Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiii jsto 8 acton ontario thursday august 19 1897 price three cents wjt retail jfm tyxess ib rublihhkd every thuesday morning t free prcsssteam printing ofllce ullii street aoton ont tkumb ov bouaoiiirtion ono dollar per yoar triotlyiu advaiico all subscriptions diucou- tluuod whon tho tlmo for which tlioy have boon paid has expired tho data to which ovary subscription 1b paid lu denoted on tho address label adveiitihino it atb transient advortiso- uionts 10 contb par no paroll lino for first in- sortlon 3 oontspur lino for oaob aubaoquont oflortlon v goiceiuct rates the following tablo shows our rates fojr tho insortibn of advortiaomouts for pociflod pqrloda days bookstore the solaobos loiaodb sinofaes lldotl lvlt 6 mo j mo 1 mo e7oo 300 2 60 100 860 00 805 00 eseoo 33 00 20 00 13 jo 90 00 lli 00 700 0 00 jw 300 advartlboniouta wit ho tit npoalflo directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord ingly traqelont advertisements jiiuot bo paid o advanoq advortfflomonts will be changed onoo each month if doslrod for changoa oftonor than onoo a month tbo contpoaitlon must bo paid for atregulai ratoo changes for contract advortlbomotits must bo n the olhco by noon on tuoadays aocounta payable monthly h p moore editor and proprietor new pkesbyteeian hymn book big lot received at pays bookstore prices from 8c to 250 we have an extra supply day sells cheap traders bank of itashuss jdiratorp t frrjre urentm7dro mt omoo and robldinco corner mil be frodorlck 8 1 roots acton as elliott m b m d x acton glupuatfc tonohto unlvehbity office main street third door south of irosbytorlan church acton tr dryden eve eak tjieoat and nose moloana block douglas bl near p o quel office jiouiia 10 a m to 1 p in and j to 6 p in sundays 10 a m to 1 p m veterinary surgeon a lpked p husband v s graduate of tbo ontario votorlnary col loco honorary mombar of tho votorlnary modical society office wm husbands lot 31 con luass- agawoya- callft day or night proniptly attended to delftal ll bennett lds dentist oeoboetoww ontabio dr f 8 mercer dentist graduato of toronto university and itq d s offlco over drug storo acton vlsitino dayh tliobbdav and flliday t m belldds ldb j dentist t bltooevllle honor graduate op toronto university work mode satisfactory prices moderate visixma days tuoaday and friday ofoacb week d r g h cook dentist cor collogo st and bpadlna avo toronto will vieit acton on tho first and third bat ur day of each month office a gnowa hotol m clean mclean barrlstota solicitors notariob convoyanoorb 5co private funds to loan offlae town hall acton f wm a molkam i jko a mclean douglas muehay baiuubtehb solicitokb notaiueb etc urvioeb 1290 quoon bt parkdalo victoria chamberbfil victoria st tolopbono297 tononta juuh duuu1ab a o muiulat a j mackinnon ifalutlsthb holicitoil convlyalckji of ice 1111 strcot in mattbows mock upstairs ril g mitheson t j b moleod m aiuubtbus boucirona conveyancerh uoorgotown and milton monov to loan at lowest ratoo t j monabb ololi fourth division court county ot hal- on oonvoyanoorabonthroandljuoabsuranco uoal ebtato agout monoy to loan pto qgglcelarfyman aoton ont miscelztanbo us henry gbist ottawa canada solicitor ol fatonu for inwratlon oto pronarob apphcatlonb for tho canadian amor- loanand european patent onlcos and for tho limlalratlon of trodo marks bond for pam- phot thirty two yoara ciperloncc pprakcis nunan dookbijioen wyndham st guolpb ontario ivor whuamb store account bookb of all kinds mado to ordor rorlodlnalbofovory description oarofullybound ralinffnoatv promptlvdono m arriaoe licenses ii r mooiie ibbiimi on maiuiuoi licfnbeb prlvatooflloa no wltnosbcb required isuod at robldonen in tho ovonlng free presb omco aoton tmsoney irlaltmehb if you wlbh lo reduce your interest or soouro a nrstolasa loan of money at lowlnurest and on eay terms of pvm call on uio i wako a bpccialty of londlnk mono l and have plouty of funds i also lond mi vllfaso property w c jackson comveahcbn amd money lenpeil ovrice wyndllam btnoarcltyllall quelph wellington mutual fire insurance company e8tahuiibd 1b10 in8uiianoe on cash and mutual plan any communications forwarded to my address box ms or telophono 08 will ho promptly at tended to tayl0il agoll tjj hemstreet lloesred auotionkxe for tho countlob of wolhnbton and ilulton oraorleftatthofnh paawb offlco aoton or at myroawoncoin acton will bo promptly at tended lo fees roducod to 5 oo for farm sales also money to loau on tbo most favorohlo aumstlnd a tho lowest ratos of interest in samsoftisooond pwoids job printing inoiiudino books pompblets posters 1111 lleidsolronlarsao ovo oxoouted in tho host atyloof tho art at roodorate prices and on abort nollce apply or oddroiis ii p moobb- faeb pukbs ofllco aoton ircparcd and sold by alex stewart manufacturer of b to warts sterling home it o medics cuolph 4 authorized capita 1000000 cuelph branch sumo of 91 and upwards rcoeived on dopobitand higioat current rflto of intorcet pajd or compounded halfyearly deposit rocaipta isauedfor largo euma depoaited advandca mado to responsible farmorj on tbeir own names no eharee made for ooliootinr 3aiob sfoler if payable fn guolpb a general banking buaincsa transacted a f hjonks mauayor ijpattrg tilt journey cu1jes diarrhoea dysentry cholera morbus cramps and all summer complaints always acts promptly and does not disturb the stomach js agreeable to the taste 25c a bottle awnings tents etc pike sl roberts 147 brunswick ave toronto arc expert makers of awnlrrgs tents y tarpaulins st- fly 8creens f balcony curtains storm sash etc their work speaks their merit lxaminc the awnings just put up a moorecroft acton orders promptly filled prices reasonable tents to rent for all purposes 189798 inki-i- php6rs styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists upplies headquarters for presents c waters jbros st georges square gueiiph fruit ornamental trees 7q acr shrubs rosas u1nbs and seen pothtoqs we have the lorflont uuortraont and omnloy tbo vory latest and moat improved meth ods for propagation all itook carefully p-w- under our pononal apertlalop nd ml n luperrl rrnirt ed new var le our t w hfl ihilim catalogued tbose are thoonly testlnborcbards eonnoetod with any nuraory lq tbo dominion agents wanted to represent us spoclal attention given to park comotory and boularard ordori bstlmates t nrnuhod for supplying entire orchards wjiy r when y got bottor value our stock is canadian grown and occlimatod catalogue english or froncli free on appliea tlon stone wellington fonthlm nurseries toronto ont tho loading canaillan troe mod upplyldg entire orehards t wxiy buy of foreign conaorns or of middlemen vben yoa can purobaso as olioaply from us nd georcjctoivn electric works t j avblout proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams pipo and bteain ftttlnfl and general ttepalr- inr llelns eqnlpped wlte a gaa braalns tnoenlno i am prepared to dd braalog on blovote rsaw 4o wbeols converted froip dlreot to tangent rpolies handle brs bent to any doslred mblo riill lino of bnokeskepl in loolc batlfaoflon euaranteod btoyolea onsnlellod id any color t j speioht qeorootown off japanese matting matting that was 20c now i6c a yd 25cunow2ocayd 30c now 24c a yd 35c now 28c a yd its all your way theres nothing in it to us we simply must clear by sept ist youll be sure to want to cover one floor anyhow let us figure the cost j m bond co hardware guelph tttilnk of deltll fti bomu delightful journey that i shill take when nil my tasks nro done though life lias gnen pica heaping measure of all bcm giftb and many a cup d pl sull belter things await me farther on this utile earth is sqch a merry planet tlie dibtanccs bcond it so supreme f ihaenodoubt that all the mighty spates between us and the stars are filled with faces more beautiful than any artists dream i like to think that i shill ct behold them when from thib waiungroom my soul has soared earth is a wayside station where we wander imtil from out the darkness yonder ofttth swings his lantorn and cries alt aboard i tjijnk deaths train sueeps through the solar system passing buns and moons tint dwarf our own and close beside us we shall find our dearest the spirit friends on earth we held the nearest and close beside us gods great throne polly ftontly she thinks yoa all valuo it where aan maty go on those intermin able walka bflid laabella one morniog to whatever disappointments may befall me in plans or pleasures in this world of tlqubj satisfied customer is our best advertise ment we have many satis ficd customers in acton who will be pleased to tell you about the kind of clothing we make ask them you 11 know them by their clothes if you have never had the pleasure of wearing stylish well fitting clothes let us make your fall suit we can pease you shaw tukner merchant tailors guelph cloth hall guelph do you phck butter we sell crocks cheap now is the time to secure your odd dishes for threshing and evety day fine groceries always in stock t c moore son south cor mill and main streets the campaign prepare for winds we would oall jour attontion to tbo fact that taaro prepared to supply you with lumber of buitable length for your barn doors viz 10 12 10 or h feat also babh doors frames mouldings eto for building storm doorb put ap at ab low a rato as possible fu7ut1s repair your pumps or put in new ones before it ie too cold wk can do it shop at foot of rlverstreot acton th08 ebbace manager acton- livery b lin tho undflrnlfjnoclrobpoctfully solicits tho patron ago of tho publlo and informs tliom that well equipped and stylish riga oan al ways be scoured at his stables a comfortablo bus moots al trains botwoon oam and 8 ib n m careful attontion riven to ovoryordor tbo wants of commercial travel- lors fully met john williams pnopjiieton fallterm guelph business gellege will commence supt ist circulars free j sharp principal fell llltcn aroiiu for queen victoria her wsthlfll helflu diamond j u ml do ii nil ovoiiiowltig with latest and rich est nlotares contains tho endorsed biography of ijermajutty with autliontlo history of lior raniarkftblq reign and full account of uia uja- mondsubllee only 1b0 uir hook troineu- dous demand uonanta for ageiits oomipln- alonwliflr cent credit given freight paid oortit fbbh puty prlrt write inlolc tor outfit and territory ti1r dominion com- 1amy popt7vjm dearborn st chloago i know that life at worst can but delay me but no malicious fate has power tp stay me from ahat grand journey on the great death route ella wiilellk wilcox bhtt jfmttilit robing poilyv religioq there oan bo little doubt that it tbo nooploof balla ferry had boon asked to dee i do whioh waa tho most pious family in their mfdat they would unanimously have named the demmins they had long ago been tbo nucleus about which the predbyterian church had gathered squire iiemmlngg pew facod that of the pastor and no matter how h tor my the weather there was his venerable white head in its plaoa and mother dernminga pluoid old fft lifl tt- grace and isabella the unmarried eietere and joe titled the pow auy visiting olerymen might preach what thoy choae tho demmings listened with tho same oalm devout pleasure it never oaourrod to them to dispute any opinion promulgated by a minister of tbeir ohuroh it was all rood like the bible there was no room for obolce in either life to the demroings was like a- long bummor day until joe brought his wife home nono ot the family bad ever seen hor they only knew she was one of the am strut hers of kentuok there nro amstrothars in the united presbyterian ohuroh said grace i hope mary belongs to our membership oh yetf certainly said joe eagerly he waqjuat starting to ho married and ho wao vory anxious that tbey all should love folly in advance ioca she sing in the choir asked isabella i think not but bo has ono of the ewoateet voices a low contralto and you ought to hear her laugh belle the mer riest nog 1 ob shell bring new life into this house t bat i hope she is ready to tako a load ing place in the charoh said grace after ho had gone joe will bome day fill fathers place and his description of her does not givo mo the idea of an energeti cally religious woman w h tbobea i she was very busy making an imitation stained glass window for the sunday school room and was anxious to finish it beforo mary arrivod unolo ban must be kopt in his own roam when sho comes and tom cun be bont to tho country for a muntha visit graoo said hor delicate check flushing pain fully for there were two skeletons in the dommiog household tho squiroa bro ther ben wbowab a paralytio old soldier and a most oroasgrained profano old fel- iow wing of the mansion- ue bad a man to nurso and read to him for his oaths were intolerable to bis nieooa tom was their brother younger than joo tom demming had disappear ed for three years after he left college and came back a haggard dissipated loafer nobody in balls ferry knew what ho had done in that gap of time but it was oor- tain that ho was under tbo ban a marked man tho family treated him with bloomy patlonoo thoy had taken up their cross and bore it bat it was heavy and ho know that thoy found it heavy tom was never seen by visitors at the table or in the parlor at dusk ho would skulk out to join bomo of his comrades at tho village grogshops and occasionally but not often was brought home intoxicated jooa wife disappointed them all she was a id amp merry little girl nothing moro avery pleasant little heathen 1 sighed grace after two days had passed i namod some of the beat books of relig ious fiction but sho never heard ot thorn and olio did not know much abont our foroifiu missions good mrs demming was uoeasy at this and that ovoning turnod tho oonver- sgt uu d subjec polly grow rod im afraid she said i am not oloar in my idotb concerning tbose difficult points the truth is after mothers death i had the ehargo of my four brother and i had so little time yon will have more time now said isabella 1 will mark oat a course of dootrinnl reading for yoa bat mary mado slow progress with the course of reading as tlmo passed and sho settled down into her place in the household sho proved to be a very busy little woman she had a positive talent for tlodlng work took hor tsharo of tho family mending tossed up dainty doacrls and helped joe with his accounts whuti joo had gone to bis offioo she took tremen dous walks advlted mother damming about liir fancy work or copied the squires papers for him whit aulerkly hand yon write i aald graoo one day i often wish mine were not so delicate when father worrlae over papers bntasfor mothers embroidery wnmen ought to give ap that useless work whon their oyos aro filling it does not seem useless to me said her father yoa ought to warn her aboat black lane she might wander into it and bring home typhoid fever yoa ought to report that lano as a nuisance father said his wife it is a po lllnk o mi kufl vlt it is a disgrace to balls forry that soah weetehea oan find harbor in it i added isabella they ought to bo driven beyond the borough limits well wellj ray dear it doosnt do to be too energetlo said the squire thoy are poor o r eat u res runaway alavea beforo the war they never had a phango ho waa roused however to roontion blaok lane at a meeting of the town bur- gebsea that day something ought to bo done or wo will hate the typhus among us he said something has been done bald judge futile i came through the lane this morning and hardly know it there has been a general draining and cleaning the dung bills are gone the cabins are white washed tho women come of them had actually washed their faces 1 what has happened asked tho squire i heard tho sound of childrens voices binging in one of the cabins and tho men told me it wab mibs marys clasb some gooiwomanjiaabeenatwiirkifluflpflafcl miss mary tho aquiroe face grew red his eyes hashed but he said nothing more gomg home ho met folly coming to meet turn he looked at her with the eye of a judge aro you the good samaritan have you been in blaok lano my dear sho blushed laughod and stammered o that was the mobt natural thing in the world father you know i was brought up among colored people i know how to manage them it waa only a ditch dug here and there a few panes of glassiand a few bushels of lime they aro good affection ate creature nnd so anxious to learn tho matter wus driven out of the eqnires mind before ho reached the bouao for ho saw tom bkulking round the etable door he bad returned that day and a dull weight ot misery fell at the sight on his fathers heart tom did not enter into the house until late in the evening when tho family were gathered about the lamp he came into tho room with a awagger un shaven bfa boots reeking of tho stable on purpose to mortify us thought grace bitterly i camo in to boo joes fine lady wife he said in a loud voice unless beaasham- od to introduoe his scrapegraco brother mary is not here said mother dem ming where is she graoe in unolo bens room sho roads the new york papers to him every day now thoy play backgammon together and they have oue of thobo silly books of artemus wards i heard him laughing and swearing harder than ever so ho must he plaaued i wonder she oan stand it it is bard to understand her baid isa bella dryly mary is nob as oareful as to her associations as sho should bo tom had been listening eagerly enough safd he brought ont with a thump of hia fist on the table if joee wlfo nan tako thought of that lonely old man up there theres better btaff in her than i expeoted ill go up and make her acquaintance jpot beveral days afterwards toms voice was heard joining in tho jokeb and laughter that came out of uncle bons room mary seems to have enohantod them both said grace tom is olean and shaven today and looks like a human heing perhaps she treats him hko a human being said joe if bincere repontanco and trust in christian make any of us worthy ho is ho asked that little polly should tako it with him rsho has done this for mo ho said its her work tho girls overboard tbo conversation they eat gravely silent after tho minister was gone i do not understand polly said grace at iafft sho never seemed to be a rollgious person perhaps said the squire we have not clearly understood wiiat rohgion is and how it should show itself in our daily hfo cftyhtian observer how fortunes are made and lost but even be was startled whon mary came down that evening dreasod for a walk and nodding brightly to tom asked him to go with her finish your book joe brother tom will bo my escort tom followed her slouching to tho gate he stopped there shame defiance misery looked out of his eyeb soe here mrs damming i reckon you don4 know who i am or you wouldnt have asked mo to go with yon pollys tender utoady eyes mot bis yes i know dye know im a thief i was in jail in pittabargfora yean folly drew her breath hard a prayer to god for help went up from hor heart in that beoond of time sho held out both her hands yes joe told mo but that ii all over now all over you have begun anew again brother tom como i she put her hand in his arm as they walked down the street he did not speak to her until they camo baok thon he stopped her again at the gate my sisters never have been seeu with mo in public since i came baok ill never forget this of yoa mary never i a mouth later the squire said to his wife did yoa know mary is going over her mathematics with tom regularly coach ing him that little girl has the clearest head tor figures i ever knew but what oan bo hor object mrs demming cleared hor voioo beforo she could apeak sho has applied to some friends of hers in kentnoky to givo tom a situation father i think there may be a chance for the boy he wants to begin his life among btrangerb god help him i mottorod tho squire he aurprisod polly when ho met her tho next time by taking hor into his arras and kissing hot with tears in his eyes ii the spring tom nont to kentucky and began his now life ho has not broken down in it yet it was in the epriug toi that uncle ben began to fail tho old man was so fond of polly that she gave up most of her time to him so muob of it indeed that joo com plained dont say a word dear biio said he has such a little nlulo to stay lot me do what i can i say polly was th it tho bible you were reading to him tod y yes ho aska for it i men joe began to whistle ai lobokol it down into a sigh unolo bon has been such a godlesa reprobate in his jouth that it nevor oaoured to any of tho dernminga that there was any way to reaoh his sonl he lived until late in the summer the sunday before bit death ho sent for mr floyd and talked with him for a lot g tjme when the young mini er name out of tbo dying mans room lie was pale he had been rnoob moved i will give him the sacrament tomor row ho said to squire demming you tbluk he is worthy of it thecaaonoo of thrift ilea in sponding less than we earn this is tho opensesame ot the treasure house if i spend more than i earn i am using some one elses money if i spend all that i earn i am living from hand to mouth and discounting tbo faturo the beoret ot sucpesa bays emerson lies never in tho amount of monoy but in tho relation of iucomo to outgo after ex pense has been fixed at a certain joint now and steady rills of income being added wealth begins the poets country parson was passing rich on forty pounds a year because he reoogmzod the philoeopliy of tbo saying whatever you bavo spend leas a few years ago four newsboys in atlantapgeorgiarresoived tosave a little every day tho next winter they went barefoot through the frobt and sleet on their morning rounds but at the winters oloao they bad a little in tho savings baok they patiently kept on working denying self increased their httlo hoard until to day thoy bavo 95000 invested in real estate and msteady rills ofmuoomo flowing in thn eldest of theae thrifty brothers is eighteen years of age tho youngest twelve in the meantime they have supported an invalid mother and bavo taken turns goiog to school what thouo have done othors oan do the beginning of a fortuuo is mado whon a man learns to respect tho day of small things tho largest of exchequers is re- ducabloio peace little and often fills tho safe tako caro of the pence and the- pounds will tako caro of themselves wabting the little fills tbo workhoube the ponny siller says ono of sir walter sootta characters slew more soals than tho naked sword ble bod the penny siller has often times tho ibsuch of life and death in it an old man in tho almshouse at bristol waa found with his head fallen upon his breast in doepeat sorrow on his knee lay a papor whereon ho had been making a calculation for sixty years he had been aaoubtomed to spend six peooe a day for ale that sixpence a day pat by in savings and invested at flye per cent interest would have left him in possession of a snug competence of 3225 10s sd no wonder that over that computation his head bad fallen on hia breast the prinoiple lying at tho bottom of a aompotonce is selfdenial whoever would have enough must learn to do without many a man corses fate who might better apend bis maledictions where he spends everything else on hia own unbridled whims carlyle says in homely but caustic phrase no man oppresses thee o free and independent franchiser but does not thit stupid pewterpot oppress thee thoa art the thrall not of godrio the saxoo but of thine own appetites and thou pratobt of thy liberty thou en tire blockhead i the multitude are kept poor by their passion for buying wo walk along the streota and oovet in tbo shopwindows a thousand things that we have not the remotest need of impulse bays bay sober second tbonght bays dp withont a mad auctioneer though john doyle bps intimated at ono time or anothor that ho would accept the oloefhorilwiitwereteuderodhiairhe admiu now that it has somo unpleasant duties attaohed wbiah ho did no know of when he was willing to tako tho job one of theso is the seizure and bala of a bird between these two vices fortunes are made and lost cioero baid not to have a mania for buying ia to possess a revenue cato tho elder whoso robo of state only cost him a hundred ponce said a euperfiuons thing is never cheap poor riohard a wiser man than cicero or cato oitber said know when to spoud and whon to up aro and whon to buy rind thou bttalt noor bo bare bat st paul pat it atill more admirably when he said i know both how to abound and suffer want wttneverrealizatbattverca do w until wo have thought thrioo all the kings beforo william the conqueror went without a shirt to their baokc and all the queens before queen elizabeth wont etookingless comfort is much a matter of taste deny ing oursolveb the luxuries that palm them selves off on tho unthinking as indlspenb- ables will keep tlie margin right on our balance sheet and nothing else will bo this remembered therefore what is not needed is dear at a farthing it ia the nimble penny that koops ns poor christian ititcuijfnccr balanced the account the driver of a grooors delivery wagon collided with a vehicle driven by a tin smith and while the grocers man was not to blame ho patiently bore a great deal ot abuse from tbo other finally when the tinner threw snow in his faoe the other put down tho linos and calmly said havoyou read what the different clergy men aro saying about tbo nonexistence of a place of punishment yes i have and do yoa behove thore is a lako of fire and brlmstono no i dont and x waut tivo dollars from you sb damages if i beliovod thero was snob a place id drive on slowly continued the groqers man j bat as im purty euro there aint ill give yop your dose uow and keep the books balanced i he did just what he said he would do in throe minutes and as he drove on he be gan whistling tlioro la a lift pit land far far away innocent tommy paps skod tommy is itoowardly to strike something littler than ou that oaut defond itself it is indeed replied tho father well i dont know reflected tomraie i dont see how wo could light the gas with out striking a match ludy in booko tore lot rae see have you kleaed mo by moonlight 7 olork i guess it mask have boon the other clerk ive just come bore theres no question about it hoods sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier this is proven by its wondorful oures of blood dmeases itota- -r- he offiaiatod at a sale of that ort on smithflold btreat pittsburg whenoitrgot to the store ho found a crowd of people in front of it admiring an unhappy lot of parrots ho roasonod that each person- wanted a parrot so ho decided to dispose otthem flrbt ho mounted the aounter and invited bids for tho first choice of tho flock thore was a woman tftexo- wjfovseeroed determined to bay the bird nrrmatter what the cost she started the bidding at 92 and it went up qntokly lo si from that oa the woman had all tbo bidding to her self though she aid not know it four dollars im bid sang doyle 9191 wholl make it 81 25 do i hear twenty five cento twentyfive cents do i hear will you make it twenty- five twentyflvo camo a voio from tho background fifty promptly said tho woman fonrfifty fourfifty do i bear aoventy- flvo will yoa mako it boventyfivo ibavt the old 00 iiousm standin not a rafter or a beam sin 11 lie tcchud by mortal hands tttould desecrate the spot where thy old log dwcllin stands there aint a crack nor cranny nor a chinkin they can change for all tftelr hiph-falopin- n mm hull seventyfive shouted tho unknown vnioe flvo dollars 1 bhouted he woman as ebe glared in the direction of the other bidder five dollars im offered five dollars make it twentyfive twenty five do 1 bear i will 30u make it twentyfive twentyfive i came again from the other bidder fifty 1 yellod tho waman who waa angry by this time fivefifty five fifty do i hear be verity five seventy five he heard sir dollars i defiantly soroamed the woman six dollars six dollars i am bid six dollars are you all done all done came from the corner sold for six doltara lo that lady over there said the aaosioneor i was determined to buy that bird if it cobt me 910 bhe declared as ebe paid for the 9g bird we will next offer this parrot and this fine oage tho aaationeer announced how ranch am i offered the bidding was spirited it finally narrowed down to a eolith side doctor a woman who was the ono who had bought tbo first parrot and the quiet but per sistent unknown in the corner whon the figures got above 90 the woman dropped out and tbo dootor and the upknown kept it np the bids grew by qoartora until 98 was reached eight dollars eight dollars wholl make it flfy asked the auctioneer who wanted to eond it up high faster than at a twentyflvebent gait do i bear fifty oents make it fifty fifty said the doctors opponent nine dollars shouted the dootor not to be outdone by tho other fellow in liber ality nino dollars nino dollars i do i hear fifty wholl make it fifty no one wants it at fifty make it twentyfive 1 give mo twentyfive i do i hear twenty- five twentyfivo camo from the corner nine twentyfive i nine twentyfive will you make it ten dollars the doc tor shook his head that ho wouldnt are you all done at nine twentyfive sold to the gentleman baok in the corner for nine twentyfivo declared the a00tl6ne6g but no gentleman oame forward to get his bird the auctioneer requested him in vain to como up and gut it several per sons in the corner declared that it was somo one back of them who waa bidding the auctioneer grow angry see here he said to the unknown i want you to come up here and pay for that parrot or ill attend to you for making a false bid at a sheriffs sale step up lively now step np lively now ropoated the un known well fil be daahed 1 exol aimed tho man in the corner whats the matter asked tho auc tioneer i do behove ventured the man that this yere parrot have been doin all of tbat there biddiu then the woman who bought the first parrot was angry the dootor laughed the aaationeer swore the bale of parrots was stopped and the remaining ones re moved to the rear of tho store where they had a room to themselves the sale of other birds dogs rabbits nnd so on was taken op the prioeb were low tho life had been knocked out of the bidding pittsburg dvtpalch be fair to the church whenever a minister ot the gospel goes wrong the scoffer rejoices to him a ohuroh bcandal is a juicy sweet morsel he is not surprised that impobters are found in every other calling in life when a bank cashier goes wrong lie doesnt say the bankrib rotten or that all banks are frauds bat when a preacher goes aatray ho feels wonderfully fortified in his at- taok upon the ohuroh his mantle of obarity is spread ont its full length and breadth over the errors of hia own kind and folded up tight when he finds a fallen pillar of tbo church his logio would out down every fruit tree tbat drops a wormy or rotten bearing he talks about bigots as though unconscious of thq faot that he oatbigota them all why he left the liquor trade the following is taken from the obriotolidrch papor after four years connection i have come to those coqoln slops 1 that it ia bad business moral ly and phyeioally for those who engage in it 2 i believe from observation tbat most orimes aro the direct results of in dulgence in liquor 8 1 am convinced that mors misery is caused by drink in tho homo than by any other agency 4 i believe and know that drink degrades a man and eventually brings lilm to tho gutter 5 no man oan bo a christian and a publican 0 a liking for drink most lead to moral decay this i know from observation 7 that the drinking customs of the people are to blame for h indent hs of the ootn mcroial depression tuos stauikmlb parairle range so leave the old house standiii sotb as if twas made of gold while you and nies above lie soil it cant be bought qr sold the children and the carpenters aro whis- penn there you see oh i they can plan the new houc if they leave the old to mo and husband im a thinkinandathinkin mighty strong that its the old folks thats a makin the business end go long so leave the old house standth scth as if twas made of gold while you and mes ahoc tile sod ii cant be bought or sold im most ashamed to own ir but i know we necr will be one sixteenth as happy in the new house on the hill as we was when au the children was a playiu round the door that swung on leather lunges across a punchon floor and wo et and washed our dishes on a table made o pine that you sawed and split and fashioned after a plan o mine so leave the old house btnrcdm seth etc so leave the old house standin scth it aint much in the way and i can take my knitting and go down there any day and beside the old broad cliirnblcy i shall always seem to heir your vvhistle in the cornfield ind your step a comin near and the creikin of the cradle that my foot v rocked too and fro oh not jbrallthe world scth let the dear ole dwelling go so leave the old house standin scth etc your honorable business dr wm taylor of cincinnati told the late mrs mary a woodrldgo a sad story of womans degradation through strong drink bat he added i can show you something vaatly worse he took her to one of the hospital wards and brought her to a little crib where bound band and foot that it might notcubh itaself to nieces lay a babe ot seventeen months in the agonies ot delorinrn tremens after reaching homo she dartf6tnbt tell tho story until in blaok and white tbefacta were before her so eho wrote dr tay lor and she received in substance tho fol lowing it is uot an nuuommou thinj for child ren from from one year old and upwards to bo brought to this hospital in dolenum tremens mothers begin to givo their children intoxicants at a very early age which tbey increase as they desire to go out for debauoh or for work and so tho little ones come to the hospital lo this btate the babe yoa saw bad probably lost its sight but not its hearing and tho passion la ruling in death forlt opens it a mouth to receive the alcoholic stimulant as the bird in tho nest to receive tho food from its mother h w a in chicago lever when the well fell in an irishman took a contract to dig a well when ho had dug about twenty five feet down bo camo one morning and found it bead fallen in and that it was filled nearly to the top pat looked cautiously around and saw that no person was near th tttnk nff htw hat and coat and hung them on tho windlass then dim bed into the bnbhea and awaited events in a short time tho neighbors dlb covered that tho well had fallen jn and seeing pats ooat and bat on the windlass they supposed tbat bo was at tho bottom of the excavation only a few hours of brisk digging eleared tho loose earth from the well juat as the excavators had reached the bottom and were wondering wbero the body was pat oame oat of the bushes and goodnaturedly thanked tho diggers for relieving him of a sorry job some of the tired diggers wore disgusted bat the joke waa too good to allow of any thing moro than a laugh which promptly followed tubtl mrs peter brown and her brown dress mrs peter brown was a worthy and thrifty housewife and though proud of her brown family eho got tired of browua we refer to brown oolors now mrs brown bad a brown cashmere dress that she had donned on sundays for fully vhreo years going to ohuroh in sun rain sleet and snow for such a length of time had discolored and faded sdra brownb brown dress tho material atill good gavo mrs browu hope that tho brown drees could be changed ia color and made to do servloo until tlmoa were better and money more plentiful with her mra peter btown had hotrd ot tho marvellous diamond fast black far wool and dooidod to experiment in the work of horns dyeiug the dye was purchased from her dragglat and tho operation cou duotod as per directions ou the envelope and what a transformation resulted i a deep rioh and pure blaok equal to tbo finest blacks prodooed by french profes sional dyersa new dress at a cost of about thirty oents mrs peter browns experience is iust the experience of thousands ot economiz ing women in canada to day thoy find the diamond dyift so ihdlspenpablo that home would be robbed of half ita pleasures if they could not procure those groat money ravers mrs moeker observed a frioncl of tbo family is a very superior woman sho oan oonvorbo iutelhgontly i believe on a thous and dlfferont topics yes aigliod mr meekor and bhe does there is nothing in nature moro pathetic perhaps than the bight of a loau man and a fat man casting onvloas glancos at each other nervous debility ia ft oommon complaint especially among women the best modi cal treatment for this disorder- it a persis tent course o ayers sampan i in to cleanse and invigorate the blood tins beiug aoooni dished natnro will do tho rest

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