Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1897, p. 3

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8ank of hamilton headoprioe hamilton calltaiiau ui 81250000 i tusihvkluki e17fl000 totai ab8ktb ssoiuimo board op directors iin stuaut a q 11ambay rruuldont vlcoproafdunt tum puctoii oko jtoacli ri t woou a ii lee toronto wsi gibson m i the news at home mcjatly 0 n looal chatacter ovorv item interesting a fid tuknilulii cttnlilor ii htlspiibn asst ciibhiur ii m wathon ibbpoator agencies hamilton iliarton st east end alhuton dorllu oliohlowaoorhotown urlmby liutqwiil luokuow milioii mount forest oniiigovillo owou bouud iort elgin bimcoo toronto vlngrjonr british correspondents london national provincial bank of eu- audltd american correspondents nbw yonk fourth national bank ami liaoover natijnal dank ijobton internation al truatco liufpalo marl no bank chicago national bank of llllnolflautl union national hank dkitioit detroit national dank c inba oitr notional bank of cobimorco agents in montreal tho bank of toronto georgetown agency notes discounted and odvaucob tnado on suit- iblo boonritiob couootionhuiftde and drafts baufllit and bold on all accwalblo points intuuadp united btutos qreatsrl taltflwd tho contluoutof europe upon ruoatfavorablo terms f vsayiibgspbparfcmet depofllia ot 81 and upwards rocolvod aud tntoreit allowed f rota date of dojioait to date of- withdrawal r spfioiaii depospts afsoreoolyod at current ratea of lutoroat nm livingstone acont ge0hynds acton for wedding and birifidiiy presents in silver china or glass- new lines in fans ladies belts blouse setts lurses c call in and sec our slock is- tion s favor look at tbo data on the label on your apor and you will 000 how your subscript dub ronow promptly l will confor a th0bsday july 1 1h97 jubilee garden party dominion buy will bo marked by a jubilee garden party and straw berry festival on tho lawn or w t smyth est wilb ur street thisevoning it will bo under tho auapicoa of s albnna church an enter taining programme will be carried out und holiday refreshments will bo bprvcda- oton cornet baud will oiiliven the proceedings dominion vny matches tho acton buee bulvtearn has arranrod tovt wo interesting matches in the pork hero today their compotitora will bo tho st luwroneoh of toronto this totim hue tho rnputiitiou of boinfi ono of tho btrougent teams in the queen city and fust ball is oxpeotcd tho morning gamo will bocallod at 10io and tho afternoon at 11 oclock- nrottght rtinc forlittrial the bad uows roiohed mre james ryder and tho family here on saturday morning of tho deafh at sarniti of her atopbon jacob hkyder bouof the ito jpirilfis hydoy fo many years a respected cltusen of acton deceased hud beau ill fot a couplq of montlia fromheurt trotiblo and dipd sud denly early on saturday morn log tho remains wore brought to aoton on monday morning and funeral yvaa held from mra ryders reaidonco corner milf and well- ipg toris t roots in tho afternoon rqvs 11 a maophoraon aud it b cook officiated interment was made in the family plot at the churchill cemetery in addition to tho largo number of frionds residing iu this loaaity the following rolutivea from n- die- tanco attended tbo funeral mr j w byder of barniawith whom decoasod resided mrs long of st catherines itr and mrs morrison o toronto mr aimraepoliftrdpetrolea 1 the pastorate ended rev j e howoll m a proaches hie closiner serrnons andaays a kind farewell little local brieflets whlbh caught theeyes or eara bf free press ro dorters this week dominion day first doyof july auotber statutory holiday today one half of 18u7 has flown already j3aroiniondilypionioswillbeppuiar to day actons rate of taxation this year ia 17 mills acton turns out cyolists of bpeod ano endurance butlr and ergs are belling at ten cents at present the band stand will bo removed to town hall square thirty years today ainco tho con federation of tho provinoea tho maaib of the farmere mowers is now heard in alldireotions the receipts at tbo lawn social at connoillor stalker a were 81805 vandala have been destroying mrs s a sccbrda flowers the pftat week fnnr nt tmr hnytf t i fiitp nft titn a growing in all wheat the millers- throughout the country aro sounding a warning respecting tho amount of rye at present growing among the fall wheat rye in wheat is moat objection able thoy say aa it can oot be separated by any known kind ofmilling machinery if it is not out out it will greatly reduce the value of the wheat for milling purposes and if it is exported it will give onr grain a bad name in the marketa of great britain and tho oontinent which would have a very injurious effect on canada many millers will refuse to buy wheat containing rye at any price as it cannot be used except for making low gradea and the mills that do buy it dedua from fi to 15 bents per bushel off the price they would pay for goud clean wheat- evory faxnoer with rye growing in bis wheat should bend men through tiro flolda and pat off tho heads of ryo before the grain is ripe this is very easily done as the ryo can be plainly been having longer straw than the wheat but caro bhpuld be taken that it is ntit cut too for throo years rav j k howell ma hue ininiatorod to tho uougregutiou cf tho methodist church aa pastor and the iitmul term having expired he is tranaforrcd by tho uuthoritica to a now churgo withjn tho bounds of hamilton conferencu ttiu minis ters who aro chanyiug muet bo oti their now charges ready for service for ho fhst sunday in july last sunday wan coiibo- quently the torniiiiution of mr ilowulld pantonatc htuherrnonnforthodity7tvoroflnoclalty appronriuto tlio morning diacourao wsta dovbted to welldirected exhortation to oh- couriigo the now pastor appointed to euocced him ilia romurke were bused up on dout 1 hsanrt ar28 kuoonragohim and strengthen him for ho shall go over beforothiapeoplo and he bhall pauso them tbiuborit the land ivhioh thou ehalt sco as in jpahuftstimo ho said so pow the man of god must have hia helpers tlioy bhould give him cordial holpfulncea and asalstanco and devotion as in the older time eoin thoprosontday tlialeaddrhas all kinda ofpeople to deal vvith theprpa- perity of liej ohurch depends lo a very largo dogroo upon iho cooperation of tho people ffiththeir past6r aoithia asaiutants in the varied work of the ministry no ono is roorocdubcious of hiaabortcomingrithan thepaator himaolf let him then have your encouraging words your loyal support it may bo asked why do i request you to encourage the paetbrjwho is comiug to you i do bo because theinetitution of tho ministry is of god tho minister is called to service jast a definitely now an in joahuaa time bocausa of tho work it ia broad aa tho world and as high as heaven he needs your help and your prayers paul eaid brethern pray for ub bo don with the waterloo volunteers themethodibc church was opened and dedicated twentyone years ago today twentytwo yoara today ainco the lasoe of the first copy of the free piiesa woru will common co on tho new bridge opposite agnes street in a few days hang oat your flags and banting again today inobservance of our dominion national holiday abton base ball team suffered their fir at defeat at milton on saturday tho dee w t 10 l early so as to allow tho rye to come out again the big relay race tho public generally woro much interest ed on saturday with tho ciov aland vs world relay raoo and many kept them selves posted as to the progress tho riders were makiug during the day better time was made on tho northern- rou to than the sbuthernwand tho cleveland riders reached their desttnation at 501 while their oppon ents did nob roach chatham till 65j the riders wore received at chatham with tho greatest entuqbiasm the btreeta being orowded with people the cleveland riders made splendid time along winning by two hours over their rivals on the southern routo tho result ie a great vic tory for the cleveland wheel aud a greator victory for onr northern roada th ridera the refreshing showera on tuesday were most acceptable vegetation drank them in with avidity actons dominion day will be made op of base ball matches picnic parties and st albana lawn social rev jus a mclachlan m a tho new pastor of the methodiat church will preaoh hia initial bormons next sunday a good many from this section attend ed the farm era institute pionio at tho agricultural college gnelph last friday in ior4bcoabtyfootpedlara aro-to-be- oharged 925 for a lioenao pedlari with one horao 940 dollare and thoso with two horses 50 w u smith will oloao out bis clock with a ol earing auction sale on saturday evening commencing at gtto at the store on main street the review services in the various sunday schools last sunday were full of interest and impressed tho teachings of the quarters lessons the junior league gave rev mr howell 0 kindly farewell on monday even ing kind words and mammoth bouquets were tendered him the mill street improvement ia vory acceptable if tho co u noil cannot aee their way cleat to complete it this year they tboold arrange to finish it next twelve or fourteen candiaates went from aoton on monday to write at the entrance and publio school leaving exam inations at georgetown high school arch campbell esq now in his 85th year called at the fkke puehs cflico on tufleday and renewed his annual aubscrijp tion for the twentythird time tljn fnek in the district from georgetown to guelph made remarkable timo between george town aud acton ooariors hilts and jdokson cat down tho schedule time six minutes from acton to eden mills e j mooro made the distance in 29 mlnntes 11 min utes tinder sohedule time aud fromedon to guelph courier tyndall covered tho dis tance in 2g minutes jubilee wedding in erin jubilee day will bo a nemorabe oaca- aion at tho homo of mr and mrs thomas bennett of erin townbhip on taeaday md juno ftwtfin a rhntr thirrldiuiflhtfle pbesii ibj8 paid his home weekly visits 1140 times the rain will do wonders for tho strawberry and smalt frait crop poat- roaster matthews had the firemen out watering hie fruit farm on monday night a few hours later nature repeated the work even mora efficiently the new barn of mr james stewart aeoond line was raised last thursday most satisfactorily the sides wero captained by robt mofhersou and louis teeter the farmers side bad their plate in poai- ltion first but teeter and his men wero first in getting their rafters in position the work was completed at 030 p m miss w s smith will give a second eoturoinl oo f hall on saturday july 8rd at b p hi under the auspices of canadisn viavi co subjeot a modern demand all ladies cordially invited fruit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than bis other oropa brown xfiros co the most extomivo nursery tfboase in canada have a vaoanoy in this jfieotlon writethom at browns nurseries po ontario for their terms was united in marriage to mr ira b vannatter the aeoond bqo of mr matthias vannattor a large company of friends were present all of whom onitod in expres sions of kindly feelings to the happy couple the bride and brideamaid miss zimmer man of beamsvillc were both beautifully attired in cream colored droaaea the bridegroom and mr w w hilts of ballinafad hia assistant were at their tjqs t the oeromony was performed by rev jo a unsworth of toronto aesiated by rovs w h garnliam and a h i5rpbbyof firjuf the prpenta worn humoroubi beautiful and useful not the least acceptable was a olieqtto from the brides brother john and wife of mani toba after tbo ceremony was consum mated tho guests sat down with the bridal pair to a sumptuous repast of muoh of tho good things that tho culinary art oould provide accompanied with the many good wishes and showers of flowors the happy ones departed onthoir journey in life together the methodiat church improvements architect kllia was up from toronto on monday und met the building oommitteo of the methodist church in consultation respecting tho tenders for tho improvo- menflp tho contracts have boon let and the work will proceed at once tho fol lowing are the successful tonderu and the amounts at whioh they contraot to perform the work under the plana and specifica tions all atone and brick work including the new choir alcove base of dreosod stone 2 feet c inches high taking out all soft and decayed bricks painting andtuck pointing all briok work and cleaning alt the bills buttrebhcarjbfliojv h smith toronto at 9050 carpenter work including alcovo nflwfrontdoora a aoton at 9101 plastering alcove and re pairing any other plaster that may be broken pr damaged w h anderson aotou at 934 painting all the exterior of old and new buildings and interior of new and glazing required w h walker aoton at 917 galvanized iron eave troughs and loaders on ohuroh building also on alcove g a fannabeoker aoton at 97460 rough 8 to no for the foundation of alcovo david mills at 9160 per cord the oom mitteo have givon the work to aoton mechanics in every ease where looal tenders wero put in although they wore not in all cases tho lowest tenders the contractor for the briok and stone work ia ono of the mobt experienced men in toronto and has worked on some of the uneit building in boston new york aud bau franalaco the work is to be commenoed at onoo and the whole to be completod by the 15th august no ii 1 eol strlo o ho shouidtjo encouraged bocauae be ahall oauso the people to inherit tho land by his preaching hia sympathy his prayers ota ways of encouragement wero pointed out as follows give him a warm reception dont aak him to know you after onco meeting you he haa a con gregation of 0g to 500 to got acquainted with you have only him and his family encourage htm by hearing his preaching and his teaching standhay him respect him hia position demands it roapebt his feolinga and hie- judgment give him crodit for sincerity let him know that yon are oud with him respect him by your loyalty to god loyalty to good loy alty to tho discipline feel that un infrac tion of tho discipline is a dishonor and a disgrace dont bo afraid to tell your pas tor when his services have been a bleeding to you show your appreciation give your baud and your prayers to tho new preacher next sabbath iu proportion au jou aro true to god true to your churoh truo to your pastor will you havo snccodt i be hove jtjurwill encourago him uud t am glad bo cordiala spirit of uuiiy exists among you during tho sabbath school service in tho afternoon mr howell addressed tho school in a few parting words of couuael and en couragement thcso wero both helpful and impreaaivo a largo congregation assembled iu tho ovenftig co hear tho retiring p tutors cto9ing diacourso tlio text wus one aa popular on such occaoiona na it is appropriate aote 20 3132 by tho bpaco of threo years i ceased not towaru evory one uigbt and day with teara and now brethren i commond you to god ando tho word of his grace pauls experience andeonduot were bpokeh of but there was no disposi tion on tbo part of tho speaker to compare his efforts or character with that of the bmrjbtlin tlicnrwflbhowever bodio anal- ogy between a pastors work and exporienoo with that of st paul in his introduction mr howoll suidtho past three yours havo boon eventful to many though it wab remarkable that so few deaths liavo occur red umong the members of tho church only six in three yea re the years havo passed quietly and pleabantly and i feel that tho people hero are my friends both in thia church and in town tho good pure atmosphere of aoton has accomplish ed muoh for mo physically ho said and in this rebpect i have gained what i had hoped to but could not in godericb as a congre gation wo liavo boeu austaiucd notwith btandiug the loss of 137 members by death and removals during my pastorate we havo the largeit hot iucroias which has marked any similar period in tho history of the church financially you aro in a maoh better condition than before this is not duo eo muoh to my own effort aa to cooperation on the part of the congregra- tion generally in passing cordial thanks wero expressed for all the kindnoes bestow ed upontho paator and his family con tinuing ho gave expression to the follow- cobtlngand goiisfg visitors to and from aoton and varlouebtherj personal notes the fiikk rnefltilnvltoa all us rbailors to con trlbutu to thin column if you or your frionds aro uiuk away on a holiday trip or if you have frlomlfl visiting you drop a card to tbo fnab lltkuh mibb mokonzie of southam ptou is visiting frionds in town mis3 jcbsiu niuklin vjaited friends in toronto during tbo wook mr goorgo worden returnod home from ainious miah last wook mri wflthtttftldi of qrn wmlihn guest this week of friends in aaton mra johu a howson of toronto junc tion mado aolon friends a brief visit this weok mrs coupland of crcemore baa been a guost at tho home ofarch mcnabb esq thia week mibs of guolpliis bponding a wook or bo with mias mclaughlan 6f nabbagaweya c mrjariics dunn srof cliatham hau been tho guoslt 6frolq hero during the past week or ho mrs elliott and her little daughter of wiartan has been visiting her brothers bore lb6 past week mr and mrs james first brook and master arthur visited friends t toronto and oakvilletbe past week mr and mrs j c halstqd had a very pleasant drive to cooksvilleand toronto labt week whero tbey viaitod friends mra powell of toronto arid mrs dr bennett of georgetown were guests one day last week of miss annie boomer councillor and mrs brown attended the wodding of rev f w thompson and miss muggio hood at asbgrove on tuesday mihbmaggiekennedyrwho has-been-in- poor health lately is spending a fow weeks with her sister mra r craine at toronto rev t goddon b a and mra goddon of shannonville are guests of their eon rnv j k godden m a at st albans pareonage rev jamea a molachan m a and family have arrived at the parsonage on bower avenuo and will bhortly bo comfort ably sotted there r mr d henderson m p was home for a few days during the week he returned to the cripttal on monday with the expec tation that another week will bee proroga tion mr harry goodove of dotrolt epeot a few days last week at he home of hia father mr c f goadeve ho has since left for robbland b c where ho will re- bide fur a time mesaru at brown and c j matthews arrived homo on saturday evening after a pleasant week bpent touring on their wheels huniiltouandniugafa falls- were- amoug- tho pointa visited the question ofroncf iruprovenjour tho annual report of tho provincial in structor iu roadraatilng ifl being sent to rauntolpal officors oquaohlore mombofs of of farmers itibtiiutes dairymens fruit growers and kindred associations tho question of road improvement is one de serving of oonaidoraljlo promiuonoe at tbo present time and ii is the wish of tho minister of agriculture that tho report bhould reaoh sill to whom it wbuld bo of interest any porso not roceiving a copy through the eouraes above mentioned may obtain ouo by applying to a w camp bell parliamentary building toronto ortathodepar tmouxvofagr icu 1 tu re the dutch ministry hue resigned and the queen regent has summoned dr j roell the miniater for foreign affairs to forrii a cabinet prof john petab mc a of victoria university succumbed to heart troublo sat urday morning at his realdoboe 18 bloor st west toronto after an illness of six teen weeks this is the complaint of thousands at this season they havenoappetite food does not relish they need the toning up of the stomach and digestive organs which a cqumo of hoods sarsaparllla will give thorn it nlso purifies and enriches the blood cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know creates ah appetite overcomes that tired feelin and bulldimpandflnjulnm the whole physical system it so prompt ly and enlciently relieves dyspeptic iymp- torai and cures nervous headaches that it seems to have almost a magic toucn how do these prices strike you dried apples 7 lbs for 25c dried peaches 10c a lb lemons 15c a dozen shoe brushes 15c each plates largo size 75c a dozen 1111 class setts 30c each hats w testellher in quality or price those stiff mats in every rl 50c c are dsewhere col you soft ielwa 75c 81 00 t i ex u j sraw has ai 50c- and 25c are worll double take the time to look at them and you will feel compelled lo buy tjurnip s0fd swedes osinrstomb olobbsbto all qilt edah stoqk im ported by jdiyeelf and cheaper tuan ever boloro hunoajiian mllifbt buokwacat pabis isrhjbn hellebore potato boo killer land piisteh salt istlipbeflt in faetttic otijitrue riiood purlner liood p are th be si nfter- dinner 11is pills aid digestion 2flc c f aoodeve oo kcton on the string for i sioq binder twine all kinds now in geo majuet sq j thorp and hacdouell st guelph nelles guelph enormous business in snz7tljl phppr this season price and quality did it have a glance over our stock if you require wall paper we can suit you window shades the princes kindly act niv- vork june 28 of the dinner to tho poor in london the woruvt correspon dent bayb no episode of tuesday nights state banijuot was more imprcsbivo than that of thjri noon when a little clubfooted briton with dirty hands lifted a glass of lemonade aud drauk the health of tho prince of walea smiliugly the prinooroached to a vacant placo and lifting another glass raised it to thecripplo as meaningly as the futuro king of england could drink from a gold cup to a continental monareh the prince of wals short range at cloih3xg complete with roller 25c fell pnpcr ditto 15c childrens carriages pkiciiand quality everyone wonders at their great value sporting goods books etc remember the name chas l heue8 city bookstore guelph georgowtsmolleywiin eflhtriblrteair article on the poraonal side of the prince of wales totho jay ladiea home journal it is said that mr smalloy gives a unique ly interesting oloso view- of the prince toachihg in detail upon his great personal popularity in england and tho reasons therefor his love of sports bis pastimes his social duties aud diversions are show ing him as au affeotiouale son a dovoted husband a loving father and brother instantly killed by a train st thqmah ont june 22 a very bad xpttesaio ost thro the programmes are to hand aud aro all that oould be desired iu quality and general workmanship and all quite attrac tive aacept thanks for promptness o t t president tng during tho pasttbtoo years i have endeavored to build up a christian ohnrch to preach jeaua and him crucified to p roach a gobpel which would furnish a clue by which tho ainnor might und forgivo- ness to build up a spiritual ohuroh free from eaoleaiasticiam oastooroonventional- ism to build op a happy church tho church of god should havo moro of real happiness than anyother plare in tho world it has been my aim to build np a church abreast of tbo times a ohuroh oharacterizad by oonverafons to god and aanctifled by tho holy spirit unless this power attenda a ohuroh it la a failure i thank god wo have some who have found tho saviour during the past three years in concluding be tendorly exhorted the peoplo to throw off the clothoa of ecnlimontalitim and put on tboeo of aotivo energetio christian life and serviceftnd in their efforts to throw ont the gospel net farther tho closing senten- oes partook of impressive farewell words and an exhortation to silently pledgo ouch other to meet him in thebotteriarid rev mr forbes assisted in tho service tho choir bang nppropiato furowoll accident occurred early this morning wm peacock watchman at tho l e and d railroad bridge amilo north of this city was instantly killed mr pea cock had juat flagged the regular seven oclock train across tbo bridgeas a special train from london oamo along suddenly and struok tho unfortunato man knocking him off tho bridge to the ground a distanco of eighty feet editors table the july number of the delineator us called the summer number and its resume of the latest styles of hot weather attire with a bpecial roforence to tho needs of seaside and inland resorts is rendered graphically complete by globing color plates and scores of acourate woodouts order from the local agent for the but- terick patterns or address the delineator publishing co limited 83 riohmond st west toronto subsdriptton prioo of tho delineator 91g0 per year or 15c per single copy in waist lengths at special low prices new stock of silks laces qlovcs etc special low prices in wash goods during july new patterns in oxford shirtings hams cretonnes etc tryourgrocerydepartmen ging- a e gtixm mill st acton goiumbia bicycles h w ry doian anthoma a farewell social was teudorcd rev mr howoll and hia family on taeaday aveniog refreshments were served- aftor whioh there was a programme of music addresses etc dr uron recording stewart preeid ed j3riof addrobbcs woro rnado by revs w bryera h a macpheraon reeve nicklin and messrs h v mooro j s coleman thos t moore asa hall and dr halated rev mr howell feelingly replied and bade all nn affectionate fare wells tho choir and orahestra added muoh to the interest of tho proceeding tho gathering was intended as a faro- well to the retiring pastor and a reception to he now bat rev mr molaohlan was unavoidably detained at waterloo until yesterday morning i have had different from all others thoro is nothing under the sun that in any way resembles buffalo billls wild wost and congross of rough riders of the world which is announced to appear at guelph ont on july 8 buffalo bill fs touring in only the principal cities of tho country this boasqo and in order to accommodate citizens of this vicinity who may wish to visit the exhibition reduced excursion rates have been granted by all traffic lines buffalo bhphaa incorporat ed in his exhibition alt tho main features of lifp on tho plalnb thirty or forty years agojceoplowhq took part- in similar scones iu real life years ago have wilneea doralchbtlhrwi w w t iu tbotr eyes it is a great exhibition and those who have never become closer rheumatism for years and nerviline is the odly remedy that has done me any good ho writes thomas moglaehan north felham aud his testimony ii sup ported by iboaaands of others who havo experienced tho wonderfully penetrating and pain subduing power of nerviline the great nerve pln cure after all the brisk selling of the past few weeks there isn t a department of our business that hasnt about double the stock we want to see at this time of the year its a posi tive loss to carry over lines from one season to another the only way to do is to take them by the throat and say out you go thats t h et reatm entctirpetsa n d curtains aregettingthis week brussels carpeta a large range of splendm patterns and body were i and 81 io reduced to 75o brussels bordem g pieces brussels borders regular 100 carpels will be cleared at 50c english wilton 3 pieces best engllah wilton regular 8175 for 120 tapestry carpets about 40 piecestnpcatry carpets of all grades from 30c to 75c per yard all of which will be offered this week at 20 to 25 per cent discount b rh ntford galvanized steel wind m ills and towers jor povfrei and pump- injcvirithln- ternal covered gear patent roller and ball bearings 100 columbia now 85 v 85 qents columbia now 70 85 tjadies columbia now 70 70 ladies hartford f 58 f 100 cleveland good as new 50 savage fe co jewellers guelph roli4iir be aringb mattings a number of pieces of cocoa twine and grass mat lings jim hrco quarters nnd one yard wide all atta straight ilbcovirit of 25 per cent acquainted with indians and cowboys than pictures and story books bhould not allow tho present opportunity to pass without taking advantage of it the naval review at splthead last friday was a splendid exhibition of britains power on tho sea beauty is you duty abundant glossy hair is beautys crowning glory to wear this crown use ayers hair vigor bbttbr thhn euei bold la load aliarooen aver in bulk lace curtains a lot of beautiful gqttli ordinal nnd uni- quo in design excellent in value but just n couple of hundred pairs tno many especial ly of tlio better class of roods well we want to clear them this week and have put them all under a rood largo sized special discount for that purpose the juiiloc sale shows no abatement all over thc new blouses new mus lins new parasols new belts new things everywhere and all at close cut jubilee sale prices p0ld ihapley muir ctlimr bpantford can tmakers of the llcht- est running and best constructed galvan ized steel wind mills and towers made also the celebrated maple leaf grain grinder writo for illustrated circulars johnintqyeenr acton agent for above also fob frost and wood binders and mowers ajull lino of all kinds of farm implements and repairs kel 3 wih be found in future on corner of wyndham and quebec sts pieraises lately occnpied by tradera bank the public areare invited to call and see the finest magic siere in western qiftarie c 1al k0lly telephone 178 e r bollert co 53 iond 27 wyndham blnot oublph ont the campaign prepare for winds wo would call your attention to tbo dot that wo are preprod to bopply you with lumber of suitable length for your barn doors viz 10 12 18 or 14 fcot also sash doors v frames mouldings etc for building storm uoora put up at an low u rato ae poeaible pu7wtps7 itepair ydur pumpa or put in now onea before it ia too cold w can do it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager georgetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams pino ami hlom fitting and uonoral ifeualr tut holiirenulppodwithagaabrablngniaolna oa to ar i am prepared to dobrtkldgon illoyolm frames fto whuola oonvortod from direct to tangen hiiokefl handle liars bout to any doalrod auslo full lino of spokoa konl in atook hauiraouoa guaranteed bioyoloa enainalled in any color t j spbioht oeorgetown wantedanldeash aara watililiifiuin i o or tbtur aiou prtio offor sod uifc of two buulrou uvcaueai wmukl guelph jegbgbsgggssrhfjjggfgirr right hotise of king aud hiiglison jsts very rare prices will rule this week in- ipo pieces of best five frame brussels carpet regular price t 35 now being sold for jloo made nnd laid- thfsls an unparalleled opportunity for you to secure a handsome carpet at a price that in all probability will not occur agai w pco advan of thir- great- ollerwhlleit lasts now art muslins fast colors choice designs curtainrtvidth just the thing for beach c cretonne15 inches wideviimvdesignsmt oolorsiapecialprice 15c regular price 20c a very attractive line of rope portiere the very thing for summer decorations hammocks 1 1n all sixes and styles withplllow and valance price ranging from 87c j10i375 new white quilts very spcelal at goc indlaseats very new and novel in oak birch and mahogany 150 and 1175 screens in oak and mahogany from 9125 to 9500 new japanese tamboured and colored bead curtains 3 52 i4s und i550 m yj- theftlght house n hamilton fejggib6n3mgieisgirffiishaaig8 vk

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