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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1897, p. 2

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v porn kakrwoo in aotoii on friday july ud to mr mill mrs eastwood auoii ciiawiuitl in nnuhrkttwuyiv l on wmlnomlay itotli juno to mr una mrs w ii crawford a aou mahmicv kitciionci him at fttlrvlttw filing bnt zorrnon wotliiofdny huli juno by ilov mr mckuv oooryo kitoliliif kim of oorwhiu niibbftowvn to liuiu duugutor of biiulio hilt knwt zorra i jzid wnuuit at gnlubloldb scotland on monday may aiht janet wife of william vrlibt monuikom at iljilklroon st wvbtiunurit mqn- trijaloiibaturday urd july malcolm murrinpn -trothnr-in1att-of-mni-annio-morrlfioii-aotou- arod 61 years apamk at tlio itnioral hrbthtal kiilaniacoo mich on thursday july ihi william ii uldust eon of w 10 adams drayton ogod u7 yoaru 1 uioiiths thursday juial 1897 nqtfcs andjjomments the minister 6f hailwoya lias riven notice to tho gpk that iuo arrangement by which it- rises the intercolonial from st jphn to tiulifax will tormiuato in a year mjjr del val haa writton a- latter to arohbiahon lapgevin in wliiflh bo calls for a cessation of agitation on the manitoba aobool question and a suspension of jutlg- tnont until the popo iielb given hie derision tho financial situation saya lbe ftnan- cialjournal iaentirely comfortable money ia easy everywhere and or edit and confi dence arc nowhere shaken the foreign exchange jnrket bhowb very plainly that there4ano need to apprehend trouble in that qaarterthia summer r a won era sixty years of prbarresa under quoen victoria advance in the arte of peace in civili zation and social re- forrri sir michael hiokaboaoh and mr gob- pben have urged the colonies to contribute to the support of the imperial navy pre mier reid of new sooth wales however takes the position that the greatest gift the col could give to the empire was the development of their own resources the aftiiaaya in ottawa liberal cir cles it is regarded as higbly probable that sir oliver mowut will at an early date be appointed lieutenantgovernor of ontario tbat sir louis 1 a vies will take his position whilo the vacancy thus created will be flllod by mr fielding und sir richard cartwright will take tbo portfolio of finance mr a blue director of the bureau of mines for ontario has received a lotter from dr coleman at rat portage stating that lie has joat gat in from a rough ex ploration trip in and around grande prpsqu iste he found little to change in the geology as mapped by dr dawson but ho dlscovured a dozou hitherto unmapped lakes onacighloxuiuejmileajnienglur the growth is marvellous the olvlcn london eng correspon dent has just written an interesting articlo pointing out tho marvelloos growth in arts of poac6 civilization and social reform during the victorian lira ho sayh uefereuco iiub bcenmailo to whatenemed t0boadcfectinihejithiloeproco8siou namely that it ww exclusively royal aristocratic and military that but lor improvements in f am other war machinery it might hiive been bijowh in 18i7as well ab in 1897 und that it did- not illustrato in any way the progress in- tbo arts of peace in civilization and in social reform which ia thoroa glory of the queens reign it must be recognized howeer that those things do not lend themselves tojiagentry though much can be learned about them between the covers oi a shilling book written by mr mulhall the eminent statistician national progress intfaa queers reikn if mr mubaljs faofa and ilgvtes are not pictriuseque they he the advantage of- being casllytrans ferrjbd to paper and oonyoyod to canadian homes the work openawith a summary of progress in the united kingdom alone tho figures of course are relativo not actual tho 1o0 representing par and the others the ratio of increase 183740 1670 lflu7- population 100 121 jp 150 commorco 100 580 123 bhipping j 100 212 957 mining 100 310 502 textile manufactures 100 252 8g0 hrdwaro manufactures 100 252 3g0 instruction 100 1s2 251 100 120 105 agriculta re tri revenue wealth the prohibitory tariff of 82 per 1000 ft imposed upon whito pine lumber by the united statea under the dinglny bill has been cut down by onehalf a vigorous effort was made to place it on the free list which was only defeated by one vote iq a senate of g5 a compromise on a duty of 1 per 1000 feet was then carried by a vote of 32 to 31 showing a complete break of party lines mr d henderson m p had several unique experiences during tho session of tho house of commons just closed on the evening of tho banquet tendered bir charles tupper he was for a few m inn tea the only member of the opposition present in the house an event strikingly unique parliament during a regular bitting mr henderson waa the last member of the house to address tho speaker before pro rogation a dispatch from winnipeg bays messrs mckenzio and maun have aeoured the contraot for building eighty miles of the rainy river railway from the end of the portarthdr winnipeg and dniutb line over which perpetual running powers have been secured mr mann states that sur veyors will be put at work immediately and as soon as they were far enough ahead work on construction of tho road would commence mr e o wiman addressing the can adian glob in now york on tho significance of the qaeene jubilee told bis yankee hearers some plain truths he said if the annexation or canada was ever hoped for the opportunity has now paaned never to return thoy have takon a method of pro curing this desideratum which has not only intensified ipyality to great britian but bas estranged them from a people who some dt would dominate the continent ltttthatfldaynanadacelebratedttn other birthday thirty years ago this dominion was formed from the various provinces in british north meriaa whose only bond of connection was tbocommon allegiance to the british crown today the dominioh ia united as lihaa never been in the course of its short history section al differences have disappeared pro- vinclal jealousies no longer exist or have givonaway to friendly rivalries racial feeling ia dying out and tho provinces have become welded together into one national whole tho poltoy of spending vast sums of money on public works while tending largely to produce this result by fostering interprovinoial trado and com munication has also otherwise materially benefitted canada and promoted its devel opment the kroat-inoreaae-inrnining- iudustry which this country baa witnessed during tho past twelve months will doubt less have a more marked influence in the statistics or progress during the next dooade and will show how that which was hitherto regarded as barren btretobes of rook and mountain have bocomo great aoar o revenue 100 140 195 100 203 587 the aotual population of great britain and ireland baa grown from 268go000 in 1837 to au470000 england gained 11- 700000 scotland gained 1500000 ireland lost 3050000 the outflow of emigration in sixty yearshas been about 10300000 of which 4950000 has been irish the united states got 72120000 of tho emi grants australia 1580000 and canada 15go000 london baa grown rom loes than two millionb to 4350000 and tho totalurban populatiou from 3100000 to 7d0000o i do hot know that tboso last items are altogether rraltcrj for congratu latioo so enormous a city as this if hardly a nursery for the higher intellectual and moral qualities though it ia an excel lent school for making sharp men of the world this remark will sound odd view of the splendid literary work that has been done here and the faot that london is the mecoa of writers but the fact is that much of that work has been done lhroughaprdc68aof reactiorr of resistance of protest witness tbo conditions whiob roused in dickens and thackeray tho spirit of social reform great britian cousumea 121 pounds of meat per head per annum irolund 40 germany 75 france 70 austria 60 and belgium 66 as to education the percent age of adultb not able to write their names ib now 7 per oent bb com paced with 44 per cent in 1837 the circulation of news papers is 00 times as great an at tho begin- ingof the victorian epooh the number of letters and post cards delivered yearly has increased from 82000000 or 3 per head to 2084000000 or 33 per head great progress has been made in sanita tibrimdfelhan ii5000o00pbtorunghaa been spent in water supply drainage etc and the annual death rate has been rcduc- eltfrbirn 225 to18t8 thlsi s at m at reprebont a yearly saving of 140000 lives mr molhalps iast chapter deals with the colonies and is optimietio in the extreme ho is a etaunoh believor in freo institutions for british countries our colonies have advanced in bpite of tho folly not because of the wisdom of british statesmen in faot their real progress dates f rpm the period of their emancipa tion from the tutelage of downing otreot today it looks aa if downing street itself was being emancipated a manit uhup hhpuh r tho crop bulletin of the mauitoba de partment of agriculture just issued shows the area under wheat in the province to be 1200882 acres of oats 408141 aoras of barley 15820g aores tho total area of all crops is 1050000 aores an increase of 80 per osut over last year tho total area last year was mmmdb acres aftor deducting 50 per cent of tho area sownnan stuhble which proved to bo wasted effort there are 27000 farmers in the province and the figures indicate that the old sot tiers are cropping as much land as ever although going more extensively into stook raining his bar fell on hlrvj milveiitom ont july fi charles allen a farmer about 05 years of age living near north ellioe was billed by tho falling of bis barn this afternoon duriog a heavy storm he and others who were building a atone wall under tho barn wbioh had been raised up for the purpose took shelter under tlio tfuildfng from the atorm when suddenly the wliolo barn toppled over on them mr allen waa struck on tbo aide and top of tbo head by fall lug tlmbor and was killed instantly he l ayes a wife and j a grownup family his excellenoy thanks the mem bers for their hard work and tho supplies parliament waaprorogaed last wednes day on which occasion the governor- general addressed the following spoeoh from the throne hon gentlemen ok toe bewate gentle men or tife house ok commons in relieving you from further attendance in parliament i dobire to thank you for the assiduity with wbioh you have die charged the duties of a fatiguing session and 1 congratulate you 6vt th o7 ve ryi ta portant legislation which has boen the out come of your deliberations the revision of the tariff which oooupiod a large part ot the session has been opm pleted in a manner whioh 1 trust will prove effective in promoting the trade and oomnwoo of tho dominion it is gratify- ingto know that this measare has boon reooguized as onp of imparlal importance and that it has already bad a marked effect in strengthening tho bonds whioh unite canada to the motherland the arrange ments for establishing a fast steamship lino of the highest class betwoon groat britain aud canada with tho cooperation and assistance of the imperial and canadian governments encourage me to hope that at no distant day we ahall seo new pastors first ermon8 rov jaa a molachlan m a inaugurates his potorato n tho mothodletchuroh tho nowpustorsof thomothodist church throughout the- conforotico invariably mot with a warm recoption laflt sunday if thoro wiih uiiy lack of warmth on tho part of tho congregation in their welcomo thoro was certainly none in the utmo9plierin hurrotmdiugs rov mr mclachliiii preached his ilrst sermons on sunday ami hij dibcourhort created very avorablo improsalonb tho -bnlijcct-tn-the-iiiorntiib-vvau-malualholn- fulueha und wub busjil upon gul 0 2j bear ye one anothers burdens ami so fiilill- tho jaw of ciitibi tho law of christ hobaid is tho law of iovo this ii a law of tho human hoart and wo oin all put it into praotfiao everything ia hold in place by honftj principle so in vita there u acoutrollinjiprinoipe which moiuis tor good or evil the lord jesus christ who hue given us this law has taught us that it 1b possible to keep it aud whdro it ia there is harmony i tho relation thowordof god bays v thou shalt iovo the lord tby god with alltby heart and thy neighbor as tbyaolf this is the law of tho universe there have been various deunitipns ofvtho moaningof ihiu termbut the most accopt- ablo onoat present iatliat it ia tho tav of mutual helpfulness and- cooperation we have iu this the llrst elam ot the law of christ bpt it points to a higher- life wo know that tho son of god though rich yet for our eako became poor in his effortb to help us one prinoiplo pervades the whole universo tho ministry of love applicatipna of this law were made by the preacher to the various rotations of life in the family aomo men place all the re sponsibility upon- the wife tho mother jinjdjtn6clijldren an tho children upon each other but where tho spirit of iovo prevails in tho home there is mutual help- fnlnoss on tho part of all tho members in bomo churches tho preacher is expected to haul tho goapel wugon with all the tflioere aud all the members on board but i know ho said that is nqt your ideal you are prepared tolend 4liolping hand a moun tain coach had beatb for first second and thirdolase pubngera when a very steep incline was reached tho driver addroased tho company buying firstclass pua- sonrers bit still sscoutl pasaou- gers get out and walk thirdolasa pasbengera get out and push we think our membora hero will all bo of tho third- clabb order all hoholpora in the work of tho church- i was much helped by road ing in tho fmi piiess- the kindly words of your retiring pastor in ono of his clos ing sermons where ho oxhorted you to enoourago your now pastor i come toyou this morning to aay lot ua encourago each other lot ua all speak of thia church aa our church and put ouraolvea into it in speakfiig dopttttmcntblfitua be heard roforriug to our sunday school our epworth league our junior leaguo onr prayer meeting etc aud look for goda blesimf upon all our effortb then if tho lawif love characterizes theao efforts we shall have success sorao people bay this law is all right for the homo and tho nhnrahhnlltcannotha adftptedt businuea lifo with all its competition ovorreaohing and decoptioria bat this ia goda world and gods laws are in forco and they must touch businosb life let thoro bo mutual confldenco and the law of christ in bnsinoss matters if this law is good for the de partments of lifo named it ia surely roodlalao for national lifo tho glorious iltrefty gained by tho emancipation from alavory tho enactmont of righteoub laws effortb to overthrow tho liquor traffic aro robtflt s ottliialawappltddtotintionai iifor andit will continue to lighten tho burdonb on tho shoulders ofthe people the time will como when thoro will bo no slaves in thie country ho is a freeman whom the troth makes free in his conolusion rev mr molachlan impressed practical lessons from the discourse as follows 1 wo ehould not be indifferent to the troubles which are around us am i my brothers keeper yos ad a christian brother 2 we ought to sympathize- with others in their faults and weaknobsaa and help thni 3 yp ought to reooknizo that we a matter oi justice is the wav a y6uno lady of new brunswick views it suffered from headache pain in the side and heart palpitation she thinks similar sufferers should know how sho found a curo from tbo kroduviclon aloanor miuu alma millar of upper southamp ton n bis a daughter of mr jsura millar a wealthy und influential farmer mid tho young laily is a goueral favorito among a wfde oircu of acquaintances who have hadocoasionto oontiratultiioher upon her completo restoration to health alter a bevoro andtrying inoes when a corxob- pondeut of tho 7 tiitr called upon her and requoatcd mint tho facts might bo given for publiou ion tho young lady though not at all anxious for publicity novertholesj gave horoonecnt in tho hope that hor txperieuuo might provo beneficial to aomo of tho many young girlti whoso t condition of boulth is very similar to what hors was previous to her cure- bfta millar stated that- when hccillneua brganhor mother waa an able tolobk after tho affairs olthe housohold and tho duties largoly devolved upon her sho felt heraolf grow ing weak and easily tired but felt thamho must keep up sho soya notveitbaland- ib my efforts i fouul myself growing worae and worse my appetite failed jny com plexion became sallow and my eyes sunken in ray head i waslroubled with dizainesa shortness of breath and palpitation of the heart until at times i felt as though i would buffocatb i wab almost constantly troubled with a pain in thosido and severe hoadaohes when i went up stairs i was obliged to rest lifohad becomo almost a burden aud at last i wast forced to give up and keep ray bod my friends feared i lwaafiqingidtqconbum and ono remedy after anolhor was tried with no beneficial results until i waa induced to give dr williams pink pills a trial jn iobb than three weeks i was able to loavo my bed and go about the house and the use of the pink pills a few weeks longer complete ly robtored my health and htrength and drove away all symptoms and pains whioh had made my life bo miserable i feel that in bringing thia matter beforo tho public i am but doing simplo justice to buffering humanity aud i hopo that those afllioted as i waa will give dr williams pink pilla a fair trial i might aho add that other members of otfr family have used pink pills with equally good resulth what dr williams pink pilla have done for miss millar they will do for- thou- sando of other young girls throughout tho country whoso condition is similar they rcatbro tho glow of health to palo and sallow cheek correct functional derange ments and create afecling of how lifo and energy tho genuiuo pink pilla are sold only in boxes tho wrapper around whioh bearalce fulitrado mark dr wiliianab pink pilla fdr pale people refuse all piuk colored imitations and other medicines said to bo just as good medals for colonial d1ers sol- prlnce of wales inspected the troops and presented each with a beautiful souvenir projeot tho bill to provide an effective uyatem of cold storage on land and ea will promote the interests of oar agriculturalists by affording means for the transportation of perishable food prod pets and placing them in the best condition in the groat tnarkots of the worldv- which yon have made for ihe pnblio ser vices hom gentzru km qy tub sknate gknti- mkn 6 thk house of commonh the seulon now closing will be memor- ablo not only on account of the important measures whioh have been passed but also because it has been held during tho year of her majestys diamond jubilee hi which the people of all parts of tbo empire united in celebrating tho sixtieth anniversary of the reign of her majesty quceii victoria the bplendid demonstrations whioh have taken pjaoo oi rough o at tho queens dominions testify at once tho loyalty and affection of the people towards their ho vo reign aud the unity of the british empire i kuow that yon rejoice with me tbat canada has worthily performed her part in these great events in now taking loavo of yoo i desire to express my best wishes for your personal happiness and my earnest hone that tho work of the session may prove nscfal in advancing the prosperity of the people whom yon represent tbo commoners oamo back to their ohamber ga three oboers for the speaker and niemlxjs of j he fourth wtate aqd then prooeedad i io bid goodbjra to mr edgar are not all alike we aro clothed in dif ferent bodies and miuda 4 avo can nover fulfil thia law of christ unleas we help bear ono anothers burdens we must do this in tho homo life tho church lifo the busioeas life and tho national life lot ua show that tho christian graces are per petuated in warm hearts and bo christian prinoes doiug tho will of god owing to tho iutooso heat the evening service was made very brief and the eormon was genuine hotweather bcrmon and popalartn couaaquonos it was based jbqojhn jvehjjtnowjntoxt hob 12 1 mr mclaohana initial sermona woro very well received ho is ffn improssivo preacher dear vn utterance practical in hie deductions thorguffbly abreast pf tho times ab to current event a and a forcible speaker it ia safe to bay that he has al ready won thohe pf tho congregation lonuok july 3 tbo prjuco of wales inspected tho colonial troops at bucking ham palace and bestowed a modal com memorative of the jubilee upon each man proacnt tho en tiro force passed the prince in singlo file arriving in front of the princo and several paces away tbo colonial aoldiora saluted singly and then- turned toward the prinoo advanced halt- e in front of him aalutpd again aud received tho modal the medals of the officers are of bilver and thoso given to tho noucommisionea officers and privates aro of bronze canadas great victorian- era exhibition and in dustrial fair wo have received a copy of tho prize list for tho great viotorlanera and indus trial fair which is to bo held in toronto from tho 80th august to the 11th septem ber next it promisea to exceed in ma tudo andattraotivencflsall provious cxhi- i ooooooo5ooo late- hours saturday night alonp witha busy tiresome day are an evil which calls for a remedy it is an evil too for which the people can easily apply a remedy we are con vinced that neajly all the purchasing which is usually done saturday night could just as easily be done on friday afternoon and we are much mistaken in the christian and human- jtarian sentiment o this c iftyhen l ithe pxtentand magnitude ol this evil they do not insist upon and assist in its cure r we believe people do not know that every sabbath is broken by the- delivery of goods in the early morning the result of orders given- late saturday night that they do not know that in- some departments the employees areforced to work dangerqusly near to one oclockvor disappornt valued custom ers whoseordrs weredelayed till saturday and that employees a well as principles are debarred sunday morning church services if notfof the entire day or are in ho condition ofbodyor mind to enter into the services of the daywhich should be the brightest happi- est and most- enjoyable of the week these are more serious matters than appear at first sight and lie at the bottom of much sabbath descend have put this matter frankly before you and kindly ask ybur cooperation aud assistance in hringingaboufa better state of things we rhave decided to close our storessliaiipatoclbekw mencing saturday next 10th inst with the hope that we will soon be able to close even earlier p we will make it wprth your while to trade on friday baegain my as that will be- our e great most of the special bargains advertised friday hold good for saturday cocxx50cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxgoo- the zieglerhinch co guelph bad bieyles cost almost as much a good bicycles they really cost far more wise purchasers figure that way and invest 75 or ioo in a wheellike which runs easy for years and then sells for a good price secondhand hpt lozlferco 1 69 yonge street toronto agenia tbrown acton isztly not gtrasp this great opportunity to sjet the balance of our spring and summer goods at less than the manufacturers prices fileto abbettiztmtntb t dkydix eyk hah tllltoatani nobk nuv itlock uonrlaa kt mclifiauv block uonrlas kt near p o gubuh oifluis houuk 10 anu to lpii uiitl i toll pm wanted industiuous iiumoiih cif oltlioi chnniqtur ami comtnon boiiooi or 5cx with pood iooi utlucaliod can obtuln uinployuiont for two months in thia ounmmlty k m fjiy toronto out wanted i can iihy ton dollara weekly to u laily of rnuturu ao7 rallnumont ami tact toitpand hur tlmo in u uoort t h lishcott toronto out agents ianijubtlftrilrib for money making you liavo noen for many u day your namo and luldrohb will nrlnc tlio ijoldon lutor- uiauuri 11v qhhgov toronto out wanteds j men and womon vrho can- work hard talbluq and writttiflblx hours dally for alx days a week r and will bo coutont wlthton dollars wook- ly- addroas nbwipbacobrau tfordont yourspare tbie mn womon to conduct businoss at bomb work ib simplo writing aud copyinff llau otaddrossob received from local- advortulng to he forwarded to ua- dally no canvassiog no- provloiis exnerlodco roqutrod but plain wrltora preforrod pormanont work to tboao conteut to earn 0 or jnoro weekly fa snaro tlmo apply to waltren pub co london oat card of tganks the bdltor freo prow dkaii sin i doslro on behalf of bt albana church acton to thauk tho peoploof acton for their llbornl patrooago of our jubilee oardqu party and i would especially thank tbo metho dist church for tholr much approclatod klod- noas in loaning us tholr tables and chairs for our accommodation i am yours truly wht burrn we will pay stuaight trookly salarios of from 1000 to 03000 according to ability for canvassers on quoou victoria hor life and itolgn af tor a trial month on our big commlbsiod tbo dia mond jubiloo is booming this wondorfui volume keoping all hands working early and lato tbo only canadian work accepted by her msjoatv and endorsod by tho itoyal family a bolutlful big book at a small priea- hurry your application the bbadleyaarbetson co ltd toronto ont the earth girdled by dr talmago we need lutblllgent men and womon aa agents for this great work it soils so rapidly that wo can afford good pay to workom tho greatest book of worldwide travol evorpubliahod tho pooplo customs habits rollbion and government of tho countries aqd tribohof tho world as seen and described by tho keenest obeorvor and rroatest word pointer of the contury probpootus 9100 books on tlmo the uradleygahuetbon co ltd toronto ont notice to citizens bitions held iu canada among tbo many aprcjal features to bo provided will bo a duplioato of tho principal foaturca of tbo groat jubtlloo proocssiau in london ling- land on tho 22nd of juno all tlio uniforms costumes and properties being brought from ioglaod for the purpoaoat enormous coat portraits aro givon in thia pamphlet of all the loading canadian stock breeders auyono debiriug a copy ot tho prize- list can procure ono by dropping a pobtoard to tho managor mr h j hill toronto or may examine tho copy at this ofluco theeditorstabuer drowned at meadowvale buauiton july 5 geornot armstrong aged 38 was drowned at meadowvalo on saturday ovoniag in tho river credit within a bhort distance of hia home no ono saw tho oalabtropbo but it ii burmibod that deooabqd who was vary oaroful about going into deep water stood on a log at what is known as simpsons dam and was bathing himself when lieu slipped into -tho-accotophshmcnt-omhahrorrlmportant- nrwktottwhiohrnii huh point is from 10 to 12 feet deep and wai drowned parties passing saw tbo clothes lying on tho bank andbarmhod that a fatality had ocourred after about an hourm searoh tbo body was recovered juecoaeed leavca a wife and throe cliildren new bicvcuetariff okntlkuen oy thk ilbum of coiui l mank yon ror tno liberal provision i ls5iredpy qfa trunk andcan adlan paolfla railways tlio following circular hasbeen ibsucd by tho g t ii and 0 v it to taho e fleet at ouoo where the firatolnsa passenger rate is under ten conip tbo ohargo for a bioyole or trioyola u cta loo to 75c tho charge is loo hoo to ftlho 15c lr0 to fll 20 o 81100 to 8500 25c 5 to 8750 ioo 87 55 to 810 40o 81005 to 812rt 50o ftlj 55 to 815 goo 81505 o 822 75 o 822 05 to 82500 8100 whero tbo paseonger rato exceeds 825 tho oharge is 4 per cenl on tbo rato tbo jubilee edition of tho canadian home journal published in toronto has just reached us it is artistically gotten uprfull of- spirit well illustrated and fn every nay lays just claim to be the leading ladies paper of canada music art fashions games tho household fascinat ing and seasonable stories written special ly for tho journal bright timely articles on books people and current events are among its leading features and commend it to overy woman in tbo dominion singlo copiob ton ceuts or81 a year address canadian home jovrnal mckin- non building toronto tho july number of t canadian magazino is a bulky number and beara th m of probpority it opens with a beautiful picturo of brookv monumont ahd has as its leading artiale a thoughtful contribution from t arnold haultaln entitled complaining of our tools tho illustrated articles in this issue are pioturesquo st piorro tho pretty little french island in the gulf of st lawrence a- gjitngopf norway boin tb 0 rat o a we intend to clear out our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dress- goods at cost all summer wash goods at cost prints at cost and less parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs gloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety fine highclass tailoring we still hold the lead in this and why we give the best fit best workmanship best trimmings and the largest and best assorted stock to select from- we have a largerange of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices gents furnishings we always keep in stockthe latest novelties indents neckwear collars cuffs etc in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the market also hard and soft felts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livest and cheapest store fire li b the attention of the property owners of tho municipality is again eallod to tbo pro visions of the fire bylaw respecting tbo erection of now buildings and rebuildlng or old ones within tbo flro limits as per tbo following elauses 3 within tbo said flro limits every dwelling- house store manufactory or other building horeaf tor erected shall bo built of stono brick cement or concrote and roofed with bla to metal tin fireproof composition or shingles -laid- in mortar at loaat onohall an inch thick laid- on roofing boards oloaoly jointod provided tliat within the said limits stables and otubuildings may bo erected of wood plasterod or rough oast on tho outside and roofed as horoln botore pro- vidod a within kbo said limits all roofb hereinafter mado or put on any building wbother ouch building snail have boon built bofaro or after tbo passing of tbo bylaw shall bo mado as bore- inbefore providod for now roofb i that within the said limits any ronowal or removal of any framo or woodon building shall be considered a roerootion subjoct to tbo terms of tbia bylaw and that any ropalrs to any frame or woodon building wbioh shall bo necessary to oxaoute to the oxtont of onehalf of tho wholo hrajuof-tbe-buildlnghibalube-oohsldeved-a-rik- erection and nhionbtruetion subject to the pro visionsof tbls bylaw and tbat all plans both for new buildings and ropalra to bnildiuga shall first bo submitted to the council for their approval and a permit be obtalnod from gounoll before proceeding with erection or repairs notice is hereby given tbat in order to protect this municipality and to moot the requirements of the board of underwriters tbo above- pro visions will bastrlotly eatorcoar thos t moorbt a bnioklin clerk itoovo council chamber juno 28th 1807 acton mnbry j m 8 ro having purchased ihe acton laundry is anxious to make it a success- our work has been well received and we thank those who have favored us with their patronage we have the capacity for filling many more orderssatisfactorily and solicit general patronage prices reasonable laundry in cooks former stand v j n stinson store w special jn ordered clothing and mens and boys hats four artiolctj on tho ruffgod aoonory of that oounrjfthefetler8olnewbudi wiok bineo confederation by james hanuy of the r si john telegraph the itoyal grenadiers colors the queen victoria niagara falls lark and two illwbtrated stories by ella b atkinson madge morton and esthor talbot kings- mill the tubdepartments current thonghts literary chat and hooks and author aro tilled with bright work and deeidoly taking features mistook him for a bear tiunnuuv ont july 5 a otin mau named vator potvin was shot dead on friday evening about sovon miles bask ot this place potvin in oompany with three olbor men from here wont out- in the woods to hunt and in soma way ot sopimtoil from the others shortly after this one of the party nmod laveeqne hot at omothlngiwliloli he thonght was a blar but apon enmluatlon the horrible dlwovery ms made that peter had been ahol nioutli and killed almost if you want urstolass auelphsushand doors at quelph prioen t edoiob oan 111 your order at his planing mill roe block tlvl in st g0orgtosnzn produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here the perfect pill perfect in preparation perfect iu operation avers cathartic pills perfect postprandial pill perfect for all purposes the piu that will more than hlf your life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at r mill street acton aftera term of yonia association with this lousiness verging cipsoly on a quarter of a century tho present proprietors have decided to sovoro their connection with tho lion and havo cloaca negotiations with tlio firm of messrs d e mcdonald bro by which thoy tnko over tho btock and lease ofthe promises wo wish to oxpress our thnnksto tho public for tho generous support thoy huvo givon us in the past und to bospouk for our successors a con tinuance ol tho rtiiiuo good will it is with keen regrot that wo sovor a connection that lias brought us into such ctoso business relations with such a largo portion of tho community and wo will always chorion pleasant remembrances of tho personal friendships that havo resulted trusting that all our friends will continuo their support to tho now firm who havo secured tho business on such a footing that thoy will bo ablo to do ovon hotter than wo liavo dono wishing yon all tho joy and happiness iu tlio jubilee oolc- hration that should bo- folt by loyal hearts at such a time frrmell leava your orders for today at thos c mm sohs death to the pests jtj wyndham andmal on co streets quelph pqison kills pure paris green for potato bugs insect powder lok flies etc tanglefoot thli seallid sticky fly pa oatohes bm

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