Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1897, p. 2

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r horn horiuon in ilookwood on prldmy junir 25tb to air and mru t ekorton a daughtor m ialiiian at tio mpthndiat 1ursoimro h6uer avunuo aotonon woihionilay niornliif aoili juno to kovratict mrs j a mclftchltiij makrirf tiiomihos hooi on tuosday 2utli juno at tlio rlhldonoo of tho bridoa pwouth by itov ci a muolioll 1 a georgetown hov k w tlioiupson of guolpli to maggie daughter of win hood vm aubyrovo s vannaiuh iii snkvc at tho robldouoo of tbo bridph jiarunth on tuesday suiid judo by itov jominli unswoitli toronto aflflutod by ltovn v h oarnliain ii a auil a h crosby iriu ira ilvauualtur hoooiid bod of matthiaa vuiiiiiittor kho to hattlo a tblrd daughter of tbomna llomictt 13 sq all of eriu diid ditiy at hoeuwoort on rrldaj 25th juno patrick dutly nyod 77 yoare aiiibov in nnfbnrawoja on sunday 30th june jobii aulbuti qrod 87 voara and 10 ulolltbh 11vikii at sarnla on saturday moruiiiff sotb juno jacob tt kydor boh of tbo lato james jtydor aged 20 yoaru wiyt jutoitrw rss thursday july 1 18q7 notes and comments the us senate has put tho duties on cattle as follows joan thtin a year old 82 a head on all other cattle if valued at not more than 14 93 50 a head valued ut more thau 9h and not more trjavs 25 percent ad valorem- yajuqd at raoro than 925 30 par conl the daty on hides is placed at 20 per cent ad valorem it is btated on high authority that the qqeen thinks that after sixty years reign she dcborves a wellearned rest and in so far aa a sovereign oan bhe how proposes to lot the prince and frinccbb of wales in faturo hold all drawingrooms and levees andperformotbecpubhofanctionapnecj taming to royalty queen viotoria may never again appear in public tho senate is receiving some pretty hard raps jubt now from the globe and other reform newspapers on acooant of having thrown out the drummond coauty bail way bill of course mr fielding does not relish the idea of the upper chamber nullifying the legislation of the commons and a good many thoughtful people are of the opinion that the senate ia exceeding the powers it should legally assume t sixty years ago tbo total foreign trade of all the colonies now constituting the dominion of canada amounted to about 920000000 in 1895 tho value of this trade wae returned as 8221420000 an inorease of about 071 per cent in 1850 there were scarce 50 miles of railroad in the country in 18g0 there were 1880 but in 1801 there were about 10000 popula tion has increased from 1100000 iu 1831 to about 5000000 at the present road commissioner campbell has issued his first annual report and it is one of much praotioal value and concise informa tion it is a fact that should be studied carefully by every road commissioner chairman of board of works and paymas ter iu the country tho correct principles of road making add the reusons therefore are laid down clearly and concisely and dirootion given for testing the value of the different materials in road construction every page in tho report is of value and bhould bo btudied rate is 17 mills again tho estimates for the current year brought dawn and tho qat struc v economy the watchword tho moot uk of the counoll on monday evening wag pqrhapa tho most important sobbion of tbg year tho importance of its deliberations and enactments ronticrod it such tho commit too on finance brought down thoestimatoa of rccolpte and expenditure- its revolations showed that as a result of tho economy whiob ia -boipfl-eaflrei6fld-by-tbe-counoil- ditureb tbo ratooanbeconttnuod at 17 mills at this rato provision is mado for the oreotion o the now bridge to rcplaoo the temporary ono incooka eurvoy and to mako necebbary repairs to s treats and walks throughout the corporation the gravelling of mill street will not bo contin ued furthor this eoason but it isexpeoted that noxfeara council will complete it up to the grand trank uaitway crossing thflratqqjll2 mills i8yexycrcditablo to aoton eepecially when tho prevailing rato in municipalities enjoying etrnuat improve montfl and sarroaudingais almost ltivari ably hihor brampton for instance requires 22 mills this year and guelph has struoktitaratoat 25 mills council met at eirit oclock reovo nioklin presided and all tbo councillors were in their places s tho committee on finance preeontod their tenth report recommending payment of accounts as follows david illus li iu ling gravel 47 18 anthony masoa do 37 ut t j day new nag 11 35 o maanlaa work on atrootb b 75 ed matthews do g 00 wmnoblo do 5 01 llobt ulnbliam do 5 00 wm stewart do i 00 jacob-msbalai- 1 do ail wm smith do 1 75 express pcstago do 100 nassagaweya mr edward darby of koatcbbul is putting a new roof on hia stables and hay barn this week the fine rains of monday evening and tuesdaywihhelptheorops aod-roake-the- prospeotb of a good barvebt rev t amy preached his farewell ser mon on sunday it was very effective and was appreciated by all who heard it the text was iu 1st cor 15 58 therefore my beloved brothren bo yo steadfast nmmove- able always abounding in the work of the lord forasmuch as ye know that your labor ia not iu vain in the lord mr and mrs amy left wednesday for their new home at oakland we wish them buccobs in their now field of labor the publio sphools close for bummer holidays on wednesday of bin week the- pea crop in this vioinity ia very good and some fields are in full bloom mr and mrs edward kingsbury of aoton spent sunday at mr robert wil sons homo here another of nasssgawoyas old residents has passed away in the person of mr john allison who died at his bods residence moffat bn sunday 20th jane aged 87 years 10 months mr allison was pre ceded to the better land by bis wife some twelvo weeks so he did not have long to travel lifes pathway alone before his mastercalled himrbighcrtooinbialoyed ones gone there the funeral took place on wednesday of last week from the resi dence of bis son mr parker allison to tho family burying plot in the moffat cemetery tbo rev mr blair preached the funeral sermon and officiated in the burial service the pall bearers were warden hutchaon messrs d king m holmes jacob allison thos moore and jos little deceased was a highly respected resident of this township tbo jubilee anniversary of ebenezer church will be held on the 11th july rev mr tishor will preach and tho jubilee supper wilt be on the 18th at jkr h fletcher darbyvillo ai25ii moved by tv e smith seconded by h t arnold that the tenth report of finance committee as road be adopted carried moved by tvna brown seconded by w h penny hat the account of wm smith for taking o barge of cemetery for the year 1889 be laid over for investiga tion cirried moved by w h penney seconded by wm brown that all monies deposited with tho bank of eimllton georgetown bo de posited in the same of the corporation of aoton and that the treasurer thos t moore has full authority to operate the above account or accounts and to with draw all such monies and genorally to con- duot the banking bdeinoss for tho aforosaid corporation of acton and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the bank of hamilton georgetown carried tbo matter of engagement of an engineer for tbo fire brigade waa taken into con sideration moved by wm browp seconded by w h denny that hiram swaokbammar be appointed engineer of tho fire brigado at a salary of flfty dollars duties to date from juno igth when be took charge of the engine carried moved by w h donny seconded by wm brown that tho resolotion in refer ence to ordering 21 pairs robber boots and 17 rubber coata for firemen dated may 3rd be rescinded and that the firo committee of the council be allowed to use their judgement as to the number required carried moved by vf h denny ooconded by ii t arnold tnat clause 4 in bylaw 188 with reference to box drains at approaches to the entrance to private property bo amended by bubatituting tho size 8x12 in lieu of 4x8 carried the finance committee presented thoir estimates of receipts and expenditures for tho current year as follows iiiicurrm comotorylotb 6 100 00 liconfloa 30000 town hall 75 00 public park 15 00 borrowod money 100 00 ijeglaltlvo grant llfi 00 statuto tabor tax 00 dog tax v 70 00 municipal taxoi 17 mills on 2701- 300 leas manufacturers oxemntloni 1go0 00 neighborhood news news items supplied by corres pondents and exchnngos milton kov mr mali a fly oflloiutod vofy accept ably in knox church guclph on sunday eay the guclph papers rev w a j- martin of guolph preached eloquent anniveiatuy uvrmonu hero morning and evening rev v x mignot proauhod au imprcs- aio farewell boriiion last sunday evening to a largo congregation rov and mrs mignot lof for england on tuonday mr t ii daooii has beou engaged teacher at tho public bciiooi during tho model school term saturday july 3rd will bo tho ditto of thq sixth experimental bpraying at robt e harrisons orchard rockwood- special evangelistic meetings arc being held by tho disciples at evorton rov wgl charlton evangelist ia superintend- wfj them tho sunday school excursion com mittee havb decided to hold an excursion about the 7th july the poiut and exaqt da to are yet to bo decided but it is thought likely to bo to burlington or toronto tho former place scorns to find more fayor as it ih hotter for children and much cheaper the funeral of tho lato patriak duffy who died ou friday took place ou sunday ufteruoou tho cortege was very largo rev father haleyn annual pic nio was held last thursday in connection with the roman catholic church ouetio in mr j oakcs giove thero wab a very largo attendance as ubual tbo speakers were mr john mutne m pp and mr g w field b a tho eutranco and public school leaving examinations were held hero this week fower candidates are writing thau were present labt year mr diak of fergus is presiding examiner mr loreo was married to miss farrier labt wednesday both of eramoea mr rutledge of richmond mioh is visiting his daughter mrs m p burry of tho village mr j strachan ia presiding at tho entranco examinations held at aborfoylo put t0the test the most convincing and absolute proof given that dr wllllama pink pills cure when othor medlolnes fall what they have done for others they will do for you no remedy of mcitlorn times iiuh offered more or stronger proof of its oterling merit than has ir williama pink pills the cures are not thoao of people iu foreign landfl but from all parts of our own country and tho htatomonth mado are oablly verified by everyone iu the vicinity 4 gcreat driires at cheapsidei hhhhhiihhhhihim in which tho cures reported ooour when euoli proof as this aotferol doubt must ooaau and tho mtdilino must bo awarded tho palm of suptiiority over all others every mail bring- letters from gratoful pcoplo in all parts of canada who have been cured by thc use of dr williams pink pills sometimes after years of illnosb and after othor medicines had failed and it is the words of gratitude epoken by sufferers thus restored to health that has created tho enormous dpmand this medioine has the following letter is but a fair samplo of hundreds constantly being receiv ed t the dr williams medicine co dtfut sum i have great pleasure in bearing testimony to tho medicinal value of dr williams pink pills as a bbotr purifier and health restorer for ton years i was a victim toa complication of troubles beginning with quineey and followed by rheumatism and bronchitis my physicians told mo tho trouble had become chronic and that every wintor i would either have to house myself up or go to a warmer climate two years ago i was confined to my bed and room from february until may under tho doctors caro ono day while reading of the cures wrought by the tnirordrtwittiatnbpintrpllibri dotor erin eriu village has abont forty bicycles in obo among her citizens bathers in bolls dam must don bathing costumes or come bofore tho beak erin braes band have been engadbd for atobaroh picmb to bo held at mimosa on dominion day the sixth annual convention of the township of erin sunday school associa tion was held at coniogsby on friday juno 25th the afternoon and evening eoasious wore both orowded with practical thoughts and suggestions invaluablo to workers the exceuent president of the past two eaib mr j w h miller of oapringo waa anooeoded by mr j ip collier of erin a lady visiting in erin received the fol lowing letter from hor daughter and niece e and i thoae young ladies had been left at homo to koep house dour ala i tblntc wohavo been good wo vo dono bverytblur but apllt tbo wood tbo hob wo cooked and tbo moat wo frlod and wo mado sucb a pudding tbat unolo cried i bopo tbat you wilf not come homo until wo tbrougb tbo town do roam do euro you do not romo too boou for evolyn wanta to boo tbo moon david called to boo evelyn inat nigbt and abo as usual was out of bight ho carried hia cauo for fear of ji fclgbt ho fearod that all might not bo right ma was away and bo you bet mined to try them and i found a cure at last in this e pie rid id medioine i used a dozen boxes of tho pills and i have novor boon better in my life than i am now and i have not been troubled in any way with my old complaints siheo i discontinued the ubo of tho pink pills as i have already statod i was a batterer for years and during that period spent a small fortune in doctors medioine and drugs only to find in tho end that dr williams xink pills accomplished what all other medicineb failed to do when my frionds who know how often i was laid aside with illness aebod mo what cured me i am always happy to say dr williams fink pills yours gratefully muh j a mckisf cataranui mr and mrs mokim aro among the best known and most esteemed residents of cataraqui ont mr mokim has been a travelling salosmap for pianos and organs in tho district in which ho resides for up wards oftweniy fivayearo what stronger proof than tho above can be had for tho claim that dr williams pink pills cure when all other medicines fail if you are ailing give this groat medioine a fair trial and tho result will not disappoint you the public are cautioned agaiobt numerous pink colored imitations insist upon taking nothing but thepackagos whioh bear the full trade mark dr william b pink pills for palo peoplo 8thprirrtsi 2nd silks 3rd linens 4th parasols -a-rieli- harvest for advertisement readers ooos toi we commence to offer thpse goods bought for cajjlnt a sacrifice price and therefore gucnto our customers nta sacrifice 43i yards of wiue qoad quality prints splendid patterns light and dark mixtures most of them regular 12jc goodi none ofthem less than iqc tobe sold at jc a yard a lot of silks consisting of lovely pure silk surahs iitcroam pale blue cprnflower blue pink worth 75c a yard also 120 yards elegant brocade silks newest combination shot colors worth 65c the whole lot for 35c a yard linens manufacturers lot consisting of table iinens towels and handkerchiefs ahd we will sell 58 inch creum table linen worth 35c for 25c 60 inch do joo for 28c 72 inch do 2 yards wide worth 60 for 45c j splendid fine quality bleached i1uck towels tua at by 40 for 25c a pair another sue 18 by 24 for 18c a pair a lot of white hemstitched handkerchiefs assorted plain and fancy borders and corners mostly worth 10c and 15c each to be sold at 40c per dozen a lot ol parasols in very good quality handsomely assorted handles really worth fli 50 to be sold at 75c each these ate only a few of the many bargains to be given up to july 1st on wednesday night our store will be open till 0 oclock and closed thursday july 1st atour clothing store 33 lower wyndham street we will bell a lot of boys galatea washing suits worth 8r 50 for 8100 a suit ivjot of splendid qnnutyapirrr serfiesuitsjaoribs6 for 9 these ater1ingjmesjioughtjmuchmndsrhie also a lot of mens underclothing- i u t 53 worthnearlytwticeaa much specials in mens and boyb suits anifgents fifrnishings j under regular value same in mens hals oooooqooooooooooooocxxjooo the zieglerhinch co guelph bewildered purchasers unable to depend upon their own judgment should select the bicycle of r hest reputation best facilities the largest business theyhadgncbfttiroo th no t waa half past ono bo fore ho took lia cano aud wout to tbo door ho paid ha was coming back vory boou as tborowaa no tolling wbon you would bo homo aa ho hasnt much hair ou tbo top of his hoad hod rather not moot you at preaont bo said fi exphsdituokh comotery 6 35 00 intorost on dobouturoa b50 00 pnbllo soboolb 1606 00 copuobodoioa 50 00 cbarltitta 25 00 stroots and walks 700 00 town hal 40 00 salaries cj0 00 county rato 103 00 printing 100 00 sinking fund 83 00 town hall dobonturob 312 00 board of hoaltb 10 00 aoton cornot band go 00 company no ovoluutoora 10 00 legal advice 1sfl0 borrowod monoy 7tt7 400 00 firo promotion 2o0 00 enfliii oo moved by h t arnold eeoondod by w e smith that the estimates as brought in by the finance committee be adopted carried ex councillor jeans addressed tho council requesting on behalf of aoton cornet bind that the band atand now located on franklin square be romoved to the town ball gnaro after consideration of tho matter it was moved by wm brown eeoondod by w h georgetown the herald has found that this is tho jubileo year for tho paper mills messrs barber brothers came over from niagara and built their mill hero in 1637 tho daily output now is do000 pounds urxisbiijr i3rowb a rotumoa miosiepart from india addressed a largo audience tho presbyterian churoh on sunday even ing tho entranco and publio school leav ing examinations have been in progress at tho hiph school this week there are a largo number of candidates georgetown ridora did well ip cutting down time records in tho relay race last saturday tho four hundrodth anniversary of tho landing of cabot at capo breton wab cele brated in tho methodist churoh last sabbath evening the rev ga mitchell proaohnd- from the text we have a goodly heritage and reviewed tho bibtory of canada bioco the planting of the british flag on our eastern shore juno 27th 1107 all the churches closed sorvioo early sabbath evening and joined with the pres byterians to listen too missionary address from dr mary brown who for bix years was a medical missionary in he provinco of chantang somo idea of the work dono in this province hy tho presbyterian board of missions of the u 8 is learned from tho fact that ten thouband persons denny that acton cornot band bo ajinjaretreated every year in thoir horpilal- to place their band stand now on fronlihntf tho work pfpraaohingard teaching crewsons corners tho much needed rain ou tuesday liftb gladdened the heart of the farmer threo pupils from lorno school are try ing the publio school leaving examinations ingeorgetown tbiewook mr geo cann our genial storokeeper received a largo consignment of goods for his btoro from hamilton on saturday a large number from hero took in the halton and peel farmers excursion to tho model farm at guolph on friday last qaito a number from here intend taking in thoeramosas s excursion to burling ton beach on tuesday next at a special meeting of tho quarterly board of tho mfthodibt church of tho rockwbod circuit hold in bookwood on monday it wax deoidod although much against the wdl of many of tho people of this place to close the church hero the members are now fo in gf from two to x rays as a detective they will be put in the customs offices to reduce tho amount of smuggling paiuh juno 28 the french government has adopted the x rays as a means of checking the prevailing praotlce of srnng- gllng director pallain of tho french customs bervice has ordered that crookes iublw6ekeptatatriho offic and nil of tbo custom inipeotora of ptfris hnvo been summoned to the ohief oflice to havo tho method of their nee ex plained to them hitherto vast quantities of watohei jewellery apd other dutiable articles of high valuation have been concealed by stowing them in the ings of deal tables and iuk receptacles and havvijitis escaped the notice of tho oubtom office re it is believ ed that by moana of thex raya the presence of such articles will bo readily dotected square nn the property of tho corporation at tho town hall subject to tho direotioo of town hall committee bald stand to bo under tho oontrol of said committee carried the council adjourned at tm5 oclock last state appearance queen victoria retires from nil publio funotlons relegating thorn to wrh prince ofwalaa loniton june 2a the queen yesterday railway rates for bicycles both the grand trunk and the canadian faoiflo havo issued new bloyote tariffa making considerable reductions in the rates for ihe transportation of bicycles over their lines the rates forihe carrying of bloyoltjs in which category trloyoles aro also included are graded on a sliding scale accordion to the amount of tho first qiaos passenger fare for the distance the lowest charge made for handling a bloyoleis 5 cents whiob is tho rate when the first olavs passenger fare is under io cents when the fare is from 10 to 75 oents tho bicycle charge is 10 centr paid a visit to kensington which as tho sceno of liar birtlr and sum mono to tho throne has ever had for her majesty boi- emn and under rocollootlona it u stated on high authority tbat yesterdays visit to london is probably her last stale appear- on oo in the metropolis in future alio will transaot tho affair of statu at windsor balmoral or osborne and tabs such rest as it is possible for a sovereign to take and leave tho holding of drawingrooms lovoefl and other functions to tho prinoo and princess of waloi a royal garden party was given yester day on tho grounds ot buckingham palace the queen was present for two hours after whioh sho returned to windsor her last appearance beforo proceed n to tho south of franco for her sammer residence will bo on thursday whan the grand military ro- vlew will bo held at alderahot the quwp thinks oo the statement runs that she has done enough the unexampled devotion to and aooeptanoo of her obligations to her people have after sixty years woo for hor welldeserved reit and in so far au the sovereign can she now proposoi to lot the harden of respomi dr brown returns again next november a wedding party at tho grand trunk btation crcirtod a lively timo on tuobday oveuing the coutroof attraction was the bov f w thompson of guelph and liia brido the rev j g soott assisted by rov g a mitchell porformed tho cere mony at tho residence of the brides father mr wm hood of ashgrove tho happy coupto left on tho east bound train with tho good wiahta of a lurgo number of friends a larue garden party was hold ut tho mgr merry del vl will sail for home 1 billty fall on thoao who mast bear it wlion next week nhe pusses s reuideiicu of mr john 11 harbor monday evening in addition to tho refreshments an hauau orchestra from toronto furuibh- ed tho in ro number of guofltn with oho too selections vocal aod piano scloationa also aided tho excellent programme tho monthly meoting of tho ministerial aesociution took place on monday morn ing in tho presbyterian churoh tho rov o g langford b a road a paper on tho atonement the association will not moot again till the last of september tho secretary was directed to send to tho rov j ii dykf of borval tho regrota of tho members of tho association at his re moval and also their appreciation of tho sor vices ho had rondorod during his con nection with tho absonialion tho aelnas met tho duflerlus of orango- villoon the park horo on tuoaday our boys wont down with a score 61 2 goals to 1 better success next time live miles to attend service or stay at homo on tho sabbath since tho church has boon closed a number have declared their intention of separating themselves from the methodist church altogether mr aud mrs dickbon of mount forest visited friends in this vicinity last week mr and mrs d finlay of nassagaweya spent a day labt week at mr john cripps of tho maples miss emma cripps of hamilton ib spending her vacation with frionda here mr and mrs jas mooro left on satar- djqrojntfj5rebt spending a week with friouds mr and mrs l cann of east luther and thoir two ltttln girls arrived here on friday and aro spending a fow days with their frionds miss edith stevenson of fergus is vialt- ing frieftdbjiecoj mr geo cann was in hamilton on a business trip on thursday last miss bell of lowvillc is visiting her aistor mrs jas rap ah aw katie cripp daughter of mr alox cripps met with a serious aaoident at school ono day last wook sho waa play ing whon sho fell against a trco and waa seriously injured internally protected by a strong home guar antee such as the 75 and i oo they are cheaper in the end ditto 2viirtitmtttl wanted i i industrious iiornann of uitlior ox with rood olmruouir and common school education can obtain ouiployinuiit for two inontba in this community i b m fuy toronto out wanted i can pay ton ilolliiru weekly to a itiuy of mature ago rotlnoojqut uod tact to spend bor tluiu in u good cad bo t ii linhcott toronto out aftrnts- i am just btmtiur tko boat thing far money making jou bnvoroonfor many a day your name and acldruha will bring tho goldon infor mation it l gtjabgow toronto out wanted men anm women who can work bard talking and writing nix hours daily for bix days a wook and will bp con tout with ton dollars week ly address netf ideas co bran tford ont ypub spare tbie men women to ooiiduot bublnoss at hsmo work is flitiiilo writing aud copying hats of addroosea rocoivod from local adrortiainff to bo fonvardod to ub dailv nq cativasains no provlouaoxnorleiicorequirbd butplain wrhora preforred xurmanoqt work to thoao content- to earn 00 0v mora weakly in bparo tlmp apply to wahken pud co dond9u put we will pay straight wookly salaries of from t0 00o 30 00 aocordltir to ability for oauvassars on queon viotoria ifor life and ecign after a trial month on our bigoomnilbaloo tho dia mond jubiloo is booming tbia wonderful volume keeping all bands working early and lata tho only canadian work accepted by hor majesty and endonod by tlio royal family a bocutlf ul big book at a a mall price hurry your application the blfadlbyqaithbtson co ltd toronto ont the earth gifidled by dr talmago wo need intelligent men and women ai agents for this great work jtaouikcraiiidlyuiatwij oan fiffordgoodpayto warkom tlio greatest book ot worldwldo ravel ever published tbo people customs hablta religion aud govoromoiit of tlio countries and tribes of tbo world as soon and descrlbod by tho keonoot obflorver and rroatoat word painter of the contury prospectus 9100 books on timo the liradlevgaimfitbon co ltd toronto ont notice to citizens fire li b the attention of tbo proporty ownors of the municipality is again called to tho pro- vlblodbof tho firo byiawrabpectingtbeoroction of now buildings and rebuilding of old onos within tbo nro lioilta as por tbo following clauaea a within tho said arc limits every dwelling- houflootorrtu ami factory or othor building boroafter erected shall bo built of atono brick ceraont or concroto and roofed with al a to metal ud fireproof compoeition or shinglob laid in mortar at least onobalt an inch tbiok laid on roofing boards closely jointed provided tbat within tho said limits stablea and outbulldluga may bo orootod ot wood plastorod or rough cast on tlio outbidound roofed aa lioroln botora pro vided uthosaldhmitu all roofs heroinafter- mado or put ou any building wbetbor suob building shall hayojqpnbhih boforoqr aftor tho passing of tho bylaw flhall 5a made as horo- h t lozier 3l co 1 69 yonge street toron v agent a t brown aoton inboforo provided for now roofa 4 tbat within tbc bold limita any renewal or romoval of any frnrao or wooden building shall be considered a rooroction subject to the terms pt tbubyiaw aud that any repairs to any frauio orwoodop building which ahart bo nocoaaary to exocuta to tho extont of oaohalf ot tbo wuolo valueof the bulldlsg sball bo consldoroda re- erootion and recouatruotlon aabjoct to tho pro- viaions of this bylaw and that all plans both for new buildings and repairs to bulldluga shall flrat bo submitted to tlio council for thoir approval and a permit bo obtained from counoll before proceeding with erection or repairs notico la borobv given that in order to protect this municipality and to moot tbo requirements of tbo board of underwriters tbo above pro visions will bo strictly onforcod thos t moore olork council chamber judo 38th 1897 a b nicklin koovo w barber bros paper makebs b neja- summer wash gcoods an immense variety of elegant styles and qualities tho legislature of prtnco edward la- land has boou dissolved and tho general elect ion b take placo on july 21 dress goods fancy american organdie muslins scotch zephrs lappets foulaid prints fine white lawns dotted and checked muslins all the latest goods in the market in our dress goods department smallwares new gloves new hosiery new parasols a choice variety in fact our assortment is now complete for the summer trade -lanelhiaji-classjiailorino- just opened a find assortment of imported scotch suitings fine english trouserings etc to be sold at close prices consistant with firstclass work manship now is the time to leave your order before the choicest patterns are selected bicycle suits a specialty hats hats nobby new styles in mens and boys straws hard and soft felts the latest styles of the season gents furnishings s new and nobby neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery etc readytowear clothing boys blouses boys fancy sailor suits every style and in great variety bicycle suits in all sizes neat patterns and well made a cordial invitatfon extended to all to call and examine our stock and nee our prices c gibson tuhulkr 8t oo georgetown ont 1ukb 1 bpjs0uxtt ot machine finished book papers high obade weekly news the paper used in this journal is from he above nilla wm babber fytos binder twine in leading brands and rob block 3utpciis st georcetown every day bargain day close cut prices is now in stock at menflqiir feed stere call nnd examine before you bny frank harris manager leave your orders for today at geu woyler ia onllinu for more troops and promises to mako tbo supreme effort ot his life to crash tho ooban insarreotlon the striko of tho st lawrence pilota ia at an end tho men who were enitiigeri in it are now in montreal and quebec looking for business positively rittle plus thcyaso relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsl ncss had taste in the mouth coated tongue riin in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small dose 8mall price substitution tlio fiftuil of tlio tiny sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills just arrived new designs in window shades lower prices than ever before field seeds- rape turnip mangel and carrot also seeds in bulk for the garden biwhs drug store mlliftreet acton always complete always attractive jit is the expression of visitors to store that our stock is most com plete attractively displayed and re asonable in price we can suit you in your personal wants and if it is wedding presents or friendships tokens our stock offers exceptional variety just now jubilee medals pins c are in demand we have them gb d pringle jeweller guelph thos r mimrc 9 niic fruit ornamental trees 7q acr shrubs roseaulnbs knd seeo pottoes we havo tuoiarflubtasaortmont b employ tbo vry latesttnd tnewt improved motli- odi for propagation all atook urefalljr pmckod undor oar persona upanliion and at new varltlm mstd at our trll frm bofora bains oaulogned thom an tlia only tatting orobardi oonnootod with any nunerjrlu lbs dominion agents wanted to represent us special attention given to park oamoterr and boulevard ordora ktlmtea fumlibedfor lupplyldg entire oroliardi wby buy of foreign coqeems or of oifildlemen wben you oan purobaioai cheaply from us aud get better value our stock la cauadun arona auilacolltnatod catalogue bngllah or french froo en appllca tlou stone wellington fonthlll nurseries toronto ont the iieadlug caa1ian trco men iphits pays for your linn u nn is iloaulltul iiidlbn namu jfttit oaituh lovoiy pletures or so hanaiune felling girds cili win order ffisbfs awrc canada oabd bouse iiiuonoll ont o

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