Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1897, p. 2

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horn hoyi on woduumlay atikuat 1th tho wlfo or k w lloyd barrlhtur milton of a ilaiifditor faitymiauhon onavudiivitilav aiutunt 4 at ilia minim cliiudivto mr and mru hov w 1-ur- llllllllfloil of n hqii hoiiiniiaki acwnnhiiifttonoiit on buuday moriiliij- aiiijuat iht to uv f w and mm ilollhuuku a duilejlitor marrusv caknahan pajbt at tlio rostdonco or tho luldn it tuothor norwood on wodmjflday ovon- jni aukiihl 1th by tlio kuv j a mocaiiiuu mr w a citruuliai to mum kufllorraget yoimijtibt riuughtor of mm 12 panot ttyrlnij bt 4 vied hviv on wednesday 4th august mary 8 nioetdrtuklitiir of john diiit lot 7 don 1 lsrln hiud at yiflrh neighborhood news news itoms supplied by corres pondents and exchanges georgetown at a mooting of the oflioirtl board of tho wulkerton mothodibt gburoh an iucroaao of salary to tho extent of 95000 wan voted to ibo rov d a moir b d lawaona pluping mill liad a narrow escape one afternoon last week a eparlt got into a heap of ahaviug- tho llro brigado booh extinguished it the editor of tho tltrahl hai been walk ing with the aid of aoano lately ho mado taxes in instalments civic holiday proclaimed formon- day 23rd august council mot on mouday ovuning coun cillors all present koevo niokllu absent upon motion of jounoillora smith and drown councillor denuy waa moved to tlm ohjair- the committee on filiation presented tlioir twulftb report awl recommended pay- tnaiit of accounta au followa clma mclniu for work s 40 d a irani for work 7 50 win smith work 1 25 t t mooro iioatao ucootint 1 50 win woitlun work r fi 00 a happy girl miss amlna kelly tells of hor illness and subsequent cure a state ment that should be read by every girl in canada htasamina kelly a well known and much catuomod young lady living at maplowood n b writes i oonnidor it my duty to lot you kndw what your won derful mcihoino has dono for mo in april 1800 i bogan to lose flesh and color my appetite failed and on going up btaira i would boifp tired i would have to rest i contained in ihu condition for tbrea montha when i waa taken suddenly ill and iftpiat is a bargain most people know what a bargain isnt goodb that people dont want aro doar at any price so aro poor trashy outofdato goods oull definition ofa bargain is to ollor good roliabtd debirable atyliab optodato goods at losa than regular valuob or leaa than othor hotibca soil thorn and yot mako a legitimato profit on them and thats what we are doing just now ovcrydnyrgbhtindrodbdfpeuplo o t here hre soms df fhgm l one ooutainiue ii pieooa 1301 yarda o oxtra heavy duok prints 82 inches wide reenlar 12 jo for 8o a yard iioo daraabk tablo lioou for 20o do u5o for 23o do 40o for 28o do j50o for 85o dogoo for 45o 8150 bupcrflno uloaohod tablodamaak purolinon 08 inohab wide for9110 1 pieco pure linen blaaohol table damaak 7jinohea wide refiolar frl for 75p 1 piece super craahtowollinfl 25 iuchen wide purotlai forrlajo 1 pioco super crash towelling 110 inohes wide for 17o looyardaaoinoh white cotton fino tmality finiahod hoftior the bowing maohine worth loo for 7o lfjf yards 30 inches widh white oottouworth7o for 3 a yard ho ends bloaohed sheeting almobt 2 yarda widoohiefly 6 yard piocoa to bo sold at 15o wprth 303 25 paira white lace ourtaibb full 8 yarda long and so inches wide fine quality worth 2 co- for 1 a pair 150 yarda pink lone mosquito rlotting regular 5d for 8o o yard 3 pieces flrie quality blaok eroche alpaoa worth 056 forsboi- 1 pfeoe reseda color prieatioy satin soliel reg 75o for eoo 2 piecob jot and dine black wool honriottareeularfiso for 50a 2 pieces do do regolarwo fdr05o 1 piece 42 inbh priefltleyh blaok boyalotte bpooial at i5o i 100 yards one silk goods in small neat ohecks wash booutifully regular valuo 166 for 20o 1 piece heavy blaok sural bilk not pure worth oop for 256 mtta abbertiketnenla teachers if you want toinoku sim 00 durliik july and aiikuat in a yood cuuao writo or wiro uie quickly t if uuacott toronto out waited ichu fay tun dollaru weekly tq a ludy of nmturu uhu tellnomout auu tact to bnaud hor tlm u ill a good chueo t j linkcott toroutoront wanted 33jiaclljilitajnjouoy4ylubtiui lloiiinitni atwuahiukton olit on sunday inoriilnu atikust itt intttnt daiitftitur of ltev fwand mrs holllnrubu hsuth at h iluntor stroot hamilton ou moitduyund aimuut garali juno widow of tuo into hun non kuutli nged 51 ycuru at ijramptjn onprlday aur litli ltw nqvii may only oil lid or hermann aud lily jtyfltji acud u inoutbu aud h daya a rniabtep oil thoaidewalk and boverely sprained an ankle lioonae inbpeotor reynolda paid oflioial visit to town thie wtelt miuton whp ctaa itt rjcss tuuk6day august 12 197 im6tes and comments itigbtyhpn jbaoph cbaroberlaiu stated injhe houfie of cpmmbns that tho denun- oiuiion the german awu belgiau-iroatiea- waa tha unanimous wish of the eolf-goverit- ing ooloniea who paired to deal with the uuited kiugdom on preferential terma- japau threatoneto mabfi a naval domon- atrution in hawaiian waters and will iu- aiat that tlio united states uaautne a eon tingent repooaibility in the matter of arbi- tration of her differenooa with hawaii on tho subject of immigration and tbe tariff the estimated receipts and expenditures for the current year are 828177 tho rate has boeri struokat 10 mills rev ot tough of hornty preached in the presbyterian oharch sunday evei ing with rnuoh acceptance jh brooka of georgotowu will bo arraigned beforo judge hamilton next monday ohargqd the iaroncy of 81200 note from m archibald rdvt t and mrbi miguot arrived a liverpool on the 12th ult went to london and spent a day in tho pariah of st oriapin to which mr miguot has been jippolnted and then paid a visit to their old home in gaornboy channel islands they aro now settled in loudon champion luvid alillh crrtrtis 1b5 ii 1 mooro printhif it iidvurlihliih i7 f0 j j lawhnu contvnet for biiildtii bridhu u i03 11 councillor arnold objected to allowing contractor lawaou 5 for extras on the newfbrije and refused to movo adoption gt rqport ou that account councillor brown knuw nothing about tlio terms of coiurtvig and would make no rnovc eiufaliy uoligjisyqdeuny aecondod not ablo to go about our family doctor was called in and 1 pronounced my illness chlorosis poverty the blood at nrat bib troatmout nppc red to do mo good but only for a tfme aiil i then began to rpw worrie i ooutinnutl taking life medieino for tbroo montha when i was bo diaoourag- ed at nut rigtiuinn my iioalth that i de- clinedtukintj it any loiiger i ihoii tried a liijuidinedicino advortiaedto 6ure ciibea like initio but did not obtain tho blighacst bouetlt i had becooio terribly emaciated or iiorntaiiuutly tn solicit for canada an encjolojioilla of tlio country in ilvo royal quiirlo volumes o dollvorliib commission uutd wookly thi3linbcott company toroato ont 7800 giver away toiiorfloim wlib nmke tbonrontest hambor of wo nil out of tlio pbraso xatoat attorney woddrirljurn for particulars addrcet tba natloul ltoconlor wasblugton d 0 mr smithd motion -for- ordoplionaod audwoak there wub a conataiit terrible waa rjarried movofj by h t arnold aooondod by rockwood the national apple shippers aaeooia- tion gives tho canadian percentage for 1807 as 40 based upon a fall crop in the nea bipt na eq lioitbrili tet7hit eds t idalh ef e m been a ponbiderable falhok off and in some western states a decided increaoe on the whole this yeard crop falls con siderably below that of astyoar bnt is about equal to tho average the apple crop in ontario will likely be a fair one no such big yield is expected however from the oroharda in this province as was experienced last year there has been a sort of blight in a good many or- obardsbuch an has played havoathia season among thn trees on the island of montreal where fruit has fallen off the trees in large quantities advlcoa from tho western states spoakof a good average crop in the british house of coin mono last week sir wilfrid laweon liiboral in call ing attention to tho attitude of mr joteph chamberlain towards south africa classed the lattors policy as being daugeroua and obstructive to oar reputation abroad referring to mr cecil rhodes be remark- ed that the expremier of cape colony was guilty of treachery botrayal of bis sovereign and disloyalty to his colleaguea corrected tables about tobe pbblibhed by tho united states bureau of statistics will show that tbo llacal year ended- june 30 was the largest in the history of domestic ezportb the valuo of which reached 91032 001300 tbe next largest was the year 1802 when they amounted to 8101572- 011 the- increase over exports of the pre ceding year amounted to 9103800813 thero has beon a considerable increase in the exports of domestic manufactures tho saturday jteviewcr has a theory about japand attitndeon the hawaiian quqstion which impwmf tto the eaetcrn power a most mephistophelean polloy her protest against the annexation by tho united states of hawaii has little sin cerity in it her rulers expebt to beb spain and tho united states at war over cuba and then the england of the east will ally herself with tho americans and aoio bhilltppine inlands as her share of the booty two proapectora sent ont on behalf of a glasgow company have cabled home tfct british columbia will be tho principal gold hold of the world they say that not a single mine in that territory has been a soma oftbom a dividends beforo tbo actual mining has commenced and working cobis are declin ing there ia work in that locality for 0000 miners it is probablo however that no important oxodns of english gold seek ers will take place until spring the funoral of mary duff took place ou friday jromlior homo near the village service was conducted by rev mr mao- pherson of aoton aud the body was interr ed at aoton cemetery l j mokenaie of cleveland- ohio bpent part of last week in the village ho was formerly in the employ of pabmoro bros and left here about six years ago and tinco that time has lived at cleveland some of rev dr straohana cougroga- tion proaentedhim and bis wife with a pair of handsome easy chairs on hiadoparture to gaelph mr j r harris baa- commenced build log an addition to bis woollen mill this will enlarge tbe output of tbe mill and will give employment to more hands it is understood that a friends meet inghouse is to be built on main street near harris ov gos gribt mill 1 rev pr torrance conducted tho eervicea in the preabyterian church laat sunday rev d strachan preached at cbalmora church gaelph miea a ryan georgetown visited at mr j cummins last week misa m stovell of toronto ia viaiting at the home of wm stovell misses a harris and s maun of toronto are viaiting mre j r harris mrs j stewart aud family of st thomaa visited at the home of mr d stewart the past week mtes f qrievo and mtb geo grieve toronto were in the village for a few days mrs j hill is of guelph was in tbo village over sunday mr ftnd mrs shipley of ailsa craig and mrs mcgowan of london were in the village laat week wm brown thai the first instalment of municipal taxes for the ourrenti year become duo- and payable on saturday september 4tb und tho second instal ment become due and payable on satur day november 6th carried councillor arnold thought there bbould be a five per cent reduction for payment o tbo inatulmonte of taxes on time this vjow was not accepted by the counoil several members spoke of tho deslro for civic holiday it was finally moved by win brown seconded by w k smith that monday 23rd auguat be proclaimed r thoroovopro tem-civio- ilolidayjor this municipality carried tho paints in favor named for an excursion were mohawk park -brant- ford go3oriah and penotang in tbe order named the council left the arrangement of an excursion to the socie ties in town- council ndjourncd at 9 p m to meet again in four weeks rearing nblse in- my head my feot abd ankles were swollen ad i waa aa pule as a corpse ono daywliile in ihia condition my father brought homo a box of dr williama pink pika and aaked mo to try thorn in rhas than a week i could sit up and in a couple of woeka i oaald walk quttq a diatanoe without being tired my appe tite returned tho roaring in my head ceaaed i began to gain flesh and color andbpforo i had usod a half dozan boxes i was as healthy as i bad evor been iu my life my friends did not expect me to recover and aro now rejoicing at the won derful change dr williams piuk pills have wrought iu me if my statement will be the moans of helping some other dia- q3nraged to publiah it the abovo statement was sworn beforo mo at maplewood york co n b this lithday of may8i7 timothy w smith j p to enbiue getting thegehuine ask always for dr williama pink pills for pale people and refuse all substitutes and nostrums alleged to bvjast as good v wanteds men and women who cau work bard taikldg apd whtfug six hours dally jor six days week andytrill be ooutent with teifddliftraweolt- ly aatiroan v v new1deaco medical llulldlng toronto ont r tour paretjme men women to conduct business at homo work la fllmplo wrltlnr and copying hit jvorubliifl corsbtsknd unpr3ehr 27 poira real freooh wove corsets siaoa 18 10 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 regular 8100 and 8130 for 50o a pair 5 ladiea hygiene ribbed vests for 25a 3 special wide ribbed vests real good quality nicely flniahed at neok for 25o 10 dozen fanoy bordered handkerohiefs worth ooo for 85o a dozen 10 dozen fanoy bordered hand kerchief a regular 81 for coo s dozen pure linon handkerchiefs regular 12jo each friday 3 for 25o ft dozen fanoy border mourning blacks special at 5o each clearing prices on silk taffeta and lislo gloves clearing prices on cotton lisle and bilk hosiery 5 dozen pare cashmer wool hoao sizes 9 aud 0j for 15c a pair special value at 25o and 35o ana a corker in ladiea fine caehmofe hose size 9 at 10c worth goo a pair ofadraaoos received from local adverubibg to bo forwarded to ui dallj no canvaurina no prevlouo experlanco required but plain wrlti preforred ii i exnerlanco required but plain fdrmanent w ork to those content to earn is or moro weekly in aparo tlmo wahren pub co london ont tors it to- apply to agents the zieglerhinch co guelph- samples on application mail orders promptly attended to second edition queoa vlqtorla exhatlstod v jubiloo edition on presa dost history of the suecn and victorian era pabllabed the only anadlan work accopted by her majesty bales unprecedented knock tfio bottom out of all reoordb canvshbora bcooplnc in money bveu boya hidfllrlo toll it oat big eommualon or itnusbt woekiybalait-afteiltrialtrip- the bltadleygaltltetson co llmitoa toronto ont i for the northwest news of the day three thousand people expeoted to leave on the harvesters excursion there is work for all crewsons corners the farmers have been buay for the past week rushing the harvest along and farm laborers are rnuoh in demand tbrabhers aro kept busy theaodaya they will havo a very large fleaaona rnn this year mr wm grippe our genial threaher started work on saturday he had tbo misfortune to badly damage the new duster on bis thresher it bocamo filled with btraw and the cabtingii wero badly broken a heavy thunder shower passed over this neighborhood today no damage was done by lightning in this vicinity but it is tbooght that there waa a fire in naasaga- weya neax eden millattjut far yout scribe baa been unable to find out what was burned tbe rain- knocked oats down badly in thisvicinity rural schools open hokt monday messrs j t and j dunn of from present upparanoes it would look as if tlio harvesters excursion which will leave for manitoba and the northwest on tlio 18th will be one of the largest ex cursions of tho bind ever run out of tor onto labt year on a bimilar excursion there wore 2350 people carried but it ia eetimatcd that at least 3000 will go this time whilo work could bo found for 5000 person e mr av d scott immigrat ion atjont at toronto for tho manitoba government will accompany the party the manitoba government has mado every preparation to forward the excurbioulbts to the districts to which they desire to go they have received reports from all their agents through tho province aa to the number of men required in their particular dlatrictb nnd care will bo tnken not to eend too many men to one place so as to avoid any congestion mr scott ia of tho opinion that there ia at loaat three mouths work ahead for those who go and of course on tho presentation of acertifi- cato showing that they have worked the excursionists will be returned oaet at tbe same fare they got from toronto namely 8u to wintiipog spains premier shot j assassinated by an anarchist sunday afternoon tho feeling of conodenco hitherto noted in bubioeaa oirclos in ontario continues to increaao and pronpeote are of the most cheering chavauter tho tone of markets ia firmer and with a large wheat crop iu view at goodpricos we may look forward to a good autumn trade there are a good many orderb being booked for staple dry goods while grocers and hardware jobbers report an active trade remittances are fairly satisfactory with improvement re- ported by nearly all wholesale dealers so says a fiuancial export thomaa ballantyno exspeaker of the assembly one of canadaa largest export- era of cheese sayb ontario will have tbo largest hay crop in twenty years and- tbe yield of wheat and oats will be away above the average of late years the weather is suitable for spring grains sonie damage waa caused to fall wheat by late hoavy rains but they have done an immeneogood to root cropa 1 look for a gr6at improvement in trado in fact pros- pecta aro oxcoediogly bright exports of aheeae from canada aro muoh largor than laat bj3asoaddd prices are good aoton and mr jaa gamble of crewsnna corners bpent sunday at mr geo guys of poslinch miss lizzie rambhaw of toronto apeot last week at her brother mi t ram- sbaws mrs wm friok and children returned to their homo in aoton after spending a week very pleasantly at mr r gibbons mr r borthwick of nassagawoya and mibb m mcculiougb of rock wood spent sunday at mr t ramahaws mr and mrs jaa raroahaw visited lo friends on sun mibb h bam aha w of rock wood is spending her vacation at hor homo in this vicinity mr geo coon mado tho largest sale ol goods laat month ho has made in tho same time since starting business here bo having sold over 8250 worth maiim aug 8 sonor oanovaa del castillo tho primo minister of spain was assassinated today at santa agueda by an anarohlet tho murderer fired three shots quo of which struck the premier iniho forehead nind another in the chest tbe woadded man fell dying at the feot of his wifo wfao was with him lingering in agony for an hour and then passing away with theory of long live spain which were 4be4aeordfupoah4a4ipr santa agueda ib noted for its baths tho place is between san sebastian the summer residence of thospantsh court and vitoria tbe capital cf the province of alava about 30 mllos bouth of balbao tlio premier went there last thnmday to take- a three weeks coiirao of tho baths after which bo expected to return to san sobabtiuu to meet united states minister woodford when officially received by the queen regent the aseassin was immediately arrested ho is a ndapolitan and givee thb name of jliiialdibutitia beliexed thatjuisia nn abbumedhamo and that his real name is michio angina golll tho explosion of a cartridgo faotory in bulgaria on friday oaubod a terrible ioea of life it i staled that a site has been selected in killarney for a royal residenco in irejand geo allen of farewell on friday night laet had two good cows killed by lightning the imperial parliament waa prorogued last friday to reassemble during tbe first week of february trouble has arisen ou tho tutkoperafah border and both governments are despatching troops the imperial government hab decked to build a harbor and graving dook at simonatown in capo colony judge taley decided on friday that tho chicago ordinance establishing a vohiclo tax including bioyoles is void owing to tbo expectod bad harvoet tho rubaiau government inteuda to prohibit the exportation of graiu this year tho bteamej- britannic ran into lock g of tho wo i land canal and carried away four gates navigation is btoppod until repairs are made james f frawley who ia under arrest at chiqago on a charge of shooting john cromey formerly of toronto is tin ex- london hotel keeper the liberals of moutrcul are arranging a big demonstration to welcome sir wil frid liurier on hi return from england at the end of tbo month mr john monro a aohool principal of ottawa and president of ho provincial teachers aasooiaton died at tho toronto general hospital on saturday rev alex grant pastor of tho first baptiat churoh of winnipeg was drowned laat week whilo canoeing in the nopigon river he leaves a largo family why not grasp this great opportunity to get the balance of our spring and summer goods at less than the manufacturers prices manitoba millers havo advanced the price of floor in montreal 25 conta a barrel tbo third raiae within tho paat few weeks largely due to the inoreaeod cost of wheat wm sloan seaforth boy whose mother resides in that town went to the yukon country a year ago aud was ono of the party that roturned his gold figures 885000 the liberatodpaaborigora of tho eteamer passport have oxpreaaod their intention of seeking legal redress for the damage and inconvenience caused to thorn by their imprisonment we intend to clear out our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dress goods at cost all summer wash goods at cost prints at cost and less r parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs gloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety fine highclass tailoring we still hold the lead in this and why we give the best fitt best workmanship best trimmings and the largest and best assorted stock to select from we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices gents furnishings we always keep in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs etc in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in thcmarket also hard and soft felts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give io discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livest and cheapest store acton civic holiday f rogltt jbtkti o n whoroaa it has been tbo odstom for many yoarato aot apart a day for oivlo holiday atta ybor m citlzena bave expressed a dealre that the ciutom be observed this year as usual i borflby proclaim monday 23r4 augubt a clvlo holiday for this mnnlolpahty lo accord- anoe with a resolution passed at tbe- aeuion of tbo ftlnnlclpaj council this evening and would respectfully roqnoat that all eltleensobtorvetbo lanae wh denny coanoll ohrabsr rocve pro tem adgaat9tb1897 voters list 1897 uuniciraljtyofthe village of acton county op haijton notice is hereby riven that i have trans m it tod or delivered to tbo persons moa- itlopvd4n bectlon and 6 of the voters list act tbo oopies required by aaid sootions tobe ao tranamltted or dollvorod of tbo list made par- suaxit to fcald act of all parsons appearing by tho laat rotlsodsvaaessmoatroli of the said muoiol- pallty to bo entitled to voto in tbe aaid munlcl- palityat tho eleotioui for tho mombors of tba lefftiutivo assembly and at municipal olea uoaa bwudthtatsaidllstiraa first noitoq up in my offlctfst acton on m03xdjly aid angunt 1897 spd remains thero for inspection- el oc tors are called upon to examine the said usui mdlf any omlksfona or othor errors art found therolb to tako immediate prooeedidbs to bare the said errors oorrootod aooordlng to law thqs t uoorb ilmoipal clark patod at aoton tbu3iid day oiauaaaxj897 shop fihkd with gi3son tvl roeblock 3ckin st produce taken in exchange every day barkaln day here plot was unearthed nas8aqaweya dowager empress desired to rule in russia the chicago british- htwa says that it never pays for the people to tako the law into their own hands has just received emphatic confirmation at the hands of the governors of the stales of georgia south carolina and virginia where lynching qjpeoiully of helpleas negroes las largely prevailed let us hope that the voice of authority coupled with that of experience will avail to ohceff and finally to put an end to thie moimtroub practice lot the law deal out justice not the niob by the way it is worthy o mention here that lynching is unknown in groat britain and hor colonies a lynching in canada would be such a rarity un to furnish food for con dernnation to l ho press for wrcko canadas latest discovery a qtidihlnar petroleum well in new territory in quebec the latest find of importance in canada is a petroleum uusber lu gait township in tli distriot of uaspp quebec the output for the first day nftor the well waa finished was 5700 barrelp for a long time it has been supposed that petroleum existed in the peninauln and daring the past seven years a company composed of american and french capitalists hat been testing tbo district the discovery of the guher last week has canted a bit of excitement in the district and iho company are prepar ing o develop their property on a large icale one day last week mrs wm kitohing bad an unpleasant experience at milkidg time while engaged in milking tho dog frigh toned the cows in the yard and mrs kitohing waa knocked over and nearly all the oowa in tbe yard ran over hor she was considerably bruised but no bones were broken miss dolmage who has for some time been visiting with lorronoo mclaughlin returned to gaelph laet wctk and took miss mclaughlin with her she spent a few daya very pleasantly renewing acquain tances thero mr john anderson commenced thresh ing on friday afternoon last at mr david agnewe of knatohbull lie has a busy time jnst now he has mebsre r f wilson and jiobt coxo hired to go with himaohine bkiidih aug 7 the hamburg corres pondence publishes a oorioue story about the dowager czarina it says that last may aho triod to sccurp tho regency but in lior inaiatont ondoavbra to get tho em peror nicholas to go abroad on aooount of alleged illneea tlio czars suspioioos were aroused ho heard of the intrigue assem bled liia bodyguard aud summoned the dowager empress and other court ibtrig- uere inoluding tho tniniatorof tho imporial household count vorontsoffdasohkoff all were confounded at tbo discovery of tho plot count vorontaoftdaaohkofl was oompolled to resign and it is probablo that the dowager km proas will reside perman ently at copenhagen a plucky rescue it is our sad duty to ohrooiolo the death of mrs john easterbrook of brookvilto nasbagaweya who died on thursday last at tho rosidonco of her fate husband at tho ago of 85 years 0 months the funeral took place on saturday laat from her resi dence to the ebenezcr cculetry for luter- msnt there was a large concourse of rela tives and friends who followed the remains to its labt resting pluco the pallbearers were messrs alex mophcderan jas mof fat john canute geo currle m darrah and mr thomson rev br scan ian ofllciated iu the burial service and preached the funeral sermon tho family havo the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement mrs d bosnian and family are visiting relatives and friends in her old homo master w dobereinnr of guelph is visit ing friends in nasssgaweya ilift week mr and mrs d wilaon of darby vi lie bpent sunday with friends iu guelph mrs slesd of humiltool pending a few weeka at her parents moc both- wlck knatohbull tlmoly gallantry saves a lady from drowning gitsfytyit whtttmiht- torouto street rail way h rcoeipta last mouth were 100700 havo boon a fatal bctating accident occurred otionledon hiko yeutorday mr and mrs wm dahl were out in a sail boat when a eiiijl came up suddonly and overthrew tho boat mrs dahl got entangled iu tha tail and waa held down in tho water until she wsb completely exhausted mid would have been drowned if it had not been for tho timely arrival nf alfssrp it kobiuaon and win crosior who gallautly v into tho wnterand rououed her mr d ihl saved himielf by clinginu to the upturned boat- now it is pearls exoltementatbald knob arkansas over a new source of wealth lrrrltt rock ark aug 10 for a month or moro tho people living near bald knob ark have been finding voluablo pearls in a luko near that plaoe hundreds of people havo been opening mnsflel shells in searcher tho pearl hnd bomeraregpms have been joiind some beinn sold for as much as 9300 a syndicatoof memphis parties have leased the inko for a term of hvoyenra thoy will begin work with a steam dredge r the shipload of corn contributed by several thousand porsons inthe united btatcb has arrived safely iu caloutta tho gift was very aooeptable for the starving native the severe thuuderdtorms of tho last day or two have caused sorioub losses to tho t farmers of ontario many barns were struck by lightning and burned with all tho seasons oropb reports to tbo c p r sayb that har vesting has commenced at a large num ber of points throughout manitoba and tho northwest and that it will bo general by the middle of next week tha coroners inquest in tho case of mary mcgraw charged with childmur der was postponed at london until august 18tb owing to tho fuot that tho girl was unable to loave the hobpltal tho canadian pacific has announced for august 18 its annual harvest or laborers excursion to the northwest the rate to winnipeg will be 14 with a similar return rato if tbe passenger can show that ho has dono a certafn amount of work tramps broko into a etoro at pojtago la prairie saturday night and wero surprized hnnuhl midsummer bargains satisfied customer by watchman ormand who flrodat them tho tramps replied breaking ormands arm with a pistol bullet tho wound is considered very daugeroub no oluo to the men aa yet isonrbest advertise ment we hnvc many satis- ficu customers in acton who will bo pleased to tell you about the kind of clothing wo make ask them youll know til cm by their clothes if you have never had the pleasure of wearing stylish well fitting clolltee let us mako your fnll we can please you we are now in the midst 6f our midsummer sale and arej anxious during the next ten days to clear but the whole of our stock of wash goods cents wear dress goods 0ry cottons sheetings carpets c reduced prices in all lines low quotations in gbogerij5s extra value in teas goods delivered to any par of the town store closes at 7 pm hundr a hun o pdlrs pi shoes all i bri t r i table at 50c i table atme i table at 99c i table at si2e ws wo never had bargains toj ne3n mill st acton sii1w tujrnek merchant tailors the fading or falling 1 the hair luxuriant tresses are far tnoro to tho matron than to the maid whose casket of charms ia yet unrlfled by time beautiful women will be glad to be reminded that falling or fading hair is unknown to those who use ovbutpb clots hall guelph fruit ornamental trees 70gfacre8 shrubs ros9s illlses hndsg6d potrtogs wll havo the larffest shbortnioitt and employ tlio very latest and most improvod inoth- ods for propnuation all stock oarofully paokod undor onr porsonal suiorvlblon and all now varlotlesteitfld at our trial farms boforo bolng oatalogaod those an tbo only tea ting orchards con noo tod tilth any nursery lu tho dominion agents wanted to represent tje biimlal attention given to park comotory aud boulovard ordori kstimatos furnished for supplying ntlre orohards wliy buy of foreign concerns or of nifddloraon when jroqoan parohmoasohoaply from us aud got belter value ourstook is canadian crown ami aoollmatod cattioene bnalish or frotiolii froo on appllua tlonj stone vyellirigton fonthlll nurserlea toronto ont vha iiosullng ganaillan troo mao cheap cheap cheap these fencings as well as mcmulicns choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings ich gash store jtist opened opposite the dominion hotel brand new goods in etc am sold mucl ever beforo they- are the bct merchant for them lower this year than ask your hardware agtgfl mrs 8 roszell having purchased the acton laundry is anxious to make il a success our work has been well receivqd and we thnnk hose who hnve favored us with ilielr paironago we have the capacity for fillldr many more orders sailslactorily nric solicit general patronage prices reasonable laundry in cooks former stand ntldintui school lltflats and pre- ntory studies j art wyfljllllblihm kddictlhcltc 1 amitr -jffcjoftav- actnrrlc low jrojiits dry coods crcero8 crockery ware etc bought for spot cash and will ho sold at right pricbs glvo qsa call and soo goods for yourself icrnis cash or produce taohy t- a

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