Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1897, p. 4

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beautiful eyes grow dull and dim an tntfewift years ntcnl away jlcoutiful willowy form aoslim loc fairness with every tiny xjutfchc still i qucfannudjmlli ctuitniii t bpafe r who wears oulli corouul beautiful lialr preserve your hair and you prosorvo your youth a woman is as old aa bho looks says the world no tfoman looks as old as she is if her hoar has preserved its normal beauty you ooh keep hair from tolling out restoring its normal color or restore the normal oolor to gray or faded hair by the use of rayer haijr vigor what causes a cold nothing la moro common limn to hour tbe oold accueod of having provoked tho dlseaso known by tho baine mump an in flamtnullou of tho lungt an attaok- or evou nn opldeiinlo of diphtheria or grlppo how h it boon abfo to do thu surely it imb not oaubcd to epriug up roiily armed tho mlcrobea of thoao different maladies it lion only been able to fiivor their intcrvon- ion or thoir action the oold ddos not givettelojo miorobi but it benuraba and parulvzeatholhioooyto charged with oonteudlng against it various other oauseb may hiuder tho ac- alwnvft felt tired tion of the louoooytob jt la auutoleni iir bruiao- tho momber noar tho point where an inoculation baa been made to break a bono in tbe vicinity in short toglvo other work to the leucocytes who no at tho aametimo thapoiioo force and the btreelbweopora of tho organism charged withv making dia appcarall the dead or deteriorated olo- montb bat thoypanoqt dooverything at onoo and whilo tho aro working to repair the material ewaordera caused by tho coutn- afcro or the fractore the rniorobeb that they cailly onglobb in a hoaltfiy roombor got tho nppor hand bocftuso ihoy havo freo course i buffered with bevoro headache and ipsa ofunpetlto and 1 ulwuyb fait lircd j con cluded to try itooilti hiraeipurilln and after- taking one bottle tny hondiiohe disappeared j oonliuuod taking it until now i am never troubled with lioad nolle uud my appotito is good laura garland 217 olnromout st toronto orrt hqocla pilla aotoahily and promptly on tho liver and bowulu cure biuk hcadauho gurumny coloring rl now rivalu vrunco in glaub thursday september 2 1897 she fjijmttg folks a ver bad case what la it alia my 401uo dear t im not quite sure i know sao very sloe and if abe dloa twill bo l fearful blow sliea got anunoula in bbr iuoru plumbago in bor back a tepid uvor and a eousb that keeps bor on tbo rack sboa got an ulater in bor throat and bunlodb onbor band ilor akullis preaalug on ber bralii twhlbavotobojapannd 7 i think 111 aoud for doctor jones and doctors pried and boll tbpyll holdacbnaolatlon then and may be shell got wbll f h stauppen edisons view of hohseless carriaqes a reporter of a dailypaporiuterviewed edison recently upon the aubjeot of horse- losa carriages hie opinion is that the problem reata on the constrnotiou of oheap- er and ligbter motors over 2000 map he aaya areat work in thia oonntry alono trying to invent better motors for horseless vshiotea hundredb of othera in europe are also engaged in tbe same task the automobile ia boandto be in general- nae before long take ihe bloyole for instance the high grade wheels whioh opat 100 todaywillin a few yeara at beat drop to iso and machines that oan now be bought for from mo to too will coat only j20 to 80 the same thing will be the outcome of tho experiment with horseless oarriagea- the motors now ooat from 8260 to i860 eaob the motors wilt also bo made smaller and can bo moro easily manipulated then tnoyolea and light road vehioleacan be pot on the market at a coat of 1100 to 1160 eaob a serviceable light vehiole to carry two or ovehfoar people can be made after the principle of the trioyole at a cost of from 1160 to 1900 in the oonstrootiorr of the motor there are three kinds of power to consider gas petrolenm and eleotrioity- kteotrioity should be the beat and cheapest the mosb anbceibfar autornbbilea made that far are those in whlob bleotrio motore are need thev can go twentyfive miles orxsore without being reoharged at the rate of ten miles an lionr delivery wag gons broaghams and all the heavier claas of vohfoleaoah be driven aa easily by a storage battery aa any otber kind if tbe battery la improved- anffloiently and that wtll nngaeakionahly be done there ahe others one of thoae men who labk only exper lenoe and knowledge to make them great oditoraaaid to an editor recently we cipeot the local paper to bay all of these good things about us it goes in to help fill ripthehewsoolnmns and the nawa la what vje bay tthe paper for very true says tho editor editorially bat did yon over consider that the anpleaaant tbinga the local paper might trnthf ally bay about yon bnt doea not would aell ten papers to the bomplimentary items ono we regret that human nature is built that way but it is nevertheless and the fellow making a local coactry newspaper in the little balli- wlk where everybody knowxeverybodyeleea bualnesa better than bis own finds it mnoh more difficult to determine what to leave out of theaheet than what to put in it thanks awf nlly for the anggeation yon mean woll but you dont know not an architect a contemporary reoently represented itobt- iogeraoll aa walking op to a large anolent atruoture shakibg hie fist at it pnlling offbia ooat and going to work to tear it down looker oh qpicg to tear the old thing down ingofsol yeat dont like the looks of it r looker on 8uppoao now instead of tefirnhieoldthinb do yon g tn work and pat up another to heat it and if yon beat it why than ill tnrn in and help y on pulldown thib one ingeraoll ob 1 lm no arohitect i it will be well forallwho admire inger aoll and the men of his makeup that it la one thing to tear down hut it takes an architebt to bnlld np good dinner tbe pie ball of the united states eeema to include wealern new york if we are to judge from a story related by an exchange a buffalo boy when asked id write out what ho considered an ideal dinner meno ovolvtd the following fur votm mlnoeplo second cortc pampklnple and tnrkey tmnt corn lemonpie tolw r fovrllt coni cuitardpip apnjeple ohopolatecako and i pluraptilldlng deiuwtj i v- pi what pleases a woman it pleases her to bo oallod a sensible lit tle woman it peaae her to ho called a wejl dressed- woman it plcasoa her to bo told that she l fas clnating it pleases hor to be told that bho im proves a man by hor companionship it pleasea her to depend on boras man and pretend ahe is ruling him it pleaseb her to be treated courteouely and with reipect andobftalked to rea- sonably itpleaseb her to bo treated benblblynud- honeatly to be conaulted and qneatloned and not to bo treated as a bnttovfly with no head or heart it pleases hor to bo loved and admired by a man who ia atrong enough to rale and aubdue her and make his way hor way to lead her and take care of ber communicating of maua self to his friend works two contrary effects 10 it reddubleth joya atid oattoth griefs halves not one obrnplaiut hab over been made by thoao using ayers sarsaparilla accord ug to directions furthermore wd havo yet to learn of a oase in which it haa failed to afford bonedt bo say hundreds of druggitb all over the country haa bored others will core yon with jouea are you bothered macb tramps on the farm t smith not ainoe i aaked tbbm into the harvebt field theyve- rather avoided mo eiuce avoid alcobolio preparatlona for the hair they injure itthalia hair benower oon- taina noaloohoi ita compononta are natur al food to produce healthy hair eameraldaho said hoarsely i am wait ing for your anawer oh forgive mo tom i wob thinking what were you thinking of i waa thinking how 1 would havo my wedding dress made dear dr lows pleasant worm byrnp re moves worms of all kinds from obildren or adults until the dieoovery of the gold minea in australia and canada buasia was the greatest gold prodnoing country mining about 113000000 a year asy to take asy to operate e peculiar to hoods pllla small to tclau thorough as ono man tuite taktoft pill till it ti nh orer aco at ilood co1 proprjctors lowell mass r xba only ptlla to taka wltli hoodi ewiawiu an old friend is like old wine wbiob when a man hath drank he doth not desiro ne4cflabq he saltb the old ia better bat every old friend wasnew once and it he be worthy keep the new one till ho beoome old unerarrts yclfow oil the great pain cure used externally cures rhenmatisni swellings sprains fardlies sliffneis pain and soreness ol every description internally used itooroacronp ontdflsorot1iroathoftrbenq08anttima bron- cttifl qainsy etc price 250 all draffgiets areviohiary a mining oimp in the andes has an elevation of 17050 feet hie wonder of the age dear sira i moat honestly say that i havo tired yoat valuable medicine b b b for the diaeise called prairie itch and have found this remedy to be the wonder of the age i took only three bo ties and to my great atisfaotlon was opmpletly cured i oan highly reoommond it to all who buffer from any skin distabe or imparity of the blood harold dix bat portogo ont threefourths of the earths sqrfaoe can not be oahlvattd on oeconnt of mountain ranges deserts swamps and tarren groand some persona have pariodiol attaoka of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea and have to use great precaution to avoid tbe disease change of water booking and green froit is bare to bring on tho attacks to fluoh persona we would reoorn- mend dr jd kellogud dynentry cordial aa being the best medicine in tbe world lor all summer complaints if a few drops are taken in water when tho aymtoms aro not no fnr troublo will bo experien ced tho two highest inhabited spots on earth aro areviohiary and muctpata mining oamps in the andes a subtle thief kidney troubles steal on one in- btdlouslyya sllffht cold- then copsreatlqn then inf lamination thsji t deadly malady brlflhte dtaease sputh american kidney cure la a kidney speol- flo it relieves in six hours end curdq never falls t mr james mobrlne of jmebtownont ys i bollevo sdath amerioin kidney care saved my life 1 was bo severely afflicted thai my friends had to attend me dally to take the urine from me mr aihllaoatoif ronic3ms oiffloer kwoitrdirfevbotwrno reoominahd thlfl spool 0tfpi tho grants 6 booub tiobj kwiji to aanerl0 hnraktilty for all effed vfflhklsk in juno 1815 1 waa attacked with in flammatory rhoumutiem with whioh i buffered undor continued tnodlaal treat- mont uvo montlih the ubi live weeks i wan hot ftblo to l out of bed 1 then bent for dr iuibted hia treatment gave rao imtrediutc rolie trl in fe diya i wan ut my work and i havo hud no rheum- atism bince hiuaii soitmuiuii- mel nt rs dec joth idt5 dr ilaluul b llhtumauc cure may bo had at the muucnl hiuljimn st mot ac ton whit did jour fuihtr leave ou wlicu lit diedipftt ho left mo an orphan a grtidiifttl nt toronto luicibit buys 4 chlldrou hive been treated wlth scotts dmuleion from tlieiroarliubt years 1 our phybioianiirbt recommended it and now whenever a child takes cold my wife immediately resorts to this remedy which alwaya efleotb a cure what ia a friend one who aupportb you and cures for you while othera do flot friendbhlp is the cordial drop to make tho janaequb dra of life rq down hollowuyb coru cure is a apeoiflo for the removal of corns and warts wo have never hord of ita failing to rcmovoevon tho worbt kind if you have weak back back backache lumbago or rheumatism doans kidney pills will cure you do your hands or pbbt swell ip so you iiavb weak kidneys doans pills will strengthen thbm have yoo dropsy kidney or uri nary troubles op any kind ip sq doans pills will curb you something worth knowing head aches dizziness friohtpul drbaris d1sturbe0 sleep drowsi ness poraetfulness colo chills nervousness etc arb often caused by disordered kidneys even ip your nertory is depectivb you should always rerieilber that doans pills curb all kidney trou bles am every dose helps thb curb sold at all druq st0rb3 that part of our hoblo friends that wc lovotb not that part wc embrace but that insensible part whioh our arms cannot embrace that hacking cough can be quickly oared by hagyarda peotoral baltmm prico 25a give until you feol it and you will feel more like living than yon did before oh i the misery mrs galbratth of shelburne ont wasagreatsufferer from indices tlon the bane of somany lives south american nervine releas ed its hold jt relieves in one day i was for a long time a groat sufferer from 1ndtgeation experienced all tho misery and aniioyanco bo common to this ailment i tried many remedies and bpont agreatdoal on doctors bills without re ceiving any permanent benefit i v strongly recommended to try 3outh am- erican nervine 1 procured fllttd utledti after using only two bottles i am pleased to testify that i am fully roetored toheauh and i have never had tho slightest indioa tion of a rot urn of tho trouble i reoom- raend it most heartily bold by a t brown the longest single arch in a atono bridge is 0812 feet over the kialto at venloo thoydoqood work the following letter tolls what peoplo think about laxa liver fills dear sirari gladly tohtify to the virtues of laxu liver piuu i ubed to bo troublod with aovere hoadaohoa and constipation for a long time and took theso pills hoping for a euro and my hopes were rapidly fulfilled i have fouud them a never failing remedy and heartily reemmend them bigned miss 8 laweon monoton n b vou cant g losing flesh under ordinary con ditions without the knowl edge that something is wrong either with diges tion or nutrition if the brain and nerves are not fegv they cant work a if the blood is not well supplied it cant travel on its life journey through the body wasting is tearing down scotts emulsion is building up itq first action is toimr prove digestion crcatean ap- petite and supply needed nu trition book fcee scott u hownl- ucltcvlllcoiiu when all tbinga elee are ejiaal prefer an old friend before a now mr thos ballnrd syracuao n y writes f have been eftliatcd for nearly a yearavlth tlnt mosttobedrendedinoabo dyspepbi nud at limes worn out with pain and lcsu of deep and after trying almost everything recommended i tried one box of tarmeloes vcgctabo vin i am now nearly wolj and beliovq they will core roe i would hot bo wiljioth them for anymonoy pember ilair cxoods and turklslr bath establl shment 127 120 and 778 yonqe street toronto in live years vc have established ihe largest liusiness in our line in camilla wu do not pcddloyur goods all over the country but it will pay you toicnd for one ol our catalogues and if you send sample of hair wc kuvinteu perfect yatisfact ion cual to your personal selection when visit ing torontos circal lair do not fail to inspect our immense stock- excel lent workmanship and lowesi prices is our motto we guarantee nothing hut the finest uaiityof hair used- switches bangs waves nd nil kinds- bf head coverings cut out tliis ail and send by mail or present wliun purchasing amryoirwittteccivc tu x cent discount railway timh table grand trunk hallway mall kxiiruf mull 11 wkht k goino kabt liiuiii rxpthbh ft 111 a in i 2t iiiu i ikdrosb 7 w 11111 i mall 1 mixoj 10 47 ttm u 11 pin 10 at iiiii pembers 1 27 and 129 yongb 8t toronto iijii or ciufinu maiih tiiillih wont riuin ucil isiloini uuiui iuhw10 15 uiii nutl r 15 piii tliih tiuio tfiblu wont uilo cltutiuoi llonji nov 0th lwiti t ddnno said tho grlpman of the oabld- car as he toyed impatiently- with tho brake i dunno about it af tor oil about what inquired tho talkativo stranger about thia new woman bubiuens id hate tosee them doing the work that men aro drawing salaries for at the present time bub just oat of onrioblty id be almost will ing to give up my situation youd like to eee how tho experiment would work eh yeb id liko to aoe jtibt what a lady gripman would do or bay if alio was stxtoon minutes behind band on tho trip with a oarful of passengers to unload and a lady passenger was to stand with ono foot oh the atop taking her time togivo her friend a reoipe for raspberry jam bovero colds aro easily cured by the uso of bioklea anticodbumplive syrup a raedioinq of extraordinary penetrating and healing properties it ia acknowledged by tlioso wlio have usod it as being the beat medicine bold for coughs colds inflamma tion of the lungs and all affections of the throat and ohcut ita agreeabteneba to the taato makes it a favorite with the ladies and children you must let tho baby have ono cowe milk to drink every day said the doctor very well if you bay bo dootor but 1 dont really see how he is going to bold it all 100 bettor j hilburua heart and nerve pills are cur ing heart and nerve troablea in every town and city andyillage in canada mrs p abbey toronto says milburua heart and nervo pills cured my husband who had for fifteen years buffered with weak nervea caused by heart trouble ho was snbjeot to paine in hia head dizziness fainting spells eleepleabnesb eta he is now free from theses troubles and feels 100 better than when ho began naing the pills biliousness coiistipation sick headache liver troubles as a laxative one pill acts perfectly and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills in obstinate cases where a purgative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient these pills leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation pr icc 3bc 0 o fob slop fiiondship of ttsolf is a holy tie and ia made mora saored by adversity drydou burdock pille smoll eafe and sure regulate tho liver and cure constipation there ia a prosperous woleh colony in the argentino republlo -sj- urlehth disease they havo done mo any amount of good wore tho words of mr nehjou green gait ont in bpeaking of hia reeoue from kidney and urinary diflloulty by tbe nso of doans kidnoy pilla mr green says that ho only tried thorn out of curiosity but it was a luoky experiments for doans kidnoy pilla made a complete euro in hia case he is now a oared man feeling etrong well and in good spirits- t babywa3 cured z pean sinft icati hifrhly rcconi- 4 mend dr lowlcrh kxtrnct of wild m stmwbcrry it cured my baby of 4 diarrhocnnftprnhoiluruicnnhfrtucd no i kvc it erreut pnilse it ia cxccl- 4 lent for nil bowel complaints 4 mrs chas hott huiiow ont the head master gkntlkmkn i lmvo found preot t rnlfftfactlothntlicttstonjrfowlera t hxtrnet of wild strawberry nd con- aider it invaluable in nil cnies of x diarvhfra mid snmnitr cnmplntnt t it is a pleasure to mc to recommend t it to tliu public t k h masterton principal high school river churlo nb tho dog is mentioned 33 timca in the bible a healed herald thinks rheumatism is born of tho lower regions but proolalms south american rheumatic cure a heavensent healer henry humphreys east london sends hia unsolicited testimony i was seized gitlxpam inmy loft fo i coald nob rest with it day or night the pain was bo intense i tried many renio- dies but they had no moro effect on me than on a duoka baolt i was pcfsuadod to try south american kheumatio cure i followed tho directions oloeoly and in very short timo this wonderful remedy effected a comploto euro and thbro has not been the slightest hint bf a return of tb3 dieoaae it is a auro remndy and i delight to herald the goodness all over the land bold by a t brown henderson c glhsgqjfli hrigmnse fancy ribbops flowers straw shapes and everything in our millinery department clearing at greatly reduced prices the stock is fresh and clean and will be cleared out regardless of cost bargains in parasols dress goods muslins ging hamstclc to clear out immediately ucorietowij iiilcctnc woriis tj speight pronrlotor manufacturers of dynamos euectric motors water motors anct hydfrtulc rams imiu anifhtfitini fittllir and cjollorar ucnatr liik jlulniu nulvvvwiui a tla bruiting ronculdo i acn pri irml ta do braalug on dlovcla pramon ac whuola cnnvortodfrom ulroctto tanrqqt hpoucb hmidlo uara bont to aov dobirod anoln full lino of typokcti kept in atook hatutaotloa ifuarnnlcolr lllcyclcs ouamollod io any oolor t jyspbtqht cloofgotowii full assortment of gloves hosiery summer under wear ladies and boys belts ladies collars and cuffs fresh shipment of these goods just opened henderson co acton its in your pocket when you order your clothing here- we just opened a new range of nic 3stew style suitings they should sell for 21 and 2250 our prices for them irt the best style of the tailors art is see our all wool parits to order at 325 new ties the latest just in all styles at renbls0n cash tailoring and mens furnishing store ofguelph 99 wyndhain street shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attendeld to day or night j a speiglrt co lapa welljohnnyt you wont to charch this morning yes paps how did yqu libo tho flermon t johnny the beginning was good and the end was good but there was too much middle to it papa fagged oat nona bat thoao who have become fagged oat know what depressed miserable feeling it i all strength is gone and despondency has taken its place the sufferers feel as though there was nothing to live- for there however ia a core ono box of far melees vogolablo fills will do wonders in restoring health and strength mandrake and dandelion aro two bf the artiotoa entering into tho composition of parmoleba pills in france there aro 0500000 farm owners while groat brit it in has but 170500 v i norwaypine byrupurfib coughs norway pino syrup cares dronotiitia norway pine syrup heals the lungs m timo draweth wrinkles in a fsire face but addeth fresh colora to a fast friend which neither hoate nor oold nor miaerlo nor place bor destlnio can alter or dimin ish john lilly proof frum the lcoiic mr geo busfain mifsionary for tho international mlsaion in alxonia and the northwest lie writeb i wiah to eay that dr fowlors extract of wild straw berry has been to me ft wonderful soothing speedy and effectual remedy it has been my companion for several years daring the labors and exposures of my missionary work in algoina well it ii for old and young to havoh in storo against the tino of need whioh io often comes williuut warning t geo buskin mihlonary toronto ont tho pnly total eolfpse vitiblo in knglund for 220 years to come will ho in 1909 street oar accident mr thomas sabin says my eleven yoar old boy had bis foot badly injured by being ran over by a oar on the- btreot railway we at onoo common cod bathing bis foot with dr- thomas eoleotric oil when the dieoolora- tion and swelling was removed and in nine days he could uso his foot wo always keep a bottle in the house roady for any em ergon oy castor1a for infants and childreti tht fad- ilalli sltatots icon itiry church bells are tuned by chipping tho edge until tho proper note is obtained thoro never was and tiovorwill bo a nnivorsal pan coca in one romody for all ills to whioh flebh is bolr tho very naturo of many cuiativch being buoh that wore the gerrhs of other and differently seated dibosiiea ro6ledibtho byatuiu uf thu paljunt what would rcliovo one ill in turn would aggravate tho other wo have howbvor jn quinine viuo when obtained in a sound anaduvtoratctetalerirt5rfiedy ffiinniftny and grievous ilia by its gradual judicious use the frailest systems are lod into con- valescenoo and strength by the influcnoo whioh quinine exerts oa naturos own restoratives it relievos tbo drooping apirila of those with whom a chrouio state ol morbid dospondenc and laok of interest in life ia a dispase uud by tranquilizing tba nerves disposes to auund and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood which bolng stimulated cqareoa throughout the veins strengthonlngtbe healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary molt strengthening the frame and giving life to the dfgeitivo organs which naturally demand increased substance result itnv proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havo given to the public their quinino wino at thu luwiil rmo and gauged by the qpiniob bf soionttsts thf wlne approffccheji nearest pcrfecmqh of on the rowket ah druggiirts sa ii undertakers and em balm ers latest styles experiergedattentioi firstclass hearse mpderate charges furnitipe ofait kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight 4 co orders left with j n 8tin80n rockwood will receive immediate atlcntion tooo merchants i business meni newspaper advert brightly started rightly stuck to solidly backed up ensures business success advertise in the acton free press fp l fruit ornamental trees b shrubs hoses ulnbs rnd sd potktoes tvlclmiillcri well as wucri3 choice steel aviro neltinga tori trepla poultry yards lawn fencings itqm sold much lower this year than iver ljoipp v ftneyiwih6 bet ask your hardware merchwtfor thorn we havo tho largest assortment and omploy tlio very latoat and most improved motli- odb for propsgatlou all stock carefully packed undor pur iiornonal btipervlslqn and all new variation tostud- at our trial farms beforo being catalogued thcso arc tho only tostldg orchards conuootod with any nuroory iutho dominion agents wanted to represent tjs special attention given to park cometory and boulava ordora l tlm a f uriiiahed for bupplyiob oottr6t5vciravilb r why buyof foralgn concornb or of rolddlomeh when you can purcuoao oa cheaply from us and got hotter value our stock 1r canodlauarowa and acqllmatod cataloguo iingliflh or frouch freo on appllca tion stone weliington fonthlll nurseries toronto ont tho loading canadian troo lion we keep things moving by keeping things that mpye a stupid fellow who guages the quality of boots and shoes by the price has no busi- ncss to be married yet one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself- and the children from another firm because they charged more for them and they must therefore be better his better half bought several pair from us and several from the other house and showed her hus- band they were identical being even manu- jl factured by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can bo when he really tries the lady of the house gen- erally knows where she can get the most and the best for hcrmoney andif you were to ask the ladies of acton the question where can i get the best value in boots and shoes thcanswer ii nine cases out of ten would be at v williams our prices are hard to beat try us for any- thing you want in our lino w william 5 mill street acton brjntfrxdrd galvanized steel wind mills and towers- forptiynirri and pump- tbrntd covered ooar patent roller anil beubenrings l holler be amnq3 brantfordcan makers of the light est running and bcst constructed galvan- izcdsteel wind mills jl and towers mwe also the celebrited maplo leaf grain grinder write fori illustralbd circulars d jh nkqyeen acton agent for above i alho for frost and wood binder and mowers a full lino of all kinds of farm implements and repairs- roi a wbnmrskvewffiars thec00lbesrrlend iiiaitwlfieriii ajs9l0ssl 80iehtifi0 amebiofl injosu wonttia upeolnuin o book oa faium wmtlnm munn evcovf 3u1 uroadnavnwtii ikyvsik 3 ims ikvriv x

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