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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1897, p. 2

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iiallliku in joorrotown ou wednesday lltb aukiiat to mr- and mibf j harbor a bou married cooiniks elliott in tho mothodlat oliurou ilkliuiond hill on wodnoidur ttn aug uy hov xi mcculloch a k coonjboi a lrluolpnl illoliinoud iii1i mali bohool to mibb lluntrioo lilllott coottbnmomiinlb berlin on wodliobday nth aim by lov v fatnuliaraon at ulauda 11 d coutte ii a ibo no principal ot looraaton hlkli bohool to sylvia oldoat dauehtor o jobonll hlagoman13orllp d fobteu at brampton on thursday aiiguitgth jobu lbator agod 3 years thoupkon inhtowarttowuontueaday aueubt lotb wmt tuoninbou aged 63 yoar cunninoiiam at tho robldonbe of hor brother in hornby on friday aug otb mary jana cunningham in hnr mil yoar neighborhood news news itoma supplied by corres pondents and exohansoo l1mehou3e mr androw spott roturnod homo from toronto general iiobpltal on tuesday evening rev win dryers of aoton proaohod yery acceptably in tliolrobbyteriau cliuroh last sunday afternoon the lime business is fairly active at pro- sent and keeps the draw kiln noin threshing is the order in this vicinity tho wheat is turning ont very well the oat and poa crops have been pretty generall h t w interesting experiments nr results of winter wheat exparl- montsat the ontario aflrrloui- turai colteffe is97 4 one hundrod und eihtynino plots have boon devoted to winter wheat oxporimentb thin ndriuon it tlio outurio agricultural college owing to tho into harvest und the exceedingly wot tyotttbtir this season no winterwheat bulletin can bo i 89 nod thit your in lima to bo of much eorvico boforo tho period of wheat ucedii ia reached in an exporimont with uinotyono vur iotiod of wiotor wheat grown under similar conditions in 1897 it in found that tho seven varieties which stand highest in ield ot grain jier aoro are the sumo aoven arietiea which have given tho largest yield of grain per acre for four years in aucocdsion tht following libt gives tho names of these scvon varitiea with thd average yield per aoro this aeabou suffered from infancy the wand of misery waved over mrs thos oreen from her childhood she suffered from heart troubleadootore said nothing could be done for her and that her death at any moment would not surprise them from tlio iloralil stratford of the making of books there ia no ond it iihs jbeon saidj and tho sumo olaim might bo pot up lu rcspeot of tho making of testimonials in favor of dr wiiliumb pink pills wonlorful as romo of tho statements published in the nowapapots as to the cures etfeecl in all parts ol the country fresh ovidxneo provos tho half has not been told wire it uot for a false nenso of dolicaoy whioh a groat many people entortuln in regard to such matters tho columns of the press vould ho literally new k5ll goods are akeivingr at gh1mpside and we are showing special values in dress goods grey and navy flannels worsted suitings wrapperettes flannelettes c good opportunities for thpse who desire to get their fall sewing done up early and ilctu blkrtifiemtts teachers if you want to ninko 815000 jurhir july and annual in ii rjood catfno write or wtro mo illicitly i t ii uiiscott toronto ont wanted i can pay ton ilolliirn weekly to n lady of maturo tiro rufhiomont una tact tp npeml bur time in u good cuubd t iilinscott toronto ont wanted tb aohcitb and otuor brluht men for vacation or permanently to nollolt for canada xlncyolonotllii of- thu quarto volumes no dollvoriruf- commlasfou tald woekly the linscott company toronto odt t jetton jtttvfrm mrs aid john kennedy and children ol guelpb were gueoto of mr john maoro and family this woek we are putting the epoffhasis to clear on summer stuffs thursday august 10 1807 milton notes and comments thaiail and empire in bpeoulatinfl afl aa toiho probable ddte of tho next roderal- provinoial oleotipnar it has a porrdbpori- dont ir ottawa who axob lha date ad tueadayj 23rd novombor next bir liomstjayiob dominion minutec of marine and fisheriea addreaijirfg the lioij- don ohamber of opromeroen monday t every vestige of feeling in favor of union with- tho united siatea had long aliioodiaappoared from canada the london spectator has a very fcem- perate article on the impertineot methodi of united states politicians and warns thorn that english feeling is laroaeed and unless thoy mend their majeure a oonfifot may onbue with the most disaetroab results c bin ad a almost monopolized the lon don newspapers this week on tuesday bome of the jooruala had two oditorials such topics as the epeechoa of sir our base ball team has been defeated on tho homo grounds tho past two saturdays on the 7th toronto junction yod with d score pt 7tfl 5 labt satorday in tho game with aojon the northerners teonhy 7 to 4 some flnobaa have been caught in the mill dam here lately major john shepdrie of hamilton wasiajtown a few days ago and pardhaaed from w a lawropoe an extra fine heavy- waight hunter for the majors privato oao neighboring farmers who havo tbroabfid report a large yield of wheat io bopor cases abont 40 buahels per aore a garden party under the aaapioou of the u v obaioh man bi wood will behold at the residence of w n soott on the mountain on friday ovening aug 27 ballinafad wilfrid laarier andtbir lonis jjavies and tho pritiah abeociation meeting in toronto tho hum of the thresher can be heard in all direotions the yield of whet and oats exceeds that of the past few years- tbe rains bavejonehutlittlo dam iieawyx nagej tho turkish newspapers evidently inspired from tbe palace are printing lurid pictures of the disaffection in india said to bo caused by british outrages and in bhort there ia a regular propaganda upon tho part of tarkey to create troubles for grodt britain in mahommedan oiroles as offset to londons abutting the armenian agitation the department of austoms has decided that miners boundf for the klondike bhall pay duty on all supplies brought in from the unitod states each miner will be allowed however to take in free 100 lbs of food his blankets olothing iu use and cooking utenailrj the duties charged are the regular ouatomadutiea in force through out this dominion the ontario statutes for 1807 in the amendment to the btaniopal act provtdes that all nominations at municipal elections shull be in writing this will do away with a good deal of nonsense and fooling at suoh meetings often one elector will nominate another far fun or mibohief and tho ono bo nominated will return the oom- pliment to get even tbe amendment is looked upon as a good move by those best competent to judge this community misses cree shortill and momnroby have been successful in obtaining third class certificates at georgetown and mr william bussell at brampton mr graham our teacher baa returod and is down to work again we are glad to learn that mrs geo yemen is able to be about again mr dan beid and family visited friends near orangeville last week elder maogregor has been allowed six months holidays by his congregation miss j yemen and edward shortill left fot their schools on monday obituary the remains of the late richard kqobba of cbinguaoousy were laid to rest in providenoe cometery on sabbath aug is mr knobbs who was one of the pioneers was muoh rospeated in this neighborhood the widow and daugh- tera have tho aympatby of tho oommunity in their bereavement nassaoaweya- the deputy minister of marino and fisheries received yesterday a letter from sir louis b davies in it the minister intimates that with sir wilfrid lanrler he bos been enabled to take action in several lines whioh will be of direct benefit to canada the ottawa free prat says the government takes the vory highest credit for the advertise ment whioh it gains from sir wilfrid lauriere participation in the jubilee cele bration it is said that already in all partd of tbe mother country the newspapers are urging the development of trade with can ada and dwelling npon the excellence of some of our products there can be but one result and that is great benefit to oar farrnera eipoctally tbe question has frequently arisen whether a liquoraeller who has been de prived of his license by the opposition of an fndividusl or of a munioipal oounoil a t as a l ha a legal aotion for damages against those who prevented him from seonring his license persons have been deterred from protesting against the granting or renewal of a liquor license for fear that by so doing tfaey might expose themselves to an action in court a recent judgment rendered by the british house of lords settles this point we quote the following on monday in the case of boulter verads the jaitloes of kent a decision was given whioh re- heves objedtora to lioenses of a great diffi culty mr boulter a working man in uqverhad adrinkflhopqaeftqhjidepf mrs wm eitohiug was seized with a stroke of paralysis on monday night august 0th and is in a oritioal condition at present it is hoped sho may bo restor ed to bealtb again during the thunder storm of last tues day mr jas gordon had the misfortune to have his barn struck by lightning and burned to the ground together with hie hay wheat barley and ryo also his binder a new wagon bay rack mower road oart cutting box and fanning mill his loss is very heavy but will be partly covered by insurance in tbe hokon farmers mutual insurance co miss long of toronto is viaitiug at mrs wm laingatbis week the pnblio sobopls reopened after the summer holidays on monday audi onoe more- we seethesoholars wending their way to the house of instruction in the mornings some sneak thief is suspected of taking a horse out of mr david agnews field at knatobbull on thursday night aug 5th no trace of the horse has yet been found tho party giving information as to his whereabouts will be rewarded the horse was a bay with a bare spot on left shoulder miss e laing spent sunday with her mother mrs wm laing she left for winnipeg yesterday miss annie daniel uf a lu vis at tbe home of her sister mrs herbert fletcher mr and mrs eobt akin spent- sunday with their son in erin village v 4 yearn dawflona golden chaft 534 baa 3 s bno karly hud cjowboii- fiftb 681 v eryptlau c03 giu barlypoiiioo qlivnt 01 070 rpllablo a 601 goidoiidroiv l0 575 imperlai ambori wa auhoughtho comparative order of thpse bovph varitiea is npt the parno in 18p7s in the average of four years still the fact thflt they givo tho- largoat yields iu both oaaeo amonfl tl thp variotfeg testod ja a very important foaturo in thb experlmoutv land upon which peas were used as a green manure in 1801 produced a gopaifjer- ably larger yield of winter wheat par acre than similar land upon whioh rape or buokwheat had been used as a green man ure or whlah had bean worked as a have butnmer fallowv this experiment vyaa oonduoted in duplioato but for only one year it ia being repeated this bo aeon in a similar way large plump seed sown in tho auturnb pf 1800 produced 3jj baahola per acre more tharrthosmahplumpscodo 45 bashels- per aoro morp than shrunken scod and 423 buehnlfl per aore moro thuu the ebed whioh had been brokon with the raaohine in thrashing the same number of winter wheat grains wero used in the different sel ections and tho experiment was conducted in duplicate in the average of four years experiments in outting two varieties of grain at fio different stages of ripening tho reaulls show that thegrain cnt boforo maturity does not give aa largo a yield as that which whioh was allowed to become fully ripen ed the details of this experiment can be more fully studied when they are printed in the annnal report of the college for 1897 the avorago results of au experiment conducted for five ycarb in oucoeseiou in sowing winter wheat at different dates in tho autumn show that the beedingb pf soptcmbor 3nd and 3rd gave 3i of a bushel more per acre than the beed logs of september tho 7th and9tb and7j buehots jeruore rnurethan the aeedings of beptembur 17 tb and 20th it is found that it ib not usually advitmblo to sow winter wheat in the vicinity of guelpb tutor than soptcmbor 0th rnkvention of smut ik wheat an experiment in treating seed wheat forthe prevention of emat hab been bon- daotod for two years with quite satssfac tory results infected seed wheat not treated for smut produced a crop contain ing an average of 2140 bmut balls per bushel of grain while that treated with potabbium snlphide produced an average of 100 balls of am at that treated with cop per sulphate 12 balls of bmut and that treated with hot water 0 balls of smut per bushel ot grain tho hot water treatment whioh is ono of tho cheapest and moat efleotual remedies consists in immersing beed wheat for fifteen m inn tesiin-bot-water- at a temperataro of 182 degrees f tbe water should nbt go bolow 100 arid not abovo 185 degrees not only is the hot water treatment very effeotual in killing tho emot pores but it frequently improves the productive power of the seed as shown by the increased yield of grain per acre every farmer iu smut infected districts should treat sufficent seed to insure the harvesting of clean grain for seed noxt year t distmbtjtidw of seed foh te9tiho puiirobes the- following three g of wheat 7800 given away teeming with grateful aoknbwlodemonta of benefit derived from uml permnnent ourebeffootod by tho up of dr wlliums pink pjllflfor palo people it iri qiiito within the mark to ay that there ia no othejr medioinoofforedlhepublic that oau at all compare with dr wihiatna pink pills and there ja not a corner in ihiswido qorainionirinvhioh their virtuoa have not been proyed acure whiphreceutly ctvitio to tbeknowledge rta reprejiehtlutlve of tho fierflhl is deborving df being widely known it is an instance of heart troiiblo that baffled tho skill pf a number of pbybiciane sorne of whorn poiuvoly refused to treat the patient on thp ground that it was no uso the subject of the afllibtiou referred to is hie wife of a highly reapnoted and wolutodo farmer in the township of logan noar the village of dublin mr and mrs thoa green are firm believers in the efficacy of dr williams pink pills and for very good reasons mrs green has buffered everything but death from a weak hpartjlipirpublo lmviinjituioteiihpr sinco arlytchildhood onttqvernlticoaeion3 has boon so low thatit was not thought posbiblofor her to reoovor hor great oat trouble of ton aroso f rom -exhaustion- or a budden start and at such times her heart seemed to cease its throbbing and the breathing was fitful and labored doctors medicine beemod to have no efleot what ever she was advised by ono phyetoian that all that could be dono was to keep her strength up and it was with a view to strengthening her system and with no hope that her heart would bo benefited that sho bagan tlio use of dr williams pink pills she had not been taking them long however when there was an qntnisi takeablo relief from the troublo that had made her whole life miserable daring the past bummer sho has used- pink pills freely and baa enjoyed better health than for many years before and has been able not only to do her household work but also many of the out door eh ores that fall to the lot of a farmers wifo tho different physicians who hayojlroated her h fro- quently told her husband that thoy woald hot be surprised to hoar of her death strap y moment but she is today a strong woman enjoying better health than she baa done for years both mrs green and her hus band feel grateful for iho groat benefit btae has received from tbe ueo of dr williams pink pills and spare no words inaonodidg their praises to everyone who enquires what has wrought euoh a wonderful change in mrs greens health and spirits in cases of paralysis spinal troubles locomotor ataxia aciatica rheumatism erybiptlas scrofulous troubles etc dr wihiams pink pills are superior to all other treatment they arp also a speoifio for tbe troubles whioh make tho uvea of sd many women a burden and speedily restoro tbe rich glow of health to pale aud aallow checks- men broken down by overwork or worry will fled in pink pills a certain euro sold by all dealers or sent by mail pobt- pfiid at 50o a box or six boxes for 8250 by addressing the dr williams mcdioine company brdokvillo ont or schenec tady n y bpwaro of imitations and substitutes allogod to bo just as rood 7 pieces 12 inch dressgoods grey and fawn mixtures regular aoc lor 10c 12 pieces 42 incheswiclc nil wool pre3 goods in grey btack and white mixtures regular 50 go and 75 25c 7 pieces 40 inch silk mixed iirochc canvas cloths regular 60c for 25c w3csh qoqds 7 pieces sillfwnrii dresden organdies regular 50c for25c y 5 pieces light ground organdips newest designs regular 25cfor 15c piticfcsilk striped lineqgrass cloth regular 30c for 2cq 7 j pipceslappet laco rind- linen- batistes regulai 25c for 15c 1 13 pieces real scotch zephyr ginghams splendid quality newest patternsridxolors7crprnlar7r5crforipc 15 pieces splendid cylon l regulari5cfori6c h pieces 27 inch bedford cortl skirting regular ige fori2jc 5 pieces 36 inch white cottonsplendidbuality finished sbft for sewing icachinc regulanoc jor special bargains in table linens to welnngsj arid parasols 4 pieces bestquality feather proof tichings regular 25c for 20c linc twilled bleached sheetings vortfi30 and 35c for 15c in 5 yard ends 68 inches wide it would take paper to enumerate alnhe special bargains we havo to offer just now best way is to see for yourself- genpiheplcnsure in showing you moneysaving chances whether you want to buy crnot jlt our glotmng store we offer a line of boys three piece suits neat grey check tweed extra well made and trimmed regular 8325 for 8250 a suit a line op youths suits long pants sizes 31 to 35 very- latest patterns dark and light checks extra well made and trimmed regular 8425 for 8338 mens all wool dark tweed suits sizes 3o to 42 made up in very newest style with firstclass trimmings regu- jar 80 goods jonsss to parsons who makq tlio groatoat number of wordu out of tlio plirobo patont attorney wortdorbiirn for particulars addross tho national ltocordor wasblugton d c wanted men and womon who ceia work talking and writing 31x hbiira daily for six uayia wcok and will bo oontont with tpn dollfcra woek- ly asdrobb v new idka8 co -modwlhullflintftorodto0iit- most of this well take youh spare tim men womon to coaduot bublneaa at jjomo workria btmplo writing and topyioa list of addroaaos received frbur local adyoruntngcto bo forwarded to us dalli no canvaiilng no provtoua tfxuorlobcetdffuirod but plain writers preferred pormanont work to thoao content to oarn sb or moro weekly in sparu timo apply to waiuien pub co london ont agents splendid range of mens black sateen shirts at 53c equal to anything offered for 75c mens white dress shirts pure linenfronts strong cotton reinforced bodies all sizes special at 50c mens black and brown fedora hats latest styles pure silk bindings leather sweat bands special at 81 balance of nil summer goods such as straw hats light weight clothing bicycle suits hose neglige shirts c mustbe cleared at once prices made todo it quick 1 second edition quoou victoria oxhustod jublloo odltion onprcbb best history of tho 8 a eon and victorian era pulilibhod tho only anadlanwork acoeptod by hor majesty bales unprocodon tod knock tho bottom out of all rocords canvaubera scooplaa in money isvon boys and girls soil it fast ihr comtniislon or straight weokly balary after trial trip the bbajjleyaahbetson co tdmltod torontoront acton civic holiday a the zieglerhinch co guelph- proo l757vc75tr o n why not gfrasp this great opportunity to ket the balance of our spring and summer goods at less than the manufacturers prices we intend to clear out our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dress goods-at- cost all summer wash goods at cost prints at cost and less parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffs gloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety fine highclass tailoring we still hold the lead in this and why wegive the best fit best a great spectacle the proposed reprod notion of a portion of her majestys great diamond jubilee procession in london with ceremonies in front of st pauls cathedral and immense bis house at the licensing sessions he succeeded in getting one license withdrawn but was defeated on appeal to quarter sessions he was thereupon aadcued with costs with the assistance of frisnds he carried the oase so far as posts were oon- corned tb the queens bench and to the court of appeal both of whlah decided against him the house of lords has now reversed the decision arid ordered his opponents to pay all oosts from the licens ing sessions upwards hen oef or ward no one need be deterred by fear of costly litigation from objecting to the renewal of pobliohouse licenses witness rockwood mr j gars tang section boss at book wood fell while working on an embank ment on saturday and broke one of hie ribs in the storm on tuesday 10th inst the barn 00 mr j gordons farm was struck by lightning and destroyed with all its contents the remaipo of miss garter who died suddenly last week were interred at guelph last wednesday the funeral took place from her ho rod in this village aud was largely aiteujetl three ropgh looking characters were in the village last thursday trying to dispose of several suits of olothss word to this effect was sent the chief of polloemtghelph anda man was aentoot but the birds had decamped they were caught on friday near eramosa it ia supposed bat they were in the recent raids on aoton trade men messrs j pas more and w garstang intend setting out this week on a wheeling trip through tbe states mr j 8 black of mltohell high sohooj was in the village this week mr a blaok parsed the primary ex ami nation this year he has been attend lag htrathroy high school owing to the inoonvlonoe of going by train to georgetown or guelph the public eohnol here opened on mon- day itev mr dow preaobed in che presby terian ohurob last sunday mr mp barry lost a horse laat week the aolm had been deeding hili and ha vlog poor sitwppjped over a baok waniyfeeihlgh qeorqetown tbe following from the waterloo chronicle will interest fams pnxss readers a quiet bus very pretty wedding took plaoe at the residence of mr joseph bingeman berlin wednesday afternoon 11th inst when his eldest daughter miss sylvia m bing formerly a tea in the harrlstpn high school was doited in mar riage to r d coutts b a principal of the georgetown high school only the immediate friends of the contracting parties were present and the services of bridesmaid and groomsman were dispensed with the bride looked charming attired in white muslin with silk sash and 0 wry tog in her band a beautiful bouquet of roses the nuptial knot was tied shortly after three oolook in the afternoon by rev w far- qubarson of claude brotherinlaw of the groom after partakibg of a sumptuous wedding dlnper tbe happy couple took the eight oolook train to spend their honey moon at different points of interest in tbe west the newly married couple have tbe best wishes of hosts of friends for a lqug and happy married life on their return they will take op residence at georgetown the second form examination at tho high bohool here resulted as follows form ii j cole e ourrie w b hsg- yard p 3 harrison j r kirkwood w mcgregor honours 7 part x form ii j p bellsle h i cooke j cree h kay a m mofarlane w n molean l m momumby a j shortill s snyder w h- fltawart e wilkinso part i with- out physics m b evans w e fife n given f j hill w b moore j wo tho r- aid georgetowns well kept lawns and gardens are a pretty sight just now tbe farmers are busy threshing to make room for later crops wheat aver age la very satisfactory yielding twebty- flve to forty bushels to the acre the hev c a wooky preaofaed in the congregational oh a rob last sabbath the high school students whose names were reported last saturday in tbe toron to papers- wear a broad smile of satisfac tion this week wheeling parties are making frequent tours to neighboring townr bnt report the roads rough in some lpoalltfes georgetown olainu another victory on tbe laarosse field of 0tp8sgainst bramp ton the glenwlhums band furnished the moslp aud the boys didj the shouting the ameer of afghanistan has itsued a firman forbidding bis snbjtcts to join tbe rebels who are now up in arms against iba indian go verbtnent varieties will bp sent free by mail in one- half pound lots of oacb variety to farmers applying for them who will oarefully test tho tbreo kinds in the set in which they choose and will report tho results after harvest next year the seed will bo sent ont in tho order in which tho applications are received as long aa tho supply lasts bet no l botno2 dawsons goldou chaff prldo of oononoo early goneaoo olaut dawaons golden early nod clawson poolo chaff sot no 0 dawsons golddn chaft now columbia tmporratahtuor 7 t each person wibhing one of theao sots should write to the epermentalist agrl cultural col lego guelph mentioning whioh set he desires and tho grain with instruc tions for testing and the blank form on whioh to report will be furnished free of cost to his address until tbe supply of grain for distributing becomes exhausted cazavitz agricultural collega dperlrhentaliat guelpb ang 14th 1807 late literarynews for a quartor a uentnry the canada presbyterian which was founded by mr c blaokett itobinson and brought to a plaoe of muoh inflnence by bis exertions hss been one of the foremost religious weeklies of the diamond the ueitmin- ster a monthly established a little over a year ago by rev j a maolonald- has already made a plaoe for itself as a journal of religious thought the announcement that the two publications are to bo con solidated and that tle westminster tho name cbosn for tho now paper ia lobo published hereafter weekly with one issue a inm f wi bo r with pleasure by all lovers of good read log the westminster and presbyterian have in the past given a healthy orthodox tone to the religiouspress tho new arrangement will give the presbyterian cburoh in canada the beat journal representing its varied interest that it has ever had it will be deserving of tho universal of the oh u rob ublorujt uf hiu during t jumm reign at the toronto exhibition from tho 80th of auguat to 11 th sept ia creating much interest throughout the dominion and thousands will go to toronto to ees it from all parts all the uniforms cob- tumes carriages and state hrnesd ie being brought from england and the actual decorations used in london tho attractions at the toronto fair this year will bo greater and better than ever the exhibits in all departments exceed any provious year tho illuminations will be grand and cost a lot of money it will bo erfl itlng oonol usiontotbejubi iee-yeaiy-and- wlll be well worth going to 000 the qsual cheap faros and excursions will bo given workmanship best trimmings and the largest and bdse assorted stock to select from we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices gents furnishings we always keep in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs etc in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the market also hard and soft felts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail to grasp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livest and cheapest store gibson millmrco roe block tusysim st produce taken in exchange gebrgetown every day bargain day here the wilkinson truss are you ruptured 1 ifbobottho lioat trnbb and jou jjrllljblways obinin- tho lioat rmulta tho wilkinson tiiusb wblcli una durod many can hkoly do u for you at tho oaino timo it la oomfprtablo ouy and baro to hold whon moporly adlualod full lidooiotliorsprlnb and l5ltl5 j lt trmaoa bioyolo suaponborlos bupportors oto oto call trtrexblbltlontlmo 65 york st b lindman proprietor toronto ont tlttloplllfl they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion arid too hearty eating a per fcet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tonguo tain in tho side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable s phi smaueoaer the annual report of mr thomas south- worth olork o forelry for ontario baa jnst been issnad and will be found full of interest to all concerned in tlio development of the natural wraith of the oountry as mr southworlh ia actively engagod in son neotion with tho recently appointed for estry commission whioh will deal in a ystematio and praotloal way with the qtlohtlou of reforestlnn waste land ihe pnient report dora not dear at any treat length wiih that important matter it premnts a oarefnl inthmary ofoilllnk oondltloni and rcqolromeut and clesrly eta forts tbe principal feature of the problem from the itandpolnl of tlio ulost oientlflo developments small price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills kanes hafr wa8tf tbe worlds best hair restorer restores gray hair slnpa hair falling cures dandruff and lichinir of the scalp promotes a new growth harmless l use no nasty odor not sticky or gresar only 100 perbottfeo botuet tbol flett at co druggists canadian agents 602 quean street west opp poi land st toronto we pay express on0 bottles cut till out and call on us when it town a leading feature of the toronto industrial lixhibition will bo the magnificent exhibit ofbell pioslos in tho music pavilion- hear their wonderful tone see their exquisite casing made and guaranteed by the largest makers of pianos iji canada the bell organ anifviano co limited shop filled with ains hundreds and hundreds of pairs of 8hoes ah on tables i table at 60c i tableai99c i table at si25 we over to pembers eeair gbbods and turkish bath establishment 127 129 and 778 yonqe street toronto in five years we have established tho largest business in our line in canada wo do not peddle our goods all over the country bat it will pay you to send for bno of our catalogues and if you send sample of hair we ruarnnteoperfecl satisfaction equal to your personal selection when visit ing torontos great fair do hot fail to inspect our immense stock- excel lent workmanship and lowest prices is our motto we guarantee nothing but the finest quality of hair used switches bangs waves and all kinds of head coverings cut out this ad and send by mail or present when purchasing and you will receive io per cent discount peinbers 127 and 129 yonge 8t toronto whoroaa it boa beon tbo oustotu or many years to sot apart a day for civic xiol iday and whoroas many citieooabnivo oiprosiod a deatra ttiat theouatom beobsorvod this yoar as natul i horoby proclaim jionday 23rd august a civic holiday for tbls mnniolpallty in accord- auco with arosolutlon paasadat thu seislon of tbo municipal council tbla evenlnff and ifonld rospeotfully request that all olttsoni obiorvo tbe oamo ik wh denny council chamber iloovo pro teni august flth 1897 afitan liglnsry mrs 8- r08zell having pufebasedthe acton laundry is anxious to make it a success our work has been well received and wo thank those who have favored us with their patronage we havo the capacity for filling many more orders satisfactorily and solicit general patronage prices reasonable laundry in cooks former stand the j n stinson store rockwood we will make to your order any of ou 81560 suits for 12o0cksh thjs month order your fall overcoat now s15 oo coat for 1100 shoreys rlsby rainproofed fri ul x in olive mix brown faun claret and oxford gray 51 to 54 inches long with 6 inch collar 5 pockets and throat tab with wont come off buttons can be bought retail in every town and village for j l 700 j4esn ymsmi cleir elands run easier wear betterandsfcll better than any other bicycle this staunch true wheel is cash store just opened opposite h the dominion iiotll brand new goods v dry goods orpceir7eiv crockeryware etc bought for spot cash and will b s 7- 1 ii- i h a lozier co vtorpnto agent a tibrovyn aoton m jj a ataiiaaaiitial aaa fwvsfsf vvypyvvw iih0shhr- iwi- i right prices give us a call and see roods for yourself terms cash orproduce acton ontario obkej lla vlbtoila hr ss5 diamond jnialeao papt 880 dewbom ifcxwsso vkit

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