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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1897, p. 2

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johnston 111 acton on frljliiy july fltli lo mr ui id mm it 11 jolinhton iv ilutiblitur viiimott at lior latu ronlduncit noar milton on monday tilly 5th margarut tiproat wifo of jlobort willinjott bk1 b years aud 1 uiontlim ftljj jlrt0it xtt itss tiiuitgday july 15 187 notes and comments the government bus avoided to enforco tbo alien labor liiw in manitoba i ho north weal territories ttudbrltlbh columbia during the ooubtruotiou of tho crows neat paso railway choapor bicycles pcora to bo assured for ndit eoaaon a recent out of 2fi per cont iqoboqf tho hlghgraflo makes of tho unitod states ibnow followed by one of 43 per cent in one of tho highest grades of britiah mako bibicoo county council- has decided to provide a house of industry at fctptal cofltofg0000 ahdftt tho last meeting 6t the gquntycpunou of rey limoflon wait pagbedo tako a plebiaoitoon tho quflstlon at tho january elootiunthe same aabroce it ib eipeotod to carry in both counties here is a pointer for halton county council hon sidney fisher minister of agri culture writing to miaa phelps of st catharines saya that tho quostiou of direct taxation will not be mixed up with the prohibition plebiaoito thb whole flnau- oial quoatipn in connootion with it will uot be deoidod at the present time i can aeaurq you that wo will put tha bill in ono ot the first in the coming session he oonolndas the official statement of tbe financob of the do mi n io fortho fi yea r end i n g jane so 97 has been rtvon oat the revenue for 1890 was 83565ij77549 and for 1897 ia 31187217052 the expendi ture for 18qg waa 83055727402 and for 1897 831 the expenditure on capital account in 1890 was 8375582622 for 1897 8318g85201 the pobtal revenue increased nearly 8300000 neighborhood news news iltema supplied by corros- portdonta and exchanges limehouse rov h a macphorflon prenohod in tho prebbyteriau churoh on sunday afternoon iio wdsgreetod with a well illlod church considering thowotmwoather mrs john moorn has boon ill tho past weok but ia slowly regaining hor uauul health tho farmers aro pretty avell through witli their haying qurpublio school pupils who w on tho entrance examinations at georgetown were all successful alico lopoidevin obtained 480 marka mary gamoud 403 and frank mporo 4g0 miss ida ford teacher hasroabon to bo proud of her olatis- t rev and mrs t albort moore of palraerston and mra ii p moore acton tisilfdfriendjhero yoaterday nassaqaweva tbo jubilee services of last sunday in the ebonezer church were all that could bedesirpd the bharch was beautifully decorated witlr white bunting and ever greens and there waaa profusion of lovely flowora the sermons by eov j s lishor a jormer pastor wore highly apprcctated the fall wheat crop will bo ready to out about tbe last of this woek in this vicinity the crop is the beat that tho farmers have had for several years mr e tovoll and mrs tovoll of guelph spent sunday with friends in naaaagaweya rev george pitching of dakota is visiting his paronta and friends at corwhin s according fo the mark lane exprcsa it la- generally ostimatod that tho english wheat orop will bhow an average of 28 bnehel to the aero which ia about tw6 bushels below tha normal tho same authority commenting on tho report that the russian oropa havo been eo seriously damaged during the lat fortnight that the government is preparing to take exception al btepe for the relief of agricultural dia- treaa 6oys ia a strange rumor to reaoh us in july and we adviee the public to be ohary about accepting it w a mattor of much iriteresvto par local- leather manufacturers is a considerable reduction in the price of hides owing to tho fact that tho 20 per cent duty on bides going intotho united states precluded farther shipment of oar surplus stocks to that market on the former basis of cost dealers had no alternativebut to lower their prices which may go still lower provided any accumulation occurs during the past two weeks no iobs tnan 100 oar loads of hide a have been shipped from qqebeo province and ontario to the american market tanners will now bavo a hotter chancel of tannitig at a profit providing tho prices of leather are main tained mr john hoot abd two oj- jj5 ohildren of durham are visiting relatives and friends in neeceftvceja mra charles brown of proston is visit ing hsr mother mrb wm laing ou friday last while mr than ellis of pnalinoh was engaged mowing bay ono of the horses stopped over the traces and backing up qoiokly put its fetlook against the knifo of tho mower with great force dr colliub v s was called but found if was necessary to shoot tho animal 1 was a fine boabt news of the day an epitome of tho worlds doings during the week anothorhot wave is anuouucod on tho way from tbo woat mr wm piko of thoroij oomniittoi ouioido by stiooting four boyu havo boon drowned at toronto during tho week whilu bathing mr harry wooda waa drowned in luko roaaemi through hid boat sinking tbe other day mr cc boiiner of simcoo waa thrown out of a treawhilo sawing a limb and fatal ly injure don m6ndayt7 georgetown the freedom with whioh sir wilfrid laurier speaks out his thoughts in great br t rpmberolthoj3ritiihoommanweauii and that he finda himself at home and among those who understand him and whom he understands in all bis addresses he has without any fear of misconstruction 803 pha aizsd the fact that canada iu a ntion and that her loyalty to tbe empire is bated upon the legislative independence which great britain has couoeded to her the thing that he has moat urgently ad- tocated is an extension of canadas inde pendence which would free her from the trammels of british commercial treaties which ia bomo respects bind canada as well great britain this independence is asked for however in order that canada maybe enabled to draw the bonds of tbe empiro closer and not that she may loose them there is no little doabt that what hahaa urged will bo accomplished by the imperial government and that probably within a year at most montreal wunew tbe examinations for 2nd class oertili- oatea and for junior matriculation here closed this week ttfo fifteen pupila cent up by the public school principal passed the high school entrance examinations all he orangemen from this loaality celebrated at brampton and were accora- pained by the georgetown and the glen- williams bands tho band from the glen is making good progress tinder ihediroetion of w411- willeon the oitizens woro treated to a fine band concert on main street by the two bauds before leaving on the train on monday the rev joseph feunoll proaobed last sabbath to the orangemen atstewarttown the rev o g langford bp preaoh- ed to tho free mabons sabbath evening at the evening service in the methodist church the rev dr farmer of marinette wisconsin preached to a large congrega tion dr farmer te on hie way to tho e x convention at toronto the rev g a mitchell b a preached in the morning to the united congregatione of the methodists and presbyterians in the presbyterian church the rev g g langford is off for the south to attend the convention of the iaroare ontortuiucd by foreign reeidents at tientsin ohinaof anothor masaoro of foreigners by tho nativoa arthur wiggine an aylmor teanutor wascrushod to death- by hiti waggon- turn ing over on hinijon monday mr john counter ono of the beet knowu citizens of stratfocd oiit was overcome by thu beacon- saturday and died aged c5 a torrible railway eblliaion took place near copenhagen germany sunday night- vvhtni fortyporaods woro killed and bixy injured fivo hundred stands of arms abd half a niiliioh rounds of amniunitibh havo boon beoured for sefvico uguinut tho coaf mining btrikore manitoba is now haviug a taato of the hot weathor which has recently prevailed in the oast itia juat the thing for tho growing crops torrihle thunderstorms hailstorms and cloudbursts havo dovastod large diatriots of germany destroying thogrowtng grain and killing cattlo inanticipation of tho duty proposed by the dingley tarift bill canadian lumber ia being fuhddint6-odlveg67ny7luim- nienso quantities the huron indiana have forwarded a jubileo address engrossed on birch bark and decorated by indiau work in wild graaaes to the queon a serious conflict hai takon place at candia between aforco of britiah troopa anda party of bashibuzbuks sixteen of tho british force wero killed the parljamontfy south africa commis sion tbat been investigating the tranb- vaal raid has agreed upon its report a bummaryof whiobi3pnblihhod it is reported atwaahingtou that in tho case of interference ou tho part of japan the united states will land marines on tbo hawaiian islands and hoist the american james p hamilton a lay reader in grattan was arrested and lodged in pem broke jail on buspicjon of being rev francis hermann who mnrdored mibs elebson in salt lake city utah a lame back one of the most painful of maladies the canadian rifle team whioh will bhoot through the bialey- mooting had a friendly match friday at staines near london with tbe london scottish rifles the canadians winning by 32 points while nailing np a small windmill at st norbort james p atiau aged six let a hammer fall on hib little siater tbo two prongs of tho claw btruck the child in the middlo of tho forehead penetrating the skull and killing her on tueaday japans power baptist yuuug piopteut gbatdraooga jonn a number of tbo mothodibts are attend ing the epworth leugae convention at milton thoattuual excursion of graco church sunday school will be hold today to burlington beach the refreshing showers on monday gave the growing crops quite an impetus tbo judges court of revision for milton wil h at th h ofr- the ultimatum to sultan exact words of tho to him iv cosatantikopij tho following itlhetextofthecohcctivonoteoftho powers to turkey the great pqwera have adopted the project of atrategcticat rectification as it haa been worked out by tbe military attachees and communicated to tbo stab lime porte in conscqnene thev have agreed to bbaure the ottoman government that they have arrived at a firm determina tion lo pot an end to the obstruction tbe only effect of which is the prevention of the conclusion of a penge eminently in tho interests of europe saadi bey formerly chief accountant of tho m in ib try of commerce who was rocont- n ly appointed mutcbbarift urfa refused to go to tlrfa until tho arrears of his salary shall have been paid he has fortified his house in conetantinqpe and burrpunded it with armed men to whom he has riven orders to resist any attempt to abduct him saadi beys appointment is tantamount to aeoding him to exilo and was made it ia aald becaubo he was euapeoted ofafiihationa with the young turkey party at 11 a m a lawn social will bo held at t w beatys 5th line near ornagh on tuesday july 20th jn aid of chrint churoh mrs dr richardson and mrs moss of alymor and miss anna hematreotdf corinth spent a few days with mrs j w bews last week agent harper of the bank of hamilton is away on his vacation acepmpaniod by if mra harper mr swinford is here aa relieving agent tba milton wire and roofing co is now makingshipments oftheirown manufao- turet charles barrows waa fined 8450 by mayor dice last week for atrikjng a boy belonging to roland brush the defend ant swore that young brush had etruck his boy and be considered ho was doing the right thing in taking the law into his own hand tbe mayor thought otherwise summer visitors to and from town are frequent at present the hamilton a milton road company have received an order for 8g0ooo award by tho railway committee and an arrauge- ment wab arrived at for the immediate removal of tho tolls a london view of her capability to damage the american paoiflo coaat lonpon july 13 tho olobe comment ing upou japans attitode towarda hawaii says tho japanoao know precisely the mr peter millar suffered for years and experimented with many medicines bofgro finding a cure from tho itrockvlllo itacordur iorhapa no protliur pluco ia to ho ueen iu ontario than thut ut nowmana tipper look on tho riduuu canal at this stution for u quarter of a century resided mr potor millar who during thut period acted in the capacity of ioultman mnl was purhap tho bbstkuowu man on the uanau mr millar i now a rosidont of morriokville having rotirud from active life to a corrobpon- dont of tho jiecordi ho related tho follow ing oxperianco iir many years i waa troubled with a lano baok whioh gave me great pain at timva and caused mo muoh loan of bleep i tried different kinds of modloinobut found little or no relief tho spring of 18115 1 waa aseiating at getting out ioo one day when i felt aomutliing auap of give way in mybaok and it was lomo tlnno befbrei tioulu straighten mytjolf up i now beoanio so bad that wtjon i laid down i was unable to ribo wilhout aasistauce and i fully made up m mind that i had booomo ohrpnic invalid and never oxpeotod p- see a well day again a opaplo of weeks aft0r4nybaok had lmopt entiroly giveriout 1 saw by mi article hi- a papar that dr williamav pink pills had curod a poraon troubled similarly and i immoliately sent and procured a box to tost them boforo i bad finihliod tho box i found my back aoipowhut stronger no 1 proourel live hoxea more and by tho timo they were used i found rhyablf completely cured since i took tho last bbic i have uot had a pain or partinle of lameneaa and my health has beau far hotter than it had boon for years boforo to ensure obtaining the gonuino always aakifor dtvtvtl1 1 a m b fin k pills a t are many pink colored imitations armenian persecutions the t urks openly boast that they will slowfy wipe out the armeplan race a ropprt on tho situation in armenia prepared by a number of bishops and gregorian nobles haa just been madq pub- tic it took the messenger who had tho dooument in charge nearly three monthb to get through tho difhouttjos and dangers along tho turkiah frontier whioh was care fully guarded against all armenians or armoniau sympathizers the report whioh fllla thirty printed pagea is care fully prepared and gooa fully into the sit uation according to its authors the turka in armenia fearing european inter vention have abandoned the old practices of wholebalo massacre but during tho past year there has been tho most terrible per secutions especially in the more re mo to provinoob tho tarke openly boast that liovveigknrjito wjpe-uuttbowliqlq- thoyj btrength ou tho american navy and are perfectly- a wareof t heir- ownan per iority it does not require the knowledge of an expert to foroeee that in an ocean conflict the united states would mako a poor showing it is morally certain that the japanese bhips would ravage the pacific coast if tho unitod states onoe bcoamo involved in hostilities with japan in that event spain would havo an opportunity of which bhe would hardly fail to take advantage big hail storm at guelph the hailstones killed birds and de stroyed considerable fruit one of tho hoavicat hailstorms that has boon experienced in guolph took placo tuesday afternoon about halfpast jqye o and broke oat with a roar when the cloud burst tbo sky became dark and bmall hailstones oommoncod to fall followed by a perfect downpour of ohunka of ice manyof them measured an inch in diamoler and eome an inch and a half long where they fell banks of ico six inches and oyer worofflrnifidbythp rainwhic fo armenian raco blowly but burely tho document reoitea in detail various formb of pavaeoution it appears that tbo tax collectors boizo the inhabitants if they do not pay everything demanded women are taken through the streets with chains around thoir nocks and kept for days with out food in soma cases tboy aro fastened to pillars head downwards freezing water is thrown oyer them or thoy are beaten until tboblood runa in other pases their hands are tied behind their backs aud then oats first mado furious are thrown into thoir bosoms ofton they are burned in varions parte of thoir bodies with red hot icons all tha highways are guarded bo as to prevent- emigration not a singlo day passes without our hearing of or wit nesbing nearly 6000 customers were served by the zieglorhinch co during the montli of june and july iluls far promises to break tho- record for july selling wo will offer special inducements throughout the month that cannot be had elsewhere tomorrow tuesday morning it is a special press clouds offering 2 tables of them no 1 will be r lot of 17 pieces mostly h to p inches wide plain and fancy assorted goads worth regularly 25c toisc tobecthaued at i24cknts i no 2 will contain i7jiieces of doublefold goods regular prices of which were 30c coc 75c and 80c to be cluaulid at 25 clintsa yard 2 pice qs blackardcbe alpacs worth oscvfor 50c- ipiccc black heavy crcpon wortlisftc for 65c i piece plain black crepon worth 75c for 60c i piece plain light weight crepon worth 50c fpr also a special silk bargain 1 piece fine black ppau do soie silk worth 3i 150 for 8100 1 piece good bbck pchii de sbie worth 8oo for75c a lot of fine surah silks opera shades vortli75ci for 35c perfect goods only slightly soiled on trie extreme selvage 1 piece black heavy surah silk worth coc for 35c joo yards fancy check washing silks worth 75c ior 2c that greatmillinery bargam is continued this week trimmed millinery at j regularpriccs and untrimmed hats finest luajilicb worth from 160 to 3250 for 25c each j a lot of grey cottons yard wide worth 7c 8c 9c andioc for 4c a yard our table l1nhn bargains have taken ihe city bytormao to speak they will ro at the same reduced prices aa long as ihey last 30c damask table linen for 20c 40c damask table linen for 25c 55c table damask for 40c 6bc tabic damask for 45c very heavy wide loom dice table linen worth 50c ior 33c the greatest- flannelette bargain in the city heavy wide fiiicgoods worth 8c for 5c a yard c also wide heivvyirints worth ioc and 12c for 5c the zieglerhinch co guelph crowned victor by the mayor of chatham won the great relayrace s wi tbm our tin fortunate prcn vinoesjnnilfiendi8jioruelty thejtjirk8 and kurda enter tho houses of armenians in gauge bind the men and outrage tho women tho dooument concludes with the dospairjog ory our hope is dying out god help ua may europe havo pity upon us making the wonderful record of 223 mileyin 12 hours and 1 minute without a puncture or breakdown of any kind xorx can always rely j on the cleiteijand price 75 and 100 to all alike thb- traders bank of canada authorized capital 1000000 guelph branch sum a of 31 and upwurdu received on depouit and highest current rate of intoreet paid or compounded halfyearly deposit itocoipta iaaued for laryo sums deposited r advances made to responsible farmers n their own namos no charco made for oollosting 3alcs notes if payablo in guelph a gonoral banking buaineas tranaaoted- a p ii jones mnriagor jleia airbsrtisemcnls waiwbd industrious viorflonbsfisflferioxwflthiiooa character ana common sohool educatlop can optaln omploymout f or two mouths in- this com in unity 7 s 1i fry torbntoont wanted f ivoax pay ton dollars jrobkly to a lady of niaturo arte ronnomont ami tact to epond lior tlmo in a good causo t h ijinscott toronto out agents iain just starting tlie boat thing for money making you bavo spoil for many a day yeur namo aud add res b will brfno tbo aoldon infor mation it i gtjasgow toronto ont wanted men and wotnonwbocanworkhard talking and writltir alx hours daily for six days a week and will bo coutaat with ten dollars wook- ly addrosb new ideas co bran tford ont your spare time men women to conduct business at homo work is hlmplo writing and copying lists r of addreaaob recoivod from local advertising to ho forwarded to ua dailv no cadvasbing no previous oxporianco required but plain writers profcrrodlormanout work to tbob content to garn 66 ormoto wcokly in anaro timo annlvto warhen pub coxondon ont 7 card of thanks thoedltor froo prfls oeah 6m t i dbsiro on behalf of bt albans churoh acton to thank tho pooplo of acton for thoir liberal patronaga of our jubileo gardon party and i would obpedally thank tho metho dist church for their much appreciated kind- noas in loaning ua thoir fables and chairs for our accommodation i am yours truly wartsuytn we will pay straight weekly salaries of from 01000 to 63000 according to ability for canvass oru on quoon victoria her life and iteign after a trial month on our bigcomminaiou tbo bla- mondjubiloo is booming this wonderful volume oplllg all imn wnrktng nnrly n l b r jyhi majesty and endorsed by tho royal family a bocutifut big book at a small prico hurry your application the buadleygattlletbon co ltd toronto ont h m l0zier co 1 69 yonge street toronto ag a t brown acton the earth irdled by dr talmago wo need intelligent mon and women as agents for this great work it sells so rapidly that wooan affordgoodpayto workors tho greatest hook of worldwide travel over published tho pooplo customs habita religion and govornment of tho countries and tribes of tbo world as boon and desaribod by tho keenest obborvof and groatoet word painter of tho century prospectus 9100 books on timo the bradleygarretson co ltd torontoont sick fl atsoclochrhailbtonosthbbtzoof marbles wero to be scooped up by handful birds wero killed fruit dee troy od and many panes of glass broken bicycle insanity the lips that touch liquor tbo tilaonbnrr liberal says that miss joipio oarrutiiera of north vvalainrham was lo have boon- married to morley thomas everything had boon arranged the parson and the guests wore there when mlibf carruthers told them that thoro wonld be no wedding it seems tho yoqng man in rjngbtioo had promised his betroth ed that he would never touoh liquor bat in tho morning ho went to langton and ta- turuod about 11 oclock the worm of liqnor miih oarruthers told him that as he had broken his pledge alio could place no farther confidence in him and told him be oould burn the license whioh he did after this tho preacher tho heroin yonng lady and tho guests who had oome from bayham dal hi and othor places bat down with mr house and family to a bumptuous repast crewsons cornersv the rain on monday and tuesday tiirbthdldtrwonderfal amount of good to all tho crops haying will be about completed in this vioinity this week it has been a very heavy orop this yoar a meeting of the members of the metho dist churoh hero was held hero last wed nesday evening to tako steps to reopen tho tihurobfotrfi vino service thbfouowlnjt n mi t t wan a tn jnr tho tononro july 13 a young man named good rode from horo to hamilton saturday and was prevented from return ing sunday on account of tho rain ho started to ride in on monday in timo to get to work lie rodo an 80gcar wheel and in climbing hills his exhaustion in tho heat bocamo bo great that ho went in sane ho rodo on in his exhaustion and did uot collapso until ho reached toronto ho is in tho hospital now and continues to work lib lego as if peddling add poreists in talking of the advantages of a irtgh gear- ed whoel he may recover a centenarian dies run over and killed touonto joly 12- irene albert the two year- old daughter of juo e albert a wpllknown yongo street confectioner wi ran over by an expreibj wagon tonight la front of her miters shop and instantly killed the child was in a baby carriage which ran off the sidewalk and upset chairman of tho district and aleo to ascer tain to whom the churoh belongs messrs mokebwn n forbes and geo cann if the methodists do not supply tho members with a minister it hvsaid to bo their inteutlon to get another denomination to take charge of tbe ohuroh quite a number from hero took in buffalo bills wild west show in guolph on thursday last mrs nellie of nassngawoya had the misfortune to badly sprain her foot ou sat urday while on her way to guolph she had occasion to call at mr r niokella and while going to the house tho accident happened it is to be hoped that she may soon bo around again mr mcphail and miss a forbes of aotoo spent sunday at mr n forbes mr 8 cann and mr hill of eastlulh- er spent a few days isst week with mr geo cann mr w stovenson aud the mises btevon- bod of fergus who have been visiting friends here for somo time returned home this week mr r crlppn wont to hamilton on tuesday probably tho oldeat citizon of toronto passoilaway on sunday mrmasby hub bard fathor of aid hubbard aged 100 years and two months uirjiuhburtlbotuudintoronioiiilfljiz and has lived horo foraixty yearn positively cared toy tlioso little fills they also rchovc distress from dyspepsia zln3jgcsu6natiultto feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coaled tonguo pain inthoside torpidxiver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable 8mall pill 8rna1l dose small prices substitution tho fraud of tbo iltiy sec you get cartcrs ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills why not grasp this great opportunity to get the balance of our spring and summer goods at less than the manufacturers trices we intend to clear out our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dress goods at cost all slimmer wash goods at cost 4 prints at cost and less parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs gloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety fine highclass tailorin gv westilhhol3the-iead-in-tliis7-ati9-wfiy- we give the- best fitr for sale at cost one- ohio wheel 24 inch frame maroon enamel striped 78 gear resflcx tires adjustable wood bur hygienic saddle a strong durable easy- running light fu yaluentpricc jiskficl- extraanlinary w stark steams agent special reduced prices on the celebrated stearns for balance of the season if ypu wont tho bestordor ono best bovon yoars ago mrs hubbard otent thoy had a family of nine children of whioh eight aro now living mr hubbard died of old ago and for somo weeka had gradually been growing weakor ho was probably the oldest oiti- zen in toronto the campaign prepare for winds we would call yoar at toot ion to tho fact that wo are preparod to supply you with lumber of sultablo length for your barn doors viz 10 12 la or h feot also sash editors table tho groat international questions of tho hour and american quubtioua of a pilitio or coonomio oharaotor aro disoussbd in tho editorial department of tho american montiily itevieto of heviewn for july the project of hawaiian annexation claims precedence in the rdviow of ourront topics entitled tho progress of tho world the editor also comments on tho present status of the cuban quostlon the situa tion in spanish polities and on our trade relations with the south american rc-puh- lioa this depart memtaeajs too with the problems reialtlngfrom theturkogrecian war and other gravb oomphoatfous in tho orient in domestic matters the proposed edrreuoy commission and the labor condi tions of tho country receive special attention poors frames mouldings etc for building storm doors put up at ou low a rate as possible pu7vjfs llepalr your pumpa or put in nuw ouca liforo it i too oold w can do it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager workmanship best trimmings and the largest and best assorted stock to select from- we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared but before the fall trade at very close prices gents furnishings we always keep in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs etc in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the market also hard and soft felts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whoje countryasgeorgetowns livest and cheapest store afiten hmnbry mrs 8 ftpezell having purchased tho acton laundry is anxious lo make it a success our work has been well received and wc thankthoso w h fav u with their patronage we have the capacity for filling many more orders satisfactorily arid solicit general patronage jl prices reasonable laundry in coocs former stand notice to citizens ro bi gibson millkrs go block whin st gorgtojflzn produce taken in exchange every day bargain pay here fire li b the attention of tbo pro party owners of tbo municipality is again oaflod to tho pro ivlqlobboltuelroiylawjoapeaqnff tbooxoctioii of now buildings and robuildlng of old onoa wltbin tho tiro liujita as por tbo following claobob j 3 vfthtn tho aald flro limits ovory dwollino- houbo store manufactory or othor bulldlna boroaftor o roc tod shall bo built of fltono brick eppaont or conoroto and roofod wtb blato metal tin fireproof compoeitioti or fllilngloa laid in mortar at least onoball an inch thick laid on roofing boards closely jointed provided that within tbo said limits stablos and oqtbulldlnru may bo oroetod of wood plaatorod or rough oast on tbo outsido and roofed as heroin boloro pro- virlod r- a within tbo said limits all roofs horoinaftor msdo orr put on any hulldlng wbothor bucii imlldltiflaball havo booubullt boforo or after tbo poaalnr of tbo bylawlahall bomado as horo- lnboforo provided for now roofs 4 tbatwltbiu thesaid limits any ronowal or roniovalof any frame or woodoii build i nil shall bo consldorod a roorootion subjoot to tho tortnn of tbls bylaw and that any repairs toanyframo or wooden building wblob shall bo nocosuary to oxocuto i to tbo extent of olio- half of tbo wholo villain nt tii hiluinn 1 111 u ydluo of tho building sball bo tionsldorod a ro- orootlqn and rttcoustruotlon subjoot to tbo pro- yiqnsof this bylaw and that all plans uotlj tor new buildings and repairs to buildings biir ftrtit bo submitted to tbo council for thoir epproval and a permit be qhtau eforo prooooding with oreouon or repairs not i oo is herobv given that lu order to pro toot tbls munloipaltty and to moot tho renuiromonu of tbo board of underwriters tho above pro- viblons will bo strictly enforced thos t moorb a k nioklin dork roovo council chamber juno 38tb j8u7 georgetown electric works tj speight proprietor manufacturers of leave your prdcfs for dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams rino andhloam fitting and uoneral repair ing xloliir ennlppsd with a gas braijng maeftlue t am prepared to do brailng on imoyoles frauiot o wheals oonvertod from dlreot to tangent hpokes handle bars bent to any doslred angle full lino of spokes kout in stook sstlsfaetton ffuarantofld dlovolos enamolloa in any color t j spbioht aeorgotown today a thos c moore sons ca is kin this mks specmls l- 10 cents s- y 4 w mf caiiob lovoiy picture or sta baitemi clllnr curd omii wlul onljr flump ukan addreaa canada cauu housb inseraoll ont 20 suits for 25 suits for 30 suits for 18 suits for 6 trousers- for 5 trousers for 4 trousers for 3 trousers for made to order firstclass and fit 1650 2050 255 1600 500 400 3oo 250 guaranteed three points our price for firstclass ordered clothinghas al ways been the lowest our new cash and one price system make them still lower at re leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph cash and ono price there is a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that your clothes fit you and look well it is as impor- oant as the wearing qualities and when the three points are combined you have just he kind of clothing we are selling our price is in strict accord with the quality and is the same to all special lirie of tweed suit ings for business wear shaw turner merohant tailors quelph

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