Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1897, p. 4

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v after taking a course o ayers pills tlic system is set in good working qrdef and a innn legin to feel that life is worth living tie who has become jthe gi actual prey of constipition does not r realize the friction under w hich he labors until the burden is lifted from him then his mountains sink into mole hills his nioroseuess gives place to jollitj he is a happy man again if life does not ieem worth living to you you may take axery aiffcreut view of it after taking j ayers cathartic pills it jtctori jvtt flress ulje poling 3folit5 thursday july 15 1897 the brownxes tho jjrownioa havo como to town tho brownies havo como to town tbo a to vc pi lioa lost too kltchon woods croat tho bouso is quito upaido down tho carpotsjuat carofully ripped wont fit tho same lloor whon theyre whipped tbo tiammor and tackr and ovon tho ax into eomo cornor liavo slipped tho oothoirahijiko tho clocks aro wrong tho loose aro abort and tbo aborts aro lone tho cakos too light and tho stovo wont draw tbo croatu wont freozo and tho ica wont thaw what now v do i soo you frown v anddoym thinkincaclowap woro houbocloanlng now and that is juet how the brownies bavo come to town maine and ohio here are figures that tell their own story and convoy their own lessons maine is thoroughly committed to prohibition ohio is a license state tilled with distiller ies breweries and myriads of saloons maine challenges comparison of its com moo poople with that of the common people of ohio in population indeed tho latter state far outstrips it population of maine 051080 population of ohin 3072- 81 that is ohio baa ave and ahalf times the population of maine neverthe less maine has far more savingsbank deposits than ohio deposits of maine give us good roads wo are convinced that boforo pcrmanout improvement can be mnde in our joueral road system it will be nccemiru to adopt moro practical methods of road making than those which aro now- in- vogue it will bo necodsary to intorest tho provincial government more thoroughly in ilio niat- tor and awaken them to tho necessity of a moro judicious expenditure of road montak in ontario a province noted jox i tn btretches of good roads and for its rapid deoreuso of bad ones the government appoint un iuatruotor in road making ho bo duty it is to furnish thedjbtrict path mastors with inbtruationh ttb to how roatlu iu eaoh locality should bo treated to effect rnobt7p improvement it can roadlly bo seen how a thoroughly compel tont man in nuclf u position cu exert il trernoridoun inrluenco towards tho better ment of exmthih conditions if tho province needs a no hoot nf horticul- turo to touch farmeni and farniors hoiih hoiou title orcharding and general farming it also ncedvaflchoolto iualritpt these stunn farmora and farmers sons in tlito scientific prinpiplee of road making bo that thoir orops may bo the mow easily marketed and their properties correspondingly enhanced in value the one is as- necessary as tho other and they are moro closely related to oaah other than is generally rooognipd wo wore ready to bolieve that path mae- tera throughout the country would enlist in this rood roada movement aud btudy and adopt tho ideas of progressive road builders but tho greater portion of the work dpno in this vicinity this spring has been on the old old lines under which our road system has- been growing steadily worse aod worse national sonqs of the world canada- eorlarid- tho maple lent forever gbdaavet hea eon l scotland scota wha hue united states america hail col umbia or vstarspanled bahher the reader may take his choice france la marseillaise germany watch on the rhino italy song of garibajbi aud royal march and fanfare poland polands not yet dead in slavery russia iiord god protect tho czart china tho worlds delight japan vfou so ka mexico mexicapos al grito do guerra spain hymno do riego egypt salaanaeffindina turkey our god our god savo to ua our sultan cuu work all tho time my daujjhtor was suffering with catarrh of tho stomach mid tried many different prescriptions without relief finally who begun taking hoods harsaparilln and it helped her at otico she ni taken fifteen hnttlus mid iu now able to work ull the time wo prii iluodri karwipitrillu very highly anna milium eaton juo hoodri iillrf net huudit surmipiirillu sr ceiittf imrmoiijmidy with cure nil hvur ills most of mi would help tho lord moro if foavottkhtmhpmotfr 1 mians kidney fills doiuih kidney lilli act on tho kidneys bladder und urinary organ only thoy euro buokuulic weak buck rheumatism diubotof conntotion itillauimution gravel urifihtu lirtcim- mid ull other diseasurb iv riiiing from wion action of tho kidneys mid bladder when love gives it miriuheattslif hut wlntt eovolountfih keeps it takes from ilmdf laudruit whiuh cauuoa so much itching of tho scalp can ho cilrcd fy ilulld hair ltenewewer beciiiibn- it is a corrective tonic for the glands contiiiiiing dandruff a head hut on the lop indicates lack of roverouco and deficiemy of moral qualities many a yuung jtun when from overwork possibly asbistod by an iuheritod weakness the health fails and rest or modioat treatment must bo ro- borted to then no niedioino can ho ena- ployed with tho samo beneficial results as scotts emulsion eout muko wo hiteo of a cherry is a very good maxim to liccd bcoaufl0ifyou4rytobitoitiutwo you may break a tooth on the seed rinvldviice thanked 9oonikoil m avcbci slcnila ting uicrood nnciitcrfula- un6 tlic slomdis nntldowels of ting tlic slomdis qntlbowcl promotes digeslionchccrfulr fiessandnestcontalnsriclthcr opiummorphinc nor mineral mot nrcotrc jatarjxdbrsimvapitcnrn filttaicitatt jmlo wstymn fttnw ancrfecthfemedy for conslipa- lion sour slomachdlarrhoea worms convulsionsfeverisii- ness andloss of sleep- tac simile signn ot pcacrcoprowrappeh mll that the facsimile signature is on the 0f eveet outorla la pat up in oneilio tottlos only it is sot sold in bulk dont allow anyono to bell yonanything oho on tho ploa or promlno that it is jnbt as good and will answer ovory pnr- jobo wbco that jon got 0abtoria ovsry wrapper it is with plcaburo that i recommend b b b for tho cure of indigestion and inipuro blood i had tried many medicines but received no beneiit until i thank provi dence i was advised to use b b b und it resulted in a perfect cure mrs win locke odhawa ont he was nonpuslsed 53397590 deposits of outor84toc218 thqs though less than onotifth in number the people of maiue havo more than half again aa much laid up in the savings banks as the people of ohio or to pat the fact in a different form were the amounts deposited in the savings banks of ohio divid ed equally among its people each person jwould receive 8912 but every inhabi- of maine would carry away 98077 were eaoh to receive an equal share of its deposits or there is deposited per head less than an eighth in ohio of tho per capita bavin ga in mai no pity away down east if you will beoaubo the open saloon does not invite its workingmen to spend thoir wages for drink take ond more fact into consideration that whilo twentynine stateiraro more populous than maine only seven surpass h in tbo aggregate of eavingsbank de posits and thbn deoide whether the licen sed saloon is friendly or opposed to the flnaocial ptqaporityofjhobo who work for living three- brothers bearing a remarkable roscmblance to one another aro in tho habit of shaving at the one barbers shop not long since one of the brothers en the shop early in the morning and was shaved by a german who had been at work in the ahop only a few dayb about noon another brother came in aud under went a similar operation at the hands of the same barber in the evening the third brother made bis appearance when the german dropping bia razor in astonish ment exciairnd vell my vord i dat man bash do fashtest beard i never haw i shaves bim dia morning shaves him at dinnertime and he gomes back now tint his beard bo long as it never vaeh 1 constipation causes fully half the sickness in tho world i retains the digestm food too long in the bowclj and produces bllloiuness torpid liver indt womans highcat thought is about equal ly divided between religion and millinery is your heart strong or have you palpitation throbbing or irregular beating dizzipeys short breath smothering orcliqkinglachaatioiipainin thchccaslprhuart if so your jicart is nffectcd and will in turn affect your nerves causing nervousness alecplcas- ness morbid anxious feeling debility milburns hearts nerve piiis cure all these complaints by regulating the hearts action and buikling up the ncrvoui inct ipitscular system to perfect health and strength price 6oc pecbox or 6- boxes or 50 at afl druggists heart pains leave in a day unabla to attend to her dally duties and a great sufferer from heart troublelnduced to try dr aftnews ctire for tho tlonrf anr t provftd a yvohder worker these are tho wordb of mrs w t run- die of dundalk ont i was a groat an f- foror with sevore pain in the region of my heart for a timo i was quito unable to attend to my household duties i was in- duced to try dr agncwu cure for tho heart and i rnuat bay the result was won- dorful tbo pain immodiatjly loft mo and after tho first day i have had 110 pain or trouble since sold by a t brown looking a difficulty uquare in the faco will often killit ihiby was cured deaii biiihi can highly reoommond dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it cured my baby of diarrhoea after all other means had failed do i tfivo it great praiso it ia excolleut for all howot- com plaints mrs chan bott harlow out to destroy worms and expel them from children or adults uso dr lows worm syrup tho homely vituee of every day life are iowelsofchar actor- s the great lung healer is found in that excellent medicine sold as bickles anti- consumptive syrup it soothes and dimin ishes tho eeiibibiltty of tho membrane of the throat of tho air passages and is u sovereign remedy for all coughs colds hoarseness paiu or soreness in tho chebt bronchitis etc it has cured many whon supposed to bo far advanced in consump tion remombd kellys mtisiq store will be found in future on corner of wy and quebec sis remises lately occupied by tadei bank tin public are are invited to call and sec the finest itesig stere in wester ontario ial kllv telephone 78 guelph n wyndham street announceinent on wednesday morning this store will open as a june 23 rd strictly chsh store no goods charged from above date i believe il to be the only uptodate way of conducting a successful business and 1 have decided to adopt it cash and one pkice to start the new system special bargains thebalancofthoweckitchatsancucaps neck tics collars cuffs bicycle suits bicycle sox and all mens furnishings renelson leadingtailor and furnisher gt wyndham st guelph cash and one price sostlpd bad tasto coated tongue sick headache in somnia etc hoods mis euro constipation and all its results easily and thoroughly 25c all druggists prepared by- o i hood a co lowell mass the only rills to tako with hoods sarsaparlua not cheap aged husband you are going to rnin me with your extravagance von dont ed that capo any more than a oat needs two tails how often have i told yon never to boy anything because it ia cheap young wife with an air of one who baa gok tbe better of the argument bnt it aa not cheap it coat 10 guineas lon don fan the voice prom the audience for a whole long weary hoar he had held forthon his llratlysand secondly a and tjbelta and thorefores and getting his second wind he exclaimed on the other hand what an4 when a clear small voice replied fingere he knew that the greatest effort of hu life had struck a snag of course he couldnt the man who robb another of his right loses mobt by the transaction to improvo tho appotito reatoro healthy action t0 the bowels ptorriolo dlgcstletii addrcgalatealltho bodilyunotions ayers fills are tho best as a mild but eflco- tive aperient no pill is in greater demand or more highly recommended by tho medi cal profession bewaro of the sin whoso only defonso ie that it is highly respectable insanity in summer no prayer meeting was over killed by the prayers holng too short a veteran sjq y at eighty years of ago one box of dr agnewe catarrhal powder cures a case of fifty years standlnfrlt relieves colds and catarrh in thirty minutes george lowie of slmmokin pa writes lam eighty years of nge i have been troubled with catarrh for fifty yeunv and in my timo have used a greattnmuy catarrh cures but never had any relief until i used dr agnows catarrhal powder one box cured mo completely aud it gives mo great ploasuro to recommend it to alt buffering from this malady sold by a x brown broufflit on by neitoiis and mental troubles painhsceleify compound the great tower of safety chicago visitor welt the feeling was getting bo strong up our way that i had to promise to atop trading at tho big depart ment btoros really and how about your wifo 0h well you see my wifo ia the only one in the family whort ny tradin and 1 couldnt promise foftrer an impression did that lawyer got a clear view of the caie inquired the litigants friend no im afraid ho didnt 1 told him that my trouble was about niouey and he eemed to bo proceeding on the theory that by relieving me of my money he would cause the trouble lo disappear washing ton star the man who does the best ho can does just as well as any man if yon would get a warm place in a girls heart feed her plenty of ice orojm lovemaking muy be suspended but not slopped during the it m mock feaenn your hiibbatid seems to be u viotitn of the tobacco habit no im the victim he thoroughly enjoys it mrs isiiachlcin engaging servant i hope you havent a young man bridget 0 nn mum he nearly fifty 1 grandpa how old are you i am rightymjveii years uld my little dear then you were born eighty yoara beforo i ai yen- my little girl what qo tnia ynu had uluuo waiting for mo nervous disoaoos whon aggravated by mental disturbances produce moro cases of insanity in the hot weather than at any other season of tho yoar nervous headache uorvoud dyspepsia sleeplessness and olironia constipation in duce depression of spirits extreme weak- neas morbid feara dospondunoy and ian g- uor from these dread insanity cqmeh slowly aud surely nervous s offerers havo a dread of hot weather finding themselves deeper in the pit of misery than they were in the spring and early summor thoy are iu utter despair thousands whoso oases have not boon met by treatmout thoy are now under are loud- y oal ling for help thero is hope and reeoue for you reader if you are ono of the bufforers you aro in ueed of maines celery compound that great bmlder of the nervous system its vitalizing action commences with the flrsy bottle you use you toon begin to realize that you aro daily drinking health tho volume of blood immediately increases in tho arterirh and the body is fully fed and nourished your a pool i to beoomoa keen and natural tho tired uerves aud brain are strengthened and you feel impulses of j health that cheer the eoul the power of fuinetf celery compound over nervous summer diseases ia admitted by tens of thousands who havo ueed the marvollons morhcinr this remarkiiblo remedy will most assuredly meet your caso and give yon a new life it will iny the foundation for future happiness and long years weak wretched and infirm reader we counsel you to make use of this life- restorer at ojioc4mnl enjoj tho truu bless ings of health the world has learned more- from its poor than from its kings differences of opinion regarding tho popular internal and external romedy dr thomas eclectrlo oil do not so far as known exist tho testimony is positive and concurrent that tho articlo relieves physical pain cures lumcncbs cliooka a cough is an excellent remedy for pains and rheumatic complaints and it has no naus eating or other unpleasant effects when taken internally lie that wins by wrontf doing iu still a loaor norway pino syrup cures coughs coldo hoarbcness eoro throat asllima bron chitis otc wear a frown and yon will find plenty of quarrelsome people fever aud ague and bilious derangement are positively cured by the uao oftarnio- leos pills they not only cleunso the stomach and bowola from all bilious matter but thoy open the excretory vessels causing them to pour copious eff union h from toe blood into tho bowols after which tho corrupted mas is thrown out by tho natural pussugo of the body they arc used as a gonorul fumily inodioiuc with tho host results never go to law uuleab you arp a lawyer iioliowayb corn cure is lie rhedicino to rgmovotrllkliidgo cofosaud w only coata tho email centb tnnt twentyfivo let us not be too harsh in our judgement of men for but vory few of thorn aro as bad as thoy would like to be tiilu in the buck deaii sirs i was troubled with pain in the baok for months and after trying boveral remedies without effect thought i would uso haggards yellow oil i am glad to say that after lining two bottles i was complctly cured and oaunotrccom- tnond this oxcollont remedy too highly miss anna chapman south hivor ont water ud poor symbol of teinperanoe becauso it is drnnk eo often golflo cholera cholera- morbus diarrhoea dysentery ynl n srrv1er complaints of children or adults iice 35c bevare of imltfltloni you hear it in nine out of ten drug stores it is the reluctant tes timony of 40000 druggists that scotts emulsion is the standard of the world and isnt the kind all others try to range up to the kind for ycu to buy two sices 50 ctx and 100 strong points about b b b 1 its purity- 2 its thousands of cures 3 its licouoin y lc a dose bb 3b regfubtes the stomacfu liver and bowels unlocks the secretions purifies the blood arid removes all the impurities from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore and ot7xcxiis dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn sour stomach dizziness dropsy rheumatism skin diseases an irregular kuotty forohnad id a euro aigu oc a bold original and invobtl gating mind thcro never wub and novor will be a universal panacea in one romody for au ilia to wbieb flesh is heir tho vory nature of many cmativeh bcing buch that were the germs of other and differently boatod diseases rooted iu tho eyatcm of ilio pationt what would rel quo ill in turn would h6npeesonf3tgo redytowear clothing boys and mens in all qualities arid styles a very serviceable suit for men all wool only 500 shirt waists r we are constantly receiving additions to our stock of v and the speedy way in which nice stuff is picked up shows that our taste in these goods is appreciated new laces embroideries muslins sateens prints etc in selectingwearables for the coming hot spell give us a look will pay you full lines of gloves mitts collars andgu ffshosief eter fopr spools for ioc best roll butter only ioc lb it is pretty dtilicult for btago pooplo to burloarjuo the balhiurceort uirl thrro isnt much opportunity for a ukeoff itchinr burning skin diseases cured for thirtyfive cents dr auncwb ointment relieves in one day and cureb totter suit ulienm bcald hen i eczemp barbers itch ulcers blotches and all eruptioiib of tho skin it is soothing and quiotinr and acts liko inaio in tho cure of nil baby humors 115 cents sold by a tijrown qo forth with a smile on your hlo und you will return believing that most people aro jood ualurod burdock ptllu do not rjpo or arehun thoy uure constipntiou and sick headaeho rheumatism can bfcureo agnravato the other wo liave however in quinino wiue when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by ita gradual judicious uso tho frailest systems aro led into con valescence und strength by tho influence which quinino exerts pn natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping bpiritb of those with whom a chronic stato of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is a disease and by tranquilizing tho nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep irriparta vigor tp thoaotion of the bloodwhich bqingfltjmjiiated qpurflob throngbout tho velnb strengthening the healthy animal functionsjof tho system thereby making activity a nccoeaary result strengthening tho frame and giving life to the digeetivo organs which naturally demand incroasod subatanco result im proved appotito northrop lyman of toronto have given to tho public thoir quinino wino at tho ubual rate and gaagcdbytho opinion of sciohtibts this wine approaches nearest perfection of any n tho market all druggists bcii it dolicato foaturos aro npvnr found in the ncos of men of low organization or coarse habits coughs cohhf eoro throat asthma bron- obitiflahd all lnng troublob are quickly oared by hagyurds footorat balsam castor i a for infants and children henderson co acton railway time table grand trunk railway fioinii wit jolno kahr mail 111111 i hxnhh g j ali kxjmmi 1 r uui ksirrunit0 47 am mull 7 oo iitii mall i it pm i mixuii 10 0j ptip tun or iosinil siaiiu cojiiuwuiit 0 lil itin iuhi iii if iiii goliiu iitntio ii uui itmtri tr pm thin tlntii tulilu wiuil into vluul oiiimoiiiliii novvfltli ihtii t brwtford cyclvanzed f fowor and punyp- r iug within tonml covered gear patent roller and ball bearings r ball bearings holler bearings nlalersof the light est running and bct constructed gnhin ized steel wind mills and towers made also ihe c imaple ecif grain grinder wnte for brftntfohocan illustrated circulars j0hn7wvque6n acton agent for above alsoeor frost and wood binders and mowers a full lino of all kinds of farm implements and repairs the campaign prepare for winds wo would call your attention to tbo fact that wo are prepared to supply you with lumbor of auitablo lonuth for your daru boors viz 10 12 la or m feot also sash doors frames mouldings eto for building storm doors put up at as lotv a rato as possible fotwvis rep your pomps trjr pa iu now onca before ttls too cold we can do it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager 5 shops and warcrooms t footdtwillowsr 7 cnllsattcndcid to day or nlsln j aspeigkt co undertakers and em balm ers acton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges fufnit of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders loft with j n stin80n tfockwood will receive immediate attohtibn fencinc thbftcr almlla igoatnro 7 1 it 09 ariry vrapptr wo ofleb pray for tho faith to rcmovo mountains when ulnt wo need in lliht lo see thut they thould remaiu right where they art- naiunth jllfilicliir nutururi mcdiiino f for ctiimtipiiijoii liver eompluitir biok hoailriolm lillioiirnohr jaundice and saliow ooinptxfoii id laxa liver tills thoy are u urfitt laxative never griping or otiixiog pain one pill eaoh night for thirty nilils v hi euro con stipation in juno 18u5 i was ullaohoil with in- fluinmatory rheumatism will wlucli i butturcd uixlor contiiiiuhl iikoilicul treal- inont live montlih the inst llvo weeks 1 wbh not ablo to gut out of bed i then sent for dr habited lliti treatment gavo mo iinincdiaterolief and in a low daye 1 was at my work and i have hud ho rheum atism since hiium soiiniiuniicii alolutyrs deo jdih ldl5 dr llalutcds uliouruatio cure muy lit had ut the mi c 1 lull muin biruut aoton builing ia a very pleiihaut paotimo dur ing thoyaoht woatliot shoilncfh ol ilrralli suioo labt year i hayo hul serioiib hoart trouhlo aaiibcd by malaria short nc8b of breath bnidtheriiik u polio on retir ing voiolent palpitation eto often mado me gasp for breath on procuring mil- burns heart and nervo fills i found to my surpriho and delight that they gavo ill m oal ihbtant relief i got healthy restful sleep my heart troubles disappear ed and now i fool real well mid strong indeed mr hugh mooro lngurepll out mukra this statement for the publiogood drum cant bo cheap cheap these cheap stolon oaumo oouto r feneings a3 well as mcmullcns choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards liwn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than ever before they are the bqst ask your hardware merchant for them w bakbelt bros paper makers aeorqetown ont make a specialty of machine finished book papers amd ihqil grade weekly hkyt 8 tho paper used in thib janrnal is rom he above nills wm barber a bros geoisjetowii electric works t jbpeiqhttproprletor manufacturers of sfe dynamos eleptric motors water motors and hydraulic rams pino and 8 toatti fitting and u ono ml itoiinir ing ilolliri equlppodwlth arjaabrakltihinacbluo i am tiropnruu to do brazing ou lllcyclon fraraos hpokcb handlo ijara bent to any doairod anslo full lino of anokob kont iu htook satlflfaottod ruarautocil ljlcycloe onamolled in any color t j speight georgetown oyotrotrbttnrotr 3- say farewell forever to the dirtrornforlofhaviog your clothing rip shrink and et out of shape by wear ing only storey s moke sec that you gel a signed guarantee with each garment to the e fleet that the cloth is shrunk and the workmanship guaranteed for twentyskvejt yers hslbjl pjuulpjujlpjuuult juu purest and best for tabic no adulteratloa never cakee for mnking a noiso bcattn or rather it can fagged out none but ihoo who havo bo como fapgod out know what a depressed niiserhbtoftptjug it id alt rtrciilh is ijfpiio anduenpondenoy iihs laken tfuld of tiobuittrers they feel as though thero was nothing to live for there howover ja la euro one box of iarmeleusvegetub lo pills will do wonders in restoring hnnlth aud rtrongth ofandruke and dnndelion aro tvn of the nrliidts tnttring iftto the i com noai lion of lurmelcos iills ask fo and 8ei that you oe direot from the ta gardanil aij obooeb8 8bu ih lead aokets nuy- 2 and pounds lenda hy tho grutat toa nil wit irntnnt theeudcsiistrmn6 larqestsalx in carjadft bo vana 00 ont itp6iuid thc davi pson a hay ltdwhoiesaleagentg toronto si- inx r dkvi0n8 svhpbse copyrights ao apjjjhjwtornifcwili and domrlptlon nmy probnblr wtenublo ronituunimtintiii ttiintiy s v3 moooy f jirmicitniik pntonle ul we o wruihliihtaii offlto tnta taken turoukb muim a co rwuive special aotfoelu tbo 80ientific american boaattrullr illuirrntotl in rutin t lroiivmon of auraclontltlo journal vriiitklytiiii3ii a yfnri utnnlx mbiithi hiincluin a-nti- amlluxo ilook on 1atinth ijyuu frth adurum munn a co 3111 uromlwnr uw yrlf

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