v any sarsaparilla is sarsnpa- rilla true so any tct t- tea so any hour is tluur lh gvides so with sarsapnruh- there are grailes vow want the lv t if von understood sarsaparilla as yc11 as you do tea and hour it would lo easy to dctciraine but you dont how should yu7 yhen you arc tqing to buy a commodity whose value ybiv dont jcnoy ytm picc out- an olcu established house to trade with and trust their ex perience arid reputation io so when buying sarsaparilla aycrs sarsaparilla has been on the market 50 years your grandfather used ayers it is a reputable medicine there are many barsaparillaa- hut only one ayerc it mu mjiutsiilxtjtss the prosperous merchant tho prospurouh merchant i one who atuuich tho munition oarofulyuuil lgyn only enlinhluljooria ho -loi- jm publlij knnw by jiulioloun utlvttilltiiik- tlnit lit- dupiruu patronage lie irmu only what ho ann nllonl to lono il iictimmttf tiro not piiil ami does witjooparilinliii ornlit by boiui tuofrio will kl til lho enlrr linn intrnatiil l i dito ho kooph hijnloou nliiui noal mil wollf illeplayoil lln nlioivb m nililhunil nmu lo accumulate to burjnii ilia room with their uaolmi prclm- ilo 1h iii wiim promptly which iimuriii a i0il lliianaliil ration ho iaaliablttililiiuotiiwiiuu iyjtol8 car fully nil detail and altomia btrioliy to buainoaa audltvcs within ilia incomo the great bernhardt stands at the head of her profession she spkaks about paines celery compound thursday august 12 1897- ij gnung joiits a baby i know clods ongol was bidden to mako hor fair bo bo v7ovo thosunsbiao into her bair ho took off tbe ruldnoouu cloudless bbios and fasbionod therefrom hor tiro blqo cyoa ho woehod hor whito with ttie siuloss snawu and rajntpd hor cheekh with tho dawns faint toso ho dimplod hor tiny bauds and foot- ho mado bor sunny and boftand swaot ho molded hor round whlto umbi wltb art ho got bar from hoavon a puro cblldhoart tbon he klssedhor lifis and hor brow and oyos and brought her sleeping from paradise such virtue hob in tbooo klseos thron that how so woory at boartaro wo the look and tho smllo on our babyd face brings robt and comfort and oudlosb graco ladies- home journal the imtaortal sarah ruovqkoa enthusi- abra attirafioiktinu ourjoaity wborevor she appears beforo- tlo publics and baa nevor had an equal in ilia history of tho btago sarah bernhardt fully appreciates tbo immense advantages of health and strongth for one iq hor profession and noonoknowa better than bbo how essential to artistio auooesb is a vigornuh nervous eyateni hard and oonaoiontioua work in all matters pertaining to hor profession has at varionatimoaioft harwealt andjiervoj bat when friend b prevailed upon her to use paiaea celery compound she realized that bhe had found a blessing a atrengthenor and invigorator that buq ounnot praiao too highly she writes as follows i beg leave to btato that acoordirig to your instructions i have used painoa celery compound and i am convinced that it is the moat powerful nervo atrengtliener that canbofoanti it id with the greatest pleasure that i send you my alncero testi monial easy victims a large poraontafre of members in tho commons suffer from cntarrhtre hope of fifty- found in dr ajjnews catarrhal powder- thoy toll their own spry of suocfsseful recovery tkfotrsvi thla remedy mr w ii ijcnnett membur for east bimaoo find fortynine othora of tbo huuqu of cumniot haveover ihoir own eiunaiuree told of tho good effect a of dr anuowt caturrhul powder what ttie remody 1ms donnfor tbeoopirliirriontariiiin it ia doing for tbouenntia of others in public and privatolifii tbo dominion over with c dldjuj lmhoa ilit g im rtillof inaide of half an hour and u liitlo ptr- boverunco quickly rids tiro head of all trouble it is oay and poaeantto uho and produces no hurtful after cffectb sold bj a tbrown jiukn yourself tit homo but not too much yoii ami your tjruihlnuber aroremoveil from each otherjby a span of many- years ho- travollod in a alow going btageooaoh whilo you take the lightning ospmsb or tho eieotrio oar when ho was eiok he was treated byolfl- faahiooejl mothoda and given old fashioned niddiqinea but yoademand modern ideas in modioiqo aa well as in everything else jlooda saraarjarilu is the medioine of- to- day it is prepared by modern methods and to its preparation aro brought thet skill and knowledge of modern aoionce hoods sarsaparilla acta promptly upon the blood and by making pare rich blood it cures disease and cbtabliahes good health do not mako a hobtjy of poraonal infirm- itioe hulld up when several guests ro jiroaoat givtf share of attention to all is a letter op columbus ws zimmerman circuit court clerk of oitrna county floridafand an arqhoeol- ogist of note has jast reached atlanta from san carlos bay islands sootb of ftfrt meyers where with a number of frienda bo has been on a camp hunt on one of the islands zimmerman and hib friends found the remains of a spanish expedition sent oat from cuba by cbristo- pher colambumwben tbo great discoverer wasgovernorftrthb mslqaft white hnnt- ing the men passed a low mound and at zimmermans request an investigation was made after a little digging something bard was struck and when unearthed it was fonnd to be a oompleto suit of armor zimmerman pried open tho helmet of one of the butts and was bhooked to see a skull the entire suit was then opened and found to contain a abeloton the other ouita were opened and alao found to contain skeletons fonr awords made in toledo were foand near the skeletons farther diggipg brought to light an iron box of spanish donblooob worth 15000 a few blanderbdsefl and cntlesseb of antique pattern- bearing the name sebastian velas- quez and the date 1490 zimmerman con tinued to dig and was rewarded by unearth ing another box which proved tbef moat interesting find of all in this box were found a portrait of a beantiful woman paintedon ivory a medallion dates 1407 pn which was a raised figare of christopher col am bos and a roll of parchment covered with writing zimmerman who is a linruist soon saw thai the parchment was letter from coldmbao to sebastian vel asquez arid related to an expedition which tbo latter was to lead from cnba to explore the eoaeta of florida the letter was one of instraotions and was bignod by colum- bab ae governor of cuba the atlanta constitution farther says that tbe doubloon b will be divided among the mctnbors of the party and the relics die poied of to the government or to one of the aniverbitles lute billdusnesa dyspepilo headache constk patton sour stomach indigestion are promptly cured by hoods puis they do ulelr work easily and thoroughly bit alter dinner pills s5 cents all druggists rrcpured hy c i hood ft co ihveli man tho onlv pill to uo wltli hoods sarsaparilla pills when tho system is run down a ppreon becomes anoaayproyto consuuiptionor- scrofula many valuable lives are saved by uaiug scotts emulsion as- soon as a decline in health is observed editor my my how was your adver tisement worded stranger a poor young man wants a protty wife who can do her own hoaae- work tbe beat cough euro is hagyardb pec toral balaam it heals tho lungs and cureb coughs and colds 9oaywi afegclablcpfcparartonforas- slmllatip ilngiiiesiomrsanaixiweis that the facsimile signature lllldltln ftomotcsdigcsliftncheerful- ness andhefetcontalns neither opiummorphine nor mineral not narcotic vtafofihirsainelpnaien vsjtt- jgtseu vapctfccthemedy forconslipa lion sour slomachdiarrhoea worms convuls lonsjcverisiv ikss ondloss of sleer p 11 f 1 11 1 tacsinulo signatu of txaft copy of wrapper wju 13 on the wrapper of every bottiie ob 3 purity stbbnot ndtiintoamgiavob jbvbby package ceylo specially selected black or mixed half pound anjl one pound facltets- all grocers 25 30 40 50 and 60 cents a pound the davidson j hay ltd wholesale agents toronto merchants business vien newspap advertising oaitorla io put tip in oneshe bottles only it sot sold ia bulk dont allow anyone to sail yon anything- olsa on tho plea or promise that it i jast si good and will answer otery pur pose abee that yon get 0abtoeia limb l u oa wrayptr- yoo have a wellbalanood company said the kind critic i think so responded the managor with pride very well balanced indeed the heavy vfllainir bo fight and the light comedian is bo heavy that the balanoo may be called almort perfect cleanliness of the head usually insures a good growth of hair an occasional application of halls bair keneworwill aid to keep tho hair natural color crimeonbeak i know that fellow storm the comedian would come to the front yeast and baa ho why certainly you remember ho used to play the part of the bind irgs of a heifer ycb well now bos playing the front lega stranger call your paper a great adver tiding medium do you it isnt worth 4flhaoke i patinftn advecliflgmant last week and didnt get an anawer n o farmelees fills poaeeaa tho power of anting apeclflcally on the diaeaaed organs stimulating to action the dormant energies of the system thereby removing disease in fact bo creat is tho power of this medi cine to cleanse and purify that diseases of almost every name and nature aro drivon from tho body mr b carswqll carswell p o out writes i have tried farmo- icevfills and find them to be an excel lent medteiuc and one that will sell well jlearn the likes and diallkea of tboaa who aro to bo entertained but cot through the medium of an imperative catechism awful heart disease death charmed away under tha spell of br affnewacure for the heart more wonderful than a fairy tale la the story of mrs roadhouse of wlllsoroft ont where disease has effected the heart the remedo to bo applied must bo bpeedy in its offects or all may bo lost mrs boad- honse of willsoroft oot bayax jcold sweat would stand oat in great beads upon my facobecansof the iwtonae aufforing from heart disease i often felt that the death ht was at baud no m gave me help until i used dr aguews caro for the heart id thirty minutes the severe pain was removeavaou after taking little more than one bottle the trouble had vanished i know nothing of it today sold by a t brown aoodmotto more than one boy has mado his way at the start by tho exhibition of a bright mind and a sturdy purpose that was the case for iu stance of a boyjwhom we will call martin flint martin thrown on his own rebonrces at tho ago of four lean wont around a big city lookiug for work nobody seemed to bavo any for him bat the of toner he was rebnff- eul tbe more confident and highspirited hei eeemod to beoome there in nothing like a good big obstacle or bafflement to call out tho healthy snap in some natures by and by martin came to a merchants door which bad simply tho wordfush on it bo he paahed the door and went in his hat inj his hand an elderly man iu epeotaoles sat at a desk well boy what do you want asked the merchant work air said martin what kind of work aoyhcind of work iir well raid the merohant laughing youve got iilrtreppaoiauv whatj o in itin sumo mr vnurs uir said murlin o hn d knoi what my motto is ycjtiwo got it 011 your door itd puali the merchant put him to work on tho spot and it was the beginning of a very suceosbfal basinoss career the press an educator livargelint moody i a groat admired of iho no wn pa per man and his work ho says newapsper work ia one of the moat enabling and educating of professions in my opiniop every theologfoat student in the laud ought to work on a newspaper for at least a year fd order to study human naluro arid gain the knowledge that it is impossible to reoeivo id the academy at oollego and in the seminary thats tbe trouble wilb preachers they dont know the men to whom thsy are preaching they havent a knowledge of human nature the best tyy to acquire all of which is work on the press so jou see i am a believer in the newspaper and of the great praotical work wbicli it performs you people resell thousands where we reach only a few and the results aro correspondingly large r b i andorstand you bavo joinod tho literary brotherhood yoa replied lovelaoe i am oow writirjg for a hvieg jnd ho daabed oft another bciiog letter to bis father alwnjs felt tired i suffered with bovere headaolio and loaa of appetite and always felpttroct r cpnoladed to try hpoda saraaparilla and after tailing one bottle my hoadaobe dis appeared i continued taking it and now i am never troubled with headache and my appetite is good laura garland 257 olaremont st toronto ont hooda piiib aot easily and promptly on tbo liver and bowola cure lick hoidnolio bay a tandem f what on oarth do wo want of a tandem maria why apl buro john wo could do a part of our moving next saturday and save money hollowayb corn cure ia a apeoitio for tho removal of oorne and warts we have nover board of itb failing to remove even the worst hind civil servico the hind you get when the tip is big enough wrong heart action wrong action of tho heart causes ner vousness nervous dyspepsia bhortnoss of breath and other diatraaatog aymptoms mr bamuel yelland of jjondon one wae oared of tbeso troubles by taking milbnrnb heart and nerve pilla mrlfolland flays they area remarkablo modioine and i not been troublod in tho least sioco taking tliem tboy always talk about the seven ages of man aaidthe curioua ono why not the eoveu ages of womon deoauae my boy replied tbo knowing one one jb onougb for them colic jmohblm and all salilika aompuimts of onlldran or adulu ntlcs mc beware at lmlutuas mr natahanel hortonson o well known oltlzen of iahpeming mion and editor of superior iotuh who for a icing time suf fered from ike most excruointing paine of rbeninatiim waaonredetftdt ycara ago by taking ayera banaparlllo having never fait a twinge of it alnot hoi oan endnro this no longer my dear jou must ohooae belweon dloke and myaelf shu you are entirely mlflaken blr i have a list of sixteen from which o choose be all tight klnlly let xt know when ibe raffle begin thfere are thousands of sickly schoolgirls all over this broad land that are dragging their way- through schoollife who might enjoy that abundant life which be longs to youth by simple at tention to hygienic laws and a pjoper course of treatment with scotts emulsion this would make the blood rich the heartbeat strong check that tendency to exhaution arid quicken the appetite by streflgthning the digestion our book tells t1qf about it sent free llensant tjnrc and quick qentlbukiampleaaod to recommend your laxa liver pillb for constipation dyspepsia and eiok headache i havo used them for those troubles and find tbem a pleasant sure and qoiok onre free from the annoying griping of other pilla i have heretofore used bignod h jameb st nlohofaa hotel hamilton ont abo 1 its purity 2rjf thousands of cures 3 its economy lc a dose 3ss 33 i 3bv regulates the stomach liver and bowels unlocks the secretions purifies the blood and removes all the impurities from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore and ottjccus dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn sour stomach dizziness dropsy rheumatism skin diseases a rovgnqi officer charged joah with browing beer aboard the ark hscauao ho aaw tbo kaugaroa going ou board with bops siak heftdaoho and constipation are promptly cured by burdock pills easy to take sure in effect do- not mako unneooaaary work for others even servants undoubtedly tho bcbt q jhkueni wlah to aay that dr pbwlero j3vtrapi 9f yvild strawberry has proved a wonderful remedy fnmy family wo would not bo without it for tfco its prioo i aay it is the bebt not merely one o the btst t b ever brought beforo the publia for summer com plaint or rfiarrjjpoa either in ohildren or aduitb john underiiill liconso comraibbiouor strathblair man lawyer witness i believe yoa aro tho biggest har fn tho country judge sir you forgot that i am here ho has tried it mr johu andorson kinlosb writes i venture to say few if any have reoolved groator benoflt from the naoofdr thomas eoleotrio oil than i haveibftveuseditrogalarlyfocoverlteh ypara and have recommended it to all sufferers i knew of aud they also found it of great virtue iu oaaea of eovero bronchitis and inoipient consumption spcftka from experience mr j w tomlinaon amhorstburg ont apoakfl from experience when he eryb 1 am well aatiefied with doans kidney pilla they are undoubtedly the beat medicine on the market for any one alfliotdd with urinary or kidney troubles such as pain in tho back that tired feeling cramps numbness etc they cured me and removed all my pains and adhs firstgirl i like a man with a past a man with a past is always iutero3ting socend glirl thatrj true bat i dont think heb nearly bo iuterestiag as a man with a future third girl the man who interests moid the man with a present and tho more expensive the presout is tho more interest i take in it severe colds aro easily cured by the use of biokloe aoticonaumptivo syrup a raedtoeuo of extraordinary prnotratiug and beating properties it ia acknowledged by those who have used it as being the boat medioino sold for coughe colds inflamma tion of the lungs and all affections of tbo throat and cheat ita agrcoablences to the taste makes it a favorito with the ladies and children a profeaeor lecturing iq oonolubion i would inatanco mental aborraliou a mania to which tho learned are frequent ly bubjeot and ocoabionally make them selves ridioulous without knowing it after eaying which the professor took iustoad of bis hat tho lampahado off the bracket put it on hib head and walked outj norway pino hyrflp puresloufiha colda and all throat and lnog roublpg prioe 2fl and coo a man reoontly drank a pint of yeast in miatako for bottormilk ho roao throe hpurt oarller than uauat the next morning is your heart strong o riravc you paipiiuari ijjrsln or irregular beating dizziness short breath smothering or choking sensation pain in the breast or heart if so your heart ia afititlpfj and will in turn affect your nerves causing uciusijcs sleepless ness morbid anxious fueling debility milburns hearts nerve cure afthj6fl cpm plain is by rcgulattnsj- tho hearts action and building up the nervous and muscular system tp perfect health dud strength price 6oc per hox or 6 boxes for 250 atall druggists brightly started rightly stuck to solidly backed up ensures kbrhjstford galvanized steel wind iwiiiis tpwersv jioiowrej v aiiot paptp- tarnl coverdd gonr patoat rauex and ball bearings jf v business success advertise in the acton free press bad- watches aremadc worjjncompetencvyorknven because it takes a better workman to make a bad watch good than ifdoes to make a good watch bad if you havo a watch wh h done good service give ita chance todomore a saving of twentyfive cents in the price of repairing will not make up for a more than likely double that amount of spoiling i haye a reputation to keep up my lifes study has been repairing watches and how to do it well and i have been successful at it i have every facility for doing the best possible work and i do positively desire you to come and oak for the return of iho amount paid if any timepiece of any kind repaired by me does not run well after my reputation is worth more to me than all the dollars i may hoije to return please dont doubt my sincerity inthis fringle the jeweller guelph shops and warerooms foot of willow st j jt speiglit sb co calls atlondeld to dy or night o undertakers and em balm ers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furni of all kinds a weljassorted stock at reasonable prices your insp- j wenassortea yoiir lhspecjioh f q m mjjth pi 8tim8on ijgcwootj wlfj receive immediate steiijisil v 1 ataavajhaalaa aataaaaairt a faafra ft aaaaaajb a a tl fthaaaaaaaatkaaaaaap a a a m scott tuovne ctlkvillo unt dealer herea a cyclometer i can pobi tivoly retoximond it is positively accur ate not ait all like bomo oyolometers which regie tor two milee perhaps whore you have ridded only oue young lady you bavsnbanyof ihat kind have you in his vegetable pilu pr parmelco haa given to the world tho fruits of long scion tifio research in the realm of medical rolencr combined with now and valuable dibooverltb never beforo known to man for weak and debilita ponntiliitionn these pilla aot hkn a charut tnkoit in stnnll loen theclhct in both a tonio and c stimulant mildly netting tho gccretlone of tho body giving tono nnd vigor bcgorni 8ii 1 nn irithman yesterday an ho gisd 0 public uijuare aure this mil st ho a healthy iowi j why so uaktd a byatander paith or hppbo there isus a coign of u grave iu tjio oimetery boy ant wonderful plies cured in 3 to 6 nights itch ing burning skin diseases re lieved in one day pr agnewa ointment will euro nil cases of itching piles in from three to e nights oue application brings comfort jtor blind aud bteodiug piles it is peerless also cores totter salt rheum ccsscma barbers itch aud all eruptions of the skin relieves in day 85 cents sold by a t brown mike oi say if a man ia born in eranco hes a frinchmau pat suro an if a cat had kittens in an oven would you call them bieoaits rheumatism can be cured bioarly thirteen yeary 00 f was taken very aeveroly with rbcijmatisni aud al though i have beentroated for it by soveral doctors bore and elao where heaides using any amount of patent medicines and vaunt ed rheumatic aures i nevor found only temporary relief until six months ago when dr ilalsteda rheumatic curo ured me op that i have not felt anything of it since rout lvbinouau actom march 16th 3807 castor ia for infants and children -ttt-fta- ttaula tiutvn boa wit tijppll why olarndnnswhat has happeuod it is not a month since your marriage and 1 nd you in tears already i ah hilda darling tqaorgo is running for oougress you know and ye only just foamed from tho opposition paper what a dpaclful man he is t a summer hncclllc dr fowlet extract of wild straw berry ouros cholera morbus diarrhoea dyaontery cramp colio summer com plaint pankor of the mouth and all lowel oomplatntsof ohildrou or adults it is a soothing effectual and nevor falling med icine wbloh ftlvoa immediate relief and speedily effeots a aure better bimple food with pleasuro than luxuries with annoyance and worry cancer can ho cured for six years i buffered from cancer and got no relief until i uood burdock blood bitters i used seven bottles faithfully when the cancer gradually dried op and dually dibappouratd f ahi now cntiroly well and rejoice tjjaf by uaing j b b i havo esoapod doath ethpr from the surgeons knife or from the oanoor itself signed mrs eliza j tufford paris ont bo courteous but not to theextent of sur rounding principles do not gossip llioro are bettor things in life to talk about there never was and never will be a universal panaceaiaaueremodyfois all ills to which 6fuh is hoirthe very nature of many cm at i vow leing suoli that were the germs of other and differently sealed say mhtah johniing iae done turned over a new leaf no i den pay me dat half dollar yon borrowed lib yeah bh h b 1 i haiu t do same man i wo a to remove worms of all kinds from ohildren or adults dr lows worm by rap la a safe and tare remedy dlseahcb rooted iu tbe ayetem oi the patient what would relievo ono ill in torn would aggravate the other wo have however in quiuino wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated etato a remedy for many and griovous ills by its gradual judicious use tho frailest eyfitcmsero led into con valescence and btreugth by the inqaeiiae which quiuino exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a chroulo btato of morbid despondence anj ladk of intorest in life is a dlseaso and by tranauilizing the nerves dlspobos to eonnd and refresh ing aloep impartq vigor to thoaotiou of the blood which being stimulated ooursos throughout the veins strongthonibg tho healthy animal fu notions of the system thereby making activity a nepesaary rosalt alrengthenlng the frame apd giving ufa to the digestive orgaua which naturally damaadinoreabedbubitancoreiqlt im- proved appotlte northrop ft lyman of toronto havo gjven 16 the public their qpjniuq wine at the urual rate and guaged by tte opinion of scientists this wine upproaohei nearest perfection of any on thomarkel all drugguu neil it 100 columbia now 8 railway time ablij tkaasi- grand trmnk railway- cioinli ukht ioinj uaht mull ii ifiiiiu i icximian iai a tn kxproti il 2 p tn i kkpiohs 1 47 a111 mail 7 00 luu mail 0 11 nni imlxua 10 wtui timj 01 frohlnu mahh oojny voat 0 ajiiin and rto pm pdliibtiubt 10 15uii uuiic id pui thla tlmo tnblo wo tit into oftuct on monday n9vapth lbw roller bbarinqs ooldj ihaptey mujbi bbantforocan makers of the light- est running nnd- best constructed gal van iiedsteelwind mills and towers made also the celebrated maple leaf grain grinder write- for illustrated circulars johnjufqueen acton agent for above atso for frost and wood binders and mowers 4- full line of all kindb of farm implement v and repairs we bought our fruitjfirs before the price raised- you get the benefit by buying from us now t c moore son south cor milt arid main streets i ii t j h hsiniitoq marble and g ran ite hamiltons blook oue having on und a largo quantity of sootoh noryrsiy swedish and 86 ija4te9 oolwinwei aow 70 70 ij hartford 58 100 dleveland good as new 50 e cfe go jewellers cuelph mise raailan grrnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i w sell at a reductjoiiof i 1 l ard vvih rtoy all expcqsc3 fo cu o rind fjrqm pr wflfte- jqhn g amjlqiqrt w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont auki stxiutz or machine finished book papers man grade weekly news ppr of king aiitl rtnglisou sts no time like the present undeniable bargains are the order of the day press aoods imuolhoolorwhrt resalar in at wo ttioio aro in good shades aud at the price will sail quick- i ineli all wool twoed rcoulor eoo goods roduoed to luo par ynl fronob coituuie dronei regular 10 draiaes anlltugyduroboltm forstajo all wool navy borgo 4i ineliotj wldo 23o blouses ladles lllouio waists white laundered collar and cutis adjustable llneaoolon regular prlao 8185 now roduaod to 75c tlieae aro yokt back and full front liodw blouse waists white laundorsd collar and cuffi adjustable pluk cambric clieek and stripe regular 9jl 03 ooda now solllna fpr 75o those have full iron with points in yoke ladles blouse waists white laundered collar and caffs adjustable prlntod lawn in pink and blue ei85ror 75o ladle altnvaoambrlodiouao waists collar and dulls adjustable las for 70o ladles dfouse wants in navy and white orqll patuun american muslin adjustable eol lars uj5 76o obauibray bleuss waists id sky pink and cadtoduitaula eollars4150 now 100 atpsrlokai mufthn wrappor full skirt snd blslvop fillletesfniss nbw 4jv5 navy print wnienrulf sui and ycks back new blsck lustre drosa skirts 7 gorod 875 and 9100 millinery lflbhoruhiu lsjandaoo ftbemarelu bltek imaiosajlormuir inoa color and wbit jiflt nulla tuna tn tbo vary ltoat tho papor used i this journal is from tho above rnilla w wm baeber ft bhob aoton machine and kepair shops tfjjsnqtfmflbjjsvrljirlojor alinwil oqnlppad wivli all tbo moohlnorv noocgiary tooxotuto 11 ronlra to tnaobln- ory aud asrloultnral implamodtaand to do 11 kind of atoainnutau horaaaboolngand genoral bluktmltblim wqodwork repairs porlornied lnaatlafaotorymanngr wo oan ropatr and rnaohlno ojmromohi jjanyjnakfc b gommlnii a flnrahona trlmmnl aliulnnry sreatly rodnood toulat cyollds and outing hata and oblidrona mnalin and embroidery hata and ponnoua larao mort nrlce rlqlit tlfl woo now linens akdshektinas new apron zjluan 38 jliohea wide oolorod bor der 16o new apron linen embroldersd border in bluo and redsbo nnojrtowolb all linen 18x90 loo oaob hucktoweja ipeolal value 10h8 lalo huok towela sxm soo and ajo s sw si shmtlnn loo and hoo 8 twiiibiaaolied bbaetln 18o and 22ic 0 inoh plalnrlllow cotton loo 41 noli plain pillow cotton lao u ineh plain pillow cotton isip extra 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