Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiii no ht tton jfm fms in rouliiamid every th mokninfi price three cents wc linve a linu line of at the free press steam printing ofllcc mill street aoton ont taitib orsousomrtion ono dollar per year etrlctlyin advance ah subacrlntlonb dlscou- tlnuocf whon tho tlmo for wlilobtuoy bavo boon paid haa oxnirod tho date to wbloti ovory subscription la paid is do noted on tho ttddrosa label advbtitjbina ijateb transient advortlao- mouta 10 conta pur non parol 1 lino for first in- dortiou 3 aonts por lino for each aubaojiuout obertl6nj- oohtjuot 1utbb- onr rates for the inaortlou of advortiaomontsor poclfled periods tthq following tablo shows aor safflbibeefesrroersjbankomjanao aotpouo 10 lnohoa sinches 1 inch a i yh smo j iiuo 1 mo moo aaoo aaoa ooo 3900 9000 1900 350 esooo iano too ajw 703 300 060 100 advertisement i without ill be inserud till lugly iran u advance wi h directions will fee inserted till forbid end obarged acoord- luglv transient advertlbomontb must bo paid advortlbomenta will bo ehangod onoo each mouth if doairod for ahaoffos oftouer than enoeaxnonth tho composition mubt bo paid for at regulai rated ohanaos for contract advortlbomonts must be n tho olhoo by noon oh tuosdaya o accounts payablo monthly bpmoobe editor and proprietor the old popular lines and the very iniest wc wish to clear at low prices hammocks lawn tennis nets- tennis g0ops ciioqiibt liaby- caeriaes authorized capital- si 000000 day9 bookstore is the plnce for big values guemh day sells crieap bnaitubs dirfritorp medical j f uren m d o m office and residence corner mill frodorlck btroota acton as elliqtt m b m d acton giuduath toronto university office main strpflt third door aouth of presbyterian oburob acton ffr stewart wild strawberry cordial cures d r drvden eve eah tirnoat and nohk mcleans jjiock douglas bt near p o guelfh office hours 10 am tol pm and 3 to 0 pm sundatht10 am tol pm veterinary surgeon viifred p husband v s f graduate of tbo ontario votorinary coiiogo ei honorary niombor of tbe votoriury medical oyyipp wm hnsbanda lot 81 con 4naas- agawpya calja day or niflbt promptly attended to lbennett ldb dentist oeobgetowm ontario iy fck f 8 mercer dentist graduate ot toronto univonlty and rcd8 office over drug storo acton vlbitika dats thunbday and fllipay summer 4 cuelph branch suma of si and upwards received on deposit and bighost onrront rato of intorcet paid or compounded halfyearly deposit receipts lbbtiod for latpd squib depoaited j advancob mado to reaponbiblo furmora on thoir own namoa no charpq i made for collootnjj sales notes if payable in guolph v a oonoial banking baaineaa tranaaotcd a f ir jongs manager jjnrfrg diarrhoeai dysentry cholera morbus cramps alnts refrigerators these hot days emphasize your need of a refrigerator the iceland refrigerators are simple easily cleaned thoroughly well made ice savers our prices start as low as 675 others up to if 1500 ii looked oxtrouioly rocky for tho mudvlllo nluo that day tlio ucoro etood two to four with but au inning loft to play so whou coonoy died at second aud uurrowa did tbo aamo a iiolljr wroathod tho features of tho patrons of the game a atradglingfowgotup to go ioavlng thoro tho rcbt with that hope wliicfi springs oterual within tbo humair broaaf por they tliougbt ifoniy oasoy could rot a whaoat at that v theyd put up oyoutnbiicy now with caaoy at tho bat hut flynu pcooodod caboy and iikowno so dfd elakoy v and tho former was a puddlu and tholattor waa afako so on that atrlckon tnultljudo a doatbhko ailenca bat for thoro tabbied butf httlo chanco of canoya gottlug to tbo bat but flyun iotdrlvo a alnglu to ibo woudor- moot of all and tbo inucbdosninod btaboy horo tho cover olt tbe ball aud wlion tbo duat bad lifted and tboy saw what bad occurred tli ore waa blakoy aafo at second and fly no abugglu third tbon from tho gladdonod inultuudo wont up a joyoua yoll it rumbl in tho mounta topiittrattlodltil r acts promptly and does not disturb the stomach is ngrceablq to the taslo 25c a bottle treparcd and sold by alex stewart rlaqqfacturcr or s to warts sterling homo itcpackllua cuelph ont- jm bell dds lds retibt linookviiie honon graduate qv toronto univerbity work mado 8atafactory prlcoa modorato vibitino dayb tuooday and friday of cacb weok i rgh cook dentist cor collego st and spadina ave tononto will vfelt acton on the first and third sat ar- day of each month 1 office agnowfl hotel tirolear mclea office town hall acton wm a mclean jno a mclean i3979s j m bond co hardware three points styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists upplies ijheadquartcrs for presents cv bougla8 mdruay barnibtehh solioitone notani8 ktc oirtceatlsmqnoonttlt parkdalo victoria ghamberml victoria st s tblephono 307 joim douolab tultonto ag muiuut i j mackinnon baxuubtxn bolicrron convsyakceb omictt mill stroot in matthows block upbaurs ii 1 to mthj3sqn a b mpepd f anniatgna sopicirona cohvctancsnb qeorgotown and ilton rp p r loppbt ratpb t -3- monabb yuterk fourth dlvilion court county of hal- onconvayancoragontjiiroandxilfoaasuranco i r i- owwioa perrymanadlock acion ont i miscellaneous watms rbos st cffioqes sqljaifel uelph the campaign prepare for winds there is a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that your clothes fit you and look well it is as impor- oant as the wearing qualities and when the three points are combined you have just the kind of clothing weare selling our price is in strict accord with the quality and is the same to all special line of tweed suit ings for business wear- shaw tjjenejl- wo w ftiaa t jb fac tjiat we are prepared todoppiy yon with lumber of suitable lenjitri for your bnrn doors viz 10 12 13 or 14 feet alio sash doors erabies ajqlbiijas etc far building slarra boon pqt qp at as low a rato as poailblo pu3psi jlepair yoor porapbor pat in how ones bofore it io too cold wi ckttno it shop at foot of rlvor street acton tkostebbce manager u1 ottawa oamada spuoltor of patents for invflntlon etc prapara appllcatloiis for tbe oanadlaa amer- e lean and european patent otqcea and for tbo fr beglatratlon of trado marks send for pam- pr phlet tblrtytwo yoara oiporlence g xpbanois nttnan bookbinder wvndham st gaolpb ontario over william a storo aocount books of all kinds mado to ordor periodicals of ovary dcaorlptloncarofullybound bulnpnoatlvint promptly dono pra7enotstp 1 kr n p moobe iclfft oy olaajtuob llcknaten private onion no wltnosaob renuiros ibhhtid at reildenriii in tho ovonlug froe frass ollloo acton faitmbhs if yon wlflb to raduco your intorcat or soeuro a aratclaaa loan of money at f low intcroat and on easy terms of repayment ft call on mo i make a apeolalty of londlnn on villago property w c jackson conveyance n and money lknoeii ovncti wyndnam8tnoarcltyltalgyfti acton livery iiro- bt line tbo undorblgood reapoctf ullyaoliclts tho patron ago of tbo publioahfl iniortasthom that well equlppod and stylish rigs can al ways bo beoursol at bis stables a comfortablo bus moots al trains botwoen 9 am and b18 pm gareful attention riven to otflry ordor tho wants of oammerelal travel- loralfullymet awnings etc pike roberts 147 brbhwjok ava toronto aro expert makers of awnlnes tent8 tarpaulins fly sipreens balcony curtains btorrh sash etc tbeir work peaks their merit kxnminc tho awningh just put up a moorccroft acton orders promptly filled trices reasonable tents to rent for all purposes georgetown electric woris t j sphiqiit piaprlctor manufaoturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and wellington mutual r fire insurance company bstabusilbd 1si0 jnsuramob otrcaau and uutual plan any communications forwarded to my addrobb ibox 038 or telopbono 66 will bo promptly at- rtended to joun tavlok asent ouolpli m m hjbrtbtbbet iiickhskd anoilonbbb tfol tbe counties of wellington and balton k ortpralpf lat ttt fnaa utewidflloev aofiarbr katoildjacelif awtbn vlll bltprompuy at vrimia rjwn milmd tn jnood rofees redpeedto b qp fob iam 8alk3 sanmaof pwarfl rndludinq books pamphlets fotleriilil his4spireaurs4o ao oxeonted in tlio kjsl style of tbe art at tnmarat prloas and on abort ortee apply or address p uoobb fabpiismflloo aotoo fipo and steam flttlno and gonoral uonalr- ih boinbonulppodwltnagaibraslnflmaclilno am prnparou toaobrailng oiiolovolo framai o wheels converted from direct to tangent handle bars bent to at v desired annln run imo of spokes kept in atook sattafaetldq guaranteed bloyoles onamellod id any color t j speight georgetown e b collins butcher doflires to tliank iiib numerous eutbmors fcr thoir liberal patronefio since be commenced buwincbb lut january atld bopot anat by oareful andoonrteousatteutlonto merit m eoatluaaooe of tbelr cufltoai 1 jt cohlplet6aoborttnodt of lrstplass beef mttoo lamb potk preah and salt hams baiuagei poultry lard ojo tn aoawni prloes always as low is ooniiateatwlth tbe beelhuallji t prpjnptdohyery jfa itoct wafltfl acton savv mills and yfod y j rjates b roials manuyactdnbllanddkalknih iuiubcr inth shingles wood jjfo roaaodiglo prloos hardwood and slabaoutatovo length always on band tolepnono oomniuolcatlop tbo dell it struck upon tbo hillaldo and robouuded ou tho hat for casey nilghty cauoy was advancing to tbo bat thoro waa caflo in caaoya maniior afl ho atoppod into hia placo thoro waa prida lu cobovu bearing and a smile on oasoys face and whon responding to tho cbeors ho lightly do tod bla hat no atrangor in tlio crowd coutd doubt twab caaoy at tho bat teh thousand eyes were on him aa bo rubbed his hands with dirt flvo thouaand tonguosapplaudod when ho wipod them on hiaablrt then whon tho writhing pitehorground tho ball into liib hip dcfiaucoglanqodln caaoye eye a auoor curled cabeya lp aid uqw tho loatlorcavorod spboro civmo burti iluhthrourbaiosjrj and caaoy stood vwfttohjqh lu mlflhty grand our there coflo by tho sturdy batsman tho hall unheodod aned that aint my atylo aaid caaoy strlko ono thoumplrc aaid from tbo benches black with pooplo tbcro wont up a mufllod roar llko tho boating of storm wavosou tbo stern and dint ant shoro kill hihil kill tho umpire 1 shoutod aomuono on tho btaud aud ita likely tlioyd liavo kilted him had not casoy raiaod bla baud with aauiiloof chriatlan charity grtfat caaoyri- visage bhono lie btlllod tho rifling tumult bo made tho gamp ro on he aigualod to tho pltchor and onoo nioro tbo bphcrold how butcaaoy atilllgnorod it and tho umpire aaid btriko two fraud 1 cried tbo maddened tbauaands and tho echo answered fraud i but ono acoruful look from caaoy and tho audience waa awod they flaw bla faco grow storn and cold thoy saw his muacloa atraih and thoy know that caioy wouldut lot tbo ball go by again tho bnoor is rodo from caseya liia bla tootb aro cljonoiifjd in bato io pounds tltbj crol yodkonjuco hfa ft pn tiopaq adnoythp il holda the bith and now ho iflt it go aud now tbp air la ahftttorod by tbo faroo of ciupys blow ohaomowhorolnthla favorod land tho aim is bhlnlng bright thobaud 1b playing somowhoreand eomowh oro hoarta are light and somewhoro moil are laughing and eonio- whoro children about tb uujoy in muflvi atrenftth of oar future relationship 7 noliiowaa furious with- bersolf for tho color which in apito of her efforts to look cool would poramt in mvadiur her oheeka yet waa she not accustomed by this time to being pointed out as dick vorekera fiancee i aoo no necebeity for doing so she aosworoj taking refuge in an attitude of deflanoo and tolling herself tnat ribo hated this man for i am quite euro webhall never be friendrj atrd why nbtwhat bave i done you know what- and thonagain flbe stopped abort for tbo fidrious bmild qd his lips and the odd look in his eyoa were tbliiga that could no longerbs ignoreal but 1 rpaataskyoa to tetnlnd roe what i have done mymemory haa become perfect blank nellie flashed a fiwift wrathful look on him then she turned and fled igrjominl- oualy and in tho aecluaion of her bedroom sat down to thinkover the sunatioa what awretah he was to be sure a naaty oonaaited well no he didnt look conaelted exactly and then she wondered what lmok would say when he heard of it aa hear of it of course he would reflections 6i this kind wero no longer endurable so obangtng their nature nellie bounded to her feet and carefully inspected herself fn the mirror to eco if her hajr was to do so then as now 1 am the wrong man it is the fa to in tho life of bome life iteelf is wrong i thiuk she cried atruggling for a moment against temptation to be troe to her heart at all costs but there lot us go home i am tired have yon board the latest exol aimed one gossip to anotbor sii months later vou- know the firm of vereker a co well it tnrna out that ono of tho nephews of the bead of the arm pfak yereker baa been for months defrauding nfa unole and trying to put it all down to his brother jaoka acobpntt of the likspees between them the fellow was engaged to aprettybeireqs in ireland and thought to have got her before anythipg win found onttfnbett and everything iff known and thegirhflartbroken of ooaraef fiy no means for this morning her marriage- is in the paper heha consoled herself with tho brother jnst the way of women ah7tbeworldr how to promote congrega- tional singing over is the sententious remark of the man about town hot under a clear btarry sky on the verandah of a foroign hotel a violet eyed girl is murmuring to her hasband aa he bends fondly over bor slight form not tho wrong man this lime jack ihauk god 1 thoeou stand whorr they sing 2 they should rise simultaneouoly aud promptly when tho organist has reached tbo beginning of the last lino fj thoy flbouldatand in the usual atti tude of worship facing tbo pulpit 4 if the help of a choir of singers well disposed toward congregational singing can ba secured thoy may be of great service in loading the congregation but if the congregation aro not led by a- choir they should be led by aprecontor g tbe organ and the choir or precentor should be iri froat of the congregation near tho pulpit and on the aamo level with the pews v q children should bo instructed in sing iiigat homo and in tbo schools andahould be ohcoa raged to sing with tbo cougrcga- tion an ecoxomzc misfit jlho farmer turned ju bit easy chair pnlymyailiittvw a bttithret inspiration and work has struck out 1 mlgnty ijaaoy ennebt l tuaten ssckti ffiwq jtuttding it waa not of course being of that re bellions order of ohevaluro which laogho at combs and brnbheb yet for authat those tatter reflections gavo her more comfort than the others and bhe congratulated herself on having had op her pale bine it was bo neoesary to oreate a favorable impression at first bhe told herself gravely for when one was aboat to enter a family in tbe aggreflsiye capacity of anything at all in lawfirst impressions wero distinctly valuable my dear nell exclaimed dick an hour later ao the young lady entered ber grand mothers private sitting room down stairs i have been waiting for you for nearly an age and my brother hiare jeck mias nellie joyoe had made up his mind that you most belong to tbe rode of myths indeed said nellie with a cold bow in tho direction of tho tall figure in the baokgroand and wondering- why she liad never before noticed what a provoklngly coniptacent smile her fiancees wae bat yon knbw yon were to have been bore at half past 4 and then she eat down on a stool at her grandmothers feet diok will you ring for tea amiled the old lady softly stroking her darlings ourly head and then turning to tho silent figdre on the hearth rag observed that bho had never seen bo extraordinary a likonesa before between brothers it appeared to noltio that dick seemed anxious to oh an go tbe subject bat when grannie wa once launched on a topic it was not easy to arrest her and presently bhe was giving ber opinion on tbe myaler- ioua tie existing between twins and tho wonderful love thoy had for eaoh other dick endeavoring meanwhile to enter into a ball wbisparod conversation with his flan ceo an endeavor that was distinctly a failure vand how long are you going to remain in bostrevor7 asked tho old lady at last qmilingly looking at jack as ho turned aver some prints on a table the season here is almost over jack glanced at bis brother before reply ing and it was dick then who answorod for him airly remarking that an hours atay ought to bo sufficient if it was busi ness that had brought bira there nellie looked from one to the other and wondered at tho uneasyexpression on the face of her fiancee wondered still more why she had ever t him pnna looking the wrong jvi aq an exclamation a horrified aoream and nellie joyce started back with a brigtt bluah wishing that the earth would bwal- low ber up then and there while before heivllkoa culpritrstood an astonished young man i agents for 1 reign aa mt pletuw cffnuuis tb of her msjwity wlutanlbl remarkable ralgn and fall i qon vlotorla her oyorpdwngwitbuj jnnibf edia mond jubilee oolyiljt t dous demand ijonanseror scettil slon fiojpereent credit ft 1 oram fails duly jalx write outfit and torrltory mb b0m1ni l si book tremen nanssfor scstitsiootntrilb credit klren freight paid quli for honflom dearborn st cblaaso good hoavonbl jtboqght and then nellio slopped short suddenly reslialno how impobsiblo it was to explain to tbla strang- or that it was for another man those klawa had been intended i am the wrong man i peroolve you hayo mistaken me probably for my broth- or he remarked with a gravity that waa highly commendable under the oircum- etances and thinking in hia own mind what a laoky fellow was diok nollio mado a f rantio effort to recover hor lost dignity bat merely buocooded in appearing what aho was a horribly ero- barrasbeot littlo ruti vpu you should hayo stopped mo in linie- she hego reproach peeping from her violet errand tron she tried to gltre at the wretob as ale bow that hia gray ones were tyinklldg i apologize but you see you took me by surprise and when i realizod that i waa he viotlm of a blunder it was too late tbe the miacliief had already been dono nellie drow horeelfup to hor full height which to tell the troth was nothing very t w in b n p i a mi i j rrtr dollvorod to any part of the town at siarilltlg anu tegarnoa mo oqipril wun what ehe intcodod for chilling hauteur then afnoo the inieobier with an emphasia which hinted at rebontmontia irrepairable the only thing now to be done is to forget it jack voreker looked down at tho win some face at tbe long lashed irish eyeeu aud the roseeud of a month tie seat soft lips that just now bad pressed his and he wished it were poasible to obey bar ijjo wae no vladya manv iato lia lonoly life womon dd not enter and fan bad not liuown till now tbe thrilling powor of a ksa our wlabea are commands bo deolar od with a odrious look in hia expressive grey pyeo and now permit ma tointroduoe myself and explain my presence here i am jaok vereker and have juat come from london to see my brother on builneia and falling to find him at hia hotel osme on bere wbare they told me i should be cer tain to ase him lie was to have been here now laid nellio attuggling with the shyness whlon waa faat overpowering bar i am nellie joyco mr joyces grsnadaughtor bo i presumed nd now mlsa nellie will jou not abake banda withmo on tbe thbv 8tor qciykoop specialbargainsl ordered clothlnr ian mens and boys hats fallterm cuelph business college will commence sept iat circulars free j sharp frinoipl whatever the nature of jaok verekora business at roatrevor it wait not finished quite as qaon aa dick appeared to think it would be far two weeks passed and be was atilt at the quiet seaside resort mri joyoe was hospitality itself constantly in viting the two brothers to luncheon and dinner at the little hotel where she had put tip bat jaok soldorn made bis appear ance it was evident to nellie that it was she whom he avoided and considering her hatred to him it was strange how indig- n ant she was at tho th o ugh t his eyes haunted her continually she fonnd herself perpetually louging to bring that look to his face that it had worn when she told him to forget and then she was always comparing kirn unoonaolously with bis brother a oamparisou in which strange to relate it was her flanceo that suffered jaok la coming up tonight to say good- by remarked diok one evening at dinner and nellie waa certain there waa relief on hlafaoe but ahe allowed ber grandmothor to say the necessary polite things and only longed for the meal td be over it was easier far bhe told herself to oliinbto bosirevor stone in the gathering darkness than to meet the gazo of those gray eyes easier tho stiffosi ascent than to utter a formal goodbye to tbe man who had bhown her ber own heart i she was engaged to liok anddiak was grannies favorite and tbe joyces never broke faith but she must bo away when jaok came tonight roatrevor atone is more ovelly climbed in broad daylight than in ihodqsk of a late autumn evening and presently nollle whoao thoughts were far distant found herself embracing mother earth ir fallrcomln so onaapootedlyr to gotfaertwith the intense loneliness of the soeno caused her to close her oyes for a moment and then then a most wonderful thing happened strong arms were sudden ly placed around her her auburn head was pillowed on a broad ohet r and in a tone of ineqable tenderness a voice whispered in her ear three little words but three words whioh mado all tho world ucem glorified my littlo girl it waa all he bald bat nellie lay still with oloaed eyes wondering could heaven hold greater rapture than this jaokhhe violet eyec opened and re minded him of hta treaoh ry to bis brother and the next moment tht two stood facing eaoli other in the duik a 1 1 an angulahed ory burst from him god forgive me i never meant you to know looking into tbe sweet- young face- whioh now reflected hia own misery but i am going away and i forgot myself it was no yonr fault she murmured while despite the pain tbe awakening thre thrilled through her the exquislto delight of loving add being loved bpt take ma home now to grannie and do aa i ahall try to dp forget ii it tho aeoond time you have told roe according to the ham oris is poets are in tbo habit of blimbing seven fligbtd of stairs to tbe editors offioo and saying sb they present a balky manuscript here is a little tbiog dabhed off in an idle moment it 6 a foot that some of tbe moat popular poems were hurriedly written and the direct results of what might be termed en inspiration tho noted poem the falls of niagara waa written by j g 0 brainard the editor of a small paper in connectioat in fifteen roinates ho wrote it under pressure in response to a call for more copy general lyle wrote bis beauttfal- oomposition anthony and cleopatra wjiich begin a i am dying egypt dying on the night before his death he bad a premonition that he was going to die next day poe first thought of the bellsl when walking tbe streetb of baltimore on a winters night bo rang the bell of a lawyers houso a stranger to him walked into tbo gentlemans library shut himeelf up and tbe next morning presented- the lawyer with a copy of his celebrated poem the olovoaken bucket waa suggested- to the author samuel woodworth by a friend who said that when they wore boys tho old oaken buoket that hung in the fathers well was good enough for them to drink from woodworth iramediatley wept bome and wrote the famous poem old grimes that familiar hi io felicity in verse which caught tbo popular fancy aa far book as 1823 was a sudden inspira of the late judge albert g qroen of pro vidence it t who found the first verso in tf collection of old english ballads and enjoying its humor built up the remain der of the poem in4biijamaconceit on the other hand some of tbo grand flat thingb in literature are the results of the rflobt carpfo1 painstaking thought and were correoted reoorreoted aud revised many times by their author grays immortal elegy occupied him for seven years thomas moore while writing lai i a rookh spent so many months in reading up greek and iersiab works that bo became an accomplished oriental scholar and people found it diffionlt to believe that its scenes were not penned on the spot instead of in a a retired dwelling in derbyshire crossexaminkd 7 the greater part of the congregation male and female should sing upon the treble of the tunes it is indiaponaablo that there be mens voices on this part 8 let the hymns and tunes that are used be made familiar by frequent rehearsals both tn pnblio and in families b use any given hymn always with tbe same tune 10 use a book in whiob the tunearetjpondno page hymn and t how vory diffioult it was to make bis mother lead the easy life which her age and delicate health demanded hia de scription of one morning when be had loft her to take a long walk is perhaps a sample of the way she hoodwinked him in an hour or bo i return and perhaps find ber jn bed according to promise but still i am buapiolona tbe way to ber de tection is oiroaitoua 1 ill need to be rising now she says with a yarn that may bo genuine how long havo you been in bed v yop s tnogo and then i saw you at the window did youito straight baok to bed barely i had that much sense i the truth i might have taken a look at the dock flrat it ia a terrible tbibg to have a mother who prevaricates havo you been lying down ever since i left p thereabout what does that mean exactly v off and on have you bneu to the garret what should i do in tho garret but have you i might just have looked ap the garret stair xou have boon redding up the garret again 1 not what you would oall a redd up o woman woman i i believe you have not been in bod at all see me in it my opinion is that you jumped into bod when you hoard mo open tbo door havora did you 7 no 11 let the eingiog bo in steady uuiform time from the beginning to tho ond of the hymn without any noticeable acceleration or slaokening 12 let there bo no forced panties for the obmrvanoohjfpunctttationtrxorany needless delay at tbe end of tbe lines 18 let there be no labored effort after exprosaion by means of frequent and sudden changes from aoft to loud and the reverse or by the swelling and tapering of the voioe or by studied accientuation 11 the connection of the hymn should joot be broken by organ interludes or need less long pauses 1c uso tunes that are strictly congrega tional in their structure but until these are learned it may bo advisable to use such choir tones judiciously selected as are already familiar preebyterian r put it in writing in every commercial raneaotion involv ing any semblanoo to a contract it is always best to have a definite under standing botwien the parties and if possible tfiat understanding should bo in black and white he who borrows even 95 should ineiet on giving a note there for and tbe lender onght not to refuse it as for as pobsiblo payments should be made in bank checks and receipts in variably given and required in extending credit it is especially neceaeary that a day of settlement should bo fixed and that tbe debtor aa well as bis creditor should understand that the i designated day is to be a day of settlement no one should enter the employ of another nor ehould anyone receive service nntil the- question of remuneration has been definitely decided in business it does not do to take things for granted people are very likely to form different ideas of the meaning of a verbal agreement and any raaiid memory is treaoberoas at times- if men would only insist upon understanding thecontraot between tbem as they were made there would be no necessity for appealing to the law for an interpretation no one knows bow muoh litigation and loss and die- honesty and trouble might be obviated if business people strictly adhered to the rule of undertaking no obligation without first arriving at a mutual conclusion as to the exaot limits of that obligation and amy bo you thluk its right and fuir but duruod if it lookt that wty to hid blnoo illxod tho pi a co balitt ihoy hnil tliu faco to tax moab much again by jou fqt course i kicked i aud i baid by oariii id likcto know if its authlri jiow whon a man cant 11 x up bis bouau and barn f thought payiuvtho town aud tho puiiitoyu too ft dont aeom fair and ft dont look srj utvre tobavo topay for thogodd you do now lutir jonofl iiih fcuco oomodown and boharnt it upaa i allubrvpoaod and hlbcova gotlooao andrangod the town llutthoy taxed him loss oaltso blslaui want eloaod ita ikegivlna prizo fqr tbo crosacat oyoa and tho frookloat gala and tdoauubboat doaol f3f tbata the way the countryi run tataxamah for hiatbriwn ways- tt pears to me that the inoro tbatd dono towards lmprovln things the loea it ixiyn dntyonr placo run down and dlsgraco tho town and your cows got into tbo road to eraro paul pahtnok cycling a blsnefit tp women women perhaps more than men aro benefited by wheeling bofore the bicycle waa perfeoted horseback riding wae the only outdoor exercise of tho bind suited to 1 fe min i nen eou flan dgood gtlofioandl riding horses were hard to find expenalve to buy and still more expensive to take care of so that few women kept one good jbioyoles altboughoobtly soom to bo with in the means of almobt every person at all events hundreds and thousands of women and girla who never could hve owned a horse go gaily over oar streets and roads on bicycles that are quite equal in price to any but the finest kentnnky steeds the good effect of this ohango from sedentary indoor life to free and ex hilarating exercise in the open air is already quite noticeable even to tho casual observer prejudice has already given way before the fascinating progress of what at fjrjt seemed but tbe fad of an hour and we have already become acoustomed to seeing sunbrowned faces once sallow and languid whisk paaa us at every turn of tho street tbo magnetism of vivid health baa over come conaervatjvo barriers that wore im pregnable to every othor force and this lie- let us hope bat tho beginning of a revolution humane and soundly rational which will bring an era of vigorous pliy- sioal life to women just for fun she whot a wonderful jumper that man is 1 bat why do they keop ringing that big gong wbilo ho is making his jumps he thats jorolamon bos from brooklyn and he cant do his beat unices be imagines ho is gotting out of tho way of a trolley car tiee here that horse you sold me runs away kicks bites strikes and tries to tear down the stable at night you told rao that if i got him once i wouldnt part with him for ai000 well you wont detroit free vrina vsonny said undo eben yoh neber wsbe yob tmio tryin ter define what happiness 1b it kin be anything fum a million dollars dpwn to a circus ticket washington star tommy aurprisecl why papa i thopght that one spoonfol of sugar was at- wya enough for my coffee tommys papa this is a restaurant my bod take all tho sugar yon want first stranger i say thats my um brella you have 1 second stranger i dont doubt it sir i dont doubt it i bought it at a pawnbrokers uan enuuand notes the bank of england notes nowtin qeo are the most elaborately manufaoturdi ro tnc p gato t it might have ben whsa4 heard you at tho gate advice to boys horace mann gives a bit of ad vibe to boys you are made to be kind boya generous magnanimona if there is a boy in aohobl who has a club foot dont lot him know yon ever saw it if there ii a lame boy with ragged olotbes dont talk about raga in bla hearing if there is a lame boy assign him fo pome part of the game that doesnt reqalre rutt ing if there la a hungry one give him part of your dinner if there is a doll ode help him to get his loiaons it there is a bright one bo not envious of his talents for if one boy ia proud of hie talents and another envlova of tbem there are two wrongs and no more talent than before if a larger or btrongr boy has injured you aud la sorry for it forgive him all their school will show byvitalr oonnten- anoaa bow much betur it la than tp have a great fail and remember who ala love ypar euomlee and bless tbem which curse oo bitb of paper the paper is remarkable in many ways no other paper has that peouliar tougbnoss and criapneds and tbe eye may dwell with admiration on the papers remarkable whiteness its thin ness and transparency guard against tho two onoo popular methods 61 f orgery era sure with a knife and washing out the printing with turpentine the water mark or wire mark la an additional precaution agairiat counterfeiting and is prodnoed in tbe paper while in its pulpy state in the old manufactured bank notes this water mark was caused by tho enormous number of over two thonaanda wiroa stitched and sewn together now it la engraved in a a tool- faced die afterward hardened and is then usee aa a punob to stamp the pattern out of plates of sheet brass tho diffioult y of counterfeiting ia still further increased y tbo shading of the letters in the water mark the paper is made entirely from plocea ot new jinen and cotton apd ita toughneoa ia so great that a single bank note will when unsized support a weight of thirtysix pounds while when sized yon may lift fif tyaix pounds with it correction doea muoh but becourage ment after censure is as tho bun after a blessed bo the hand that preparoa a pled suro for a ohild for thoro is no saying when and where it may bloom forth in the man whoso childhood has known oaresses thoro is always a fibre of memory that can be touohed to gentle issues when a child returns from a noigbbore houao dont question him as to what wna said or done- there by the members of tbo family unless you wish to sow seeds of gdssjp1aiidlntbchrofr v daily thoughts why the chickens died a professor at one of our nniversitiea is tho subject of a qaeer anoedote last winter he waa married and went to house keeping outside of town this spring he thought he would add a few bene to his atook he already had a dog he set a couple of bens and in good time had two largo broods of chickens he waa very proud of them but in a week or no tbe imhenrwbetryottbeardtr in a neighbor to look at the chiokens and offer advice they were certainly a- dil apidated lot of cbickena that the neighbor viewed tbey were thin and apparently without ambition what do you feed thorn asked tho neighbor after a brief survey feed them responded tbe professor as though ho didnt bear right why i dont feed tbem anything i thought tbo old bens bad enough milk for them how they die aooording to tbe newspapers vory few persons merely die thebankornassea in his oheckb the oaaber goes to hta last account the mugwump joins this great majority the bartender eeks the spirit land the gambler shuffle of the stable man kicks ihe bucket tte spiritualist gives up the ghost the accountant goes to bla long reckoning the printer joins the heavenly quire and the editor of a dally paper goes to claim a pair of golden olaapra lying on a table near tho throne pallid faces indicate pale tb in blood rosy obeeks show tbe pure rich blood resulting from uktpg hoods barsaparilla beforo man made us citizens groat natnro made us men it is abtonishing how littlo ono feels pov erty when one loves ono who is afraid of lying is ubually- afraid of nothing elso who makes quick uso of tho moment ia a genius of prudence beauty without kiudnoas dies uneojoyed and undellghting conceit is to rtaturo what paint is- to beauty it la not only noodlosa but im pairs whatit would improve let your charity be bright and attractive the inmates of cbaritablo institutions and our deserving town and city poor aro with us at all timob many of us yearly aoud tbo poor our cast off and half worn garmonts such as dresses jackets oapos skirts coats vests anil pnrtn ty thiw wtirk bnphrfi of halfclad peoplo are made warm and oonv foitablo and are enabled to appear on tho stroeta ia this work of charity many donors are making thoir gifts bright and attracttvo by tbo uso of the diamond dyes the old garments are dyed some suitable oolor and look quit as well aa new ones new and fresh colors add to the joys and pleasures of the poor and tho gar ments do not have tho appearance of cold charity this work ot brightening up old aud faded olothes ia done at a trifling cost willi the diamond dyes think of this spooial work dear ladies whon your bundle of clothing ia being prepared for tho poor one packet of diamond dye coating ten cents will add wonderfully to the value of yourdonation gas sometimes oioapes but the consum er never does you will find a bottlo of ayers pills an excellent travelling companion por coo- tivenesa indigestion eiok headaoho and nausea tbey are prompt safe and efflca- dona taken in acaaon they may prevent aerloaa illpeas apd vexatious delay and duanpoiauneut m

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