Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1897, p. 2

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jinmu in nihhiiuwnyn on saturday smjlh may to mr mid mm tiayiuol j uocluir a son married n ax tho norfolk fit paisoiiiifee hominy htlli mv y 1 cowan hhown iiiulph ocimon kuit mr johojili cowuu to baroli rtaiiblitur of alox lirowii all or mt liorobt xlcrmhks-rmatiikkon- at codur orovo 1-vrrn- ilriti tm wutliiotuluy 111 may by mv mr llopo iittirmaljiiruii toltutli bocond hniuhtor of john matliohon all o knu towimliili miciiradv hahtkho at thuronldoiico of thu liiiilortiiiiliur mih h itiuttuilo milton on momliiv may luthdiy ltnvl w hnitlor win k micrtjiiily of trafulijiir to mltsajaiiot ii hiihtudo i iinion ci niin at tlm rmiidonm of lliohridu iim ly thultoy john maimillui mnr jul muvmr arthur ii liiixta of tho hunk or hamilton qunruutowu to martfiirot it vonly danyhtur of win uruur ksij roruttt mt iijd iiiihvn- at milton on tliurhdny may 20th siiiinnah urown iijod t7 yarn pavat liiii homo in hntinoftn on thursday i7th jluy david day ajud vltyoaru lniit in toronto on wjudnukiliiy may 2ti hannah triost bom i7h7 nyod 100 yoars moouk at lnciqtortn- y on ttuirflday 37th may mm moore mother of vn ntiiitkhiiir ngod h6 yoara r tiioiu at ouolim onmondavr may ibt at iw a ul jiftirrpllihstibflth tlori bilaod wlfo of otio jtliorn agutl ysyaari t court of revision assesmont holl carefully revised n inoroaae of 7430 this year txtm jfm jims tiitttlsday june a 18117- notes and comments rlfo senate on tuesday sir oliver at mured lhtttvii loyal and patriotic iavbf oqnnrutulationfrom tho pari i a- irrait of canada to hor majesty tho queen on the occasion of the 00th anuiveraary of bur ldcetibion to tho throne bo adopted li ati tho word limited moat hereafter be used on tho ofliceb signs on all notice ad- vortieeiuentf and every document nsed by limited joint etook company the word mubtrnotrboabbrqviafed-andthere-ibft- penalty of 920 for every day it in not u bed tho hioycle will aoon havo a formidable rival in tho boraetesa carriage which edison declares will bhortly be bold in a perfected forra for 9100 at most there is a demand for tho horseless carriage and it boema rcaeonably cortain that the demand will be supyjied before many years when qoeon victoria camo to the throne eixty yeare ago tho population of canada was only a fifth of what it ia now and its totul revenue was only 300000 whereas now it ia about 936000000 iu 1887 there wore about 14 miles of railway now there aro 15000 miles in actual operation tho jofitimatesof the temporary increases of the population of london towards tho close of june oontiuuo to rise and now ave millions is mentioned ab a possible iiure if that wero so ic woqld mean that a papulation of 10000000 would be gather ed tokotber for a few daye witbin tbe radiaa of what ia known aa greater loudon a larger number by millions than ever was gathered within a similar area in tho worlds history a midnight session tho members of the council of- this municipality found on monday nvening that tho rovibion of- tho uhrchsiuoiii roll ia no bineouro not that tho tabk win mado moro arduous through any oaroloaanorfa on tho part of tho aauudsor audi waa not tho cam a moro carofully proparod roll haa holflprritifovarrbt p ie- showu by tho laok of changes mado by tho court tho wdrk however of hcrutlniintf oarcfully ovary nainoouoh proporty add ing all tho columns carrying out the totala gio is no hmull taek two hours and a half wero apont in thovork at this nittiug and a apeoial mooting was held on tueadayi ovoning to ublnplote tho work the assoasrnont thowe a gratifying in- creaao this your aud may 1jo taken as a fair index to aotouw continued prosperity and growth v w- the momberfl were all preaent except koevoniokun counoilior av e smith was moved to thochairv tho following appoaia woro considered and oqtidii takbn as indicated charles ueclutp aasesaed for doj dij- poped of struck off ii t ariiold eiaaesbod for bitch- pia- posedof struck oil h s holmes aaaessod for dog dis posed of struck off james matthows ubbessodfor dog dead struck off tho following names i were added for manhood franchise hugh akins horace oook murray mcdonald henry hildou- brand thomas moolure and thomas rile trouble wijh indians appoals were made against tbe assess ment of the following properties on tho ground of being assessed too high john malonoy lota 1i and 15 assessed for 8850 asaossment confirmed col w allan on i0i abros farm land assessed for 81000 assessment confirmed mrs diana wv smith residence and 7 acres aaseseed for 83500 asbcsament con armed lot 14 didhbona survey to mrs diana w smith stephen bealsior 8100 tho court of revision 1025 to meet on tuobday 1st at 8 p in op tuesday evening the court eat and completed tho revision the assessment for tho presont year is 8270220 an increase over labt year of 87430 coanoil mot at 1025p- m and transact ed the following buainess with councillor smith in the chair tbe committee on finance presented their eighth report recommending payment of the following accounts jouos mooro eluotric co for firo was assosbod instead of to adjourned at ovoning june duck lako again tho scone of up rising arid bloodshod duck lakh man juno 1 thopise week baa been an exciting umo hereabouts mid tho arrost of almighty voice the murderor of sergt holebrook about two years ugo rautted in itho death of two ilountod loliuo oilicorfl u eitinjn andthreo indium and thu woiindiugof several othoru almighty vqico haa been at largd- ainou the murder of seargt colobrook in ootobor 18i5 r ngtvhowevor a od trucefl of tho murderer woro at last obtained and ho was pursued to a wooded bluff about nix miles from hitooho and twoutyflvo miles from duck lako whero ho took refuge attempts to dinodgj him from his aheltor proved fruitier and ro- btdrcd iu tho woundingof oapt allan and sergt ivorr and the killing of corporal ilockin and cohstablo kerr- and mr erjiest grundy lvsthmhter of duok lake during iho attack on tini bluff tho polico discovered that almighty voico hud been joined bj two or- throe cousiha of his owu young bucka like himself bat no consider- ablo number of indiaus took part iir the matter doth sergt cotebrook arid sergt wil to the latter ofwhom was shot on november 10th lflto by au indian named- charcoal loat thoir- livehundor similar conditions with tn tho comparatively short apaflq of twelve tiiontlib and in each caso tho oflicor had caught up to tho fugitive and waa on the point of making the arrest when tho fatal bhot wab fired ever since parties have been scouring tho country for the fugitive on sundny thopdlico und a number of civilians bhelled the indians retreat for homottmo without a effect it was subsequently determined to settle the matter at onca and rubh tho bluff at all hazards they did so and speodily un earthed the hiding deaporadoes who had only time to flro three nhotb almighty voice was shot through tho head he bad been wounded in the foot previously presumably by the shellfiring from the cannon tho other indian albo was killed the bodies of mr grundy corporal kerr and corporal hooktns were taken to duck lake tho bodies of three indians were buried on tho spot there wero no further casualties on to attapktng aido a noteworthy pofaib that nearly all the rebels victims from tsergoant oolobrook onwards wero members of the i o f which is mulcted in about 87000 by this indiaus crimoa the honor roll a hun story exposure brought on anat- tack of rheumatism nervousness and storhaoh troublos followed sloop at tlmoa was imposslblohealth again ro- storod kromtho amliijiht b hunting the little villagi of 1iuitcodiuc is oituut- ed in the aoutlioaatorly part of now druiibwiuk on he tkio of the intercolonial iuilway mr herbert yeonuus who resides thoro follows tho ociiupitlonof a muhtef und irappfir iria bflounnion ro- juirca him to endure a great deal of exposure and haijaliii more ohpecinlly whon the auovv lieii thick and deep on iho ground in our cold wintura a tow years aio mr yoomunh tuila our corrchnonrlont that lie was seizt with a aevero hiuoua attack and a complication of diaoitsea stipb assour stomach aick headacho and rhou- matlbm mr yeomaifs readytosrear gcoods fr ht t sjr5- faota are lnecamo very ill and aofftred tho moat excruciating pains in my arms legs und shoulders bo much bo that i could not rebt in any position i frequently oould not flleep nights and when i did i awoko with a tired feeling and very mu results of the may examinations at acton public school tho bugijoatjon mado by the london committee of whioh lord cranborne m p and the marquis of dofforin are leading members that bonfires be lighted through out the british dependencies on tho night of juno22od las tbe otosing event of the diamond jubilee cetebratiod of that day has bebn taken up iu canada by tho sons or scotland association the officers of which bave made arrangements for bon- firoa from halifax to vancouver 1rcmier laurier will bo accompanied on jiis tour to the quee jubilee at london by madame laurier his boorctary mr boudreault captain h- a bate mibs bate aud mrs edwards he wjll probably remain iu london till about tbe middle of july a fisr whioh he will travel in franco and belgium and perhaps in spain and italy returning to canada abont tho end of august or the early part of september this programme of conrso is subject to ohango bhould affairs at homo require his presence tho cray oil co oil h p mooro printing and advortisiub j j lawson work horace cook do 55 71 8 yl 8 30 3 00 i 00 the london correspondent of tho now york tribune sys mr lauriers tariff proposals have been hailed in england aa t b t etimorjjo the fer loyality aud patriotism which the jubilee year bas called out from tho worldwide empire whatever changes may be required by tbe imperial treaties with tho moat favored nation class nothing will be doneio die- oourago the aspiration of the dominion of janada to lead tho way toward imperial lodoration mr laurier will be a hero among the colonial premiers this month ud tho canadian contingent will be received with popular enthusiasm in tho annual report of department of fiaherica tho value of the canadian fhh- rrich for 1890 ia computed at fl20r0338 tjeing a decrease of over half a million itolttfrtt compared with -thii-tiroviotm- year with the axoeption- of british col umbia showing a surplus of nearly half a million dollars and now brunswick whioh hows ft slight increase alt tho othor provinces yielded less than last year the lur sealskins aro valued at 9718500 the canadian catch was 20115 skins legs than that of tho previous year thero was din- tribute in fishing bounties for 1895 the sum of 8103507 since its inception fn irj92 the department has paid over 92000 000 in bounties two weeks armistice agreed to by the sultanthe tur- klahgroeco difficulties like ly to terminate conhtantinoriik may 81 an irade lias just been ieaued and oommonioated to tho roproaontativos of tho powers by which the sultan agrees to an armistice of a fort night beginning may 30 fresh inbtruo- tiona consequently will bo sent to edherh lasha tho turkish commander in thodsuly r r z london juno 1 tho athens correspond dent or tho jwifflloa doapatch dated monday urges tho powers to mako a speedy and firm statemont aa to tho cretan difficulty and to insibt upon turkish ovaouation after which ho soya the crotan chiefs would bo willing to accept autonomy if on tho contrary turkey la allowed to send moro troops to crete there will bo a ronewal of tho horrors of recent yearn 76 41 tho report waa upon motion adopted tenders for gravol for mill street wore road as follows david mims 45 centsptnryard anthony mason 45 coots per yard e matthews g3 centsper yard each tender waa for drawing from watbonh gravel pit iu the fifth concession and the council to do the loading moved by wm brown seconded by w h denny that the tenders of messrs mills and mason being equal they bo her given the confront jointly each to deliver an equal amount the contra dorado commence teaming on tho 8th juno and continue aa rapidly and in buoh quantities as the streets and walks committee may direct carried col wm allan was present and re quested the favor of the usual grant by the council of 815 with which to supply the volunteers belonging to company nq 7 with milk aud butter while in camp at niagara moved by wm brown seconded by h t arnold that tho sum of 81500 bo grant ed to company no 6 of walton battalion f6cprovidingmildandbiittqrwhiiejji camp carried the cemetery committee was instructed to havo the dead gvorgreous in tho cemetery replaced it was arranged to purchase a fine new flag 8x20 feet in dimensions for tho town hall flag polo to bo secured before jobileo day moved by h t arnold secondod by wm brown that councillor denny bo appointed to attend the mooting of tbe county council to represent actons in teres ts at the equilization of tho assesse- raent rolls carried cannoil adjourned at 4t2fi and the coonoillors we t way homo ward through tho deneo darkness wishing in their inmost hearts that acton had oleotrio lights instead of the oatofdato coal oil lamps whioh begin to fliokor at 10 oclock and expire for the night at 11 or boforo it h alton a farmers institute very successful yearmrj l warren reelected president halton farmers institute held its annual meeting in the sheriffs offioo mil ton on tuesday the preaident mr j l warren ocoupiod tho chair and gave a most aatisfaotory report for the past year about twentyfive or thirty of the members were also- present the secretary had not bean idle daring the year as bhown in theinorease of membership from about 200 to 277 the following offioerb were appointod preaident j l warren acton vice- pres d hartley milton soorotary w b bobbins freeman directors nelson george oaetle a newell john peer tho monthly examination of the pupils was held last friday in tho four depart msnts tho following pupils mado tbe highest marks class v tina mcqueen 253 john mooro 250 gertrude barry 213 ada fyfe 213 clabs iv son clara cobban 255 tom henderbon 215 robort holmes 235 eva matthews 235 claab iv int bar tie spoight 205 edith nioklln s0q eva porryman185 cjaas iv jun bonis- wallace 255 mabol mooro hattio noblo froa wilds 250 robiosmyth willio laird arthur mcdonald harry loveys 245 class iii son ettio madouaid 225 george- oram 215 mabol sopor 210 george hynds 210 t t mooiie toaohor kecoxi ilkiantment sonlors florence sopor 2il5 joaie stephenson 231 ida laird 228 juniors ethel oolomany 224 myrtle matthews 224 roy arnold 193 jonnie mcqueen 193 howland brown 188 marks possiblo 200 cmcpiivil toachor son claaa ena pearson 195 jennie grant 191 jennnj smith hauel mann 184 junior claaa mabel edmistou 198 ruby clark 181 villa folbter ednii stewart 174 martib possiblo 200 1 e pvttkuson toaohor vouiith dkpautmknt sou pcliimyrtlo dills190myrtla soper 180 mamie agnow roy mcphail 185 jab pc ii bert holmop 182 3har- liimklthama iflntcrtna cnnr 175 depressed my appetite was very poor and if lata anything at all no matter how light the food waa it gave mo a dull heavy feeling in my stomaoh which would bo followed by vomiting i suffered bo in tensely with pains in my arms and shofllderfl that i could scarcely raise my handb to my hoad i tried different reme dies but all to no purpose a neighbor cams m ono evening and asked bave yon tried dr williams pink pills i had not but thondotormiued to try thorn and procured a box and before the pills woie all gono i began to improve- this encouraged mo topuroliaae more and in a few weeks tho pains in my shoulders and arma were all gono and i wab able to got a good nights rebt my appetite came back and thedull listloas feeling loft me i could oat a hoarty rnealand havo no bad after effects and i fait strong und wsll onough as though i had takon a now lease of hfo my old occupation beoarrie a ploasuru to me and i think nothing of tramping eighteen or twenty miles a day i know from experience and i fully appreciate the wonderful results of dr williams pink pills as a bafe and sore euro and i would urgo all those afllicted with rheamatism or any othor ailment to try pinkpillb as they create now vigor build up tho shattered nervous byatom and mako a new being of you the genuine pink pills aro sold only iu boxes bearing the full trade mark dr william3 pink pills for palo people protect yourealf from imposition by refusing any pill that does not boar the registered trade mark around tho box- news of the day a m em ps i d ib no reason now to fro without a dress or skirt or hlmae because your dressmaker is too busy to make it we arc showing pretty things jn house wrappers nicely made and trimmed and ihe better ores have tight fitting waist linings a lretty wrapperin assorted navy ked and light irint initerns yoie back turn down collar mutton leg sleeve wide full skirt for 85c another is in assorledketl and navy stripe prints waist with tight fittinglining bishop slcovcs turn down cqllars large sailor collar trimmed with white braid full back skhx for 8 reach anbtlicr is in assorted navy llnk and grey prints walieau pleated back bishop sleeves and leg of y sleeves full nrouml iheyoketurn down collor tight fitting lining widehemmed skirt for 8125- another pretty wrapper is iii assorted navy cream and pink ground prints- tight fitting lining bishop sleeves sailor collar irill trimming yoke in buck a wide ski rj for ftisq another is in- assorted navy creyand palo 131 uo and pink prints in beaiitifur patterns yoke rbacks sailor collars and lappcls with braid tribimings strops aikl button trimmings full back with girdle bishop sleeves for 8175 another is assorted dark dresden prints and lemihe- lawns with wattcuu backs girdle pointed turn down collar double frill oil shoulder ahlreii yoke back and from bishop sleeves for 82- still another is hi navy arid white orgahdifc mnslin tucked yoke back and frohltrimmcd with fine white embroidery full vattciu back puff log of mutlon aleevc turn down collar- edged with embroidery a really elegant garment with very full sltftt for 82- y t yet another is in elegant dresden organdie assorted greens and blues beautiful patterns and splendid quality bishop sleeves full back and front tucked yoke effect trimmed with lawn insertion arid valenciennes lace fancy spanleites and turn down collar edged with vavcnienncs laco very full skirt with deep hem tigh fitting waist lining with girdle 8250 jubilee skirtof heavy unen 9 gores lined throughout with silesia faced with linen price 8250 broche black alpaca skirt in elegant patterns 9 gores lined throughout with silesia cord binding for 83 plain black alphaca skirt 9 gores splendid quality alpaca silesia lining cord binding for 8325 extra quality plain black alpaca skirt very brilliarit g gores good silesia lining with velvet binding for 8375 blouse waists would take a whole paper to describe they must be been to form any idea of the magnitude of variety ind styles we are showings good critics say we show the nicest range in the city and that they arc tho nicest cur nicest fitting and best made blouses seen anywhere we have then at 50c 75c 81 and 8175 wo allow some novelties you cant elsewhere and at lower prices we have sold more blouses already than many houses sell in a year 7nonictmi3ulrstco11atscuffst millinery stock freshly assorted today bo sure of finding the very latest ihhigs to bo had and expect to get every thing right iu style and reasonable in price the zieglerhinch co j 18 years jgo we began to build bicycles with a purpose clearly defined of construct ing not merely a good wheel but one better than anybodys else light summer tweeds that look cool and feel cool stylishly cut properly finish ed and generally well tailored not high priced but hig enough to ensure every satisfaction to the wearer the pleasure of first choice is yours ifyou buy now shaw turner meroianttailorbj guelph s jta atrrtiikntenlk cultured ladies with foroo of character nuodlng- to earn money can learn bowiodo so in a good cauio addroap j adez galloway toronto out agents i am just starting tho boat thing for money waking you havo soon for many as will bring tho col it p glasgow torouto out making you havo soon for many aday namo and aadross will bring tho golden informs wanted industriou8 porsonft of either hex with rood character aud common school education can obtain omploymout for two montlib in this jquiuiuulty- stscfky toronto out notice to trespassers notice iahoroby given to tbo public gener ally that trobpasaors ou tbe oast half of lot no 26 con 5 eaquealug by nibing abootlng etc will be pros pouted according to law john 8haw cleveland bicycles are real blpycles an epitome of the worlds doings durlnfffhq week sbo pl i laaiah waller 182 blanche chiabolm willio kenney oharlio purvis 180 ltzzio wolahford maggio forbop charlie chambore 177 marks possible in each olaes 200 h e mcne ely teacher thojtjhn eaton co toronto have sus pended payment a slight shock of oarthrjuako wab folt in hamilton monday afternoon tho baptist couvention hag been in boaaion in london tho past week the annual meeting of tho ontario medical association b in eeaaion in toronto huod bank braoobridge was burglariz ed laat thursday night and about a thousand dollars in cash andninothouband doll are wortlv of bonds were atplou at 4 oclock tueaiay morning tho largo planing and aaw mill and baph and door factory belonging towalter- stewart af luoknow woro dootroyod by fire loss 81g000 united states cousul mohan at zanzl- btntirathhfcirtnfldhfl stao bepartraent- the cleveland rthe embodiment of all that is desirable in a bicycle is the successful result of our experience skill and exacting care in material and mechanism xx xc6s clevelands 75 and 100 quicksteps made only in limited quantities 55 169 yonge street tdronto agent a t brown aoton wanted men and worn on who cava work hard talking and writing k- hours dally for lix daya a week and will bo content with ton dollars wook ly address new ideah co bradford ont agents the boat popular llfo of hor majesty i have over eocn writes lord lome about quoen victoria sales unprocodontod easy to laike ave dollars daily big commlsfllon outfit froo to oaavaasors the bradley qabretson co ltu tottonto ont y wool the blgbost prlco in caali or trade will be given for any quantity of good clean mer chantable wool trado will bo general dry goods clothing blanket flannola yarns lo vm mcleod georgetown teachers bai otbora of bimlmf tiainlug for hinb dais soliciting will payvatty dollars wookly and railway fare on dotuoobtratloa of necausary ability the bhadley gabbet90n co ltd tobonto ont farm for sale the undersigned offers for sale tbe farm lot co con i eaq using known as thu dal ton farm tho property comprises 100 acres fifty acres cleared balance timbered including a isrgenuautltybf goodcodar the farm is situ atod within about a m lie of aoton apply to john cummins bockwood p o a cordial christian welcome the members of the brick church extend brotherly hospitality to creweons corners crewsons corners on ncnount of the continued cold weatbir the spring grain in thin vioinily has mado very alow progrcs a iwrgely eignod petition by the members and lullierouu of the mothodiat ohuroh hero haa been forwarded to the conference ut ilmniford asking them not to oloee iho ohuroh in the abseuco of tha rav mr keatle mr 11 3 edmialon of aoton delivered an cxoollent pcrmon hero on sunday last a number of our boys intend going but to niagara nextweek with company 7 of the 20ih lornt rifles mr t bmthaw of lowville spent n day or to hit meemuit friendn hero trafalgar j dioken a glementp w itfijnor chaa hall esfjnesingo p preston j f brqwu- ridge jx warren npboagawoya j burns j erwin a o momlllan robt akins joaoph little aoton a waldie georgetown f ruddoll burlington w f w fisher oakville geo andrews milton dr robertson auditors johnson harrison john bhortreed it was thought best by the meeting to retain the ofiicora for another year since suob nnccess had favored their eflorls a hearty vote of thanks was tondered the president and secretary for uieir services the president doolined tbo position bat on tho unanimous and urgeut wish of tho meeting he accepted the institute dooidod to hold meetings next winter at aoton hornby pbstville kilbride and brookvime from the reports given this has been the moat uucocsdfiil year in the history of the institute the date of the atjnuhl uxoursion i changed from juue 28 to jane 25 on account of qceeus jubilee owing to tbo decision to ntbsb thocliurch at crewbous corners a deputation from the briok church waited upon tho congrega tion laat sunday morning and presented the following cordial address titaco tho ministers of this district meeting and the laymen appointed thereto have doomed it necessary that certain changes be mado to aboure the better carrying on of tho work of the master in this district and sinoe thoso changes havo affected you in that tho services here are likely to bo withdrawn when thisoonfer onlial yoar expires and bince itiedebtroua that wo bhould unite as one congregation the officials and membership of siloam ohuroh through us extend to you a warm welobmo into their midst our ohuroh doors aro wide open to you and all tbo privileges of our communion are gladly offered it was furthpc remarked by mr isaac bnyder that it was no wish of the siloam people that thin change should take place thoy hoped to remain aa thoy were they realized however what raudt bo the feelings of borne of thememborbbip of crow- eons corners cougregation at having to leave the buildinjllmt has been hko homo to them than y of them having rocelved all this religious instruotioii therein but as it was considered tho beat oourae for the more successful carrying ou of christs work siloam congregation unanimously extends to them their warmest and most hearty welcome messrs laaao snyder and john mann woro tho deputation it is hoped tho con gregation at crowaona will accept tie in vitation in tho samo spirit in whioh it waa tendered if you want flrstalass guelph hash and doorb at guelph prioen t edbaok oan fill your order at his planing mill pain cannot stay that tbe saltan hamaud bin mahomod bin said haa idsuod a proclamation abolishing tlio legal statdb of slavory in tho island of zanzibar and oeroba rev goo e honey methpdibt roiniator of wollandport found paris greeu 4 his pump and well no rebon for the act oan be imagined unless it be the part mr honey haa taken in the enforcement of tho looal option liquor jaw in that oommanity about ten days ago jaa mokonzle tlio tenyearold flon of j mokeoaie of dundas was bitton by a dog tho wound oausod no anxioty at the time but monday morning tho boy dovaloped symptoms of violence and died bhortly after 8 oclock it is thought ho was attacked with rabies this is tbo mouth for ecaleaiaalioal gatherings tho following aro tho da tea fixed for tbo holding of the mothodiat conferences london conference at lon dpn hamilton conference at brantford bay of quinto conference at bowman- yijlo and montreal conference at ottawa all beginning on thursday june q tho torouto conference at toronto will bog in pn wednesday juno 9 slimmer wash gboocls an immense variety of elegant styles and qualities your spare time men worn on to conduct business at homo worklaslmplo writing and eppying hats ot addroksos roooivod from local advertuldg to bo forwardod to- us dallj no canvaaajog no pravlousxperiedodrquured preforrod permanent work to those content to earn 48 or moro wookly in spare time apply to wabben pub co london obt cheap pasture aa acites good pasture land never falllna uv crook running throughsalt provldod prlco 6275 for yearlings for the season 375 for older animals or oan bo taken by tbe month at 75o to 9100 per month also ootufortlblo dwell ing house with stable to rent aheap- apply to b bilton on tbo premises orowsons corners or mrs a waters london rood guolph dress goods fancy american organdie muslins scotch zephrs lappets foulaid prints fine white lawns dotted and checked muslins all the latest goods in the market in our dress goods department smallwares new gloves new hosiery new parasols a choice variety in fact our assortment is now complete for the summer trade fine highclass tailoring just opened a fine assortment of imported scotch suitings fine english trouserings etc to be soldat close prices consistant with firstclass work manship now is the time to leave your order before the choicest patterns are selected bicycle suits a specialty hats hats nobby new styles in mens and boys straws hard and soft felts the latest styles of the season gents furnishings new and nobby neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery etc r readytowear clothing boys blouses boys fancy sailor suits every style afld in great variety bicycle suits in all sizes neat patterns and well made a cordial invitation extended to all to call and examine our stock and ssee our prices g i b so n 73vmillr c0 3won6v taitmebb if you wish to reduoe your loteroat x orsocuroa nrst alasa loan of money with low interest and easy terms of pavmeat call on ub wo make apocjajtyouondinfr money avnd have plonty of funds we also lend on villago- proporty w c jackson conveyancen and monky lkndbn opyicei wyndharasttnoar city ball auellh j n stinson store rockwood good red salmonioc per can corn 5c per can pineapples 15c per can nectarines 23c per can peaches ac par can pickles 3 bottles for 25c ginger snaps 5c per lbv extracts regular 16c ottlcs for 25c mixed candies per lb 5c glllctts lye 10c can rots block 7 st every day bargain day just arrived new designs in window shades lower prices than ever before field seeded rape turnip mangel and carrot als seeds i b wliere nervlllne nerve pin cureis used oomposed 0f ihe most powerful pnin subduing remedies known nerviline never fallu to give prpmptrelief in rheumatism neormlifift orampi psin in the bsek und hide snd the hoskof pslnfql nffcotlons in temal orexternsj riinhfrpm idftsmmx- ory action uneijukfor nil- nerve paius positively cnisa llttlo pills they also relievo distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowri ncss bad taste in the mouth coated tongue tain in tho side torpid liver they regulate tlio bowels purely vegetable small pill 8mall dose small price substitution tlio fraud of tho ilny sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills 134 king dtreeii thb wanzer lamp and oven- jubt ttld tlllllr tor summer safe sure cheap debt in the world havob mnnoy work worry oliopor tlmu wood areoftl always roaly ono lamp with waneorovonwill 000u loreo tur key or ham aoastlnk or stoamlnu as you prefer wo will lo pleased to ulvu you information mfb co hamilton tel 40 wheelmen attention rigby porous waterproof bicycle suits aro just the kind you want they are uptodate they are a comfort to wear they are waterproof 1 they are cheap in price suits from 400 upward at leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph the garden browns drug store mill street acton main street planing mills acton ont john architect cameron and contractor manufadturorofbaali doors frames moulillug in all stylos dressing matcbufo b moulding to order on short tiotloo woll aiaorted stoek on hsnl st nrieos toiul tho tluui john cameron proprietor

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