Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiii no i acton ontaeio thtjrsdat august 2i 1897 price tneee cents ib pudl1bhed- evbrv thursday morning at the froo rrcsbstcam lrintlngoflleo mill bthdet aoton ont tensis of sudaoiiiption ono dollar per year btrlotlylq advauco all bubbcriptiona discon tinued when tho tlmofor wbioh thoybavo boon paid bos okplrotl tho da to tp which every aubsariutlou is paid is do no tod ou tho address label aptbbtiafwa iuteb tnsiont advertise ments 10 oemta per nonpareil lino for first in sertion ftootita per lino for each aubaoquont usortlon oontiuot iutkb tho following tablo bllqwb our rates for tho insertion of advurtlsomonta for spoclflod poriods days bookstore 1iil -thb- ibadrslbankofcanaoa jotrjj tub village church anon jyn 0 no auo 1mo 80ldobfl 10 inohea sirohol 1 luah eeooo 39 00 90 00 600 s35 00 woo 19 00 3 60 moo 19 00 700 300 7 00 300 j 100 advertisements without snoolfto directions will boipiortd till prbld and charged accord ingly transient ftdvertibonjonte muflb bo paid n advance advortlsenoita will bo changed onoo each month if doolred for ohngoa of toner than eucoamonth the composition must bo paid for at rogulai rates changes for contract advortlsomontb must be n tbo office by noon ou tuesdays account payable monthly hpm0obe editor and proprietor susinm jbiratorp mfsdjcal t p uren m d 0 m otqao and roeldonco cornor mill frodorlck st root apton new pkesbyterian hymn book big lot received at days bookstore prices from 8c to 1250 we have an extra supply day sells cheap as eclioth m d m- b acton qluduall tojionto university offioeuln street thltd joor iiouth ol rroflbytorlan cburob aotoo d k drydln eyh a tlinoat xnd nosl mclean a block douglas fit noar r 0 ouelph office hoiwb 10 a m to lpm aud j to 6 pin sdndath io a m to 1 p m vete surgeon lfrdd p husband v s graduate of the ontario veterinary college honorary mornoor of tho vo tor i nary medical society office wm husbands lot 31 con jnobb- ogawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dental t l bennett lds dentist xj oeonoetown ontario dr f e merger dentibi graduate of toronto university and rpds offlco over drug store acton vibitikqdatstiiuiibdayand fridat jm bell dd s l d s f bnookvizl lionou graduate ol toiionto university work made saulifactory fricos modorato vlbltdia dayb tuoaday and friday of oaob week d l g h cook dentist cor college st and bpodina avo touonto will vlfit acton on the qrat and third satur day of each mootb office agnows hotel m clean mclean barrfaterbboualtors notaries conveyanconi 0 prlvatsfundstoloan offlco town hall acton wit a molxax jko a mclean stewarts sterling home remedies 1 ho most rclnble house hold remedies on the market stewart werrn pewders differ from other worm powders inasmuch ns they are readily taken by children are absolutely noninjurioutand effect ually kill and dispel tho worms 25c a box sent by mail on receipt of price authorized capita 1000000 cuelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received on deposit and highest current rate of mleest paid or compounded half yearly deposit roooipts lbsood for largo sums deposited advances mado to responsible farmer a ot their own names 1 no ohorfiq made for collecting 3a1es notes if payable in guelph a goneral banking bbaineas transacted i p ii jones manager stewart manufacturer of stewarts sterling homo itomotllcb 1 89798 inhli prp6rs- styles and prices to surprise you off japanese matting matting that was 2oc now i6c a yd 25c now 20c a yd 30c now 24c a yd 35c now 28c a yd its all your way theres nothing in it to us we simply must clear by sept ist youll be sure to want to cover one floor anyhow let us figure the cost j m bond co hardware guelph satisfied customer frames pictures artists upplies headquarters for presents c d odgla8 dmdrkay bahiuhteiib somgitou notables etc orriobi l296quc victoria ob ambers 6i victoria bt telcbbodcikff tqbonto joitn dovohb a g mubbat a j mackinnon babiusteb soucitob convetancen onicemltl 8trwetrin alattbotrs block upstairs g mitheson a j b mcleod i arblbtebfl soucipobb convbyakcehb goorgctown and bill ton monoy to loan at lowest rates t r j monabb clork fourth dlvlalon court county ol hal- oncovoynoe4bol itoaltato agent ftlonoy to low ptc acto 0 miscellaneo vs flenb gbibi ottawa canada solloltor ot fltorju for invention oto propro anplloatlona lor iho cnaillan amor- lenvandburopon patent ottlom and lor tuo tofriixrvtlon 0 trade maria bond for pam- ujlot iblrtttiro yoa oiperlonco b1ranoib ntlnan bookbinder wyndbambt qnolpb ontario otor w store aooount books of all kind mado to order lorioaicalooyerydocrlptlonoarolullylouna rolilipneatltn proroptly dono tvflabbiage licenses k p moobe lnmryn or uaiuiuaa liornseo rrlotoolo mowltnomobroqulrod imuod at roiidenoo in the ovonintf freo pro oflloo aoton jutoisey faduer8 ii jouwlah to rodnoe y or aaour a nrafcolaia lotn of rnonoy at low lntcnat apd n ay tonoa of ropavinont sail on 3 i makoa poolalty of londloo rth liaro plontyoltund 1 aleo lenil on yllfaio dre w c jackson cokvxrahoain amd moxav lbubkii orrioa wyoju gtnear city ball oubmh wullngton mutual fire insurance company httabubbbd 1610 tnsulianoe on carttand mutual plan any i ooinmanleatlom forwarded to my ad fro bo 6m or ttlophono m will bo promptly at- tended to john taylor ant rm hbmstbbet iitmaid adotioi ndirasthtfi lowjalrat 2un6fmoaiid pward mfr5eafts83fil opjpriingr fai finn offlco aoton waters bros 8t oeobabs sqttabb guelph we keep things moving by keepln things that move a stupid fellow who guages the quality of boots and shoes by the price has no busi ness to be married yet one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself and the children from another firm beeause they charged more for them and they must therefore bebetter his better half bought several pair from us and several from the other house and showed her hus band they wer id being everr m facturedby ho same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can be when he really tries the lady of the house gen erally knows where she can get the most and tho best for her money and if you were to ask the ladies of acton the question where can i get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten would be at w williams our prices are hard to beat try us for any thing you want in our line w williams mill street acton georgetown electric works tj 8pbiqbt proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams pipe and btoam fitting and general repalr- lnff being onuippedwltn a aaabrestng machine 1 am prepared to do braalng on bloyole franiet etc wheeli contartwrfrom direot to tangent hnokm iianaieiiinm full lino of spokes kept in lock satlefaotion guaranteod uloyclaa enamelled id any color t 3 speight georgetown acton livery bus line tbe underaurdodrspwunlhrioileltauiepatroa aca of the pnbllo qd informs them tnat well equipped iiiiiiatynih rlgi can al way b 8oiarad at his stables a ooiufprtabla bus meets al trains batman 9vani and fclfl pm cartful attstttfoniiytotaeyaryoraer tbe wenta of oosamarejal timvel- lera fully mat john waltams pjaoraiaron fallterm guelph business gollege wh1 commence sept iat circulars free t sham jprthaipml is our bebt adveriibc ment we hac nnny satis fied customers in acton who will be pleased to tell you about the kind of clothing we make ask ihem you ll know them by their clothes if you have never had the pleisurq of wearing stylish vcll fitting clothes let us make your fall suit we can pcabc you shaw turner merchant tailors guelph ouelph cloth hall cash store just opened opposite the dominion hotll brand new goods in dry goods groceries ojimikejrvfwareaetc bought for spot cash ind will be sold at right prices give us a call and sec goods for yourself terms cash or produce jcmcbeath acton ontario w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont mill a specialty of machine finished book papers iiioh ouade wekk1y news tbo paper used in this journal is from tbe sbovetnul wis baeber a bros the j- im stinson store rockwood we vul make to your any of ou j15 oo suits for 1200 chsh this month order your fall overcoat now 15 00 coat forth 1 00 i a genu for queen victoria her reign and lllamond jublleo overflowing with latest ab1 rlob contains tbe endorsed biogranby ry omr l aeeount or jse only vj0d imtlr with authonwo history repihble reign and lull account of tl and lull aeeount of tbe dia- big book tramen- r agents coramls- mte oanticrtdit jriveu trelgbt paid 1jit duly paiii wrlu xuiok for it and wrritorf thb domin16n com- y dspt75 dearborn bi n ill r iui1 souiowbatas vagrant winds waft in thti frag raucaof tbo rdso orplcacdof bunahinofillda tlio path that loads tli rough drifted buowb tbo memory of tbo tlmo ooiucs back o or wabto iniidiof tlio iittot wliou cloujo aboutour early wajs no tuarriug hbadqw cast aud mora than all tbo sunday morns in eum morglory fair wbjii jnotber sang tbo old llwo lijinns and attior lod in prayer sow vividcounos tbo picture of tho oburcb and viuoko folk tlio solemn lllug down tbo alglo tlio lioor of hjuiijiub oak r- tho uetichtb rode with ocouiiants from all thp country sldo thoruatfalovorb toutlor looks that baebfulnors j wqtaldhido wi1ii0 through tho windjw meadow scouts camo on tho mording air viiorobiotbor bang tho old time hymns and fatherlodiu prayor out in tho gra vo ward oacb whito tomb loomed liko alioury bead thauoarby brook eaug tirolosaly to choor tho droamloaa dead vvon the hillsides ono could boo whoro bblm moriugauuhoams lay and buttorllicb boomed llowora a wing tho laisy cattloitray aiid up to god wont thankful praiseit welled from ovorywboro as motbor bids tho old tlmo bymus and father lid in prayor- 0 chqrob among tlio circling bills by well nigh all forgot 1 o oloo tbntsaubold happy day as batnts i thought could ntft 1 o fllro who litd your ebaro of woo but walked tlio ways obscure iu ptioncq and with dauutloss breast with thoughts and motives pure it i could but be young a day and speud that day back wliora my mothor rang the old timo hymns and father led in iiryorl ouuly refrained from an curious investiga tion of hi a small band satchel and only searched one coat pocket till eho found a letterdirected to mil alllfcilt hutgiiinhon alton i box 31 mioh mittio wrote a letter to tho box describ ing mr albert hutoblnsons ore strait no answer came and then other letters wore taker from tho popket and were found to be directed all over tbo country always to mr albejcllhiucbjtibottwhohad evi dently been upon an extendexranmrner toor in was irapobbible to gueaa where in ell tbia variety of location the home of tbe wanderer might beaud bo miss martha pat the letters back saying if he dies mattie i epoao well have to roflj some of those letters to find his folks but im not going prying luto them until i caut help myself but mr albert hutohinson did not die yery slowly he won his way back to health and in his convalescence opened a new world to mattie he was au artist be told her add he had been on a ekotobing toar sending his papers by mall to his studio in new york where a brother artist took care of them he talked of books of life iu switzerland farip london vienna homo till th girl felt atirrln in hoarfrftoa jvliss jvcirtha s tramp jit cluillkri ii nillev iln certainly is a tramp or a peddler i win oli over bo is 1 wont have hira intide tho galop 1 he looks ttrod auntie 1 mies marthu pitcher sorewed her lips up tightly and looked at her niero and name saho with a withering expression now jtattio eho said severely i wont have it i livery ttmo a tramp oomes by jougftlum milk or bread or some thing and as for those horrid peddlers hero m 18 juarthae breath gave out little itfanje shy timid blueeyed and pretty as a wild rose colored a little and then said i dont thiuk wo are any poorer anntie for tbo little we give away well it ia yours do as you please i for little mattie waa tbe owner of tbe farm and a very small income although as she was only aoventeen her aunt man aged the household as she had while her brother lived and mr potter tbo lawyer of arrowdalo was guardian for the small property mattfeb father had left her itrwbfroroof miss marthas pronlianties to lay down the law to mattie very em phatically as to the child eho bad brought p up from a baby and then suddenly re membering bat tho girl was really tbe owner of the plaoe so retreat as above described from ber position and little mattie submitting in all things to her aunts dictation took the permifsion grate fully never asserting herself as owner or mistrebb in tlio present instance she said wist fully then i way ri him eome milk if he asks for ttv oh hell ask fast enough 1 he is open ing tho gate now gracious mattio he looks like a brikand i sooh a beard for a civilized country i it was a vory handsomo beard it mibb martha had only had the taste to admire it tho noflo above it was handsome too so were the even white teeth under tho heavy mufcaohe and tbemargq brown eyes half hidden by the broad slooob hat he was dusty feat not ragged and his flannel shirt had tbo collar turned down over a ioobo black tio hidden to be sure under tho cnrltnjraqbnrb beard mat ll tripping lightly down tbe garden path to the gite was rather started at the tone of tbe high bred vpioe that asked can i get lorao innoheon here i can not find any tavern or hotel on the road ob no i mean ea said mattie blushing furloubly under the gaze ot tbo soft brown eyee 1 mean she said recovering her com posure there is not any hotel wlthiu three miles and you can have booio innoh eon with pleasure if you can wait half an hour we cm give you dinner for that this was no tramp mattie saw at once though she bad seen little of gentle men excepting farm hands at respectable distance from her maiden domain thanks 1 i will wait with pleasure it i may rest on your porch i am very tired he btepred wearily and slowfy to tbe porch and sat down upon the chintz cov ered big arm obalr with a sigh ot relief would you like a glass of milk now mattie aake d i ehould indeed very mouh but when the milk osme in a pretty glass goblet npon a dainty oblna plate it was jane tho servant girl who brought it mattie suddenly shy was setting the din nertable wilb clean cloth and napkins trrnhho bestobina qrsofoo0 mattie i whatever are you doing cried mill martha coming in the room hasb anntie i be is a gentleman and he is oomlng in to dinner but when dinner was daintily served tbe gentleman was found to have faint ed miss martha who reveled in aiok nursing was all energy bhe got the oamphire ind smelling salts loosened tbe necktie helped jane to carry the in- valid iuto tbe large cool parlor and put him on the wide oldfashlond sofa it waaalonglmonslbility so long that tbe women be 0 a top alarmed and sent hiram the oow boy to arrowdale for the doctor before tb threemile ride was accom plished and tbo doctor arrived tbe unin vited guest had passed from insensibility to deltrfuni and the doctor proboanced lb ease a pirllal 1 a u stroke for two wtj mies martha- nursed the stranger as fail bf oily i if ha bad been of ber own mo bringing mm book from 1 the very oonflnea of the grav bbe scropol- brain a longiug so intense as to be painful for some knowledge of this new world of art and letters of which she had never heard there was nothing spoken between tbe two of a sentimental nature but mr hutohinson finding tbia eager youug in tellect grasping all he put before it tlked as bo ha 1 never talked before with the keen pleasure of imparting knowledge where every word waa treasured and valued it was a great void when ho waa fully recovered and went away he paid mibb martha liberally witb most earnest words of gratitude for bor oure of him but when he was gone mattio wonld not look at the roll of creenbboks flushing hotly as she eat j i am burb he was poor aunt martha put the mouey away i hate it 1 but she was restless and craved books out of her reaohj opp to study and the life of travel and otilturo that seem ed far removed from ber it seemed to her only natural when a tremendous change osme tbo re had long been a talk at arrowdale of ooal in the vicinity and about six months after mr hutoblnsnns departure experiments were made that proved pitoher farm to bo a groat coalbed mattio who by ber fatherd witl was of age at eighteen fonnd herself an heiress her guardian a man thoroughly honest be came ber agent and smiled approval when she proposed to sell the farm and move to now york with aunt martha who was very much elated at the idea i can have good teachers there for a year or two and then i will go abroad matt 10 said when the plan was finally adopted ill never crojs the ocean aunt martha deolared but no doubt youll find com pany goigg and ill keep eome sort of a home warm for you till yon oome back now my dear algernon mrs mont rose said languidly to her son as he eoterod her apartments in paris 4 do show a little more interest in miss pi toners pur suits it was suoh a obanoe her consent ing to oome abroad withmo and she is so noh but drawled algernon caressing bis silky mustache she ia so dreadfully ener- getlo she tires me to death mailing abont that algernon aioutrobq had not at all eventb lost his powers of penetration mrs montrose bowever made one btren uonsreffort tomendmattors by pronqbing to leave paris at once and proceed to italy i think mattio said that i would like to stay a moathor two longer in parln but i need not detain you mrs montrose mrs cope has kindlyinvited me to join herparty t a letter crossed the ocean not long afterward to miss martha tome sentences ot which may be hero recorded wo will delay tbo wodding nntil 1 oomo borne auntie but tbat will be in a few weeks itmay bo tbat abort and i will return to europe noxt year but we aro cowing to you now ho la aux ious to sooyou and bo willing for mo to marry your tramp i never thought when- heleftiisr that in a straugo country wo should meet again and x bear from his own lips that b6 loved mo loug apo and was heart- brokoti when bo wont to book mo at arrowdale and found only a yawnipg coal pit i ilutltifl all right now auntie and i am tbo happiest woman in tbo world the cost of a college educa tion possibly the first qqeation which a parent just for fun i amy sure eho saw everything ia london and now sho is doing parib at a most tremendous rate by the way where is she v sho went to a private exhibition ot american artists with mrs cope and carrie yon know carrie is quite an artfet and she knows whero all the best studios and exhibitions are yea dear me mother i am denoedly glad you are not forever rushing about as girls do now adaye it is complete rest to corns in here after mattie pitoher and carriecope while he spake the two ladies named with mrs cope as chaperon were standing in a large wolliighted gallery wkero a few pafntiugs bung with wide spites between them inviting admiration or orltioism but mattie miss cope was saying the faoe and figure are a perfect portrait of yourself you look different too more childlike the expression is not so intel- leotoal but i am suro you looked just like that when ybu were very young 1 now mamma isnt ft like mattie think it is 1 was the quiet reply no 02 why carrie it is one of al hotchin sons pictures i wonder if be is in paris i cease to wonder cousin mar said a masculine vdioe close beside the group how are you i oh cad i what an atrocious batl 1 wont be oalled cod pouted mies carrie yes i will too i you may call ms cad for auld lang syne mattie lot me introduce my cousin sixteen times re moved my dear mr hutchinson but already mattfes hand bad been taken in a firm olasp and mr hutohinson was expressing his delight at meeting mi p and jpqnirlni marlba it was a delightful morning they sauntered through h gallery admiring the works of their countrymen chatting of old times planning a thousand excursions until mrs cope gave a d stnayed exolama- tlon over ber watoh and hurried down to her carriage tbe oopes have really taken possession of mattie said mis montrose a month later she is never here it is fortunate there it no son algernon yes but there is in artist fellow always with them a oou in or something wlllett says he is immensely riob and paints for love of it 1 dunt know myself whether it is miea cope or miss pitoher that is the attraaton but he is always dang ling after them ob algernon 1 bow can you let snob thing go on t why dont yoo exert your self and make yourself attractive to mat- tie 7 y u are tbo hainlsoraeat man in paris al thlsmiunte wdlirthe truth is rru ber mias mattie efiftito loos pon me isabdutoneremovs taraftmotf 1 oatinbt talk art or bmwmaiio which last remark oertaiuly proved a certain farmer who is by no means noted for bis resemblance to apollo has a son who possesses more wit than pedigree one day a stranger came to tbe farm and boo log the lad asked sonny wberes yourjather ip the pigpen was the reply- in the pigpen thanka and as the man moved in tbe direction indicated the boy eboated i bay 1 youll kuflw himrcaaflo hevgot a bat on tbey had been discussing the advance ment of eoleuoe 1 see it is claimed that they can get eleotricity direct from coal now suggested tho lawyer that wont do us any good returned tbe railroad manager i wo could get ooal direct from eleotrioity now we wouldnt bavo to worry about this strike deaf said the senators wife tbe papers are acousingyou of letting tbe stock market influenoe your vote it is not so roared the statesmen and be pounded the table with his fist all i have done in that direction was to allow my vote to influence my dealings in tbe stock market a little boy infe district school received his first days instructions aud before night lie had learned to spell ono word now said tho teacher jou can tell your grandmother bow to spell pig my grandmother knows howto spell it indignantly replied the loyal little fellow shes tcaobed school if she were a oung girl said the plump juryman with a metropolitan air jil would bo io favor of absesnog the dam ages which jou wibb but it seems to me that a widow is not entitled to quite so rauob for the damagu to her feelings by breaoh of promise i dont look at it that way at all said tbe long juryman with he red clay on his boots i take it that a wldders feelins ud be bnrt tbe wnst cause she realizes whats bhe is losiu overcoming an echo some years ago a remarkably fine eobo was discovered on a gentlemens estate he wae proud of it of course and excited considerable envy by its exhibition a re tired tradesman who owned an adjoining estate felt especially obagrined but was greatly encouraged by an irishman who went over the land with the hope of dis covering one somewhere he deolared himself successful in discovering tbe mpst wonderful echo ever heard and he stood ready to unfold his becret for a considera tion tho owner of the estate listened to the echo and although there was some thing peculiar about it be paid tbe mouey an afternoon was appointed for his friends to oome and listen to tbe marvellous die- oovery hallo 1 cried in stentorian tones the hibernian who had promised to find an echo hallo 1 came baok from the hill- slde how are you yelled one of tbe company and tbe eoho answered io a aus piciously different key how areyou v au went well nntil just bsfore retring one of tbe company putting his hands to his month cried out wijl yon have some whiskey suoh a question would disclose the character of any reasonable eoho it was certainly to much for the one which had been discovered on that estate judge of tbe surprise of tbe party when the an swer came back in clear affirmative tones thank you sor i will if you please thep fellow who had beensjtationed at a distanoe to inppty the place of an eoho has submitted to too great a temptation alphabetically arranged here is a list of foreign countries- to wbioh mr fieldings british preferential tarifl applies it is alphabetically arranged and is bandy for reference algeria argentina austriahungary belgium bolivia chili colombia corea coat a bioa denmark dominloa france germany liberia madagascar morocco muscat persia russia sahiado spain switzerland south african republic sweden and norway tonga tunis uruguay venezuela impediments to happlneea fudd there is no such thing as per fect happiness dudd for instance fudd- my in oome inoreases so rapidly that it is almost impossible for me to find avenues for its investment boston tranteript absolute certainty are you sure tbfs wheelman was riding faster than the law allows asked the judge absolutely certain replied the police man bpk it is possible to be mistaken on such a point not in this ease he waa going so last tbat ha kept ahead of lb brewery wagon whose driver was trying to ruu him down asks himself is one as to the rnt certain oslleges to which bo might be glad to send his boy be regards as dosed beoaobe of the expense in a general way tbe cost of a college education oan be easily settled certain colleges exhibit in their catalogues four flaales of annual expenses denominat ing thorn low moderate liberal and very liberal the same conditions obtain within the college that obtain oat bf tbe pollege i consider that for a boy otgoocfbabitfl of high aims appreciating properly tbe purchasing power of money this is a fair method of estimating what he ought to spend iu college add together tbe iee for tuition the feo for room and for board multiply the resulting bum by two and you have what it is beat for htm to spend it is best for bim to spend this sum to get tbe best out of tbe college to live tbe moat vital life in tbe college to have tbe largest number of interests to be the most useful and to form a oharaoter that shall fit itself most exactly and fully into tbe conditions wbioh he may be oalled upon to fill many a boy in college bpends very muoh icbb than wlat is best for bim to spend he is obliged to spend very much less yet it is far bettor for bim to eome to college and to be economical coonomi- cal even to th danger point of suffering a coixltaint iu tbo dajs of our graudpu that houorahlu bugr whoa bo happened to glanco o or tho uowq and of decency than noh to come at all not a few boys also come to college who bpend very much more than twice the expense lor the three fundamental elements of tuition rooruj and board the larger number of boe of lavish expenditures are gravely injured through these extravagan ces upon this basis which i have indicat ed one can go to excellent colleges upon sums not exceeding three hundred and fifty dollars and receive the largest benefits one can go to certain colleges and be obliged to spend at the very least three hundred and fifty dollars ono can get a first rate education at certain colleger too for as small a sum aa two hundred but the basis i have indicated contains the essential elements for making a judg ment the qu gallon of coat has relation also to tbo aid which the h igivf nta4imi man ot light purse and of heavy brain and also to tho opportunities for eeltbupport for every oollege has scholarships or aid funds which are grants made to tbe ubo of good btadents every college also 1b able to offer to oertain men means ot self support at this point the advantage that the city college enjoys is greatly superior to that possessed by the oonntry college i know not a few sttfdents who through the grants made by the college in thoshape of loans or gifts or throagh oertain work that the college pats into their hands are meeting all their expenses be it said too tbat mobt men of this sort are men of tbe largest ability and the highest promise in a word it may bo said tbat however worth educating or needy of education tbe rloh man may be and ho is wottb eduont- ing and bo needs education it is of tbe utmost importance for tho best interests of america that tbe poor boy of ability shall be educated mauy a oollege president stands ready to help the boy of strongbody of light purse of pare heart of good brain and of high purposes to an education a boy sbonld never give up tbe hope of a oollege education ou tho ground of povorty president cuaiilek f tuwinu in ifevitw of reviews a memory jingle the iowa slate liegister or some of its readers recently oalled for a copy of some rhymes containing tho names of tbe kings and queens of england in the order of their socooas w h t appeared in the press there seemed to be a demand for these rhymes and a number of answers were received some from per sons who copied them from memory show ing tbat there are eome who memorized tbe hoes for mental reference in their his torical studies tbe following arrange ment was taken from a volume entitled songs for little ones at home publish ed ia 1652 tub sovereigns ov end land first william tbo norman tben william bis son henry stephen and honry tben bichard and jobn noxt henry tbe third edwards ono two and throo and again after blobard throe henrys we see two edwards third iticbird if rightly i guess two bonrys sixth edward queen mary queen bess tben jamlo tbo scotchman then obarlos whom they slow yot rooolvod aftor crom well another charles two next jamlo tbe second ascended tbe tbrono then william and mary together camo on tben anne george four and fourth william all jiasbed and votorla camo may alio long be tbo last it is said this is the most condensed his tory of the rulers of england in existence many of our readers will be glad to boo it again even if they have seeu it before what is your preference the different methods ot dealing witb the saloon have been illustrated thus 1 twenty five rattlesnakes running through town free whisky 2 put tbe rattle- qnakeb in a box with twenty- five holes in it low licentie 3 stop up fi pt the botes tbe snakes all get oat through the other ten high license 4 drive all the snakes over into the next town local option 5 kill all the snakes prohibition how do prefer your snakes that altered the case kolulsohe zeitung tells the following anec dote when ken aud first cams as senator to paris from bis borne in the pyrenees be en gaged a room at a hotel and paid a months rent one hundred and fifty francs in advance the proprietor asked blrii if be wooldhave a receipt it is not necessary replied ren aud god has witnessed the payment do you believe in god sneered the host moat assuredly replied ren aud dont you nom monsieur ah said the senator in that ease please mak me dot a receipt i paperepbffer fouud nothing his blmplo old mind to loutubo for tho ads they were ada aud tbo nuv6 it was nows and tbo story ho road was not meruly a blind for a moau little ad to bo buoaking behind hut tbo journals uow printed so trick and do eelve one tbat really i m getting qui to loth to bollovo ouo for instance i pick up my dally and rood of a horrlblo outrago a dastardly dood i a wealthy shopkeeperla found in bis utoro assaulted and senseless aud batjiod in bis gore tho doctors in vain with bla fnjurim copo his friends aud relatlvoa glvo up all bono but hofpv wboromy feelings sustain a rovul- alou hes cured with three bottlue of kinnars emulsion u 1 turn nbora tbo poets their oiroringu bring i read noatb tbo tltlo a carol of spring how tbe daffodils bravoly are lifting tbolr heads and tbe snowdrops aud croc u bob start from thoir bods how tbo ant apple bloesoma aro scoutiug tho breezo aud the woodpecker banimors away at tho troor tbo rod broastod robin so ohoorlly twittors and now is tbo timo to tako catch pouuy bitters so im not mucli surprised whau a strlko in tbe mills turns out just a notice- of fait in tons ill la or to find that a trominont clergyman s trayor la auad fordo sobwludlore dahnfor tbo i loir and now my dear readors when i fool a doubt as to bow any articles gofug to turn out tbo rulo that i follow i ii quote you may uood it- i start at tho foot of tbo oolumn to read it l a w bulletin an old trick on an ohio railway train tho other day one oar was full of studente and au old oollege trick was successfully played tbe word was passed around and wlun tbe brakeman entered tho car one membc r looked at his watoh and not being satisfied with the result of the inspection asked tho brakeman what time it was the brakeman accommodatingly told thetnquirer whereat the seventy five mem bars of the oollege shouted in ohorus thank you kindly sir i tbe brakeman droppsd bis head and ro sneaked crestfallonly away amid the laughter pretty soon he oimo baok say said he if jou will play that ou tbe conductor i wont say a word about it the boys agreed to it vary readily and when tbe conductor entered he was asked the time of night he pulled out bis watoh and gave the hour to the inquirer tbankyoo kindly sir i shouted tbe boys in unison the conductor wilted and went hurried ly out he camo baok in half an hour with tho remark do you know what you made me do i oalled lancaster when i should have call ed logan and my bead aint exactly clear yet several years ago tho same triok was played at a concert givaa by a college olnb tbe director turned in his plaoe on the stage aud asked if some gentleman would kindly give them the time as tbey bad to catch a train a man rose in tho audience drew forth bis watch doubtless with a thrill of pride and told the leader tbo hour tbankyoo kindly sir i shouted tho boys and the man sat dowp as if he had been struck on the head with a maul young and old where should the lino be drawn when a man or woman ceases to be young and is to be numbered with the old we nen and hear a great deal that is ever suggest ing the question and almost as muoh tbat suggests the answer bht tho latter anggos- tion is so varied as to leave us in perpetual confusion to the young people grow old very soon to the old they remain yonng a a long time again porno people actually grow old very soon by tho time they aro thirty while others are young at sixty or eighty or as long as they live the lino will have to be a movable one one that can be adjusted to different mjivldusls and for eome individuals at different poriods of their lives the truth j a that men and women are always yonng as long as tbey continue to grow aud in tbat tho mind and soul control wbdo these con tinue to grow in the right way in the high tblogs of humauity the life ib young and even the body becomes more and more ex pressive and useful and as there ib no limit to the growth of mind or heart if properly used bo theao is no reason why we should grow old why bhould wo net bo as tho master ot whom it is ever baid thou habt the dew of thy youth two perfect colors found only in diamond dyes perfection in oolora or shade is bora to captivate the hearts of the ladies who are always unerring judgos the lovely pink produced by tbo dia- mouddyesisa discovery that has glad dened the hearts of thousands this dia mond dye fast pin for wool is clear pure brilliant and fast as a rook 6so package give a magnificent shade of pink on two pounds of goods bilk or wool a medium shade on three pounds or a light and delicate shade ou four pounds attention is also called to the diamond dye fast ltglft bins for wool this is a dye that gives a color far surpassing tho light blues produced by european dyers al 1 zl n ladies having soiled white or oream olrtetasefrtnohbonatorna cashmere nuns oloth bojls plmplee and eruptions scrofula alt rheum and all other manifestations of impure- blood are cured by hoods garsapa- rllla y or serge can have them died in rich shades of pink or light blue and fitted for even ing wear this making new dressed out ot soiled faded and oast off garments means a great saving in dollars to thou sands ot families n canada palette is in bard luak said ono artist io another how he painted a picture ot tbe grato in bis room and gotji so natural that a new ser vant he bad threw a souttleful of ooal through it mr natauel morton ion a wellknown oitlsen of isbpemlog mioh aud editor superior pontn who from the most exoru- olaing pains ot rhemstfsm was oared eigljyyears ago by taking ayers sarsapa- rllle having never felt a twinge of it woe v 1

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