Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1897, p. 2

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horn dmtmon in isiudbiiir on thursday jjutl i npy to mr aud airs gliaa davidson r boh trkrtcd uonii om unvon wodiiasrtay july ilnt at jtotliwool by itov d falurp james doulo pi i inmlioua wooll to mm bnrali onburn of hoik 01 roi iai ltblr lu 1 irani iton on wnijnob it iy luly8 by tlio ltov w c olarki mr jtt in rt lollop or guor to mibh auuio liumitor of jaujcs uarbutt lidtol hooper san ij dm l mwoon ilanrtis on monday august 3ml ut tin ronijo cu of tl o brlilu h nuroula ui luolpli by hqv jaiuoa harris auolbtod by un huuiuol hollery m a llarilnt albortu harris oun6t ilaubtor t of ituv jrunaa jl irrin lojudaon 0 u root wood of toronto z1 jijp ihom on iii tlo village of lrin on sunday aiimihtlst aicliltull lliouiboii ujod 7j yoars unu d uiouthe mnoiti fnnlcbol upur 1 orrus on wodnosday july 1th ho bore mooro son of tho la to john mooro 1 iq noil jyparu and four months ltm inrasat uuruono in clovolan 1 ohio on lluirsday 15th jul mortio wifo of w o hob inaan tin 1 daugtitor of jauiou butllu china mich nod 26oar8 ucfje ciait xu tes tuuilbdy augubt 6 1697 isotesawd comments it 13 announced hat tho liberal loaders w grout britain kill during the parlia mcutary recese formulate n plan or homo ruloult around in placoof mr gludutonee bhemo tho dqw regulations to govern old mm m in tho ynkuii djatnot will bo bent from victoria b c oa the bth mot and with thorn mil go tho advance furd who are to oarry thb law into effect tho dominion government baa been ollicialiy notified by the high commie aionor in londoa ot thedonuoiation of the gcrmanand delium treatiea it ia re port qdtharbelgranrwihondeaver to ar rango a commercial treaty with canada jt insurance companies regard mining at the klondybe aa mobt hazardous mitny of the principal life and accident com pamea have issued positive inatraotiona to their general agents in he united states and canada against asaqmfng any risks upon thohveaof persons contemplating a visit to the klondike sir wilfrid laurie r responding to a toast ot his health at a banquet in paris on monday referred to great britains denunciation of the commercial treaties with germany and belgium which he said wao at canadas request and pre dieted aa enormous development of trade between canada and trance prof llliuttof cleveland thinks that mr roster who was sent to lngland in regard to the seal question is a diplomatic failure he has see a rod nothing from the salisbury government tra canadians are in coutrol ot tho situation and at the coming conference thov will skin mr lostoras they akionod him beforo at the paria tribunal lu tho british houeoof commons toes day evening tho government grant towards the re rent jubilee celebration was under consideration it met with hot opposition from certain members of the irish nation nlibt party the earn total was 80000 and this amount inolnded tho expenses of entertainment of the colonial premiers tiuully when it was bronght to a vote the approbation carried by 102 to 12 tho steamer ohjmpia brings news that tho japanese government is beriously em barrassed financially civilization has necessitated toe mas ed expenditures in every direction particularly in building niilroade telegraph lines new government buildings improvicg harbors and strength emug tho array and navy the treasury was not directly aided by the big war in domnitypaid by china because it has been kept in england to pay for new warships and armament the chief joatico of canada sir samuel henry strong is now sitting daily as a member of the judicial committee of the privy council of great britain the canadian representative sat on the can german t broken groat britain again acts in canadas interests first fruits of the jubilee london eng july 80 tho commercial treaty between great britain and tho gor man zollevetin which baa beui in foroo binoo may jo 185 was donouuoed to day by groat britain aud ceases to bo operative a year hence tho iteidwan eijrr saya that tho supple montary conventions which wore concluded when tho treaty was extended to tho ger man states joining tho dlloverin will oxpire with the main treaty nojfttftttnrmjr with reference to the denunciation of tho german commercial treaty the f this morning again oompliments canada and sir wilfrid laurier tho canadian premier upon paving tho wayfor furthor consolidation of tho umpire und expresses the hope that tho german friends ot the empire will not be angry enongh to refuse to negotiato another treaty tf unhappily they bbouiddo so they may rest assured that the deprivation vrtlf be- bornn with fortitude britieh exports from germany were neverlarge and have iuaroased very little in the p8t forty 3 ears even if germany should retaliate by increasing her duties dreat britain must regard it as a moderate price to pay for thj advantages promised from the movement which canada has satiated with so much happy aqdaoity the standard expresses views and says it would bo to the interest of both germany and belgium to meet ua in a business like spirit for the negotiation of fresh treaties the daily veuw calls it the first fruits of the jubilee and congratulates tho govern ment heartily it says this event alone would make the year memorable in the history of the empire other remarkable demonstrationsof tho nmty oltbe empira are the offer ot an ironclad by the cape colony and the admission ot colonial judges to the english supreme court as for reprisals germany can do little more than she has done already we are her best customer and although the ger mans may not love aa they are shrewd business men exchange of troops another result of the jubilee col onial conference london aog 2 in army circles the announcement made by right hon w broderiok parliamentary secretary to tho war office that there shonld be an inter change of the troops of the empire and that some of the colonial battalions should do duty in england the british regulars taking their places in the colonies bab created tbe greatest interest and more details are eagerly looked for these de tails according to mr broderiok will be ready in a few dajs then tbe bight hon joseph chamberlalnlajetler to the colonial premiers would be published it contains a matured plan appro vod of by the war office and though not bpeciucially so stating mr broderiok was understood to imply that the premiers also favored the plan when he said it would bo favorably regarded by overybody at niagara falls llision oelectrlc tldnnn collisi tw adian caw in which was argued tbe respec tive righto of tho dominion and provincial governments to appoint queens counsel this casefbaa stated has beon p radically decided in favor ot the provinces though judgment was reversed after tbe bearing of the provinoial contention a year or two ago when rioh gold strikes were made in tho camp which is now circle city unolo sam frantically waved his flag over the territory and notified canadians that this was alaska in hie agitatipn he began to call for a boundary iinbandlbumatedtharho won id not let himself bo surveyed out of the country now he does not care whore tho boundary runs bo long as lit is permitted to be a free commoner in tho far richer gold fields on our sldo ot it mad and jsmpirt provinoial xiceneo inspector stewart has returned to toronto from a visit of i napoo tion to hamilton brantford guelpb and other plaoes he audited tho accounts of tho local inspectors in each instance and enquired into the administration ot the license jaw and reporte that he found ovorything satisfactory tho returns for tho quarter ending july have only just begun to come in and tho amendments have only been in operation for the last mouth of that period tho inspector re ports that lioenaeea are very careful to avoid infraction of the law because tbe pebalty for three convictions under the aot is forfeiture of the license tbis will rendu r the holder of licenses more oarefnl than they have been heretofore anoth ric find quicksilver well discovered in nova scotia the product of whloh vbry viiltwtbie passenger trains col lide on the gorge road niaoaha talls ont aug 8 a bonous acoidont took place on tho gorge road on the american side at 4 80 o cloak this afternoon at brinkors point near tbe devils hotel midway botween suspension bridge and lowibton- in whiob several per sons were more or leas mjnred and badly shaken up it booms a portion of tho river side track at this point has been drilled out for repairs and both up and down cars were ubing tho inside track some one blundered in their instructions and the two cars in tho aooident wbioh was a hoadson collision came together near a ourve with a crash both were loaded with passengers and bad it not been for tbe promptitude of the motormen on both cars who btood at their pobls and reversed the current and applied the brakes tho accident would bave been more serious as it was the two card camo together pending the people headlong over street lighting or dark ness which ta tlf i ddltoll of t11h 1 11el pluchk di ah bui it seems to mo a imsuu dor standing must exut between tho ratepayers and those who are atproaontadmimutottng tho ufttiira of this corporation otl erwiso a very bott opinion of the pooplo or acton mtibt pobsosa tho minds of our counail if they imajne wo prefer darkness to envlorvo our atroeta at night and by bo doing savo an extra barrot or two of coal oil tho lyptian darkness which hah preailed tho last two wcouh ib simply dis graceful if not rldiotiloue and by no moans oreduitblotoourgouuoil iho objtiot to be ttiupd by buoii neglect must be to eavo labor or to eavo coal oil tithor of whioh suvora too much of pea nut administration to bo pleading to any one feeling a partiole of pride in our pretty town it is positively humiliating to bear tho expreeaiona of surprise and astonishment ovinoed by 191tor3 ul our lack of ontorprize in the matter of btrcet lighting we are far onouqvsbbhmd other places in this reepeot at the beat without letting the farthing candle wo havpbacxtlnguiahed it is to bo hoped our council will wake or to a aensovof duty tu this matter and obtain tho mnd of the people lest they imagine that pthers arc gteaeed with their aotion or rather non aotfnn such httltf pioayuno aots are too email and trivial lo moot the approval ot any poraon possessing a partiole of progress if too much troublo to light our streets by tho present system as of yore then lot us try electricity end run tho whole busi uobb of lighting from ono central station tbe ratepayers of thia town are not narrow minded on the contrary they aro quite willing to bear any necessary expense to obtain a continuous light op all nightb that aro dark and dismal whether the alraanao sayb moonshine or not hoping tho council will tako warning and remedy a grievanco which has existed too long 1 am youre sincerely rteian anton anguat 3rd 1897 news of the day japan and hawaii have agreed to submit tho qaestionb in dispute booween tbem to arbitration sir wilfrid l an nor has boon made a grand officer of the legion of honor by president fanre of tranoo tho postmaster general has deolded to authorizes tho issue of partial sets of jubilee stamps to meet the demand for souvenirs captain genoral weyler has telegraphed the spanish government that he has dooldod to grant amnesty to 11 ft eon hundred cuban exiles a terrible oycleno swept across san joao 111 on friday night by which seven persons were killed outright and several severely injured to day emporor william in tho imper ial yacht flqhqnzollern accompanied by the empress and tho entire fleet will blurt for st petersburg to vibit tho czar ihe steamship rates in gram from montreal to liverpool have within a com paratively abort time nearly doubled tho demand for space is reported as unusually brisk the west is growing ono days apeota tof a at tho winuipog fair last week number ed 17000 thats more people than the entire population of tho city a comparative ly few years ago late literary news tbe seats cutting and bruising several of tbem fixing kfff he coal strike huivax an b a mine or well of quicksilver has been discovered just outside of dartmouth on tbe other sldo of halifax harbor by a yoang lady of this olty miss jessie mitchell aqaaiiluyof the meroary was submitted to prof dawaon of ottawa who pronounced opon it favorably and an english oiperthahttlao declared that the mineral is of m very valuable quality miss mitohell wbols a young woman in ordinary oircumsuncca ha with tbe ataiatanoa of lomo friends secured the property on which her discovery was made ami a company will be organized to develop tho depot in it is unusual to find this metal in saoti pare state it is most ly obtained by reduction from cinnabar one ot 1 la ores xhii u the first discovery of tho kind ever made in canada and there aro very fow mercury mines in the world where the pars element i found tbe fact that roertfory i included fo the minerals of novsv boolia proves that no saoli dimuvery k 9var dreamed of thtrro u uvory probabilty of other minerals beirig diiooverert iti the vioinby and hence a nuinbr of acres wore taken by the discoverer 2 it begins to look now as if the trouble may be ended shortly pittsuuho pa aug 8 to day bigna turea will be appended to tbe uniformity agreement which has been in preparation for a week those members of the com mittco who aro coal producers will bigo it and at onco start out to visit tbe owners or managers of tho 141 mines which are na aa necessary to be included wi the compact to seonre additional signa tures thoso who were appointed by the con vontion of operators are confident the com pact will be acceptable and will be signed by tbe required 05 per cent of the owners or managers of mines the agreement shall be filed in the county courts and thereafter the deoisioa bhall have the same foroe and effect as a rale of the court it is hoped to have tho required number ot signatures in time to oall tbem together some time within the present month to perfect arrangements to oarry it into effeot small p in t a man afflicted came from belle- vllle sunday mornlngr bert whitney eighteen years of age was taken from tbe steamer passport of the r o line in toronto harbor sunday morning suffering from small pox tho ship la quarantined in the harbor and tbe utmost precautions are being taken to pre veni the spread of tbe disease whitney was immediately placed in tho isolation hospital thorough precautions whioh render the spread of the disease almost an impnwttlhlluy ytfi p tn gi lining of the steamer passport with a load of twenty nine passengers and a crew of forty nino in the bay away from danger of infection in case after a lavish apd skilful use of disenfeotants any such danger exists the patient ia supposed to have been infected in a barber shop at glatgow he landed from scotland a oouple of weeks ago turkeysdilatoriness a very protty cover envelopes the mid summer number of tho canadian magaxme tho contents are quite attractive and in cludo stories by mrs ella s atkinson madge morton esther talbot eingamill h j ohiggins percie w hart aud g m fairchild the royal canadian academy by jarries smith is historical in character and is profusoly illustrated from special photographs of tho academ icians and tboir work including reprodua tions of paintings by roid obrien and harris a new and commendable feature is a department of national sport which a clergymans life has more worrlee than the publlo are aware of nervous exhaus tion the frequent outcome t f there la more worry connected with the routine life of tho average clergyman than most pooplo mm ino ilia duties are multifarious and it islittlo wonder that ho frequently becomes tho victim of nervous exhaiibtlon msomuin eto in this aondi tion dr williamb pink pills act more hpoodily upon tho nervous eye tern than any olhor modiomo nuj promptly roatore the uaor to a nornul state of health rev wni clarke u rising young method let minister stationed u or ono ont says i havo duivodfjrr it bo no tit from tho uuo or dr williams i ik pills i found that whan i attempted to study i would become drowsy und could 1 ot apply myself to my work my digestion was very bad aud my norvoua sjntem seemed to be out of gear at first i paid but littje attention to tho matterbut found myself growing worse at thiff time i was etauoifod at eort stewart and was boarding at the homo of a storekeeper who advised mo t6 j dr avilliama pink pills j decided to do so and thanks to this modioine t am again restored togood health under theso circumstances z feel it my duty to eay a good word for dr wilhama pink piiib dr williams p uk pills curor by goiog to tho root of the disease they renew and build up tho blood and strengthen tbe nerves thus driving diaeaso from the byatem avoid imitations by insisting that evory box jou purchase ia inclosed in a wrapper boaring tho full trade mark dr williams pink pillsfor palo pooplo early harvest in manitoba wheat cutting has commenced and will be general ten days hence wismi e iraugttlntbedibtrictot rort quappelle wheat harvesting has com menoed in the gretna diatriot harvesting begins tho end ot this week cutting will be general throughout manitoba by tbe 20th this is perhaps tho earliest on re cord crops have ripened very rapidly with the warm weather positively cured fy these jlittio pins they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsl ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vcgetablev small phi small doses 6mall price substitution tho fraud of tho daj sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills wfac will bopf mnoblnterest to all tbosrr tako an interest in athleticaor amusements ot any kind tire only really boavy article in the lsauo is that on measure mending in whioh a now system of weights and measures is proposed tho whole number is certainly magnificent tho contents be mg purely canadian yet varied enough to meet all tastob the powers may have to send an other ultimatum constamtihoriis august s from pros ent indiaatipns the powers will be compelled to send another ultimatum to tarkey when tewflk paths tho turkish minlater fur foreign affair presented a sories of amendments lo all the articles of tbe peace treaty previously luggeated the action oame as s urprisa to the ambassadors and la regarded ss meaning a delay of two or three weeks in the algnlug of the prelimin aries of peace a pedal despatch received at paria from constantinople says the ambassadors are determined to maintain tbe worjtug of thslr draft ot lbs treaty of peace without soy change the indianapolis journal prints this in toresting story concerning ex president harrisons forthcoming book genoral harruon has juat completed the revision of bis articles whioh bave appeared in the ladies home journal making extended notes and additions to tbem there is a ifttlo story in connection with both articles and publication when the arrangomeut for the artlolos was made with general harrison by edward w bok editor of the ladle i home journal tbe general was paid far them with the understanding that when tboy wore put into book form tho magazine was to share the royalties aooraing therefrom mr bok however of his own accord generooely released gen eral harrison from paying bim any royalty for the reason as ho states that by the publication of the artiolos by general harrison the subscription hat of his maga ztne was enlarged many thousands tho profile to the ladle home journal were more than the publishers anticipated and in view of this mr bok asks nothing further general harrison placed tho die position of his book in mr boks hands the best offer came to the editor from the soribners and to them mr bok gave the book for his distinguished contributor general harrisons revision of tho book has just beon oompletod and tho volumo will appear in ihe autumn awnings tents etc saturday specials rt our clothing stor8 1 7 boys ualatoa suita reulur ftlfio for slo a boys sailor suits sizes 22 itroud 2i regular 82 for 81 40 splendid wool tweed worth 00a for 40c splendid union twoed worth 85a for 20c rrr30tbtora r ft 0otofi4 for 8 s mnbbtoyole8uitsrrlarj7aior3i m- drives iu men s summer coats specials in mens fedora hats mens balbrutrau undlrwear regular 8u0 for 0e do 81 for 75o splendid valoo in mon utuok sateen shirts at coo 75o and 81 eoh mens rlal maco thrlad sox high bphced heola double sole ohooolate colors splendid quality silk finiah regular too for eoo men b maco thread regular lfio for 0o novelties in neckwear juat in und in special values kt c h e k p s e e no stand still no dullness no stagnntiop to this businoss 1 the current of trade with tho ltupotus of novelty and low prices flows bteaaily on it the clouds roll by and old sol shinob out tomorrow well be more than busy with theso specials offered x stkple dsphrtwent hall blcaohed und creoro table linena worth 85o for 2flo do 40a for 80o do boo tor 37jo do 600 fbr 45o bizo 24x18 bleached cotton towels regular soo for 25o pair size 16x116 bleaohed hook towels regular 20o for 14o pair do 20x40 do i6o for loo pair do 15x80 do wo for 7o pair sizo 16x29 unbleaohed cotton towelb regafar 80 for co a pair she 16x85 bleaohed hook pnre linen towels tanoy border regular 25e for 20o a pair size 21x42 towels tanoy border regular soo for soo a pair lota of others equally as good bargains mo room to mention soroobig drives intowclligsjiod nnvcltlcanotaaon beferosome specials i white couoni i silks hmd dr6ss goods 800 yards fine bilks amall neat obeoks regular 75o for 20c 1 pieoe nure blaok burali regular 75o for coo 1 piece blaok brilliant peau de boie tl co for 41 1 piece black brilliant peau de bole tl tor 75c boise very speolal thingb in dresa goods before tho contracts were let we submitted an offer so ridiculously low that we didnt expect to get them for a large lot of wash goods tho verj newest and best goods of their kind to be had to our surpriso our offer was accepted the invoices camo yesterday the goods arrived this morning there is a large lot of them but wo have put a quick march time to them in the shnpe low prices which will cleai them out in a hurry here they are lot no 1 is 2765 yards best quality fine scotch eyhyr ginghams ihe real thing worth regularly jo and 25c a yird to be put on sale to morrow morning at gc a yard lot no 2 is 669 vards of newest organdy piques worth regularly lijo to be sold at 8c lot no 3 is 8424 yirds of rail indigo satin heavy german prints worth 17c to bo sold at 12 jc lot no 4 is 6154 yards light and dark fast color chalhes handsome patterns newest designs to be sold at 4 jo lot no 5 is j67 yirds bedford cord skirting worth 17c for 12jc lot no 6 is 307 yirds partce pcrciles perfect wishing goods note the width yard wide regular 15c for 5c tar cheaper than 5c prints lot no 7 is 100 yirds lidies duck suiting newest mike and newest colors to be sold at 10c worth 15c and 200 yards real imported lnglish duck suiting worth 20c for 12jc lot no 8 is 64 pinsols mainly all bhek to be soliat just half price 2 lor l i for 50c 50c for 25c 25c for of i2jc a greit snip lot no 9 is 42 ends of splendid quality bleached 1 willed sheeting almost 1 yards wide lacks 4 inches are in ends of 3 to 5 yirds mostly 5 yards worth regularly 30c to bo sold at 15c a yard these there are several other lines almost ns bir bargains as above but time and space does not permit our mentioning everything just as adveitised remember we exaggerate nothing they are undoubtedly the greatest bargains in wash tjoods ever seen in the city or elsewhere mail ordors promptly attended to the zieglerhinch co guelph great building sale why not grasp this great opportunity to get the balance of our spring and sonuner goods at less than the manitfacturevs prices pike roberts 147 brunswiokave toronto arc expert mikcrs of awnlners tents tarpaulins -fly-screens- balcony curtains storm sash etc 1 heir work speaks their merit lxamme tho awnings just put up 1 moorccroft acton orders promptly filled prices reasonable tents to rent for alt purposes great event of tne jubilee year l1mehouse miea aunio sharp of toronto viaitod her bumo hero this weov miaa phoeba whoelar of toronto is vibitidgriend8 here this week mra milne of toronto hpont monday with frlonda hero mr john mooro left last weak to epond a few days with hia family at fenetangqi hope v miaa alice brown of aotoa ia visiting at mr james nowtona tho rains of last woek have damaged the crops o3oslderably in thia vioinlty mr andrew boott loft on saturday for toronto on tuesday he had an opera tion performed for oanoar on the jaw at the general hospital mr ninlan d lindsay underwent the third operation for appendicitis on satur day he stood the operation very well and ia doing as well now as oonld bo expected he has toon suttcring from this trouble for even months the beit ooogh care is hazards tea torsi balaam hels the luna and cores coughs and colds canada 8 victorian ent exposition and hnsfrmlfmr toronto aug 30 to sept 1 1 w intend to clear out our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dress goods at cost all summer wash goods at cost brmtsa c a l parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs gloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety fine uighcxass tailoeing we still hold the lead ia this and why we give the best fit best workmanshipbestrtnmtniirgsttandtrhe largest and best assorted stock to select from we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices gents furnishings wc always keep in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs etc in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the market also hard and soft felts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livest and cheapest store ietfrn au2rtitments teacheiis it you want to ninko 150 00 during 3uty aud a a juat in a iiood cauao write or wire uto quickly 1 it uimoott toronto out wanted i can jiny ten dollars weakly to a lady of inaturo ago rauooiiiqut and tact to sciid her tinui lu a good cattnu t ii linbcott toronto out wanted achklts and otuor bright men for vacation or pcnnanqntty holiolt for c olopoilla of tho country in flvo royal cnoyolc quarto voluuios no dolivoriny commission paid wooklv thbtin8c0ttcpmpany toronto odt wanted men and women who can work hard talking and writing nix hours dally for bix days a woek and will bo content with ton dollars week i7 address new ideab co medical building toronto ont your spare time mesn womou to conduct buslnoat at homo work 1b simple writing and eopjdnff-ua- pf addrouoa received from lqoal advertising to be forwarded to us dail ho canvassing bo previous cxporiouco required but plain writers preferred iermanont work to those content to earn fl or more weekly in spard tlmp apply to waitlten pub co london ont agents second edition queen victoria exhausted jubiloa edition onproaa boat history of the 8ueen and victorian era published the only anadlan work aoceptod by her majesty bales unprecedented knock the bottom out of all records canvassers aoooplng in money even boys and girls soil it fast big commission or straight weekly salary after trial trip ihe bradley qakitetbon co tiimitod toronto ont the ima sti iso n 8tore rockwood special bargains in ordered clothing and mens and boys hats voters list 1897 isissvrm municipality of the village of acton county op halton notice la boreby given that i have trans nlltted or delivered to the persons men tloed in section 6 and 6 or the voters list aot tbo ooples required hy wll antlnnw tn iwt m tranamlttodi or delivered of tbe list made pur suant to said aot of all persous appearing by tbe last revised assosamont roll of tbe said muoiai pallty to be entitled to vote lo the said munlol palityat the elections for tho membors of the legislative assembly aud at muololpal eloo tlons and that said list waa nrsr posted up iu mybffice at acton on monday 2nd august 1897 and remains there for inspection electors are called upon to examine the said lists and if any omissions or other errors are found therein to tako immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law thos t moore municipal clerk dated at aoton this 2nd day of august 1807 stooowaesooem a pair of pants midc from hair line stnpo solid worsted in 15 designs shoreys m m iwictkc can be bought rota ii for 375 worth 6 00 made to order j h hamilton gibson 7uull75r st co roe block 3uri st corgtojfln marble and granite hamiltons blook oue nvlng on lund luff quantity of sootoh norway swedish and russian grrnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i w sell nt a xcductipn of 20 per cent and will nllow all expenses to customers to and from our works john ec hamilton produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here death to the pests croat attractions new features special jubilee novelties the latest in ventions in the industrial and amusement field im provements and advance ment in all departments excelling all previous years entries close auq tth cheap excursions on all lines of travel i or prlio lists onlry forms programmes oil particulars addrcbs h j hill j j withrow manager president toronto suisjistkx ljujuo strfols kmukkforiltndfah mount of lie l5li ilon jjomma siunia for menu rwmrahk jonoo dan ondll tlnn ht 3 is ommyam 6 irld writo nnla foroolj ntndtoiricjrv tkfedoumion uopt 7 sm dubora til oliioo v poison kiees pure paris green tor potato bugs insect powder iok 1lils l1c tanglefoot ihlblaled sticky i ly iallr catches hm vs drug store 4t acton who cao think of some simple tpatontr wealtn attof tutor tf in your pocket when you order your clothing here we just opened a new range of nice new style suitings they should sell for 21 and 2250 our prices for them in the best style of the tailors art is miv f see our all wool pants to order at 9325 new ties the latest just in all styles at r e r4jh cash tailoring and mens furnishing store 6f guelph 99 wyndham street isles mi cash store just opened opposite lj dominion hotll brand new goods dry goods crockeryware etc bought for spot cash nnd will bo soldat right prices gle us a call nnd see roods for yourself terms cash or produce i i44jaii

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