology a ohanos bbttbr thkn eur and still tub debt sold la iiflftoy all orboera eyirinbulk 459 colored by actual count this morning the above fiijurcs represent thonnmborof piecesof dress goods on our shelves ijiis day think of ill ifyonwnnt a black dress you have the choice of 117 different mater ials and styles this represents a range of prices from 35c to jz 85 per yard meeting every want oi every cuatorrier and in fancy dress goods a choice or 459 styles and colors in which no two pieces aro alike gives our customers a selection unequalled in the trade we emphasize the superiority ofour dress goods department however nor only in the vast variqty bjit in the splcndicl values oftefcd and the careful selection of our styles the best makers in germany france and britain contribute heir best efforts to our collection and our arrangements with them are such that we constantly have the refusal of the newest protluciibns considering the large amount of flimsy nnd trashy materials offered by present day merchant fakirs and the fake system of business so prevalent customers naturally turn in increased numbers fissured in the confidence of getting the nicest new est rind most reliable that money can buy we commend to you our dressmaking where alt orders aro executed with tho utr most care our list op- 7irng6l seeds im port od direct by ua oomprlslnu yard long ited mangel mamuiptb lour hod mangal sajv log lcor itod manrol gato ioat long ited matiro norbitant loiiq hud mausol oartora lontc yellow manftel carters otminplon yellow inuirmcdlato mi iqtarmoriuto ma mfttigol carters vardon oranga globu mangtil jl l mu 11 n 11 a jgel carters rbaniploti yellow inuirmcdlato mangel golden ttiukard yellow inuirmoduto mauboljoar tors itedin tor mod late subor hoot 20o per lb dwarf essex itapo seod 15 lbs for 100 or 8500 pur 100 lbs lonn or sbort wliltedom carrot turuip 8ood over kind oq 11 ally cbenp lota of timothy and ulovoruuod of all itltidu still on band at vorjr low prices also hood toan oatfl ilafloy etc 90 varlfilioii of fined corn to choose from for euallaro groon foddur or hilo food corn vorv pboap ftlao food jjarjoy 27 to 30c ceo j thorp seedsman market square 4 maodonnell st guolph we bavo tlio larobt ahbortmont and employ tho very latest and in oat improvod roetb odb for propagation all stock carefully packed undod our personal suporvlsion and all now varieties toatod at our trial farms boforo being catalogued tboso are tho only tea ting orchards oppnootod with any nursory lutbo domtuion agents wanted to represent us spoolal attontlon given to park comotery and boulovard orders estimates furjilahod for supplying outiro orcharda why buy of foreign concerns or of middlemen whan you cau purcluuo as cheaply from ub and got bettor value our stock is canadian crown and acclimated catalogue engllsli or frouoh froo ou applloa- tlou stone wellington fon th i un u rseriea- torontoont tboxbadioc cadoillan troo mon 95 upper wyndham street guelph new veilings and silk laces 1 yaltieand variety in fancy printed goods try ourgrocery dept l such as french lafienettes organdie cloths light prints c special value in black large range of summer hosiery gloves mitts c mens readytowear pants at low prices websters a change of business millinery trade has never shown such activity with us constant novelties coming in keep the attractions fresh specials this week for friday ez saturday evr bollert co 96 and 27 wyndham stroat qdeiph ont havjng bought the tailor ing establishment lately car- tied on by mr h strasser i hope by strict attention to business to share a continu ance of your support i shall put into stock choice suit- nigsj paintings and over coatings ready forthe spring tradp e h schlimme lale of waterloo acton i great offer 111 firtltg rayafr your nama on 13 iii lirnin lluaiirfful hlurm naub iv wunv uhdrf lovwiy piaturef or w hanunanio otllluu oanli cmii with order sumph taken addrm canada oahd 1iouhr iiibaraoll ont tho free ivnim dcblriuk to krentlr inercnho ltn hubftcrlptintv i if t iiihkih i hi- fonowliik knutt nmir to lie fiimilisrn anr stoakmoit of mundti wborotty nub- aeriborfi to wqocly free pre will kol one years paper free tho free vrch hna mnrlk arrniikc- iitontn with tho vi toifinry clumo rubllxhliik co for n nuiut 1 tf copies uf tbelr book the vtiti- mi rioloncu tho price of which 1- lliubnok troatii fully nnd in 1 in ltiikiko tlio anatomy dnwisu treiilinaiit of pomotttlu aiiiitmli tnil rinllry ulno oontalnliiu n full im ripiion f mudlcliui nnrt itocolptrt m llmt murj firmer can be his own veterinary 3oain2ao the webkiy froo wom nil knhti nd homo for nno roar prlw looj nml a copy of i bo voicrlnnrj- huh iien tflo sotij both will bn millet ti unv ml- mm upon tlio rocuhil uf two dollars do not minu i bin clmnnp wu cannot ajtbrd to contlntfn thlnoltcr ludolliiltoly our object in niakitikltuowltireuur n immwllittn vuhpoiihu wit cli n low liberal offer might full to nil nut lie- ntombor by hoimiiik 42w rt the book you got the weekly kroc prow nntl z vkrm and home one yeah fpee ajrtnta waiiteaevurywher 1 ad drew all communloaileua to tlio free preu printing cpi rliowtonrqwfi rnmrnftrmr ifnffi xfthe ona great standard a uthorlty 80 mtttaa llonlt llnwtr jitbtleo it fl hiipretne court send a poatiil for specimen page etc sttbceisor of tho unabridged standaril or tho enjrlwi ioh in 1 uin ronuatelen ipt- jwjt iiir offlcb tbe u f pnmie court al rtiita supremo conrti nnd or jicarly av j bchoolboolu ijvarnily- cotnmendcd tit suta riiperlatend enlt or hctioota anu other hdneaton auoott i without number for everybody atcaumc j it u easy to find the word wanted it la easy to ascertain the prondnctatlon it is easy to trace the rrowth of a word it is easy to l what n w mean mi wbbstatrtmb standard tho tomato globe tmya thtjntrronllqliwm mphlly fornmlun raonrnuli lliniiimc reluibln mnnilnnl tucilounry pulvitint j ni1lillnntoruinilliihiloplniriryfiinc1lonorrnup5 f lioiinrytlwintenmuonal ciitalwavmamoantof 5 tomuaion ofirrgnttninejanlilboa the best lenders in gents furnishings- a e curmey co mill 8treet actqn i all shtcs insummcr corsels the newest shapes and best shades are to be found in our range of mats for spring we havetcarefuliy r selected the most tasty things from o it- c merrza jr co ptlbugbcrs sprlatbeld mom vsa the campaign v prepare for winds wo would oall yonr attention to tho fot that wo aro prepared to supply yon with lambor of suitable length for yonr bam doora viz- 10 12 18 or jlcot alio sash i doors frames mouldings etc for bnilding storm doora pnt op at as low a rato as possible repair your pumps or put in new onea before it ia too cold wi can do it shop atf oot of river street acton thos ebbace manager w w budlonq hlus grove b i huya all kin da of raw ftim bklua iteemrax gorihlnff llvlur wild anlmali- of all kinds price list of furs for noxt flo days for well handled stock inferior according to quality returns mado day gooda rocolvod all furs should be shipped by express i llosr aiffoo to 2h00 fishor 700 to 1oo0 ottei 700 to 1000 joavcr 000 lb lfua kllvor fox 4000 to 10000 fo 7 00 to 1400 hod foi 150 ib u00 uroy fox 100 to 1iw woir ui 0 to 90 wolvorino 400 to h00 iivnx uo0 lo 950 wild cut so to so 300 lo 000 bknnlc 76 to 100 koccoon illaok 200 to ino ilccoou common ho to 100 itndror muto 1m uiir toto 110 mi ik 100 to 900 mink lint ao to 93 bond ma all your fnra you want made into rum o rooats caiics rotiur oto irlcoi rouop- able ot lhbb of vrork turned out qeoietown electric works t j spuig1it proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic ram8 tipo hudhloaui fitting aud general ltoiwlr lug iu tig snipped witragasbraali maculae 1 am in paruu to do braxtngdn hloyolos pratnea ao louie oonvorted from uiroot to tanifen hiokas uandle liara bout to any dotlred augle full lino of spokes kept in s took satlsfaettoa guarautuod jlioyoloa oimtnolloil tri any color- t j spei6ht georgetown eg the best english and merican makers and guarantee every hat we sell we are also showing a complete range of colored shirts neckwear balbrican underwear cashmere hosepetcr r henderson- qa gents furnishings department ouse cor king and hughbcm su hamilton ruos carpets and eouskftjhnishinos- a splendid collection the whole of our ihirj floor given over to this department specials foe this week crossleys best tapestry cnrpets rcruiar 90c quftlity now 75c crosslcys fjinc- wire tapestry carpets regular 75c qunlliy iftw fioc heavy make tapestry regular 65c quality now 50c the prices in eachcasc include the making laqbo detains onrpprirtg stock is complete including irish point swiss tamboured hrusscll net and nottingham lace curtains tnmhburedcurlains regular 7 for 8550 10 for c 1150 for 8850 15 for 10 white quilts 104 marseilles 114 satin finish r2 cotton blankets for summer uso 104 nnd 114 plain or twill 81 10 per pair special dress o0odb offering dress tweeds 43 in wide 35c a yard in wide 30c yard special iineof dress tweeds 46 in wide 45c and 50c silk and wool dress patterns at bargain prices reg ular 8650 for 84 87 8750 and k for 85 810 5it and 812 choice for 86 cich make yonr selections early navy and black serge special value all wool at 25c j5c 40c and 50c a yard mens ftrrnishlnqs ricnsttcrtnotthdcrwear all sizes iliirta and pants special 50c 65c nnd 75c each lanacottort4todotaveirliaerhirlan flannelette top shirts made of good juallty of english mnnnclcite 50c each mens black sateen shirts warranted fast 50c mens dresden shirts a dozen different pat terns collars arid cuffs detached 00c 81 nnd fiio hosiery aud gloves ladies black and colored taffeta cloves 15c and 35c ladies all silk gloves 40c and 50c the celebrated couversler kid gloves all sizes black and colored regular 8135 for 8t every pair guaranteed boys heavy rib cotton hose double knees heel and- toe 25c ladies black cashmeve hose seamless foot 25c better quality full fashioned 35c or three pairs for 81 ladles cotton rib vests cream or white with or without sleeve 5c 8c 10c and iajc wash srk8s goods new dress muslins fancy dresden patterns fast colors ttc blouse material in cotton crepon musljnn dimities in plain or figuredvi 5c 18c and 20c yard scotch gingham new patterns fast colors 7c 9c 10c nd 12 jc for school dresses plaids and checks have all the appearance of best wool goods 12jc yard ordered millineftt dept new shapes in straw hats sailor hals leghorns for ladies nnd children new flowers ribbons etc with our large staff of experienced milliners nur friends from a distance may leave their orders in the morning ana receive the goods the same day readytowear wraps ladies clothcapes fawn or tan color velvet collars plaited hacks 8250 3 and 84 ladies black cloth catpfij fail circular velvet collars 8250 nnd 84- samples by mail on amplication freight or express prepaid to your nearest railwny station in ontario on nil purchases amounting to sand upwards satisfaction guaranteed 1 tliyiimsvc the right hotisii -j-

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